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INDEX Page No:

1. EFLU 2018 6
2. EFLU 2016 27
3. EFLU 2014 31
4. Jamia Millia Islamia 2017 62
5. Jamia Millia Islamia 2016 67
6. Aligarh University 2019-2020 75
7. Aligarh University 2018-2019 88
8. Aligarh University 2017-2018 102
9. Aligarh University 2016-2017 115
10. Hyderabad University 2020 120
11. Hyderabad University 2019 148
12. Hyderabad University 2018 175
13. Hyderabad University 2017 194
14. Hyderabad University 2016 217
15. Hyderabad University 2015 229
16. Hyderabad University 2014 239
17. Hyderabad University 2013 251
18. Hyderabad University 2012 262
19. Hyderabad University 2011 275
20. Pondicherry University 2018 281
21. Pondicherry University 2017 300
22. Pondicherry University 2016 318
23. Pondicherry University 2015 337
24. Pondicherry University 2013 335
25. Pondicherry University 2012 373
26. Pondicherry University 2011 391
27. Pondicherry University 2010 409 5
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EFLU University Entrance Examination 2018

Read the following prose extract and answer the questions given below.

One of the changes has to do with attitudes towards the use of English. Many have referred to the
argument about the appropriateness of this language to Indian themes. And I hope all of us share
the view that we can’t simply use the language in the way the British did; that it needs remaking
for our own purposes. Those of us who do use English do so in spite of our ambiguity towards it,
or perhaps because of that, perhaps because we can find in that linguistic struggle a reflection of
other struggles taking place in the real world, struggles between the cultures within ourselves and
the influences at work upon our societies. To conquer English may be to complete the process of
making ourselves free.

But the British Indian writer simply does not have the option of rejecting English, anyway. His
children, her children, will grow up speaking it, probably as a first language; and in the forging of
a British Indian identity the English language is of central importance. It must, in spite of
everything, be embraced. (The word ‘translation’ comes, etymologically, from the Latin for
‘bearing across’. Having been borne across the world, we are translated men. It is normally
supposed that something always gets lost in translation; I cling, obstinately, to the notion that
something can also be gained.)

To be an Indian writer in this society is to face, every day, problems of definition. What does it
mean to be ‘Indian’ outside India? How can culture be preserved without becoming ossified? How
should we discuss the need for change within ourselves and our community without seeming to
play into the hands of our racial enemies? What are the consequences, both spiritual and practical,
of refusing to make any concessions to Western ideas and practices? What are the consequences
of embracing those ideas and practices and turning away from the ones that came here with us?
These questions are all a single, existential question: How are we to live in the world?

I do not propose to offer, prescriptively, any answers to these questions; only to state that these
are some of the issues with which each of us will have to come to terms.

To turn my eyes outwards now, and to say a little about the relationship between the Indian writer
and the majority white culture in whose midst he lives, and with which his work will sooner or
later have to deal:

In common with many Bombay-raised middle-class children of my generation, I grew up with an

intimate knowledge of, and even sense of friendship with, a certain kind of England: a dream-
England composed of Test Matches at Lord's presided over by the voice of John Arlott, at which
Freddie Trueman bowled unceasingly and without success at Polly Umrigar; of Enid Blyton and
Billy Bunter, in which we were even prepared to smile indulgently at portraits such as 'Hurree
jamSet Ram Singh', 'the dusky nabob of Bhanipur‘. I wanted to come to England. I couldn't wait.
And to be fair, England has done all right by me; but I find it a little difficult to be properly
grateful. I can't escape the view that my relatively easy ride is not the result of the 6
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Dream-England's famous sense of tolerance and fair play, but of my social class, my freak fair
skin and my 'English' English accent. Take away any of these, and the story would have been very
different. Because of course the dream-England is no more than a dream.

Sadly, it’s a dream from which too many white Britons refuse to awake. Recently, on a live radio
programme, a professional humorist asked me, in all seriousness, why I objected to being called
a wog. He said he had always thought it a rather charming word, a term of endearment. 'I was at
the zoo the other day,' he revealed, 'and a zoo keeper told me that the wogs were best with the
animals; they stuck their fingers in their ears and wiggled them about and the animals felt at home.'
The ghost of Hurree JamSet Ram Singh walks among us still.

As Richard Wright found long ago in America, black and white descriptions of society are no
longer compatible. Fantasy, or the mingling of fantasy and naturalism, is one way of dealing with
these problems. It offers a way of echoing in the form of our work the issues faced by all of us:
how to build a new, 'modern' world out of an old, legend-haunted civilization, an old culture which
we have brought into the heart of a newer one. But whatever technical solutions we may find,
Indian writers in these islands, like others who have migrated into the north from the south, are
capable of writing from a kind of double perspective: because they, we, are at one and the same
time insiders and outsiders in this society. This stereoscopic vision is perhaps what we can offer
in place of 'whole sight’.

(From Imaginary Homelands by Salman Rushdie)

Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. The author’s experience of England is not the normative experience of an ordinary Indian

A. Like the author the ordinary Indian has not nurtured a ‘dream-England’ or aspirations of
reaching the dreamland.
B. Like the author the ordinary Indian has acquired airs and nuances that are essentially English
but are betrayed by his/her complexion.
C. Unlike the author the ordinary Indian has a radical sense of nationhood, citizenship and
D. Unlike the author the ordinary Indian has not imbibed and cannot simulate signs of English

2. Assertion (A): An amalgam of fantasy and naturalism is one of the ways to deal with
contradictory perspectives on culture.

Reasoning (R): Stereoscopic vision provides an effective remedy to conflicting perspectives on


A. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
B. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
C. (A) is right but (R) is wrong. 7
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D. (A) is wrong but (R) is right.

3. In the context of the changing attitude to the use of English language ambiguity sneaks in

A. Linguistic struggles are ambiguous but cultural conflicts are unambiguous

B. Linguistic signs are ambiguous but cultural icons are unambiguous
C. Both linguistic struggles and cultural conflicts reflect ambiguity
D. Both linguistic signs and cultural icons are unambiguous

4. In dealing with the linguistic problems the Indian writer faces, the author sacrifices his essential
postcolonial perspective on identity and culture by

A. Failing to answer the questions on the various aspects of culture and identity
B. Leaving the essential question of diasporic identity and acculturation unaddressed
C. Regarding the questions on culture and identity as a monolithic existential problem
D. Foregrounding questions related to language rather than cultural questions

5. The professional humorist whom the author met regards the term ‘wog’ a charming word and a
term of endearment. Which of the following statements is true in the light of the comment of the
zookeeper which informs the connotation given by the humorist?

A. The humorist thinks that ‘wog’ is a harmless term and its meaning becomes more positive in
the light of the zookeeper’s comment
B. The zookeeper’s comment subverts the harmless connotation of the term ‘wog’
C. The humorist thinks that ‘wog’ is a harmless term and its meaning remains the same even
after considering the zookeeper’s comment
D. The zookeeper’s comment does not have any implication on the meaning attributed by the

Choose the most appropriate answer.

6. What struggles are identified in the struggles to make a language our own

A. A gender struggle
B. A class struggle
C. A struggle between cultures within us
D. A struggle to migrate

7. The British Indian writer cannot reject English Language because

A. Language is central in forging a British Indian identity

B. It is the first language of their children
C. Both A and B 8
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D. Neither A nor B

8. Richard Wright has been referring to

A. Difference in black and white perspectives

B. Difference in black and white experience
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

9. What is the literary concept referred to in the mingling of fantasy and naturalism?

A. Alienation
B. Magical realism
C. Metaphysical art
D. Objectivity

10. According to the author, ‘translation’ is

A. A sense of loss
B. A process mediated between different meaning-making systems
C. A sense of gaining a new world
D. An imaginary prowess

Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

Stalin Epigram

We are living, but can’t feel the land where we stay,

More than ten steps away you can’t hear what we say.

But if people would talk on occasion,

They should mention the Kremlin Mountain man.

His thick fingers are bulky and fat like live-baits,

And his accurate words are as heavy as weights.

His cockroach moustaches are screaming,

And his boot-tops are shining and gleaming.

But around him a crowd of thin-necked henchmen,

And he plays with the services of these half-men. 9
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Some are whistling, some meowing, some sniffing,

He’s alone booming, poking and whiffing.

He is forging his rules and decrees like horseshoes –

Into groins, into foreheads, in eyes, and eyebrows.

Every killing for him is delight, And Ossetian torso is wide.

(Osip Mandelstam)

Choose the most appropriate answer.

11. His thick fingers are bulky and fat like live-baits,

And his accurate words are as heavy as weights. The images in these lines highlight

A. The occupation in which the tyrant was engaged in before acquiring power.
B. That he is casting traps to capture his enemies.
C. The physical features of the man which are like that of a giant and his harsh voice.
D. The predatory nature of the man and the irrefutable nature of his words.

12. Why are the henchmen pressed as “meowing and sniffing”?

A. They are as obedient as domesticated cats and dogs.

B. They are fond of pets like cats and dogs.
C. They are loving and adorable as cats and dogs.
D. They are agile and vigilant like cats and dogs.

13. How does the poet foreground the inhuman and callous nature of the tyrant?

A. By saying that he takes delight in killing.

B. By referring to his callous henchmen.
C. By describing him through dehumanized images.
D. By referring to the silenced men in the country.

14. Why does the poet say that the tyrant is forging his rules and decrease like horseshoes?

A. To highlight the cruelty of the tyrant through an image from the smithy.
B. To show that every rule and order of the tyrant is made to torture his subjects.
C. To reveal that framing rules is time consuming like making horseshoes.
D. To show that his rules are so strong and are not malleable like iron horseshoes.

15. The initial lines of the poem refer to the people but then it veers its focus entirely onto the figure
of the tyrant. What is the rationale for this? 10
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A. As evident from its title, the poem focuses on the tyrant and not on the people.
B. In a totalitarian state the tyrant captures all attention and the people are insignificant.
C. In every poem the initial image should move on to the central theme.
D. The speaker is representative of the people and he/she deals with the threatening figure of the

Section B

Read passages I and II carefully, and choose the most appropriate answer for each of the
questions that follow.

Passage I

MS Subbalakshmi’s music in the early years of her stardom had a voice that could render a
musical phrase fast, irrespective of its complexity, with precision, clan and finesse. Her
renditions moved with great accuracy without ever compromising on musical definition.
There was no apparent conscious effort, no contrived intellectualisation—this aesthetic
seemed second nature to her. There was something in her singing then that was very avant-
garde, stylish, modern and carefree. This should not be taken to mean it was free of care, but
free of fear—that is, the fear of going wrong or falling short. Her style had a quality that was
fleet but not hasty, quick of movement but not jerky. The modern and the avant-garde are,
after all, born from unbound flight: musicians achieve the most elusive artistry when they reach
out for the high skies without a second thought.

Her early recordings create the impression of a very contemporary young musician, liberal
and feminist, who didn’t care a damn for what people thought. This attitude, as others have
observed, is well in keeping with the Devadasi tradition of music. Artists of Devadasi origin
had to be, if anything, supremely assertive and artistically self-confident, in a bid to protect
their lives from exploitation as far as possible. They were not to be fooled around with, or
taken for casual performers. In aesthetic terms, this meant their work was to be respected; they
were to be given time and space to perform, to create that unmarked zone in which they were
sovereign. There is a clear streak of a non-patriarchal, non-conservative musical democracy
born out of the organic nature of Devadasi learning.

But MS’s music was strikingly different even from that of the dominant Devadasi musical
tradition in Madras, from the school of the legendary Vina Dhanammal, who rose to prominence
at the turn of the twentieth century. This music was slower, with a focus on softer curves
and gentler phraseology, with intricate aural filigree. For the Carnatic community, the
Dhanammal variety of music later propagated by her grandchildren—T Brinda, T
Mukta and T Vishwanathan—has come to be accepted as the universal representation of the
Devadasi tradition. We seem to have forgotten that Devadasi homes nurtured diverse ideas of
musical aesthetics, but the early MS reminds us of this reality. 11
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There are also musical reasons for the difference of texture. Some of MS’s biographers, including
the journalist TJS George, have speculated that her father may have been the star musician,
Madurai Pushpavanam. He is said to have had a very racy and dynamic interpretation of Carnatic
music. It is at least possible that MS heard about his approach from her mother. Shanmukhavadivu
herself seems to have taught MS music that packed a punch. And then there was GN
Balasubramaniam, or GNB, as he came to be called—a dashing musician six years older than MS,
whom we now know she not only admired, but was also infatuated with.

By the late 1930s, GNB had revolutionised the tone, thought, and method of rendering Carnatic
music. All of a sudden, this genius had given the music an exciting, youthful expression, and he
became all the rage among Madras’s young upper classes. MS’s music from this period through
to the 1950s sounds akin to GNB’s sound. This was probably the result of her conscious
internalisation of his music, as well as his subconscious impact.

By mid-1940, MS had become a name to reckon with, both as a singer on the rigorous stage, and
as an actor on the fluid screen. Both roles were complementary; on both, she became, quite simply,
a star. In July that year, she and Sadasivam were married, after the passing away of Sadasivam’s
wife. It marked the officialisation of their relationship, and the point after which everything began
to change. The patriarchy that surrounded the Carnatic world governed every aspect of MS and
Sadasivam’s social and cultural life. Sadasivam’s politics were emancipatory, but he was
personally a conservative patriarch. He was instrumental in choreographing MS’s transformation.
She may have wanted the legitimacy that came with it herself, of course. The security of social
respect and acceptance among the cultural elite was probably important to her. On the practical
side of things, she was aware that Sadasivam knew exactly what to do professionally. What
happened next can be called the transformation, or the psychological realignment, even the
taming, of Subbulakshmi. The free-spirited young woman was to become the embodiment of the
ideal Brahmin housewife, seen among the elite as the epitome of purity and devotion.

By the late 1950s and early 1960s, her concert tours across India had become processional, like
Dasara in Mysore. They were great events, replete with social celebration and musical rejoicing.
Here, the striking changes in her music are first discerned in the texture of her voice. It starts
sounding heavier, even a little suppressed, as though forced into containment. Musically, the
carefree abandon disappears. She still does sing those beautiful “runs” but they sound more
structured. All of a sudden, the kite is tied down by a heavy boulder. After the success of the film,
Meera and her becoming a quasi-saint across India, her music had to reflect her new status.

[Adapted from T.M. Krishna’s article “MS Understood”]

16. Describing MS Subbulakshmi’s singing style in the early years, the author argues that

A. It was a careful and measured style.

B. It was a conservative style that tried to preserve the Carnatic tradition.
C. It was a jerky and contrived style of singing.
D. It was an accomplished yet carefree and fresh style of singing. 12
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17. According to the author, in the devadasi tradition of music, the artists

A. Could be casual in their training unlike later classical musicians

B. Could not undergo rigorous musical training due to exploitation
C. Needed to combine rigorous training with an assertive character
D. Were always worried about people’s criticisms and comments

18. According to the author, the people who influenced MS’s music in her early years were

A. Vina Dhanammal, T. Mukta and T. Brinda.

B. Her mother, Shanmukhavadivu and the singer, G.N. Balasubramaniam.
C. Her husband, Sadasivam and the singer, G.N. Balasubramaniam.
D. The journalist TJS George and the musician Madurai Pushpavanam.

19. The author describes the transformation that occurred in MS Subbulakshmi’s life. Which of the
following statements comes closest to his description?

A. She gave up her musical career after marriage and became a Brahmin housewife
B. Both her musical style and her outward appearance became less avant-garde and more
respectable and structured after marriage.
C. She became very religious after marriage and was soon revered as a saint.
D. Her outward appearance changed after her marriage but her musical style remained the same.

Passage II

In a widely remarked letter written to Ernest Jones in 1920, Sigmund Freud anxiously rebutted
Havelock Ellis's claim that he was actually more of an artist than a scientist. "This is all wrong,"
Freud contended, "I am sure that in a few decades my name will be wiped away and our results
will last." In so arguing, Freud was betraying his allegiance to an assumption, widespread then as
now, that artistic creation is inextricably tied to the proper name of its creator, whereas scientific
achievements are the fruit of a collective, intersubjective process in which individual names play
only an anecdotal role. Psychoanalysis, a term Freud coined in 1896, would thus have to forget,
one might even say repress, the name of its founder and submit itself to the disinterested critical
scrutiny guaranteed by the institution of science. It would have to enter that history of science
which would be a part of what Auguste Comte had called the positivist history without names.

It takes little imagination to discern the irony in Freud's worried reply to Ellis with its woefully
misplaced confidence in the future anonymization, if we can call it that, of his theories. For despite
his claims to scientificity, claims that, to be sure, contemporary commentators like Adolf
Grünbaum continue to evaluate with utmost seriousness, Freud's ideas have remained intimately
tied to his own name and its continuing authority. Psychoanalysis is no less Freudianism today 13
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than it was when Freud first sought to establish its scientific credentials. Its practical authority as
a therapeutic technique is grounded in large measure in a historical chain of training analyses that
can be traced back, through a kind of apostolic succession, to the personal analytic interactions of
Freud and his first disciples. And the cogency of his theories seems defended as much by a reading
and rereading of his original texts as by an independent process of experimental testing, however
that might be construed in the difficult case of the analytic cure.

Thus, even the most innovative Freudians like Jacques Lacan have invited comparison with the
Protestant Reformers because of their insistence on returning to Freud's own writings, which have
been allegedly misinterpreted by intervening readers.

But contrary to Freud's own expectation that such an inability to forget the teller and remember

Only the tale would mean the reduction of his ideas to mere artistic intuitions, his influence has
not suffered as a result. Indeed, much of his still potent spell may well be due precisely to such a
"failure,' at least in the humanistic disciplines that have found him so congenial.

It would be intriguing to pursue the reasons for this historic outcome solely with reference to
Freud's theories and their reception, but I want instead to investigate their larger implications. For
it is obvious that psychoanalysis is by no means alone in wrestling with the ambiguities of personal
versus anonymous authority. A parallel case that immediately comes to mind is that of Marxism,
which tenaciously retains the name of its founder, even as it lays claim to objective scientificity.
Marx's celebrated disclaimer, "I am not a Marxist," may, among other things, have indicated his
desire not to reduce his ideas to a sectarian doctrine based on the holy writ of a founding father.
According to Maximilien Rubel, even after Marx's death, Engels remained deeply hostile to the
appellation Marxist, which had been coined as a term of opprobrium by their anarchist opponents
in the Second International.

But, as in the case of psychoanalysis, a pattern of obsessively reading and rereading the founder's
original texts, whether literally or, as Althusser would have it, symptomatically, has emerged in
the history of Marxism. And often it has served as an antidote to the uncertainties of an
experimental or practical verification that fails to verify anything very convincingly.

Many other examples can be given of founding fathers or mothers of theoretical discourses who
retain their personal authority in spite of their ostensible denigration of its power. Think, for
example, of the aura surrounding names like Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Hannah
Arendt, Leo Strauss, and so on, all of whom figure widely in contemporary humanist discourse as
charismatic legitimators. It might even be conjectured that a clear mark of a thinker's power over
posterity is the readiness with which his or her name is given adjectival status as a convenient
label for a specific worldview. When this transformation fails to occur, it suggests the weakness
of their ultimate influence, although to be sure, the opposite is no guarantee of long- term survival.

From the point of view of a scientific self-understanding, such as that espoused by Freud, this
state of affairs can only be an embarrassment. For it calls into question the putative impartiality
and neutrality of their verification or falsification procedures. Does it, however, create a similar
dilemma for humanists who never claim a truly scientific status for their arguments? How 14
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compromised are they by the persistence of name-dropping as a mode of legitimation? To answer

these questions, it is important to be clear that we are not talking about the citation of names by
humanists for a variety of other purposes: as objects of inquiry, as convenient short- hand points
of reference, or as honestly acknowledged sources of ideas or information.

[Adapted from ‘Name-Dropping or Dropping Names?’ by Martin Jay]

20. Freud’s name continued to remain prominent because

A. In the field of psychoanalysis, one’s authority over therapeutic technique is often judged by
belonging to genealogy of Freud and his disciples.
B. Freud’s texts are constantly subjected to reading and re-reading by his successors.
C. Freud established certain scientific credentials so much so that psychoanalysis continues to be
no less Freudianism.
D. All of the above.

21. Which of the following is implied in the passage?

A. Freud’s rebuttal of Ellis implied that Freud was interested in identifying himself as scientist
and not an artist.
B. Freud wanted to be identified as artist but his results to be scientific.
C. Freud believed that artists are not capable of producing durable results.
D. None of the above.

22. Which of the following views is implied by the author?

A. Because of Freud, psychoanalysis repressed the name of its founder and appears today as
B. Auguste Comte called psychoanalysis ―positivist history without names”.
C. Despite Freud’s assertion that only results will remain but not names, his name and his ideas
have become inseparably connected.
D. Freud was correct in pointing out that psychoanalysis would be known by results irrespective
of who produced those results.

23. The author considers Marx and Marxism parallel to Freud and psychoanalysis for which of the
following reasons?

A. The writer considers Marx’s statement, “I am not a Marxist” as a gesture of splitting his name
from his doctrine.
B. Marxism as a doctrine claims to be a science and at the same time retains the name of the
founder without fail.
C. The writer feels Marxism, like psychoanalysis, wrestles with the ambiguities of personal
versus anonymous authority.
D. All of the above. 15
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24. Which of the following is implied in the passage?

A. Theoretical discourses largely retain the personal authority of founding figures irrespective of
the views of those figures
B. Aura around the founding figure complicates the supposed scientific and objective claims of
critical discourses
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B

Section C
Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blanks.

Example: 0 A. Invented B. Coined C. Created D. Made

“Nomophobia” is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The term, an abbreviation for
“no-mobile-phone phobia” was 0 by a research organization which 25 anxieties suffered by
mobile phone users. The study found that 26 53% of mobile phone users in Britain tend to be
27 when they “lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network 28”.
While nearly 50% of men and women 29 the phobia, a small percentage feel stressed when
their mobile phones are off. More than half of those 30 cited keeping in touch with friends or
family as the main reason for their anxiety when they could not use their mobile phones. The
stress levels 31 by the average case of nomophobia was found to be on-par with those of
“wedding day jitters” and trips to the dentists. Some said they needed to be 32 at all times
because of work. It is, however, 33 that the word ‘phobia’ is misused and that in the majority
of cases it is only a 34 anxiety.

25 A studied B considered C examined D viewed

26 A closely B virtually C relatively D nearly
27 A frightened B nervous C anxious D worried
28 A coverage B range C signal D bandwidth
29 A suffer B suffer with C suffer from D suffer due to
30 A interviewed B asked C questioned D surveyed
31 A generated B induced C created D developed
32 A traceable B approachable C available D accessible
33 A arguable B uncertain C improbable D undecided
34 A natural B typical C usual D normal 16
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Read the sentences given below. Decide if there is an error in any of the underlined
parts, marked A, B, and C. If yes, mark that letter. If there is no error, mark D.

35. (B) (C) Freud’s (D)

Of concept of the No error
One of the subconscious
the twentieth
greatest ideas mind
century were
36. (A) (B) (C) Gave him (D)No error
The disguise But the big scar off and he was
was very good, on his nose soon
37. (A) (B) (D)
Disapproving The father No error
of his son’s told him that could
wish to leave, not leave
so abruptly.
38. (A) (B) (C) To draw (D)No error
Sushila has But she did not the design in
worked as fast have enough the time
as she could time allotted.
39. (B) (C) Not (D)No error
(A) The young Were worried have enough
inexperienced about water to drink.

40. (A) If the new (B) (C) We might (D)No error

striker were a better win more
goal-scorer, matches.

Given below are sets of two sentences. Both sentences may be right or wrong, or one of
the two may be right. Select the correct option.

41. P: Sneha knew that Sumanth was going to leave her.

Q: This is largely due to the fact that many writers think, not before, but as they write.

A. Only P correct
B. Only Q correct
C. Both correct
D. Both incorrect

42. P: Looking up, the clock informed me I had little time to spare.

Q: Riding my bicycle through the woods, I suddenly saw a bear in front of me.

A. Only P correct
B. Only Q correct 17
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C. Both correct
D. Both incorrect

43. P: The woodpecker and his mate tried their best to oust the squirrel who had stolen their nest.

Q: Every cowboy, horse, pack mule, trail hand, and cook drank their fill at the desert oasis.

A. Only P correct
B. Only Q correct
C. Both correct
D. Both incorrect

Questions 44–46: In each of the following THREE incomplete paragraphs (S1 to S4), two
sentences (S2 and S3) are missing. From the options (P, Q, R) choose two sentences which can
be S2 and S3.

44. S1: In January 2016, after much hesitation, the Delhi government took its first real emergency
action against the deadly smog.


S3: P: It introduced an odd and even scheme to ration the number of vehicles on the road.

Q: But it is another matter that the scheme was riddled with exemptions and problems.

R: The opposition to the scheme calling the action as unnecessary and Inconvenient, however,
did not have any negative impact.

S4: So, unlike what is done in other parts of the world when drastic and surgical action is
taken to curb smog, the scheme in Delhi had limited impact.


45. S1: India’s children now have the right to receive eight years of education though it is different
from other Constitutional rights.

S2: 18
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P: The beneficiary, a six-year-old child, cannot demand it, and cannot fight a legal battle when
the right is denied or violated.

Q: Also, where a child's right to education is denied, no compensation offered later can be
adequate or relevant for childhood does not last.

R: In all cases, it is the adult society which must act on behalf of the child.

S4: If a legal battle fought on behalf of a child is eventually won it will be of little

Use to child, as the opportunity missed at school cannot serve the same purpose later in life.


46. S1: China’s capital Beijing has launched electric sanitation vehicles to replace gas-driven ones.



P: It is a measure to cut down emission levels in a city that has been battling heavy pollution.

Q: The first set of vehicles include models covering road sanitation functions from road
sweeping and garbage transportation to garbage disposal.

R: By the end of 2017, about 45 per cent of all sanitation vehicles in Beijing will be electricity

S4: Following the changes, the authorities estimate that a 16-tonne electric- powered sweeping
truck will emit 80 tonnes less carbon dioxide a year compared to the original gas-powered
truck and significantly decrease Pollution levels in the city.

D. QP 19
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Section D
Questions 47 - 71 carry 1 mark each.

Questions 47 to 56: A related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words. Select the
pair that expresses a relationship that comes nearest to the one expressed by the original


A. Horse: stable
B. Farm: cart
C. Horse: saddle
D. Aeroplane: engine

48. FLOWER: BUD ::

A. Ground: twig
B. Plant: seed
C. Bitter: taste
D. Tree: flower

49. FLOW: RIVER ::

A. Drought: rain
B. Gulf: stream
C. Stagnant: pool
D. Lugubrious: canal

50. PAW: CAT ::

A. Leg: lamb
B. Hoof: horse
C. Trunk: elephant
D. Mane: lion

51. CAR: GARAGE ::

A. Bird: port
B. Table: depot
C. Aeroplane: hangar
D. Automobile: harbour


A. Flock: ants 20
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B. Pack: sailors
C. Pile: grapes
D. Fleet: cars


A. Flint : glass
B. Flake : snow
C. Flame: fire
D. Paint : brush

54. HORSE : MARE ::

A. Man: men
B. Duck: drake
C. Donkey: pony
D. Dog: pack


A. Pallid: colour
B. Flood: ice
C. Mute: mike
D. Oasis: oil


A. Genocide: king
B. Rodenticide: cats
C. Homicide: man
D. Suicide: people

57. What comes next in the series?



58. Which pair of numbers comes next in the series? 21
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62, 59, 55, 52, 48, 45, 41

A. 38, 36
B. 38, 34
C. 37, 33
D. 37, 32

59. What number comes inside the triangle

A. 6
B. 3
C. 4
D. 10

Questions 60 to 64: Pick the odd one out from the list.


A. Disposal

B. Parental

C. Bridal

D. Global


A. Relish

B. Detest

C. Savor

D. Enjoy

62. 22
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A. Pass out

B. Pass away

C. Pass on

D. Pass in


A. Drizzle

B. Downpour

C. Flood

D. Landslide


A. Nettled

B. Contented

C. Piqued

D. Riled

Questions 65 and 66: Three of the following words have the same vowel sound. One
word has a different vowel sound. Choose the word that is different from the rest.


A. Meat

B. Suite

C. Brute

D. Feat


A. Bright

B. Mean

C. Eye

D. Site 23
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Questions 67 to 71: Read the following passage. Answer the questions by choosing the
correct option.

A jungle, an untamed river and disease – a formidable trio that made building a canal across the
country of Panama an almost impossible dream. Construction was impossible for a French
company already famous for building the Suez Canal in Egypt. They had tried it and failed in the
late 1880s. The Americans took over in 1904, and it took ten years to complete the 82 km long
canal through Panama. For ships, it was a huge improvement – instead of traveling around the tip
of South America, they could travel across Panama and save 14,400 km from trips between New
York and San Francisco. How did engineers pull off this amazing feat? Window screens. During
the French canal effort, yellow fever and malaria killed thousands of workers. There’s definitely
a problem with a building project when three out of four workers die from disease. When the
Americans took over, they ran into the same problem. In fact, most of the American workers
booked passage home. That’s where the window screens came in. The canal’s Chief Sanitary
Officer, Dr. William Gorgas, believed in a new theory — mosquitoes spread the diseases. His
team first attacked the mosquito that carries yellow fever. It likes to live near humans, so Dr.
Gorgas targeted Panama City. All standing water — a great place for mosquitoes to lay eggs —
was eradicated, and mosquito netting and running water were provided to workers. Windows and
doors were screened, and in a matter of months yellow fever was wiped out in the city. Attacking
malaria-carrying mosquitoes, however, was like going after a jungle of beasts, Dr. Gorgas said.
They live just about everywhere, and the malaria they carry kills more people than yellow fever.
After researching the mosquito’s habits, the team drained swamps, cleared vegetation, sprayed oil
on standing water, released minnows to eat mosquito larvae and bred spiders, ants and lizards to
feed on the adult insects. Malaria cases dropped. With disease under control, Chief Engineer John
Stevens turned to keeping the workers happy. While half of the 24,000 laborers were digging a
giant “ditch” across Panama, the other half were constructing towns complete with houses, dining
halls, hospitals, hotels, churches and schools for workers and their families. They even started a
baseball league.

67. Which of the following statements is best supported by the passage?

A. Yellow fever is a more serious illness than malaria.

B. Dr. Gorgas had to convince engineers to prevent illness.
C. Dr. Gorgas had previously studied the habits of mosquitoes.
D. Yellow fever and malaria are carried by different types of mosquitoes.

68. What is the main purpose of the question (line 5) in the passage?

A. To lead in to the next topic.

B. To reveal the author’s opinion.
C. To highlight the workers’ skills.
D. To explain how the canal was built.

69. What is the most likely purpose of the article? 24
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A. To explain the history of the canal.

B. To give interesting facts about the canal.
C. To show how much it costs to use the canal.
D. To explain the types of ships that use the canal.

70. Based on the passage, what does the word formidable mean?

A. Wild.
B. Difficult.
C. Unfamiliar.
D. Unexplored.

71. In the sentence It likes to live near humans, what does the pronoun ‘it’ refer to?

A. Spiders.
B. Mosquitoes.
C. Yellow fever.
D. Insects.

1 A 51 C
2 B 52 D
3 C 53 B
4 B 54 B
5 A 55 A
6 C 56 C
7 C 57 C
8 C 58 B
9 B 59 B
10 A 60 A
11 C 61 B
12 A 62 D
13 C 63 A
14 A 64 B
15 B 65 C
16 D 66 B
17 B 67 D
18 B 68 A
19 A 69 B
20 D 70 A
21 B 71 B
22 D
23 B
24 C
25 A
26 D
27 C 25
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28 A
29 C
30 D
31 B
32 C
33 A
34 D
35 D
36 D
37 D
38 D
39 C
40 D
41 A
42 C
43 C
44 D
45 B
46 B
47 C
48 B
49 C
50 B 26
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EFLU University Entrance Examination 2016

(A) Language Ability

I. Mark the correct answer:

1. I would like to… ......... these books for three days.

Choose the appropriate word from the following to fill in the blank:

A. Dial
B. Join
C. Weigh
D. Borrow

2. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. I make about 10 phone calls in a day.

B. I make about 10 phone calls a day.

3. The weather is extremely hot the moment.

Choose the appropriate preposition from the following to fill in the blank:

A. In
B. At
C. By
D. Of

4. I tried the shoes……, but they did not fit.

Choose the appropriate option from the following to fill in the blank with a phrasal verb:

A. In
B. At
C. On
D. Of

5. The meaning of "Locale" is

A. Setting
B. Stage
C. Audience 27
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(B) Literary Quizz

II. Mark the correct answer:

1. "His skin is like a sandpaper." This is an example of

A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Pun

2. What is the metrical stress of the line "If music be the food of love, play on?"

A. Iamb
B. Trochee
C. Amphibrach

3. "My words fly up; my thoughts remain below." This is an example of

A. Antonym
B. Antithesis
C. Personification

4. "The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,

The furrow followed free."

This is an example of

A. Assonance
B. Alliteration
C. Onomatopoeia

5. "I love reading Shakespeare." Is an example of

A. Metaphor
B. Metonymy
C. Synecdoche

(C) Domain Knowledge

III. Mark the correct answer:

1. The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales was written by 28
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A. John Wycliff
B. Geoffrey Chaucer
C. Edward-III
D. Sir John Mandeville

2. Sir Thomas more’s Utopia was published in the year

A. 1516
B. 1547
C. 1525
D. 1536

3. The name of a famous literary essay of Sir Philip Sydney is

A. Astrophel and Stella

B. Arcadia
C. An Apology for Poetry

4. The original meaning of Greek "bathos" means

A. Depth
B. Sublime
C. Fabulous
D. Absurd

5. Boxer is a character in

A. Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing

B. Marlow's Tamburlaine
C. George Orwell's Animal Farm
D. Pope's An Essay on Criticism

6. The name of a sonnet written by P. B. Shelley is

A. On His Blindness
B. Ozymandias
C. On First Looking at Chapman's Homer
D. Ecclesiastical Sonnets

7. The counterpart of American New Historicism in Britain is known as

A. Frankfurt School 29
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B. Cultural Materialism
C. Subaltern
D. Deconstruction

8. Gynocriticism is

A. About finding a gender of the writers.

B. About women's hidden consciousness.
C. About social conditioning of women.
D. About examining the tradition of women authors.

9. The term "allegory" is taken from Greek

A. Allegoria
B. Allegro
C. Apollyon
D. Alliteration

10. "With an armed and resolved hand,

I'll strip the ragged follies of the time,"

This extract of Ben Jonson is from

A. Every Man in His Humour

B. Every Man out of His Humour
C. Volpone
D. The Alchemist


1 D 1 B
2 B 2 A
3 B 3 C
4 C 4 A
5 A 5 C
1 A 6 B
2 A 7 B
3 C 8 D
4 B 9 A
5 B 10 B 30
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EFLU University Entrance Examination 2014

Section A
I. Read the following short story and answer the questions that follow?

A Horseman in the Sky

One sunny afternoon in the autumn of the year 1861 a soldier lay in a clump of laurel by the side
of a road in western Virginia. He lay at full length upon his stomach, his feet resting upon the toes,
his head upon the left forearm. His extended right hand loosely grasped his rifle. But for the
somewhat methodical disposition of his limbs and a slight rhythmic movement of the cartridge-
box at the back of his belt he might have been thought to be dead. He was asleep at his post of
duty. But if detected he would be dead shortly afterward, death being the just and legal penalty of
his crime.

The clump of laurel in which the criminal lay was in the angle of a road which after ascending
southward a steep acclivity to that point turned sharply to the west, running along the summit for
perhaps one hundred yards. There it turned southward again and went zigzagging downward
through the forest. At the salient of that second angle was a large flat rock, jutting out northward,
overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended. The rock capped a high cliff; a stone
dropped from its outer edge would have fallen sheer downward one thousand feet to the tops of
the pines. The angle where the soldier lay was on another spur of the same cliff. Had he been
awake he would have commanded a view, not only of the short arm of the road and the jutting
rock, but of the entire profile of the cliff below it. It might well have made him giddy to look.

The country was wooded everywhere except at the bottom of the valley to the northward, where
there was a small natural meadow, through which flowed a stream scarcely visible from the
valley's rim. This open ground looked hardly larger than an ordinary door-yard, but was really
several acres in extent. Its green was more vivid than that of the enclosing forest. Away beyond it
rose a line of giant cliffs similar to those upon which we are supposed to stand in our survey of
the savage scene, and through which the road had somehow made its climb to the summit. The
configuration of the valley, indeed, was such that from this point of observation it seemed entirely
shut in, and one could but have wondered how the road which found a way out of it had found a
way into it, and whence came and whither went the waters of the stream that parted the meadow
more than a thousand feet below.

No country is so wild and difficult but men will make it a theatre of war; concealed in the forest
at the bottom of that military rat-trap, in which half a hundred men in possession of the exits might
have starved an army to submission, lay five regiments of Federal infantry. They had marched all
the previous day and night and were resting. At nightfall they would take to the road again, climb
to the place where their unfaithful sentinel now slept, and descending the other slope of the ridge
fall upon a camp of the enemy at about midnight. Their hope was to surprise it, for the road led to
the rear of it. In case of failure, their position would be perilous in the extreme; and fall they surely
would should accident or vigilance apprise the enemy of the movement. 31
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The sleeping sentinel in the clump of laurel was a young Virginian named Carter Druse. He was
the son of wealthy parents, an only child, and had known such ease and cultivation and high living
as wealth and taste were able to command in the mountain country of western Virginia. His home
was but a few miles from where he now lay. One morning he had risen from the breakfast-table
and said, quietly but gravely: “Father, a Union regiment has arrived at Grafton. I am going to join

The father lifted his leonine head, looked at the son a moment in silence, and replied: “Well, go,
sir, and whatever may occur do what you conceive to be your duty. Virginia, to which you are a
traitor, must get on without you. Should we both live to the end of the war, we will speak further
of the matter. Your mother, as the physician has informed you, is in a most critical condition; at
the best she cannot be with us longer than a few weeks, but that time is precious. It would be better
not to disturb her.”

So Carter Druse, bowing reverently to his father, who returned the salute with a stately
courtesy that masked a breaking heart, left the home of his childhood to go soldiering. By
conscience and courage, by deeds of devotion and daring, he soon commended himself to his
fellows and his officers; and it was to these qualities and to some knowledge of the country that
he owed his selection for his present perilous duty at the extreme outpost. Nevertheless, fatigue
had been stronger than resolution and he had fallen asleep. What good or bad angel came in a
dream to rouse him from his state of crime, who shall say? Without a movement, without a sound,
in the profound silence and the languor of the late afternoon, some invisible messenger of fate
touched with unsealing finger the eyes of his consciousness - whispered into the ear of his spirit
the mysterious awakening word which no human lips ever have spoken, no human memory ever
has recalled. He quietly raised his forehead from his arm and looked between the masking stems
of the laurels, instinctively closing his right hand about the stock of his rifle.

His first feeling was a keen artistic delight. On a colossal pedestal, the cliff-motionless at the
extreme edge of the capping rock and sharply outlined against the sky-was an equestrian statue of
impressive dignity. The figure of the man sat the figure of the horse, straight and soldierly, but
with the repose of a Grecian god carved in the marble which limits the suggestion of activity. The
gray costume harmonized with its aerial background; the metal of accoutrement and caparison was
softened and subdued by the shadow; the animal's skin had no points of high light. A carbine
strikingly foreshortened lay across the pommel of the saddle, kept in place by the right hand
grasping it at the "grip;" the left hand, holding the bridle rein, was invisible. In silhouette against
the sky the profile of the horse was cut with the sharpness of a cameo; it looked across the heights
of air to the confronting cliffs beyond. The face of the rider, turned slightly away, showed only an
outline of temple and beard; he was looking downward to the bottom of the valley. Magnified by
its lift against the sky and by the soldier's testifying sense of the formidableness of a near enemy
the group appeared of heroic, almost colossal, size.

For an instant Druse had a strange, half-defined feeling that he had slept to the end of the war and
was looking upon a noble work of art reared upon that eminence to commemorate the deeds of a 32
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heroic past of which he had been an inglorious part. The feeling was dispelled by a slight
movement of the group: the horse, without moving its feet, had drawn its body slightly backward
from the verge; the man remained immobile as before. Broad awake and keenly alive to the
significance of the situation, Druse now brought the butt of his rifle against his cheek by cautiously
pushing the barrel forward through the bushes, cocked the piece, and glancing through the sights
covered a vital spot of the horseman's breast. A touch upon the trigger and all would have been
well with Carter Druse. At that instant the horseman turned his head and looked in the direction
of his concealed foeman -seemed to look into his very face, into his eyes, into his
brave, compassionate heart.

Is it then so terrible to kill an enemy in war - an enemy who has surprised a secret vital to the
safety of one's self and comrades - an enemy more formidable for his knowledge than all his army
for its numbers? Carter Druse grew pale; he shook in every limb, turned faint, and saw the
statuesque group before him as black figures, rising, falling, moving unsteadily in arcs of circles
in a fiery sky. His hand fell away from his weapon, his head slowly dropped until his face rested
on the leaves in which he lay. This courageous gentleman and hardy soldier was near swooning
from intensity of emotion.

It was not for long; in another moment his face was raised from earth, his hands resumed their
places on the rifle, his forefinger sought the trigger; mind, heart, and eyes were clear, conscience
and reason sound. He could not hope to capture that enemy; to alarm him would but send him
dashing to his camp with his fatal news. The duty of the soldier was plain: the man must be shot
dead from ambush - without warning, without a moment's spiritual preparation, with never so
much as an unspoken prayer, he must be sent to his account. But no-there is a hope; he may have
discovered nothing - perhaps he is but admiring the sublimity of the landscape. If permitted, he
may turn and ride carelessly away in the direction whence he came. Surely it will be possible to
judge at the instant of his withdrawing whether he knows. It may well be that his fixity of attention-
Druse turned his head and looked through the deeps of air downward, as from the surface to the
bottom of a translucent sea. He saw creeping across the green meadow a sinuous line of figures of
men and horses -some foolish commander was permitting the soldiers of his escort to water their
beasts in the open, in plain view from a dozen summits!

Druse withdrew his eyes from the valley and fixed them again upon the group of man and horse
in the sky, and again it was through the sights of his rifle. But this time his aim was at the horse.
In his memory, as if they were a divine mandate, rang the words of his father at their parting:
“Whatever may occur, do what you conceive to be your duty.” He was calm now. His teeth were
firmly but not rigidly closed; his nerves were as tranquil as a sleeping babe's - not a tremor affected
any muscle of his body; his breathing, until suspended in the act of taking aim, was regular and
slow. Duty had conquered; the spirit had said to the body: “Peace, be still.” He fired.


An officer of the Federal force, who in a spirit of adventure or in quest of knowledge had left the
hidden bivouac in the valley, and with aimless feet had made his way to the lower edge of a small 33
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open space near the foot of the cliff, was considering what he had to gain by pushing his
exploration further. At a distance of a quarter-mile before him, but apparently at a stone's throw,
rose from its fringe of pines the gigantic face of rock, towering to so great a height above him that
it made him giddy to look up to where its edge cut a sharp, rugged line against the sky. It presented
a clean, vertical profile against a background of blue sky to a point half the way down, and of
distant hills, hardly less blue, thence to the tops of the trees at its base. Lifting his eyes to the dizzy
altitude of its summit the officer saw an astonishing sight-a man on horseback riding down into
the valley through the air! Straight upright sat the rider, in military fashion, with a firm seat in the
saddle, a strong clutch upon the rein to hold his charger from too impetuous a plunge. From his
bare head his long hair streamed upward, waving like a plume. His hands were concealed in the
cloud of the horse's lifted mane. The animal's-body was as level as if every hoof-stroke
encountered the resistant earth. Its motions were those of a wild gallop, but even as the officer
looked they ceased, with all the legs thrown sharply forward as in the act of alighting from a leap.
But this was a flight!

Filled with amazement and terror by this apparition of a horseman in the sky - half believing
himself the chosen scribe of some new Apocalypse, the officer was overcome by the intensity of
his emotions; his legs failed him and he fell. Almost at the same Instant he heard a crashing sound
in the trees - a sound that died without an echo - and all was still.

The officer rose to his feet, trembling. The familiar sensation of an abraded shin recalled his dazed
faculties. Pulling himself together he ran rapidly obliquely away from the cliff to a point distant
from its foot; thereabout he expected to find his man; and thereabout he naturally failed. In the
fleeting instant of his vision his imagination had been so wrought upon by the apparent grace and
ease and intention of the marvelous performance that it did not occur to him that the line of march
of aerial cavalry is directly downward, and that he could find the objects of his search at the very
foot of the cliff. A half-hour later he returned to camp.

This officer was a wise man; he knew better than to tell an incredible truth. He said nothing of
what he had seen. But when the commander asked him if in his scout he had learned anything of
advantage to the expedition he answered: “Yes, sir; there is no road leading down into this valley
from the southward. The commander, knowing better, smiled.


After firing his shot, Private Carter Druse reloaded his rifle and resumed his watch. Ten minutes
had hardly passed when a Federal sergeant crept cautiously to him on hands and knees. Druse

Turned his head nor looked at him, but lay without motion or sign of recognition. “Did you fire?”
The sergeant whispered.


“At what?” 34
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“A horse. It was standing on yonder rock - pretty far out. You see it is no longer there. It went
over the cliff.”

The man’s face was white, but he showed no other sign of emotion. Having answered, he turned
away his eyes and said no more. The sergeant did not understand.

“See here, Druse,” he said, after a moment's silence, “it’s no use making a mystery. I order you to
report. Was there anybody on the horse?”



“My father.”

The sergeant rose to his feet and walked away. “Good God!” He said.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the four options given below each question:

[5×2=10 marks]

1. Which of the following is a motif in the given short story?

A. The motif of the lone sentry

B. The motif of unrequited love
C. The motif of youthful immaturity
D. The motif of the self-made man

2. What is the irony implied in the repeated use of the word “enemy”?

A. The protagonist is a traitor.

B. Close relations can be enemies in war.
C. One cannot distinguish between a friend and an enemy in the difficult terrain.
D. The enemy is within the regiment.

3. What information can you deduce from the conversation between the father and the son?

A. The father and the son have different loyalties in the war.
B. The mother is critically ill.
C. The father and the son will not openly articulate their differences.
D. All the above

4. From the historical information given, which of the following do you think forms the
background of the story? 35
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A. Vietnam War
B. World War I
C. World War II
D. American Civil War

5. What does the phrase “the chosen scribe of some new Apocalypse” mean here?

A. The one destined to be the chronicler of a disastrous event

B. The victim of a catastrophe
C. The prophet of the end of the world
D. The leader at a historic moment

Choose the most appropriate answer from the four options given below.

6. Why would the protagonist be awarded death penalty?

A. For having defected to the other side in the war

B. For being a conscientious objector
C. For being asleep on duty
D. For having deserted his unit

7. Where is the short story set?

A. In Eastern Virginia
B. In Western Virginia
C. In South Carolina
D. In North Carolina

8. What is described as “a noble work of art” in the passage?

A. The act of war

B. The horse and the horseman silhouetted against the sky
C. Loyalty to a noble cause
D. The picturesque terrain

9. “Whatever may occur, do what you conceive to be your duty”. Who says these words?

A. Private Carter Druse

B. The father
C. The commander
D. The sergeant

10. Who had Private Carter Druse fired at? 36
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A. A sergeant
B. His commanding officer
C. His father
D. His horse

II Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

The Clear Day

Sunlight gathers in the leaves, dripping

Invisible syrups. Long afternoons

Have been reduced to this significant

Table, melodious ice cubes shaken in

A blue tumbler, lazily tipped vermouth

And a hand measuring it, a propped elbow,

A languid eye, while a reflection on

A leaf turns into everything called summer.

The heat haze ripples through the far away

Gardens of strangers, acquaintances, of those

I can put a face to. With my eyes shut,

Squeezing the soft salts of their sweat, I see

Beyond my body, nerves, cells, brain, and leisure.

Blue coastal persons walk out of the haze.

They have outflown the wind, outswum the sea.

I think, and feel, and do, but do not know

All that I am, all that I have been, once,

Or what I could be could I think of it.

These blue pedestrians bruise the edge of me

To a benign remorse, with my lessons.

With my eyes shut, I walk through a wet maze

Following a thread of sounds – birdsong in 37
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Several cadences, children, a dog-bark,

The traffic roaring against silence as

A struck match drowns it out, simple tunes of

An amateur pianist, a vulgar shout,

A bottle tapped against a thirsty glass,

The burst of its pouring, and the slip

When the chilled glass wets a wet lower lip.

I could not guess at what the pictures are

In the eyes of a friend turned round to watch

Shrub shadows dapple a few yards of lawn

As his smoke clings to his thoughtful posture.

Tonight, I shall look out at the dark trees,

Writing this in the muddle of lost tenses

At an o’clock of flowers turned colourless.

Then, as always, the soul plays over mind

With radiantly painful speculations.

I shall sieve through our twenty years, until

I almost reach the sob in the intellect,

The truth that waits for me with its loud grief,

Sensible, commonplace, beyond understanding.

Choose the most appropriate answer from the four options given below. (5*2=10)

11. The imagery in the poem is predominantly is:

A. Elegiac.
B. Satiric.
C. Modern.
D. Symbolic. 38
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12. The word ‘clear’ in the title “The Clear Day” refers to

A. I see / Beyond my body, nerves, cells, brain and leisure.

B. I think, and feel, and do, but do not know All that I am, all that I have been, once.
C. I shall look out at the dark trees, / Writing this in the muddle of lost tenses
D. The truth that waits for me with its loud grief, / Sensible, commonplace, beyond

13. “[B]ird song in / Several cadences, children, a dog-bark, / The traffic roaring against silence . . .
Simple tunes of / An amateur pianist, a vulgar shout, /may be described as

A. Pathetic fallacy.
B. Objective correlative.
C. Metaphor.
D. Negative capability.

14. The phrase ‘[A] thirsty glass’ in line 27 is a

A. Synecdoche
B. Metonymy
C. Transferred epithet
D. Hyperbole

15. The poet makes use of ‘catachresis’ in the following images:

A. Melodious ice cubes, loud grief

B. Dark trees, lost tenses
C. A blue tumbler, blue coastal persons, blue pedestrians
D. I think, and feel, and do, but do not know.

Section B
Read passages A, B, and C attentively, and choose the most appropriate answer for each of
the questions that follow.


A few months ago, the husband and I got to travel to Australia’s beautiful but remote Kimberley
region. We were huddled around a campfire with Australia’s finest (which is to say, retirees with
lots of time and money), exchanging some lively banter, when my husband leaned across to me
and whispered, “This is a miracle. There’s a campfire and no one is singing or playing
Antakshari!” 39
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“Sshh…” I said, “Someone might hear you!”

Now, my husband and I are two very different animals, but we have a shared horror of the Indian
habit of publicly bursting into song at the slightest provocation, and forcing others to do so as well.

For me, it brings back some awful childhood memories. You see, in the Madras of the ’80s, a
Tambrahm girl could choose any hobby so long as it was Carnatic music. “Sarasu, until where
your daughter has come in Paattu class di?” Was a common question at gatherings. My mother
would bravely venture something like, “Actually she is not going to Paattu class, she is more
interested in poetry.” At this, the assorted maamis would arch an unthreaded eyebrow. My mother,
sensing some dangerous lowering of our reputation, would try a last-minute save with “Her poem
is in the school magazine!”, but they would just cluck and nod in sympathy. And then, without
missing a beat, they would talk about their Akhilandeswari or Sundari who could identify fifteen
raagas even before she had started on solids.

In due course, the pressure got to the family, so I was dispatched to a local class, where I could
drown my voice in the chorus and escape any scrutiny–except, of course at Navratri time. Navratri
has always been my favourite festival, but my memories are a bit mixed. Firstly, it seemed very
unfair that, after wearing my nice silk paavadai, I wasn’t actually going anywhere exciting like,
maybe Woodlands Drive-In. Instead, I was to traipse around to various neighbours’ houses and be
made a victim of the singing & sundal scam. For the uninitiated, this involves random maamis
doing an aiyyo-chubby-cheeks routine on you and announcing that, unless you sing, you won’t
get any sundal (that typical South Indian chickpea salad). Having no other choice, I would loudly
belt out a number. As I reached the upper notes, the maami’s faces would drop and they would
glance in despair at the heavens above. Even the maama of the house, who seemed to have no
other duties than to lounge around drinking coffee, would peer out from behind his newspaper to
see whose child it was that had been so overlooked by the Gods. At the end of the exercise, I would
be rewarded for my pains with nothing more than a packet of flatulence-inducing sundal, a
miniature comb, a mirror, and a growing realization of the unfairness of the world.

I took these embarrassments to heart as a child and spent many days plotting my revenge on those
who made me sing. I would call them to my house for Navratri and make them all do algebra, I
thought, rubbing my hands in glee. Or push-ups. I was pretty sure that the maamas couldn’t do
push- ups. That would teach them.

Sadly, the trauma did not stop with childhood. I discovered, to my chagrin, that, whenever there
are more than three and a half adult Indians assembled in a confined space, one of them will
suggest Antakshari, or, worse, solo singing. Now, I love listening to people sing, especially if they
are good singers. But I don’t understand why I have to join in as well. It’s all a conspiracy, I tell
you. The 40
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Singers of the country have hatched this plan to embarrass the hell out of simple bathroom singers
like myself. There we were, content with our innocent fantasies, our tunelessness drowned out by
the sound of the spluttering tap water, our weak vocals amplified by the tiled walls until there
emerged something like a song. But, alas, time after time, we are forced to exhibit our lack of
talent, to demonstrate in public that we cannot carry a tune even if it were given to us in a bucket.

So, when someone asked on Facebook: “What is a good film song for someone who has a horrible
voice? I’m going on a holiday with my friends and will need to sing,” I commented almost

Immediately: “Avoid these people like the pox. Those who force their friends to sing in public
may have other bad habits.”

[Adapted from “Singing and the Sundal Scam,” by Suchi Govindarajan]

1. The narrator and her husband have a ‘shared horror’ of

A. Wild animals in the beautiful but remote regions of Australia.

B. Bad Indian singers who shamelessly start crooning loudly even in foreign countries.
C. The popular but problematic form of Indian entertainment called Antakshari.
D. The popular but problematic Indian expectation that everyone must sing at all social

2. What ‘awful childhood memories’ does the narrator share with us?

A. Of elders who punished her for not doing well at school

B. Of classmates who made fun of her singing during the music class
C. Of relatives pressurizing her to learn singing against her will
D. Of parents forcing her to participate in religious festivals despite her belief in secularism

3. Which of the following was not a regular part of the narrator’s Navratri experience?

A. She was given new silk clothes which she liked.

B. She was taken to Woodlands Drive-In restaurant for a nice traditional meal.
C. She visited the houses of various neighbours and was given small gifts if she sang.
D. She imagined taking revenge by making elders do difficult and unpleasant chores.

4. Based on what the narrator tells us, which of the following statements is correct?

A. She dislikes music and therefore detests all singers.

B. She hates good singers who try to promote the hidden musical talent of ordinary people.
C. She dislikes people who try to force others to perform uncomfortable acts in public. 41
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D. She hates her parents and relatives for not sending her to a good teacher.

5. Based on what the narrator tells us, which of the following statements is correct?

A. She is in awe of Australia’s finest because of their great talent and achievements.
B. She believes that Akhil and eswari and Sundari deserve to be in the Guinness Book of
C. She is not in awe of the goodies given to kids who sang during Navratri.
D. She believes that a good bathroom singer can be a good party singer.

6. Based on what the narrator tells us, which of the following statements is correct?

A. Her relatives were impressed that her poem was published in the school magazine.
B. She dislikes social networking sites as much as she dislikes public singing.
C. Tambrahm girls in Madras in the 1980s could only “choose” Carnatic music as their hobby.
D. One of her uncles noticed that God had gifted her with a melodious voice.


The parliamentary consultative committee on health has recommended mandatory rural service
by medical graduates. This is not the first time that such a call has been made. The shortage of
doctors in the country’s rural areas has been an issue for decades and there have been periodic
suggestions, such as imposing mandatory rural service on medical graduates, to tackle the issue.
The parliamentary committee also reiterated that the Bachelor in Rural Health Care (BRHC)
course should be introduced to overcome the shortfall of doctors in rural areas. This again has
been a source of much debate over the past few years. And yet doctors continue to avoid rural

Nearly four years ago, the union health ministry then led by Anbumani Ramadoss had suggested
that medical graduates wanting to do postgraduate courses should compulsorily undergo a year’s
rural posting. The ministry had even appointed a committee to look into the pros and cons of the
idea, but no one knows what the committee’s recommendations were and what the follow-up, if
any, was. Now the ministry has made the same proposal and also said that the doctors’ salaries
would be doubled. In the past, suggestions such as starting medical colleges in semirural areas,
setting aside seats for applicants from rural areas, and devising community placement programmes
failed to dilute the attraction that urban practice holds for doctors.

It is not hard to fathom why this is so. In itself a rural practice is considered socially inferior to an
urban one. Add to this the abysmal housing and working conditions, and an absence of resources
required to sharpen technological skills on the job and there is a situation designed to keep not just
medical students but even doctors away. The completion of the MBBS course entails five years 42
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including one year internship, followed by three years for the MD degree. The mandatory rural
posting will mean a total “student” period of nine years. The entrance exams for postgraduate
courses are so competitive that students use the internship period to prepare for these exams. This
means that the objectives of the internship – the main ones being learning to deal with patients and
practising clinical skills – are hardly adhered to. The mandatory rural posting is seen as another
obstacle placed in the career path of the student.

The crux of the problem lies in the perception that medical practice is a lucrative enterprise. This
arises from the commercialization of medical education and the need to “earn back” the
“investment” made. Medical training in India is hardly known for teaching future doctors how to
deal with situations where resources are scarce and the health problems immense. To assume that
students who pay obscene amounts of money to get into medical colleges will suddenly emerge
acknowledging their “debt” to the poor and the marginalized is unrealistic. With increasing
privatization of healthcare and medical tourism, it is not surprising that medical students do not
see rural practice as helping their career graph.

As for the BRHC course – seen as a throwback to the Licentiate Medical Practitioners (LMP)
scheme of the pre-independence era – there are a number of problems plaguing this proposal too.
First, this is seen as discriminating against rural patients since it is a three and half-year course
with training in district hospitals. Considering that even urban medical colleges face a severe
faculty crunch, how will these institutes in rural areas manage? The professionals, doctors trained
in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, and homeopathy (AYUSH) oppose the BRHC as they say it will
make them near-redundant. These doctors (an estimated 7,50,000) have demanded that they should
be given six months of training in

Allopathic medicine and the BRHC proposal should be scrapped. At one public protest, they said
that they were compelled to take up the AYUSH streams because they could not pay the huge
sums demanded by private allopathic colleges.

The majority of medical colleges are in the southern and western parts of the country, with a much
smaller number in the north and northeast. Health activists say that the government should open
medical colleges in these areas. Other suggestions offered include training community health
assistants and equipping them with information and communication technology tools to access
specialist and expert consultation. Ensuring that there are enough doctors in rural areas must be
part of a larger plan that includes all such steps. The problem cannot be tackled simply by making
occasional announcements or introducing cosmetic changes.

[Adapted from ‘Doctors in Rural India,’ Economic and Political Weekly, 23 July 2011]

7. The parliamentary consultative committee recommended that

A. All medical graduates be sent to work in villages as part of their training.

B. A special training course for paramedical staff should be devised to provide rural healthcare.
C. Both A and B above
D. Neither A nor B above 43
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8. According to the writer, the problem of rural healthcare can be solved if

A. Rural service for doctors is made compulsory.

B. Doctors willing to serve in villages are paid twice the salary.
C. Both A and B above
D. Neither A nor B above

9. Which of the following is not mentioned by the writer as a reason for doctors preferring to work
in the cities?

A. Low quality infrastructure and working conditions in the villages

B. The large number of people from socially inferior castes in the villages
C. Impossibility of learning the use of sophisticated medical equipment in the villages
D. Pressure to prepare for competitive postgraduate courses that are necessary for their career

10. Which of the following is not mentioned by the writer as a problem with the BRHC course?

A. It is perceived as discriminating against rural patients since it involves less training.

B. It is opposed by doctors trained in Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and homeopathy.
C. It is an outdated course introduced by the colonial British rulers before 1947.
D. The government is unlikely to find enough teachers to run this course in the villages.

11. On the basis of this passage, which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. When it was written, the proposal for compulsory rural service for medical graduates was
hardly new.
B. When it was written, the union minister for health was Anbumany Ramadoss.
C. The writer does not know what steps had been taken on earlier similar recommendations.
D. The writer does not believe that health problems in villages will be solved even if the specific
recommendations made by the parliamentary consultative committee are implemented.

12. Which of the following is not mentioned by the writer as a reason contributing to the failure of
rural healthcare in India?

A. The perception that medical practice in India is primarily about making lots of money.
B. Government policies that have resulted in healthcare in India largely becoming a competitive
business in private hands.
C. The vast majority of Indians are superstitious villagers who trust traditional healers more than
trained doctors.
D. The vast majority of medical training centres are concentrated in urban areas, especially in
southern and western India. 44
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13. Which of the following steps is not seen as necessary by the writer in tackling the problem of
rural healthcare in India more effectively?

A. Opening more medical colleges in central and eastern India.

B. Providing paramedical training for local health assistants at the village level.

C. Expanding telephone and internet services to connect village health centres to experts in the

D. Introducing courses in cosmetics and medical tourism as there is a rising demand for these
even in the villages.


Two rather different ways of conceptualizing ‘culture’ can be drawn out of the many suggestive
formulations in Raymond Williams’s Long Revolution. The first relates ‘culture’ to the sum of
the available descriptions through which societies make sense of and reflect their common
experiences. ‘Culture’ no longer consists of the sum of the ‘best that has been thought and said,’
regarded as the summits of an achieved civilization—that ideal of perfection to which, in earlier
usage, all aspired. Even ‘art’—assigned in the earlier framework a privileged position, as
touchstone of the highest values of civilization—is now redefined as only one, special, form of a
general social process: the giving and taking of meanings, and the slow development of ‘common’
meanings—a common culture: ‘culture,’ in this special sense, ‘is ordinary’ (to borrow the title of
one of Williams’s earliest attempts to make his general position more widely accessible). If even
the highest, most refined of descriptions offered in works of literature are also ‘part of the general
process which creates conventions and institutions, through which the meanings that are valued
by the community are shared and made active,’ then there is no way in which this process can be
hived off or distinguished or set apart from the other practices of the historical process: ‘The art is
there, as an activity, with the production, the trading, the politics, the raising of families. To study
the relations adequately we must study them actively, seeing all activities as particular and
contemporary forms of human energy.’

If this first emphasis takes up and re-works the connotation of the term ‘culture’ with the domain
of ‘ideas,’ the second emphasis is more deliberately anthropological, and emphasizes that aspect
of ‘culture’ which refers to social practices. It is from this second emphasis that the somewhat
simplified definition—‘culture is a whole way of life’—has been rather too neatly abstracted. The
important point in the argument rests on the active and indissoluble relationships between elements
or social practices normally separated out. It is in this context that the ‘theory of culture’ is defined
as ‘the study of relationships between elements in a whole way of life.’ ‘Culture’ is not a practice;
nor is it simply the descriptive sum of the ‘mores and folkways’ of societies—as it tended to 45
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become in certain kinds of anthropology. It is threaded through all social practices, and is the sum
of their inter- relationship. The question of what is studied, and how, resolves itself: ‘culture’ is
those patterns of organization, those characteristic forms of human energy which can be
discovered as revealing themselves—in ‘unexpected identities and correspondences’ as well as in
‘discontinuities of an unexpected kind’—within or underlying all social practices. The analysis of
culture begins with ‘the

Discovery of patterns of a characteristic kind,’ not in the art, production, trading, politics, the
raising of families, treated as separate activities, but through ‘studying a general organization in a
particular example.’ The purpose of the analysis is to grasp how the interactions between these
practices and patterns are lived and experienced as a whole, in any particular period. This is its
‘structure of feeling.’

It is easier to see what Williams was getting at, and why he was pushed along this path, if we
understand what were the problems, he addressed and what pitfalls he was trying to avoid. There
is a clear engagement with the ‘idealist’ and ‘civilizing’ definitions of culture—both the equation
of ‘culture’ with ideas, in the idealist tradition; and the assimilation of culture to an ideal, prevalent
in the elitist terms of the ‘cultural debate.’ But there is also a more extended engagement with
certain kinds of Marxism, against which Williams’s definitions are consciously pitched. He is
arguing against the literal operations of the base/superstructure metaphor, which in classical
Marxism ascribed the domain of ideas and of meanings to the ‘superstructures,’ themselves
conceived as merely reflective of and determined in some simple fashion by ‘the base’; without a
social effectivity of their own. That is to say, his argument is constructed against a vulgar
materialism and an economic reductionism. He offers, instead, a radical interactionism: in effect,
the interaction of all practices in and with one another, skirting the problem of determinacy. The
distinctions between practices are overcome by seeing them all as variant forms of praxis—of a
general human activity and energy.

[Adapted from ‘Cultural Studies: Two Paradigms’ by Stuart Hall]

14. Which of the following is closest to Raymond Williams’s conception of culture?

A. The sum total of the best that has been thought and said all over the world
B. Achievements in art (both canonical and popular) that are touchstones of true human values
C. The combination of ideas and ideals that leads to holistic civilization
D. None of the above

15. Raymond Williams might consider both Mark Twain and J. K. Rowling as ‘ordinary’ because

A. They do not embody the highest standards of artistic achievement.

B. They wrote about everyday events that common people enjoy reading about.
C. They are rather mediocre writers despite their commercial success and popularity. 46
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D. None of the above

16. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the primary argument of this passage?

A. A novel is as ordinary as a pen or a table—they are all the same as they are mere
B. A novel is special because it—unlike a mere pen or table—is a product of the human spirit.
C. A novel is ordinary in a unique sense: it too participates in the making and sharing of ideas
within society, but not in the same way as a pen or a table.
D. A novel is special because of its extraordinary interest in ordinary people—who require
inexpensive pens or tables just as they require affordable entertainment.

17. According to Williams, what is the ‘culture’ that ought to be studied (as part of Cultural

A. Manufacturing, trading, raising of families, publishing—instead of works of art

B. The unique practices of the ordinary working masses—instead of the dominant classes
C. The interaction between specific social practices that are in complementary or conflicting
relationships with each other—instead of preferring and studying one set of practices over
D. The analysis of the independent role of the ideological or superstructural institutions—instead
of examining economic or material practices

18. Which of the following statements accurately reflects Stuart Hall’s view of the theoretical
innovations made by Raymond Williams in The Long Revolution?

A. Williams avoids taking the elite seriously because they confuse ‘ideas’ with ‘ideals’
B. Williams avoids taking the working class seriously because they confuse ‘base’ with
C. Williams rejects all Marxist conceptions of society because he believes that it is the
superstructure that determines the base.
D. Williams seeks to demonstrate the ‘interaction’ between various social elements, but avoids
discussing how (and which) historical factors ‘determine’ the prevailing social practices.

19. How does Raymond Williams attempt to study social practices?

A. By combining idealism with materialism

B. By focusing on vital activities and beliefs that interact to form a structure of feeling
C. By studying how various human societies across history made use of energy sources
D. All of the above 47
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Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. Any serious educational theory must consist of two parts: a conception of the ends of life, and
a science of psychological dynamics, i.e. Of the laws of mental change. This conception, the
purpose of education, has a definition which is partly individual, partly social. It consists, in the
individual, of both intellectual and moral qualities: a certain minimum of general knowledge,
technical skill in one's own profession, and a habit of forming opinions on evidence, impartiality,
kindliness, and a modicum of self-control. In communities, civilization demands respect for law,
justice as between man and man, purposes not involving permanent injury to any section of the
human race, and intelligent adaptation of means to ends. If these are to be the purpose of education,
it is a question for the science of psychology to consider what can be done towards realizing them,
and, in particular, what degree of freedom is likely to prove most effective.

2. On the question of freedom in education there are at present three main schools of thought.
There are those who say that children should be completely free, however bad they may be; there
are those who say they should be completely subject to authority, however good they may be; and
there are those who say they should be free, but in spite of freedom they should be always good.
Children, like adults, will not all be virtuous if they are all free. Those who believe that liberty
will ensure moral perfection think that education should have no positive purpose, but should
merely offer an environment suitable for spontaneous development. We live in communities which
require co-operation, and it would be utopian to expect all the necessary co-operation to result
from spontaneous impulse. Education, viewed from a social standpoint, must be something more
positive than a mere opportunity for growth. It must, of course, provide this, but it must also
provide a mental and moral equipment which children cannot acquire entirely for themselves.

3. The arguments in favour of a great degree of freedom in education are derived not from man's
natural goodness, but from the effects of authority, both on those who suffer it and on those who
exercise it. Those who are subject to authority become either submissive or rebellious, and each
attitude has its drawbacks.

4. The submissive lose initiative, both in thought and action; moreover, the anger generated by the
feeling of being thwarted tends to find an outlet in bullying those who are weaker. That is why
tyrannical institutions are self-perpetuating: what a man has suffered from his father he inflicts
upon his son. Thus, an unduly authoritative education turns pupils into timid tyrants, incapable of
either claiming or tolerating originality in word or deed.

5. Rebels, on the other hand, though they may be necessary, can hardly be just to what exists.
Moreover, there are many ways of rebelling, and only a small minority of these are wise. Galileo
was a rebel and was wise; believers in the flat-earth theory are equally rebels, but are foolish.
There is a great danger in the tendency to suppose that opposition to authority is essentially
meritorious and that unconventional opinions are bound to be correct. Yet this excessive
rebelliousness is often the effect that too much authority has on spirited pupils. 48
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6. What is wanted is neither submissiveness nor rebellion, but good nature, and general
friendliness both to people and to new ideas. If the young are to grow into friendly adults, it is
necessary that they should feel that their environment is friendly. This requires that there

Should be a certain sympathy with the child's important desires. And, in teaching, every attempt
should be made to cause the pupil to feel that it is worth his while to know what is being taught.
When the pupil co-operates willingly, he learns twice as fast and with half the fatigue. All these
are valid reasons for a very great degree of freedom.

7. It is easy, however, to carry the argument too far. It is not desirable that children, in avoiding
the vices of the slave, should acquire those of the aristocrat. Consideration for others, not only in
great matters, but also in little everyday things, is an essential element in civilization. I am not
thinking of mere forms of politeness. I am thinking rather of willingness to take a fair share of
necessary work, to be obliging in small ways. Consideration for others does not, with most
children, arise spontaneously, but has to be taught, and can hardly be taught except by the exercise
of authority.

8. I do not think that educators have yet solved the problem of combining the desirable forms of
freedom with the necessary minimum of moral training. Children who have been driven wild by
parental tyranny may require a longer or shorter period of complete liberty before they can view
any adult without suspicion. But children who have been sensibly handled at home can bear to be
checked in minor ways, so long as they feel that they are being helped in the ways that they
themselves regard as important. Adults can achieve a great deal in the way of discipline without
ceasing to be regarded with friendly feelings by their pupils.

9. I think modern educational theorists are inclined to attach too much importance to the negative
virtue of not interfering with children, and too little to the positive merit of enjoying their company.
If you have the sort of liking for children that many people have for horses or dogs, they will be
apt to respond to your suggestions, and to accept prohibitions, perhaps with some good-humoured
grumbling, but without resentment. The desirable sort of interest is that which consists in
spontaneous pleasure in the presence of children, without any ulterior purpose. Teachers who have
this quality will seldom need to interfere with children's freedom, but will be able to do so, when
necessary, without causing psychological damage.

1. The main idea of the essay is that children will grow into balanced adults if

A. They grow up in a friendly environment free of any rules.

B. They are disciplined in a friendly yet authoritative manner.
C. They are subject to complete authority no matter how good they are.
D. They have complete freedom even though they may be very bad.

2. To be able to live in a community, we need to have 49
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A. Education.
B. Freedom.
C. Co-operation.
D. Discipline.

3. The sentence ‘tyrannical institutions are self-perpetuating’ in para 4 means that

A. Schools are places where bullies are made.

B. Teachers tend to become sadistic disciplinarians.
C. Institutions create frustrated and angry people.
D. People who have been bullied become bullies.

4. The phrase ‘timid tyrants’ in para 4 refers to people who

A. Bully others in small but harmless ways.

B. Bully all those who are weaker than them.
C. Are bullied and bully those weaker than them.
D. Are bullies who cannot appreciate new ideas.

5. The sentence ‘Galileo was a rebel and was wise’ in para 5 means that

A. He had unconventional opinions but found ways to express them.

B. He expressed his opinions even if it meant disobeying the authorities.
C. He hated authority but never expressed his opinions in public.
D. He expressed only those opinions that did not get him into trouble.

6. According to the author, the purpose of education is to create

A. Considerate individuals tolerant of new ideas and people.

B. An atmosphere of complete freedom in which people can grow.
C. A community based on consideration for others.
D. People who can accept authority without questioning it.

7. According to the author the main aim of education should be a balanced combination of

A. Advancing one’s personal views and exercising one’s freedom over other people in the
B. Perusing individual intellectual goals and practicing technical skills to excel professionally.
C. Developing skills to live life and understanding psychological needs of one another in a
D. Practicing self-control in dealing with people and gaining knowledge on how to live life. 50
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8. In education, the idea of practicing and imparting knowledge on the concept of Freedom has
emerged from observations about.

A. Human beings and their attitude to life in general

B. People who exercise control and those who are subject to control
C. People who are rebellious and do not know the reason for rebelling
D. Children who are not brought up with liberal values

9. Which of the following statements in NOT TRUE?

A. Consideration for fellow human beings is not an inherent quality in children.

B. Submissive individuals tend to view life in a positive light and are successful in life.
C. Most of the people who protest against authority are seldom logical or convincing.
D. Children who have authoritative parents cannot easily accept their parents as friends.

10. According to the text, good teachers. Hence, they can motivate children to become good human
beings without curbing their freedom.

A. Are non-authoritative
B. Encourage rebellious children
C. Are empathetic and fun-loving
D. Love the company of children

Questions 11–13: In each of the following three incomplete paragraphs (S1 to S4), two sentences
(S2 and S3) are missing. From the options (P, Q, R) choose two sentences which can be S2 and


S1. The Egyptians had great faith in the power of the cat to protect them from evil.



S4. This was done to ensure that the soul of the dead person was protected on its journey through
the spirit world.

P. These decorated their homes and were buried with the dead.

Q. Hundreds of cat mummies are arranged neatly on shelves.

R. They made small ornaments and charms representing cats and various other cat deities.

A. RP 51
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11. S1. Australian scientists have found the skeleton of a “giant wombat” that lived 2 million years



S4. The specimen will be taken to Riversleigh Fossil Centre where it will be displayed.

P. The plant eating marsupial roamed throughout Australia about 50,000 years ago.

Q. This is the first time that a complete skeleton of the animal has been discovered.

R. Its bones were found on a farm in Queensland.


12. S1. Private schools of the pre-independence era educated children of privileged families.



S4. This was visible in the increased enrolment across all demographic profiles.

P. Post-independence, democracy universalised education.

Q. Free India’s first bureaucrats and administrators were shaped by these institutions.
R. There was an exodus of the middle class from government to private schools.


13. S1. Being cheerful may protect against heart problems, say experts.


S3. 52
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S4. They have found that factors like optimism, life satisfaction, and happiness are associated
with a reduced risk of heart disease.

P. Many studies have been conducted to see whether psychological well- being and
cardiovascular health are related.

Q. While such people may be generally healthier, scientists think a sense of well-being may
lower risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.

R. Happy, optimistic people have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke suggests a review of
more than 200 studies.


Questions 14-16. Given below are THREE six-sentence paragraphs. S1 and S6 are given.

Reorder the remaining four sentences P, Q, R, and S to complete the paragraph.

14.The cover of each volume of The Hardy Boys states that the author of the series is Franklin
W. Dixon; the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories are supposedly written by Carolyn Keene.

P.A ghost-writer writes a book based on an outline of the plot and setting given by the publisher.

Q .Over the years, though, many fans of both series have been surprised to find out that Franklin
W. Dixon and Carolyn Keene are not real people.

R The Hardy Boys and the Nancy Drew books were actually written through a process called

S. While ghost-writers are paid for writing the books, their authorship is not acknowledged, and
their names do not appear on the published books.

S6. The first ghost-writer for the Hardy Boys series was a Canadian journalist named Leslie
McFarlane, and for the Nancy Drew books, a young writer from Iowa, Mildred A. Write

D. QRPS 53
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P. Nowadays, parents see themselves as providing the finances for schools, and as financiers,
they are demanding a say in what happens in the schools.

Q. While this arrangement was widely respected, it is no longer a model for educational
arrangements today.

R. In the past, parents sent their children to school and largely left it to the school to

Educate them as it saw fit.

S. To accommodate this desire for parental involvement, many schools have created parent-
teacher bodies and have brought parents onto the school’s Board of Governors.

S6. These moves have gone some way towards giving parents a role in the schools, but there is
more that could be achieved.


16. S1. It is easy to make a delicious-looking hamburger. But would this hamburger still look
delicious after six or seven hours under very bright lights?

P. This is a question that fast food companies worry about when they produce commercials or
print ads for their products.

Q. The buns, the tomatoes and the lettuce are coated with glycerine to keep them looking fresh,
the sesame seeds are stuck on the buns with glue, and the grill marks on the meat patty are
painted on.

R. To avoid this, fast food commercials use items which are not actually edible.

S. Video and photo shoots last many hours, and the lights can be extremely hot, making the food
look quite unappealing to potential consumers.

S6. So, the next time you see a delectable hamburger in a fast food commercial,

Remember: you’re actually looking at glue, paint, and glycerine!

D. RSQP 54
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A. Crescendo: music
B. Friction: heat
C. Cacophony: sound
D. Aroma: smell

2. Lurk: wait:

A. Topple: stabilize
B. Swerve: turn
C. Announce: declare
D. Abscond: depart

3. Legend: map:

A. Index: catalogue
B. Abstract: dissertation
C. Glossary: text
D. Abbreviation: footnote

4. Muffled: sound:

A. Aggravate: pain
B. Muted: colour
C. Archaic: diction
D. Effortless: expression

5. Host: parasite:

A. Egg: bird
B. Medium: bacterium
C. Meadow: soil
D. Kernel: seed

6. (A) Salsa (B) Ballet (C) Tango (D) Ballad (E) Waltz
7. (A) memoir (B) abattoir (C) (D) choir (E) repertoire
8. (A) useless (B) (C) priceless (D) valueless (E) aimless
9. (A) put up (B) cope up (C) make up (D) shape up (E) come up

10. (A) (B) locations (C) stations (D) lectures (E) sentences
furnitures 55
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Passage 1 (Q11-12): Leave EFL-U at gate no.2. Follow that road (Tarnaka Road) for two
kilometres. After that, one kilometre to the right, you will pass a small shopping centre on your
left. At the next set of traffic lights, turn right onto Habsiguda. Erik’s house is the third house on
your left. It is number 33, and it’s white with green trim.

11. What is Erik’s address?

B. 2 Tarnaka Road
C. 13 Sitaphalmandi
D. 33 Habsiguda

12. Which is closest to Erik’s house?

A. The traffic lights

B. The shopping centre
C. Gate no.2
D. A green house

Passage 2 (Q13): Please be prepared to give your presentation on the monthly sales figures at our
upcoming staff meeting. In addition to the accurate accounting of expenditure for the monthly
sales, be ready to discuss possible reasons for fluctuations as well as possible trends in future
customer spending. Thank you.

13. The main focus of the presentation will be on

A. Monthly expenditures
B. Monthly salary figures
C. Monthly sales figures
D. Staff meeting presentations

Passage 3 (Q14-15): Anna Szewczyk, perhaps the most popular broadcaster in the new media
today, won the 1998 Broadcasting Award. She got her start in journalism as an editor at the
Hallsville Country Times in Missouri. Following graduation, she was able to begin her career as
a local newscaster with WPSU-TV in Seattle, Washington, and rapidly advanced to national
television. Noted for her quick wit and trenchant commentary, her name has since become
synonymous with Good Day, America! Accepting the award at the National Convention of
Broadcast Journalism held in Chicago, Ms. Szewcyzk remarked, “I am so honoured by this
award that I’m at a total loss for words!” Who would ever have believed it?

14. The expression “to become synonymous with” means

A. To be the same as. 56
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B. To be the opposite of.

C. To be in sympathy with.
D. To be discharged from.

15. What was Ms. Szewczyk’s first job in journalism?

A. She was a T.V. announcer in Washington.

B. She Was a newscaster in Oregon.
C. She was an editor for a newspaper in Missouri.
D. She was a talk show host in Chicago.

16. What is the missing letter in this series?


A. b
B. k
C. j
D. a

17. Tick the correct answer

X > 0 and A= 5x and B= 5/x

A. A is greater
B. A and B are equal
C. B is greater
D. The relationship cannot be determined.

18. What number replaces the question mark? 57
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A. 0
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3

19. What number comes inside the triangle?

A. 5
B. 8
C. 10
D. 13

20. Which letter replaces the question mark?

A. P
B. F
C. R
D. Q 58
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22. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

Lelibroon means yellow hat plekafroti means flower garden frotimix means garden salad Which
word could mean “yellow flower”?

A. Lelifroti
B. Plekabroon
C. Lelipleka
D. Frotibroon

23. Here are some words translated from an artificial language.

Slar means jump

Slary means jumping

Slarend means jumped

Which word could mean “playing”?

A. Clargslarend
B. Ellaclarg
C. Clargy
D. Slarmont

24. The Pacific yew is an evergreen tree that grows in the Northwest. It has a fleshy , poisonous
fruit. Recently, taxol, a substance found in the bark of the Pacific yew, was discovered to be a
promising new anticancer drug.

A. Taxol is poisonous when taken by healthy people.

B. Taxol has cured people from various diseases.
C. People should not eat the fruit of the Pacific yew.
D. The Pacific yew was considered worthless until taxol was discovered. 59
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I. The sale of all the radio sets manufactured in India is known.

II. The manufacturing of no other radio set in India is as large as ‘X’ brand.

A. Only assumption I is implicit

B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Neither I nor II is implicit
D. Both I and II are implicit


1 16 C
2 D
3 D 1 A
4 D 2 D
5 C 3 C
6 C 4 B
7 B 5 C
8 C 6 D
9 B 7 B
10 A 8 C
11 A 9 B
12 D 10 B
13 B 11 A
14 D 12 C
15 C 13 C
1 D 14 A
2 C 15 C
3 B 16 C
4 C 17 C
5 A 18 B
6 C 19 D
7 C 20 C
8 D 21 A
9 B 22 A
10 C 23 C
11 C 24 C
12 C 25 A
13 D 60
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15 B
16 D
17 A
18 B
19 D
1 D
2 C
3 D
5 B
6 C
7 C
8 B
10 A
11 C
12 C
13 D
15 A 61
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Jamia Millia Islamia Entrance Examination 2017

1. Who, among the following, is given credit for the invention of the Sonnet?:
A. Giacomo Da Lentini
B. Dante Alighieri
C. Petrarca
D. Emperor Frederick 1

2. "In Memory of WB Yeats" is an elegy written by:

A. T.S Eliot
B. Robert Frost
C. W.H Auden
D. Ezra Pound

3. Athenian tragedies were performed at a festival in honour of:

A. Zeus
B. Dionysus
C. Apollo
D. Hermes

4. Which of the following, is not an Ancient Epic:

A. Aeneid
B. Epic of Gilgamesh
C. Kumarasambhava
D. Orlando Furioso

5. The First Folio of Shakespeare's works had a poem as preface by:

A. Shakespeare
B. John Hemings
C. Ben Jonson
D. John Hall

6. Which text of Milton ends with "They also serve who only stand and wait”:
A. "On His Blindness"
B. Paradise Lost
C. Paradise Regained
D. Lycidas 62
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7. An Essay on Man is often said to:

A. Justify the ways of God to Man

B. Vindicate the ways of God to Man
C. Defend the ways of God to Man
D. Rationalize the ways of God to Man

8. Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language was published in:

A. 1711
B. 1795
C. 1759
D. 1755

9. Keats's tombstone reads:

A. "Here lies One whose Name was writ in Poetry."
B. "Here lies One whose Name was writ in Water."
C. "Here lies One whose Name was writ in the Hearts."
D. "Here lies One whose Name was writ in the Minds."

10. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" is a line Keats's:

A. Endymion
B. Ode to Autumn
C. Ode on a Grecian Urn
D. Ode to a Nightingale

11. "Is better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all" appears in Tennyson's:
A. Mariana
B. The Princess
C. The Charge of the Light Brigade
D. In Memoriam

12. Matthew Arnold worked as a:

A. Pastor
B. School Inspector
C. Librarian
D. Publisher 63
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13. Oliver Twist is also known as:

A. A Suitable Fate
B. Twists of Fate
C. The Parish Boy's Progress
D. The Trials and Tribulations of Oliver

14. The subtitle of the novel Tess of the D'Urbervilles is:

A. A Pure Woman Unfaithfully Represented
B. A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented
C. An Impure Woman Faithfully Presented
D. An Impure Woman Faithfully Represented

15. William Makepeace Thackeray was born in:

A. Dublin
B. London
C. Bombay.
D. Calcutta

16. Which, among the following, is not an essential element of tragedy, according to Aristotle:
A. Oracle
B. thought
C. style
D. spectacle

17. Biographia Literaria was originally intended to be a:

A. poem
B. preface
C. biography
D. epilogue

18. In which poem of T.S Eliot do these lines appear: "I have heard the mermaids singing, each to
will sing to me”: each/I do not think that they
A. "The Hollow Men"
B. "The Waste Land"
C. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" 64
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D. "Ash Wednesday"

19. "Only connect..." appears as an epigraph in:

A. A Passage to India
B. Howards End
C. A Room with a View
D. Maurice

20. Which, among the following, is not written by D H Lawrence?

A. The Rainbow
B. The Escaped Cock
C. The Plumed Serpent
D. The Hind and the Panther

21. The lines "Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falcon appear in:
A. "The Second Coming"
B. "A Prayer for my Daughter"
C. "Lake Isle of Innisfree"
D. "Sailing to Byzantium"

22. Which, of the following, is not by Eugene O’Neill?

A. Shell shock
B. Mourning Becomes Electra
C. Days Without End
D. The Birthday Party

23. Joseph Heller's Catch 22 satirizes:

A. Fascism in Italy
B. Nazi regime in Germany
C. Bureaucracy and the military
D. The holocaust

24. According to Aristotle, Epic presents men:

A. As they are
B. Better than they are
C. Worse than they are 65
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D. As they ought not to be

1. Write an essay on any one of the following in not more than 750 words: 30 marks
A. "Beyond the fiction of reality, there is the reality of the fiction."-Slavoj Žižek
B. "Every decoding is another encoding"-David Lodge
C. "Nothing comes from nothing, Thieflet; no story comes from nowhere; new stories are born
from old-it is the new combinations that make them new." -Salman Rushdie

2. Write a reflective essay on any one of the following in not more than 500 words: 30 marks
A. Feminism
B. Popular Fiction
C. Renaissance

Answer Key:2017

QS.NO Answer QS.NO Answer QS.NO Answer

1 A 11 D 21 A
2 C 12 B 22 D
3 B 13 C 23 C
4 D 14 B 24 B
5 C 15 D
6 A 16 A
7 D 17 B
8 D 18 C
9 B 19 B
10 A 20 D

1 & 2: Descriptive Answer 66
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Jamia Millia Islamia Entrance Examination 2016

1. The 'doggerel' is a form of

A. poetry
B. drama
C. essay
D. fiction

2. The name of Julia Kristeva is associated with

A. interdisciplinarity
B. disability theory
C. intertextuality
D. Russian Formalism

3. My Name is Red is a novel by

A. Lu Xun
B. Orhan Pamuk
C. Maxim Gorky
D. John Steinbeck

4. The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet is

A. abab bcbc cdcd ee
B. abab cdcd efef gg
C. abca bcdb cdeb ff
D. aaab cccd eeef gg

5. An 'eclogue' is.
A. an essay on ecocriticism
B. a drawing play
C. a short pastoral poem
D. a didactic novel

6. Dr. Bradshaw is a character in the novel

A. The Great Gatsby
B. Sons and Lovers
C. The Heart of Darkness 67
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D. Mrs Dalloway

7. A 'shloka' is
A. a sonnet
B. a sestina
C. a quatrain
D. a couplet

8. The term 'negative capability' is associated with

A. William Wordsworth
B. William Blake
C. Emily Bronte
D. John Keats

9. Kabir's dohas are found in

A. the Adi Granth
B. the Ramayana
C. the Natya Shastra
D. the Arthashastra

10. The name of Alexander pope is associated with the

A. Victorian age
B. Romantic period
C. Restoration
D. Augustan Age

11. An example of a "bildungsroman' is

A. Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd

B. Charles Dickens' David Copperfield
C. Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
D. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

12. The play Harvest is written by

A. Girish Karnad
B. Vijay Tendulkar
C. Manjula Padmanabhan
D. Mahesh Dattani 68
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13. The detection and description of metrical forms line-by-line is called

A. solecism
B. solipsis
C. stichomythia
D. scansion

14. The term 'stream of consciousness' was coined by

A. Virginia Woolf
B. William James
C. James Joyce
D. Sigmund Freud

15. The play Agra Bazar was scripted by

A. Mohan Rakesh
B. Badal Sarkar
C. Kaifi Azmi
D. Habib Tanvir

16. An epistolary novel is prose fiction

A. presented as a sequence of letters
B. intended to be read by a group of people
C. of epic dimensions
D. written in figurative verse

17. The longest epic poem in the world is

A. the Iliad
B. the Odyssey
C. the Ramcharitmanas
D. the Mahabharata

18. Mohsin is a character in Premchand's short story

A. "Maa
B. Idgah'
C. 'Gulli-Danda'
D. 'Cricket Match' 69
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19. The lines 'All the world's a stage, / And all the men and women merely players; They have their
exits and their entrances' occur in Shakespeare's
A. The Taming of The Shrew
B. The Merchant of Venice
C. A Midsummer Night's Dream
D. As You Like It

20. Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' ends with

A. an epithet
B. an epitaph
C. an epistrophe
D. an epigram

21. India's national song has been composed by

A. A. R. Rahman
B. Allama Iqbal
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. Bankim Chandra Chatterji

22. The Canterbury Tales was written by

A. Chaucer
B. Langland
C. Gower
D. Spenser

23. A work which is not an animal fable:

A. Panchatantra
B. Aesop's Fables
C. Beastly Tales
D. The Day of the Jackal

24. The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was written by

A. Fidel Castro
B. Pablo Neruda
C. Gabriel Garcia Marquez 70
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D. Paulo Coelho

25. The protagonist in Midnight's Children is

A. Saleem Sinai
B. Aadam Aziz
C. Tai
D. Ahmed Sinai

26. The Country Without a Post Office is a collection of poetry composed by

A. Meena Kandasamy
B. Agha Shahid Ali
C. Meena Alexander
D. Basharat Peer

27. The words 'the historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness but of its presence'
appear in
A. "The Perfect Critic'
B. "The Possibility of a Poetic Drama
C. Hamlet and His Problems'
D. 'Tradition and the Individual Talent'

28. Victor Hugo's novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is set in

A. London
B. Paris
C. Rome
D. Athens

29. Okonkwo is a character in the novel

A. Arrow of God
B. Things Fall Apart
C. A Man of the People
D. The Heart of Darkness

30. The words 'the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n' are
spoken in Paradise Lost by
A. God
B. Beelzebub 71
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C. Adam
D. Satan
31. Dalit feminist Bama's autobiographical novel is
A. Karukku
B. Sangati
C. Vanmam
D. Kusumbukkaran

32. Khalid Hosseini's novel, The Kite Runner, is set in

A. Iran
B. Afghanistan
C. Bangladesh
D. India

33. A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another' is

A. mesode
B. a metonymy
C. metanoia
D. a metaphor

34. The name of Jacques Derrida is associated with the theory of

A. Ecocriticism
B. Feminism
C. Deconstruction.
D. Postcolonialism

35. 1947 Earth is a film adaptation of Bapsi Sidhwa's novel

A. The Crow Eaters.
B. The Pakistani Bride
C. Ice-Candy-Man
D. An American Brat

36. Baxter Dawes is a character in

A. Sons and Lovers
B. Great Expectations
C. Hard Times
D. Jude the Obscure 72
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37. The Russian classic, Anna Karenina, was written by

A. Alexander Pushkin
B. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Nikolai Gogol

38. Most bhajans of Mirabai, India's 16th century mystic poet, are dedicated to
A. Lord Shiva
B. Lord Rama
C. Lord Krishna
D. Goddess Bhagavathi

39. When Samuel Johnson wrote 'The most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together, he
was referring
A. Elizabethans
B. Metaphysicals
C. Augustans
D. Romantics

40. The Bollywood film Haider is a modern-day adaptation of Shakespeare's

A. The Tempest
B. Hamlet
C. King Lear
D. Othello

1. Write an essay of not more than 500 words critiquing any one of the topics given below:

A. "The white man, however intelligent he may be, is incapable of understanding Louis
Armstrong or songs from the Congo' – Frantz Fanon 73
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B. Drama lies in the extreme exaggeration of the feelings, an exaggeration that dislocates
everyday reality-Eugene Ionescu c. 'Poetry is a criticism of life' -- Matthew Arnold

2. Write a reflective essay of not more than 500 words on any one of the topics given below:
A. The Victorian novelists
B. Shakespearean drama
C. Modern poetry

Answer Key:2016

Qs. No Answer Qs. No Answer Qs. No Answer Qs. No Answer

1 A 11 B 21 C 31 A

2 C 12 C 22 A 32 B

3 B 13 D 23 D 33 D

4 B 14 B 24 C 34 C

5 C 15 D 25 A 35 C

6 D 16 A 26 B 36 A

7 C 17 D 27 D 37 C

8 D 18 B 28 B 38 C

9 A 19 D 29 B 39 B

10 A 20 B 30 D 40 B

PART B: Descriptive Answers 74
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Aligarh University Entrance examination 2019-2020

1. The avant-garde writers are those who:
A. are committed to the established order
B. represent themselves as alienated from the established order
C. are moralists
D. are associated with the 'Art for Art's Sake' movement.

2. Keats was introduced to Chapman's Homer by:

A. Charles Cowder Clarke
B. John Reynolds
C. Richard Abbey
D. Leigh Hunt

3. "The western wave was all a-flame/The day was well-nigh done!" western wave in fie sentence
is an example of:
A. pathetic fallacy
B. allusion
C. synecdoche
D. hyperbole

4. The first audiences for the epics were:

A. the priests
B. the listeners
C. the worshippers
D. the adventurers

5. Lamb in his essay The Praise of Chimney Sweepers describes the sweeps as:
A. helpless larks
B. sooty robins
C. young sparrows
D. little black ducks

6. The concept of 'negritude' is associated with: 75
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A. Aime Cesaire
B. Homi Bhabha
C. Franz Fanon
D. Edward Said
7. The Holy Sonnets were written by:
A. Edmund Spenser
B. John Donne
C. William Shakespeare
D. John Milton

8. Mimesis is a Greek word usually translated as:

A. imitation.
B. praise
C. criticism
D. flattery.

9. The line "An essay is a thing which someone does himself "is attributed to:
A. Bacon
B. Addison
C. Benson
D. Lamb

10. ___is a poem or statement either actually inscribed on a gravestone or written as if it were so
A. An elegy
B. An epitaph
C. An emblem
D. An epithet

11. The expression "murderous innocence" is an example

A. oxymoron
B. zeugma
C. chiasmus
D. pun

12. Who is the writer of the following lines" "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen/And
waste its sweetness on the desert air"
A. Milton 76
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B. be Gray
C. Blake
D. Burns

13. The thyme scheme in a Petrarchan sonnet is:

D. Both (a) and (c)

14. On being arrested for his 'Quit India' Movement Mahatma Gandhi was detained at:
A. Yeravada Jail
B. Byculla Prison
C. Agha Khan Palace
D. Ahmedabad Prison

15. Which of the following can be associated with the dissolution of grand narratives?
A. Neoclassicism
B. Romanticism
C. Modernism
D. Postmodernism

16. The idiom 'break a leg' refers to:

A. bad luck
B. good luck
C. injury
D. fracture

17. From which of the following Greek poets does the poem Shield of Achilles borrow its theme?
A. Homer
B. Euripides
C. Aristophanes
D. Sophocles

18. The Puritans shut down all theatres in England in:

A. 1660
B. 1642
C. 1659 77
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D. 1640

19. "My Spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!" is a line from:

A. To a Skylark
B. Ode to the West Wind
C. Ode to Autumn
D. Lines Written in Early Spring

20. The term peripeteia means:

A. a mistaken choice of action.
B. discovery of facts hitherto unknown to the hero.
C. mistake in judgment.
D. reversal in the hero's fortune from happiness to disaster.

21. Which of the following is called the "Decade of Decadence"?

A. 1890s
B. 1920s
C. 1880s
D. 1910s

22. The acting company called "The King's Men' that William Shakespeare was associated with,
was earlier known as:
A. The Queen's Troupe.
B. The Lord Chamberlain's Men.
C. Stratford Theatre.
D. The London Theatre.

23. Shakespeare's First Folio appeared in:

A. 1621
B. 1623
C. 1633
D. 1634

24. Who called Shakespeare, "an upstart crow beautified with our feathers"?
A. Greene
B. Marlowe
C. Spenser
D. Marston 78
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25. In Browning's My Last Duchess, the Duke admits he lacks an essential skill '(which I have not)'.
He is referring to the:
A. skill of taming a sea-horse.
B. skill of courtship.
C. skill of governance.
D. skill of speech.

26. The second voice in Milton's Lycidas is that of:

A. the pilot.
B. the poet.
C. the uncouth swain.
D. Lycidas.

27. The term "curtal sonnet" is associated with:

A. William Shakespeare
B. Edmund Spenser
C. William Blake
D. G.M. Hopkins

28. In which of the following novelists do we find the concept of "Immanent Will"?
A. Jane Austen
B. Thomas Hardy.
C. Virginia Woolf
D. E M Forster

29. Complete the following line: 'They also serve........ ’

A. who but stand and wait
B. who always stand and wait
C. who stand and wait
D. who only stand and wait

30. In Manto's story Toba Tek Singh, Toba Tek Singh is the name of
A. a person.
B. a pet animal.
C. a village.
D. a language. 79
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31. Which of the following is NOT a play by George Bernard Shaw?

A. Arms and the Man

B. Candida
C. The Philanderer
D. The Skin Game

32. "Poetic Justice" aims at:

A. punishing evil.
B. rewarding good.
C. rewarding virtue and punishing evils
D. moderating between good and evil.

33. Stands against the manner of judging all literature by a single, supposedly universal
A. Marxist Criticism
B. Hermeneutics
C. Postcolonial Criticism
D. Ecocriticism

34. In the play All My Sons, which is the only part of the paper that Joe Keller reads?
A. The Sports section.
B. The World news.
C. The Obituaries.
D. The Want ads.

35. A person is said to be 'on tenterhooks' when he/she is:

A. worried or nervous
B. excited
C. auspicious
D. very angry

36. Which of the following characters in A Passage to India strongly depicts the exploitation of the
natives by the colonizers?
A. Dr. Aziz
B. Ronny Heaslop
C. Adela Quested
D. Mrs. Moore 80
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37. The line "We were the last romantics" appears in a poem by:

A. A.C. Swinburne
B. John Keats
C. Lord Byron
D. W.B. Yeats

38. The term used in twentieth-century literary criticism to describe the problem inherent in trying
to judge a work of art by assuming the purpose of the artist who created it is:
A. pathetic fallacy
B. intentional fallacy
C. caconym
D. catachresis

39. Who has claimed that the 'the unconscious is structured like a language?
A. Lacan
B. Freud
C. Saussure
D. Jung

40. Who requested Coleridge to get Kubla Khan published?

A. Wordsworth
B. Byron
C. Shelley
D. Southey

41. Which of the following is wrongly matched?

A. Aesthetics-the study of artistic perception
B. Ethics-human character
C. Ontology-the question of being
D. Epistemology-study of body and its ailment

42. The meaning of angst is:

A. Anxiety
B. Anger
C. Shame
D. Sorrow 81
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43. He ‘Oedipus complex' is a term first used by:

A. Freud
B. Lacan
C. Jung
D. Rank

44. The concept of "interpellation" is associated with the work of:

A. a Michel Foucault
B. Louis Althusser
C. Roland Barthes
D. Gilles Deleuze

45. Which of the following is not a correct pattern of collocation?

A. sour tears
B. fertile land
C. crash decision
D. intermittent rain

46. Which of the following is not true of Marxist Criticism?

A. A society's literature and art are not a reflection of its economic and class base, arrangement.
B. Literature should be evaluated in terms of its effectiveness as a weapon of class struggle
C. Marx and Engels had a great influence on this criticism struggle.
D. Theodore Adorno and George Lukacs are two important Marxist critics of the twentieth

47. The Story of My Experiments with Truth, an autobiography of M. K. Gandhi was originally
written in:
A. Hindi
B. English
C. Gujarati
D. Marathi

48. Religious controversies in England during the 15th century led to the development of:
A. naval power
B. English dictionaries
C. Academics
D. English prose 82
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49. Who used the term 'sardoodledom' epitomizing decadence and mindlessness of the late
nineteenth century theatre?
A. G. B. Shaw
B. Victorien Sardou
C. Oscar Wilde
D. Eugene Scribe
50. Which of the following statement is NOT true of Raja Rao's Kanthapura?
A. The novel explores Gandhian philosophy of truth, non-violence, and sacrifice.
B. The novel uses ancient Puranic method of storytelling.
C. The narrator is a goddess called Kenchamma
D. The novel exposes a social hierarchy in pre-independent India.

51. To "face the music" means:

A. to be finished
B. to feel sorry
C. to accept criticism
D. to listen to music
52. A faithful translation:
A. conveys the author's original intention.
B. extends beyond the source text.
C. focusses on style in translation.
D. transcreates the original text.
53. Who said about Oliver Goldsmith that he "wrote like an angel, and talked like Poor Poll"?
A. Horace Walpole
B. David Garrick
C. Dr. Samuel Johnson
D. Richard Sheridan
54. Which of the following is NOT a paralinguistic feature?
A. Sound
B. Intonation
C. Pitch
D. Stress
55. Complete the following proverb: "Discretion is the part of:
A. wisdom
B. bravery
C. valour
D. chivalry 83
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56. The 'carnivalesque' mode subverts and destabilizes power structures through:
A. order and harmony.
B. humour and chaos.
C. prayer and blessing.
D. literary concepts and discussions.

57. Match the word noctambulant with its correct definition:

A. walking in one's sleep
B. shining at night
C. one who stays up late at night
D. bewildered

58. The synonym of moiety is:

A. missive
B. panacea
C. share
D. recourse

59. Who among the following is not associated with Reader Response Criticism?
A. Hans Robert Jauss
B. Wolfgang Iser
C. Stephen Greenblatt
D. Stanley B. Fish

60. Pick out the closest meaning to the underlined word in the given sentence: He barged into the
A. entered forcefully.
B. used a boat.
C. broke the door.
D. sauntered into the room.

61. The syntactic study of language means:

A. the study of phrases, clauses and sentences.
B. the study of the elementary speech sounds.
C. the study of the meaning in language.
D. the study of the ordering of speech sounds into the smallest meaningful groups. 84
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62. Modern English has emerged from:

A. the South Midland dialect
B. the East Midland dialect
C. the French language
D. the Latin language.

63. Cricket fans tend to defenestrate their icons when they lose matches. The underlined word
means that they:
A. hate
B. throw out of the window
C. abuse
D. harass

64. A figure of speech wherein a part of something represents the whole is called.
A. Synecdoche
B. Epigram
C. Transferred epithet
D. Metonymy

65. The postscript the letter says that he will be on leave from tomorrow.
A. of,
B. to
C. in
D. through

66. I ran fast, still I could not catch the train. The underlined co-ordinating conjunction in
A. Cumulative
B. Disjunctive
C. Adversative
D. Illative

67. Find the pair which is NOT an example of meronymy:

A. bottle/water
B. The President/The White House
C. can/juice
D. cat/date. 85
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68. Which of the following should not be present in a business letter

A. the name of the firm
B. personal opening salutation
C. business jargon
D. courteous leave taking

69. Identify the correct sentence:

A. He is believed to have betrayed by one of his friend.
B. He believed to have been betrayed by one of his friends.
C. He is believed to has been betrayed by one of his friends.
D. He is believed to have been betrayed by one of his friends.

70. The name of the hero of Okara's novel The Voice means:
A. dignity
B. beauty
C. power
D. voice

Answer key:2019-2020


1 B 26 C 51 C

2 A 27 D 52 A

3 C 28 B 53 B

4 A 29 D 54 A

5 C 30 C 55 C

6 C 31 D 56 B

7 B 32 C 57 A

8 A 33 B 58 C

9 C 34 D 59 C

10 B 35 A 60 A

11 A 36 B 61 A 86
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12 B 37 D 62 B

13 C 38 B 63 B

14 C 39 A 64 A

15 D 40 B 65 B

16 B 41 D 66 C

17 A 42 A 67 D

18 B 43 A 68 C

19 B 44 B 69 D

20 D 45 A 70 D

21 A 46 A

22 B 47 C

23 B 48 D

24 A 49 A

25 D 50 C 87
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Aligarh University Entrance examination 2018-2019

1. The keywords of the French Revolution were

A. Authenticity, egalitarianism, liberty
B. Liberty, equality, fraternity
C. Liberty, humanity, morality
D. Equality, humanity, liberty

2. Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughter'd saints, whose bones Lie scatter'd on the Alpine mountains cold;
The above lines have been taken from
A. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
B. The Tyger
C. On the Late Massacre in Piedmont
D. When in the Chronicles of Wasted Time

3. Who called Spencer, "the poet's poet"

A. Bacon
B. Johnson
C. Lamb
D. Arnold

4.‘O Wind, /If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" is an example of
A. Periphrasis
B. Paradox
C. Oxymoron
D. Rhetorical question

5. Who among the following wrote in Scottish dialect?

A. Robert Browning
B. Robert Burn
C. William Cowper
D. Thomas Percy

6. Who among the following heard "the still sad music of humanity"?
A. Hardy
B. Arnold
C. Tennyson
D. Wordsworth 88
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7. In Ode to the West Wind the Wild West Wind is related to which of the following seasons?

A. Autumn
B. Summer
C. Spring
D. Winter

8. The expression "ancestral voices prophesying war" occurs in

A. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
B. Kubla Khan
C. On the Late Massacre in Piedmont
D. On the Castle of Chillon.

9. Identify the poem which does not belong to the series of the Lucy Poems.
A. I travelled among Unknown Man
B. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal the Unknown Men
C. Lucy Gray
D. Three Years She Grew in Sun and Shower

10. Moral Essays by. ...... are written in verse, as an exception.

A. Alexander Pope
B. Locke
C. Bacon
D. Daniel Defoe

11. Which of the writer-writing combination is incorrect?

A. Cicero - De Senectute
B. Sir Thomas Browne- Religio Medici
C. Montaigne-Urn-Burial
D. Addition-Spectator Papers

12. One short sleep past, we wake eternally And death shall be no more, Death, thou shalt die. The
above lines are an example of
A. Antithesis
B. Paradox
C. Mixed metaphor
D. Allusion 89
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13. Who among the following does not belong to The Graveyard School of Poets?

A. Thomas Gray
B. John Keats
C. Thomas Parnell
D. William Blake

14. Which is not true about the tragedy "Strafford" (1837)

A. It is a Victorian tragedy.
B. It is written in blank verse.
C. Browning is the author of this work.
D. This actually was Shakespeare's unpublished work.

15. Listen! You hear the grating roar" is an example of

A. Metaphor
B. Personification
C. Pathos
D. Onomatopoeia

16. By ‘negative capability' Keats means:

A. An aesthetic distance maintained by the author
B. A personal involvement by the author.
C. Both A and B are correct.
D. Neither A nor B is correct

17. "First Impressions was the original title of -

A. Sense and sensibility
B. Pride and Prejudice
C. Emma
D. Persuasion

18. The title of Thomas Hardy's novel 'Far from the Madding Crowd’ is taken from
A. Paradise Lost
B. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
C. As You Like It
D. Canterbury Tales 90
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19. Hardy's The Return of the Native' describes a mummer's play. Who is a 'mummer’?

A. A ballad singer
B. An actor who uses a sign language
C. A masked actor
D. A dancer

20. The Bennet family of Pride and Prejudice lives in the village of
A. Pemberley
B. Rosings
C. London
D. Loogbourn

21. Which literary period is best defined by "Man is the measure of all things"?
A. Romantic
B. Victorian
C. Modern
D. Renaissance

22. Which character in As You Like It addresses the audience directly at the end of the play?
A. Touchstone:
B. Rosalind
C. Jaques
D. Duke Senior

23. Shakespeare's Macbeth can be labelled as

A. A poetic tragedy
B. A tragedy of character.
C. A tragedy of moral order
D. All of the above

24. Who discovers Duncan's body in Macbeth?

A. Lennox
B. Ross
C. Donalbain
D. Macduff 91
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25. Which of the thinker-concept pairs is rightly matched?

A. Stanley Fish: Reader Response.

B. Jacques Derrida: New Historicism
C. Northrop Frye, Practical Criticism
D. IA Richards: Archetypal Criticism

26. 'An Apology for Poetry’ by Sir Philip Sidney is a rejoinder to

A. Stephen Gosson's The School of Abuse
B. Leslie Stephen's An Agnostic's Apology
C. Plato's Republic
D. Thomas Love Peacock's The Four Ages of Poetry

27. Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer was a reaction to

A. Drama of sensibility
B. Sentimental drama
C. The 'spurious' breed of tragi-comedy as he called it
D. All of the above

28. ______________is a British cultural movement that developed in the late 1950s and early
1960s theatre, art, novel, film, and television plays whose protagonists usually could be
described as 'angry young men' who were disillusioned with modern society.
A. Romanticism
B. Kitchen Sink Realism.
C. Avant-garde
D. Beat Movement

29. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

A. Alice Walker: The Color Purple
B. Tennessee William: The Glass Menagerie
C. Amos Tutuola: The Sea of Poppies
D. Jane Austen: Persuasion

30. "Beowulf, the Old English epic comes to us through which of the following manuscripts?
A. Vitellins A XV
B. Otho A VI
C. Tiberius BI 92
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D. MS Junius II
31. Middle English was based on
A. Scottish English
B. London Dialect
C. Northern English dialects
D. West Country dialects

32. In which of the following forms did Jane Austen initially write Sense and Sensibility?
A. A series of letters
B. An epic form
C. A comedy
D. A tragedy

33. Which statement is not correct about 'Defamiliarization"?

A. It is 'making strange' the everyday perception.
B. It renews the reader's lost capacity for sensation.
C. It is not a deviation from ordinary language
D. It disrupts the modes of ordinary linguistic discourse

34. To which branch of languages does the English language belong?

A. Germanic
B. Celtic
C. Hellenic
D. Balto-Slavic

35. E. M. Forster used some recurrent images in A Passage to India. Which of the following images
he didn’t use?
A. Wasp
B. Thunder
C. Stone
D. Echo

36. Which of the following is not true about polyphony?

A. It was rooted in the work of a specific novelist.
B. It was a concept developed by Mikhail Bakhtin.
C. It literally means many voices.
D. It is independent of Bakhtin's concept of dialogism. 93
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37. The term 'collective unconscious’ has been coined by:

A. Carl Jung
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Ernest Jones
D. Eric Ericson

38. 'The Laugh of Medusa', a staple of feminist criticism that has given "a call to arms, urging
women to reclaim their bodies and by extension, their desires and identities through writing" has
been written by –
A. Elaine Showalter
B. Helene Cixous
C. Julia Kristeva
D. Eve Sedgewick

39. Who gave the concept of "interpellation?

A. Karl Marx
B. Louis Althusser
C. Walter Benjamin
D. Antonio Gramsci

40. Coetzee's Foe is an example of

A. Metanarrative
B. Autobiography
C. Dramatic monologue
D. Pulp-fiction

41. Robinson Crusoe, the narrator in Robinson Crusoe, says that his surname is
A. Coetzee
B. Kreutznaer
C. Cooper
D. Campbell

42. Which of the following poems is the best expression of the growing skepticism of the mid-
Victorian period?
A. My Last Duchess
B. Ulysses 94
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C. Dover Beach
D. The Blessed
43. Which of the following is not a dramatic monologue?
A. My Last Duchess
B. To His Coy Mistress
C. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
D. Charge of the Light brigade

44. The title A Farewell to Arms is derived from a poem by

A. William Shakespeare
B. Christopher Marlowe
C. Ben Jonson
D. George Peele

45. Who is a lawyer for Dr. Aziz in A Passage to India?

A. Gulab Rau
B. Amrit Rao
C. Narasimha Rao
D. Rama Rao

46. Who introduced the concept of "interpretive community?

A. Stanley Fish
B. Jonathan Culler
C. Wolfgang Iser
D. Harold Bloom

47. Choose the option that correctly matches I and II 95
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A. a-4 b-1 c-3 d-2

B. a-3 b-1 c-4 d-2
C. a-1 b-3 c-4 d-2
D. a-3 b-4 c-2 d-1

48. Who says, "What glory is there in killing wretched fugitives?

A. Raina in Arms and the Man
B. Sergius in Arms and the Man
C. Joe Keller All My Sons
D. Kate Keller All My Sons

49. George Deever is a character from

A. Sense and Sensibility
B. The Return of the Native
C. A Passage to India
D. All My Sons

50. A focus on "word on the page" is a central tenet of

A. Structuralism
B. New Criticism
C. Archetypal Criticism
D. Psychoanalysis

51. Who among the following authors does not belong to postmodernism?
A. Jacques Derrida
B. Fredric Jameson
C. Georg Lukacs
D. Jean-Francois Lyotard

52. Homi K Bhabha takes his idea of 'dehoming' from a novel by

A. Rohinton Mistry
B. Vikram Seth
C. Jhumpa Lahiri
D. V.S. Naipaul 96
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52. Give the synonym for 'reprehensible.

A. morally wrong and deserving criticism
B. Incomprehensible
C. Unpredictable
D. Oppressive

54. The meaning of the idiom 'to pull together’

A. cooperate
B. repair
C. tie up
D. go along

55. "Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing'. The idiom in this sentence means
A. dangerous
B. haughty
C. hypocrite
D. dramatic

56. He is a real snake. In this sentence 'snake' is

A. simile
B. metaphor
C. symbol
D. conceit

57. Between bending down standing up, he stole a glance at his neighbour's door.

A. and
B. to
C. from
D. into 97
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58. What is opposite in meaning to 'devil-may-care"?

A. careless
B. listless
C. worried
D. easy going

59. "The capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions is
A. Perspicacity
B. Tenacity
C. Profundity
D. Audacity

60. An excessively lengthy and complex argument is described as:

A. pithy
B. tortuous
C. terse
D. crisp

61. The story has a fiendishly clever structure. In this sentence the underlined word means
A. slightly
B. deliberately
C. extremely
D. unnecessarily

62. Choose the correct meaning of the proverb/idiom given below.

To play second fiddle'
A. To support the role of another person
B. To command another person from behind
C. To reduce the decision-making importance of someone
D. None of the above

63. She was deluged with congratulatory letters after her success. The underlined word means 98
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A. overwhelmed like a flood

B. overwhelmed with happiness
C. bombarded with
D. drenched

64. Find the correct synonym punctilious.

A. Meticulous
B. Casual
C. Final
D. Perfunctory

65. When a country witnesses’ agitation and excitement among its citizens, typically concerning
major change, it is:
A. in ferment
B. in stagnation
C. in disarray
D. in jeopardy

66. Pick the correct answer to replace the underlined phrase: The research study: an important one
and attempts to acquaint us with the problems of unemployment.
A. attempts at acquainting
B. attempts to acquainting
C. attempts in acquainting
D. attempts for acquainting

67. Pick the option which expresses the passive voice of the given sentence:
They greet me respectfully every evening.
A. Every evening I was greeted respectfully.
B. I am greeted respectfully by them every evening.
C. I am being greeted respectfully by them every day.
D. Respectfully I am greeted every evening.

68. It was Tyson's monumental punch----------the opponent--------

A. knocked; off
B. knocked; down
C. knocked; out 99
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D. knocked; over

69. The study of the meaning of words and of the combination of words in phrases, sentences and
larger linguistic units is called
A. semantics
B. syntax
C. phonetics
D. morphology

70. Which one of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

A. Neither of the men was very tall.
B. She returned back from Calcutta yesterday.
C. I know that boy to be he.
D. The majority is against any compromise.

Answer key:2018-2019
1 B 26 A 51 C
2 C 27 B 52 D
3 C 28 B 53 A
4 D 29 C 54 A
5 B 30 A 55 A
6 D 31 B 56 B
7 A 32 A 57 A
8 B 33 C 58 C
9 C 34 A 59 A
10 A 35 B 60 B
11 C 36 A 61 C
12 C 37 A 62 A
13 C 38 B 63 A
14 D 39 B 64 A
15 D 40 A 65 A
16 A 41 B 66 A
17 B 42 C 67 B
18 B 43 D 68 B
19 B 44 D 69 B
20 D 45 B 70 C
21 D 46 A
22 B 47 B 100
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23 B 48 A
24 D 49 D
25 A 50 B 101
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Aligarh University Entrance examination 2017-2018

Each of the following objective questions has four options. Indicate the most appropriate option
on the OMR Sheet provided to you. Use ONLY a ball point p for marking the answer. Selecting
more than one option for a question would result in Its being treated as a wrong answer even it
one of the choices is correct

1. is a type of writing designed to provoke the audience to simple, hearty laughter-

"belly laughs" in the parlance of the theatre.
A. Melodrama
B. Comedy
C. Fable
D. Farce

2. Tenor" and "vehicle" are part of a

A. noun
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. adjective

3. Which of the following books has not been written by Edward Said?

A. Culture and Imperialism

B. Orientalism
C. Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography
D. The Wretched of the Earth

4. Elegy is a form of:

A. Reflective poetry
B. Didactic poetry
C. Narrative poetry
D. Dramatic poetry

5. Which of the underlined words would not qualify as a pun

A. He was throwing his weight around.

B. He stamped so hard that the boundary broke.
C. The wind was singing softly in the trees.
D. All she needed was a lift to some better station. 102
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6. Which of the following author-book pairs is incorrect?

A. F.R. Leavis- The Great Tradition

B. James George Frazer-The Golden Bough.
C. E.M. Foster-Is Shakespeare Dead
D. Warren& Wellek-Theory of Literature

7. The rhyme scheme of a Spenserian stanza

A. abba, cbcb, cdcd, ee

B. abab, bccd, ccdd, ee
C. aabb, bcbc, ccdd, ee
D. abab, bcbc,

8. "Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike". Which figure of speech is used in this line?

A. Oxymoron
B. Assonance
C. Anti-thesis
D. Pun

9. ‘I have read all of Milton' is an example of:

A. Exaggeration
B. Metonymy
C. Metaphor
D. Synecdoche

10. Bacon's essays that follow a compact, condensed and epigrammatic style of writing come under
the rubric of:
A. Narrative essays
B. Descriptive essays
C. Persuasive essays
D. Aphoristic essays

11. Richard Steele was a member of the:

A. Royal Society of Sciences

B. Westminster Abbey
C. Trumpet Club 103
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D. Literary Club

12. In the short story, "The First Seven Years", the protagonist is:

A. The owner of the shop

B. A supplier
C. Helper
D. A business partner

13. In his essay "The Praise of Chimney Sweepers" Lamb says that the young chimney sweepers
A. Sassafras tea
B. China tea
C. Ginger tea
D. Jasmine tea

14. "Dry light is ever the best". This line is taken from:

A. "The Art of the Essayist"

B. "Meditations in Westminster Abbey"
C. "The Praise of Chimney Sweepers"
D. "Of Friendship"

15. Wordsworth describes nature as "...the anchor of my purest thoughts" in

A. The Prelude
B. "The Solitary Reaper"
C. Tintern Abbey
D. "Daffodils"

16. was an accomplished artist and poet of England.

A. John Milton
B. William Blake
C. Thomas Arnold
D. G.B. Shaw

17. Which among the following is a recurrent symbol in the novel, A Passage to India?

A. Sky
B. Flowers
C. Blood 104
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D. Green lights

18. In the first stanza of "Ode to Autumn" Keats discusses:

A. Allegorical qualities
B. Gathering swallows
C. Intimacy with the sun
D. Last oozing of the cider press

19. in body, and become a living soul: While with an eye made quiet by the power."

A. Tintern Abbey
B. The Prelude
C. "Daffodils"
D. Michael

20. Milton describes the corrupt and greedy clergy in Lycidas as:

A. Blind faces
B. Corrupt clergymen
C. Blind mouths
D. Corrupt politicians

21. Spenser's sonnet sequence Amoretti is addressed to

A. Elizabeth Boyle
B. Fanny Brawne
C. Queen Elizabeth
D. Mary Pavell

22. In which poem do the following lines appear? "How dull it is to pause, to make an end. To rust
unburnished, not to shine in use."
A. "Thyrsis"
B. "Prospice"
C. Ulysses
D. "Dover Beach"

23. What is the subtitle of Coleridge's Kubla Khan?

A. Fragment
B. A fragment 105
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C. The fragment
D. Fragments

24. Jane Austen's novels are popularly called:

A. Domestic novel
B. Social novels
C. Historical novels
D. None of the above

25. The heath dwellers consider Clym Yeobright in Return of the Native to be special because:

A. He is good looking
B. He has led a successful life in France
C. He loves music
D. He is skilled in manipulating spirits

26. “I have no wish to be grand or important, and I have every reason to hope I never shall be’’
The above statement from Austen's Sense and Sensibility is spoken by:
A. Willoughby
B. Edward Ferrars
C. Elinor
D. Brandon

27. Which of the following poems talks about a "deep romantic chasm" from which, "a mighty
fountain momently was forced"?
A. Tintern Abbey
B. "Ode to a Nightingale
C. Kubla Khan
D. "All for Love”

28. The novel titled The Trumpet Major has been authored by:

A. Jane Austen
B. Charlotte Bronte
C. Thomas Hardy
D. Mary Shelley

29. The metrical pattern of Blake's "The Tyger" has been compared to hammer strokes, akin to the
sounds of a metal forge. What is the technical name of the overreaching pattern? 106
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A. lambic tetrameter catalectic

B. Trochaic tetrameter catalectic
C. Trochaic trimeter hypermetric
D. Trochaic trimeter catalectic
30. Which word does Osborne use to describe Cliff?

A. Pusillanimous
B. Lethargic
C. Vivacious
D. Active

31. Everyman in His Humour was written by:

A. Christopher Marlowe
B. William Shakespeare
C. Webster
D. Ben Jonson

32. Which of the following poems is a 'curtal sonnet'?

A. "Journey of the Magi

B. "Pied Beauty"
C. "Seascape
D. "Among School Children"

33. " Apple pie order" refers to:

A. Order for baking

B. Packing of fruit apple
C. In perfect order
D. In total disorder

34. The dramatic movement to which Look Back in Anger belongs is:

A. Absurd theatre
B. Slapstick drama
C. Epic theatre
D. Kitchen sink drama

35. "I will arise and go now" in "Lake tale of Innisfree" is an allusion to a verse in:

A. A Shakespearean sonnet
B. A poem by Milton
C. Torah 107
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D. Bible

36. Which of the following critics is not an advocate of Reader-response criticism?

A. Stanley Fish
B. John Crowe Ransom
C. Norman Holland
D. Wolfgang Iser

37. Which of the following is not a form of interpretation?

A. Consecutive
B. Simultaneous
C. Both consecutive and simultaneous
D. None of the above

38. Which among the following works paved the way for feminist criticism?

A. Nostromo
B. From Ritual to Romance
C. A Room of One's Own
D. A Dance to the Music of Time

39. Which of the following author's novels, according to Bakhtin, are most remarkable for their
"dialogic" quality?
A. Dickens
B. Leo Tolstoy
C. F. Dostoevsky
D. Maxim Gorky

40. According to Formalists, the function of literary language is to:

A. convey the intention of the author

B. draw attention to itself
C. delight the reader
D. convey a message

41. What is the main geographical dichotomy in the novel A Farewell to Arms?

A. A contrast of land and sea 108
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B. A contrast of desert and wetlands

C. A contrast of cold climates and warm climates
D. A contrast of mountains and plains

42. Identify the correct spelling:

A. Commemmorate
B. Commemorate
C. Comemmorate
D. Comemorate

43. At the conclusion of the novel. Kanthapura, from Gandhi to

A. Subhash Chandra Bose

B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
C. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
D. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

44. The postcolonial term mimicry was coined by –

A. Edward Said
B. Homi K. Bhabha
C. Gayatri Spivak
D. Wolfgang Iser

45. Who proposed the term "cultural hegemony"?

A. Althusser
B. Marx
C. Raymond Williams
D. Gramsci

46. "O, for a life sensations rather than of thoughts!" is an expression used of by:

A. Wordsworth
B. Charles Lamb
C. Rousseau
D. John Keats

47. We cannot fight for love, as men do, we should be woo'd and we are not made to woo",
Midsummer Night's Dream?
Who speaks the above lines in A Midsummer Night’s Dream? 109
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A. Titania
B. Hippolyte
C. Helena
D. Hermia

48. And all you know, security Is mortals' greatest enemy."

The above lines are uttered by:

A. One of the three witches
B. Lady Macbeth
C. Banquo
D. Hecate

49. Hopkins' dark sonnets are also known as:

A. Terrible sonnets
B. War sonnets
C. cava sonnets
D. Melodious sonnets

50. The poetry of Wordsworth reflects:

A. Optimism
B. Scientific traditions
C. Colonial issues
D. Original philosophy

51. The economy touches every of our lives

A. Aspect
B. Division
C. Place
D. Field

52. The term orthography means:

A. Modem language systems

B. Handwritten form of language
C. The conventional writing system of a language
D. None of the above

53. The regional varieties of language are known as: 110
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A. Dialects
B. Registers
C. Creoles
D. None of the above

54. The synonym of "pusillanimous" is

A. Abhorrent
B. Timid
C. Bellicose
D. Peevish

55. "1 suspect the government is deliberately slow to address the issue of unemployment. Which the
following best replaces the underlined phrase?
A. Dragging its heels
B. Taking to its heels
C. Kicking its heels
D. Digging its heels

56. Pick from the following the word that best collocates with "weather:

A. Erroneous
B. Egregious
C. Ephemeral
D. Erratic

57. Irrational suspicion and mistrust of others is called:

A. Claustrophobia
B. Paranoia
C. Kleptomania
D. Pyromania

58. A stenographer is a person who:

A. Transcribes speech
B. Makes dictionaries
C. Compiles Bibles
D. Prints texts

59. The change of pitch of voice is called: 111
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A. Stress
B. Pause
C. Rhythm
D. Intonation

60. Epode occurs in:

A. Ode
B. Lyric
C. Ballad
D. Elegy

61. With which of the following writers is "the code hero" associated?

A. Ernest Hemingway
B. Mulk Raj Anand
C. E.M. Forster
D. Graham Greene

62. Choose the correct antonym for the underlined word in the following sentence:

Perspicuity in expression is an essential quality of a good orator.

A. Frankness
B. Bluntness
C. Obscurity
D. Clarity

63. A baker's dozen is:

A. Ten
B. Eleven
C. Twelve
D. Thirteen

64. The antonym of "unkempt" is:

A. Spruce
B. Sloppy
C. Slovenly.
D. Sluttish 112
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65. Who made the shield in the poem The Shield of Achilles?

A. Thetis
B. Hephaestus
C. Peleus
D. Achilles

66. "On the Greek calends" means:

A. The decisive battle

B. The old calendar
C. A time which is sure to arrive
D. A time which is never expected to arrive

67. Which of the following minor characters does not belong to the novel The Return of the Native?

A. Grandfer Cantle
B. Charley
C. Timchy Fairway
D. Captain Andrew

68. The proverb, "A picture paints a thousand words" means:

A. Words are easier to understand than pictures

B. A picture should be described in a thousand words
C. A picture can tell a story as well as a long text
D. A picture with words is easy to understand

69. A persona non grata moans:

A. A foreigner whose entry or stay is prohibited by the government

B. A highly ungrateful person
C. A person whose favours are forgotten
D. A foreigner whose entry and stay are permitted by the government of that country

70. "Syntax" is a study of:

A. Speech sounds
B. Syllables
C. Sequence of words
D. Meaning of words 113
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Answer key 2017-2018


1 D 26 B 51 A
2 B 27 C 52 C
3 D 28 C 53 A
4 A 29 B 54 B
5 C 30 B 55 A
6 C 31 D 56 D
7 D 32 B 57 B
8 C 33 C 58 A
9 B 34 D 59 D
10 D 35 D 60 A
11 C 36 B 61 A
12 A 37 D 62 D
13 A 38 C 63 D
14 D 39 C 64 A
15 C 40 B 65 B
16 B 41 D 66 D
17 A 42 B 67 D
18 C 43 B 68 D
19 A 44 B 69 A
20 C 45 D 70 C
21 A 46 D
22 C 47 C
23 B 48 D
24 A 49 A
25 B 50 A 114
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Aligarh University Entrance examination 2016-2017

Each of the following objective questions has four options. Indicate the most appropriate option
on the OMR Sheet provided to you, Use ONLY a ball point pen for marking the answer.
Selecting more than one option for a question would result in its being treated as a wrong
answer even if one of the choices is correct.
1. The word 'squad' rhymes with...
A. wad
B. had
C. red
D. raid

2. The two vowel sounds in the word 'critique' are

A. / I/ and /J:/
B. /l/ and /1/
C. / I:/ and /J:/
D. /l/ and /e/

3. The opposite of rectitude is

A. Self-condemnation.
B. Deceitfulness
C. Reprisal
D. Punctuality

4. "She writes a fine hand" is an example of

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Metonymy
D. Personification

5. Identify the option closest in meaning to the word 'umbrage'

A. Happiness
B. Offence
C. Sorrow
D. Shock

6. The poet who the transition from the Romantic to the Victorian Age was Lord
A. affected
B. effected
C. caused to effect
D. ushered 115
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7. "Stone walls do not a prison ’’

A. Construe
B. Comprise
C. Accrue
D. Make

8. The boy tried to avoid meeting the garrulous old lady. (Select the option closest in meaning to
the underlined word.)
A. Curt
B. Talkative
C. Brusque
D. Terse

9. No man is a/an ------ (Complete the proverb by choosing the right option.)
A. Island
B. Individual
C. Type
D. Friend

10. As soon as the Chairperson or his secretary in, let me know.

A. Comes
B. Come
C. Came
D. Will come

11. Which of the following is the singular form?

A. Criteria
B. Alumnae
C. Phenomenon
D. Alumni

12. if a speech is full of pompous words it is

A. Verbose
B. Bombastic
C. Grandiose
D. Grandiloquent 116
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13. Which of the following spellings is correct?

A. Pneumonia
B. Numonia
C. Neumonia
D. Pneumonia

14. He is the brightest the three brothers.

A. to
B. from
C. in
D. of

15. In the following groups of synonyms, one is incorrect. Identify-

A. Courage, bravery, gallantry, fortitude
B. Aversion, antipathy, hatred, repugnance
C. Avow, acknowledge, confess, allow
D. Famous, illustrious, notorious, renowned

16. A person who knows many languages is called a

A. polyglot
B. linguist
C. grammarian
D. bilingual

17. The expression 'kick the bucket' means-

A. to kick someone hard
B. to criticize severely
C. to come out of a situation after a long struggle
D. to die

18. Having lived a life for forty years he is not able to take any independent decisions.
A. happy
B. cloistered
C. successful
D. safe 117
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19. ‘Reading between the lines' means

A. reading slowly and haltingly
B. understanding someone's real feelings or intentions from what they say or writ
C. understanding the meaning of words and not the sense
D. reading superficially

20. A rolling stone gathers no moss' Here the word 'rolling' is a:

A. Gerund
B. Participle
C. Both participle and gerund
D. Neither participle nor gerund

21. ……his friends speaks any English.

A. Neither of
B. Both of
C. Many of
D. All of

22. Many immigrants now agree that at they ------- their traditions and cultures when they first
settled in America.
A. shouldn’t have lost
B. may not have lost.
C. needn't lose
D. might not lose

23. The roots of the old tree spread out ...... thirty meters in all directions and damaged the nearby
A. too much
B. as much as
C. so many as
D. so much

24. A bolt from the blue' means:

A. a flash of lightning 118
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B. to move very fast

C. a cloudy sky
D. something completely unexpected
25. Had I known the carpenter we going to take three days to show up, I ---------- the material and
done the work myself. It would have been finished by now.
A. will got
B. would have gotten
C. might got
D. will have gotten

Answer Key: 2016-2017

QS. NO Answer QS. NO Answer

1 A 14 D

2 A 15 D

3 B 16 A

4 C 17 D

5 B 18 B

6 C 19 B

7 D 20 B

8 B 21 A

9A A 22 B

10 A 23 B

11 C 24 D

12 D 25 B

13 A,D 119
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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2020

1. In the sentence, "Heads of institutions, like most modern bosses, are perforce canny Diplomats"
the underlined word is --------- ,

A. An adjective
B. A proverb
C. A preposition
D. An adverb

2. What does one mean by "play to the gallery"?

A. To behave in a way intended to make people admire or support one .

B. To behave in a way intended to make people question or discourage one
C. To behave in a way intended to make people jealous of one another
D. To behave in a way intended to make people see one's painting skills

3. After ---------- reading on the subject she set to work on an article.

A. Excessive
B. Expensive
C. Extensive
D. Exercised

4. Someone in the hot seat _______.

A. Is in deep trouble at office or home

B. Cannot pick one answer from some ambiguous options
C. Will be running a high temperature
D. Is responsible for taking crucial and difficult decisions

5. Which of the following sentences, made with dilemma in order to bring out its meaning Clearly,
is correct?

A. Although I find both choices good, I cannot proceed with such dilemma in my mind.
B. With such good choices before me, I am in a dilemma which one to choose.
C. Although I find both choices good, I am not able to handle such dilemma in my mind.
D. With such choosing before me, I am at some dilemma which one to choose.

6. Which of the following is correct?

A. It's a new book. Its cover page is so innovative.

B. Its a new book. It's cover page is so innovative. 120
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C. Its a new book. Its cover page is so innovative.

D. It's a new hook. It's cover page is so innovative.

7. Pick the right option and fill in the blank:

I sat ---------- a researcher during the conference. She told me that one must refer to Scholarly
journals -------- books to he a good researcher.

A. Beside, besides
B. Besides, beside
C. Beside, beside
D. Besides, besides

8. Which of the following pairs is correct?

A. I saw her today morning. She is leaving today night.

B. I saw her today morning. She is leaving tonight.
C. I saw her this morning. She is leaving tonight.
D. I saw her this morning. She is leaving today night.

9. We look forward ----------them soon.

A. A to meet
B. For meeting
C. To meeting
D. To meet up

10. Identify the underlined part of this sentence: "Waiting for his friend, he fell asleep"

A. Infinitive
B. Intransitive Verb
C. Transitive Verb
D. Gerund

11. Some parts of the city are terribly overcrowded while others are -------- --.

A. Fairly thin
B. Mostly scarce
C. Relatively empty
D. Just open 121
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12. Fill in the blanks with the correct articles:

We phoned for -------- taxi. -------- taxi was late. On -------- way to --------- airport,

There was -------- traffic jam on ------- highway. Because of--------- traffic jam we

Arrived at -------- airport late, --------- flight to ---------- Netherlands left at quarter

Past three,

A. A-the-a-the-a-the-a-the-a-the
B. A-the-the-the-a-the-the-the-the-the
C. The-the-a-a-a-the-a-the-a-the
D. The-a-the-the-the-a-the-the-the-a

13. When does one "put the cart before the horse"?

A. When the cart cannot be harnessed to the horse.

B. B When one does things in a wrong or illogical manner.
C. When one is in a hurry to somehow finish a difficult job.
D. When either the cart or the horse is not available.

14. What difference in meaning is suggested by mandatary and mandatory?

A. The first means a person or state receiving a mandate; the second means obliged or required
By law to act according to a mandate.

B. No difference; the spellings are interchangeable.

C. The first means obliged or required by law to act according to a mandate; the second means a
Person or state receiving a mandate.

D. The first is a commonly spotted spelling error for the latter.

15. When a person says that the news he/she brings is straight from the horse's mouth, what it
Means is that . -------- --.

A. The news is trustworthy because it is from the most direct source

B. The news is rather dubious owing to its dubious provenance
C. The news is untrustworthy because it is from a reliable human being
D. The news can be believed but not the person who brings it 122
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16. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the options .

Prejudice remains deeply -------- in many organizations.

A. informed
B. Inherent
C. inherited
D. ingrained

17. Identify the correct sentence from among the following:

A. A She liked to spend Saturday afternoons shopping.

B. She liked to spend Saturday afternoons for shopping.
C. She liked spending Saturday afternoons to shop.
D. She liked spending Saturday afternoons shopping.

18. Some of these people may need round-the-clock attention but they do not necessarily -------- to
be in hospital.

A. Desire
B. Claim
C. Crave
D. Need.

19. In these wards, it is not unusual to find some people who have ------------- pneumonia, others

Who have just ----------- a cold, but a few others who ------------ with bronchitis.

A. Contracted, caught, have gone down

B. Caught, contracted, have gone down
C. Have gone down, contracted, caught
D. Caught, have gone down, contracted

20. When we say that there is no point beating a dead horse, what we mean is that

A. We need to care for animals and follow PETA guidelines in disposing of the carcasses of

B. There is no point continuing an act or carrying on a discussion because no amount of action

or discussion is going to change a given situation or· improve things.

C. There is no point continuing an act or carrying on a discussion the same way we have
because an altered strategy or tactful dealing might help improve things. 123
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D. Nothing matters in our society but the way we treat dead animals like the most serviceable

21. "The unexpected electoral defeat was a blushing crow for the incumbent candidate". The
Underlined phrase in this sentence is an example of

A. A euphemism
B. An inversion
C. A spoonerism
D. A malapropism

22. What would be the best way of combining these two sentences?

He was really unhappy in his job and in the city.

He quit and went away from the city.

A. He was really unhappy in his job and city because he quit and went away.
B. Since he was really unhappy in his job and city, he quit and went away.
C. Though really unhappy in his job and city, he quit and went away.
D. Being really unhappy in his job and city, therefore he quit and went away.

23. Fill in the blanks with anything, anybody, nobody, nothing, or something where necessary. My
friends and I did not meet ------------ distinguished in Bollywood. Nor could we buy ---------
Special at the Marine Drive. Worse, there was ------------ to help us around during our Week-long
stay in Mumbai.

A. Nobody, anything, anybody

B. Nothing, anybody, something
C. Anybody, anything, nobody
D. Something. Anything, anybody

24. Which of the following words is nearest in meaning to the underlined one in the sentence? The
director called for optimal utilization of manpower.

A. Minimal
B. Maximum
C. Indifferent
D. Expensive 124
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25. What is the closest interpretation of the idiomatic expression underlined in the following

He is ready to go for any recreational activity at the drop of a hat.

A. With prior notice

B. Without delay
C. Wearing a good hat
D. Without a hat

Section B

26. Semiotics is the study of ------- --.

A. Seismics
B. Signs
C. Science
D. Semaphores

Read the following sentence and answer questions 27-28.

"But after he had got this off his chest and I had turned the conversation to mine he was Most

27. The phrase "got this off his chest" means

A. He was crushed by the weight on his chest

B. He had rid himself of all his burdens
C. He was relieved, after he spoke his mind
D. He cleared his treasure chest's top

28. The "mine" in the latter half of the sentence refers to -----------,

A. The speaker's treasure chest

B. The speaker's chest
C. Mines of treasure and gold
D. The speaker's speech

Read the following passage and answer questions 29-31.

"As always when I tell him I'm engaged to be married, he betrayed no emotion, continuing to

Look as if he had been stuffed by a good taxidermist . It Is not his place, he would say, if you
asked him, to go beyond the basic formalities on these occasions." 125
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29. The first clause beginning "As always" indicates that

A. The narrator goes around telling people that he is engaged

B. The narrator has made a regular practice of getting engaged
C. The narrator is a person who has married multiple times
D. The narrator always tells 'him' about his many engagements

30. The person to whom the narrator reveals his recurrent engagements is ------

A. Devoid of expression
B. Dead and mummified
C. Not human, an animal
D. An excellent taxidermist

31. When the narrator reports that the addressee would say, "It is not his place", the latter refers To -

A. Spatial locations
B. Social hierarchy
C. The speaker's sense of belonging
D. "His" lack of a sense of belonging

32. Choose the set in which the authors are arranged in the correct chronological order in literary

A. Dylan Thomas; Thomas Malory; Thomas Hardy; Edward Thomas

B. Thomas Malory; Thomas Hardy; Edward Thomas; Dylan Thomas
C. Thomas Hardy; Edward Thomas; Thomas Malory; Dylan Thomas
D. Edward Thomas; Dylan Thomas; Thomas Hardy; Thomas Malory

33. In chronologies of English Literature, "the rise of the novel" is usually regarded as taking Place
in the 18th Century. While Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is considered an early

Example of a prose narrative, prior to exemplars such: as Robinson Crusoe and Pamela, which
Of the following would be the classificatory term that best fits it?

A. A novella
B. An allegory
C. A romance
D. A biography 126
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Read the following poem and answer questions 34-36.

Your absence has gone through me

Like thread through a needle.

Everything I do is stitched with its colour.


W.S. Merwin

34. The poet's use of the image of the needle would normally cause the reader to expect a --------

A. Piercing and painful

B. Drugged and sleepy
C. Painful but drugged
D. Carved or pricked out

35. In the final line the speaker states that the absence of the "you" ---------- --.

A. Stitches his life together and makes it colourful

B. Is seen and felt in all aspects actions of his life
C. Goes on poking at him, and disturbing his life
D. Is tiresome and troubling, giving him no peace

36. Which of the following statements is most appropriate as an analysis of the poem?

A. The poet has received a love poem.

B. The poet defamiliarizes the image of the thread and needle.
C. The speaker has left his wife.
D. The speaker is learning to embroider with coloured threads.

37. The following novels are all written by ---------- ,

Jazz, Paradise, Love, Mercy, Home

A. Maya Angelou
B. Alice Walker
C. Toni Morrison
D. Octavia E. Butler 127
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38. Which of the following statements is true?

A. All science fiction is apocalyptic fiction.

B. All dystopias are science fiction tales.
C. All science fiction is speculative fiction.
D. All fantasy fiction is utopian in nature.

39. Which of the following pairs is the odd one out and why?

I. Laura and Lizzie from Goblin Market

II. Maggie and Tom from The Mill on the Floss

III. Celia and Rosalind from As You Like II

IV. Happy and Biffin Death of A Salesman

The odd one out is --------- --.

A. IV, because they are not human characters

B. II, because they are not loving, supportive
C. I, because poems are not acceptable
D. III, because they are not really siblings

Read the following passage and answer questions 40-43.

The experience of reading poetry aloud when you don't fully understand it is a curious and
complicated one. It's like suddenly discovering that you can play the organ. Rolling swells and
peals of sound, powerful rhythms and rich harmonies are at your command; and as you utter
them you begin to realise that the sound you're releasing from the words as you speak is part of
the reason they're there. The sound is part of the meaning and that part only comes alive when
you speak: it. So at this stage it doesn't matter that you don't fully understand everything: you're
already far closer to the poem than someone who sits there in silence looking up meanings and
references and making assiduous notes. By the way, someone who does that while listening to
music through earphones will never understand it at all. We need to remind ourselves of this,
especially if we have anything to do with education. I have

Come across teachers and student teachers whose job was to teach poetry, but who thought that
poetry was only a fancy way of dressing up simple statements to make them look complicated,
and that their task was to help their pupils translate the stuff into ordinary English. "When they'd
translated it, when they'd 'understood' it, the job was done. It had the effect of turning the
classroom into a torture chamber, in which everything that made the poem a living thing had
been killed and butchered. No one had told such people that poetry is in fact enchantment; that it
has the form it does because that very form casts a spell; and that when they thought they were

Bothered and bewildered, they were in fact being bewitched, and if they let them selves accept
the enchantment and enjoy it, they would eventually understand much more about the poem. 128
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40. In the passage ------- --.

I. The author endorses reading poetry while listening to music, with earphones

II. The author endorses reading poetry aloud, while looking up references

III. The author endorses reading poetry aloud,: with or without understanding

A. Only II
B. Only III
C. II and III
D. I and II

41. The passage argues that ---------- --.

A. Poetry consists of sense dressed up gaudily

B. Poetry is only about rhyme and rhythm
C. Poetry is magical, making. Sense via sound
D. Poetry is butchery, annihilating sense

42. Which of the following does the author of the passage view with disfavour?

A. Thinking of poetry only in terms of its meaning

B. Teaching poetry as a way of teaching translation
C. Student teachers who are scared of poetry
D. Reading poetry as a form of solitary activity

43. When the author speaks of poetry as a "living thing', he also says it --------- --,

I. Is often butchered in classrooms

II. Can be enchanting if read aloud

III. Bothers, bewilders and tortures

A. I and III
B. I and II
C. Only II
D. Only I

Read the following passage and answer questions 44-47.

In the past, books for children were often designed-not as entertainment, but as 'instruction

Manuals' to encourage their readers to behave well. Back in the 15th century, The Lyttle

Childrens Lytil Boke advised children to keep their hands and nails clean; not to eat too quickly; 129
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Not to pick their ears or nose; and so on.

Clearly, children's books have come a long way since the 15th century. At some point, it seems

That authors hit upon a way to make their lessons more engaging for young readers. What was

Their solution? Story. They went from saying 'don't pick your nose' to 'hey, look, kids! Here's a
story about a boy who picked his nose!'

And so, by the 18th and 19th centuries, books for children were full of cautionary tales. Funny
little stories happening to funny little characters, all of whom come off badly because of their
crimes. Despite all the mischief and fun, children's books are for the most part still extremely
moral. They are still concerned with good and bad behaviour, but they examine these subjects in
a complex way. What's really changed since the early days is the idea that naughtiness is the end
of the world.

Children's books from hundreds of years ago promised awful punishment for any youngster who
dared to step out of line. Nowadays we're more forgiving. We know that story is a safe place to
explore what happens when we act badly.

44. The earliest books for children, according to the author, -------------- ,

A. Included stories with morals

B. Were instruction manuals
C. Were entertaining texts
D. Encouraged individuality

45. Cautionary tales gave Children ---------- --.

I. Funny stories and funny characters

II. Moral stories with funny characters

III. Funny stories with boring characters

A. Only I
B. Only III
C. I and II
D. I and III

46. Instead of telling children what to do and not do. Authors --------------.

A. Taught lessons through stories

B. Gave them conduct manuals
C. Instructed and coerced through stories 130
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D. Left them to leam by chance

47. Contemporary books for children------------ --.

I. Are not immoral but complex

II. Offer safe spaces for children

III. Let everyone do anything

A. Only I
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. Only III

48. well-known passage, identify the literary trope employed:

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts,

A. Asyndeton
B. Assonance
C. Extended metaphor
D. Transferred epithet

49. What would these lines from a poem be most suitable for, from the choices given below?

A. Epigraph
B. Epigram
C. Epithet
D. Epitaph

50. Which genre would the following poem belong to, given its characteristics?

A. Elegy
B. Limerick
C. Haiku
D. Eulogy

"There was an Old Man in a tree,

Who was horribly bored by a Bee;

When they said, ‘Does it buzz?’ 131
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He replied, ‘Yes, it does!’

‘It’s a regular brute of a Bee!’

There was an Old Man with a beard

Who said, 'it is just as I feared!

Two owls and a hen,

Four larks and a wren,

Have all built their nests in my beard!'

51. And soonest our best men with thee do go,

Rest of their hones, and soul's delivery.

The above lines offer a metaphor for---------- --.

A. Marriage
B. Death
C. Travel
D. Meditation

52. One could read Animal Farm as an animal fable or as a story of a social revolution. If it were
The latter, then we would be undertaking an --------- reading.

A. Analytical
B. Allegorical
C. Anagogical
D. Anachronistic

53. Oedipus. Electra, Eros, Thanatos - these characters and concepts figure prominently in -----------

A. Superhero movies
B. New Historicism
C. Psycholingoistics
D. Psychoanalysis

54. If The Odyssey is centered on Odysseus, The Iliad is centred on ---------- --.

A. Alias
B. Priam
C. Ilias 132
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D. Achilles

55. Complete the series using the best option from those given below:

Echo, resonance, allusion ---------- ,

A. Reference
B. Illusion
C. Origin
D. Context

56. Please read the following lines:

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day Of a cheese souffle?

How would you best describe the second line in so far as it does something with the first?

A. Familiarizes
B. Makes redundant
C. Ironizes
D. Parodies

57. In a nineteenth-century novel suppose you meet wailing women, theft, a ghost, deceiving Uncles
and finally murder, it would be best described as ------------ ,

A. A Third-rate fiction
B. Exculpatory fiction
C. The Silver-fork novel
D. Sensational fiction

58. The intrinsic male dominance of culture that women have to fight, even in their own Linguistic
space, is termed-------------- by feminist critics.

A. Hegemonic masculinity
B. Heteronormativity
C. Phallocentrism
D. Internalized sexism

59. Which of the following plays does not involve the appearance of ghosts?

A. Macbeth
B. Hamlet 133
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C. King Lear
D. Julius Caesar

60. Which of the following is an epistolary novel?

A. Villette
B. Wuthering Heights
C. Dracula
D. Moll Flanders

In the given examples Bram Stoker's 1897 novel "Dracula" is a perfect example for an epistolary
novel genre. It's story is narrated through the letters, journals and telegrams that the main
characters wrote to each other.

61. Match the following Shakespearean heroines correctly with their cross-dressing avatars:

A. Viola (I) Sebastian

B. Portia (II) Cesario

C. Rosalind (III) Balthazar

D. Julia (IV) Ganymede.

A. A-IV, b-III, c-I, d-II

B. A-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
C. A-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
D. A-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I

62. The word "diaspora" is derived from ----------, means----------- and was first used in Association
with the ---------- ,

A. Latin, discussion, Romans

B. Greek, nomads, Greeks
C. Spanish, expedition, colonizers
D. Greek, dispersion, Jews

63. Which of the following authors did not use a pen name?

A. Lewis Carroll
B. P.o. James 134
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C. Mark Twain
D. George Orwell

64. What was Alexander Pope's "(W)hat oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed" a definition

A. Image
B. Pun
C. Maxim
D. With

65. Lady Macbeth calls her husband a coward, "(l)ike the poor cat i' th' adage" (I.vii,45). Which Cat
in what adage?

A. A When the cat's away, the mice will play.

B. A house without a dog, a cat. Or a little child is a house without joy or laughter.
C. The cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet.
D. A cat may go to a monastery, but it still remains a cat.

66. Match the following phrases/lines with the poems where they appear:

I. Was he free? Was he 1. "On His Blindness"
II. Never the twain shall 2. "The Unknown Citizen"

III. Generations have trod, 3. "The Ballad of East and

have trod, have trod West"

IV. They also serve who 4. "God's Grandeur

only stand and wait

Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?

A. I-4, II-2, III-3, IV-I

B. I-2 ,II-,1, iil-4, IV-3
C. I-3, II-4 ,iil-3, IV-2
D. I-2, II-3, III-4, IV-I

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow 67-71.

Who can use the tern "gone viral" now without shuddering a little? Who 135
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Can look at anything anymore - a door handle, a cardboard carton, a bag of

Vegetables - without imagining it swanning with those unseeable , undead,
Unliving blobs dotted with suction pads waiting to fasten themselves on to our
Lungs? Who can think of kissing a stranger, jumping on to a bus or sending their
Child to school without feeling real fear? Who can think of ordinary pleasure and
Not assess its risk? Who among us is not a quack epidemiologist, virologist,
Statistician and prophet? Which scientist or doctor is not secretly praying for a
Miracle? Which priest is not - secretly, at least - submitting to science? And
Even while the virus proliferates, who could not be thrilled by the' swell of
Birdsong in cities, peacocks dancing at traffic crossings and the silence in the
Skies? The number of cases worldwide this week crept over a million. More than
50,000 people have died already. Projections suggest that number will swell to
Hundreds of thousands, perhaps more. The virus has moved freely along the
Pathways of trade and international capital, and the terrible illness it has brought
In its wake has locked humans down in their countries, their cities and their
Homes. But unlike the flow of capital, this virus seeks proliferation, not profit,
And has, therefore, inadvertently, to some extent, reversed the direction of the
Flow. It has mocked immigration controls, biometrics, digital surveillance and
Every other kind of data analytics, and struck hardest - thus far - in the richest,
Most powerful nations of the world,' bringing the engine of capitalism to a
Juddering halt. Temporarily perhaps, but at least long enough for us to examine
Its parts, make an assessment and decide whether we want to help fix it, or look
For a better engine. The mandarins who are managing this pandemic are fond of
Speaking of war. They don't even use war as a metaphor, they use it literally. But
If it really were a war, then who would be better prepared than the US? If it were
Not masks and gloves that its frontline soldiers needed, but guns, smart bombs,
Bunker busters, submarines, fighter jets and nuclear bombs, would there be a

67. What 'flow' has the pandemic reversed?

A. Global turnover of goods and services

B. The flow of global capital
C. The flow of cultural capital
D. The movement of immigrant labour

68. This passage opens ----------- --.

A. With question-begging rhetoric

B. With a series of rhetorical questions
C. With a few dismaying questions
D. With rhetorically dubious questions

69. To proliferate means "to increase rapidly in number." A synonym for this word would be

A. Burst 136
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B. Bridle
C. Breed
D. Breach

70. Who is a Mandarin?

A. A top-level official of the former Chinese imperial civil service.

B. A military doctor appointed by the United States government.
C. An officer of managerial rank for fighting medical emergency.
D. An executive epidemiologist on emergency duty in cities.

71. Which of the following options brings out the irony of the last line of the passage clearly?

A. For all their defence preparedness, even small countries have realized that they can withstand
A small virus.

B. Preparations on a war footing are needed when a' small virus threatens the lives of humans
across the world.

C. For all their defence preparedness, the superpowers have realized their weak. Defence against
a small virus.

D. Preparations on a war footing are not needed when a small virus threatens military regimes
across the world.

72. Which of the following novels opens with a monologue that emphasizes 'Facts'?

A. Felix Holt
B. Hard Times
C. Mary Barton
D. The Moonstone

73. Match the following authors correctly with the books they have written:

A. Ashwin Sanghi (I) The Immortals of

B. Amish Tripathi (II) The Pregnant King 137
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C. Devdutt Pattnaik (III) Lanka's Princess

D. Kavita Kane (IV) The Krishna Key

A. A-IV. B-I, c-III, d-II

B. A-IV, b-I, c-II, d-III
C. A-III, b-IV, c-I, d-IV
D. A-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III

Read the passage carefully, and answer questions 74-77.

Now their separate characters are briefly these. The Man's power is active, progressive,
Defensive. He is eminently the doer, the creator, the discoverer, the defender. His intellect is for
Speculation and invention; his energy for adventure, for war, and for conquest, wherever war is
Just, wherever conquest necessary. But the woman's power is for rule, not for battle;-and her
intellect is not for invention or creation, but for sweet ordering, arrangement, and decision. She
sees the qualities of things, their claims, and their places. Her great function is Praise; she enters
into no contest, but infallibly adjudges the crown of contest. By her office, and place, she is
Protected from all danger and temptation. The man, in his rough work in open world, must
encounter all peril and trial- to him, therefore, must be the failure, the offence, the inevitable
error: often he must be wounded, or subdued; often misled; and a/ways hardened. But he guards
the woman from all this; within his house, as ruled by her, unless she herself has sought it, need
enter no danger, no temptation, no cause of error or offence. This is the true nature of home it is
the place of Peace; the shelter, not only from all injury, but from all terror, doubt and division.

74. The narrator creates many functions for a woman, Which one of these most reminds you of the
romance genre?

A. Arrangement
B. Adjudication
C. Rule
D. Conversation

75. The word office in the passage means -------------- ,

A. A physical space where people work

B. A public position of authority
C. A domestic role of responsibility
D. A phase in the life cycle of an individual

76. Home can be a place of shelter only when , 138
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A. Risk taking is avoided by men and women

B. Women are not exposed to temptation
C. Men treat home and world as a continuum
D. Men do not seek foolhardy adventure

77. What according to the passage is the true nature of home?

A. It is a place of peace and calm.

B. It is a place of great cruelties.
C. It is a place of unbounded magic.
D. It is a place of unprovoked anger.

78. Which of these writers are American?

I. Doris Lessing

II. William Faulkner

III. G.B Shaw

IV. Arthur Miller

V. Zora Neale Hurston

A. I, II, IV
C. II, IV, V

79. Match the following works with the authors:

A. The Sellout I. Margaret Atwood

B. Lincoln in the Bardo II. Bernardine Evaristo

C.Milkman III. Paul Betty

D. The Testaments IV. George Saunders

E. Girl, Woman. Other V. Anna Burns 139
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A. A-III, b-IV, c-V, d-I, e-II

B. A-II, b-V, c-IV, d-III, e-I
C. A-V, b-IV, c-III, d-I, e-II
D. A-III, b-IV, c-I, d-II, e-V

Read the extract/speech below and answer questions 80-83.

To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else,

It will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and

Hindered me half a million;. Laughed at my losses,

Mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my

Bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine

Enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath

Not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,

Dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with

The same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject

To the same diseases, healed by the same means, Warmed

and cooled by the same winter and summer, as A Christian

is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?

If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison

Us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not

Revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will Resemble

you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian,

What is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian

Wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by

Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you Teach

me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I

Will better the instruction.

80. Which play of Shakespeare is the extract from?

A. A Midsummer Night’ S Dream 140
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B. The Merchant of Venice

C. The Jew of Malta
D. Measure for Measure

81. Identify the nature of the questions in the extract.

A. Retrospective
B. Restive
C. Rhetorical
D. Reminiscent

82. What is the figure of speech used in "hindered half a million"?

A. Hyperbole
B. Metaphor
C. Simile
D. Zeugma

83. What is the "instruction" in this context?

A. Sufferance
B. Villainy
C. Revenge
D. Disgrace

Read the following passage and answer the questions 84-87.

So Okonkwo we encouraged the boys to sit with him in his abi, and he told them
Stories of the land --masculine stories of violence and bloodshed. Nwoye knew that it
Was right to be masculine and to be violent, but somehow he still preferred the stories
That his mother used to tell, and which she no doubt still told to her younger children stories
Of the tortoise and his wily ways, and of the bird eneke-nti-oba who
Challenged the whole world to a wrestling contest and was finally thrown by the cat.

84. What is the function of "and" in the phrases "'of violence and bloodshed" and "to be Masculine
and to be violent"?

A. Conjunction
B. Coordinate conjunction
C. Connector
D. Propositional conjunction

85. What is the function of the word "wrestling" in the phrase "a wrestling contest''?

A. Noun 141
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B. Adjective
C. Gerund
D. Verb

86. What is the function of the word "younger" in the phrase "her younger children"?

A. Adjective
B. Superlative degree adjective
C. Comparative degree adjective
D. Adverb

87. What is the function of the word "wily" and "finally" in the phrase, "his wily ways" and in The
clause "was finally thrown" respectively?

A. Adverb and adjective

B. Noun and adjective
C. Adjective and adverb
D. General adverb and adjective

88. Most Neoclassical poets viewed the world in terms of a strictly ordered hierarchy. What was
This hierarchy called?

A. The Great Order of Classicism

B. The Great Chain of Classicism
C. The Great Chain of Being
D. The Great Order of Being

89. "Everything that man esteems Endures a moment or a day Love's pleasure drives his love away
... " The last line is an example of a/an-------- --.

A. Allusion
B. Pleonasm
C. Paradox
D. Zeugma

90. Who is credited as the pioneer of detective fiction?

A. Edgar Allan Poe

B. Agatha Christie
C. Arthur Conan Doyle 142
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D. Dorothy L. Sayers

Read the following poem and answer the questions 91-95.

Morning Song

Sylvia Plath

Love set you going like a fat gold watch.

The midwife slapped your foot soles, and your bald cry

Took its place among the elements.

Our voices echo, magnifying your arrival. New statue.

In a drafty museum, your nakedness

Shadows our safety. We stand round blankly as walls.

I'm no more your mother

Than the cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slow

Effacement at the wind's hand.

All night your moth-breath

Flickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen:

A far sea moves in my ear.

One cry, and I stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floral

In my Victorian nightgown.

Your mouth opens clean as a cat's. The window square

Whitens and swallows its dull stars. And now you try

Your handful of notes;

The clear vowels rise like balloons.

91. Identify the figure of speech used in the expressions "'moth-breath" (line 10) and "cow heavy"
(line 13):

A. Metonymy
B. Kenning
C. Hypallage 143
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D. Synecdoche

92. What do the "flat pink roses" in line 11 refer to?

A. The wings of the moth

B. The lips of the mother
C. The lips of the infant
D. The eyes of the infant

93. What happens when the baby cries in the night?

A. The mother wakes up immediately.

B. Nobody wakes up for a long time.
C. The baby falls asleep again.
D. The mother falls asleep after waking.

94. Which of the observations about the first line of the poem is the least accurate?

A. The fat gold watch suggests the preciousness of the baby to the mother.
B. The mother's love for the baby is rare and ornamental like a fat gold watch.
C. The birth of the baby is the result of the love shared between her parents.
D. The fat gold watch symbolizes the beginning of time for the new-born baby.

95. Read lines 4-6 carefully and choose the correct option from the observations made below:

(I) The infant feels cold and uncomfortable because she is naked.

(II) The infant feels invulnerable despite the cold and her nakedness.

(III) The mother feels confident and self-assured about her ability to protect the infant.

(IV) The mother feels uncertain about her ability to nurture and comfort the infant.

A. (I), (II) and (III) are true; (IV) is false.

B. (I) and (IV) are true; (II) and (III) are false.
C. (I), (II) and (IV) are false; (III) is true.
D. (I) and (IV) are false; (II) and (III) are true.

96. "A/An -------------- explains the genesis of, and/or gives a perspective on the main narrative That
follows". Fill in the blank with the most appropriate choice from the following:

A. Enclosing device
B. Genesis Explainer
C. Frame narrative
D. Narrative setting 144
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97. How would you best characterize the majority of the novels of R.K. Narayan and Mulk Raj

A. Allegorical
B. Social Realist
C. Psychological Gothic
D. Fantasy

98. Read the following interpretation:

In "The Fall of the House of Usher", Usher's fear of having buried his sister alive is clearly
indicative of a secret desire to be reunited with his mother, a complex that is as much about
sexuality as it is about the maternal.
Which school of analysis would you fit the above interpretation into?

A. Ecocritical
B. Socio-realistic
C. Psychoanalytical
D. Archetypal

99. Read the following statements regarding characters from Shakespeare's plays:

I. Caliban is a monster

II. Cobweb is a fairy

III. Bottom is a donkey

IV. Shylock is a merchant

Identify the accurate statement(s).

A. Only I
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. Only IV

100. Which of the following sentences is free of errors:

A. The perspicuous viewer will realize that the film's covert message is one of conformity to
patriarchal values.

B. The perspicacious viewer will realize that the film's covert massage is one of conformity to
patriarchal values. 145
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C. The perspicuous viewer will realize that the film's covert message is one of conformity to
patriarchal values.

D. The perspicacious viewer will realize that the film's covert message is one of conformity to
patriarchal values.


1 D 51 B
2 A 52 B
3 C 53 D
4 D 54 D
5 B 55 A
6 A 56 D
7 A 57 D
8 C 58 C
9 C 59 C
10 D 60 B
11 C 61 D
12 B 62 D
13 B 63 B
14 A 64 D
15 A 65 C
16 D 66 D
17 A&D 67 B
18 D 68 B
19 A 69 C
20 B 70 A
21 C 71 C
22 B 72 B
23 C 73 B
24 B 74 B
25 B 75 C
26 B 76 B
27 C 77 A
28 B 78 C
29 D 79 A
30 A 80 B
31 B 81 C
32 B 82 A
33 B 83 B
34 A 84 B
35 B 85 B
36 B 86 A
37 C 87 C
38 C 88 C 146
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39 D 89 C
40 B 90 A
41 C 91 B
42 A 92 C
43 B 93 A
44 B 94 B
45 C 95 B
46 A 96 C
47 B 97 B
48 C 98 C
49 D 99 A
50 B 100 D 147
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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2019

1. A dead language is -------- --.

A. An extant language
B. An endangered language
C. A language which is not spoken anymore
D. A language which is not spoken, written or studied

2. If we ----- her e-mail id, we ----- her over to the Workshop.

Fill in the blanks considering this as an Open Condition.
A. Had got, would have invited
B. Got, would invite
C. Get, will invite
D. Will get, would invite

3. There is in general no one-on-one correspondence between a word and its meaning, except In a
few cases. This feature of human language is called--------- --.
A. Arbitrariness
B. Discreteness
C. Semanticity
D. Logical flexibility

4. Match the following words with their correct meanings:

List 1 List 2
A. Reprieve I. An act of retaliation

B. Repose II. A repeated passage in


C. Reprise III. Cancellation or

postponement of

D. Reprisal IV. State of restfulness,


A. A-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I

B. A-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV
C. A-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
D. A-IV, b-II, c-III, d-II 148
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And the word 'repose' means to rest or lie.

'Reprise' : a repeat of something or part of something, especially a piece of music.
'Reprisal' : activity against another person, especially as a punishment by military forces or a
political group.

5. 'The weeping woods' is an example for -------- --.

A. An oxymoron
B. Pathetic fallacy
C. A transferred epithet
D. Dark humour

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

'When the tailor (leave), he (realize) he (forget) his measuring tape.'
A. Had left, realized, had forgotten
B. Had left, realized, forgot
C. Left, had realized, forgot
D. Left, realized, had forgotten

7. Match! Fill in the following phrases correctly:

a. My respect I. Of ...

b. In accordance II. Towards ...

c. With respect III. To ...

d. Irrespective IV. With ...

A. a-III, b-IV, c- I, d-II

B. a-II, b-IV, c- III, d-I
C. a-IV, b-I, c- II, d-III
D. a-II, b-III, c- I, d-IV

8. Supply the particle in the following phrasal verb: 'Raghu's youngest son is going ----- for Law.'
A. In
B. Out
C. Off
D. Up 149
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9. Strike out the odd word sequence.

A. Meticulous, accurate, scrupulous

B. Laborious, arduous, onerous
C. Precious, adored, cherished
D. Miserly, generous, avaricious

10. Match the verbs with the correct objects to form suitable verbal expressions:
(I) Pay
(2) wear
(3) blow
(4) set
(5) draw
(6) conclusion
(7) a trumpet
(8) fire to
(9) a look
(10) attention
A. 1-10/2-9/3-7/4-8/5-6
B. 1-9/2-7/3-6/4-8/5-10
C. 1-7/2 -6 / 3-10 /4-9/ 5-6
D. 1-8/2-6/3-9/4-7/5-10

11. Choose the most appropriate word to complete the following sentence: 'A wet cheek ----.'
A. Glistens
B. Shines
C. Glows
D. Sparkles

12. Match the following expressions with their correct meanings:


a. Flaneur I. Self that does not identify as

male or female 150
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b. Teleologist II. Saunterer, a loiterer on city


c. Gender-fluid III. Someone opposed to

industrialization and

d. Luddite IV. Someone who believes in a set

goal, design, or purpose

A. a-III, b-I, c-II, d-IV

B. a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III
C. a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I
D. a-I, b-II, c-IV, d-III

13. Furnish the correct verb forms in the following sentence: "The 'Queen Victoria' ----- (arrive) last
February had the Suez Canal ----- (open) in January."
A. Would have arrived, been opened
B. Would arrive, had been open
C. Should arrive, were open
D. Should have arrived, were opened

14. Match the following words correctly identifying their parts of speech:

a. Now I. Adjective & verb

b. Spray II. Adjective & adverb

c. Early III. Noun & verb

d. Open IV. Adverb &conjunction

A. a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I

B. a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
C. a-I, b-III, c-IV, d-II
D. a-III, b-I, c-II, d-IV
15. In Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious, Sigmund Freud reveals himself as a Spirited
raconteur, notably of Jewish jokes. Who / what is a raconteur?
A. A skilful teller of anecdotes.
B. A spiritual Judaic scholar. 151
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C. A boring joker.
D. A garrulous recorder.

16. Match the following:

A. Mariculture I. Breeding of fish

B. Silviculture II. Cultivation of trees

C. Pisciculture III. Cultivation of silkwonns

D. Sericulture IV. Cultivation of marine life

A. a-II, b-IV, c-III, d-I

B. a-I, b-III, c-II, d-IV
C. a-IV, b-II, c-I, d-III
D. a-III, b-I, c-II, d-IV

17. Going. Gone. Being. Been are ------- --.

A. Gerunds
B. Particles
C. Verbal nouns
D. Participles

18. Match the following:

a. Epitaph I. A concise, witty saying or
memorable remark

b. Epigraph II. A section or speech with

which a book or play ends

c. Epilogue III. Words written in memory of

the dead or defunct

d. Epigram IV. A suggestive motto at the

beginning of a book or chapter

A. a-IV, b-I, c-II, d-III

B. a-II, b-IV, c-I, d-III 152
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C. a-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I

D. a-I, b-II, c-III, d-IV

19. I said Namaste to him because I respect his age. In this sentence, said is a verb in the past tense,
followed by respect which is another verb in The present tense. Explain the difference in the
sequence of tenses.
A. Said denotes past action, while respect should have been respected (Evidently, a mistake In
the sequence of tenses).
B. Said denotes past action, while respect denotes habitual action (I always respect age).
C. Both said and respect should have been in the present tense ideally (in order to respect the
Sequence of tenses).
D. Said seems past habitual action, but respect in the sequence gives it the present sense.

20. Choose the correct observation about the following sentence:

Use the apostrophe in its proper place and omit it when it's not needed.
A. Incorrect sentence; the first its should carry apostrophe.
B. Correct sentence.
C. Incorrect sentence; the second its should carry no apostrophe.
D. Both its should carry apostrophe.

21. Match the following parts to make full, meaningful sentences:

a. He is reported I. To meet you.

b. This must be done in order II. To the whole country.

c. This will bring discredit III. To reclaim lost property.

d. It is a pleasure IV. To have died in another


A. a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I

B. a-IV, b-III, c-II, d-I
C. a-IV, b-I, c-II, d-III
D. a-III, b-II, c-I, d-IV 153
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22. When corrected, He showed great strength to run, will be -------- --.

A. He showed great strength in running

B. He showed a great strength while running
C. He showed great strength for running
D. He was showing great strength to run

23. Arrange the middle four sentences in correct order with the first and the last as they are --
K. Modern life has become a tense and complicated affair on account Of the rat race Going on
among ambitious persons.
L. His responses have become mechanical and he leads almost a dehumanized Existence.
M. Ruthless technological advancement has reduced a wage-labourer into a cog in the Machine.
N. The ambitious person's individualism is frustrated and the whole world appears Alien to him.
0. Especially in big cities, life has become mechanized and monotonous.
P. The modern man remains physically exhausted and mentally blunted.

24. The closest meaning for the word LOQUACIOUS is -------- --.
A. Speak
B. Outward behavior
C. A ship
D. Talkative

25. 'Meena is a dead ringer of her Aunt' actually means -------- --.
A. Meena is the complete opposite of her Aunt
B. Meena hates her Aunt
C. Meena likes her Aunt
D. Meena strongly resembles her Aunt


All the world seems to be on the move. Asylum seekers, international students .... Members of
Diasporas, holidaymakers, businesspeople, sports stars, refugees, backpackers, commuters, the
early 154
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Retired, young mobile professionals ... These and many others fill the world's airports, buses,
ships, and
Trains. The scale of this travelling is immense. Internationally there are over 700 million legal
Arrivals each year (compared with 25 million in 1950) with a predicted 1 billion by 2010; there
are 4 million
Air passengers each day; 31 million refugees are displaced from their homes; and there is one car
Every B.6 people. These diverse yet intersecting mobilities have many consequences for different
And places that are located in the fast and slow lanes across the globe. There are new places and
Technologies that enhance the mobility of some peoples and places and heighten the immobility
of others,
Especially as they try to cross borders ...
Simultaneously the Internet has grown more rapidly than any previous technology, with
Significant impacts throughout much of the world (soon to be 1 billion users worldwide). New
forms of
'Virtual' and 'imaginative' travel are emerging, and being combined in unexpected ways with
Travel ... Mobile telephony based on many societies jumping direct to such a new technology
Especially to involve new ways of interacting and communicating on the move, of being in a sense
present while apparently absent ... The growth of such information and communication
technologies is allowing new forms of coordination of people, meetings, and events to emerge.
And materials too are on the move, often carried by these moving bodies whether openly,
clandestinely, or inadvertently. Also the multinational sourcing of different components of
manufactured products involves just-in-time delivery from around the world. The
'cosmopolitanisation: of taste means that consumers in the 'North' expect fresh materials from
around the world 'air freighted' to their table,
While consumers in the 'South' often find more roundabout ways to access consumer goods from
the North - carried by small-scale informal importers, packed into containers for relatives 'back
home', or simply smuggled.

26. What does the text primarily discuss?

A. Multiculturalism,
B. Mobilities.
C. Globalisation & technology.
D. Cosmopolitanism, 155
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27. What does 'virtual' travel allude to?

A. Digital communication,
B. Time travel and day dreaming,
C. Trips arranged through travel & tour websites & apps.
D. D.A and C,

28. The North and South mentioned here allude to -------- --.
A. North and South America
B. North and South India
C. Global North and South
D. North and South Korea

29. In the essay, 'human bodies as carriers', suggests ----------.

A. Human beings transporting materials through legitimate means only
B. Human beings transporting materials always furtively, as in smuggling
C. Human beings transporting materials legitimately or furtively
D. Human beings as potential carriers of diseases and viruses

Answer questions 30-35 based on the following text:

'Yet Arnold does not think merely in terms of genius versus age, individual versus society, poet
versus current or staple of ideas. He just as often thinks in collectivist terms of race and the
march of history. He is preoccupied almost as much as Taine with racial theories. All his
writings play variations on the contrasts appearing among the Latin, Celtic, and Germanic races,
or in that between the Hebraic and Greek spirit. But the distinction between national spirit
(Volksgeist) and race is not clear to him. He sketches the history of France in terms of the
conflict between Gaul, Latin and Teuton. His lectures On the Study of Celtic Literature tum
upon the concept of race. He rejects a purely social explanation. "Modes of life, institutions,
government, climate, and so forth .... Will further or hinder the development of an aptitude, but
they will not by themselves create the aptitude or explain it.'"

30. Arnold positions 'racial explanation' against ----------- --.

A. Social explanation
B. Rhetorical explanation
C. Scientific explanation
D. Historical explanation

31. Taine refers to ----------.

A. Hippolyte Taine
B. Christopher Taine 156
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C. Anatole Taine
D. Francois Taine

32. According to the writer, race and national spirit ------- --.
A. Are one and the same
B. Need not be one and the same
C. Cannot be related to each other
D. Are opposed to each other

33. The phrase 'staple of ideas' has -------- --.

A. A negative connotation
B. A positive connotation
C. A value neutral connotation
D. Carries no connotation

34. Arnold positions the genius-------- --.

A. In opposition to the society
B. In conformity to the age
C. In unanimity with the people around
D. Close to the spirit of the age
35. Which of the following statements is more accurate?
A. Arnold was an individualist as well as collectivist in his thinking.
B. Arnold was an individualist in his thinking.
C. Arnold thought only in terms of race.
D. Arnold thought only in terms of the national spirit.

36. "That to the high th of this great Argument / I may assert Eternal Providence, / And Justifie the
wayes of God to men." These famous lines are from -------- --.
A. Paradise Lost
B. Religio Laid
C. An Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government in England
D. An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland

37. India's National Academy of Letters is known as --- --.

A. Sahitya Akademi
B. Sahitya Akademy
C. Sahitya Sangosthi
D. Sahitya Samaroh

38. Match the following: 157
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a. Dick Whittington I. Greek mythology
And his Cat

b. The Midas touch II. Middle Eastern


c. Aladdin's Lamp III. Danish fairy tale

d. Red Shoes IV. English folklore

A. a-II, b-I, c-IV, d-III

B. a-IV, b-I, c-II, d-III
C. a-II, b-III, c-IV, d-I
D. a-III, b-IV, c-II, d-I

39. Boz is the pen name of the famous Victorian writer -------- --.
A. Charles Dickens
B. William Thackeray
C. Thomas Hardy
D. Thomas Carlyle

40. Match the following writers with the countries of their origin/nativity:

a. Emily Dickinson I. Germany

b. Margaret Atwood II. USA

c. Katherine Mansfield III. U K

d. Christina Rossetti IV. New Zealand

e. Ruth Prawer Thabvala V. Canada

A. a-II, b-V, c-IV, d-III, e-I

B. a-I, b-V, c-IV, d-III, e-II 158
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C. a-IV, b-II, c-IV, d-I, e-III

D. a-III, b-V, c-II, d-IV, e-I

41. Arrange the following sonneteers in English in chronological order:

1. Dante Gabriel Rossetti
2. Philip Sidney
3. Gerard Manley Hopkins
4. William Shakespeare
5. William Wordsworth
6. John Donne
A. 2, 4, 6, 5, 1, 3
B. 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 2
C. I, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5
D. 2, 4, 3, 6, 1, 5

42. Who are the gentry?

A. Those of good social position, the class below nobility.
B. Those members of the aristocracy who fight civil wars.
C. Gentlemen and ladies among the English working class.
D. Masters or feudal lords owning leased lands in Britain.

43. In Romeo and Juliet, "the humorous night" did not mean a night full of amusement and Fun, but
of .
A. Decrepitude
B. Dampness
C. Dullness
D. Despair

44. Match the following:


a. Parable I. Chronologically ordered


b. Fable II. Story with animals as

characters 159
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c. Plot III. Story illustrating a

spiritual lesson

d. Yarn IV. An implausible story

A. a-III, b-ii, c-i, d-IV

B. a-I. b-II, c-IV, d-III
C. a-I. b-III, c-IV, d-II
D. a-IV. b-I, c-III, d-II

 Which of the following are the correct opening lines of John Donne's "Holy Sonnet # 6""
$ 0 Death, be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so ...

% Death, he not proud though some have called thee

Mighty and fearful, for thou art not so ...
& O Death, be not proud! Though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for ever thou art not so ...

' Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so …

 Today, to communicate means to exchange information, but in William Shakespeare's Time, it
meant -.
$ To share, make common to many
% To selectively share information
& To follow a commune's norms
' To address a friendly community

47. Match the following:

a. Phonology i. Conventional spelling system of
a language 160
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b. Etymology ii. Study of origin and meanings

of words

c. Orthography iii. Study of sounds and sound


d. Semiotics iv. Signs, symbols and their


A. a-ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i

B. a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv
C. a-iv, b-ii, c-i, d-iii
D. a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv

48. Identify the correct chronological arrangement of the following well-known English Poems:
A. Paradise Lost, The Faerie Queene, Absalom and Achitophel, Lamia, The Prelude, The
Ring and the Book, Four Quartets.
B. Absalom and Achitophel, Lamia, Four Quartets, The Ring and the Book, The Faerie
Queene, The Prelude, Paradise Lost.
C. Lamia, The Faerie Queene, The Ring and the Book, The Prelude, Paradise Lost, Absalom
And Achitophel, Four Quartets.
D. The Faerie Queene, Paradise Lost, Absalom and Achitophel, The Prelude, Lamia, The
Ring and the Book, Four Quartets.

Read the following poem. Questions 49 to 51 are based on it.

Love Poem
Prithvi Varatharajan
Our third date, at the same bar
As our first,
Elbows edging across
A cold, polished table top. 4
Our second date, an anomaly,
At a Chinese restaurant,
Its patrons elbow-to-elbow. 161
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We were confused by ours 8

So close to theirs, and by each other.
Forbes once said (in a poem):
'Continually disappoint
The expectations of others, 12

This way you will come to hate yourself

& they will be charmed by your distress.'
As I wait for my hand
To find yours, I chantit 16
To myself, a mantra
For our parting, our eyes
Spearing at the dark.

49. What does anomaly (line 5) mean in the context of this poem?
A. Somewhat different from the usual or expected.
B. Somewhat odd and unexpected.
C. A catastrophic moment.
D. An embarrassment we could easily avoid.

50. To what do ours and theirs (lines 8 and 9) refer?

A. Situation.
B. Date.
C. Elbows.
D. Patrons.

51. What is it that the speaker chants to himself?

A. A mantra.
B. What he mutters to himself.
C. What Forbes once said.
D. A curse.

52. Arrange the following literary kinds/forms in order of their size/ length/ scope (from the Largest
to the smallest):
A. Sonnet 162
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B. Epigram
C. Essay
D. Epic
E. Novella
F. Couplet
A. F, b, a, c, e, d.
B. B, f, c. D, a, e.
C. D, e, c, a, f, b.
D. E, a, c. E, f, b.

53. A 'lampoon' in literature is -------- --.

A. A satire against an individual or institution
B. A humorous piece of writing intended to amuse
C. Eulogy of an individual or a celebrity
D. An amusing autobiographical poem

54. Match the following playwrights with their work:

a) William Shakespeare i. The way of the world

b) R. B. Sheridan ii. Dr.faustus

c) William Congreve iii. The tempest

d) Christopher Marlowe iv. The school for scandal

A. a-iv, b-ii, c-iii, d-i

B. b-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii
C. c-iii, b-i, c-iv, d-ii
D. d-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv

55. Identify the figure of speech in the passage:

Not poppy, nor mandragora,
Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world, 163
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Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep

Which thou owed'st yesterday.
A. Simile
B. Metonymy
C. Understatement
D. Hyperbole

56. In a dramatic tragedy, the Aristotelian unities consist of -------- --.

A. A beginning, a middle and an end
B. Hero, heroine and villain
C. Action, time and place
D. Act, scene and dialogue

57. In literature, a/an ----------- is a long narrative poem, which is usually related to heroic Deeds of
a person of unusual courage and unparalleled bravery.
A. Elegy.
B. Epic
C. ode
D. Dramatic monologue

58. "Whodunit fiction" is also ----------.

A. Mystery/Crime fiction
B. Paranormal fiction
C. Speculative fiction
D. New Adult fiction

59. A/An ------------- is "An exaggerated belief associated with a category. Its function is to Justify
(rationalise) our conduct in relation to that category".
A. Antitype
B. Prototype
C. Monotype
D. Stereotype

60. A Tale of Two Cities is based on ---------------- --.

A. The English Revolution
B. The American Revolution
C. The French Revolution
D. The Russian Revolution

61. The title of James Joyce's most famous short story collection is ------------- --. 164
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A. The Dead
B. Araby
C. The Dubliners
D. Eveline

62. Who was the first Poet Laureate of England?

A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. William Shakespeare
C. Ben Jonson
D. John Dryden

63. Which of the following novels depicts the plight of the Bangladeshi immigrants in East London?
A. How far can you go?
B. White Teeth.
C. An Equal Music.
D. Brick Lane.

64. With which city is the Harlem Renaissance associated?

A. Chicago.
B. Jacksonville.
C. New York.
D. Oklahoma.

65. Identify the correct chronological order of the following:

i. The Edwardian
ii. The Pre-Raphaelites
iii. The Neoclassical
iv. The Romantics
A. ii, i, iv, iii
B. iii, iv, ii, i
C. i, iii, ii, iv
D. iii, i, ii, iv

66. Who describes a Poet as "a man speaking to men"?

A. Samuel Johnson.
B. John Dryden.
C. William Wordsworth.
D. I A Richards. 165
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67. Caliban is a character from William Shakespeare's The Tempest. But he also features in a Lead
role in .
A. A poem by Robert Browning
B. A play by Edward Albee
C. A novel by Jeanette Winterson
D. A song by The Beatles

68. Which among the following is not a genre?

A. Homily.
B. Georgic.
C. Parody.
D. Epistle.

69. A figure of speech refers to patterns perceptible to the ----- and the ----- of the reader.

A. Visual; spoken
B. Eye; ear
C. Ear; mouth
D. Aural; oral

70. To speak euphemistically means to speak in a mild manner or indirectly. The word is From the
Greek and means -------- --.
A. Sweet saying
B. Sweet nothings
C. Auspicious omens
D. Superstitious words

71. While it is well known that Thomas Hardy turned away from writing prose to writing
Poetry in the latter part of his career, due to the vicious attacks on Jude the Obscure, which
Among the following turned from poetry to prose, giving expression to the same values,
Attitudes and feelings from his poetical career in more balanced and measured form in the
Prose of his latter days?

A. William Wordsworth.
B. Matthew Arnold.
C. Robert Browning.
D. Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

72. Among the following, which poet did not write in the pastoral mode? 166
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A. Philip Sidney.
B. John Donne.
C. Christopher Marlowe.
D. John Skelton.

73. The English Renaissance had prose writers as well as poets and playwrights. Identify the List in
which there is one writer who is not primarily known for his prose works.
A. John Lyly; Thomas Nashe; Thomas Campion; Thomas Deloney.
B. Thomas Nashe; Thomas Campion; Roger Ascham; Richard Hooker.
C. Thomas Nashe; Thomas Campion; Roger Ascham; Thomas Hoby.
D. Thomas Hoby; John Fisher; Roger Ascham; Richard Hooker.

74. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is

i. A verse romance
ii. A medieval English text
iii. An Arthurian legend

A. i and ii
B. i, ii and iii
C. ii and iii
D. i and iii

75. Postcolonial scholars of William Shakespeare usually focus on The Tempest and its
Representation of Cali ban, or Othello and its portrayal of the black hero. However, it is
Possible to study race relations via the postcolonial lens in at least two other plays of
Shakespeare set in ancient times. These would be ------------ --.

A. Antony and Cleopatra and Pericles

B. Titus Andronicus and Antony and Cleopatra
C. Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra
D. Troilus and Cressida and Antony and Cleopatra

76. john Donne, in "To His Mistress Going to Bed" compares his mistress to -------- --.
A. America
B. Both the Indies
C. A temple
D. Mahomet's Paradise 167
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77. When John Dryden uses "the frugal kind" and "the winged nation" for bees in his Translation of
Virgil's The Georgics he is employing ------- --.
A. Ekphrasis
B. Peripeteia
C. Paraphrase
D. Periphrasis

78. In contrast to Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, which of the following dramas by Dryden
tells the story of the same lovers but restricts itself to their last few hours?
A. Tyrannick Love.
B. All for Love.
C. Love Triumphant.
D. An Evening's Love.

79. Jonathan Swift is today remembered mainly for Gulliver's Travels. However, he also Wrote A
Modest Proposal --------------- --.
i. In which he suggested that the children of the poor could be eaten by the Wealthy.
ii. Which was meant to rehabilitate the poor Irish men and women of the time.
iii. Which was a proposal written for the government of the times.
A. Only iii is correct
B. Only i is correct
C. Both ii and iii are correct
D. ii is only partially correct

Read the poem given below and answer questions 80 to 84.

The past
Jackie Kay

The girl I was is out at sea.

Isn't that funny? She just walks
Further and further away, slowly.
Soon i'll think we had different lives
Me and her, her and me.
Maybe i'll wave to her across the sea,
Lift my arm high above my shoulder
And wave to the wee girl with the black curly hair,
Her skirt, way above her knees in the dark sea. 168
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80. Why does the speaker use was and is consequently in line I?

A. She is unsure of herself in terms of tense.

B. What she 'was' is no longer what she 'is'.
C. What she 'was' never turns out to be what she 'is'.
D. She is unsure of herself in terms of time.

81. When the speaker in the poem says that' She just walks I further and further away, Slowly.' she
means that --------- --.
A. The girl is heading towards the sea, to drown herself
B. The girl is walking through the sea
C. The speaker and the girl she once was are drifting apart
D. The speaker sees the girl she once was as someone fit to drown

82. The poem begins with the speaker claiming that the girl she was is 'out at sea'. This Might also
imply that--------- --.
A. The two are irrevocably separated
B. A vast gulf separates the two
C. The girl she was is lost and confused
D. The girl she was is on board a ship

83. The question "Isn't that funny?" means that -------- --.
A. The speaker is puzzled by the strange situation
B. The speaker is amused by and laughing at her younger self
C. The speaker wants the reader to share the joke
D. The speaker is amusing herself at the expense of her past self

84. The theme of the poem is --------- --.

A. That growing up is a confusing time for all
B. That we drown in the memories of our past
C. That we hold close the memory of the past
D. The distance that separates youth and maturity

85. The best way to be in the good books of one's bosses is to -------- --.

A. Tow the line

B. Tow the lane
C. Toe the lane
D. Toe the line

86. William Blake's poem "The Chimney Sweeper" occurs ------- --. 169
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A. Only in Songs of Experience.

B. Only in Songs of Innocence.
C. In Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience.
D. In Milton and Visions of the Daughters of Albion.

87. Many of the eminent literary figures in canonical English Literature have familial links With
other similarly eminent figures. In the table below match the names in Column A with The
relationship in Column B.


I. T H Huxley and Aldous a. Distant descendant


II. William and Nicholas b. Siblings


III. Charles and Mary Lamb c. Parent and child

IV. Kingsley and Martin Amis d. Grandparent and grandchild

A. I - d; II - a; III - b; IV - c
B. 1-b; II - d; III - c; IV - a
C. 1- b; II - c; III - d; IV - a
D. 1- c; II - b; III - d; IV – a

88. W. B. Yeats, wrote a series of poems featuring a character called-------- , who talked to Bishops,
about God, etc. The total number of these poems is ------- --.
A. Crazy Ann; Five
B. Crazy Jane; Seven
C. Crazy Jay; Nine
D. Crazy Anne; Three

89. The famous phrase "something will turn up" is associated with which one of the Following
Dickens' characters?
A. Barkis.
B. Micawber.
C. Uriah Heep.
D. Miss Havisham.

90. The statement, "What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young" is an illustration of A/ an -
-. 170
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A. Oxymoron
B. Antithesis
C. Paradox
D. Metonymy

91. Kent in King Lear disguises himself in order to ----------- --.

A. Revenge himself upon Lear for banishing him
B. Spy on Edmund
C. Antagonize Goneril and Regan
D. Continue to serve Lear as his loyal servant

92. "O but I fear the fickle freakes ...../of fortune false, and odds of armes in field", this is an Example
of .
A. Allegory
B. Alliteration
C. Assonance
D. Antithesis

93. Which of the following phrases is not found in John Keats's "To Autumn"?
A. Far from the madding crowd.
B. For sununer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.
C. Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.
D. Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies.

94. Benjamin Disraeli coined the phrase "The Two Nations" to describe the disparity in ----------
Between the rich and the poor?
A. France
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. India

95. "Is it their'single-mind-sized skulls, or a trained / Body, or genius, or a nestful of brats / Gives
their days this bullet and automatic / purpose?" (Thrushes) In the above lines 'their' refers to -----
I. Human beings and their intelligence
II. The thrushes and their concentration in achieving what they set out for
III. The efficiency of the thrushes in getting at their prey
A. Only III is correct
B. Only I is correct
C. None of the three are correct
D. Only II and III are correct 171
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96. "Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender". This is an important statement Defining the
womanist perspective advanced by ---------- --.
A. Zora Neale Hurston
B. Bell Hooks
C. Toni Morrison
D. Alice Walker

97. Who does Coleridge indicate by the phrase 'a person perverted into a thing'?
A. A poet.
B. A slave.
C. An addict.
D. A freak.

98. PRINCE HENRY: I'll be no longer guilty of this sin. This sanguine coward, this bed presser,
This horseback-breaker, this huge hill of flesh- FALSTAFF: 'Sblood, you starveling, you
e1fskin, you dried neat's tongue, you buh's pizzle, You stockfish! O, for breath to utter what is
like thee! You tailor's-yard, you sheath, you Bowcase, you vile standing tuck-
The above dialogue is an example of -----------.
A. Invective
B. Dark humor
C. Slapstick comedy
D. Farcical comedy

99. What kind of a clause is denoted in a sentence that begins with 'If?
A. Concessive clause.
B. Relative clause.
C. Conditional clause.
D. Simple clause.

100. "Mrs. Roberts is coming to tea this afternoon. As she is going to visit the vicar first, she May be
a little late."
In the first sentence we are introduced to Mrs. Roberts. In the second sentence Mrs. Roberts Is
referred to twice as she. This she is a clear reference to Mrs. Roberts and provides one Obvious
way in which the second sentence is tied to the first. To that extent the second Sentence
presupposes the first because it would not be possible to interpret who this she is Unless the
information of the first sentence was already provided. The textual quality of the Sentences
derived from the given utterance is -------- --. 172
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A. Story
B. Cohesion
C. Ellipsis
D. Foreshadowing.

1 C 51 C
2 C 52 C
3 A 53 A
4 A 54 B
5 B 55 D
6 A 56 C
7 B 57 B
8 A 58 A
9 D 59 D
10 A 60 C
11 A 61 C
12 B 62 D
13 A 63 D
14 B 64 C
15 A 65 B
16 C 66 C
17 D 67 A
18 C 68 C
19 B 69 B
20 B 70 A
21 B 71 B
22 A 72 D
23 D 73 A
24 D 74 B
25 D 75 B
26 B 76 A
27 A 77 D
28 C 78 B
29 C 79 B
30 A 80 B
31 A 81 C
32 B 82 B
33 A 83 A
34 A 84 D
35 A 85 D 173
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36 A 86 C
37 A 87 A
38 B 88 B
39 A 89 B
40 A 90 C
41 A 91 D
42 A 92 B
43 B 93 A
44 A 94 B
45 D 95 D
46 A 96 D
47 B 97 B
48 D 98 A
49 A 99 C
50 C 100 B 174
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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2018

1. She ....... (read) The Times every day. She ........ (read) The Times, when I called on her.
A. Is reading, was reading
B. Reads, was reading
C. Reads, read
D. Has been reading, was reading

2. Let me help you with this, ..... .

A. Shall I?
B. Shan't I?
C. Can't I?
D. Should I?

3. "On that day, to visit her house on Garay Street and pay my respects to her father would be An
irreproachable and perhaps unavoidable act of politeness". Irreproachable means:
A. That which cannot be approached
B. That which cannot be delayed
C. That which cannot be changed
D. That which cannot blamed

4. Choose the correct statement:

A. One needs to constantly upgrade one's skills to cope up with changing times
B. One needs to constantly upgrade one's skills to cope with the changing times
C. One needs to constantly upgrade their skills to cope up in changing times
D. One needs to constantly upgrade his/her skills to cope up with the changing times.

5. I, Peter Stone, ...... An Assistant Editor with The Times of India.

A. Is
B. Am
C. Works as
D. A and C

6. She is one of the finest ........ Of our times.

A. Writer
B. Author
C. Poet
D. Writers 175
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7. Which of the following is correct?

A. I prefer a book, however badly written, to a movie.
B. I prefer a book, however, badly written, to a movie.
C. I prefer a book however, badly written than a movie.
D. I prefer a book, however, badly written than a move.
8. The Seminar has been.........From the 15th to the 13th of this month.
A. Advanced
B. Preponed
C. Preponded
D. Prefixed
9. Pub is a shortened form of ---
A. Public club
B. Public inn
C. Public house
D. Publicity house
10. He is sitting ....... Me
A. Besides
B. Aside
C. Beside
D. Adjacent

11. What does the following sentence mean?

He visits the dentist off and on.

A. He visits the dentist occasionally.
B. He visits the dentist regularly.
C. He hardly ever visits the dentist.
D. He visits the dentist everyday.
12. Find out the correctly spelt word for "a written statement made after an official promise (oath)"
A. Affidavit
B. Affidevit
C. Afidevit
D. Affedevit
13. Arrange the following sentence with the following numbers:
1 Coffee
2 Have
3 Breakfast
4 Some
5 Before

A. 2, 4 ,1, 5, 3 176
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B. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
C. 2, 1, 5, 4 ,3
D. 2, 4, 3, 1, 5

14. What does elision mean?

A. The omission of a sound or syllable when speaking
B. The omission of a consonant or vowel when writing
C. The omission of a subject or predicate while speaking
D. The omission of a subject or object while writing

15. If he had answered all the questions well, he ...... .

A. Will have selected.
B. Would have been selected.
C. Would be selected.
D. Shall have been selected.

16. "They asked her where she had gone the previous day". Put in direct speech, this sentence Will
A. They said to her, "where have you gone yesterday?"
B. They said, "where were you go yesterday?"
C. "Where were you going yesterday?" they told her.
D. They said to her, "Where did you go yesterday?"

17. He said to me, "You are not my real friend". When you report this, it will read ..... .
A. He regretted that you are not my real friend.
B. He told me that he was not my real friend.
C. He told to me that I am not his real friend.
D. He told me that I was not his real friend.

18. Arrange the middle four sentences (NOPQ) in correct order with the first and the last (M& R) as
they are:
M. We are living in an age in which technology has suddenly 'annihilated distance'.
N. Are we going to let this consciousness of our variety make us fear and hate each Other?
O. Physically we are now all neighbours, but psychologically we are all still strangers To each
P. How are we going to react?
Q. We have never been so conscious of our variety as we are now that we have come to Such
close quarters.
R. In that event we should be dooming ourselves to wipe each other out. 177
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19. I looked at the downward slope while he was looking downwards from the top of the hill. The
underlined words are ........ ,..........Respectively.
A. Adjective, adverb
B. Adverb, adjective
C. Noun, adjective
D. Adjective, noun

20. It is .............. For every taxpayer to ............. The tax returns to the IT department.
A. Necessary, lodge
B. Binding, pay
C. Obligatory, submit
D. Possible, remit

21. Write the suitable word in the blank: Neither of my best friends ........ Present here now.

A. Was
B. Were
C. Are
D. Is

22. They have not finished their exam, ......... .

A. Are they?
B. Have they?
C. Had they?
D. Were they?

23. A "Red letter day" is:

A. A dangerous day in someone's life
B. A day on which bad things happen
C. A day memorable for some joyful events
D. A day celebrated by the Communists

24. Two hundred miles ........ A long way.

A. Are
B. Was
C. Is
D. Were 178
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25. What would you need ...... Change ....... Your life ....... Produce such an affirmation?
(Fill up with correct preposition)
A. To, in, to
B. To, to, to
C. About, in, to
D. For, in, to

26. "East is East and West is West! And never the twain shall meet". Here, "twain" means:
A. Today
B. Two
C. Half
D. Tomorrow

27. Which kind of poetry does not necessarily tell a story?

A. Ballad
B. Elegy
C. Lay
D. Idyll

28. "He is a cunning, conniving, cheating cur." This is an example of a/an:

A. Paradoxical sentence
B. Alliterative sentence
C. Ambiguous sentence
D. Complex Sentence

29. The sequel to Alice in Wonderland is

A. The Count of Monte Christo
B. Through the Looking Glass
C. Dr. Zhivago
D. And Quiet Flows the Don

30. Which of the following is set in the background of 9/11?

A. The Reluctant Fundamentalist
B. The Ground Beneath her Feet
C. Unaccustomed Earth
D. Thy Hand, Great Anarch! 179
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31. G. K. Chesterton's "On Running after One's Hat" romanticizes ...... .

A. Storm
B. Snow
C. Flood
D. Fire

32. Visual poetry refers to poetry/art ..... .

A. That is dramatized/screened.
B. That is meant for the eyes and ears.
C. Forms which can be read like poetry.
D. Found in visual art forms.

Answer Questions 33-37 based on the following text:

"Tell us a story," demanded the bigger of the small girls.
"Once upon a time," began the bachelor, "there was a little girl called Bertha, who was

The children's momentarily-aroused interest began at once to flicker; all stories seemed
Dreadfully alike, no matter who told them.
"She did all that she was told, she was always truthful, she kept her clothes clean, ate milk
Puddings as though they were jam tarts, learned her lessons perfectly, and was polite in her
"Was she pretty?" asked the bigger of the small girls.
"Not as pretty as any of you," said the bachelor, "but she was horribly good."

There was a wave of reaction in favour of the story; the word "horrible" in connection with
Goodness was a novelty that commended itself. It seemed to introduce a ring of truth that was
Absent from the aunt's tales of infant life.
33. Which word of the narrator makes the children decide that the story would be like any Other
A. Momentarily
B. Horribly
C. Extraordinarily
D. Dreadfully 180
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34. Why does the bachelor make Bertha less pretty than any of the children?
A. To restore their interest which began to wane.
B. To show them that people in real life can be prettier than characters in stories.
C. To show that physical appearance and goodness are not directly proportional.
D. All of the above

35. "The aunt's tales of infant life" are:

A. Didactic and realistic.
B. Didactic but not convincing.
C. Worldly but didactic.
D. Realistic but not didactic.

36. Why are the children fascinated by the term "horribly good"?
A. It seemed like a new usage.
B. It meant too good to be true.
C. It seemed to suggest the story wouldn't be good enough.
D. Both A and B.

37. Based on the above extract, the story apparently challenges ---
A. The concept of a 'good' story.
B. The aim of children's stories to be didactic, without being realistic.
C. That children appreciate any kind of story, unquestioningly.
D. All of the above

38. Which of these books is not written by Aristotle?

A. Poetics
B. Republic
C. Politics
D. Rhetoric

39. Which of these poets is also known as the "Nightingale of India"?

A. Kamala Das
B. Sarojini Naidu
C. Toru Dutt
D. Amrita Pritam

40. 'Renaissance Man' is a title given to ...

A. Michelangelo
B. Leonardo da Vinci
C. Galen
D. Shakespeare 181
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41. In the following groupings of Gothic authors, one group includes an author not known for The
Gothic. Identify the group that contains this 'odd man out'.
A. Horace Walpole, Maria Edgeworth, Ann Radcliffe
B. Maria Edgeworth, Ann Radcliffe, Clara Reeves
C. Clara Reeves, Horace Walpole, Christopher Smart
D. Maria Edgeworth, Matthew Lewis, Clara Reeves

42. Science fiction is also commonly referred to as .....

A. Speculative fiction
B. Disaster fiction
C. Crisis fiction
D. Dystopian fiction

43. Which of the following groups contains a novel that is not from the Victorian period?
A. Jane Eyre, The Moonstone, Daniel Deronda
B. Daniel Deronda, The Egoist, Roderick Random
C. The Egoist, The Moonstone, Jude the Obscure
D. Jude the Obscure, Jane Eyre, Henry Esmon

44. Which of the following groups of ideas and events best captures the contexts of Elizabethan
A. The Spanish Armada, Shakespeare, East India Company
B. East India Company, Shakespeare, Wars of the Roses
C. Shakespeare, The Spanish Armada, Isaac Newton
D. Isaac Newton, East India Company, The Spanish Armada

45. The form of literary writing most commonly associated with postcolonial authors like Salman
Rushdie, Ben Okri, and Wole Soyinka is ..... .
A. Surrealism
B. Magic Realism
C. Hysterical Realism
D. Recidivism

46. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Female Vagrant, The Idiot Boy and The Foster Mother's
Tale are linked in a volume. This volume is famously known as ......
A. Lays of Ancient Rome
B. Lyrical Ballads
C. Tottel 's Miscellany
D. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry 182
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47. Of the following authors, one was famous as an editor of the Illustrated Weekly of India ....
A. Salman Rushdie
B. Shashi Tharoor
C. Vikram Chandra
D. Khushwant Singh

48. The phrase "handcuffed to history" which becomes a slogan for postcolonial authors, Appears
first in the writings of.. ...
A. Nirad C. Chaudhuri
B. Salman Rushdie
C. Amitav Ghosh
D. Manu Joseph

49. Which of the following is not a literary prize?

A. Hugo
B. Pulitzer
C. Gold Dagger
D. Grammy

50. The branch of linguistics that studies the structure of words is ..... .
A. Pragmatics
B. Morphology
C. Philology
D. Semantics

51. The modem-day adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear, titled simply Lear, is by ..... .
A. Edward Bond
B. Edward Albee
C. J.M. Synge
D. Harold Pinter

52. Match the following names of women and the authors they are associated With/influenced.
(a) Maud Gonne (i) W.B. Yeats
(b) Beatrice (ii) Dante
(c) Martha Blount (iii) Alexander Pope

(d) Nora Barnacle (iv) James Joyce

(e) Fanny Brown (v) John Keats 183
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A. a- i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv, e-v

B. a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-v, e-iv
C. a -v, b-ii, c-i, d-iv, e-iii
D. a-i, b-v, c-iv, d-iii, e-ii

53. Link the authors and the literary-cultural movements they were closely associated with.

(a) Virginia Woolf (i) Vorticism

(b) Wyndham Lewis (ii) Bloomsbury

(c) Marinetti (iii) Futurism

(d) T.E. Hulme (iv) Imagism

A. a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv

B. a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv
C. a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv
D. a-i, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii

54. Link the authors in column A and the first lines of their popular poems from column B.

(a) Donne (i) When I consider how my
light. ...

(b) Milton (ii) Busy old fool, unruly Sun

(c) Shakespeare (iii) My heart aches ..... .

(d) Keats (iv) Let me not to the marriage

of true minds

A. A-I, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv

B. A-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii
C. A-I, b-ii, c-iv, d-iii
D. A-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv 184
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55. The construction of the non-European races as the cultural opposite of the European ones In
literature and culture has been termed ................. .
A. Nativism
B. Orientalism
C. Occidentalism
D. Revanchism

56. One of the most widely held notions in literary-philosophical thinking is that of a strictly
Ordered hierarchy. What was this hierarchy called?
A. The Benedictine Order
B. The Great Chain of Classics
C. The Great Chain of Being
D. The Order of the Empire of Knights

57. What is the title of the poem that begins thus: "What is this life, if full of care, we have no Time
to stand and stare?"
A. Tranquillity
B. Comfort of Arms
C. Leisure
D. Meeting at Night

58. "Uneasy lies the head that ....... "

A. Wears a hat
B. Wears a feather
C. Wears a crown
D. Wears a tiara

59. Select the ideal response for the statement "My aunt is coming to stay with me."
A. How do you do?
B. For how long?
C. Thankyou
D. How was it?

60. When a car pulled out in front of her, she did well not to .......... Control of her bicycle,
A. Miss
B. Loose
C. Lose
D. Loss

61. According to his ....... , the train leaves at 10 am.

A. Opinion 185
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B. Advice
C. Education
D. Information

62. Which of the following is often defined as an "extended metaphor"?

A. Symbols
B. Personification
C. Allegory
D. Similes

63. Speech or writing that features a heightened emotional tone, imposing diction, and highly Ornate
style can be described as:
A. Normal
B. Descriptive
C. Archaic
D. Grand

64. A writer's departure from the rules and conventions of standard spoken and written Language is
A. Poetic norms
B. Poetic Justice
C. Poetic diction
D. Poetic license

65. If her eyes have not blinded thine,

Look, and tomorrow late, tell me,
Whether both th' Indias of spice and mine
Be where thou leftst them, or lie here with me.
These lines are an example for: .
A. Hyperbole
B. Exaggeration
C. Conceit
D. Personification

66. 'The weeping woods' is an example for (a/an) ----

A. Oxymoron
B. Pathetic fallacy 186
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C. Transferred Epithet
D. Dark humour

67. Match the following

i. Blind mouths a. Synecdoche

ii. Sway, quay b. Eye rhyme

iii. Sleepy day c. Oxymoron

iv. Sailing masts d. Transferred epithet

A. i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b

B. i-c, ii-b, iii-d, iv-a
C. i-c, ii-b, iii-d, iv-a
D. i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-c

68. Read the following poem:

Give me for life the honest name,
Then take my due arrears of fame.
I am grown deaf, and shall become
A trifle deafer in the tomb.

Name the figure of speech used in the last line and a half.
A. Simile
B. Overstatement
C. Understatement
D. Paradox
Read the following poem. Questions 69 to 73 are based on this text.
The Recall
I am the land of their fathers, 187
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In me the virtue stays;

I will bring back my children
After certain days. 4
Under their feet in the grasses
My clinging magic runs.
They shall return as strangers,
They shall remain as sons. 8
Over their heads in the branches
Of their new-bought, ancient trees,
I weave an incantation,
And draw them to my knees. 12
Scent of smoke in the evening,
Smell of rain in the night,
The hours, the days and the seasons,
Order their souls aright; 16
Till I make plain the meaning
Of all my thousand years-
Till I fill their hearts with knowledge,
While I fill their eyes with tears. 20
(Rudyard Kipling)

69. Whose voice are we supposed to hear in this poem?

A. The lyric voice
B. The choric voice
C. The voice of the country
D. The voice of the country-men

70. Who will "return as strangers"?

A. Those who left the country once.
B. Those who stayed back once.
C. The sons who remain with Father.
D. Those who will never return. 188
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71. What word will appropriately replace the phrase, "all my thousand years"?
A. Legend
B. Myth
C. Politics
D. History

72. Which line suggests that it will take quite some time for the "sons" to begin to love their Native
A. Line4
B. Line 10
C. Line 15
D. Line 17

73. What makes Kipling's title quite apt for this poem?
A. "The Recall" is recollection of experiences and events as well as the calling back of Officials
from duty elsewhere.
B. "The Recall" is at once the sentimental and reciprocal attachment to one's Fatherland by
Devoted workers elsewhere.
C. "The Recall" suggests men's love for the land and the land's return of love to her sons.
D. "The Recall" suggests fond recollections of home and country by workers elsewhere.

Read the following passage and answer questions 74 to 78:

His first defect is that to which may be imputed most of the evil in books or in men.

He sacrifices virtue to convenience, and is so much more careful to please than instruct, that
He seems to write without any moral purpose. From his writings indeed a system of social
Duty may be selected, for he that thinks reasonably must think morally; but his precepts and
Axioms drop casually from him; he makes no just distribution of good and evil; nor is always
Careful to show in the virtuous a disapprobation of the wicked; he carries his persons
Indifferently through right and wrong and at the close dismisses them without further care,
And leaves their examples to operate by chance. This fault the barbarity of his age cannot
Extenuate; for it is always a writer's duty to make the world better, and justice is a virtue
Independent on time or place.

74. "justice is a virtue independent on time or place." Explain. 189
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A. No matter where you deliver justice, time and place matter.

B. Justice as virtue least respects time and place.
C. Neither time nor place is wholly dependent on justice.
D. Justice as virtue is independent unlike time and place.

75. Is the author of this passage absolutely sure that the writer in question is completely Devoid of
"any moral purpose"? Explain.
A. Yes; his/her assertion that "he that thinks reasonably must think morally" shows how
Absolutely sure he/she is.
B. Yes; his/her affirmation of the writer's "defect" is categorical which goes to show how
Absolutely sure he/she is.
C. No; his/her remark that the writer's "precepts and axioms drop casually from him" betrays His
uncertainty about the writer's "moral purpose."
D. No; his/her phrase, "[the writer] seems to write without any moral purpose" reflects his
Uncertainty about his/her view.

76. "This fault the barbarity of his age cannot extenuate." (Explain the italicized word)
A. Lessen the seriousness.
B. Heighten the seriousness.
C. Extend beyond limits
D. Compensate for loss.

77. What crucial fault does the author of this passage find in the writer in question?
A. His wayward and lackadaisical attitude to men and manners.
B. His wayward and lackadaisical attitude to civic law.
C. No clarity regarding virtue and convenience of human action.
D. The indifference of his writing towards morality.

78. Identify the writer of this passage and the writer he criticizes.
A. Matthew Arnold on P. B. Shelley
B. Samuel Johnson on William Shakespeare
C. William Hazlitt on Thomas De Quincey
D. John Dryden on Geoffrey Chaucer

79. What is wrong with this sentence? He respectfully asked 'if she was in the same mind as
A. The word respectfully should follow asked; was should be would be. 190
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B. Either the words within quotes should become 'Are you in ... Yesterday? ' or both quotes And
the question mark should be dropped.
C. The sentence should begin with the words within quotes and be followed with, he
Respectfully asked
D. Instead of if use whether ... Or not and rewrite the sentence.

80. Pick the correctly punctuated sentence below:

A. She dismounted and, leaving the bicycle on the turf, began to walk up an ascending track.
B. She dismounted, and leaving the bicycle on the turf began to walk up an ascending track.
C. She dismounted and leaving the bicycle on the turf, began to walk up an ascending track.
D. She dismounted, and, leaving the bicycle on the turf began to walk up an ascending track.

81. Complete the old saying in English by filling in the correct word: "Take care of the..... And the
pounds will take care of themselves."
A. Nickels
B. Shillings
C. Farthings
D. Pence

82. What does the following sentence really mean?

If I may be forgiven a spasm of self-consciousness, I wish to state that, even had it not so
Befallen that much of this book was written during a time of almost unexampled crisis, I
Should have been under no illusion about the importance of my subject.
A. The author of the book is least convinced of the importance of his book.
B. The author of the book is least convinced of the unimportance of his book.
C. The author of the book is least unconvinced of the importance of its subject.
D. The author of the book is least convinced of the importance of its subject.

83. The following lists meanings for access (noun); which of these is NOT one of its Meanings?
A. Means or opportunity to approach or enter a place
B. The right or opportunity to use or benefit from something
C. The action! Process of obtaining or retrieving data stored in a computer.
D. The facility of having or using available resources as alternative lifestyle.

84. Supply the correct last word for the following verse: 191
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A. Die
B. My
C. I
D. Lie

I sat with my toes in the brook,

And if anyone asks me why
I give him a tap with my crook,
Necessity drives me, say ....... .
85. Of the following, identify the one unidiomatic phrase:
A. To keep in hand
B. Out of the hand
C. Hand in glove
D. On hand.

86. What does of hand mean?

A. Simple and straightforward
B. Short and sweet
C. Escape from custody
D. Free and easy

1 B 51 A
2 A 52 A
3 D 53 B
4 C 54 B
5 A 55 B
6 A 56 C
7 D 57 C
8 B 58 C
9 C 59 B
10 C 60 C
11 D 61 D
12 A 62 D
13 A 63 D
14 A 64 D
15 B 65 C
16 A 66 C
17 C 67 C
18 D 68 C
19 A 69 C
20 C 70 A 192
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21 B 71 D
22 B 72 C
23 C 73 A
24 C 74 A
25 D 75 B
26 B 76 A
27 D 77 D
28 B 78 B
29 B 79 D
30 A 80 C
31 C 81 D
32 B 82 C
33 C 83 A
34 D 84 C
35 A 85 A
36 D
37 B
38 C
39 B
40 D
41 C
42 D
43 C
44 C
45 B
46 B
47 D
48 B
49 D
50 B 193
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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2018

1. A pair of scissors is to cloth as a scythe is to ....

A. Wood
B. Steel
C. Paper.
D. Grass

2. The students had no choice but to carry ........ their teacher's order.
A. Out
B. On
C. Through
D. Away

3. Choose the correctly spelt word

A. Surveillance
B. Surveilance
C. Survaillance
D. Survellance

4. David ......... to relax at the weekend.

A. Enjoys
B. Would rather
C. Likes better
D. Prefers

5. If your students are not doing well on their quizzes they must not be very good. In this sentence
"they" might refer to
A. The students
B. The quizzes
C. Both the quizzes and the students
D. None of the above choices

6. The revolution against corruption has not lost steam: it on as fiercely as before.
A. Rages
B. Razes
C. Rambles
D. Rattles 194
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7. While He hit the dog is a sentence that makes perfect sense, The dog he hit makes incomplete
sense, unless we add:
A. today.
B. yelped.
C. when.
D. helped.

8. Match the following pairs of words minding the oppositional logic of their respective alignment.
1. profound i. placid

2. graceful ii. Light

3. vigorous iii. flippant

4. lush iv. superficial

5. earnest v. awkward

6. heavy vi. austere

The correctly matched set according to the code is:

A.; 2.v; 3.iv; 4.iii; 5.ii; 6.i.
B. 1.i; 2.iii; 3.ii;; 5.ii; 6.iv.
C. 1.iv; 2.v; 3.i;; 5.iii; 6.ii.
D. 1.ii; 2.iii; 3.i; 4.v; 5.iv; 6.iv.

9. The largest room in this building can take ten dining tables and some forty-odd chairs. Of
course the largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
What distinguishes the largest room in the first sentence from its use in the second?
A. The first refers to physical space while the second refers to the metaphorical.
B. Neither room is tangible or real in a specific sense.
C. Both rooms are large, the second larger than the first.
D. The first refers to metaphorical space while the second refers to the physical

10. They organized a party --------- his honour. That Ajita was not invited --------- it was a shame.
She admired him most and it seems unlikely that she would forgive the organizers -------- their
A. at, for, towards
B. about, at, against
C. in, to, for
D. after, on, with 195
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11. In the following pairs of words, identify the pair that is not pronounced alike.
A. key-quay
B. plain-plane
C. die-dye
D. body-bawdy

12. When I say that the benefits of demonetization are moot, what do I mean?
A. That I do not understand what the benefits are.
B. That I do not understand what demonetization is.
C. That the benefits of demonetization are surely seen.
D. That the benefits of demonetization are debatable.

13. Choose matching prepositions to complete the following phrases.

1. According ----------- the i. of
2. Different --------- the first ii. to
3. Based ----------this iii. by
4. Bored -----------the turn of iv. from
5. Consisting ---------- cards and v. on

According to the code, the correctly matched pairs would be:

A. 1-ii; 2-iv; 3-v; 4-iii; 5-i.
B. 1-i; 2-ii; 3-iii; 4-v; 5-iv.
C. 1-v; 2-iii; 3-i; 4-ii; 5-iv.
D. 1-ii; 2-v; 3-i; 4-iii; 5-iv.

14. May be and maybe should be carefully distinguished- the first as ----------- and the second as
A. formal, informal
B. strict, casual
C. two-word sequence, single word
D. single-word, two-word sequence

15. You will be given a box of tools, necessary accessories and spare-parts. You will fix all leaks
and blocks in the drainage by this evening. ( --------- ). Complete this utterance using how as the
first word of the next sentence which is not a question. 196
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A. How difficult this task would be, you wouldn't imagine.

B. How are you going to do this?
C. How quickly you will do this, let me see!
D. How you do this well is up to you.

16. He earned his well-paid job after a long struggle; when he laughed at the most inopportune
time, it cost him the job. List the verbs in this sentence.
A. earned, struggle, laughed
B. earned, laughed, cost
C. struggle, laughed, cost
D. job, laughed, inopportune

17. Which word in the following sentence tells us that the speaker's being in the world has not
completely robbed him of the sense of surprise?
I know enough of the world now, to have almost lost the capacity of being much surprised by
anything; but it is a matter of some surprise to me that I can have been so easily thrown away at
such an age.
A. almost
B. but
C. some
D. much

18. Which of the statements about the following sentence is TRUE?

The Raos had been living so frugally all year that they saved enough money for a Mercedes.
A. The present perfect continuous tense used here indicates a state that continues into the
B. The past perfect continuous tense used here indicates an ongoing state prior to a past action.
C. The perfect tense used here is not clear enough to justify the state indicated in the present.
D. The past perfect tense used here does not indicate an ongoing state prior to a past action.

19. Change this sentence into the active voice, "They were eliminated by us."
A. They eliminated us.
B. We eliminated them.
C. Elimination was done by us.
D. None of the above

20. The correct active voice form of the sentence "The menu was changed by Sue" is 197
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A. Sue changes the menu.

B. Sue is changing the menu.
C. Sue changed the menu.
D. Sue was the one who changed the menu
21. "The people does not agree to this measure." Which word needs to be changed to correct this
A. Agree
B. Does
C. Not
D. Measure

22. The function succeeded because of the students combined effort. The correct placing of the
omitted apostrophe would be
A. student's
B. students'
C. students's
D. students'es

23. The President is ------------- a speech now.

A. gives
B. gave
C. give
D. giving

24. Choose the right synonym for 'bargaining'

A. Trading
B. Arguing
C. Haggling
D. Pleading

25. Which of the following statements is prophetic?

A. You are not better than they are.
B. You are not Better than they are, are you?
C. You will never be better than they are.
D. You shouldn't hope to be better than they are.

26. Who wrote the preface to Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable?
A. W.B. Yeats
B. E.M. Forster 198
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C. Edmund Gosse
D. Graham Greene

27. If utopia is the fiction of a perfect place, what would the fiction of its opposite be?
A. Dystopia
B. Outopia
C. Mistopia
D. Detopia

28. In order to read the following authors, which set of contexts would be most relevant? Monica
Ali, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Timothy Mo, Buchi Emecheta.
A. Neocolonialism, Industrialization, Democracy
B. Neocolonialism, Immigration, Globalization
C. Globalization, Naturalization, Inoculation
D. Immigration, Globalization, Industrialization

Read the following poem and answer the questions 29-32 that follow:
Christmas Eve, and twelve of the clock.
"Now they are all on their knees,"
An elder said as we sat in a flock
By the embers in hearthside ease.
We pictured the meek mild creatures where
They dwelt in their strawy pen,
Nor did it occur to one of us there
To doubt they were kneeling then.
So fair a fancy few would weave
In these years! Yet, I feel,
If someone said on Christmas Eve,
"Come; see the oxen kneel,
"In the lonely barton by yonder coomb
Our childhood used to know,"
I should go with him in the gloom,
Hoping it might be so. 199
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29. The first stanza presents us with a picture of

A. A family kneeling together

B. A family at dinner
C. A group of people at a fireside
D. The poet as 'elder'.

30. "Meek mild creatures" and "So fair a fancy few ... " are both
A. Examples of alliteration
B. Examples of assonance
C. Examples of sibilance
D. None of the above

31. The poem includes

A. The past and a possible future
B. The past, the present and a possible future
C. Only the future
D. Only the past and the present

32. The poem also presents to us

A. Childhood faith and a child's doubtful hope
B. Adult faith and doubt
C. Doubt in both childhood and adulthood
D. Hopeful childhood, doubting adulthood

33. The sentence, "He was prone to bottling up everything," means that ...
A. He was an alcoholic.
B. He was a perfumer.
C. He was a hoarder in the kitchen.
D. He was a person who kept all his feelings hidden.

34. Which of the following combinations of terms describe 'literature in the age of the internet'?

A. Hypertext, digital literature, Ergodic Literature

B. Digitalis, Diggitext, Hypertext
C. Ergodic Literature, hypertext, NetLit
D. NetLit, Digitalis, Netflix

35. Exaggerated facial features of well-known public figures are the characteristic of. ..
A. Graphics
B. Realist cinema 200
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C. Caricature
D. Comics

36. When the first line of a printed text starts further in than the rest of the paragraph, it may be said
to be ...
A. indented
B. intended
C. dented
D. transcendent

37. Poems which describe a landscape from a higher vantage point are known as ... poems.
A. Vantage
B. Tower
C. Topographic
D. Accentuated
Read the following passage and answer the questions 38-40 that follow:
It's human to want light and warmth. Our pagan ancestors had a calendar of fire festivals, and
God's first recorded words, according to the Hebrew Bible, were: "Let there be light." Night
belongs to the dark side, literally and metaphorically: ghosts, scary monsters, robbers, the
unknown. Electricity's triumph over the night keeps us safer as well as busier.
But whatever extends the day loses us the dark.
We now live in a fast-moving, fully lit world where night still happens, but is optional to
experience. Our 24/7 culture has phased out the night. In fact, we treat the night like failed
daylight. Yet slowness and silence - the different rhythm of the night - are a necessary
correction to the day.
38. The author in the second sentence
A. Offers an illustration of her opening remark.
B. Offers us some random facts
C. Casts doubt upon the Hebrew Bible
D. Indicts her ancestors for being pagan

39. The author

A. Endorses the phasing out of night

B. Likes the fact that we no longer need the dark
C. Applauds electricity's role in vanquishing the dark
D. Regrets the loss of the dark 201
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40. Which of the following is not true, according to the passage:

A. We have driven away the darkness.

B. The slowness of night and its quiet are not essential for humans.
C. Our days are longer and busier because of the advent of electricity.
D. Most people believe that the dark is demonic.

41. is specific to particular occupations: Bankers, English academics, plumbers, architects

and doctors, each group uses language intelligible only within the group.
A. Virtue
B. Merit
C. Jargon
D. Profit
Read the following passage and answer questions 42-47.
As long as there is one upright man, as long as there is one compassionate woman, the
contagion may spread and the scene is not desolate. Hope is the thing that is left to us, in a bad
time. I shall get up Sunday morning and wind the clock, as a contribution to order and
steadfastness Sailors have an expression about the weather: they say, the weather is a great
bluffer. I guess the same is true of our human society-things can look dark, then a break shows
in the clouds, and all is changed, sometimes rather suddenly. It is quite obvious that the human
race has made a queer mess of life on this planet. But as a people we probably harbor seeds of
goodness that have lain for a long time waiting to sprout when the conditions are right. Man's
curiosity, his relentlessness, his inventiveness, his ingenuity have led him into deep trouble.
We can only hope that these same traits will enable him to claw his way out.
42. The writer compares human society to ...
A. The weather
B. A clock
C. A desolate landscape
D. Clouds

43. The contagion that the writer hopes will spread is the contagion of
A. Trouble making
B. Darkness
C. Goodness
D. Great troubles and disasters

44. The writer sees certain traits as having led mankind into trouble. These traits do not include ...

A. Curiosity
B. Persistence
C. Compassion
D. Resourcefulness 202
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45. If certain traits have led mankind into trouble the author hopes that…....

A. Mankind will jettison those traits and mend its ways.

B. Evolution will render those traits obsolete for the better.
C. Man will become extinct and that will be a pity.
D. Those traits will also prove to be the saving grace for mankind.

46. The author's attitude towards humanity is marked by ....

A. Complete admiration
B. Clear-sighted evaluation
C. Utter despair
D. Contempt and anger

47. The overall tone of this passage is one of…....

A. Guarded hope and determination.
B. Boundless hope and expectation.
C. Relief and hope for a bright future.
D. Passive submission to nature.

48. The phrase "J couldn't care less" expresses ...

A. Maximum disinterest
B. Some interest
C. A little disinterest
D. Moderate disinterest

49. Under what other name does J.K. Rowling publish?

A. J.R.R. Rowling
B. 1.K. Galbraith
C. Stephen King
D. Robert Galbraith

50. "Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated" is a satiric response by an author to a
misinformed obituary. Identify the author.
A. Lewis Carroll
B. Mark Twain
C. Herman Melville
D. Ernest Hemingway

51. In which school of criticism would the following subjects/concerns be the focus of analysis?
Labour, wage, property, ownership 203
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A. New Criticism
B. Economimesis
C. Historicism
D. Marxism
Read the following poem and answer questions 52-54.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favour fire.

But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great,
And would suffice.

52. According to the speaker, some people believe that ...

A. The world will end
B. The end will be caused by fire
C. The end will be caused by ice
D. All the choices, from a to c, are correct

53. If desire is likened to fire, then

A. Hate is likened to perishing twice
B. Hate is likened to destruction
C. Hate is likened to both destruction and ice
D. Hate is likened to something that is all-sufficient

54. The poet speaks of the end of the world and tells us that
A. Both desire and hate are equally destructive
B. For the ending of the world people need to be full of desire
C. For the world to end people must be consumed by hate
D. The world will end because of people

55. The publishing sensation of 2015 was the sequel to To Kill a Mocking Bird. What was the title of
the sequel? 204
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A. Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

B. The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes
C. Go Set a Watchman
D. The Further Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

56. A poem composed in the form of a letter in verse is called

A. An epistle
B. An epigraph
C. An epithalamion
D. An ellipsis

57. Central to the idea of the paradox is

A. Contradiction
B. Contra-indication
C. Contours
D. Counters.

58. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels and John Bunyan's A Pilgrim's Progress both feature the
of a long journey. The correct term which can be used in the blank is
A. Motive
B. Motif
C. Theme
D. Plot

59. Match the birds (column I) with poets who have written poems on them (Column II)

List 1 List 2
Eagle Ted Hughes

Hawk Albert, Lord Tennyson

Swan PB Shelley

Skylark WB Yeats

A. Eagle-Hughes, Hawk-Tennyson, Swan-Yeats, Skylark-Shelley

B. Eagle-Yeats, Hawk-Hughes, Swan-Shelley, Skylark-Tennyson
C. Eagle-Tennyson, Hawk-Hughes, Swan-Yeats, Skylark-Shelley 205
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D. Eagle-Yeats, Hawk-Shelley, Swan-Tennyson, Skylark-Tennyson

60. Which term in the list below describes the practice of teaching? Pedagogy, epistemology,
demagogy, ontology
A. ontology
B. epistemology
C. demagogy
D. pedagogy
Read the passage and answer the questions 61-63 below.
Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know. I had a telegram from the home: 'Mother
passed away. Funeral tomorrow. Yours sincerely.' That doesn't mean anything. It may have been

61. The speaker in the above passage is uncertain about

A. the death of his mother
B. the date of his mother's death
C. the nature of the last rites
D. the identity of the dead person

62. 'The home' is possibly a reference to

A. the narrator's home
B. the letter writer's home where his mother lived
C. a home for old people where his mother lived
D. the home he lives in now

63. The tone of the telegram is

A. funny
B. sad
C. indifferent
D. angry

64. Match the news item with the headlines so that they correspond in terms of meaning and

News Items News headlines

(i) The team trumped all opposition a. "Celebrations over the victory"
to win the trophy. 206
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(ii) Man survives 20 days on the b. "Life-saving procedure

ocean without any supplies. performed successfully"

(iii) Doctors performed a c. "Fewer life forms on earth likely"

complicated operation to save his

(iv) Global warming will wipe out d. "Heroic feat at sea"

many species of animals.

A. i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b

B. i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c
C. i-a, ii-d, iii-b, iv-c
D. i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-c

65. Taking even part of someone else's work and presenting it as your own leaves you open to
criminal charges. Theft of material from film, video, music, and computer software is ---------
Similar theft from published work and educational material is -------- --.
A. downloading, xerographing.
B. piracy, plagiarism.
C. stealing, filching.
D. duplicating, copying.

Read the passage and answer questions 66-69.

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no
money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail
about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen,
and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth;
whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily
pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and
especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral
principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking
people's hats off - then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my
substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his
sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, 207
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almost all men in their degree, sometime or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings
towards the ocean with me.

66. What is the ostensible reason the narrator gives for going to sea?
A. He has no money and no particular attachments.
B. He has lots of money and a desire to see the world.
C. He has numerous attachments, and no money.
D. He has no money and no particular attachments.

67. How would you describe the man from his account of himself?
A. impetuous, moody, violent
B. impetuous, cheery, generous
C. moody, calm, generous
D. impetuous, moody, witty

68. He sees going to sea as a substitute for acts of ..... that he may indulge in
A. philandering
B. philanthropy
C. anti-social behaviour
D. preaching

69. What does he say about other men?

A. That they also desire escape to the sea.
B. That they hate the sea.
C. That they are afraid of the sea.
D. That they have never seen the sea

70. Complete the series in the order of general, specific, and more specific/concrete detail:
Food vegetarian idly-chutney;
Media newspaper The Hindu;
Place city Hyderabad
Literature poetry?
A. Essays of Elia
B. The Eve of St. Agnes
C. Treasure Island
D. Hamlet 208
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71. Metaphor brings out the thisness of a that, or the thatness of a this. Metaphor tells us something
about one thing as seen from the point of view of another thing. And to consider A from the
point of view of B is, of course, to use B as a perspective upon A. In short, ------- --.
A. Metaphor's perspective is neither one nor the other.
B. Metaphor sees one thing in terms of something else.
C. We see in metaphor a device that allows some perspectival alternatives.
D. We see in things a device that affords some metaphorical alternatives.

72. In a standard dictionary, words labelled slang, dialect, taboo, colloquial, non-standard, archaic,
or obsolete are -------- --.
A. helpful in enriching our vocabulary regardless of their usefulness in present contexts and
appropriate styles.
B. helpful in deciding whether they are wholly appropriate for our purpose, audience and
C. listed mainly for those interested in advanced philological and sociolinguistic matters.
D. listed mainly for those interested in morphological, comparative linguistic, and/or semantic
73. The scientist experiments and the cub plays; both are learning to correct their errors of
judgement in a selling ------- --.
(Complete the sentence with the most appropriate phrase.)
A. most congenial for correction.
B. in which errors are not fatal.
C. most vulnerable to hazards.
D. in which errors cost dearly.

74. Shakespeare often used well-known stories, and though the audience presumably was not
surprised by the deaths of Caesar ad Brutus, it enjoyed the ----------- of anticipating them.
A. surprise
B. salience
C. suspense
D. satisfaction

75. Consider these lines:

[ .... ] one sprang up, and stared
With piteous recognition in fixed eyes, 209
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Lifting distressful hands as if to bless.

And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall,
By his dead smile I knew we stood in Hell.
Which words/ phrases indicate that the poet sees a lifeless body?
A. distressful hands
B. fixed eyes
C. dead smile
D. sullen hall

76. Read this passage and select the best descriptions of the point it makes:
Among so much variety, people are still found to ask, and to give an answer to, the question:
what is it that makes modem poetry modem? Those who think that they can define modem
poetry are more often found among its detractors than among its admirers- for while it is
easy to attribute a common quality to everything we like, it is still easier to attribute a
common vice to what repels us.

(1) It is not easy to define modem poetry.

(2) It is not easy to define what is modern about modem poetry.
(3) People who do not like modem poetry are more likely to give it a definition.
(4)The very first phrase here ("Among so much variety ... ") refers to the richness of modem
poetry available upon which to base one's definition of modern.
A. (1), and (4)
B. (2), and (3)
C. (1),(2),and(4)
D. (2), (3), and (4)

77. One of the following is a poetic name for England:

A. Belarus
B. Anglia
C. Albion
D. Britannica

78. Which of the following is correctly punctuated?

(1)Robert Herrick's poem begins Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," but what it comes to is
"And while ye may, go marry, four stanza's later.
(2) Robert Herrick's poem begins "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," but what it comes to is 210
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"And while ye may, go marry," four stanzas later.

(3) Robert Herricks poem begins "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" but what it comes to is
"And while ye may, go marry" four stanzas later.
(4) Robert Herricks' poem begins "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, but what it comes to is
And while ye may go marry," four stanzas later.
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)

79. In which classic does one read the story of "The Frogs asking for a King"?
A. La Fontaine's Fables
B. Grimm's Fairy Tales
C. Vishnu Sharma's Kathasaritsagara
D. AEsop's Fables

Questions 80 to 83 are based on your reading of the following passage.

The Spanish bullfight has always been a spectacular public sport, not just because it
entertained large crowds but also because matadors came from the ranks of ordinary people.
It is this as well as their skills that made bullfighters like Antonio Ordinez such superstars.
Jallikattu still does not have its home-bred heroes, but it too is a popular sport that has
become culture as it pits man against beast, rather ordinary men against ordinary beasts. It is
almost as if we were compelled to demonstrate our mastery over nature at regular intervals.

But because we arc blessed with cunning, a trait that animals do not possess, we pick on four
creatures that are not carnivores, nor are naturally dangerous to us. We hunt foxes that
attack poultry, or we fight bulls that have no quarrel with humans. Nobody would like to take
on tigers or grizzly bears and call it culture.
As humans we need to show off our cultural might and we do this best by fighting the weak,
never the strong, not even those who are our equals. This is what prompted the anarchist
Peter Kropotkin to remark that nature is not "red in tooth and claw," but people are. 211
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80. Which word in this passage carries the meaning, "that which is intended or suited to the taste or
means of the general public'"?
A. mastery
B. anarchist
C. culture
D. popular

81. Which phrase suggests that man has an urge to prove his superiority over other species of the
A. pits man against beast
B. show off our cultural might
C. blessed with cunning
D. it is almost as if

82. Identify the statement that suggests that culture after all is a tame affair.
A. [Jallikattu] too is a popular sport that has become culture as it pits man against beast, rather
ordinary men against ordinary beasts.
B. It is almost as if we were compelled to demonstrate our mastery over nature at regular
C. Nobody would like to take on tigers or grizzly bears and call it culture.
D. This is what prompted the anarchist Peter Kropotkin to remark that nature is not "red in tooth
and claw," but people are.

83. What trait, according to the author, do the animals not possess in contradistinction to man?
A. culture
B. cunning
C. sportive spirit
D. mastery over nature

84. Do you carrot all for me?

My heart beets for you
With your turnip nose
And your radish face
You are a peach

If we cantaloupe
Lettuce marry. 212
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What characterizes this children's rhyme is its

A. imperfect rhymes
B. imperfect puns
C. nonsense words
D. archaic words

85. A Rhyme, sentence or phrase etc used for helping with memorization is called a
A. Memoaid
B. Mnemonic
C. Memoriser
D. Remember all
Read the following passage and answer questions 86-87.

The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society, or to draw attention
to the importance of precise timekeeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at
daybreak and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough
agreement with their neighbors as to the time of day. The value of this tradition is today more
apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time,
social life would be unbearably chaotic: the massive daily transfers of goods, services, and
information would proceed in fits and starts; the very fabric of modern society would begin to

86. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. In modern society we must make more time for our neighbors.
B. The traditions of society are timeless.
C. An accepted way of measuring time is essential for the smooth functioning of society.
D. Society judges people generally by the times at which they conduct certain activities

87. In 'the Value of this tradition", 'this tradition' refers to:

A. The practice of starting the business day at dawn
B. friendly relations between neighbors
C. the railroad's reliance on time schedules
D. people's agreement on the measurement of time

88. The use of the word 'damsel' for girl is an example of

A. Anachronism
B. Archaism 213
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C. Absurdism
D. Alliteration

89. "Forth sprang the impassioned Queen her Lord to clasp". Rewrite the sentence in regular prose.
A. Impassioned, to clasp her Lord, the Queen sprang forth.
B. To Clasp her Lord, the impassioned queen sprang forth.
C. The impassioned Queen sprang forth to clasp her Lord.
D. The Impassioned Queen, to clasp her Lord sprang forth.

90. Choose the correctly spelt word below.

A. Facetious
B. Facatious
C. Facetieous
D. Facateous

91. Choose the correct sentence from the following

A. He is a member in the committee
B. He is a member to the committee
C. He is a member of the committee
D. He is committee member

92. In spite of playing hard, India lost the match.

Identify the complex conjunction in the above sentence.
A. In spite of
B. Playing hard
C. India
D. Lost the match

93. What single word would you substitute for a lot a/in the following? Our doctors are very busy.
They don't have a lot a/time/or listening to your cases. Be brief
A. whole
B. great
C. plenty
D. much

94. Which of the· following is not an appropriate description of "slang"?

A. a malicious, false, injurious word/ phrase
B. very informal and spoken
C. restricted to special contexts
D. applicable to specific profession, class etc. 214
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95. Whose diary describes the great plague of London.

A. Samuel Pepys
B. William Congreve
C. John Dryden
D. Alexander Pope

96. Who is the author of the play Remorse?

A. S.T. Coleridge
B. William Wordsworth
C. William Blake
D. P.B. Shelley
97. William Wilberforce is associated with the
A. American Civil War
B. abolition of slavery in Britain
C. The Great Plague of London
D. Second World War

98. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable phrase from the options given below:
Not for several the bike had been stolen.
A. Did we
B. Had We
C. Hadn't we
D. We had.

99. Which form of the verb fits the sentence best?

Before .........a decision, you should consider all the consequences.
A. take
B. Make
C. Making
D. Fix

100. "On moving day, things were at sixes and sevens". 'At sixes and sevens' means
A. People were doing sums
B. Everything was in a state of confusion
C. Everything was peaceful and tidy
D. Things were being counted wrongly. 215
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1 D 51 D
2 A 52 D
3 A 53 A
4 D 54 A
5 A 55 C
6 A 56 A
7 A 57 A
8 C 58 D
9 A 59 A
10 C 60 D
11 A 61 A
12 D 62 A
13 A 63 C
14 C 64 C
15 C 65 B
16 A 66 A
17 D 67 C
18 B 68 C
19 B 69 B
20 C 70 B
21 B 71 B
22 A 72 B
23 D 73 B
24 C 74 B
25 C 75 B
26 B 76 D
27 A 77 D
28 A 78 B
29 C 79 D
30 A 80 C
31 D 81 C
32 B 82 C
33 D 83 B
34 A 84 B
35 C 85 B
36 A 86 A
37 C 87 B
38 A 88 B
39 D 89 C
40 C 90 A
41 C 91 A
42 A 92 A
43 C 93 C
44 C 94 B
45 D 95 A
46 B 96 A
47 A 97 B
48 B 98 B
49 D 99 A
50 B 100 B 216
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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2016

1. Choose the most appropriate phrase for the sentence: Detectives clues found suspicious
stains on the floor of the room

A. Looking for
B. Shopping for
C. Agonizing for
D. Eager for

2. What would be the most appropriate phrasing for the question?

A banana? rather have that orange?

A. Would you
B. Had you
C. Wouldn't you
D. Would you better

3. Complete the question with the most appropriate phrase There is a door here,

A. Is there?
B. Was there?
C. Isn't there?
D. is it not?

4. Which of the options listed would you use in place of the underlined word in the sentence
So that the meaning of the sentence remains the same:
Most people are unfailingly obsequious to persons in authority.

A. Perfunctorily obedient
B. Attentive and deferential
C. Disgruntled and rude
D. Servile and compliant

5. Given the sense of the sentence, which verb fits the blank?
After a painstaking explanation, the prosecutor --------- that the accused did indeed Commit the

A. Protected
B. Revoked
C. Proved
D. Illustrated

6. The statement given here is followed by two assumptions, (I) and (II). Identify which of the
assumptions is implied. The privatization of India's healthcare system enables excellent
Treatment, but only for those who can afford it. Assumption (I) The privatization of healthcare
is good for the Entire country. Assumption (II) Only certain sections of society benefit from the
Privatization of healthcare.

A. Neither (I) nor (II) 217
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B. Only (I)
C. Only (II)
D. Both (I) and (II)

7. In order to change the phrase below to the plural, add an apostrophe in the correct place:
Singular: The class' s games.
Plural: The classes games.

A. The classes' games

B. The classes games
C. The classes games
D. The classes games

8. What would be the best order of adjectives in the following sentence?

A cotton dirty old tie
I. A dirty old cotton tie
II. A cotton dirty old tie

A. Only (I)
B. Both (I) and (II)
C. Only (II)
D. Neither (I) nor (II)

9. Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence:

All the world's a stage...

A. Simile
B. Personification
C. Metonymy
D. Metaphor

10. Which word from the options listed would you use in place of the underlined one in the
Sentence so that meaning of the sentence is completely reversed? At the sale I obtained several
exquisite things at wonderful prices.

A. Special
B. Unique
C. Ordinary
D. Rare

11. It is a waste of time to -----------someone so dim-witted; he is too dull to recognize your

Barbs. Which two words from the list below can be used to complete the sentence in a logical
Manner which will produce sentences with closely similar meanings?

A. Disparage
B. Ridicule
C. Lampoon
D. Laud 218
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12. Addison's Cato, highly praised in Johnson's day for its 'correctness,' is damned with faint praise
by Johnson: "Cato affords a splendid exhibition of artificial and fictitious manners, and delivers
just and noble sentiments, in diction easy, elevated, and harmonious, but its Hopes and fears
communicate no vibration to the heart.
According to the passage above, Johnson's opinion of Cato was
I. Roundly condemnatory
II. Ultimately negative
III. Highly effusive
IV. Uncritically adulatory

A. I and IV
B. III and IV
C. I and II
D. II and III

13. "Now of my threescore years and ten

Twenty will not come again and take from seventy springs a score
It only leaves me fifty more."
How old is the poet?

A. Fifty
B. Twenty
C. Seventy
D. Forty

14. "I’ve been working on this." What would you correctly gather from this sentence?

A. That the work is over.

B. That the work is far from over.
C. That the work has been over at this time.
D. That the work will never end the way it should.

15. "The boys brought home the trophy." What would be the next logically correct sentence?

A. They are practising the game for a tournament these months.

B. They will practise the game for a tournament for months.
C. They have been practising the game for a tournament for months.
D. They will be practising the game for a tournament for months.

16. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with the most suitable words from the options Given
That house is adjacent to the church is mine; I was the one _ met you the other

A. That, who
B. Where, that
C. Who, that
D. That, which 219
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17. Why say "Everyone supported the Government", when the evidence of a single Dissentient
voice will be enough to prove you wrong? It is surely better tq say, instead, ...

A. Many supported the Government.

B. None supported the Government.
C. Few supported the Government.
D. Only one supported the Government.

18. "She had no dress sense; she wore fashionable clothes." "She had no dress sense, yet She wore
fashionable clothes." In the latter, we have used “yet” which is a(n)

A. Preposition
B. Adjective
C. Article
D. Conjunction

19. Identify the crucial figure of speech that affords interpretative options for readers:
for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain....

A. The simile in the first 2 lines

B. The illusory world suggested in "seems"
C. The irony of the world that belies its dreamy aura
D. The pun on "lie"'

20. What feeling of the speaker do the following lines suggest?

"O that 'twere possible
After long grief and pain
To find the d1ms of my true love
Round me once again!"

A. Resolution
B. Hope
C. Regret
D. Comfort

21. How do the following sentences mean differently?

The candidates who got high marks were pleased.
The candidates, who got high marks, were pleased.

A. Those who got high marks and those who did not were pleased.
B. While the first sentence implies that others who got low marks were not pleased, the
Second implies that all candidates got good marks.
C. While the first sentence implies that all candidates got good marks, the second
Implies that others who got low marks were not pleased. 220
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D. The deletion of parenthetic commas affects the meaning of the two sentences.

22. "Why would you think of cutting off your nose to spite your face? Isn’t it foolish?"
What this means is that:

A. It is foolish to cut your face rather than spite your nose, and bleed for life.
B. It is foolish to disadvantage yourself through a willful attempt to gain an advantage or assert
C. It is foolish to cut your nose rather than spite your face, and bleed for life.
D. It is foolish to disadvantage others through a willful attempt to gain an advantage or assert

23. What is a "falchion"?

A. A vegetable
B. A sword
C. A piece of furniture
D. A bird

24. A beautiful picture" is a

A. Noun Phrase
B. Adjective Phrase
C. Prepositional Phrase
D. Verb Phrase

Questions 25-28 are based on the following passage.

The sugar plantation has been the most civilizing as well as the most demoralizing influence in
West Indian development. When three centuries ago the slaves came to the West Indies, they
entered directly into the large-scale agriculture of the sugar plantation,
'Which was a modern system. It further required that the slaves live together in u social relation
far closer than any proletariat of the time. The cane when reaped had to be
Rapidly transported to what was factory production. The product was shipped abroad for
Sale. Even the cloth the slaves wore and the food they ate was import. The Negroes, therefore,
from the very start lived a life that was in its essence a modern life. That is their history-as far as
I have been able to discover, a unique history. In the first part of the seventeenth century, early
settlers from Europe had made quite a success of individual production. The sugar plantation
drove them out. The slaves saw
Around them a social life of a certain material culture and ease, the life of the sugar plantation
owners. The clever, the lucky and the illegitimate became domestics or artisans attached to the
plantation or the factory. Long before the bus and the taxi, the small size of the islands made
communication between the rural areas and the urban quick and easy.
The plantation owners and the merchants lived an intense political life in which the ups and
downs of sugar and in time the treatment and destiny of the slaves played a crucial a and
continuous role. The sugar plantation dominated the lives of the islands to such a 221
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Degree that the white skin alone saved those who were not plantation owners or bureaucrats
from the humiliations and hopelessness of the life of the slave. That was and is the pattern of
West Indian life.

25. What is the most civilizing as well as the most demoralizing influence in West Indian

A. Evangelization
B. Slavery
C. The sugar plantation
D. Radio

26. "The Negroes, therefore, from the very start lived a life that was in its essence a modem Life."

A. Because they wanted to live a modern life

B. Because the sugar plantation was a modern system
C. Because they inherited a modern life from Africa
D. Because they resented tradition

27. What made communication between the rural areas and the urban quick and easy?

A. The small size of the islands

B. The presence of railroads
C. The presence of horse -carriages
D. The presence of canal-ways

28. The political life of the plantation owners and merchants revolved around

A. Ups and downs of sugar, and treatment and destiny of slaves

B. Parliamentary debates
C. The right to vote
D. Religion

29. What is a neologism?

A. A word with roots in a native language

B. A word whose meaning changes with every renewed use
C. A word newly coined or used in a new sense
D. An obsession with new words and phrases

30. In which of the following poems of Nissim Ezekiel do we get a moving picture of a Mother's

A. "The Couple"
B. "The Night of the Scorpion"
C. "The Visitor"
D. "Philosophy" 222
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31. Who among the following compiled the first English Dictionary?

A. Dr. Samuel Johnson

B. Ben Johnson
C. John Dryden
D. William Shakespeare

32. A person who is very particular about details is a/an

A. Disciplinarian
B. Stickler
C. Miser
D. Boaster

33. The act of violating the sanctity of the church is

A. Blasphemy
B. Heresy
C. Sacrilege
D. Execration

34. His appearance is unsmiling but

A. His heart is full of compassion.

B. People are afraid of him.
C. He is full of jealousy towards his colleagues.
D. He looks very serious on most occasions.

35. 'To play second fiddle' means

A. To be happy, cheerful and healthy

B. To do backseat driving
C. To support the role and view of another person
D. To reduce the importance of one's senior

36. Who is creating this mess? Change the question into the passive voice.

A. Who has been created this mess?

B. By whom has this mess being created?
C. By whom this mess is being created?
D. By whom is this mess being created?

37. In the sentence ‘Hurt people hurt people' the word 'hurt' functions as

A. An adjective and a verb respectively

B. A noun and a verb respectively
C. An adjective and another adjective respectively
D. An adjective and an adverb. 223
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38. "The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran". The Word
“seasoned" puns upon

A. The seasons (summer, winter, etc)

B. Seasonings and condiments
C. Sauces and sprays
D. All of the above.

39. ln the following list mark the odd one out:

A. Paradise Lost
B. The Iliad
C. Samson Agonistes
D. The Divine Comedy

40. As a result of his regimented upbringing, that left him unable to see the nuances of
Complex situations, he was often accused of being Which two words from the list below can be
used to complete the sentence in a logical Manner which will produce sentences with closely
similar meanings?
I. Tyrannical
II. Obtuse
III. Xenophobic
IV. Imperceptive

A. II and IV
B. I and ii
C. III and II
D.III and IV

41. The human mind can often reject the most Data in favour of something that, though
Valueless, at least sounds familiar. Which two words from the list below can be used to
complete the sentence in a logical , manner which will produce sentences with closely similar
I. Inconsequential
II. Peripheral
III. Pertinent
Iv. Germane

A. III and IV
B. III and II
C. I and II
D. II and IV

42. Christopher Ricks has written extensively not only on the poetry of such
(I) Figures in English poetry as Milton and Housman, but also on the less obviously
(II) Lyrics of Bob Dylan.

A. (I) obscurantist (II)popular

B. (I) arcane (II) popular
C. (I) established (II) judicious 224
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D.(I) established (II) canonical

43. Unwilling to admit that they had been in error, the researchers tried to ---------- their case
With more data obtained from dubious sources.

A. Ascertain
B. Buttress
C. Refute
D. Dispute

44. When it was feared that the serfs might go too far and gain their freedom from serfdom,
The Protestant leaders joined the princes 4lcrushing them. Choose the correct alternative
To the italicized word which may improve the sentence.
I. Without
II. In
III. Into
IV. No improvement is necessary

A. III and IV
B. III and II
C. I and II
D. II and IV

45. Which of the four options will be the correct version of the following sentence? The students are
hell bent at getting what they believe they are entitled to.

A. Hell bent for getting

B. Hell bent upon getting
C. Hell bent in getting
D. No improvement necessary

46. Choose the appropriate option.

That certainly is : known work by the playwright ---- , though
The interest in his plays seems to be growing. It tires me not to read his plays in Class.

A. Little by little, a little, a little

B. Little, little by little, a little
C. A little, little by little, little
D. A little, little by little, a little

47. Complete the sentence with the most appropriate phrase.

It ................ hot since a week now.

A. Was been
B. Had been
C. Been
D. Has been

48. What is the name for the process of dividing land into privately owned agricultural Holdings? 225
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A. Partition
B. Enclosure
C. Segregation
D. Enfolding

49. Which of the underlined words is incorrect?

It assume that time and resources are available to plan, collect, and analyze relevant Information
for a planned program of instruction.

A. Resources
B. Assume
C. To plan
D. For a planned

50. Fill in the blank with the best possible phrase from the choices given.
The book she wants is

A. One of the many

B. Many of the one
C. The one of many
D. Of one the many

Section B
Attempt both questions in this Section
I. Write an essay on any one of the following topics

1. The Politics of Surnames

2. Food Snobbery
3. Smart Cities and, unsmart Citizens
4. My Eureka Moments
5. Slavery in the Modern World
6. Is Commercial Fiction Considered Literature?
7. Why Read When You can Watch?
8. The Cruelty of Comedy
9. World War III
10. "Never mind, life goes on. ."

II. Write an essay on the following poem indicating your views on openness and plain
Speaking in matters of love and longing among young adults. Comment on the language
Of the poem, especially its nuances of tone and address. (30 marks)

"No, Thank you, John"

I never said I loved you, John:
Why will you 'teaze me day by day,
And wax a weariness to think upon
With always 'do" and "pray"?
You know I never loved you, John;
No fault of mine made me your toast:
Why will you haunt me with a face as wan 226
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As shows an hour-old ghost?

I daresay Meg or Moll would take
Pity upon you, if you'd ask:
And pray don't remain single for my sake
Who can't perform that task.
I have no heart? - Perhaps I have not;
But then you're mad to take offence
That I don't give you what I 'have not got:
Use your own common sense.

Let bygones be bygones.

Don't call me false, who owed not to be true.
I would rather answer, no" to fifty Johns
Than answer, yes,' to you.
Let's mar our pleasant days no more,
I'll wink at your untruth.
Let us strike hands as hearty friends;
No more, no less, and friendship's good:
' Only don't keep in view ulterior ends, And points not understood
In open treaty. Rise above , Quibbles and shuffling off and on:
Herds friendship for you if you like; but love, - No, thank you, John.
Line24 wink-close (both) eyes

1 A 31 A
2 A 32 A
3 C 33 C
4 D 34 A
5 C 35 C
6 C 36 D
7 A 37 A
8 A 38 D
9 D 39 B
10 C 40 A
11 D 41 A
12 D 42 D
13 B 43 B
14 B 44 B
15 C 45 B
16 A 46 B
17 A 47 D
18 D 48 B
19 A 49 C
20 B 50 A
21 C 227
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22 D I
23 B 1-10 DA
24 B II DA
25 C
26 B
27 A
28 A
29 C
30 B

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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2015

1. Velutha is a character in
A. The God of Small Things
B. Karukku
C. Untouchable
D. Hindu: A Novel

2. Choose the correctly spelt word below.

A. Diligense
B. Diligence
C. Deligence
D. Dilligence

3. Conceptual meaning and associated meaning are in relation to

A. Syntax
B. Semantics.
C. Semiotics
D. Pragmatics

4. Provide the suitable word to fill in the blank: Ashok cricket for the last twenty years.
A. Plays
B. Has played
C. Has been playing
D. Will have played

5. Supposedly, digital voice discs or DVDs as they are called are resistant to
Scratching records.
A. Much/than
B. So/s
C. Such/that
D. Far more/than

6. How many meanings are possible for the following sentence? Flying planes can be dangerous.
A. Only one.
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four 229
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Questions 7-9 are based on the passage given below:

TEACHER: In addition to your textbooks, there are a couple of other materials you need to buy
for this course. Because you will be writing weekly I want you to have a notebook that
you can to me every Friday. Make sure that the size is 8 1/2 by 11, not a smaller one. You
also need a set of index cards. You will be taking notes on books that you will read, and you will
write your notes on these cards. One set Any questions?
A. Journals;
B. Journals,
C. Journals.
D. Journals

A. Turn up
B. Turn on
C. Turn down
D. Tum int

A. Should be enough
B. Should have been enough
C. Should enough
D. Should been enough

10. "You have been there, haven't you?" The highlighted part is a
A. Question mark
B. Query tag
C. Question tag
D. Query marker

11. "Out of the coffin" puns on the following phrase to suggest a relation between homosexuality
and vampirism
A. Out of the cupboard
B. Out of the closet
C. Out of the chest
D. Out of the casino
12. Trochees, spondees and dactyls are
A. Figures of speech 230
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B. Metrical feet
C. Proverbial sayings
D. End Rhymes

13. "You are lying" she said dispassionately. Dispassionately means

A. Angrily
B. Unemotionally
C. Sadly
D. Irritatedly

14. "Cockney' is a term used to refer to the accent and slang of

A. Ireland
B. London
C. Yorkshire
D. Wales

15. A word, which in the latest dictionaries is also defined as "emphatically, as a result of usage
though this was not there in the original definition is
A. Absolutely
B. Literally
C. Completely
D. Certainly

16. Which of these words is spelt wrong?

A. Flaombuyant
B. Carbohydrate
C. Calabash
D. Idiosyncrasy

17. The word "taxi-cab" is made up of abbreviations of two other words. What are they?
A. Taxonomy and Cabaret
B. Toxic and Cabala
C. Taximeter and Cabriolet
D. Taximeter and Cabinet

18. Who wrote:

Poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows
which futurity casts upon the present, the words which express what they understand not; the
trumpets which sing to battle and feel not what they inspire: the influence which is moved not,
but moves. Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World.
A. P.B. Shelley 231
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B. William Wordsworth
C. Plato
D. T.S. Eliot

19. Which famous novel begins with the following words?

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune Must be in
want of a wife."
A. Ulysses
B. Animal Farm
C. A Suitable Boy
D. Pride and Prejudice

20. "Frankly, my dear," he said, "I don't give a damn!" Choose the correct form of reported speech:
A. He said frankly that he didn't give a damn.
B. He frankly said that he didn't give a damn.
C. He said that frankly he didn't give a damn.
D. He said he didn't give a damn frankly,

21. Choose the closest meaning of the word "craven".

A. A craving for something
B. Display of cowardice
C. A deep, large, enclosed space
D. A cave on the side of a mountain

22. In Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children, "midnight refers to

A. India's first space shuttle launch

B. The birth of India's first test-tube baby
C. India's independence
D. Declaration of Emergency

23. The Queen of Crime' title is usually associated with

A. Elizabeth I
B. Mary Shelley
C. Agatha Christie
D. P.D. James

24. In the Harry Potter series, what subject does Snape teach"?
A. Botany
B. Potions
C. Alchemy
D. Divination 232
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25. You did see him,

A. Didn't you?
B. Do you?
C. Hadn't you?
D. Won't you?

26. The nature of the descent down the mountain unnerved them all.
A. Persistent
B. Precarious
C. Perspiring
D. Prescient

27. "Do not fire _ you see them very close" ordered the sergeant
A. When
B. Until
C. Where
D. As

28. Replace the underlined word in the sentence given below with a word with the same Meaning.
The collapse of the dollar marked a crisis in the global economy.
A. Mess
B. Rise
C. Catastrophe
D. Catapult

29. Sachin Tendulkar's recently released autobiography is titled

A. Playing it My Way
B. Playing It
C. Playing All the Way
D. Playing Ball

30. The plot of the novel was it was completely incomprehensible.

A. More complicated.
B. Such complicated
C. So complicated that
D. Much more complicated than

31. He bought guard dogs to the intruders.

Which of the following phrases would complete the sentence's meaning?
A. Keep in 233
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B. Keep up
C. Keep out
D. Keep at

32. The first black woman author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature is_
A. Octavia Butler
B. Lorraine Hansberry
C. Maya Angelou
D. Toni Morrison

33. In spite of being in a tough situation, they made the most of it.
Identify the compound conjunction in the above sentence.
A. In spite of
B. A tough situation
C. They made
D. The most

34. The roots of the old tree spread out thirty meters in all directions and Damaged
nearby buildings.
A. Too much.
B. As much as
C. So much
D. So many as

35. When the title to a poem begins with the phrase, In Memory of... We expect it to be
A. An epic
B. An elegy
C. An encomium
D. An essay

36. The Renaissance was a period of renewed interest in

A. Supernatural and occult
B. Classical learning and the arts
C. Mysticism and religion
D. Tribal and folk wisdom
37. By poetic justice is meant.
A. The kind of justice one hopes to see done in poetry and allied arts
B. Departure from conventional justice effected by poets and artists
C. Well-deserved reward or retribution for a character in art
D. The kind of justice poets are remiss in dispensing in their art 234
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38. "When we were children, Aunt Alice used to tell us stories about the animals and birds and
insects and reptiles who told to good and bad things about life." In a word, what stories were
A. Fantasy
B. Parables
C. Fables
D. Fiction

39. Even the most stubborn adherent to exclusively text-based approaches will not deny that Some
extra-textual awareness of the life of Oscar Wilde creeps in to trouble our reading of "The
Ballad of Reading Gaol." In one word, this "extra-textual awareness" would be
A. Anthropological
B. Philosophical
C. Confessional
D. Biographical

40. Acquiring editors are the ones who scout out manuscripts and buy them for publishers. They
generally specialize in one or more subjects or types of literature. If a project isn't yet in
publishable form, an acquiring editor might help the writer develop it, either before or after it is
under contract. Or she might turn it over to a developmental editor, who w project and work
with the writer to pull it into publishable shape. Both types do some copyediting while they are
at it, but it is likely to be random a inconsistent. They assume a copyeditor will go over it later.
How many types of editors are mentioned in this passage?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

41. The character of Winnie the Pooh was created by

A. Peter Barrie
B. A.A. Milne
C. Rudyard Kipling
D. Lewis Carroll
42. Shamus' is a slang term used to refer to a
A. Jockey
B. Boxer
C. Private Detective
D. Professional Wrestler

43. "You are in the teacher's good books," This sentence means:
A. Your books are shown by the teacher as good examples. 235
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B. The teacher has a good opinion of you.

C. The teacher expects you to be unpredictable.
D. The teacher approves of your handwriting.

44. Which of the following statements is prophetic?

A. You are not better than they are.
B. You are not better than they are, are you?
C. You will never be better than they are.
D. You shouldn't hope to be better than they are.

45. "It is advisable to go the extra mile". This sentence means

A. It is better to walk more than a mile a day.
B. It is better to put in more effort than is strictly necessary.
C. It is better to do extra work for extra pay.
D. It is better to do extra work even if there will be no results

46. To give the show away means;

A. To betray the director
B. To tell what is going to happen
C. Making sure that the cast remains absent during the show
D. Making a nuisance during the show

47. A poker face is one_

A. That is like a poker
B. That shows no expression
C. That smiles all the time.
D. That conveys mixed feelings

48. People who do not like poetry are said to suffer from Gray's Allergy. The pun-allusion here. Is to

A. Gray's Elegy
B. Gray's Disease
C. Graveyard School of Poets
D. Grayfriars

49. In literary discussion, the main character of a work is sometimes called the

A. Author
B. Actor
C. Protagonist
D. Patriarch 236
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50. "Within the gardens of the Pleasure-dome is growth and sunlight and colour. There are hints of
death and war, the vision of a dainsel with a dulcimer, and of the frenzy of the poet who has
drunk the milk of paradise." Which of the following poems answers perfectly to this
A. "The Lady of Shalott"
B. "La Belle Dame sans Merci"
C. "A Slumber did my Spirit Seal..."
D. "Kubla Khan: A Vision in a Dream"

Write an essay on any one of the following topics.

1. Telling tall tales

2. Bringing up parents
3. A redeeming vice
4. The cult of selfishness
5. Bollywood sports
6. India’s of the mind
7. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow......
8. Life without smartphone
9. Pepper as spice, pepper as spray...
10. Dalits and English

II. What impressions of the speaker(s) would a reader gather from the following poem?
Comment on their characters as pointedly as you can.
"Four winds blowing thro’ the sky,
You have seen poor maidens die,
Tell me then what I shall do
That my lover may be true."

Said the wind from out the south,

“Lay no kiss upon his mouth,"
And the wind from out the west,

"Wound the heart within his breast,"

And the wind from out the cast, 237
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"Send him empty from the feast,"

And the wind from out the north,
"In the tempest thrust him forth, When thou art cruel than he,
Then will Love be kind to thee."


1 A 26 B
2 B 27 B
3 B 28 C
4 B 29 A
5 D 30 C
6 B 31 C
7 C 32 D
8 D 33 A
9 A 34 B
10 C 35 B
11 B 36 B
12 B 37 C
13 B 38 C
14 B 39 D
15 B 40 B
16 A 41 B
17 C 42 C
18 A 43 B
19 D 44 C
20 C 45 B
21 B 46 B
22 C 47 B
23 C 48 A
24 B 49 C
25 A 50 D
I(1-10) DA II DA

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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2014

1. Whom does T.S. Eliot refer to as "il miglior fabbro" at the beginning of The Waste Land
A. Wallace Stevens
B. Walt Whitman
C. Ezra Pound
D. Robert Frost

2. The poem
"The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough."
Is an example of
A. Surrealist Poetry
B. Imagist Poetry
C. Symbolic Poetry
D. Vorticist Poetry

3. "I came upon some interesting passages from Hurdis - his Village Curate - which greatly
delighted me." What is Village Curate likely to be?
A. A rural priest
B. Title of a book
C. Hurdis' job
D. None of the above

4. Helen of Troy was married to

A. Paris
B. Agamemnon
C. Menelaus
D. Oedipus

5. "Zephyr" refers to
A. The east wind
B. The south wind
C. The west wind
D. The north wind 239
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6. Giving undue favours to one's own kith and kin is

A. Nepotism
B. Favouritism
C. Worldliness
D. Corruption
7. One who does not care for the arts or literature is called a
A. Barbarian
B. Philistine
C. Primitive
D. Illiterate

8. The train from New Delhi is late by 2 hours. What is the question to which this would be the
most appropriate answer?
A. Is the train from New Delhi late?
B. How late is the train from New Delhi?
C. When will the train from New Delhi arrive?
D. Where will the late train arrive from?

Answer questions 9 to 15 by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate option.

9. Sam hasn't won this election, ----------- ?

A. has he?
B. hasn't he?
C. was he?
D. can he?

10. Lucky: unlucky; fast: slow; timid: brave; decent: indecent; beautiful ----------- ?
A. Unbeautiful
B. Unbecoming
C. Ugly
D. Pretty

11. Have you seen Soumya of late?”. No, I, m afraid have not her for nearly a week."
A. Saw
B. Met
C. Meet
D. Seen 240
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A. If not
B. rf
C. Until
D. Unless

13. It was quite -------- of you to have ------------- the letter wrongly delivered to you.
A. thinking, returned
B. thoughtful, returning
C. thoughtful, returned
D. thinking, return

14. Bring -- axe; I shall cut down ---r ------ tree. Supply the missing articles
A. my, that
B. that, this
C. the, a
D. an, the

15. When a letter begins with "Dear Sir/Madam" we call it a/an -- letter.
A. formal
B. official
C. informal
D. unofficial

16. "I haven't brought the receipt. I shall give it to you tomorrow". Choose the most appropriate
option if you were to rewrite the sentence beginning with: "Would you mind. . "
A. Would you mind bringing the receipt tomorrow?
B. Would you mind it giving you the receipt tomorrow?
C. Would you mind if given the receipt to you tomorrow?
D. Would you mind if I give you the receipt tomorrow?

17. Which word would be most appropriate in place of the underlined one so that the meaning of the
sentence remains the same:
The accident occurred because the driver changed lanes without warning.
A. Switched
B. Short changed
C. Deranged
18. Which word would be most appropriate in place of the underlined one so that the meaning of the
sentence remains the same:
With widespread corruption the government's reputation had diminished considerably. 241
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A. Indecent
B. Rampant
C. Pernicious
D. Persistent

19. The word 'affectation' implies the following:

A. Expression of emotion
B. Absence of feeling
C. Artificial manner
D. An act of deception

20. No one can hope to get away with such a big crime. "Get away with" means:
A. Proceed with
B. Go along with
C. Tolerate
D. Escape punishment

Answer questions 21 to 25 by filling in the blanks with the most appropriate option.

21. The Muses, goddesses in Greek mythology, were in number.

A. Nine
B. Ten
C. A dozen
D. Three

22. By poetic justice is meant

A. the kind of justice one hopes to see done in poetry and allied arts
B. departure from conventional justice effected by poets and artists
C. deserved reward or retribution for a character in art
D. the kind of justice poets are remiss in dispensing in their art

23. In the text of a play, stage directions -------- --.

A. Are usually printed on the margins
B. Are usually printed in roman
C. Are usually printed in italics
D. Are usually appended

24. Which punctuation mark is needed in the gap before the start of the quotation in the sentence
The Prime Minister responded.....O' We shall take care of the refugees." 242
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A. :
B. ;
C. "
D. '

25. The term that describes Ramayana, Gilgamesh and Odyssey is...
A. Scripture
B. Satire
C. Epic
D. Novel

26. Which organization in India was created for the purpose of encouraging Indian literature across
all languages?
A. Lalit Kala Akademi
B. Sahitya Akademi
C. Sangeet Akademi
D. Nritya Akademi

27. Rewrite in the passive voice: "Someone stole my bike"

A. Who stole my bike?

B. My bike was stolen by someone.
C. My Bike! Stolen!
D. You stole my bike.

28. "Dost sometimes Counsel take - and sometimes Tea". The figure of speech used here is
A. Metonymy
B. Zeugma
C. Metaphor
D. Simile

29. "At least there'll be plenty of jam in Heaven," said Davy, "it says in the Bible that God makes
preserves and redeems us'. Preserves is just a holy way of saying jam, isn't it?' The most
appropriate punctuation for the Biblical sentence is:
A. God makes preserves, and redeems us
B. God makes, preserves and redeems us
C. God makes, preserves; and redeems us
D. God makes; preserves and redeems us

30. "All great men have disciples and it is usually Judas who writes the biography". This statement
by Oscar Wilde indicates that
A. Biographies are written to glorify their subject 243
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B. The most faithful follower writes the biography

C. Biographers betray their subject's frailties
D. Biographies are full of lies

31. Which field of literature receives the Booker Prize?

A. Poetry
B. Prose
C. Fiction
D. Non-Fiction

32. He is so --- that he immediately believed my story of ghosts. Fill in the blank with the most
appropriate option.
A. innocent
B. credulous
C. vociferous
D. credible

33. Mark the most appropriate option of the following:

A. None of the students has completed the work.
B. None of the student have completed the homework.
C. None of the student has completed the homework.
D. None of the student has been completing the work.

34. An elegy is a poem of

A. Love
B. Mourning
C. Praise
D. Revenge
Questions 35 to 40 are based on the following passage. Read it carefully.

Across the world, there are barriers to higher education. In developed countries, they may
be economic or geographical. In developing countries like India, the obstacles are not only
economic or geographical in nature but also bureaucratic- the biggest obstacle of all is simply a
lack of supply. That is why, far from the popular impression of online education being viable
only in the developed world, it is actually in countries like India where it can fulfil its potential.
Internet penetration is growing at a steady pace in India- and unlike conventional education where
physical infrastructure is a huge limiting factor, internet connectivity alone can enable 244
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millions of youth to access quality higher education online. And we have concrete proof that
Indians are hungry for such opportunities. They form the second-largest group of people, by
nationality, accessing two of the largest online education efforts- Coursera and edX. It is not
surprising after all that an Indian would be interested in the quality courses these initiatives offer,
or access Ivy League lectures online, or download podcasts by professors from the top global
universities, all of which are freely available. With the abysmal situation of India's higher
education, online education will free our youth to search for knowledge and power elsewhere.

35. The focus of this passage is mainly on ------

A. higher education in India
B. online education for Indian students
C. Coursera and edX
D. poor accessibility of higher education

36. The author of this passage is ------- Indian higher education.

A. critical of
B. appreciative of
C. indifferent towards
D. ignorant of

37. Which of the statements below is true, according to the author?

A. There are barriers to higher education everywhere in the world.
B. There are barriers to higher education only in Indi A.
C. There are barriers to higher education only among the Indian youth.
D. India offers better opportunities to our youth among the developing nations.

38. What, according to the author, is the popular impression?

A. That online education is inaccessible to all.
B. That online education is inaccessible to some.
C. That online education works only in the developed world.
D. That online education works only in the developing world.

39. What is a hugely limiting factor in higher education in India?

A. Good teachers
B. Physical infrastructure
C. Distance between places
D. Huge population

40. How does the author describe India's higher education?

A. As depressing
B. As below-par 245
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C. As abysmal
D. As unimpressive
41. In the book The Lord of the Rings who or what is Bilbo?
A. Hobbit
B. Dwarf
C. Wizard
D. Troll

42. Who is the author of the famous lines "if winter comes can spring be far behind?"
A. P.B. Shelley
B. William Butler Yeats
C. Robert Frost
D. T.S. Eliot

43. I think they allow their children too much------

A. Liberality
B. Latitude
C. Lassitude
D. Levity

Read" the passage given below and answer questions 44 to 50.

At the height of the Enlightenment, men influenced by the new political theories of the era
launched two of the largest revolutions in history. These two conflicts, on two separate continents,
were both initially successful in forming new forms of government. And yet, the two conflicts,
though merely a decade apart, had radically different conclusions. How do two wars
inspired by more or less the same ideals end up so completely different? 'Why was the American
Revolution largely a success and the French Revolution largely a failure? Historians have pointed
to myriad reasons -far too various to be listed here. However, the most frequently cited are worth
mentioning. For one, the American Revolution was far removed from
the Old World; that is, since it was on a different continent, other European nations did not attempt
to interfere with it. However, in the French Revolution, there were immediate cries for war from
neighbouring nations. Early on, for instance, the ousted king attempted to flee to
neighbouring Austria and the army waiting there. The newly formed French Republic also warred
with Belgium, and a conflict with Britain loomed. Thus, the French had the burden not only of
winning a revolution but also defending it from outside. The Americans simply had to win a
Secondly, the American Revolution seemed to have a better chance for success from the get-go,
due to the fact that Americans already saw themselves as something other than British subjects. 246
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Thus, there was already uniquely American character, so, there was not as loud a cry to preserve
the British way of life. In France, several thousands of people still supported the king, largely
because the king was seen as an essential part of French life. And when the king was first ousted
and then killed, some believed that character itself was corrupted. Remember, the
Americans did not oust a king or kill him-they merely separated from him.
Finally, there is a general agreement that the French were not as unified as the Americans, who,
for the most part, put aside their political differences until after they had already formed a new
nation. The French, despite their Tennis Court Oath, could not do so. Infighting led to inner
turmoil, civil war, and eventually the Reign of Terror, in which political dissidents were
executed in large numbers. Additionally, the French people themselves were not unified. The
nation had so much stratification that it was impossible to unite all of them -the workers, the
peasants, the middle - class, the nobles, the clergy - into one cause. And the attempts to do so
under a new religion, the by Divine Cult of Reason, certainly did not help. The Americans,
remember, never attempted to change the society at large; rather, they merely attempted to change
the government.
44. Which factor did not play a role in making the difference between the two revolutions?
A. Geographical Location
B. Physical strength
C. Unity
D. Difference in ideals

45. Who attempted to change the society at large?

A. The Americans
B. The French
C. Both
D. Neither

46. As used in paragraph 2, the word 'myriad' most nearly means

A. An unknowable secret
B. An uncountable number
C. An unrealistic ideal
D. An unusually rare occurrence

47. According to the passage, the Reign of Terror happened because of

A. Social stratification in America
B. The decision to kill the king in the French Revolution
C. Infighting in the French Revolution
D. Social stratification in France 247
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48. As used in paragraph 4, the word 'stratification' describes

A. Social inequality
B. Social cohesion
C. Physical separations
D. Societal interactions

49. The 'Old World' here refers to

A. Asia
B. Europe
C. Africa
D. America

50. Which movement propounded the new theories that launched both the revolutions?
A. The Renaissance
B. The Enlightenment
C. The Reformation
D. The Cult of Reason

I. Write an essay on any one of the topics given below.
l. The life of imagination
2. Professionalism
3. The privatization of universities
4. Reading and watching plays
5. Security and the right to privacy
6. Storytellers
7. Animal rights
8. Essaying essays
9. Our kids our pride
10. Home, Alone
II. Write a critical analysis of the following poem.
When You are Old 248
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled

And paced upon the mountains overhead

And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.


1 C 26 B
2 B 27 B
3 A 28 B
4 C 29 A
5 C 30 C
6 A 31 C
7 B 32 B
8 B 33 A
9 A 34 B
10 C 35 B
11 D 36 A
12 D 37 A
13 C 38 C
14 D 39 B
15 A 40 C
16 D 41 A
17 A 42 A
18 B 43 B
19 C 44 B
20 D 45 D 249
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21 A 46 B
22 C 47 C
23 C 48 A
24 C 49 B
25 C 50 B
I(1-10) DA II DA

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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2013

Choose the right answer from the options Erven under each item.

1. The following notice is displayed in some carriages of the Indian Railways:

The most appropriate version is:


2. A verse line goes like this -"Friends and loves we have none, nor wealth. .. ".
The word from the same line which is most closely related to the sense of the Word "nor" is

A. We
B. Have
C. None
D. Friends

3. "A light dawned on the detective's face, and his mouth formed silently the word Blackmail."
The underlined phrase means

A. The light was switched on

B. His face turned white as a light
C. He understood what was going on
D. He faced the early morning sun

4. "Sameena, 65 years of age, no longer labours hard at harvest time." The sentence tells us that

A. In the past Sameena has laboured hard at harvest time

B. Sameena was lazy in the past
C. Sameena was never involved in the harvest work
D. Sameena was 65 years old when she first worked hard at harvest time

5. The house seemed very full, and everyone ate a lot, and drank whatever came." "Whatever
came" means

A. Any creature that was in liquid form

B. Any drink that was served
C. People drank whatever happened
D. The house was full because people were &inking

6. "I wept and cooed over the babies."

This sentence is actually two sentences rolled into one. The two sentences Would be

A. I wept over the babies. I cooed over the babies.

B. I wept. The babies cooed.
C. I cooed. The babies wept. 251
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D. I wept. Then the babies cooed.

7. "And how got ye up there?"

Rewritten in acceptable Modem English this would be:

A. How did you go there?

B. How did you get up there?
C. How far did you go from there?
D. Who are you when you are there?

8. "One day he had a new adventure."

"New" tells us that

A. That the adventure happened during the day, as before

B. That he has had adventures before, and this was one more such adventure
C. That this time the adventure was during the day
D. None of the above

9. "In memory of such active and loving teacher a trust was established." This sentence can be
corrected by
1. Replacing 'such' with' the'
2. By inserting 'the' between 'such' and 'active'
3. By inserting' an' between 'such' and' active'
Choose the correct options from those given below:

A. Only I
B. Land3
C. Only 3
D. 1 and2

10. "He would put the lamp down under the back porch while he waited for the money."
The sentence suggests that

A. He had carried the lamp a long way and was tired

B. He was refusing to carry the lamp again unless he was paid
C. His actions were habitual, routine
D. None of the above choices

11. Samuel Taylor Coleridge writes: "I love my love, and my love loves me."
The lines are an example of

A. Personification
B. Parallelism or balance
C. Apostrophe
D. All of the above 252
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12. The title of a novel happens to be Mr. Brittline Sees it through. If the title were to be changed to
Mr. Brittling Sees Through It the new title
Would imply that

A. The novel was concerned with the disillusionment of Mr. Brittling

B. The novel was concerned with the action of Mr. Brittling perceiving
C. The novel was about Mr. Brittling's vision
D. None of the above

13. "Quite a few details of the scene is stacked in my memory."

In the given sentence "is" is wrongly used because

A. It has been used in relation to 'the scene' rather than my memory'

B. It is used in connection with stacking
C. It is used in connection with 'the scene' rather than "Quite a few details'
D. None of the given choices

14. "Rose thought David was quite a nice boy, for a boy." The statement implies that

A. Rose thought most boys not "nice", David being an exception

B. Rose liked boys in general, as she liked David
C. Rose disliked all boys, including David
D. David was an exception because he was nice to her

15. "My father worked on a farm - and his father. They both got to near ninety. They
Worked and lived, and kind of toppled over at the end."
The phrase “kind of toppled over" means that

A. They used to fall frequently

B. They worked till the very end and died while active
C. They had lost their balance, mentally and physically
D. They were workaholics

16. "Behind the drum and fife,

Past hawthorn wood and hollow,
Through earth and out of life
The soldiers follow."
The phrase "and out of life" means

A. For ever
B. Till death
C. Into battle
D. Bravely

17. Each of them qualified to get the job. Select the correct option to fill the gap

A. May
B. Are
C. Is 253
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D. Will

18. Identify the correct usage from the two following sentences
1. May I speak to you?
2. Can I speak to you?

A. I is right
B. 2 is right
C. Both are wrong
D. Both are right.

19. A first performance is usually termed a

A. Debate
B. Debut
C. Formal
D. Front

20. The term "Shamus" refers to

A. A wrestler
B. A boxer
C. A detective
D. A senator

21. "Confusion reigned supreme." Here, "Confusion 'is

A. Elevated
B. Debated
C. Personified
D. Compared

22. "Circulate the current circular." This sentence displays

A. Onomatopoeia
B. Alliteration
C. Comparison
D. Personification

23. The character of Jeeves was created by

A. E.V. Lucas
B. P.G. Wodehouse
C. Sherlock Holmes
D. A.A. Milne

24. Which of the following authors has written about his experiences in Burma?

A. E. M. Forster
B. Rudyard Kipling 254
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C. George Orwell
D. Salman Rushdie

25. “it was the best of times; it was the worst of times” This is the opening sentence of

A. David Copperfield
B. A Tale of Two Cities
C. Emma
D. Frankenstein

26. Which of the following plays was not written by Marlowe?

A. Dr. Faustus
B. The Duchess of Malfi
C. The Jew of Malta
D. Dido, Queen of Carthage

27. Orthography is related to

A. Handwriting
B. Spelling
C. Meaning
D. Syntax

28. "Waste Not, Want Not". 'Want' in this proverb means

A. Desire
B. Need
C. Have
D. Crave

29. "Pluffles was a subaltern in the “Unmentionables"

Subaltern being an army rank, the 'Unmentionables' is most likely to be

A. A club
B. A choir
C. A regiment
D. A class

30. The phrase "to work like a horse” suggests

A. Working very fast

B. Going on frequent trips
C. Working very hard
D. Having to be forced to work

31. "The men of the tattered battalion which fights till it dies.... "
In the above line 'which' refers to

A. The men 255
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B. The battalion
C. The fighting
D. Tattered

32. "The taxi pulled up, after making a quick tum".

In this sentence, "pulled up" means

A. Crashed
B. Speeded
C. Stopped
D. Slowed

33. "Bob is peeved because his little secret came out in public" explained Adam.
Here Adam is explaining:

A. Bob's secret
B. Why Bob is peeved
C. The publicity of Bob's secret
D. None of the above

34. "As the light brightened and the distance narrowed, they saw the thin beach".
Here "narrowed" means

A. Reduced
B. Increased
C. Appeared
D. None of the above

35. "In faith, I do not love thee with my eyes

For they in thee a thousand errors note,
But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise.”
Here "they" stands for

A. Hearts
B. Errors
C. Eyes
D. Love

36. "I still say we don't know if they are mushrooms" said the mother".
The phase that helps us to realize that the mother has spoken before is

A. Don't know
B. If they are
C. Still say
D. None of the above

37. "The elephant is the wisest of all beasts and can do everything save read, write and
Cast accounts." Here save" means

A. Rescue 256
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B. Except
C. Also
D. Store

38. There were hundreds of policemen on duty; several of were in uniform.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:

A. Which
B. Whom
C. Who
D. They

39. She is the type of person we want for the job.

Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:

A. Scarcely
B. Hardly
C. Unlikely
D. Badly

40. This chapter and the following sections to be edited.

Pick the correct option from the following:

A. Need
B. Needs
C. Both A and B are correct
D. Neither A nor B is correct.

41. I will call _ _your office tomorrow.

If the desired meaning is "I will come to your office tomorrow” you will fill in The blank with

A. From
B. For
C. At
D. In

42. "This murder over a Girl was not an isolated event, it was an ancient thing, enacted
Time and again in various guises throughout the ages,' implies

A. The repetitive nature of most events

B. The repetition is not always exact
C. This particular murder was part of a series of events
D. All of the above choices

43. "The thrilling effects are achieved by mass hysteria exhibited by the entire Class".
Fill in the black with the most appropriate choice

A. A
B. The space does not require an article
C. The 257
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D. All the above choices are correct.

44. "The story stems from the character's belief that their community was cursed”
The error in this sentence is due to

A. An inaccurate use of articles

B. The inaccurate use of the apostrophe
C. The subject and the verb not being in agreement
D. None of the above

45. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences from the choices given
"Dr Faustus tried to buy knowledge and power the cost his soul”

A. At, of
B. In, of
C. On, at
D. Of, in

46. The majority of the Asian Americans, the Latino and the African Americans him.

A. Support
B. Supports
C. Supporting
D. Supportive of

47. Pick the grammatically appropriate choice to complete the sentence: I can run faster Than .

A. His
B. Him
C. He
D. All of the above

48. Look at the following items and answer the question that follows:
I. Turn up
II. Turn in
III. Turn around
IV. Turn down
The common feature distinguishing these items is that

A. They are all about turning

B. They are all about change
C. They are all idiomatic expressions
D. All of the above

49. The phrase "a wealthy lawyer" is identified as:

A. An indefinite article, an adjective and a noun

B. The definite article, an adverb and a verb
C. An indefinite article, a noun and an adjective
D. An indefinite article, a proportion, and a noun 258
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50. 'If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not corner at All."
These words were written by

A. William Wordsworth
B. Kamala Das
C. Sylvia Path
D. John Keats

Section B

I. Write an essay on any one of the topics given below.

1. Capital punishment
2. My bucket list
3. The magic in the everyday
4. Technology empowers... The already empowered
5. Childhood photographs
6. Keeping time is equal to wasting time
7. Whistling in the dark
8. Story telling as meaning making
9. Does the radio still have a role?
10. The culture of dialogue - talking it out.

Section B
Prose Passage

II. Write a Critical analysis of the passage given below; paying attention to themes,
Imagery and tone. (Clue: Ironic).

Now and then, while we rested, we watched the laborious ant at his work. I found nothing
new in him-certainly nothing to change my opinion of him. It seems to me that in the matter
of intellect the ant must be a strangely overrated bird. During many summers, now, I have
watched him,
When I ought to have been in better business, and I have not yet come across a living ant that
seemed to have any more sense than a dead one. I refer to the ordinary ant, of course; I have
had no experience of those wonderful Swiss and African ones which vote, keep drilled
armies, hold slaves, and dispute about religion. Those particular ants may be all that the
naturalist paints them, but I am persuaded that the average ant is a sham. I admit his industry,
of course; he is the hardest-working creature in the world--when anybody is looking--but his
leather-headedness is
The point I make against him. He goes out foraging, he makes a capture, and then what does
he do? Go home? No--he goes anywhere but home. He doesn't know where home is. His
home may be only three feet away--no matter, he can't find it. He makes his capture, as I have
said: it is generally something which can be of no sort of use to himself or anybody else; it is
usually seven
Times bigger than it ought to be; he hunts out the awkwardness place to take hold of it; he
lifts it boil- up in the air by main force, and starts; not toward home, but in the opposite 259
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direction; not calmly and wisely, but with a frantic haste which is wasteful of his strength; he
fetches up
Against a pebble, and instead of going around it, he climbs over it backward dragging his
booty after him, tumbles down on the other side, jumps up in a passion, kicks the dust off his
clothes, moistens his hands, grabs his property viciously, yanks it this way, then that, shoves
it ahead of
Him a moment, turns tail and lugs it after him another moment, gets madder and madder,
then presently hoists it into the air and goes tearing away in an entirely new direction; comes
to a weed; it never occurs to him to go around it; no, he must climb it; and he does climb it,
His worthless property to the top--which is as bright a thing to do as it would be for me to
carry a sack of flour from Heidelberg to Paris by way of Strasburg steeple; when he gets up
there he finds that that is not the place; takes a cursory glance at the scenery and either climbs
down again or tumbles down, and starts off once more--as usual, in a new direction. At the
end of half an
Hour, he fetches up within six inches of the place he started from and lays his burden down;
meantime he has been over all the ground for two yards around, and climbed all the weeds
and pebbles he came across. Now he wipes the sweat from his brow, strokes his limbs, and
then marches aimlessly of in as violently a hurry as ever. He does not remember to have ever
seen it before; he looks around to see which is not the way home, grabs his bundle and starts;
he goes through the same adventures he had before; finally stops to rest, and a friend comes
along. Evidently the friend remarks that a last year's grasshopper leg is a very noble
acquisition, and
Inquires where he got it. Evidently the proprietor does not remember exactly where he did get
it, but thinks he got it "around here somewhere." Evidently the friend contracts to help him
freight it home. Then, with a judgment peculiarly antic (pun not intended), they take hold of
opposite ends of that grasshopper leg and begin to tug with all their might in opposite
directions. Presently they take a rest and confer together. They decide that something is
wrong, they can't make out what. Then they go at it again, just as before. Same result. Mutual
recriminations follow. Evidently each accuses the other of being an obstructionist. They lock
themselves together and
Chew each other's jaws for a while; then they roll and tumble on the ground till one loses a
horn or a leg and has to haul off for repairs. They make up and go to work again in the same
old insane way, but the crippled ant is at a disadvantage; tug as he may, the other one drags
off the booty and him at the end of it. Instead of giving up, he hangs on, and gets his shins
bruised against every obstruction that comes in the way. By and by, when that grasshopper
leg has been dragged all over the same old ground once more, it is finally dumped at about
the spot where it originally lay, the two perspiring ants inspect it thoughtfully and decide that
dried grasshopper
Legs are a poor sort of property after all, and then each starts off in a different director to see
if he can't find an old nail or something else that is heavy enough to afford entertainment and
at the same time valueless enough to make an ant want to own it. 260
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1 A 26 B
2 B 27 B
3 B 28 C
4 B 29 A
5 D 30 C
6 B 31 C
7 C 32 D
8 D 33 A
9 A 34 B
10 C 35 B
11 B 36 B
12 B 37 C
13 B 38 C
14 B 39 D
15 B 40 B
16 A 41 B
17 C 42 C
18 A 43 B
19 D 44 C
20 C 45 B
21 B 46 B
22 C 47 B
23 C 48 A
24 B 49 C
25 A 50 D
I(1-10) DA II DA

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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2012

1. Look at the sentences below and comment on their correctness:

I. This is a good TV show on elephants.
II. This is a good TV show about elephants.
A. Only I is correct
B. Only II is correct
C. Both I and II are correct
D. Neither I nor II is correct
2. This is a good piece of furniture but I'm afraid it lacks
A. Finesse
B. Finished
C. Fineness
D. Finish
3. The usage ‘There are no words to praise him' means
A. He does not deserve to be praised
B. He deserves very little praise
C. A few words are enough to praise him
D. None of the above
4. I walked very slowly towards the rather scary-looking girl. Pick the correct group of adverbs
used in the sentence above:
A. Scary, slowly, girl,
B. 1, slowly, scary
C. Very, scary, slowly
D. Very, rather, slowly
5. "I came, I saw, I conquered-what kind of sentence is this?
A. Complex
B. Simple
C. Compound
D. Abstract
6. for her careful handling of matters, the association would have been dissolved long ago.
A. Despite
B. Apart
C. But
D. Notwithstanding. 262
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7. The teacher said to his students, 'It is about to rain. The you go the better for you.
A. More
B. Soon
C. Soonest
D. Sooner
8. Which of the following is not a passive sentence?
A. I was denied admission into the school.
B. I was wheeled into the operating theatre.
C. I was informed of the dangers involved.
D. I was tired by the end of the day.
9. The phrase "To stick one's neck out means
A. To be confused
B. To be curious
C. To take a big risk
D. To ask for a chance.
10. Thomas Alva Edison was an personality
A. Illustrated
B. Illustrious
C. Illuminated
D. Luminous

11. With the disappearance of forests the natural habitat of several animals decrease.

Fill in the blank with the appropriate choice.

A. Continues to
B. Continuing to
C. To continue
D. Continuation

12. The King killed all his enemies showing mercy. Fill in the blank with the appropriate
A. A little
B. Little
C. The little
D. Littlest

13. The Enquiry Committee will the case after the records are given. Fill in the blank With
the appropriate choice.
A. Look into
B. Look for
C. Look forward to 263
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D. Look after
14. The phrase "To smell a rat' means:
A. There is a dead rat in the room
B. The speaker is a cat
C. To suspect something
D. A rat is moving suspiciously
15. Identify the phrase that is not a meaning of the word 'foot":
A. A unit of measurement
B. a poetic metre
C. A kind of shoe
D. A limb
16. He is not in the good books of his master. The underlined phrase means
A. His name does not figure in the attendance register
B. He does not borrow books from his master
C. He is not a character in his master's novel
D. The master does not like him.
17. Pick the odd one out:
A. Homicide
B. Human
C. Humane
D. Homonym
18. A room or a building where a person stays his
A. Acommodation
B. Accomodation
C. Accamodation
D. Accommodation
19. He is an person. Fill in the blank with the correct choice
A. Imperial
B. Impervious
C. Imperious
D. Implied

20. "Man proposes, God disposes' is an example of a/an

A. Hypothesis
B. Synthesis
C. Antithesis
D. Thesis
21. The antonym for "ambivalent" is 264
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A. Sure
B. Clear
C. Steadfast
D. Multivalent
22. Neither the chairman nor the director present. Fill the blank with the correct option.
A. Are
B. Is
C. Isn't
D. Was
23. A gaggle of geese, a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep and a school of Choose the correct
A. Fish
B. Children
C. Clowns
D. Ants
24. Which novel did Charles Dickens Not write?
A. Sense and Sensibility
B. Dombey and Son
C. A Tale of Two Cities
D. Oliver Twist
25. East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet... Who said this?.
A. Rudyard Kipling
B. E M. Forster
C. Paul Scott
D. John Masters
26. "Internal Evidence' is
A. Evidence which is internal to the working of the critic's mind
B. A term used in analytical and textual criticism that refers to features of style
C. Evidence that explains the inner life of characters in the modern novel
D. None of the above
27. Esperanto is
A. A term that stands for the Spanish language
B. A form of Latin American language
C. An artificial international language
D. An extinct language
28. Saying 'he passed away' instead of 'he died' is an example of
A. Euphemism
B. Euphuism
C. Parallelism
D. Archaism 265
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29. A list of texts or authors seen as 'classic' is called

A. Cannon
B. Big guns
C. Canon
D. Syllabus

30. An elegy and a dirge are both forms of poetry associated with
A. Festive occasions
B. Death and mourning
C. Marital mirth
D. All of the above
31. 'Malayalam', 'Able was I ere I saw Elba', 'dad' are all examples of
A. Palindromes
B. Parallelisms
C. Dromedaries
D. Palinodes
32. Pantomime is a form of
A. Drama
B. Fiction
C. Poetry
D. None of the above
33. Personification implies
A. Giving a body to a ghostly figure
B. Imparting human traits to non-human objects and ideas
C. Lifting a person
D. A genre in fiction
34. When an author provides hints about what is going to happen in fiction, it is called
A. Introspection poem
B. Foreshadowing
C. Flashback
D. Backtracking
35. An all-knowing point of view is called
A. First person
B. Omniscient
C. Second person
D. Narrative voice 266
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36. A short phrase or quotation at the beginning of a book or poem is called an

A. Epigraph
B. Epilogue
C. Epitaph
D. Episode
37. The vagabond, loveable, rogue-hero is a feature of
A. The picturesque novel
B. The picaresque novel
C. The rogue novel
D. The legal novel
38. George Orwell's famous novel 1984 tells one story but means something more. Such a tale is
Called an
A. Allergy
B. Allegory
C. Elegy
D. Alert
39. 'I wandered lonely as a cloud' is an example of
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Metonymy
D. Metrics
40. 'He is brilliant, but he failed in the exams. This kind of language is
A. Exaggeration
B. Extrapolation
C. Ironic
D. Excessive
41. The day of his death was a dark, cold day. The kind of writing here where the first sounds of
Words are repeated is
A. Metric
B. Stylised
C. Echoic
D. Alliterative.
42. Novels that deal with the end of the world and civilization are called
A. Gloomy novels
B. War novels
C. Crash novels
D. Dystopic novels 267
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43. When books are made into films it is called

A. Choreography
B. Modifying
C. Adaptation
D. Filmography
44. Cartoons and writings that laugh at others, especially the upper rungs of society, are called
A. Mockeries
B. Fripperies
C. Satyrs
D. Satires
45. Francis Bacon was
A. A poet
B. Playwright
C. Both poet and playwright
D. An essayist

46. Lines Inscribed on gravestones are

A. Epitaphs
B. Epigrams
C. Epigraphs
D. Epithalamiums
47. Bombastic language refers to
A. The language of terrorists
B. Good speech
C. Wordiness
D. Subtlety
48. A portmanteau word refers to
A. A suitcase full of words
B. A word formed by the combination of two words
C. A term used to describe ports
D. Animal alphabet
49. The lines 'I would not love thee, dear, so much, / Loved I not honour more' mean that

A. Does not love his girlfriend

B. Is careless about his honour
C. Loves honour more than he loves his girlfriend
D. Loves his girlfriend more than honour 268
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Read the following poem carefully and answer the subsequent questions only in the space
provided for each. Questions 1 to 5 carry 4 marks each.

Tears, Idle Tears

Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,

Tears from the depth of some divine despair

Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes,
In looking on the happy Autumn-fields.
And thinking of the days that are no more.

Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail,

That brings our friends up from the underworld,

Sad as the last which reddens over one
That sinks with all we love below the verge;
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.

Ah, sad and strange as in the dark summer dawns

The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds
To dying ears, when unto dying eyes
The casement slowly grows a glimmering square;
So sad, so strange, the days that are no more.

Ah, sad and strange as in the dark summer dawns

The earliest pipe of half-awakened birds
To dying ears, when unto dying eyes
The casement slowly grows a glimmering square;
So sad, so strange, the days that are no more. 269
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Dear as remembered kisses after death,

And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned

On lips that are for others; deep as love,
Deep as first love, and wild with all regret:
O Death in Life, the days that are no more!
1. Why are the tears' described as "idle"?
2. Write a note on the tone of the poem
3. Explain the dominant image in stanza 2.
4. Identify and explicate the use of the two sensory images in stanza 3.
5. What does the phrase 'Death in Life' imply?


1. Make a précis of the following passage. Write one single paragraph of about 150 words.

Good and Evil

The theory of good and evil crosses the boundaries of many sciences or subject matters. It
occupies a place in metaphysics. It is of fundamental importance in all the moral sciences-ethics,
economics, politics, Jurisprudence. It appears in all the descriptive sciences of human behavior,
such as psychology and sociology, though there it is of less importance and is differently treated.

The relation of good and evil to truth and falsity, beauty and ugliness, carries the discussion into
logic, aesthetics, and the philosophy of art. The true, it has been said, is the good in the sphere of
our thinking. So it may be said of the beautiful that it is a quality which things have when they
are good as objects of contemplation and love, or good as productions. It is no less possible to
understand goodness and beauty in terms of truth, or truth and goodness in terms of beauty.

One aim of analysis, with respect to the true, the good, and the beautiful, is to preserve their
distinctness without rendering each less universal. This has been attempted by writers who treat
these three terms as having a kind of parallelism in their application to everything, but who also
insist that each of the three notions conceives things under a different aspect or in a different
relation. "As good adds to being the notion of the desirable," Aquinas writes, "so the true adds a
relation to the intellect"; and it is also said that the end of the appetite, namely good, is in the
desirable thing," whereas the end of the intellect, namely the true, is in the intellect itself."

In that part of theology which goes beyond metaphysics and moral philosophy, we meet with the
concept of infinite goodness-the goodness of an infinite being-and we then face the problem of
how God's goodness is to be understood by man. The basic terms of moral theology-
righteousness and sin, salvation and damnation-are, like virtue and vice, happiness and misery,
conceptions of good and evil in the condition of man. (Their special theological significance
comes from the fact that they consider the goodness or evil of man in terms of his relation to
God.) But the theological problem which is traditionally called "the problem of evil" concerns
the whole universe in its relation to the divine perfection. According to Barth, "The problem of 270
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ethics contains the secret that man as we know him in this life is an impossibility. This man, in
God's sight, can only perish."



2. Write a coherent essay of not more than 1000 words on Violence in Schools based on the
following points. You may note that the points given are not in any kind of order.

More personal interaction - Children to be encouraged to talk - Children disciplined but also
indulged - Children's behavior observed - Aberrations are noticed - Before they spiral out of
control - Newspaper reports of teachers/schoolmates being gunned down - Neglect at homes-
Too much money given to children but not enough personal attention - Stressful conditions of
everyday life Violence seen in films/on TV/in books and video games


Read the following passage. Select the correct answer from the options given.

3. Comprehension Passage
I learned to garden the way I learned to write-out of necessity. We needed vegetables and
flowers, and I needed to tell myself a long story about life-I am still telling it - a kind of
beanstalk that grows and grows, and I can climb up it, both to escape the impossibility of life at
the bottom, and to find another world where giants and castles and harp-playing hens are still to
be found. Gardening, like story-telling, is a continuing narrative. One thing leads to another.
Like stories, there is always something going on in the garden long after the gardener has gone
to bed. The thing grows, unfolds, changes, develops a maddening life of its own. For me, as a
writer, I go to sleep with an idea in my head, and it takes hold during the night. I open the back
door in the morning, and the tulips that
Refused to look at me the night before, have opened into the sun.
I think we need such continuing narratives. In the post-modern world of fragments and
dislocation, uncertainty, Insecurity, the powerlessness of politics, and where money exists one
day and disappears the next, there are three things that seem to me to be the permanent stuff of
life: Love. Art. Gardening. And each is about relationship; our relationship to one another, and
to the mythic narrative of our lives, and to our one and only real home; planet Earth.
And in the end, the pleasure of life, or so it seems to me, lies not in what you can get other
people to do for you, or what you can wriggle out of-that's the office culture - but what you can
do yourself. Tell me what is better than your own garden in early summer; its colours, scents,
harmonies? It is worth it again and again.

1. "I learned to garden the way ......In this sentence "garden" is

A. A noun 271
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B. A verb
C. An adverb
D. An adjective

2. "I am still telling it" In this sentence the verb is

A. Present indefinite
B. Present continuous
C. Simple present
D. Present perfect

3. Gardening is compared to

A. Going to sleep
B. Story-telling
C. Selling vegetables
D. Planting flowers

4. We need "continuing narratives" because

A. We seek et
B. We have a short memory.
C. We face uncertainty, insecurity and powerlessness.
D. We are pessimistic by nature.

5. The common factor that binds "Love, Art and Gardening" is

A. Post-modernism.
B. Nature worship.
C. Relationship.
D. Identity.
6. The pleasure of life is not part of
A. Garden culture
B. Office culture
C. Music culture
D. Money culture
7. Ideas in my head" take hold
A. During the day
B. During the morning
C. During the night
D. During the afternoon
8. The author has the desire to garden and write because he/she wishes to 272
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A. Drown his/her sorrow.

B. Have the free play of imagination,
C. Have professional success
D. Forget the world.
9. What is the pleasure of life" about? It is
A. To relax without worry
B. To overcome fear
C. To have self-relance
D. None of the above

10. Nothing Impresses as much as the splendor of "your own garden" in

A. Early winter
B. Early spring
C. Early summer
D. Early autumn


1 C 1 DA
2 D 2 DA
3 C 3 DA
4 C 4 DA
5 C 5 DA
6 D
7 C 1 B
8 D 2 B
9 C 3 B
10 D 4 C
11 A 5 C
12 B 6 B
13 D 7 C
14 C 8 A
15 C 9 A
16 D 10 C
17 B 273
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18 D
19 C
20 C
21 A
22 A
23 A
24 A
25 A
26 B
27 C
28 A
29 C
30 B
31 A
32 A
33 B
34 B
35 B
36 A
37 B
38 B
39 A
40 C
41 D
42 D
43 C
44 A
45 D
46 A
47 C
48 B
49 A
50 C 274
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Hyderabad Central University Examination 2011

1. I tried to find the name of the poet who wrote the poem. But he was
A. Anonymous
B. Anomalous
C. Incongruous
D. Obvious
2. The six hundred rode the valley of death.

A. At
B. Into
C. For
D. Below
3. The developments today reveal that the President has no authority to Continue In office
A. Morale
B. Moral
C. Mortal
D. Amoral
4. He realised that he had said something totally out of context. He was forced to
A. Eat his own words
B. Gulp his own words
C. Mince his own words
D. Digest his own words
5. The news on the television often the people.
A. Mislead
B. Misleads
C. Are misleading
D. Is misleading
6. Thanks to the mobile, you have forgotten your spellings. Which of the choices given below Is
not applicable?
A. A criticism
B. An appreciation
C. A factual statement
D. A humorous remark
7. She has a kindly _ _ _ _ _ _
A. Deposition
B. Disposition
C. Dispensation
D. Division 275
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8. A new multi restaurant is opening today.

A. Cushion
B. Cousin
C. Contain
D. Cuisine
9. Dissent means
A. Partiality or preference for; a favourable opinion arrived at beforehand
B. To disagree; to differ in opinion
C. To banish or exile; to withdraw from one 'so country
D. A relation between two things shown In the resemblance not of the
Things themselves but of their characteristics.

10. If the books have been catalogued last week, why haven't they been placed On the shelf?
Replace the underlined phrase with the correct phrase.
A. Were catalogued
B. Would have been catalogued
C. Was catalogued
D. Had been catalogued
11. following sentence Is ambiguous. Choose the right word to disambiguate It. Include your
children when baking Cookies
A. Combine
B. Involve
C. Subsume
D. Embody
12. Choose the correctly punctuated sentenc:2:
A. She invited him to her party and he accepted.
B. She Invited him to her party and he, accepted.
C. She Invited him to her party, and, he accepted.
D. She, Invited him to her party and he accepted.
13. I'm sorry, Smita Isn't ___________ at the moment. Can I take a message?
A. In
B. away
C. Up
D. Off

14. After the party dispersed, I found a bunch of keys on the table. , someone Had
forgotten to collect It. From the options given, choose the incorrect one.
A. Obviously
B. Clearly
C. Supposedly
D. Evidently 276
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15. There isn't much to choose from, ?

A. Is there?
B. Isn't It?
C. Is It not?
D. Isn't there?
16. Corruption cannot be called a pan-Indian phenomenon. What does 'pan' mean?
A. Only
B. Within
C. Across
D. All
17. The king secretly cherished that the young adventurer would fancy marrying the
A. The hope
B. An hope
C. Hoping
D. Hopes
18. Which of the following wouldn't Idiomatically modify "forgot"?
A. Dean
B. Dear
C. Quite
D. Entirely
19. Can you put him for the night?

A. Up
B. Of
C. At
D. In

In Questions 20 and 21, replace the Items In bold with the correct option:

20. In studying for an assignment It is wise to read the material very quickly at first, than see the
major points, and finally outline the essay.
A. First: then
B. First-then
C. First, then
D. First-than
21. its high time you quit smoking
A. It was
B. It's
C. Won't It be
D. Will it 277
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22. I was the road to Delhi at the time.

A. By
B. At
C. In
D. On
23. ' Do you wake up grumpy in the morning?' ' No. He gets up on his own.' The question here
hasn't received the answer It sought because
A. Grumpy has been mistaken for a person.
B. Grumpy has been mistaken for a thing.
C. Grumpy has been mistaken for a mood.
D. Grumpy meaning has been mistaken.
24. The phrase 'To be above board' means:
A. To stand above a board, say in a swimming pool
B. To be honest
C. To remain indifferent or unfazed
D. To be on the top deck a ship
25. The phrase 'Confusing Idioms' means:
(I) Idioms that are confusing
(II) Getting mixed up with Idioms
(III) Idioms re confusing

Choose the right answer from the options given below:

A. (I) and (II)
B. (I) and (Ill)
C. (II) and (ill)
D. (I), (II) and (III)

Department of English


Write an essay on any one of the following topics in the space provided within this answer book.
1. My nation, my language
2. If I were a sparrow
3. Why I like Indian films
4. Shifting responsibility
5. Some creative uses of boredom 6. Linguistic embarrassments
7. Book or blog- is that a question? 278
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8. As others see us
9. Natural disasters
10. People's revolutions
Read the following poem carefully and answer the subsequent questions only in the
Space provided for each. Questions 1 to 5 carry 5 marks each; question 6 carries 10

IF there were dreams to sell,

What would you buy?
Some cost a passing bell;
Some a light sigh,
That shakes from Life's fresh crown
Only a rose-leaf down.
Merry and sad to tell,
And the crier rang the bell,
What would you buy?

If there were dreams to sell,

A cottage lone and still,
With bowers nigh,
Shadowy, my woes to still,
Until I die.
Such pearls from Life's fresh crown
Fain would I shake me down.
Were dreams to have at will,
This would best heal my ill,
This would I buy.
- Thomas Lovell Beddoes

1. What is the basic premise of the poem?

2. What are the different prices of the various dreams that the poet mentions? 279
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3. Which particular dream does the poet want to buy?

4. Comment on the dominant mood of the poem.
5. Comment on the sounds of the last words of each line and identify the pattern, if any.
6. Comment on the relation of this poem with the proverb "If wishes were horses, beggars would


1 A 26 B
2 B 27 B
3 B 28 C
4 B 29 A
5 D 30 C
6 B 31 C
7 C 32 D
8 D 33 A
9 A 34 B
10 C 35 B
11 B 36 B
12 B 37 C
13 B 38 C
14 B 39 D
15 B 40 B
16 A 41 B
17 C 42 C
18 A 43 B
19 D 44 C
20 C 45 B
21 B 46 B
22 C 47 B
23 C 48 A
24 B 49 C
25 A 50 D
II(1-10) DA III(1-6) DA

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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2018

1. “Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a
mirror and a razor lay crossed.” This is the opening line of

A. Northanger Abbey
B. To the Lighthouse
C. Ulysses
D. Sense and Sensibility b) To the Lighthouse c) Ulysses d) Northanger Abbey

2. In which novel of RK Narayan would you come across Rosie?

A. The Guide
B. The Vendor of Sweets
C. Swami and Friends
D. The Financial Expert

3. To what category does “My Last Duchess” belong?

A. Sonnet
B. Dramatic Monologue
C. Ode
D. Pastoral Elegy

4. Choose the best antonym of the italicized word.

The task assigned to him was arduous.

A. plain
B. absorbing
C. good
D. easy

5. If Milk is water, water is sugar, sugar is road, road is sky and sky is track where do aeroplanes

A. Sugar
B. Sky
C. Milk
D. Road

6. Allomorphs are the variants of a morpheme.

A. phonetic
B. syntactic 281
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C. pragmatic
D. semantic

7. Who suggested ‘Imitation’ also as a method in Translation?

A. Pope
B. Johnson
C. Tytler
D. Dryden

8. The method of replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the
message is called .

A. Loan words
B. Calque
C. Transposition
D. Modulation

9. Upon translation of Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat, made this observation, “Better a

live sparrow than a stuffed eagle”

A. Fitzgerald
B. Rossetti
C. Arnold
D. Longfellow

10. The term ‘stream of consciousness’ was coined by

A. Dorothy Richardson
B. William Faulkner
C. Henry James
D. William James

11. How many syllables does the word “unilaterally”have?

A. 04
B. 07
C. 05
D. 06

12. Which of the following is NOT true about the Metaphysical poets and poems?

A. Spirituality and sensuality go together in their works.

B. Dissociation between thought and feeling has set in because of these poets.
C. ‘Heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together’ in these poems. 282
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D. Conceits and wit abound in them.

13. Anand is heavier than Gopal.Mohan is lighter than Jagan.Pandian is heavier than Jagan but
lighter than Gopal. Who is the heaviest of all ?

A. Anand
B. Jagan
C. Pandian
D. Gopal


A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

15. Choose the best synonym of the italicized word.

Reena has an insatiable love for music.

A. unchanging
B. irreconcilable
C. unquenchable
D. undesirable

16. Identity the WRONG pair

A. Wimsatt – “Intentional Fallacy”

B. llen Tate – “Tension in poetry”
C. Cleanth Brooks – “The Language of Paradox”
D. A. Richards – “Seven Types of Ambiguity”

17. Who does not belong to the group of University Wits?

A. Thomas Kyd 283
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B. Robert Greene
C. William Shakespeare
D. John Lyly
18. Who among the following is NOT a member of The Movement poets?

A. Carol Ann Duffy

B. Thom Gunn
C. Kingsley Amis
D. Philip Larkin

19. John Gower’s Speculum Meditantiswas written in

A. English
B. Greek
C. Latin
D. French

20. The First Folio of Shakespeare’s works was published in

A. 1626
B. 1624
C. 1625
D. 1623

21. ‘The Skopos theory’ was introduced by .

A. Goethe
B. Borges
C. Steiner
D. Vermeer

22. X is twice as good a workman as Y and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how
many days will X alone finish the work?

A. 25
B. 28
C. 26
D. 27

23. Based on the information given, answer the below question.

1. A,B,C,D,E and F are travelling in a bus.

2. There are two reporters, two mechanics, one photographer and one writer in the group.
3. Photographer A is married to D who is a reporter.
4. The writer is married to B who is of the same profession as that of F. 284
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5. A,B,C,D are two married couples and no one in this belong to the same profession.
6. F is the brother of C.

Which of the following is the pair of reporters?

C. Cannot be determined

24. The writer who wrote under the pen name, George Eliot, was .

A. Mary Ann Evans

B. Mary Shelley
C. Mary Eliot
D. Mary Agnes

25. Which of the following texts of Kalidasa in translation was received with an undisputed
applause by the Germans?

A. Shakuntala
B. Raghuvamsha
C. Malavika and Agnimitra
D. Urvashi

26. The first detective novel in English is

A. Cranford
B. The Woman in White
C. The Moonstone
D. Bleak House

27. In which year was monarchy restored in England?

A. 1661
B. 1660
C. 1662
D. 1659

28. Identify the adverb in the following sentence:

We looked upwards and saw a bright shooting star

A. upwards
B. looked
C. bright 285
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D. shooting

29. These poultry belong to Mr. Kishen, our new neighbor

The underlined word is a noun.

A. common
B. collective
C. abstract
D. proper

30. The author of Treasure Island is .

A. H.G.Wells
B. William Golding
C. Jonathan Swift
D. R.L.Stevenson

31. Cliché means

A. using the pleasant words for the unpleasant ones

B. blending of two or more words
C. overused expressions
D. study of language change

32. In which year was Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize?

A. 1911
B. 1913
C. 1912
D. 1914

33. In which novel of Thomas Hardy would you come across Michael Henchard?

A. Under the Greenwood Tree

B. Far From the Madding Crowd
C. The Return of the Native
D. The Mayor of Casterbridge

34. Name the author of The Inheritance of the Loss.

A. JumpaLahiri
B. Kiran Desai
C. Anita Desai
D. Anita Nair 286
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35. The line “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” appears in

A. Ozymandias
B. Adonais
C. To a Skylark
D. Ode to the West Wind

36. Match the writer with the movement:

List-I List -II

I. Nathaniel Hawthorne A. Black Mountain School

II. T.S. Eliot B. Beat Poetry
III. Robert Creeley C. Modernism
IV. Allen Ginsberg D. Transcendentalism



37. How many consonants does English have?

A. 24
B. 23
C. 22
D. 21

38. When was The King James Version of the Holy Bible published?

A. 1612
B. 1611
C. 1609
D. 1610

39. G. M. Hopkins’s ‘curtal sonnet’ has

A. 10 lines 287
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B. 11 lines
C. 11 ½ lines
D. 10 ½ lines

40. How many lines does a sonnet have?

A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
D. 12

41. Who among the following is associated with ‘language games’?

A. John Searle
B. Ludwig Wittgenstein
C. Paul Grice
D. GottlobFrege

42. Who wrote the essay “Tradition and Individual Talent”?

A. F.R. Leavis
B. I.A. Richards
C. Pound
D. T.S. Eliot

43. Who is known as a ‘Wessex writer’?

A. Henry James
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Charles Dickens
D. William Wordsworth

44. The magazine associated with the Pre-Raphaelites is

A. The Liberal
B. The Germ
C. The Blast
D. The Examiner

45. Who wrote “Naipaul’s India and Mine”?

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. A .K .Ramanujan
C. Vikram Seth 288
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D. Nissim Ezekiel

46. Whose work both imitates and parodies the Spanish writer Cervantes’s Don Quixote?

A. Ann Radcliffe
B. Anne Finch
C. Frances Bruney
D. Charlotte Lennox

47. What is Tolstoy’s nationality?

A. Italian
B. French
C. German
D. Russian

48. The author of Unto This Last is .

A. Carlyle
B. Lytton
C. Ruskin
D. Macaulay

49. In which novel of Jane Austen would you come across Fanny Price?

A. Mansfield Park
B. Pride and Prejudice
C. Persuasion
D. Northanger Abbey

50. The play that portrays the travails of Willy Loman is .

A. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman

B. Sam Shepard’s Buried Child
C. Eugene O’Neill’s Emperor Jones
D. August Wilson’s Fences

51. Heathcliff is a character in .

A. Agnes Grey
B. Jane Eyre
C. Wuthering Heights
D. The Woodlanders 289
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52. Who is regarded as the father of Modern Linguistics?

A. Saussure
B. Bloomfield
C. Chomsky
D. Jones

53. Name the first English Settlers on the East Coast of USA?

A. Methodists
B. Puritans
C. Jesuits
D. Catholics

54. The mother gripped her child's arm he be trampled.

A. if not
B. unless
C. lest
D. if

55. As a country, the United States is that there are five time zones.

A. much big
B. very big
C. so big
D. too big

56. Identify the author of The Old Man and the Sea.

A. Melville
B. Hawthorne
C. Cooper
D. Hemingway

57. Who was the first to expound the ‘alienation effect’ in theatre?

A. Henrik Ibsen
B. Emile Zola
C. Arthur Miller
D. Bertolt Brecht 290
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58. Due to , the subways were closed all morning.

A. flood
B. are flooded
C. its flooding
D. floods

59. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?

A. 155
B. 152
C. 153
D. 154

60. In the following question, the first two words (given in italics) have a definite relationship.
Choose one word out of the given four alternatives which will fill the blank space and show the
same relationship with the third word as between the first two.
Truthfulness is to Liar as Loyalty is to ………?………….

A. Falsehood
B. Devotion
C. Traitor
D. Worker

61. In which play of Shakespeare would you come across Ariel?

A. As You Like It
B. The Tempest
C. The Merchant of Venice
D. Twelfth Night

62. Name the Roman theoretician who wrote Institution Oratoria that emphasizes the need for
translation to be made part of a young man’s education to improve his oratorical skills.

A. Longinus
B. Horace
C. Quintilian
D. Cicero

63. Choose the missing term: SHG, RIF, QJE, PKD, ?

B. MLB 291
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64. The Last Days of Pompeii is a historical novel written by

A. Anthony Trollope
B. Benjamin Disraeli
C. Walter Scott
D. Edward Bulwer Lytton

65. H.G. Wells is known for his contribution to the field of________

A. Picaresque novels
B. Historical fiction
C. Science fiction
D. Comic plays

66. Study the following information carefully and answer the question below it

The Director of an MBA college has decided that six guest lectures on the topics of Motivation,
Decision Making, Quality Circle, Assessment Centre, Leadership and Group Discussion are to
be organised on each day from Monday to Sunday.
(i) One day there will be no lecture (Saturday is not that day), just before that day Group
Discussion will be organised.
(ii) Motivation should be organised immediately after Assessment Centre.
(iii) Quality Circle should be organised on Wednesday and should not be followed by Group
(iv) Decision Making should be organised on Friday and there should be a gap of two days
between Leadership and Group Discussion

Which of the pairs of lectures were organised on first and last day?

A. Quality Circle and Motivation

B. Group Discussion and Quality Circle
C. Group Discussion and Decision Making
D. None of these

67. Who is the architect of the “Theatre of Cruelty”?

A. Stanislavski
B. Grotowski
C. Eugene O’Neill
D. Antonin Artaud

68. Which novel of Thomas Hardy ends with this line:“ happiness is but the occasional episode in a
general drama of pain”? 292
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A. The Mayor of Casterbridge

B. Tess of the D’Urbervilles
C. The Return of the Native
D. Jude the Obscure

69. What “presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time”?

A. Simile
B. Sign
C. Symbol
D. Image

70. The author of Jane Eyre is .

A. Emily Bronte
B. George Eliot
C. Charlotte Bronte
D. Jane Austen

71. Name the author of “The Scholar Gypsy”.

A. Hopkins
B. Browning
C. Arnold
D. Tennyson

72. Assertion: Crude oil is abundantly found in nature

Reason: It is the main raw material for all automobiles

A. A is true but R is false

B. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
C. A is false but R is true
D. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

73. Who declared that “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. . .”?

A. Shelley
B. Keats
C. Byron
D. Wordsworth

74. Ernest Hemingway belonged to

A. Lost Generation 293
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B. The Fugitives
C. Beat Generation
D. Prague School

75. Which poem of Sylvia Plath has an elegiac tone?

A. ‘Daddy’
B. ‘The Applicant’
C. ‘Mirror’
D. ‘Child’

76. How many lines does a ‘villanelle’ have?

A. 18
B. 19
C. 16
D. 17

77. What kind of a play is Everyman?

A. Passion Play
B. Mystery Play
C. Morality Play
D. Miracle Play

78. Name the author of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

A. Joyce
B. Kipling
C. Hardy
D. DH Lawrence

79. Who among the following comparative theoreticians believed that, by means of worldwide
contacts, a harmonization was to ensue within the individual literatures?

A. Baldensperger
B. Guyard
C. Carre
D. Goethe

80. Who does not belong to the ‘Confessional group’ of poets?

A. Sylvia Plath
B. Anne Sexton 294
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C. Emily Dickinson
D. Robert Lowell

81. Which of the following idioms means ‘a state of confusion’?

A. To bite the bullet

B. Achilles’ heel
C. On cloud nine
D. Sixes and sevens

82. Correct the error in the italicized part of the sentence by choosing the most appropriate option.
Whenever the two sisters go out for shopping, they take their pet dog with them.

A. go out shopping
B. go out of shopping
C. go out on shopping
D. go out to shopping

83. Which is the autobiographical novel of Charles Dickens?

A. Great Expectations
B. Hard Times
C. David Copperfield
D. The Pickwick Papers

84. Who is considered the father of American poetry?

A. Frost
B. Whitman
C. Emerson
D. Dickinson

85. The titular character of Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger is

A. Biju
B. MoraesZogoiby
C. L. Murugan
D. Balram Halwai

86. Name the author of The Waste Land.

A. Arnold
B. WB Yeats
C. Browning
D. T.S. Eliot 295
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87. Who said “the personal is political”?

A. Toril Moi
B. Carol Hanisch
C. Julia Kristeva
D. Helene Cixous

88. Who is the author of The Bluest Eye?

A. Paule Marshall
B. Toni Morrison
C. Maya Angelou
D. Alice Walker

89. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are characters created by .

A. Stevenson
B. Richardson
C. Fielding
D. Swift

90. In which play of Karnad would you come across Padmini?

A. Tughlaq
B. Naga Mandala
C. Hayavadana
D. Dreams of Tippu Sultan

91. In GirishKarnad’sTughlaq, the capital of the Mughal empire was shifted from Delhi to

A. Ahmedabad
B. Lucknow
C. Daulatabad
D. Gwalior

92. Who is “Catharsis” associated with?

A. Sidney
B. Longinus
C. Aristotle
D. Plato 296
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A. Key: Piano
B. Art: Sculpture
C. Arm : Leg
D. Stage: Chairs

94. The author of Vanity Fair is .

A. George Eliot
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Virginia Woolf
D. Thackeray

95. Who is the author of the play,The Dumb Dancer?

A. BadalSircar
B. Vijay Tendulkar
C. AsifCurrimbhoy
D. GirishKarnad

96. Identify the author of Kanthapura.

A. RK Narayan
B. Mulk Raj Anand
C. Raja Rao
D. Tagore

97. Deriving the verb ‘edit’ from the noun ‘editor’ is an example of

A. Backformation
B. Reduplication
C. Spoonerism
D. Malapropism

98. The first monolingual English dictionary that appeared in 1604 was:

A. James Murray’s Oxford English Dictionary

B. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language
C. Nathaniel Bailey’s Universal Etymological English Dictionary
D. Robert Cawdrey’sTable Alphabeticall 297
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Aasha, Bhuvnesh,Charan, Danesh, Ekta, Farhan, Ganesh and Himesh are sitting around a circle,
facing the centre. Aasha sits fourth to the right of Himesh while second to the left of Farhan.
Charan is not the neighbour of Farhan and Bhuvnesh. Danesh sits third to the right of Charan.
Himesh never sits next to Ganesh.

Who is to the immediate left of Aasha?

A. Ganesh
B. Aasha
C. Charan
D. Bhuvnesh

100. Study the following information carefully and answer the question below it

(i) There is a group of five persons- A, B, C, D and E

(ii) One of them is manual scavenger, one is sweeper, one is watchman, one is human scarecrow
and one is grave-digger
(iii) Three of them – A, C and grave-digger prefer tea to coffee and two of them – B and the
watchman prefer coffee to tea
(iv) The human scarecrow and D and A are friends to one another but two of these prefer coffee
to tea.
(v) The manual scavenger is C’s brother

Which of the above statements is unnecessary?

A. Nil
B. (iv)
C. (ii)
D. (iii)

Answer key 2018


1 C 26 C 51 C 76 B

2 A 27 B 52 C 77 C

3 B 28 A 53 B 78 A

4 D 29 B 54 C 79 A

5 D 30 D 55 D 80 C

6 A 31 C 56 D 81 D 298
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7 D 32 B 57 D 82 A

8 C 33 D 58 A 83 C

9 A 34 B 59 D 84 B

10 D 35 D 60 C 85 D

11 D 36 A 61 B 86 D

12 B 37 A 62 C 87 B

13 A 38 B 63 C 88 B

14 B 39 D 64 D 89 A

15 C 40 B 65 C 90 C

16 D 41 B 66 D 91 C

17 C 42 D 67 D 92 C

18 A 43 B 68 A 93 A

19 C 44 B 69 D 94 D

20 D 45 D 70 C 95 C

21 D 46 D 71 C 96 C

22 D 47 D 72 D 97 A

23 B 48 C 73 D 98 D

24 A 49 A 74 A 99 A

25 A 50 A 75 A 100 B 299
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2017

1. Which term will replace the question mark in the series: ABD,DGK,HMS,MTB,SBL, ?


2. Choose word from the given options which bears the same relationship to the third word, as the
first two bears: Illiteracy: Education:: Flood:?

A. Rain
B. Bridge
C. Dam
D. River

3. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words:
Sip : Gulp

A. Touch: Push
B. Cup: Class
C. Tent: Hut
D. Soup: Water

4. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words:
Low : Cattle

A. Sheep: Beef
B. Gaggle: Chicken
C. Grunt: Hogs
D. Flock: Goat

5. Find out the number that has the same relationship as the numbers of the given pair:
8 : 81 : : 64 : ?

A. 125
B. 137
C. 525
D. 625

6. Spot the defective segment from the following:

A. It’s time 300
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B. the students dispersed

C. to go to home
D. after study hours
7. There is no ---------in our car and it is already crowded.

A. room
B. place
C. seat
D. space

8. Newton -----------loved his pet dog very much.

A. a scientist
B. the scientist
C. scientist
D. one scientist

9. Choose the option closest in meaning to the given word:


A. deism
B. chauvinism
C. extremism
D. pacifism

10. Choose the antonymous option you consider the best:


A. bizarre
B. procurer
C. charlatan
D. authority

11. In a village there are 1000 persons. Out of which 800 are literates. Out of 1000,700 are
criminals. There are 550 literate criminals in that village. How many Illiterate non criminals are

A. 150
B. 250
C. 50
D. 200

12. Average weight of A,B,C is 45;

Average weight of A&B is 40;
Average weight of B&c is 43, Weight of B is 301
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A. 17
B. 20
C. 26
D. 31

13. Which of the following cannot be the Median of the three positive Integers X,Y & Z ?

A. X
B. Z
C. X+Z
D. (X+Z)/3

14. How many Zero's are there in the product 1*2*3* ----- *10

A. 2
B. 10
C. 5
D. 6

15. A,B,C,D work on a project. Together A,B &C can complete in 100 days; Together B,C &D can
complete in 101 days; Together C,D & A can complete in 102 days; together D,A & B can
complete in 103 days . Rank them from the best to the worst performer.

A. C>B>A>D
B. C>A>B>D
C. D>B>A>C
D. D>A>B>C

16. 22 Students are evenly spaced on the circumference of a big circle. They are numbered 1to 22.
which number is opposite to 17?

A. 8
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6

17. The fare of a luxury cab is Rs. X for the first five Kilometres and Rs,13/- per Kilometre
thereafter. If a passenger pays Rs.2402/- for a journey of 187 kilometres, what is the value of X?

A. Rs.29
B. Rs.39
C. Rs.36
D. Rs.31 302
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18. An HR Company employs 4800 people out of which 45 per cent are males and 60 per cent of
males are either 25 years or older. How many males are employed in that company who are
younger than 25 years ?

A. 2640
B. 2160
C. 1296
D. 864

19. A person buys a shirt with marked price Rs.400/- at 20% discount. In order to make a profit of
20% the person should sell the shirt for

A. Rs.400/-
B. Rs.384/-
C. Rs.320/-
D. Rs.480/-

20. The following information is given:

(i) Five friends P, Q, R. S and T travelled to five different cities of Chennai, Calcutta, Delhi,
Bangalore and Hyderabad by five different modes of transport of Bus, Train, Aeroplane, Car
and Boat from Mumbai.
(ii) The person who travelled to Delhi did not travel by boat.
(iii) R went to Bangalore by car and Q went to Calcutta by aeroplane.
(iv) S travelled by boat whereas T travelled by train.
(v)Mumbai is not connected by bus to Delhi and Chennai. Which of the following combinations
of place and mode is not correct ?

A. Delhi — Bus
B. Calcutta — Aeroplane
C. Bangalore — Car
D. Chennai — Boat

21. In The Canterbury Tales, the pilgrims including Chaucer met at the --------------

A. Tabard Inn, in Southwark

B. Tabard Inn, in Eastwark
C. Tabard Inn, in Northwark
D. Tabard Inn, in Westwark

22. Morte d’ Arthur was written by -------------

A. Sir Thomas Malory

B. William Langland
C. Sir John Mandeville 303
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D. John Gower

23.was the first English printer.

A. William Caxton
B. John Fisher
C. Reginald Peacock
D. Sir Thomas Moore

24.was the earliest extant comedy

A. Ralph Roister Doister

B. Ferrex and Porrex
C. Gorboduc
D. The Four P’s

25. Epithalamion, a magnificent marriage ode is written by ----------

A. Edmund Spenser
B. Sir Thomas Wyatt
C. Henry Howard
D. Andrew Marvell

26. “He affects the metaphysics” said ------------- of -------------- --.

A. Dryden of Donne
B. Ben Jonson of Donne
C. Dr. Johnson of Donne
D. Eliot of Donne

27.among the four isn’t a university wit

A. George Peele
B. Thomas Nash
C. Robert Greene
D. Thomas Campion

28. In 1609 a collection of Shakespeare’s sonnets was printed by Thomas Thorpe and was dedicated

A. Mr.W.H.
B. Mr.A.P
C. Mr. D.S.
D. Mr.J.V 304
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29. Globe theatre was burned down during the performance of --------- n 1613.

A. Henry VIII
B. The Winter’s tale
C. Timon of Athens
D. Pericles

30. Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus are called as ---------

A. The Mature Comedies

B. The Sombre Plays
C. The English Histories
D. The Roman Plays

31. “We are such stuff / As dreams are made on, and our little life/ Is rounded with a sleep”
is from -

A. Twelfth Night
B. The Tempest
C. Measure for Measure
D. King Lear

32. The Advancement of Learning , Apophthegms and Essays were written by ----------

A. Francis Bacon
B. Robert Burton
C. John Lyly
D. Thomas Lodge

33. The term ‘Metaphysical Poets’ was first used by ---------------

A. Dr. Johnson
B. Eliot
C. Jonson
D. Donne

34. Herrick, Lovelace, and Suckling dealt with themes of love are known as --------

A. The Cavalier Poets

B. Georgian Poets
C. Cyclic Poets
D. Misty Poets 305
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35. Lycidas is an elegy on Milton’s friend -------------

A. Edward King
B. Evelyn King
C. Andy King
D. John king

36. The Restoration of -------- brought about a revolution in our literature.

A. James I
B. Charles II
C. Charles I
D. Oliver Cromwell

37. Annus Mirabillis which gives a spirited account of the Great Fire and the war with the Dutch
was written by -------

A. John Dryden
B. Thomas Shadwell
C. William Congreve
D. John Vanbrugh

38. Hudibras, a biting satire on the Puritans was written by --------

A. Samuel Butler
B. Lord Halifax
C. John Bunyan
D. Samuel Pepys

39. A bee, accidentally blundering into a spider’s web, argues down the bitter remarks of the spider,
is one of Swift’s efforts in -----------------

A. A Tale of a Tub
B. The Drapier’s Letters
C. The Battle of Books
D. The pilgrim’s Progress

40. The Tatler, The Spectator, The Guardian, and The Reader are -------------

A. Periodicals started by Sir Richard Steele

B. Periodicals started by Joseph Addison
C. Essays written by Addison and Steele
D. Periodicals started by Addison and Steele 306
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41. A Tale, Supposed to be written by Himself is the subtitle of -------------

A. The Vicar of Wakefield

B. Life of Johnson
C. The Citizen of the World
D. She Stoops to Conquer

42. Thomas gray’s friend -------- popularised the poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
among London literary circles

A. Horace Walpole
B. Charles Edward Stuart
C. George Montagu
D. John Giles a short lyric embodying Blake’s view of the original state of human society, symbolized
in the joy and happiness of children.

A. Songs of innocence
B. Songs of Experience
C. The Tyger
D. The Song of Los

44. The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791, one of the best biographies in existence was written by ------

A. James Boswell
B. William Robertson
C. David Hume
D. James Thomson

45. Lady Teazle appears in the play-----------------

A. The School for Scandal

B. Irene
C. The Rivals
D. The castle of Indolence

46. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire which ranks as one of the greatest of historical
works, was written by --------------

A. Edward Gibbon
B. William Collins 307
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C. Edmund Burke
D. Charles Churchill

47.was intended to form part of a vast philosophical work called The Recluse.

A. The Prelude
B. Tintern Abbey
C. The Excursion
D. Biographia Literaria

48. Lyrical Ballads was produced in the year -------------.

A. 1798
B. 1878
C. 1789
D. 1879

49. Christabel metre, based on the poem Christabel was introduced by --------------

A. Coleridge
B. Keats
C. Wordsworth
D. Shelley

50.brought Byron a dower of fame.

A. Childe Harold
B. The Friend
C. The Watchman
D. Michael

51. Prometheus Unbound, a combination of the lyric and the drama was written by-------------

A. Shelley
B. Keats
C. Wordsworth
D. Coleridge

52. In ------------- , the heroine who is in her fifth pregnancy, leaves her husband to seek peace in an
island, Manori.

A. Where shall we go this Summer

B. Fire on the Mountain
C. Bye-bye, Blackbird
D. Clear Light of the Day 308
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53. The hero retreats from civilization and loses himself among the Adivasis is reverenced as a god
by the tribals in --------------

A. The Strange Case of Billy Biswas

B. The Apprentice
C. A Situation in Delhi
D. The Day in Shadow

54. Saleem Sinai, one of the elect 580 children scarred by the time of their nativity with an
exceptional fate is hero of ---------------

A. Midnight Children
B. Inside the Haveli
C. Shame
D. The Marriage

55. A ------------- is a short narrative in prose or verse that exemplifies an abstract moral thesis or
principle of human Behavior.

A. Fable
B. Parable
C. Trickster
D. Exemplum

56. is a passing reference, without explicit identification, to a literary or historical

person, place or event or to another literary work.B57

A. Allusion
B. Ambiguity
C. Alliteration
D. Aphorism

57. Blank verse consists of ------------------ which are unrhymed.

A. Iambic Tetrameter
B. Iambic Hexameter
C. Iambic Pentameter
D. Iambic Heptameter

58. Robert Lowell, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton are ------------

A. Confessionalists
B. Fugitive Poets
C. Beat Generation poets 309
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D. Imagists

59.criticism treats a literary work primarily in relation to its author.

A. Expressive
B. Mimetic
C. Pragmatic
D. Objective

60. ‘Dissociation of Sensibility’ was a phrase introduced by -------------

A. T. S. Eliot
B. Jacques Derrida
C. John Keats
D. Jean Genet

61. Who coined the term ‘Lake School of Poets’?

A. Wordsworth
B. Francis Jeffrey
C. Robert Southey
D. Stephen Lychey

62. Which of the following sets would you call the poets of the Movement?

A. Elizabeth Jennings, Philip Larkin, John Wain

B. W.H.Auden, Cecil Day Lewis, Stephen Spender
C. T.S.Eliot, Richard Aldington, Ezra Pound
D. Alan Brownjohn, C.H. Sisson, Anthony Thwaite

63. Who among the following were associated with the Irish Dramatic Movement?

A. Lady Gregory, W.B.Yeats, J.M.Synge

B. Jonathan Swift, R.B.Sheridan, G.B.Shaw
C. W.B.Yeats, JM Synge, G.B.Shaw
D. W.B.Yeats, Patrick J.Kavanagh, Seamun Heaney

64. Which of the following is a major Jacobian play?

A. Everyman
B. Gorboduc
C. Romeo and Juliet
D. The Duchess of Malfi 310
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65. Poetry: A Magazine of Verse was founded by

A. T.S.Eliot
B. Harriet Monroe
C. Stephen Leacock
D. F.R.Leavis

66. The earliest tract on feminism is

A. Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex

B. Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own
C. Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women
D. Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics

67. Philip Sidney wrote An Apology for Poetry in immediate response to

A. Plato’s Republic
B. Aristotle’s Poetics
C. Stephen Gosson’sThe School of Abuse
D. Jeremy Collier’s Immorality and Profaneness of the English Verse

68. The structural analysis of signs was practised by

A. Michael Foucault
B. Jacques Lacan
C. Julia Kristeva
D. Roland Barthes

69. Which of the following novels is not by Patrick White?

A. The Vivisector
B. The Tree of Man
C. Voss
D. Oscar and Lucienda

70. The famous line “… where ignorant armies clash by night” is taken from a poem by

A. Wilfred Owen
B. W.H.Auden
C. Siegfried Sassoon
D. Mathew Arnold 311
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71. Who among the following wrote a book with the title “The Age of Reason”

A. William Godwin
B. Edmund Burke
C. Thomas Paine
D. Edward Gibbon

72. Johnson’s Dictionary of The English Language was published in the year

A. 1710
B. 1755
C. 1754
D. 1759

73. Stephen Dedalus is a fictional character associated with

A. Sons and Lovers

B. The Heart of Darkness
C. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
D. Ulysses

74. The first complete printed English Bible was produced by

A. William Caxton
B. Roger Ascham
C. William Tyndale
D. Miles Coverdale

75. Some of the Jacobean playwrights were prolific. One of them claimed to have written 200 plays.
The playwright is

A. John Ford
B. Thomas Dekker
C. Phillip Massinger
D. Thomas Heywood

76. Which of the following is not a Revenge Tragedy?

A. The White Devil

B. The Duchess of Malfi
C. Doctor Faustus
D. The Spanish Tragedy 312
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77. The concept of human mind as tabula rasa or blank tablet was propounded by

A. William Bentick
B. David Hume
C. Plato
D. John Locke

78. The terms ‘resonance’ and ‘wonder’ are associates with

A. Stephen Greenblatt
B. Terence Hawkes
C. Terry Eagleton
D. Roland Barthes

79. The rhetorical pattern used by Chuacer in The Prologue to Canterbury Tales is

A. Ten syllabic line

B. Eight sylllabid line
C. Rhyme royal
D. Ottava rima

80. The term ‘ International Fallacy’ is first used by

A. William Empson
B. Northrop Frye
C. Wellek and Warren
D. Wimsatt and Beardsley

81. Aston is a character in Pinter’s

A. The Birthday Party

B. The Caretaker
C. The Dumb Waiter
D. The Homecoming

82. Who among the following is not a formalistic critic?

A. Allen Tate
B. Cleanth Brooks
C. Stanely Fish
D. William Empson 313
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83. There are two lists given below. Match the authors in List – I with their nationality in List – II
by choosing the right option against the code.

LIST- I (author) List- II (nationality)

(i) Partrick White (1) Canada

(ii) Nadine Gordimer (2) New Zealand

(iii) Margaret Atwood (3) Australia

(iv) Keri Hulme (4) South Africa

A. (i) - (2); (ii) - (1); (iii) - (4); (iv) - (3)

B. (i) - (4); (ii) - (3); (iii) - (2); (iv) - (1)
C. (i) - (3); (ii) - (4); (iii) - (1); (iv) - (2)
D. (i) - (3); (ii) - (2); (iii) - (4); (iv) - (1)

84. “The future poetry is immense, because in poetry….or race, as time goes on, will find an ever
surer and surer stay.” -- This claim for poetry is made in

A. Arnold’s “Culture and Anarchy”

B. Arnold’s “The Study of Poetry”
C. Eliot’s “Poetry and Poets”
D. Sidney’s “An Apology for Poetry”

85. “To Daffodils “ is a poem written by

A. Robert Herrick
B. William Wordsworth
C. John Keats
D. P.B.Shelley

86. “England, My England” is a poem by

A. W.E.Henley
B. A.E.Housman
C. R.L.Stevenson
D. Rudyard Kipling

87. Shelley was expelled from Oxford University due to the publication of 314
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A. The Revolt of Islam

B. The Necessity of Atheism
C. The Triumph of Life
D. The Masque of Anarchy

88. “Panopticism” is the title of a chapter in a well-known book by

A. Roman Jakbson
B. Jacques Lacan
C. Michel Foucault
D. Jacques Derrida

89. The author of Nation and Narration

A. Edward Said
B. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
C. Frantz Fanon
D. Homi Bhaba

90. The term ‘ Practical Criticism’ is coined by

A. William Empson
B. T.S.Eliot
C. I.A.Richards
D. F.R.Leavis

91. R.P.Blackmur's name is associated with

A. Post – Modernism
B. New Historicism
C. New Criticism
D. Russian Formalism

92. The term ‘Egotistical sublime’ was coined by

A. S.T.Coleridge
B. John Keats
C. William Wordsworth
D. William Hazlitt

93. Horace’s ArsPoetica is in the form of

A. A dialogue
B. an epistle 315
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C. an ode
D. prose

94. JayantaMahapatra has located many of his poems in the town of

A. Puri
B. Cuttack
C. Bhubaneswar
D. Berhampur

95. The term ‘Lost Generation’ is taken to be description of the literary generation of

A. The 1920s
B. The post-World War II world
C. The post-Modernist Period
D. The Beatles and Hippies

96. The pedagogical model which is the most popular today is

A. Teacher centred
B. Learner centred
C. Learning centred
D. Teacher-learner centred

97. Which one of the following writers worked for some time as “secretary” to James Joyce?

A. Samuel Beckett
B. Harold Pinter
C. Virginia Woolf
D. John Arden

98. Syndesthesia is description of

A. Imaginary landscape
B. One kind of sensation in terms of an other
C. A Mixture of the serious and trivial
D. Mixture of comedy and tragedy

99. Shakespeare’s mastery of ‘Stickomythia’ is best illustrated in Hamlet in:

A. The conversation between Hamlet and his mother

B. The dialogue between the grave diggers 316
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C. Horatio’s address to the ghost

D. Claudius’ advice to Laertes

100. Which of the following is a Horatian ode?

A. Ode to Autumn
B. Ode to Evening
C. Ode: Intimations of Immortality
D. Ode to the Westwind

Answer key 2017

1 B 26 A 51 A 76 C
2 C 27 D 52 A 77 D
3 A 28 A 53 A 78 A
4 C 29 A 54 A 79 A
5 D 30 D 55 A 80 D
6 C 31 B 56 A 81 B
7 A 32 A 57 C 82 C
8 B 33 A 58 A 83 C
9 B 34 A 59 A 84 B
10 D 35 A 60 A 85 A
11 D 36 B 61 B 86 A
12 D 37 A 62 A 87 B
13 C 38 A 63 A 88 C
14 A 39 C 64 D 89 D
15 C 40 D 65 B 90 C
16 D 41 A 66 C 91 C
17 C 42 A 67 C 92 B
18 D 43 A 68 D 93 B
19 B 44 A 69 D 94 B
20 D 45 A 70 D 95 A
21 A 46 A 71 C 96 C
22 A 47 A 72 B 97 A
23 A 48 A 73 C,D 98 B
24 A 49 A 74 C 99 A
25 A 50 A 75 D 100 B 317
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2016

1. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are created by:-

A. Swift
B. Richardson
C. R.L. Stevenson
D. Fielding

2. What does DTS stands for in translation Studies?

A. Direct Translation Studies
B. Dialogue Transference Studies
C. Dialect translation Studies
D. Descriptive Translation Studies

3. Which of the following writers was executed for mistranslating Plato's Dialogue?

A. Hillaire Belloc
B. Nostra Damus
C. Etienne Dolet
D. Pierre Le Tourneur

4. Who is the author of the poem, "The Traveler"?

A. Dryden
B. Dr.Johnson
C. Pope
D. Oliver Goldsmith

5. Who coined the term "the Global Village"? 318
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A. Walter Benjamin
B. Marshall McLuhan
C. Raymond Williams
D. Stuart Hall

6. CBT in translation refers to:-

A. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

B. Collocation Based Terms
C. Culture Based Terms
D. Context Based Terms

7. The phrase "stream of consciousness" was coined by:-

A. William James
B. Edmund Wilson
C. Virginia Woolf
D. James Joyce

8. Which of the following texts of Kalidasa in translation was received with an "undisputed
applause" by the Germans?
A. Malavika and Agnimitra
B. Urvashi
C. Raghuvamsha
D. Shakuntla

A. witty
B. crude
C. sympathetic
D. quarrelsome 319
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10. Which Indian women playwright has discussed organ trade in her play Harvest?

A. Manjula Padmanabhan
B. Uma Parameswaran
C. Mahasweta Devi
D. Dina Mehta

11. Which Victorian poet described poetry as 'a criticism of life'?

A. Lord Tennyson
B. John Ruskin
C. Matthew Arnold
D. Robert Browning

12. In addition to believing in the absolute sovereignty of God, and the total depravity of man, and
the complete dependence of human beings on divine grace for salvation, the Puritans in
A. Emphasized the goodness of Divinity
B. the complete dependence of human beings on divine grace for salvation
C. Stressed the importance of religious experience
D. Believed in Union of Church and society

13. Who coined the term, "theatre of the absurd"?

A. Samuel Beckett
B. Edward Albee
C. Raymond Williams
D. Martin Esslin

14. "It cannot be inherited, and if you want if you must obtain it by great labour". What is T.S. Eliot
discussing here?
A. Talent
B. Values
C. Tradition
D. Objectivity

15. In the sentence 'A barking sound, the shepherd hears' the italicized words represent a(n):- 320
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A. tense
B. adjunct
C. subject
D. predicate

16. Verbs like has, could, shall, was, etc are also known as .
A. anomalous finites
B. main verbs
C. infinite verbs
D. finite verbs

17. What is the name of the girl that Wordsworth talked about in Three Years She Grew?
A. Lucy
B. Elizabeth
C. Dorothy
D. Anne

18. Who wrote the Introduction to Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali?

A. George Moor
B. W.B. Yeats
C. Ian Fletcher
D. William Morris

19. "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterically naked" are
lines from Allen Ginsberg's:-
A. 'Kaddish'
B. 'America'
C. 'Howl'
D. 'Five A.M'

20. Where, when, and by whom was Dalit Literature introduced for the first time?
A. Hyderabad, 1968, Gaddar
B. Mumbai, 1976, Arjun Dangle
C. Pune, 1949, Dr.Ambedkar
D. Mumbai, 1958, Baburao Bagul 321
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21. John Nettleship, who described himself as a short tempered chemistry teacher with long hair and
a gloomy mandarous laboratory, influenced a popular character in Harry Potter novels. Identify
A. Professor Quirrel
B. Severus Snape
C. Albus Dumbledore
D. Alastor Moody

A. Militant
B. soldier
C. inexperience
D. turncoat

A. skilful
B. speedy
C. colorful
D. Cunning

24. In The Fire and the Rain, Karnad draws upon a story from _.
A. The Bhagavat Gita
B. The Mahabharata
C. The Bible
D. The Ramayana
25. The author of Unto this Last is .
A. Macaulay
B. Lytton
C. Ruskin
D. Carlyle

26. A sentence is a type of sentence that asks questions.

A. Interrogative
B. imperative
C. declarative
D. exclamatory

27. The term, 'malapropism' is derived from the name of a character in a play by:- 322
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A. Congreve
B. Shaw
C. Shakespeare
D. Sheridan

28. Which of the romantics propounded the term "esemplastic" in his theory of imagination?
A. Percy Shelley
B. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C. John Keats
D. William Wordsworth

29. The source for Samuel Coleridge's poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is thought to
be .
A. A Voyage Round the World by Way of the Great South Sea by Captain George Shelvocke
B. Voyages by James Cook
C. Around the World in Thirty Days by Jules Verne
D. A Expedition to Antarctic by Christopher Columbus

30. How many years older is Pip's sister Joe Gargeryin Dickens' Great Expectations?
A. more than 20 years
B. more than 10 years
C. more than 5 years
D. more than 25 years

31. Who is the author of The Death of Tragedy?

A. Frederick Nietzsche
B. Jean Paul Sartre
C. George Steiner
D. Antonin Artaud

32. The Last Days of Pompeii is a historical novel written by .

A. Walter Scott
B. Anthony Trollope
C. Benjamin Disraeli
D. Edward Bulwer Lytton

33. Who is the author of The Making of the English Working Class, which seeks to encourage the
culture of the marginalized? 323
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A. Stephen Greenblatt
B. Alan Sinfield
C. Raymond Williams
D. E.P.Thompson

34. Which of the following writers suggested 'Imitation' also as a method in Translation?
A. Dryden
B. Pope
C. Tytler
D. Johnson

35. Who is the author of The Branded Uchalya?

A. Poomani
B. Arjun Dangle
C. Laxman gaikwad
D. Baburao Bagul

36. Who propounded the theory of epic theatre before BertoltBrecht?

A. Erwin Piscator
B. Grotowski
C. Emily Zola
D. Stanislavski

37. The vocal cords are situated in the:-

A. lungs
B. Larynx
C. trachea
D. glottis

38. Which is the autobiography of Vasant Moon?

A. Growing up Untouchable in India
B. The Scar
C. Oorukeri
D. The Branded Uchalya

39. Lamb refers to his father under the name of:-

A. Lovel 324
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B. Mr. H
C. Mariat
D. Massinger

40. Girish Karnad's play Hayavadana is based on .

A. Thomas Mann's The Transposed Heads
B. Odyssey
C. an Indian Folktale
D. a Chinese legend

41. Whom did Luther follow in rejecting word-for-word translation among the following?
A. St. Jerome
B. Horace
C. Quintilian
D. Cicero

42. Upon translation of Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat", which of the following writers made the
following observation "Better a live sparrow than a stuffed eagle"?
A. Edward Fitzgerald
B. Arnold
C. Longfellow
D. Rossetti

43. Which of the following play is considered a postmodern play?

A. The Ghosts
B. Street Car named desire
C. Hamlet Machine
D. Kanyadaan

A. an uncouth character
B. Conceited
C. a person with a mental imbalance
D. Personality characterized by alternating

45. Which play of Mahesh Dattani deals with the transgender issues?
A. Dance Like a man 325
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B. On a muggy night in Mumbai

C. Final Solutions
D. The Seven Steps around the fire

46. H.G. Wells is known for his contribution to the field of .

A. Comic plays
B. Historical fiction
C. Science fiction
D. Picaresque novels

47. Who coined the term "Stereotypes"?

A. Richard Dyer
B. Terry Eagleton
C. Nicholas Granham
D. Raymond Williams

48. The words 'due' and 'dew' are examples of:-

A. Synonyms
B. Acronyms
C. Homophones
D. Antonyms

49. How does Algernon understand in Importance of being Earnest that Jack is leading a double
life? By .
A. An inscription
B. A note book
C. A portrait
D. A tablecloth

50. Which among the following is the autobiographical novel of Charles Dickens?
A. The Pickwick Papers
B. Hard Times
C. Great Expectations
D. David Copperfield

51. Who branded Romantic poets as 'paper revolutionaries'? 326
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A. Louis Althusser
B. Raymond Williams
C. Terry Eagleton
D. Christopher Caudwell

52. Which theatre influenced Badal Sircar's concept of 'Third Theatre'?

A. Piscator's political theatre
B. Brecht's epic theatre
C. Artaud's theatre of cruelty
D. Grotowski's poor theatre

53. Alexander Fraser Tytler first published his Principles of Translation in the year:-
A. 1854
B. 1848
C. 1793
D. 1791

54. The author of Jane Eyre is .

A. Charlotte Bronte
B. Jane Austen
C. George Eliot
D. Emily Bronte

55. Why according to Mathew Arnold is poetry superior to history?

A. Because it contains euphemisms
B. Because it bears the stamp of high seriousness and truth
C. Because it has imagery
D. Because it has ornamental lines

56. Who used the term 'bio-power' or 'bio-politics' in Disability Studies?

A. Mike Oliver
B. Frantz Fanon
C. Michel Foucault
D. Lennard J Davis

A. confidence 327
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B. style
C. show
D. poise

A. physical
B. Contemptuous
C. Stupid
D. Earthly

A. treachery
B. publishing skill
C. slander
D. murder

60. Who is the author of Untouchable Spring?

A. Sivasagar
B. G. Kalyana Rao
C. KathiPadmarao
D. Gaddar

61. Which of the following novels won the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1960?
A. Waiting for the Mahatma
B. The Financial Expert
C. The Guide
D. The English Teacher

62. The theme of Faerie Queen Book II represents .

A. Friendship
B. Temperance
C. Chastity
D. Holiness

63. Who among the following stands out as the most prominent translators of the seventeenth
century? 328
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A. Richard Fanshawe
B. John Denham
C. Charles Cotton
D. Urquhart

64. Identify Tolstoy's the most frequently translated text till even the recent times?
A. War and Peace
B. Anna Karenina
C. The Death of Ivan Illyich
D. The Cossacks

65. Roman de la Rose, an important work of middle age is a .

A. tragic love
B. courtly love
C. elegy
D. Allegorical romance

66. Identify the poet on whose grave is written the epithet" Here lies one whose name was written in
A. Shelley
B. Keats
C. Coleridge
D. Toru Dutt

67. There are pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales including Chaucer himself.
A. Thirty
B. Twenty eight
C. Thirty one
D. Twenty nine

68. The poem "The Scholar Gypsy" is a poem by .

A. Robert Browning
B. Christina Rossetti
C. Mathew Arnold
D. Tennyson

69. Which play of Shakespeare begins with the following line: 'If music be the food of love, play on
. . .'? 329
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A. The Tempest
B. The Winter's Tale
C. Hamlet
D. Twelfth Night

70. The Hours of Idleness is a collection of work by .

A. Coleridge
B. Keats
C. Byron
D. Shelley

71. The dubbing of all characters carried out by a single male voice who reads the translated
dialogue over the original soundtrack with no lip-synchronization is called:-
A. Lektor
B. Tracking
C. Screen translation
D. Voice over

72. Raymond Williams is a well-known critic belonging to:-

A. Structuralism
B. Marxism
C. Formalism
D. Deconstruction

73. Chaucer's, The Parliament of Fowls is a poemin celebration of saint _ .

A. St. Valentine's Day
B. St. John
C. St. Agnes
D. St.Cecilia

74. 'Climbing mountains is an adventure sport.' The italicized word is a:-

A. infinitive
B. present participle
C. present tense
D. gerund

75. Shelley's one of the unfinished long poem is . 330
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A. Prometheus Unbound
B. Adonais
C. The triumph of Life
D. The Masque of Anarchy

76. Which British explorer translated and compiled 'One Thousand and One Nights' or the 'Arabian
A. John Hanning Speke
B. James Augustus Grant
C. Richard Francis Burton
D. John Bird Fuller

77. The word translation is given after the Greek God Hermes who was associated with the Greek
God and served as his messenger.
A. Apollo
B. Zeus
C. Hercules
D. Phoebe

78. Who is Tottel in Tottel's Miscellany?

A. The translator
B. The writer
C. The publisher
D. The editor

79. The German word 'Dolmetscher' that Schleiermacher uses to distinguish types of translators
A. One who translates commercial texts
B. One who translates critical texts
C. One who translates artistic texts
D. One who translates scholarly texts

80. 'Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.' Whose words
are these?
A. Thomas Moore
B. David Lindsay
C. Francis Bacon
D. Roger Bacon 331
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81. ' Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world' Insert the correct article.

A. An
B. A
C. The
D. no article necessary

82. How many syllables are there in the word insufficient?

A. three
B. four
C. two
D. one

83. Name the novel which begins with this statement: "You must not tell anyone," my mother said,
"What I am about to tell you".
A. Native Son
B. Joy Luck Club
C. The Woman Warrior
D. Absalom, Absalom

84. The term 'Metaphysical Poets' was first used by .

A. George Herbert
B. John Donne
C. Dr. Johnson
D. T.S. Eliot
85. Who among the following is associated with the imagist movement?
A. W.H.Auden
B. Dylan Thomas
C. Stephen Spender
D. Ezra Pound

86. Recognize the writer who has works such as Reservation Blues, The Lone Ranger, and War
A. Martin Espada
B. Jeanette Armstrong
C. Louise Erdrich
D. Sherman Alexie 332
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87. 'I shall have written my exercise by the time you reach home.' The italicized words represent
which tense?
A. future
B. future continuous perfect
C. future perfect
D. future continuous

88. Which Somerset Maugham's short-story made into a 1932 film, deals with the story of a
missionary, Alfred Davidson who tries to reform a prostitute.
A. 'The Letter'
B. 'The Luncheon'
C. 'Bewitched'
D. 'Rain'

89. "Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss". These lines talk about:-
A. Mephistopheles sensuality
B. Faustus' sensuality
C. Hercules' sensuality
D. Tamburlaine's sensuality

90. Name the work that uses as a backdrop the Tuskgee Institute, the philosophy of Booker T.
Washington, the communist party's ideology and the issue of racism.
A. Saul Bellow's Humboldt's Gift
B. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man
C. James Baldwin's Go Tell it on the Mountain
D. Alice Walker'S Color Purple

91. Which word means 'believing in the wisdom of ordinary people'?

A. populous
B. popular
C. populist
D. poplar

92. Who is Alison in Look Back in Anger?

A. Jimmy Porter's sister
B. Jimmy Porter's wife
C. Jimmy Porter's mother
D. Jimmy Porter's girlfriend 333
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93. Who has been called the leader of Angry Young Men?

A. Colin Wilson
B. John Osborne
C. Alan Sillitoe
D. John Wain

94. Identify the Italian Children's novel that has been adapted into more than 250 languages.
A. Heart
B. Geronimo Stilton
C. Adventures of Pinocchio
D. The Last Dragon

95. Mr. Micawber is a character created by .

A. Charles Dickens
B. William Shakespeare
C. T.S.Eliot
D. R.L.Stevenson

96. 'Manish feels that the tiger is superior to the lion.' In this sentence, the word 'to' should be
replaced by:-
A. then
B. than
C. from
D. 'to' need not be replaced

97. Which American novelist described Plath as "one of the most celebrated and controversial of
postwar poets writing in English." Moreover, she added that her poems "read as if they've been
chiseled, with a fine surgical instrument, out of arctic ice."
A. Joyce Carol Oates
B. JhumpaLahiri
C. Alice Walker
D. Denis Donoghue

98. Who among the following was associated with Bloomsbury group in England?
A. Virginia Woolf
B. Emily Bronte
C. Jane Austen 334
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D. Iris Murdoch

99. A novel that is in the form of letters is known as:-

A. fiction
B. a memoir
C. an epistolatory novel
D. an autobiography

100. Shaw has himself written that 'Candida is a counterpoint to:-

A. Galsworthy's Strife'
B. Ibsen's Ghosts
C. Galsworthy's Justice'
D. Ibsen's Doll's House'
Answer key 2016
Qs. no Answer Answer
1 C 51 D
2 D 52 D
3 C 53 D
4 D 54 A
5 B 55 B
6 A 56 C
7 A 57 D
8 D 58 B
9 D 59 C
10 A 60 B
11 C 61 C
12 C 62 B
13 D 63 A
14 A 64 A
15 C 65 D
16 A 66 B
17 A 67 C
18 B 68 C
19 C 69 D
20 D 70 C
21 B 71 D
22 D 72 B
23 A 73 A
24 B 74 D
25 C 75 C
26 A 76 C
27 D 77 B
28 B 78 D 335
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29 B 79 A
30 A 80 C
31 C 81 C
32 D 82 B
33 D 83 C
34 A 84 C
35 C 85 D
36 A 86 D
37 B 87 C
38 A 88 D
39 A 89 B
40 A 90 B
41 A 91 C
42 A 92 B
43 C 93 B
44 D 94 C
45 D 95 A
46 C 96 B
47 D 97 A
48 C 98 A
49 A 99 C
50 D 100 D 336
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2015

1. Who is known as a 'Wessex writer'?

A. William Wordsworth
B. Charles Dickens
C. Henry James
D. Thomas Hardy

2. The meaning of the word 'renowned' is .

A. feared
B. scandalized
C. respected
D. famous

3. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a fine example of _ .

A. campus novel
B. regional novel
C. terror-mystery novel
D. religious novel

4. Name the American Professor who is a symbologist in Dan Brown's novel, The Da Vinci Code.

A. Robert Redford
B. Robert Langdon
C. Robert Bosch
D. Robert Frost

5. Which of the following texts of Kalidasa in translation was received with applause by the

A. Shakuntala
B. Malavika and Agnimitra
C. Urvashi
D. Raghuvamsha

6. R. K. Narayan's Waiting for the Mahatma deals with .

A. the Second World War days

B. the life in the Indian military
C. the Partition Movement 337
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D. the Gandhian Freedom Struggle

7. Which one of these was not awarded the Booker Prize?

A. Inheritance of Loss
B. Midnight's Children
C. My Story
D. White Tiger

8. is the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

A. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Mulk Raj Anand
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. Swami Vivekananda

9. Who among the following is not a Diaspora writer?

A. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

B. Rohinton Mistry
C. Indra Sinha
D. Jhumpa Lahiri

10. The film, Three Idiots, is an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat's .

A. The 3 Mistakes of My Life

B. Five Point Someone
C. One Night at the Call Centre
D. Love, Corruption, Ambition

11. The word 'cryptic' means .

A. wandering
B. secret
C. minute
D. incredible

12. The Lorraine Hansberry play that has taken the title from a poem of Langston Hughes is

A. What Use are Flowers

B. A Raisin in the Sun
C. The Drinking Gourd
D. The Arrival of Mr. Todog 338
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13. Thackeray's memorable character, Becky Sharp, appears in _.

A. The Rose and the Rings

B. Henry Esmond
C. Vanity Fair
D. The Virginians

14. Who is the architect of the 'Theatre of Cruelty'?

A. Grotowski
B. Eugene O'Neill
C. Antonin Artaud
D. Stanislavski

15. Deepa Mehta's film, Earth, was an adaptation of Bapsi Sidhwa's novel, .

A. The Pakistani Bride

B. Cracking India
C. The Crow Eaters
D. An American Brat

16. Which novel of Michael Ondaatje was made into an acclaimed film?

A. In the Skin of a Lion

B. The English Patient
C. Anil's Ghost
D. Coming Through Slaughter

17. Who is the author of the poem, "Our Casuarina Tree"?

A. Rabindranath Tagore
B. Toru Dutt
C. Sarojini Naidu
D. Manmohan Ghose

18. The famous character of R.K. Narayan called, 'Railway Raju', appears in .

A. The Guide
B. Mr. Sampath
C. The Financial Expert
D. The Man-Eater of Malgudi 339
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19. H.G. Wells is known for his contribution to the field of .

A. Science fiction
B. Comedy
C. Historical fiction
D. Picaresque fiction

20. The Indian writer short listed for the Booker prize for his/her novel, Narcopolis, is .

A. Kiran Desai
B. Esther David
C. Jeet Thayil
D. Vikram Kapur

21. What are the two cities portrayed by Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities?

A. Paris and London

B. Paris and New York
C. Paris and Moscow
D. Paris and Sydney

22. is he in Mumbai than he calls his old schoolmate, Samson.

A. Whenever
B. As soon as
C. No sooner
D. While

23. Which of the following plays is considered as the first of the genre, 'Kitchen sink realism'?

A. The Glass Menagerie

B. Doll's House
C. All My Sons
D. Look Back in Anger

24. Who does not belong to the 'Confessional group' of poets?

A. Sylvia Plath
B. Emily Dickinson
C. Anne Sexton
D. Robert Lowell 340
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25. George Eliot's character, named, Dr. Edward Casaubon, appears in .

A. Adam Bede
B. Middlemarch
C. Silas Marner
D. The Mill on the Floss

26. Which of the following linguists is a social activist, as well?

A. Daniel Jones
B. Noam Chomsky
C. David Crystal
D. Charles Peirce

27. Which poem of Sylvia Plath has an elegiac tone?

A. 'Mirror'
B. 'The Applicant'
C. 'Daddy'
D. 'Child'

28. Who is the author of the work, The Birth of Tragedy?

A. Wilson Knight
B. George Steiner
C. Jean Paul Sartre
D. Friedrich Nietzsche

29. Name the Roman theoretician who wrote Institutio Oratoria, that emphasizes the need for
translation to improve a young man's oratorical skills.

A. Longinus
B. Horace
C. Cicero
D. Quintilian

30. Whose translation was the first English Bible in the early modern period?

A. Taverner
B. Matthew
C. Coverdale
D. Tyndale 341
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31. The Maxim, "Big Brother is watching you," is ubiquitous in George Orwell's .

A. The Road to Wigan Pier

B. Coming up for Air
C. 1984
D. Animal Farm

32. Who made the observation, "Better a live sparrow than a stuffed eagle," about the translation of
Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat?

A. Arnold
B. Longfellow
C. Fitzgerald
D. Rossetti

33. He was deluded by the who claimed he could cure all diseases with his miracle

A. salesman
B. doctor
C. inventor
D. charlatan

34. Who is the author of Seven Types of Ambiguity?

A. I.A. Richards
B. William Empson
C. F.R. Leavis
D. Allen Tate

35. We must adapt ourselves our circumstances.

A. in
B. by
C. to
D. with

36. The Mill on the Floss is a tragic story of .

A. a brother and a sister

B. a husband and a wife
C. two sisters
D. two brothers 342
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37. Who has depicted Parsi culture in his/her works?

A. Rohinton Mistry
B. M.G. Vassanjee
C. Michael Ondaatje
D. Uma Parameshwaran

38. Match the writer with the movement.



39. The 'Skopos theory' was introduced by .

A. Reiss
B. Vermeer
C. Goethe
D. Steiner

40. Identify the text authored by Jawaharlal Nehru.

A. My Life: A Fragment
B. The Story of My Experiments with Truth
C. The Discovery of India
D. Gandhi and Lenin

41. The method of replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning is called

A. Transposition
B. Loan words
C. Modulation
D. Calque

42. Who suggested 'Imitation' also as a method in Translation?

A. Pope
B. Tytler 343
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C. Johnson
D. Dryden
43. The critic known for his work on 'ambiguity' is

A. Robert Penn Warren

B. William Empson
C. Cleanth Brooks
D. Allen Tate

44. The play that portrays the travails of Willy Loman is

A. August Wilson's Fences

B. Sam Shepard's Buried Child
C. Eugene O'Neill's Emperor Jones
D. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

45. Which Indian American writer won the Pulitzer for her collection of short stories?

A. Jhumpa Lahiri
B. Meena Alexander
C. Anita Desai
D. Kiran Desai

46. Who coined the term, 'theatre of the absurd'?

A. Raymond Williams
B. Edward Albee
C. Samuel Beckett
D. Martin Esslin

47. Who established the 'theatre of the oppressed' in the west?

A. Augusto Boal
B. Bertolt Brecht
C. Jean Cocteau
D. Alfred Jarry

48. Who said, "Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best

A. Keats
B. Coleridge
C. Shelley
D. Wordsworth 344
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49. Who is the author of the play, The Dumb Dancer?

A. Asif Currimbhoy
B. Badal Sircar
C. Girish Karnad
D. Vijay Tendulkar

50. Name the first English Settlers on the East Coast of USA.

A. Puritans
B. Jesuits
C. Catholics
D. Methodists

51. Arnold initiated the method in literary criticism.

A. analytical
B. inductive
C. touchstone
D. deductive

52. Who is the author of the novel, Kanthapura?

A. Raja Rao
B. R.K. Narayan
C. Anita Desai
D. Mulk Raj Anand

53. The term 'Cultural Studies' was first used by _ .

A. Stuart Hall
B. Richard Hoggart
C. Raymond Williams
D. E.P.Thompson

54. The United States of America is that there are five time zones.

A. too big
B. much big
C. so big
D. very big 345
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55. Who was the first to expound the 'alienation effect' in theatre?

A. Henrik Ibsen
B. Emile Zola
C. Arthur Miller
D. Bertolt Brecht

56. Nadine Gordimer is a .

A. White Nigerian
B. White South African
C. South African
D. Kenyan

57. Who penned the lines: "It took dominion everywhere/The jar was gray and bare"?

A. Yeats
B. Wallace Stevens
C. Tennyson
D. Keats

58. Name the Canadian novel that depicted the oppression of the Japanese in Canada during World
War II.

A. Obasan
B. Badlands
C. Stone Angel
D. The Robber Bride

59. The Hemingway novel that has the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War is .

A. The Sun also Rises

B. Farewell to Arms
C. The Old Man and the Sea
D. For Whom the Bell Tolls

60. Ezra Pound defined the 'literary image' as .

A. as a vehicle of connotation
B. a presentation of an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time
C. an invocation of sensations
D. a representation of an emotional quotient 346
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61. What does Oedipus do at the end of the play, Oedipus Rex?

A. He blinds himself.
B. He becomes the king of the land.
C. He marries his mother.
D. He punishes his mother.

62. "And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor". This line in Edgar Allen
Poe's poem, "The Raven" is an example of .

A. simile
B. metaphor
C. image
D. synecdoche

63. Sam Shepard's 'flying phobia' is the source for a character in the play _ .

A. A Lie of the Mind

B. Angel City
C. Icarus's Mother
D. Fool for Love

64. Identify the film series based on David Morell's novel, First Blood and set in the backdrop of the
Vietnam War.

A. Terminator
B. Star Wars
C. Rambo
D. True Lies

65. Shobha De's Speed Post is written in the .

A. poetic form
B. graphic form
C. epistolary form
D. cubist form

66. The comedy of menace was written in the .

A. 18th century
B. mid-twentieth century
C. 19th century
D. early 20th century 347
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67. The poet who has traced her life in a series of autobiographies is .

A. Marianne Moore
B. Rita Dove
C. Maya Angelou
D. Elizabeth Bishop

68. Heart of Darkness is a novel by .

A. Chinua Achebe
B. Joseph Conrad
C. Graham Greene
D. Hart Crane

69. Dattani's Final Solutions is a .

A. farce
B. political play
C. modern tragedy
D. comedy

70. James Joyce is associated with the type of writing.

A. Stream of consciousness
B. Gothic
C. Picaresque
D. Epistolary

71. Who is the author of the work Karukku?

A. Mahasweta Devi
B. Sivakami
C. Bama
D. Imayam

72. In grammar, the term 'concord' refers to .

A. subject-verb agreement
B. tense
C. adjunct
D. clause 348
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73. Einstein is a great scientist' is an instance of _ sentence.

A. imperative
B. exclamatory
C. interrogative
D. declarative

74. Where are the vocal cords situated?

A. trachea
B. lungs
C. glottis
D. larynx

75. What, according to Aristotle, is the soul of tragedy?

A. Music
B. Diction
C. Plot
D. Character

76. Mr. Micawber is a character created by .

A. T.S. Eliot
B. R.L.Stevenson
C. Charles Dickens
D. William Shakespeare

77. Manu Joseph has won the for his work Serious Men.

A. Man Booker Prize

B. Man Asian Literary Prize
C. The Hindu Literary prize
D. Commonwealth Literary Prize

78. Sri Aurobindo's Savitri is a retelling of the well-known legend of .

A. Hiranya and Prahalatha

B. Rama and Sita
C. Satyavan and Savitri
D. Shakuntala and Dushyant 349
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79. Which play has the following oft- quoted line "Cowards die many times before their deaths. The
valiant never taste of death but once"?

A. Julius Caesar
B. Othello
C. Hamlet
D. Macbeth

80. Who said, "All I want is to answer my blood direct"?

A. W.H. Davis
B. D.H. Lawrence
C. W.H. Auden
D. W.H. Hudson

81. Who among the following is a well known Pre-Raphaelite poet?

A. Robert Burns
B. John Mac-Niece
C. Christina Rossetti
D. Lord Byron

82. A happy ending was given to Shakespeare's King Lear by .

A. Charles Macklin
B. Peg Woffington
C. Nahum Tate
D. James Quin

83. Name the novel that uses the backdrop of the Tuskgee Institute, the philosophy of Booker T.
Washington, the ideology of the communist party and the issue of racism.

A. Alice Walker's The Color Purple

B. Saul Bellow's Humboldt's Gift
C. James Baldwin's Go Tell it on the Mountain
D. Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

84. Who wrote 'Waverly Novels'?

A. Hardy
B. Scott
C. Stevenson
D. Meredith 350
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85. Which play of Christopher Marlowe deals with necromancy?

A. Edward the Second

B. Doctor Faustus
C. Tamberlaine
D. The Jew of Malta

86. Who has authored works such as Reservation Blues, The Lone Ranger, and War Dances?

A. Louise Erdrich
B. Jeanette Armstrong
C. Sherman Alexie
D. Martin Espada

87. Kavery Nambison's The Scent of Pepper is set in .

A. Coorg
B. Munnar
C. Jammu
D. Ooty

88. The term 'communicative competence' was coined by .

A. Noam Chomsky
B. Del Hymes
C. M.A.K. Halliday
D. A.S. Hornby

89. Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" consists of parts.

A. 8
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6

90. Who coined the term 'surrealism'?

A. Andre Breton
B. Alfred Jarry
C. Benjamin Pret
D. Guillaume Apollinaire 351
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91. Soft palate is also known as .

A. glottis
B. schwa
C. velum
D. food pipe

92. African American criticism has rediscovered forgotten or marginalized .

A. black writing
B. African writing
C. Caribbean writing
D. American writing

93. won the Nobel prize in 1962.

A. John Steinbeck
B. William Faulkner
C. Saul Bellow
D. Sinclair Lewis

94. is the scientific study of signs in terms of language.

A. Syntax
B. Semiotics
C. Stylistics
D. Semantics

95. In The Fire and the Rain, Girish Karnad draws upon a story from .

A. The Mahabharata
B. The Ramayana
C. The Bhagavat Gita
D. Shakuntala

96. The river mentioned in Gita Mehta's A River Sutra is .

A. Ganges
B. Cauvery
C. Mahanadi
D. Narmada 352
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97. "My Last Duchess," is a poem by .

A. Alfred Tennyson
B. Robert Burns
C. Mathew Arnold
D. Robert Browning

98. Who said that Shakespeare's Iago in Othello suffers from 'motiveless malignity'?

A. S.T.Coleridge
B. A.C.Bradley
C. De Quincy
D. Charles Lamb

99. Which novel of Jane Austen begins with the famous statement, "It is a truth universally
acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife"?

A. Sense and Sensibility

B. Persuasion
C. Pride and Prejudice
D. Mansfield Park

100. The name of is associated with Immediate Constituent Analysis.

A. Ferdinand de Saussure
B. Noam Chomsky
C. Umberto Eco
D. Leonard Bloomfield

Answer key 2015

1 D 26 B 51 C 76 C
2 D 27 C 52 A 77 C
3 C 28 D 53 B 78 C
4 B 29 D 54 A 79 A
5 A 30 D 55 D 80 B
6 D 31 C 56 B 81 C
7 C 32 C 57 B 82 C
8 C 33 D 58 A 83 D
9 C 34 B 59 D 84 B
10 B 35 C 60 B 85 B
11 B 36 A 61 A 86 C
12 B 37 A 62 B 87 A
13 C 38 D 63 C 88 B 353
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14 C 39 B 64 C 89 C
15 B 40 C 65 C 90 D
16 B 41 A 66 B 91 C
17 B 42 D 67 C 92 A
18 A 43 B 68 B 93 A
19 A 44 D 69 C 94 B
20 C 45 A 70 A 95 A
21 A 46 D 71 C 96 D
22 A 47 A 72 A 97 D
23 D 48 C 73 D 98 A
24 B 49 A 74 D 99 C
25 B 50 A 75 C 100 D 354
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2013

1. In which book are stories told in poetic form?

A. Ralph Roister Doister
B. Panchatantra
C. The Canterbury Tales
D. Paradise Lost

2. Which is the first English novel in verse?

A. The Book of the Duchess
B. The House of Fame
C. Troilus and Cryseyde
D. None of the above

3. Pick the odd one out

A. Fable
B. Myth
C. Sermon.
D. Romance

4. In whose time did a dialect become a language?

A. Chaucer
B. Gower
C. Langland
D. Mandeville

5. The Borderers is a
A. Comedy
B. Novel
C. Epic
D. Blank verse tragedy

6. The French Revolution took place in

A. 1778
B. 1789
C. 1776
D. 1767 355
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7. Who wrote The Four Ages of Poetry?

A. Shelley
B. Peacock
C. Eliot
D. Collins

8. Tales from Shakespeare is about

A. The Comedians in Shakespeare
B. The Minor characters in Shakespeare
C. The Women in Shakespeare
D. The plays of Shakespeare

9. The Lyrical Ballads was written by

A. Wordsworth
B. Coleridge
C. Both
D. None

10. The 'Ode to Dejection' is by

A. Keats
B. Byron
C. Coleridge
D. Wordsworth

11. 'Ode to Autumn' is by

A. Keats
B. Yeats
C. Horace
D. Pope

12. Pick the odd one out.

A. E. M. Forster
B. Jane Austen
C. George Eliot
D. G.B.Shaw 356
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13. Who propogated 'Art for Art's Sake'?

A. T.S.Eliot
B. Alexander Pope
C. John Milton
D. Oscar Wilde

14. Pick the odd one out.

A. Albert Cronus
B. J.S.Mill
C. Cardinal Newman
D. E.B Pusey

15. Thomas Hardy was initially a

A. Novelist
B. Playwright
C. Poet
D. Story writer

16. Thomas Hardy was by profession

A. An engineer
B. An architect
C. An administrator
D. None of the above

17. Pick the odd one out

A. 'Far From the Madding Crowd
B. To the Light House
C. Orlando
D. Modern Fiction

18. Pick the odd one out.

A. Tess of D'Urbervilles
B. Mill on the Floss
C. The Return of the Native
D. Jude, the Obscure 357
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19. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Wilde is a

A. Novel
B. Drruna
C. Poem
D. Short story

20. Rudyard Kipling was

A. An Englishman born in England
B. Anthony Trollope
C. An Englishman born in India
D. Samuel Butler

21. Pick the odd one out

A. Arnold Bennet
B. An American born in India
C. George Eliot
D. An Englishman born in Scotland

22. My Days and Dreams is an autobiography of

A. H. G. Wells
B. Edward Carpenter
C. Mary Arnold
D. E.F Benson

23. Joseph Conrad was originally

A. Swiss
B. Polish
C. American
D. English

24. In which novel of Conard, there is a scene ot a ship, laden with pilgrims, sinking?
A. LordJim
B. An Outcast of the Islands
C. Almayer's Folly
D. The Nigger of the Narcissus 358
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25. Which of the following is associated with Naturalism?

A. Oscar Wilde
B. G.B. Shaw
C. John Galsworthy
D. None of the above

26. Which play of Shaw about a flower girl was made into a film?
A. Pygmalion
B. Candida
C. Widower's House
D. None of the above

27. To which period did D.H.lawrence belong?

A. 16th century
B. 17th century
C. 18th century
D. 20th century

28. The 'Stream of consciousness' novel came to the fore in

A. 18th century
B. 16th century
C. 17th century
D. 20th century

29. Who is the character associated with James Joyce's fiction?

A. Aunt Dantee
B. Stephen Dedalus
C. Charles
D. Eileen Vance

30. James Joyce's wrote

A. about Dublin from Ireland
B. about Dublin from France
C. about Dublin from England
D. about Dublin from America 359
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31. W. H Auden was the leader of the

A. Oxford poets
B. Romantic poets
C. Pre-Raphaelite poets
D. None

32. The Dutchman, Rip Van Winkle?

A. Helped Cindrella
B. Fought the Crusades
C. Was a writer
D. Slept on the hillside

33. The Prose Essay is associated with

A. Addison
B. Gibbon
C. Burke
D. Adam Smith

34. The Biography of Johnson was written by

A. James Boswell
B. Goldsmith
C. Sheridan
D. George Eliot

35. Don Quixote is a

A. The hero of Boccaccio's work
B. The hero of Cervantes's work
C. The hero of Dante's work
D. The hero of Rossetti's work

36. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

A. Is a domestic novel
B. Is an adventure novel
C. Is an early feminist novel
D. Is the first British detective novel 360
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37. Pick the odd one out

A. J.S. Mill
B. Thomas Carlyle
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Jeremy Bentham

38. Charles Dickens' first article was printed in

A. Life of Dickens
B. David Copperfield
C. Sketches by Boz
D. Hard Times

39. The novel that satirises the orphanages of England is

A. Hard Times
B. The Bleak House
C. Oliver Twist
D. David Copperfield

40. Heathcliff appears in the novel

A. Mill on the Floss
B. Lycidas
C. Wuthering Heights
D. The Rainbow

41. Robert Browning's first publication was

A. "Sordello"
B. "Ring and the Book"
C. "Pauline"
D. None of these

42. In "Dover Beach", Arnold hears the sea-withdrawing

A. Emotion
B. Doubt
C. Faith
D. Grief 361
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43. Pick the odd one out·.

A. Elizabeth Bennett
B. Mary Ann Evans
C. Mary Smith
D. Anna Hathaway

44. Which play of Shakespeare was written for a Christmas celebration?

A. Twelfth Night
B. Antony and Cleopatra
C. All's Well that Ends Well
D. Troilus and Cressida

45. Which of the following authors, wrote to justify the 'Ways of God to Man'?
A. Milton
B. Swift
C. Dryden
D. Pope

46. What is the American dream?

A. the idea of a lost paradise of abundance, where war and toil were absent
B. the Christian myth
C. the lost garden of Eden
D. the land promised to Moses

47. American Transcendentalism stands for

A. Romantic distrust of the intellect and exaltation of intuition
B. Reality can be apprehended through spiritual insight
C. German philosophers and English interpreters
D. Metaphysical justification

48. Pick the odd one out.

A. James Fenimore Cooper
B. Ralph Waldo Emerson
C. Washington Irving
D. Jonathan Swift 362
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49. Emily Dickinson wrote about herself in

A. Confessional poetry
B. Poetry of recluse about her love-life
C. Poetry about herself as an American woman
D. Her fear of death

50. Henry Wordsworth Long fellow is

A. An American poet
B. William Wordsworth's collaborator
C. T. S. Eliot's protagonist
D. A War-poet

51. Santiago is the hero of

A. The Old Man and the Sea
B. Death in the Afternoon
C. The Green hills of Africa
D. In Our Time

52. Which of the following became famous with the autobiography My Story?
A. Kamala Das
B. Rabindranath Tagore
C. Sarojini Naidu
D. Swami Vivekananda

53. The setting of The God of Small Things is in

A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Andhra Pradesh

54. Plato said art was

A. a bad influence on religion
B. didactic
C. unreal as it was mimetic
D. irrational frenzy 363
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55. The Poetics is a treatise in

A. Greek literature
B. Neoclassical literature
C. The Romantic age
D. Latin poetry

56. Who wrote the first Dictionary of English?

A. John Dryden
B. Dr. Johnson
C. Joseph Addison
D. James Boswell

57. Which one of the following phrases is not about poetry?

A. Dissociation of sensibility
B. Unified sensibility
C. Objective correlative
D. Synonyms and antonyms

58. Who is widely known as the 'father of Deconstruction'?

A. T. S Eliot
B. F. R. Leavis
C. I. A. Richards
D. Jacques Derrida

59. Utopia means

A. The Christian heaven
B. An imaginary paradisal world
C. A world of romance
D. Pre-war Europe

60. From which country did literary and social fashions come to England?
A. Spain
B. Ireland
C. France
D. Germany 364
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61. Leonard Woolf was

A. An Englishman
B. Irish
C. Half Irish, half Indian
D. Anglo Indian

62. Who coined the term pathetic fallacy

A. TS Eliot
B. Ruskin
C. Hopkins
D. None of the above

63. To which period did Joseph Conrad belong?

A. Elizabethan period
B. Restoration period
C. Late 19th and early 20th century
D. Jacobean period

64. To which period Virginia Woolf belonged?

A. 17th century
B. 16th century
C. 18th century
D. 20th·century

65. She Stoops to Conquer is a comedy by

A. Goldsmith
B. Butler
C. Eliot
D. Austen

66. Jonathan Swift belongs to

A. Age of Chaucer
B. Elizabethan age
C. The neo-classical age 365
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D. Modern age

67. What kind of novelist is Walter Scott?

A. Social
B. Historical
C. Political
D. Regional

68. Which play of Shaw is about a martyr?

A. St. Joan
B. Candida
C. Widower's House
D. None of the above

69. Which of the following authors was born in India?

A. James Joyce
B. Henry James
C. T. S. Eliot
D. George Orwell

70. Sons and Lovers is by

A. D H Lawrence
B. Virginia Woolf
C. Charles Dickens
D. None of these

71. In which work of Joseph Conrad is Africa used as a setting?

A. The Heart of Darkness

B. The Nigger of the Narcissus
C. Nostromo
D. The Secret Agent

72. Who has been called the leader of Angry young Men?

A. Alan Sillitoe
B. John Wain 366
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C. Colin Wilson
D. John Osborne

73. Savithri is by
A. Rabindranarth Tagore
B. Girish Karnad
C. Sri Aurobindo
D. Vijay Tendulkar

74. Shakespeare's Problem-plays deal with

A. Social problems
B. Ethical problems
C. Problems of humanism
D. Moral problems

75. Pick the odd one out

A. Novella
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Metonym

76. Pick the odd one out

A. Middlemarch
B. Astrophel and Stella
C. Epithalamion
D. The Faerie Queene

77. 'To His Coy Mistress' is by

A. Shakespeare
B. Thomas Traherne
C. HenryVaughan
D. Andrew Marvell

78. Pick the odd one out

A. Charlotte Bronte
B. E. M. Forster 367
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C. Mrs. Gaskell
D. Emily Bronte
79. Which comic character of Shakespeare is known for his wisdom?
A. Feste
B. Fool
C. Bottom
D. Puck

80. Which of the following works of Milton is a pastoral poem?

A. Paradise Lost
B. Paradise Regained
C. Lycidas
D. Camus

81. The puritans migrated to America for

A. Hounded out of England for uncompromising non-conformity and for their religious
B. Getting away from their home in search of wealth
C. Zealously religious nature
D. Seeking salvation in God's own land

82. Emerson's major message was

A. Self-reliance
B. Social-reform
C. Confidence
D. Progress and virtue

83. Pick the odd one out

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Kamala Das
C. Arundhati Roy
D. Jhumpa Lahiri

84. Emily Dickinson is a poet of

A. The 18 th century
B. The 19th century 368
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C. The 19th century with modern sensibility

D. None of the above
85. How did T. S Eliot show his regard for Ezra pound?
A. By dedicating "The Waste Land" to him
B. By writing about him
C. Acknowledging him as a senior poet of great merit
D. By writing Pound's biography

86. The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire are the plays written by
A. Eugene O'Neill
B. Arthur Miller
C. Tennessee Williams
D. None of the above

87. The play Naga-Mandala has been written by

A. Rabindranarth Tagore
B. Aurobindo
C. Girish Karnad
D. Vijay Tendulkar

88. Nadine Gordimer is a

A. South African
B. White Nigerian
C. Kenyan
D. White South African

89. Plato desired that poetry should have

A. a structure
B. form and style
C. a moral purpose
D. austerity

90. Chesterton is a
A. English writer
B. Jamaican writer
C. American poet 369
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D. Indian writer

91. 'Stream of consciousness' is associated with

A. Fiction writing
B. Metaphysics
C. Nature poetry
D. Postmodern writing

92. The 'Theatre of Absurd' was brought to the fore by

A. Sartre
B. Samuel Beckett
C. Osborne
D. Wesker

93. Epistolary novel is

A. written in the form of letters
B. based on a letter written by a historian
C. based on legends
D. is science fiction

94. The term 'Neo-Classical Age' refers to

A. The Romantic Age
B. The Elizabethan Age
C. The Victorian Age
D. The Augustan Age

95. Which dramatist has given the philosophy of Life Force?

A. Oscar Wilde
B. G.B. Shaw
C. John Galsworthy
D. None of the above

96. Pick the odd one out.

A. Anthony and Cleopatra
B. Caesar and Cleopatra 370
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C. Candida
D. Pygmalion

97. Which of the following novels is not written by D.H. Lawrence?

A. Sons and Lovers
B. The Trespasser
C. The Rainbow
D. Herzog

98. Pick the odd one out.

A. Jane Austen
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Joseph Conrad
D. George Orwell

99. Which of the following novels is named after an epic hero?

A. Lord Jim
B. Jane Eyre
C. Ulysses
D. Dr. Zhivago

100. Aristotle was

A. A Greek Philosopher
B. A Roman metaphysician
C. An ancient mathematician
D. The first historian of the Western world
Answer key 2013
1 A 51 A
2 B 52 A
3 B 53 A
4 B 54 C
5 D 55 A
6 B 56 B
7 C 57 D
8 D 58 D
9 A 59 B
10 C 60 D 371
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11 B 61 A
12 B 62 B
13 B 63 C
14 B 64 D
15 B 65 A
16 A 66 C
17 C 67 B
18 A 68 B
19 D 69 D
20 C 70 A
21 B 71 A
22 C 72 D
23 C 73 C
24 B 74 D
25 A 75 A
26 B 76 A
27 B 77 D
28 C 78 B
29 A 79 B
30 C 80 C
31 C 81 B
32 D 82 A
33 A 83 D
34 B 84 C
35 B 85 B
36 B 86 C
37 C 87 C
38 C 88 A
39 D 89 C
40 B 90 A
41 B 91 D
42 C 92 B
43 B 93 A
44 C 94 D
45 B 95 B
46 B 96 A
47 B 97 B
48 A 98 C
49 C 99 C
50 A 100 A 372
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2012

1. Everyman is an anonymous
A. Shakespearean Play
B. Restoration Comedy
C. Heroic play
D. Morality play

2. Spenser's eighty eight sonnets in his Amoretti are addressed to

A. Elizabeth Boyle
B. Penelope
C. Laura
D. Beatrice

3. Out of 154 Sonnets, 126 of Shakespeare's sonnets are addressed to

A. Dark Lady
B. Queen Elizebeth
C. Mr. W.H
D. Lady Penelope

4. Gaveston is a character in
A. Dr. Faustus
B. Edward II
C. Richard II
D. King John

5. The famous line, "O brave new world" occurs in

A. The Tempest
B. As You Like it
C. Much Ado About Nothing
D. Measure Measure

6. The Old Testament was originally written in

A. English
B. Greek
C. Spanish 373
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D. Hebrew

7. Epithalamion is a
A. love song
B. narrative poem
C. nuptial poem
D. mourning song

8. Nicholas Udall's Ralph Roister Doister was produced in

A. 1593
B. 1603
C. 1597
D. 1558

9. The Faerie Queen contains

A. 5
B. 8
C. 7
D. 11

10. Macbeth is a tragedy of -

A. inaction
B. ambition
C. jealousy
D. love

11. Prince Hall appears in

A. Measure for Measure.
B. Coriolanus
C. Richard II
D. Henry IV, Part I

12. Butler's Hudibras is an attack on

A. Female sex
B. Puritanism.
C. Aristocracy 374
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D. Male dominated society

13. Grace Abounding was authored by

A. Milton
B. Marlow
C. Bunyan
D. Lyly

14. Who said, "To err is human, to forgive divino"?

A. Bacon
B. Lamb
C. Addison
D. Pope

15. Bacon's New Atlantis was influenced by

A. Aristotle's Poetics
B. More's Utopia
C. Plato's Republic
D. Lyly's Euphues

16. "The Mistakes of the Night" is the subtitle of the plays

A. The Rival
B. She Stoops to Conquer
C. The Comedy of Errors
D. The Merry Wives of Windsor

17. Which is Shelley's autobiographical poem?

A. Alaster
B. Adonais
C. Queen Mab
D. The Cenci

18. Tales from Shakespeare was brought out by

A. Arnold
B. Eliot 375
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C. Charles and Mary Lamb

D. Pope

19. Who is the author of Ivanhoe?

A. George Eliot
B. Sir Walter Scott
C. Tennyson
D. Thackaray

20. Charles Lamb is known for his

A. Short Stories
B. Lyrics
C. Essays
D. Novels

21. Heathcliff is a character in

A. Emma
B. Jane Eyre
C. Vanity Fair
D. Wuthering Heights

22. The term Circumlocution means

A. An attitude to literature
B. A work of highest class
C. The French word for a handclap:
D. The roundabout manner of referring to something at length rather than be brief

23. Concrete poetry refers to –

A. An autobiographical form of verse
B. A kind of picture made out of printed type in poetry
C. An alphabetical index of poetry
D. A humorous kind of Poetry

24. What is Criterion?

A. A standard or principle by which literary works are judged
B. A term adopted by Frankfurt School of Poetry 376
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C. A decisive point in the plot

D. None of the above

25. Cyberpunk refers to

A. A phase of American science fiction in the 1980s and 1990s
B. A group of works, usually narrative poems that share a common subject
C. A brief dramatic entertainment
D. None of the above

26. Who wrote Essays in Criticism?

A. Arnold
B. Walter Pater
C. Tennyson
D. Pope

27. Which one of the following is the work of Hopkins?

A. Poetics
B. The Windhover
C. The Song of Hiawatha
D. None of the above

28. Dickens novel Bleak House deals with

A. boarding School
B. workhouses
C. court of chancery
D. Life of poets

29. Negative capability is used by

A. John Keats
B. Coleridge
C. Shelly
D. None of the above

30. Negritude literally means

A. Neoclassicism 377
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B. Negro-ness
C. Neoplatonism
D. None of the above

31. Tom Wolfe's The Electric Kool-Acid Test deals with

A. the drug subcultures of California
B. religious issues
C. prison reforms
D. none of the above

32. The term objective correlative is associated with

A. Shelley
B. TS Eliot
C. Browning
D. Pope

33. Octosyllabic refers to

A. having eight syllables to the line
B. having five syllables to the line
C. having seven syllables to the line
D. none of the above

34. Words like 'hiss', 'buzz can be cited as examples of

A. Oxymoron
B. Ottava rima
C. Onomatopoeia
D. None of the above

35. Oratory is
A. the art of good writing
B. the art of public speaking
C. the art of designing
D. none of the above

36. Who coined the term pathetic fallacy?

A. TS Eliot 378
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B. Ruskin
C. Hopkins
D. None of the above

37. Hopkins' The Wreck of Deutschland is a

A. lyric
B. sonnet
C. ode
D. None of the above

38. Jim Corbett's Robin" is about a

A. Tiger
B. Cat
C. Dog
D. Leopard

39. TS Eliot won the Nobel Prize for literature in

A. 1938
B. 1948
C. 1949
D. 1943

40. Who is the Movement poet among the following?

A. PB Shelley
B. WB Yeats
C. GM Hopkins
D. Philip Larking

41. James Joyce's Exiles is a

A. Novel
B. Essay
C. Play
D. Poem

42. Who is the author of Juno and Paycock!

A. Bernard Shaw
B. Oscar Wilde
C. Hendrik Isben 379
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D. Sean O'Casey

43. How many sections are there in The Waste Land?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

44. Which novel of Ian McEwan won the Booker Prize for him?
A. The Innocent
B. Amsterdam
C. Black Dogs
D. Enduring Love

45. Derrida's concept of Difference shows the influence of

A. Ferdinand De Saussure
B. Helene Cixous
C. Homi Bhaba
D. Harold Bloom

46. Deconstruction is a term that Derrida developed from

A. Claude Levi-strauss
B. Heidegger
C. Terry Eagleton
D. None of the above

47. Stanley Fish developed his idea of the reader as an active creator of mean

A. Self-Consuming Artifact
B. Surprised by sin
C. John Skelton's Poetry
D. None of the above

48. Gothic Novel is 380
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A. a story of terror and suspense

B. an autobiographical novel
C. a story of murders
D. none of the above

49. The Greek word hamartia is used by

A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. None of the above

50. Melodrama was flourished in the

A. 17th century theatre.
B. 16th century theatre
C. 19th century theatre
D. None of the above.

51. Who is the author of Krapp's Last Tape?

A. Peter Ustinov
B. Terence Rattigan
C. Christopher fry
D. None of the above

52. "The Destructive Element" is a by Stephen Spender

A. critical work.
B. poem
C. essay
D. novel

53. The Waste Land is based on the legend of

A. Fisher King
B. Robin Hood
C. Red Cross Knight
D. None of the above

54. My Story is the autobiography Of 381
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A. MK Gandhi
B. Kamala Das
C. RK Narayan
D. Dilip Chawla

55. A Memoir novel is……

A. novel that pretends to be true autobiography
B. novel that deals with writers
C. novel that treats love-related matters
D. none of the above

56. When did Freud's Interpretations of Dreams appear?

A. 1987
B. 1900
C. 1905
D. 1918

57. Who invented the term prothalamion?

A. Shakespeare
B. Milton
C. Spenser
D. None of the above

58. Who is the author of Gender Trouble?

A. Hans Robert Jauss
B. Wolfgang Iser
C. Judith Butler
D. None of the above

59. Bacon's New Atlantis is

A. Prose romance
B. Stire
C. Utopia
D. None of the above

60. Rossetti's "The Blessed Damosel" is an example of 382
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A. Victorian poetry
B. Pre-Raphaelite Poetry.
C. Romantic Poetry
D. None of the above

61. Hardy's Life's Little Ironies is a

A. Novel
B. Collection of short stories
C. Collection of Poems
D. None of the above

62. Word class' is another term used instead of

A. speech act
B. morphemes
C. parts of speech
D. lexical items

63. 'Classrooms' is

A. one word with one morpheme.

B. one word with two morphemes
C. one word with three morphemes:
D. two words with two morphemes

64. In the word 'unexpectedly' the last morpheme is an example of

A. class maintaining derivational suffix
B. class changing derivational suffix
C. inflexional suffix
D. word compound

65. The term 'communicative competence was coined by

A. Noam Chomsky
B. Ferdinand de Saussure
C. David Crystal
D. Dell Hymes

66. Compliment-complement is an instance of 383
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A. homophone
B. Homonym
C. Homograph
D. homosapien

67. Dear-dear' is an instance of

A. homophone
B. Homonym
C. homograph
D. homosapien

68. The epigraph of The Waste Land is borrowed from

A. Virgil
B. Petronius
C. Seneca
D. Homer

69. The rhetorical figure used in the following line of Tennyson: "Faith unfaithful kept him falsely
true is

A. Oxymoron
B. Metaphor
C. Simile
D. Synecdoche

70. The poet who wrote Sailing to Byzantium' is

A. W.B. Yeats
B. John Ruskin
C. Walter Pater
D. Matthew Arnold

71. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is a

A. Picaresque novel
B. Domestic novel
C. Historical novel 384
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D. Gothic novel

72. Sir John Falstaff is one of Shakespeare's famous

A. historical figures
B. comic figures
C. tragic figures
D. romantic figures

73. William Golding wrote

A. Great Expectations
B. The Power and the Glory
C. Lord of the Flies
D. Pride and Prejudice

74. Blank verse was first used in English poetry by

A. Sir Thomas Wyatt
B. William Shakespeare
C. Earl of Surrey
D. Milton

75. Who is known as the Bard of Avon?

A. John Donne
B. Lord Byron
C. Thomas Kyd
D. Shakespeare

76. I did not anticipate reading such an discussion of the international situation in the morning
newspaper; normally, such treatment could be found only in t scholarly magazines.

A. erudito
B. arrogant
C. ingenious
D. overt 385
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77. He was deluded by the who claimed he could cure all diseases with his miracle machine,

A. salesman
B. inventor
C. charlatan
D. doctor

78. Because is such an unsightly disease, its victims have frequently been shunned.
A. leprosy
B. cancer
D. Poverty

Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar in meaning to the word CAPITAL letters.

A. shoor
B. astral
C. avuncular
D. shrewd


A. insult
B. face
C. honour
D. Proceed

Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in CAPITAL

A. condemn
B. purify
C. abandon
D. complete

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A. uninterested
B. dull
C. indolent.
D. careful

83. Who wrote the poem, Break. Break, Break?

A. Alexander Pope
B. John Donne
C. Alfred Tennyson
D. Robert Browning

84. Who wrote the poem, "Out of the Cradle endlessly Rocking?
A. Emily Dickinson
B. Anne sexton
C. Robert Frost
D. Walt Whitman

85. Which of these poems begins with a train journey?

A. Church Going
B. Toads
C. High Windows
D. Whitsun weddings

86. Which poem's beginning compares the evening sky to "a patient etherised upon a table?
A. The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock
B. Dover beach
C. Ode to Indolence:
D. The Wasteland

87. The word 'Lyric' is associated with the musical instrument

A. Harp
B. Lyre
C. Cello
D. viola

88. Which poet wrote the popular poem, "Night of the Scorpion"? 387
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A. Eunice D'Souza
B. Jayanta Mahapatra
C. Nissim Ezekiel
D. Mamta Kalia

89. Which one of these poems is inspired by Breughel's painting The Fall of Icarus"?
A. Easter 1916
B. Whitsun Weddings
C. Scholar Gypsy
D. Musce De Beaux Arts

90. Which poet composed Maud?

A. Robert Browning
B. Alfred Tennyson
C. W.H. Auden
D. Matthew Arnold

91. The Portuguese Sonnets is a collection of love poems written by Cristina Rossetti
A. Elizabeth Browning
B. Christine rossetti
C. Felicia Heman
D. Any Lowell

92. What kind of poems are composed by Edward Lear?

A. Lyrical Poems
B. Ballads
C. Nonsense Poems
D. Sonnets

93. What is a fourteen-line poem called?

A. An Epic
B. A Lyric
C. A Limerick
D. A Sonnet 388
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94. Thom Gunn's 'On the Move' is a poem that uses the metaphor of

A. Mafia Gangs
B. Motorcycle Gangs
C. Drug Lords
D. Convicts
95. Who wrote the play Nagamandala?
A. Girish Karnard
B. Girish Kasaravally
C. Arnold Wesker
D. Dennis Walder

96. Who wrote the famous poem Do not go Gentle into That Goodnight?"

A. Cecil Day Lewis

B. Gwendolyn Brooks
C. Robert Frost
D. Dylan Thomas

97. Who authored My Family and Other Animals?

A. Somerset Maugham
B. Lawrence Durrell
C. Saul Bellow
D. Gerald Durrell

98. The poem 'Childe Harold's Pilgrimage was written by

A. William Blake
B. Lord Byron
C. PB. Shelley
D. John Keats

99. Who authored Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol?

A. Rabindranath Tagore
B. Sri Aurobindo
C. Henri Derozio
D. Sarojini Naidu
100. Who among the following is not usually associated with Modernism? 389
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A. DH Lawrence
B. Virginia Woolf
C. James Joyce
D. Samuel Beckett

Answer key 2012

1 D 26 A 51 D 76 C
2 A 27 B 52 A 77 C
3 C 28 C 53 A 78 C
4 B 29 A 54 B 79 D
5 A 30 B 55 B 80 A
6 D 31 A 56 B 81 A
7 C 32 B 57 C 82 D
8 D 33 A 58 C 83 C
9 C 34 C 59 C 84 D
10 B 35 B 60 B 85 D
11 D 36 B 61 B 86 A
12 B 37 C 62 C 87 B
13 C 38 C 63 B 88 C
14 D 39 B 64 B 89 D
15 C 40 D 65 D 90 B
16 B 41 C 66 A 91 A
17 A 42 D 67 B 92 C
18 C 43 A 68 B 93 D
19 B 44 B 69 A 94 B
20 C 45 A 70 A 95 A
21 D 46 B 71 B 96 D
22 D 47 B 72 B 97 D
23 B 48 A 73 C 98 B
24 A 49 B 74 C 99 B
25 D 50 C 75 D 100 D 390
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2011

1. It is said that John Osborne's initinted modernism in British drama.

A. Murder in the Cathedral
B. A Patriot for Me
C. Look Back in Anger
D. Déjà vu

2. The term 'epic theatre' is often associated with

A. Arthur Miller
B. Bertolt Brecht
C. Susan Glaspbell
D. Eugene O'Neill

3. The play Endgame is written by

A. Harold Pinter
B. Samuel Beckett
C. Oscar Wilde
D. Bernard Shaw

4. Ben Jonson's The Alchemist is an example of

A. tragicomedy
B. tragedy
C. comedy
D. realistic comedy

5. The regional varieties of a language are known as

A. idiolecta
B. clichés
C. dialects
D. registers

Each of the questions below consists of one word in capitals followed by four words ar phrases
in small letters. Choose the word or phrase that is nearest in meaning to the word in capitals

A. Respected 391
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B. Feared
C. Scandalized
D. Famous
A. Understanding
B. Anxiety
C. Ignorance
D. Strength

Choose the word or phrases that best completes the sentence:

8. In the early nineteenth century, the considered of classical languages was for conventional
academic distinction.
A. acquisition... necessary
B. learning... Accomplishment
C. grasping... imperative
D. mastery... essential

9. I could not him to attend the meeting.

A. prevail over
B. prevail upon
C. prevail about
D. prevail in

10. What is the profession of Hjalmar Ekdal in Ibsen's The Wild Duck!
A. photographer
B. chef
C. soldier
D. lumberjack

11. Who is the author of 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf '?

A. William Shakespeare
B. Harriet Nelson
C. Arthur Miller
D. Edward Albee

12. Vladimir and Estragon in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot are
A. priests 392
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B. tramps
C. Screenwriters
D. nurses

13. Which play of Dylan Thomas takes place in a Welsh fishing village during one day?

A. Above and Beyond

B. The Fish are Biting
C. Our Town
D. Under Milk Wood

14. In what play do Stanley Kowalski and Blanch DuBois appear as characters?
A. The Merchant of Venice
B. Death of a Salesman
C. A Streetcar Named Desire
D. Under the Elm Tree

15. Which of the following plays did Thornton Wilder author?

A. The Skin of Our Teeth
B. My Toun
C. Death of a Salesman
D. A Raisin in the Sun

16. Who is the author of A Raisin in the Sun?

A. Lorraine Hansberry
B. Bessie Smith
C. Neil Simon
D. Steve Martin

17. What do the barflies in The Iceman Cometh reveal?

A. pipe dreams
B. toes
C. ages of their children
D. crooked teeth

18. Who wrote Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?

A. Dr. Seu
B. Tennessee Williams
C. Anton Chekhov 393
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D. Arthur Miller
19. The exclamation "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in
faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable!" can be found in
A. King Henry IV
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. A Midsummer Night's Dream
D. Hamlet

20. Who in German literature sold his soul to the devil?

A. Faust
B. Beowulf
C. Fat Albert
D. Gustaf Bromberg, Jr.

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to fill in the blanks:

21. My friends complain that I haven't helped them when they badly needed support. But
A. Do
B. Have
C. Helped
D. I have helped

22. I the inconvenience caused to you because of my delay.

A. regret
B. regret on
C. regret about
D. regret of

23. The committee finally the list of candidates to three

A. kept down
B. play down
C. sealed down
D. narrowed down 394
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24. For many people, the negative impact of technology on the environment altered the rather than
way we think of our relationship with nature, and rather than development for its own
sake, became an important goal for a number of countries.
A. substantial development
B. rural development
C. urban development
D. sustainable development

25. Recently, the number of cases of death by poisoning sharply

A. have increased
B. has increased
C. had increased
D. increased

26. Postmodernism describes a movement of intellectual thought which major impact on a number
of disciplines since the late 20th century.
A. has had
B. has
C. have had
D. had

27. We will now discuss the development of the Surrealist movement

A. on the whole
B. to some extent
C. in more detail
D. to a great extent

28. Psychologists that having a set of cherished companions is crucial to mental well-being.
A. have known long
B. have been knowing for long
C. have long known
D. have been known for long

29. The professor was as usual about his favourite subject.

A. dragging on
B. rambling on 395
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C. urging on
D. going on
30. The mother gripped her child's arm he be trampled.
A. unleas
B. if
C. if not
D. Lest

31. Name the author who was the initiator of the gothic romance novels in American literature
A. Charles Brockden Brown
B. Washington Irving
C. Herman Melville
D. Nathaniel Hawthorne

32. Which Dickens novel following Pip in his ascension from poverty to gentility?
A. Great Expectations
B. Hard Times
C. Bleak House
D. The Pickwick Papers

33. Negative Capability is a term coined by

A. Wordsworth
B. Shelley
C. Kents
D. Blake

34. For whom is poetry "a criticism of life"?

A. Coleridge
B. Arnold
C. Shelley
D. Wordsworth

35. Hamartia means

A. Reversal of fortune
B. Error of judgement
C. Purgation of emotions
D. Depravity 396
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36. About whom did Eliot write, "A thought to him was an experience"?

A. Crashaw
B. Donne
C. Marvell
D. Herbert

37. Inscape refers to

A. The indwelling presence of God in Nature
B. The universal character of a natural thing
C. The individuating character of a natural thing
D. None of these.

38. Select the right matching pair in the following

A. Expressionism-Wordsworth
B. Naturaliam-Zola
C. Modernism-Dryden
D. Magical - Realism Jane Austen

39. Who wrote Preface to the Lyrical Ballads?

A. Coleridge
B. Wordsworth
C. Both
D. Shelley

40. Who defined a poet as one who "affects plainness to cover his want of imagination"?
A. John Dryden
B. Ben Jonson
C. Samuel Johnson
D. Alexander Pope

41. In a picaresque novel, the principal character in

A. A royal person
B. A scholar
C. A low born rogue
D. None of these 397
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42. What does poetic justice signify?

A. Rewarding the bad and punishing the good

B. Rewarding the good and the bad
C. Rewarding the good and punishing the bad
D. None of these

43. Sprung rhythm is a term coined by

A. T.S. Eliot
B. W.B. Yeats
C. Lord Byron
D. G.M. Hopkins

44. What is meant by anachronism?

A. An event that is out of its natural order in time
B. A comparison of similar things
C. A brief narrative of an entertaining incident
D. None of these

45. The epic poem entitled Savitri was

A. Written by Sri Aurobindo Ghose in Bengali and translated by him into English
B. Written by Veda Vyana in Sanskrit and translated by Sri Aurobindo into English
C. Written simultaneously in Bengali and English by Sri Aurobindo
D. Written by Sri Aurobindo in English

46. The author of The Cat and Shakespeare is

A. Rais Ran
B. Kushwant Singh
C. Gangadhar Gadgil
D. Bhisham Sahni

47. Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel is the best example of

A. religious satire
B. political satire
C. philosophical antire
D. none of the above 398
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48. Samuel Pepys Diary opens on

A. Jan 1, 1660
B. Jan 1, 1770
C. Jan 1, 1880
D. None of the above

49. Who is the author of Hudibras?

A. John Bunyan
B. Samuel Butler
C. John Crowne
D. None of the above

50. Pope's Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot contains the famous portraits of

A. Lord Chesterfield and Steele
B. Lord Rosecommon and Swift
C. Lord Hervey and Addison
D. None of the above

51. Sheridan's famous character Lady Teazle appears in

A. The Rivals
B. The School for scandal
C. The Critic
D. None of the above

52. Keats "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" is

A. an ode
B. an elegy
C. a sonnet
D. none of the above

53. Jane Austen's first novel was

A. Sense and Sensibility
B. Northanger Abbey
C. Pride and Prejudice
D. None of the above 399
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54. In which novel of Swift we come across Houyhams and the Yahoos?

A. A Tale of a Tub
B. The Battle of the Books
C. Gulliver's Travels
D. None of the above

55. Dylan Thomas may be described as

A. the originator of neo-romantic poetry
B. the originator of intellectualism in verse
C. the originator of romantic poetry
D. none of the above

56. Orwell's Animal Farm is

A. an allegory on the degeneration of communiat ideals into dictatorship
B. an allegory on the religious dilemma of 1980
C. an allegory on the loss of individuality
D. none of the above

57. Who is the author of Krapp's Last Tape?

A. Christopher Fry
B. Sir Terence Rattigan
C. Samuel Beckett
D. None of the above

58. Which among the following is not authored by Golding?

A. The Scorpion God
B. Lord of the Flies
C. Cry, the beloved Country
D. none of the above

59. Tolkoin's The Lord of the Rings is an amalgam of

A. fairy lore and Arthurian legends
B. folklores and romances
C. weird fantasies and robin hood tales
D. none of the above 400
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60. Who is the author of the famous sonnet "If I should die, think only this of me?

A. Wilfred Owen
B. Rupert Brooke
C. Laurence Binyon
D. None

61. "I still had hopes, my long vexations past/ Here to return-and die at home at last" Who is the
author of these lines?
A. Pope
B. Dryden
C. Goldsmith
D. None of the above

62. Dr. Johnson's The Lives of the Poets introduces poeta

A. 60
B. 52
C. 70
D. None of the above

63. Dr. Johnson wrote Rasselas in order to pay

A. a debt
B. for his mother's funeral
C. his publisher
D. none of the above

64. Hardy's Life's Little Ironies is a

A. novel
B. collection of short stories
C. collection of poems
D. none of the above

65. The famous writer Rudyard Kipling was born in

A. Malaysia
B. Bombay
C. Sri Lanka
D. None of the above 401
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66. Shaw's Arms and the Man pokes fun on

A. political
B. religion
C. romantic conception of the soldier
D. none of the above

67. Wordsworth's Prelude was intended to form part of a vast philosophical work called
A. The Excursion
B. The Reculse
C. Descriptive Sketches
D. None of the above

68. Pope's Essay on criticism was written in

A. blank verse
B. heroic couplet
C. triplets
D. none of the above

69. Who started The Spectator in 1711?

A. Addison
B. Steele
C. Johnson
D. None of the above

70. The famous character Sir Andrew Freeport who appears in The Spectator is
A. a soldier
B. a statesman
C. a city merchant
D. none of the above

71. Swift's A tale of a Tub is a

A. religious allegory
B. political satire
C. philosophical romance
D. none of the above 402
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72. All major works of Bunyan are allegorical except

A. The Holy war

B. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman
C. Grace Abounding
D. None of the above

73. Hopkins most important experiment is with

A. sprung rhythm
B. heroic couplets
C. blank verse
D. none of the above

74. The Waste Land was published in

A. 1900
B. 1922
C. 1930
D. none of the above

75. J. B. Priestley's The Good Companions in

A. an essay about everyday life
B. a story of the adventures of a touring concert party
C. a poem about nature
D. none of the above

76. Who is the author of Juno and the Paycock?

A. W. H. Auden
B. Sean O Casey
C. Somerset Maugham
D. None of the above

77. The theory and practice of interpreting sacred and literary texts is called
A. Hedonism
B. Hamartia
C. Hermeneutics
D. Hubris 403
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78. The dictum, "Poetry is a criticism of life" occurs in Arnold's

A. Modern Painters
B. Culture and Anarchy
C. The Study of Poetry
D. The Function of Criticism

79. For Wordsworth, Poetry is

A. Emotions recollected in tranquility
B. A spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
C. Both
D. None of these

80. Ferdinand de Saussure is well known for his conceptualization of

A. Performance and Competence
B. Langue and Parole
C. Tradition and the Individual Talent
D. Intension and Extension

81. Who spoke about the "death of the author" in France?

A. Foucault
B. Derrida
C. Lacan
D. Barthes

82. Freudian psychoanalysis is based on

A. The personal unconscious
B. The collective unconscious
C. The Supraconscious
D. None of these

83. Who among the following does not belong to the New Critical School?
A. I. A. Richards
B. F.R. Leavis
C. Cleanth Brooks
D. Jonathan Culler 404
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84. Mimesis means

A. Interpretation
B. Analysin
C. Imitation
D. Purgation

85. Comic relief in

A. The insertion of a humorous incident in a tragedy
B. The insertion of a tragic incident in a comedy
C. The insertion of a humorous incident in a tragi-comedy
D. None of these

86. Who is the author of Apologie for Poetry?

A. John Dryden
B. Sir Philip Sidney
C. Ben Jonson
D. Samuel Johnson

87. Select the right matching pair:

A. Keats-Naturalism
B. Zola – Neoclassicism
C. Eliot-Romanticism
D. Arnold - Modernism

88. New Criticism treats a poem as

A. A cultural document
B. A social document
C. A historical document
D. An aesthetic document

89. The first tragedy Gorboduc was later entitled

A. Gammer Gurton's Needle
B. Endymion
C. Corpus Christi
D. Ferrex and Porrex 405
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90. "This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This
other Eden, demi-paradise. "These highly patriotic lines are spoken by
A. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
B. Richard II
C. Henry IV
D. King Lear

91. "The lunatic, the lover, and the poet. Are of imagination all compact". In which play do these
lines occur?
A. Much Ado About Nothing
B. As You Like It
C. A Mid-Summer Night's Dream
D. Twelfth Night

92. Which one of the following plays is written by William Congreve?

A. She Wou'd if She Cou'd
B. Love in Wood
C. The Way of the World
D. The Provoked Wife

93. Which of the following plays is written by William Wycherley!

A. Love for Love
B. The Comical Revenge or Love in a Tub
C. The Relapse
D. The Country Wife

94. Which of the following authored The Rival Queens?

A. William Congreve
B. William Wycherley
C. Nathaniel Lee
D. John Vanbrugh

95. One of the following Restoration playwrights gave a happy ending to King Lear. Identify the
A. Thomas Otway
B. Nahun Tate
C. Nathaniel Loe 406
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D. George Farquhar
96. The theatres were closed down during the Commonwealth period in England. In which year
were they reopened?
A. 1649
B. 1655
C. 1660
D. 1658

97. Charles Lamb wrote one of the following plays. Which one is it?

A. Queen Mab
B. The Good-Natured Man
C. John Woodvil
D. Joan of Are

98. In which year was Bernard Shaw awarded the Nobel Prize?
A. 1920
B. 1925
C. 1930
D. 1932

99. The tragi-comedy, which is the product of the English theatre, is one of the most monstrous
inventions that ever entered into a poet's thoughts." Whose view is this?
A. John Dryden
B. Alexander Pope
C. Joseph Addison
D. Dr. Johnson

100. Who is the diarist in the 17th century who in his diaries recorded the daily life of the people
reflecting ideals such as living piously and well
A. John Pepys
B. Charles Lamb
C. Samuel Sewall
D. Cotton Mather 407
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Answer key 2011

1 C 26 A 52 C 76 B
2 B 27 C 53 A 77 C
3 B 28 C 54 C 78 C
4 C 29 B 55 A 79 C
5 C 30 D 56 A 80 B
6 D 31 A 57 C 81 D
7 B 32 A 58 C 82 B
8 D 33 C 59 A 83 D
9 B 34 B 60 B 84 C
10 A 35 B 61 C 85 A
11 D 36 B 62 B 86 B
12 B 37 A 63 B 87 D
13 D 38 B 64 B 88 D
14 C 39 B 65 B 89 D
15 A 40 A 66 C 90 A
16 A 41 C 67 B 91 C
17 A 42 C 68 B 92 C
18 B 43 D 69 A 93 D
19 D 44 A 70 C 94 C
20 A 45 D 71 A 95 B
21 D 46 A 72 B 96 C
22 A 47 B 73 A 97 C
23 D 48 A 74 B 98 B
24 D 49 B 75 B 99 C
25 D 50 C 52 C 100 A 408
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Pondicherry University Entrance Examination 2010

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to fill in the blanks :

1. My friends complain that I haven't helped them when they badly needed support. But I-----
A. do
B. have
C. helped
D. I have helped

2. I he inconvenience caused to you because of my delay.

A. regret
B. regret on
C. regret about
D. regret of

3. The committee finally the list of candidates to three.

A. kept down
B. played down
C. scaled down
D. narrowed down

4. Recently, the number of cases of death by poisoning ---- sharply.

A. have increased
B. had increased
C. has increased
D. increased

5. Postmodernism describes a movement of intellectual thought which ----- a major impact on a

number of disciplines since the late 20th century.
A. has had
B. has
C. have had
D. had

6. We will now discuss the development of the Surrealist movement-----

A. on the whole
B. in more detail
C. to some extent
D. to a great extent 409
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7. For many people, the negative impact of technology on the environment altered the way we
think of our relationship with nature, and ----- development, rather than development for its own
sake, became an important goal for a number of countries.

A. substantial development
B. rural development
C. urban development
D. sustainable development

8. Psychologists ------that having a set of cherished companions is crucial to mental well-being.

A. have known long

B. have been knowing for long
C. have long known
D. have been known for long

9. The professor was as usual about his favourite subject.

A. dragging on
B. rambling on
C. urging on
D. going on

10. Th mother gripped her child's arm he be trampled.

A. unless
B. if
C. if not
D. lest

11. Which two among the following playwright are from Dublin Ireland?

A. Oscar Wilde & Bernard Shaw

B. Arthur Miller ,& John Osborne
C. Bertolt Brecht & Samuel .Beckett
D. T.S. Eliot & J.M. Synge

12. Who among to be following is a nobel Laureate?

A. Arthur Miller
B. Oscar Wilde
C. T.S. Eliot
D. John Osborne

13. The Duchess of Malfi is an important work of 410
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A. Christopher Marlowe
B. John Webster
C. Ben Jon son
D. William Shakespeare
14. The central character in Arthur Miller' s Death of a Sales man is
A. Joe Keller
B. Richard Brito
C. Maurya.
D. Willy Loman

15. It is said that John Osbornes_____initiated modernism in British drama.

A. Murder in the Cathedral

B. A Patriot for Me
C. Look Back in Anger
D. Deja vu

16. The term 'epic theatre' is often associated with

A. Arthur Miller
B. Bertolt Brecht
C. Susan Glaspbell
D. Eugene O' neill

17. The play Endgame is written by

A. Harold Pinter
B. Samuel Beckett
C. Oscar Wilde
D. Bernard Shaw

18. Ben Jonson's The Alchemist is an example of

A. tragicomedy
B. tragedy
C. comedy
D. realistic comedy

19. The regional varieties of a language are known as

A. idiolects
B. cliches
C. dialects
D. registers

20. The vocal cords are situated in the

A. trachea
B. lungs
C. glottis
D. larynx 411
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21. Concord means

A. grammaticality
B. acceptability
C. subject-verb agreement
D. appropriate pronunciation

Each of the questions below consists of one word in capitals followed by four
words or phrases in small letters. Choose the word or phrase that is nearest in
meaning to the word in capitals


A. Respected
B. Feared
C. Scandalized
D. Famous


A. Understanding
B. Anxiety
C. Ignorance
D. Strength

Choose the word or phrases that best completes the sentence:

24. In the early nineteenth century, the ----- of classical languages was considered ----- for
conventional academic distinction.
A. acquisition .... necessary
B. learning ....accomplishment
C. grasping .... imperative
D. mastery .... essential

25. I could not ----- him to attend the meeting.

A. prevail over
B. prevail upon
C. prevail about
D. prevail in

26. Name the author who was the initiator of the gothic romance novels in American literature

A. Charles Brockden Brown

B. Washington Irving
C. Herman Melville
D. Nathaniel Hawthorne

27. ''I celebrate myself, and sing myself/And what I assume you shall assume,'/For every atom
belonging to me/as good belongs to you--are words in ----- 412
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A. Edgar Allan Poe's 'Raven'

B. Hart Crane's 'Fear'
C. Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself
D. Margaret Widdemer's 'Song

28. Name the author of the feminist work, The Awakening(l899)

A. Margaret Fuller
B. Alice Walker
C. Kate Chopin
D. Louisa Alcott

29. Mahatma Gandhi's non-violence movement and Martin Luther King's passive resistance
were influenced by Thoreau's work,

A. Walden (1854)
B. Civil Disobedience (1849)
C. Reform and the Reformers (1846-8)
D. Excursions (1863)

30. Which American Southern writer authored the works -- 0 Pioneers! (1913), and My Antonia

A. Edith Wharton
B. Raymond Chandler
C. William Faulkner
D. Willa Cather

31. Identify the story of Charlotte Perkin's Gilman that has a condescending doctor who drives
his wife mad by confining her in a room to cure her of nervous exhaustion.

A. 'An Extinct Angel'

B. 'The Yellow Wall-paper'.
C. 'The Giant Wistaria'
D. 'That Rare Jewel'

32. The American (1877), Daisy Miller (1879), and a masterpiece, The Portrait of a Lady are
works by -

A. William Steinbeck
B. Henry James
C. Herman Melville
D. Saul Bellow

33. The works of Theodore Dreiser and Stephen Crane are influenced by the theory of

A. Naturalism
B. Realism
C. Transcendentalism 413
D. Positivism
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B. Realism
C. Transcendentalism
D. Positivism

34. Name the award-winning drama about a Midwestern family whose patriarch has a dark secret
buried in the back field.

A. The Little Foxes by Lillian Helman

B. Buried Child by Sam Shepard
C. All My Sons by Arthur Miller
D. Edmond by David Mamet

35. Name T.S. Eliot's poem that discusses the issue of time and temporality is the

A. The Hollow Men

B. The Naming of Cats
C. Journey of the Magi
D. Four Quartets

36. Which novel of Hemingway is set in the background of the Spanish Civil War?

A. A Farewell to Arms (1929)

B. For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)
C. To Haue and haue Not (1937)
D. The Sun also Rises (1926)

37. Who Jed a slave revolt in 1831 that resulted in the deaths of more white people than any other
slave revolt in U.S. history?

A. Gabriel Prosser
B. Nat Turner
C. Denmark Vesey
D. Harriet Tubman

38. Which of William Faulkner's novels, centering on the rape of Temple Drake, features a character
named Popeye?

A. Absalom, Absalom!
B. Go Down, Moses
C. Sanctuary
D. The Town

39. Which Dickens novel follows Pip in his ascension from poverty to gentility?

A. Great Expectations
B. Hard Times
C. Bleak House
D. The Pickwick Papers 414
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40. In Eliot's "Adam Bede," who accidently commits infanticide?

A. Captain Donnithorne
B. Adam Bede
C. Hetty Sorrel
D. Dinah Morris
41. What is the profession of Hjalmar Ekdal in Ibsen's The Wild Duck?

A. photographer
B. chef
C. lumberjack
D. soldier

42. Who is the author of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf

A. William Shakespeare
B. Harriet Nelson
C. Arthur Miller
D. Edward Albee

43. Vladimir and Estragon in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot are

A. priests
B. tramps
C. screenwriters
D. nurses

44. Which play of Dylan Thomas takes place in a Welsh fishing village during one day?

A. Above and Beyond

B. The Fish are Biting
C. Our Town
D. Under Milk Wood

45. In what play Stanley Kowalski and Blanch DuBois are characters?

A. The Merchant of Venice

B. Death of a Salesman
C. A Streetcar Named Desire
D. Under the Elm Tree

46. Which play did Thornton Wilder write?

A. The Skin of Our Teeth

B. My Town
C. Death of a Salesman
D. A Raisin in the Sun 415
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47. Who is the author of A Raisin in the Sun?
A. Lorraine Hansberry
B. Bessie Smith
C. Neil Simon
D. Steve Mar

48. What do the barflies in The Iceman Cometh reveal?

A. pipe dreams
B. toes
C. ages of their children
D. crooked teeth

49. Which year Arthur Miller won a Pulitzer Prize for Death of a Salesman?

A. 1932
B. 1985
C. 1949
D. 1973

50. Who wrote Cat on a Hot Tin roof

A. Dr. Seuss
B. Tennessee Williams
C. Anton Chekhov
D. Arthur Miller

51. Who wrote Buried Child which won a Pulitzer in 1979?

A. Sam Shepard
B. Ketti Frings
C. Charles Fuller
D. Howard Sackler

52. The Quotation ''What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties!
in form and moving, how express and admirable!" can be found i

A. King Heney IV
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. A Midsummer Night's Dream
D. Hamlet

53. The quotation "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the
stage, and then is heard no more finds place in.

A. The Tempest
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. King Richard II
D. Macbeth 416
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54. Who in German literature sold his soul to the devil?

A. Faust
B. Beowulf
C. Fat Albert
D. Gustaf Bromberg, Jr.

55. Who is the writer of The Sword of Tipu Sultan?

A. Badal Sircar
B. Mohan Rakesh
C. Girish Karnad
D. Asif Currimbhoy.

56. Negative Capability is a term coined by

A. Wordsworth
B. Shelley
C. Keats
D. Blake

57. For whom is poetry "a criticism of life"?

A. Coleridge
B. Arnold
C. Shelley
D. Wordsorth

58. Hamartia means;

A. Reversal of fortune
B. Error of judgement
C. Purgation of emotions
D. Depravity

59. About whom did Eliot write," A thought to him was an experience"?

A. Crashaw
B. Donne
C. Marvell
D. herbert

60. Inscape refers to;

A. The indwelling presence of God in Nature

B. The universal character of a natural thing
C. The individuating character of a natural thing
D. None of these 417
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61. Select the right matching pair in the following

A. Expressionism – Wordsworth
B. Naturalism - Zola
C. Modernism – Dryden
D. Herbert- Jane austen

62. Who wrote Preface to the Lyrical Ballads?

A. Coleridge
B. Wordsworth
C. Both
D. Shelley

63. Who defined a poet as one who "affects plainness to cover his want of imagination"?

A. John Dryen
B. Ben Jonson
C. Samuel Johnson
D. Alexander Pope

64. In a picaresque novel, the principal character is

A. A royal person
B. A scholar
C. A low born rogue
D. None of these

65. What does poetic justice signify

A. Rewarding the bad and punishing the good

B. Rewarding the good and the bad
C. Rewarding the good and punishing the bad
D. None of these

66. Sprung rhythm is a term coined by

A. T.S. Eliot
B. W.B. Yeats
C. Lord Byron
D. G.M. Hopkins

67. What is meant by anachronism?

A. An event that is out of its natural order in time

B. A comparison of similar things
C. A brief narrative of an entertaining incident
D. None of these 418
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68. Who among the following does not belong to the New Critical School?

A. F.R. Leavis
B. Cleanth Brooks
C. Jonathan Culler
D. I.A.Richards
69. Biographia Literaria is :

A. A collection of biographies
B. A critical work
C. An autobiography
D. None of these

70. Who advised the poets thus ? :

First follow Nature and your Judgement frame
By her just Standard
A. John Dryden
B. Alexander Pope
C. Jonathan Swift
D. Wordsworth

71. The epic poem entitled savitri was

A. Written by Sri Aurobindo Ghose in Bengali and translated by him into English
B. Written by Veda Vyasa in Sanskrit and translated by Sri Aurobindo into
C. Written simultaneously in Bengali and English by Sri Aurobindo
D. Written by Sri Aurobindo in English

72. The author of The Cat and Shakespeare is

A. Raja Rao
B. Kushwant Singh
C. Gangadhar Gadgil
D. Bhisham Sahni

73. An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilisation and Guerrillas are

A. Three autobiographies by Indian Writers

B. Collected Speeches of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose
C. Authored by V. S. Naipaul
D. None of the above

74. Golden Gate is

A. A book on the city of Delhi 419
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B. A book on the riots against the Sikhs following Indira Gandhi's assassination
C. A novel by Vikram Seth
D. None of the above
75. Funny Side Up was authored by
A. Kushwant Singh
B. Alan Sealy
C. Ruskin Bond
D. None of the above

76. The argumental Indian was authored by

A. Tarun Tejpal
B. R.K. Laxman
C. Amartya Sen
D. None of the above

77. The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor may be described as

A. A political satire
B. A contemporary book about India's past
C. A political satire in the form of an allegory
D. A satirical, political, allegory in fiction

78. Wings of Fire was authored by

A. AP.J. Abdul Kalam

B. Binod Mishra
C. Sanjay Kumar
D. None of the above

79. One Night at the Call Centre was authored by

A. Chetan Bhagat
B. Tarun Tajpal
C. Adil Jussawalla
D. Amitav Ghosh

80. The 'trinity' of the early Indian novel in English comprises of

A. Munshi Premchand, Raja Rao and R.K.Narayan
B. Rabindranath Tagore , Raja Rao and R.K.Narayan
C. Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao and R.K.Narayan
D. Bankimchandra Chatterjee, Rabindranath Tagore and Raja Rao

81. Water is the title of

A. a novel by Bapsi Sidhwa and a film of the same title by Deepa Mehta
B. a novel and a film of the same title by Deepa Mehta
C. a novel by Shobha De filmed by Mahesh Dattani
D. none of the above 420
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82. Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography was translated from Gujarati into English by
A. Mahadevi Varma
B. Mahadev Desai
C. Madhav Desai
D.G.V. Desani

83. A Suitable Boy was authored by

A. Amitav Ghosh
B. Vikram Seth
C. Rohinton Mistry
D. AmeenaMeer

84. Women Writing in India was edited by

A. Afeefa Banu
B. K. Lalita and Susan Thomas
C. Susie Tharu and K.Lalita
D. SusieTharu

85. Twilight in Delhi was authored by

A. Ahmed Ali
B. Anees Jung
C. Meena Alexander
D. Amritjit Singh

86. Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel is the best example of-----

A. religious satire
B. political satire
C. philosophical satire
D. none of the above

87. Samuel Pepys Diary opens on----

A. Jan 1, 1660
B. Jan 1, 1770
C. Jan 1, 1880
D. None of the above

88. Who is the author of Hudibras?

A. John Bunyan
B. Samuel Butler
C. John Crowne
D. None of the above

89. Pope's Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot contains the famous portraits of----- 421
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A. Lord Chesterfield and Steele

B. Lord Rose common and Swift
C. Lord Hervey and Addison
D. None of the above

90. Sheridan's famous character Lady Teazle appears in-----

A. The Riuals
B. The School for scandal
C. The Critic
D. None of the above

91. Keats' "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer" is

A. an Ode
B. a sonnet
C. an elegy
D. none of the above

92. Jane Austen's first novel was

A. Sense and Sensibility

B. Northanger Abbey
C. Pride and Prejudice
D. None of the above

93. In which novel of Swift we come across Houyhnms and the Yahoos?

A. A Tale of a Tub
B. Gulliver's Travels
C. The Battle of the Books
D. None of the above

94. Dylan Thomas may be described as----

A. the originator of neo-romantic poetry

B. the originator of intellectualism in verse
C. the originator of romantic poetry
D. none of the above

95. Orwell's Animal Farm is-----

A. an allegory on the degeneration of communist ideals into dictatorship

B. an allegory on the religious dilemma of 1980s
C. an allegory on the loss of individuality
D. none of the above 422
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96. Who is the author of Krapp's Last Tape?

A. Christopher Fry
B. Sir Terence Rattigan
C. Samuel Beckett
D. None of the above

97. Which among the following is not authored by Golding?

A. The Scorpion God

B. Lord of the Flies
C. Cry, the beloved Country
D. None of the above

98. Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings is an amalgam of

A. fairy lore and Arthurian legend

B. folklores and romances
C. weird fantasies and robin hood tales
D. none of the above

99. Who is the author of the famous sonnet" If I should die ,think only this of me"?

A. Wilfred Owen
B. Rupert Brooke
C. Laurence Binyon
D. None

100. "I still had hopes, my long vexations past,

Here .to return-and die at home at last"
Who is the author of the above lines?

A. Pope
B. Dryden
C. Goldsmith
D. None of the above 423
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Answer key 2010


1 D 26 A 51 A 76 C
2 A 27 C 52 D 77 D
3 D 28 C 53 D 78 A
4 D 29 B 54 A 79 A
5 A 30 D 55 C 80 C
6 B 31 B 56 C 81 A
7 D 32 B 57 B 82 B
8 C 33 A 58 B 83 B
9 B 34 B 59 B 84 C
10 D 35 D 60 A 85 A
11 A 36 B 61 B 86 B
12 C 37 B 62 B 87 A
13 B 38 C 63 A 88 B
14 D 39 A 64 C 89 C
15 C 40 C 65 C 90 B
16 B 41 A 66 D 91 B
17 B 42 D 67 A 92 A
18 C 43 B 68 C 93 B
19 C 44 D 69 B 94 A
20 D 45 C 70 B 95 A
21 C 46 A 71 D 96 C
22 D 47 A 72 A 97 C
23 B 48 A 73 C 98 A
24 D 49 C 74 C 99 B
25 B 50 B 75 C 100 C 424

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