Aquino Ged102 Week 1 Wgn1

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4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Task List

Week 1 focuses on the discussion of the nature of mathematics – what it is,

how it is expressed and where it is applied.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the box corresponding to each

___✓__ 1. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 1 Lecture

___✓__ 2. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 2

___✓__ 3. Read Module 1 Lesson 3 Lecture

___✓__ 4. Read one or two chapters of Ian Stewart’s “Nature’s Numbers”.

___✓__ 5. Write a synthesis essay of the reading in #4.

___✓__ 6. Submit WGN of Week 1.

4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Lesson 1. Patterns and Numbers in Nature


A. What are the three (3) types of pattern?

The three types of patterns are numeric patterns, geometric patterns and
patterns of change. Numeric patterns are a sequence of numbers that has been
created based on a rule called a pattern rule. Geometric patterns, on the other
hand, consist of a series of shapes. Lastly, patterns of change include changes in
velocity, speed, acceleration, etc.

B. What is Golden ratio and what is its estimated value?

The golden ratio (divine proportion) is the ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci
numbers. Two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the
ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. The estimated value of the
golden ratio is 1.618.

C. What is a fractal?
A fractal is a type of random pattern with each part having the same
characteristics as the whole. Some examples of a fractal are mountain formations
and crystal structures.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Lesson 2. Systemizing Patterns using Mathematics


A. Describe a Logarithmic Spiral.

A Logarithmic Spiral is formed by using the golden triangle. It is a is a self-
similar spiral curve that often appears in nature. A Logarithmic Spiral is also
known as the equiangular spiral.

B. Describe a Golden Spiral.

A Golden Spiral is a pattern created based on the concept of the golden ratio.
It is resulted by the connection of the corners of the squares of a golden rectangle
by quarter-circles. The Golden Spiral is also known as the Fibonacci spiral.

C. Enumerate and describe five (5) of the 17 equations that changed the world.
a. Newton’s Law of Gravity – This equation was instrumental in
understanding the solar system, the orbit of the planets and is a key concept in
understanding the divine force, momentum and other laws.
b. The Gaussian Distribution – This is useful in inferential statistics,
particularly in generalizing events. It may be applied in many contexts such as
natural sciences and engineering.
c. The Pythagorean Theorem – This was instrumental in land measurements
and laying out land maps. It is shown useful in the areas of architecture,
construction and navigation.
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

d. Euler’s Formula - This equation ushered new perspectives on shapes and

space and provided a clear link between geometry and the knot structure of a
e. Calculus – This holds incredible power over the physical worlds by
modelling and controlling systems. It dominates both modern science and
4TH QUARTER, SY2021-2022 GED 102 WEEK 1

Lesson 3. Systemizing Functionality of Mathematics


How is mathematics utilized in the following areas?

A. Pharmaceutical Field
Mathematics plays a role on pure scientific research in chemistry and
biology to help develop models of complicated process. Chemical combinations
and their equations are all governed by mathematical laws.

B. Agriculture
Agriculture necessitates the use of mathematics in areas such as land
measurement, average investment and spending, average return or revenue,
production per unit area, labor cost, time and work, seed rate, and so on.
Drawing graphs of various production products can be used to assess the
farm's progress.

C. Engineering
Numerical analysis is a basic tool in modelling engineering problems
such as phenomena involving heat and magnetism. Mathematics plays a vital
role in engineering.

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