Tutorial 4

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/ Sigadsand S5rrtems (E8T"207)

Tutorial fV
1' use the basic laplaretransforms and the Laplace tansformproperties
det¤rmi!¤ the rmilateral L4lace tu"rrot* gven in Tabtes to
oitn" r"["r.,ili';igo.l, ,
, (a) x(t)=fi$r-ott)l ans:X (S) S =

(s 1)2

O) x(t\ =rrl(r)*cos(2 ttlu(t) ans:X(S) =

S(S2 4NY) +

(c) r(r) = u(t -1)* ea u(t -t)

2' use the basic Laplace transforms and the Lrylac¤
&ansform properties grven in Tabtes
to deternine the time signals corresponding;A;
f"11";G unilate,ral Laplace

(a)x(s)=,#,# ans:(e
- 2t
- e -3t) u(t)
i O)x(s)=s-2s#,#,

' ffi"*"*fr*mmt* to find the time sis'als correqponding ro

rhe forowing

- 2t)u(t)
+ -

s+3 ans:(2i e
\-/ s2- +3s+2
(a) X(s)=
e- t)u(t)
fr) x(e=F#;
ans:(2-3e +

(s+2{s, +2s+l)
ans: (e-2t-zte -t( u(t)

i 4' use raplarenansform to determine the transfer

frmction and impulse response of the sJ,stem.
(a) 10
fiN,l*ror(J) = tor(r) ans:h(t) 10e

O) # ^r-*y(O -zy(t)= *4x(r)+5 ans:h(t) (3e


2et) u(t)
= +

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