The Sacrifice SATB
The Sacrifice SATB
The Sacrifice SATB
Darcy Stanley
Reflectively = 88
The sac ri fice, a spot less lamb, was God's com mand. This
The sac ri fice, a spot less lamb, was God's com mand. This
The sac ri fice, a spot less lamb, was God's com mand. This
The sac ri fice, a spot less lamb, was God's com mand. This
of fer ing, con tin ual ly made. Yet there would come one fi nal Lamb from God's own hand.
of fer ing, con tin ual ly made. Yet there would come one fi nal Lamb from God's own hand.
of fer ing, con tin ual ly made. Yet there would come one fi nal Lamb from God's own hand.
of fer ing, con tin ual ly made. Yet there would come one fi nal Lamb from God's own hand.
All glo ry to the Lamb that was slain. Nailed to the cross He died wil ling ly,
All glo ry to the Lamb that was slain. Nailed to the cross He died wil ling ly,
All glo ry to the Lamb that was slain. Nailed to the cross He died wil ling ly,
All glo ry to the Lamb that was slain, that was slain. Nailed to the cross He died wil ling ly,
Bear ing the weight of man's sin. Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry.
Bear ing the weight of man's sin. Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry.
Bear ing the weight of man's sin. Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry.
Bear ing the weight of man's sin. Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry.
Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ
Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ
Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ
Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ
be came the sac ri fice. A crown of thorns, a scar let robe placed mock ing ly.
be came the sac ri fice. A crown of thorns, a scar let robe placed mock ing ly.
be came the sac ri fice. A crown of thorns, a scar let robe placed mock ing ly.
be came the sac ri fice. A crown of thorns, a scar let robe placed mock ing ly.
A jeer ing crowd cried out, "Cru ci fy!" With out a word, He bore the stripes in
A jeer ing crowd cried out, "Cru ci fy!" With out a word, He bore the stripes in
A jeer ing crowd cried out, "Cru ci fy!" With out a word, He bore the stripes in
A jeer ing crowd cried out, "Cru ci fy!" With out a word, He bore the stripes in
a go ny, As sin ful man con demned Christ to die. Nailed to the
a go ny, As sin ful man con demned Christ to die. Nailed to the
a go ny, As sin ful man con demned Christ to die. Nailed to the
a go ny, As sin ful man con demned Christ to die. Nailed to the
cross He died wil ling ly, Bear ing the weight of my sin.
cross He died wil ling ly, Bear ing the weight of my sin, of man's sin.
cross He died wil ling ly, Bear ing the weight of man's sin.
cross He died wil ling ly, Bear ing the weight of man's sin.
Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry, Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is
Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry, Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is
Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry, Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is
Full blood a tone ment at Cal va ry, Come now for cleans ing with in. The law is
= 80
sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ. be came the sac ri fice. The fi nal
sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ. be came the sac ri fice. The fi nal
sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ be came the sac ri fice. The fi nal
sat is fied. Our Sav ior Je sus Christ be came the sac ri fice. The fi nal
91 = 76
sac ri fice.
sac ri fice.
sac ri fice.
sac ri fice.