Personal Inclusion Statement

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Personal Statement on Inclusion

My perspective on inclusion in the classroom is vast, but it centers around the idea that

all students have a right to an education and equal opportunity within the classroom. I define

inclusion as the practice of including and supporting every individual, regardless of their

background or abilities. I think this is particularly important to acknowledge for individuals who

may otherwise be discriminated against or marginalized in a more ableist setting. This goes hand

in hand with the philosophy of Least Restrictive Environment, which ensures that students who

receive special education are included in the general education classroom as much as possible

(Family Support Network, 2023). The purpose of this paper is to describe the classroom

strategies I will use as a future educator as they pertain to my definition of inclusion, as well as

the role collaboration will play in carrying this out.

There are many different strategies that I plan to use to implement my vision of inclusion

within my classroom. One of these strategies that I find to be particularly vital is the use of

Universal Design for Learning throughout each of my lessons. The significance of UDL became

apparent to me while working through our course UDL lesson plan assignment. As I adjusted a

lesson I had previously created, I noticed so many gaps in my knowledge that are huge aspects of

being inclusive in the classroom. This helped me to understand the importance of areas such as

engagement, representation, action, and expression and their subareas of recruiting interest,

perception, executive function, and much more (CAST, 2022). Understanding your students

interests and strengths is key to making lessons that will benefit and support them. As a teacher,

it will be my responsibility to ensure I am doing just that. In addition to this strategy, I think

modifications for students that need them are equally as important, especially in providing equal

opportunities in the classroom. Letting students be human first, and learn the way they learn best
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will help them grow in ways they never could in a more standardized setting. My goal is to

modify lessons appropriately to allow this growth. These are just two of the many strategies I

hope to provide support for each individual student in my classroom.

It is important to note that working toward inclusion is often a team effort. It may require

collaboration between students’ family members and/or different staff members within the

school. I believe that team collaboration plays a huge role in guaranteeing inclusion for every

student. One case in which this is increasingly prevalent is through the development of

Individualized Education Programs. Those who may be included in the development of an IEP

could range from the parents of the student, a general education teacher of the student, a special

education teacher who works with the student, a representative of the public agency, the student

themselves, and more (Michigan Department of Education, 2021). Working together is an

amazing way to support students and assist them in getting the education they need and deserve.

To reiterate the focus of this paper, my perspective on inclusion centers around the idea

that all students have a right to an education and equal opportunity within the classroom. There

are so many strategies that go into achieving this in the classroom, and a whole community of

people who are needed to support maintaining this inclusion. A quote I would like to add that

summarizes this nicely is “Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action.

Belonging is an outcome.” (Chan, 2023). As educators, it is our responsibility to ensure

classroom inclusivity. This is an aspect of my career that I will forever prioritize.

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CAST. (2022, February 8). About universal design for learning. CAST. Retrieved April

2023, from

Chan, A. (2023, January 4). 20 powerful quotes on Inclusive Classroom. Inclusive

Classroom Quotes. Retrieved April 2023, from

Family Support Network. (2023). Least Restrictive Environment . Least restrictive

environment (LRE). Retrieved April 2023, from,The%20intent%20of%20L


Michigan Department of Education. (2021, November). Individualized Education Program

(IEP) - Michigan. Retrieved April 2023, from


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