Feasibility Study - Bangladesh
Feasibility Study - Bangladesh
Feasibility Study - Bangladesh
February 2018
(Contract Package No. S-89)
WMSPL/RE/16-17/EGCBL/FSR-Rev0 _ Issue E
FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Power Cell, Power Division Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources,
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Bidyut Bhaban (Level- 1 0) I Abdul Gani Road, Dhaka-l000, Bangladesh
Prepared by
Suntrace GmbH - Germany and EQMS Consulting Ltd. – Bangladesh
WMSPL/RE/16-17/EGCBL/FSR-Rev0 _ Issue E
FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
This study has been carried out in good faith in order to provide a
. comprehensive documentation of the expert evaluation and
analysis of the project at its current status, based on the
information available at the time of the study. However, the
consultant makes no warranty – implied or expressive – with
respect to the accuracy, correctness, completeness or
appropriateness of any information contained in this document. The
information in this document is solely for the use of the client and
may only be used for the agreed purpose. The Consultant
undertakes no duty to or accepts no responsibility to any third party
who may rely on this document.
WMSPL/RE/16-17/EGCBL/FSR-Rev0 _ Issue E
FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
PowerCell, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has planned to enhance its
renewable energy capacity and to gear up to meet the demand for growth of the sector and the economy of the Country.
The Director General of PowerCell signed a contract on 04th December 2016 to appoint M/s WFMS Management Services
Pvt Ltd, India (WFMS) as consultant for conducting “Feasibility Study for Development of Utility Scale Solar PV & Wind
Projects in Bangladesh” at identified location (Contract package No. S-89).
WFMS, M/s Suntrace GmbH – Germany (Suntrace) and M/s EQMS Consulting Ltd – Bangladesh (EQMS) are in consortium
for delivering this assignment.
This assignment is to provide consultancy services to develop a comprehensive feasibility study as per terms of reference
(TOR) to take further decisions by PowerCell and World Bank (financer of this assignment).
WFMS has submitted the inception report (task 1 of TOR) and first version of draft feasibility study report (FSR) (task 2 of
TOR) of the assignment.
The main objective of this assignment is to prepare FSR for viable solar PV and wind energy power project at the project site.
We would like to thank Mr. Mohd Hossain - Director General-PowerCell, Mr. Md. Abdur Rouf Miah – Director (Sustainable
Energy), Mr Q.A. Sharhan Sadique – Deputy Director (Sustainable Energy) and Dr. Kazi M Humayun Kabir – Project Director
for Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh (EGCB) for their unstinted support, guidance and patience. Without their
leadership and vision, this project would not have been conceptualised and planned.
We are also thankful to Mr. Zubair Sadique – Senior Energy Specialist of World Bank and Mr. Joonkyung Seong of World
Bank for their drive, zeal and long term commitment to the development of sustainable energy in Bangladesh.
Last but not the least we would like to thank all the staff members of the Sonagazi Upazilla UNO office, PGCB and EGCB for
their cooperation and hospitality to WFMS and consortium members.
We apologise for not being able to individually name each and every person who have contributed, guided and enriched this
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has taken a systematic approach towards renewable energy (RE) development
including relevant policy and institutional development. As per the National Renewable Energy Policy 2008, the plan is to add
2000 MW by 2020 from renewable sources. EGCBL has identified a potential site to develop an aggregate capacity of
200 MW from solar PV and wind at Sonagazi Upazilla under Feni District. In continuation to this RE deployment in the
country, “Power Cell”, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy, & Mineral Resources (the Client) is carrying out a project
“Feasibility Study for Development of Utility-Scale Solar PV and Wind Project Bangladesh” financed and supported by World
Bank under the ongoing Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development II (RERED II). This project will meet the
national renewable energy plan of Bangladesh as outlined in the National Renewable Energy Policy 2008 and will also serve
a potential path to avail the RE benefits towards sustainable development of the country.
The Client has appointed WinDForce Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (WFMS) - India in consortium with Suntrace GmbH -
Germany and EQMS Consulting Ltd. – Bangladesh through international competitive bidding and tendering process to
prepare a feasibility study report. The aim of the project is to support the development of utility-scale solar PV and wind power
at Sonagazi Upazilla under Feni District in Bangladesh to address the national renewable energy plan of Bangladesh.
This feasibility study report outlines the techno-economic feasibility of setting up Solar PV and Wind Power project at
Sonagazi Upazilla under Feni District of Bangladesh.
This feasibility study has identified and assessed all possible options of capacity mix at the site to meet different objectives of
technology mix, costs of generation, sustainability etc. set by Power Cell and EGCB. Following are the identified and
assessed options:
1.) Option 1 (reference case): it has 100 MWac (136.06 MWdc) solar PV with 24 MWac wind.
2.) Option 2: it has the reference case (100 MWac solar PV with 24 MWac wind) plus additional 54MWac solar PV in
between shadow free area of WTGs.
3.) Option 3: it has only solar PV of 262 MWac (356.53 MWdc) at the entire site and no wind power system.
4.) Option 4: it has 172 MWac (234.050 MWdc) solar PV and 10 MWac wind power project with 262 acres (26% of entire
land) for livelihood purpose like fishery and agriculture around WTGs area.
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
5.) Option 5: It has 166 MWac (225.85 MWdc) solar PV and 10 MWac wind power project with Fishery activity beneath
the solar PV modules.
6.) Option 6: It has 182 MWac (247 MWdc) solar PV power project with Fishery activity beneath the solar PV modules.
7.) Option 7 (recommended option): It has 200 MWac (272 MWdc) solar PV power project with intensive fishery on
around 25% land of the total area for livelihood purpose (no wind power project).
For solar PV technology selection and comparative study we have used Option 1 (reference case) solar PV (100 MWac) as
During the conceptual layout optimisation and technology selection, the reference case based on 100 MWac has been
considered. The resulting plant parameters of the reference case have been applied for assessing different capacity options
and evaluate the recommended option for the project site.
The study has analysed different technical options including module technology and mounting structure and conceptual plant
parameters such as the optimal tilt angle, pitch, and DC/AC ratio of the system have been optimised. The following table
shows the variation of module technologies for the reference case scenario:
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
The analysis has shown that the polycrystalline module technology offers not only a considerable track record and proven
reliability, but also a slight cost advantage in term of LCOEs compared to monocrystalline modules and similar results when
compared to thin film technology, and has thus been selected for further analysis. The thin film and monocrystalline module
technologies however should not be excluded during tendering stage.
Moreover, the single axis tracked system has been examined more closely. The following table shows the analysis of different
mounting systems for the 100 MW AC reference case solar PV power plant:
Parameter Unit Fixed-tilt system Single axis tracking system
Energy Yield GWh/year 202.02 222.88
Total area Ha 135 227
CAPEX M USD 144.76 154.82
OPEX M USD 1.73 1.98
LCOE USD cents/kWh 9.36 9.13
Single axis tracking system has less cost in terms of LCOE compared to fixed-tilt system and the specific yield is about 10%
higher while about 68% more area per MWac is required. Due to short field experience with trackers and complications posed
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
by flooding at the site, fixed-tilt system is considered for this study. As Single axis tracking system are showing increasing
adoption in recent years, selection of mounting system can be left open to bidders during tendering stage.
Subsequently, the tilt angle and pitch (distance between rows) has been optimised for the selected fixed-tilt system. The
following figure shows the results of the tilt angle and pitch variation.
Source: Simulation
The above figure shows that a low specific area requirement of 1ha/MWp has been selected for the fixed-tilt system resulting
in an optimal tilt angle of 15° and a pitch of 8.9m (GCR 65%) with shading loss <2% compared to the case with 1.56 ha/MWp.
Moreover,the DC module capacity has been optimised against the AC inverter output capacity in terms of a techno-economic
optimisation, as shown in the below figure. A DC/AC ratio larger or equal than 1.35 provides most attractive LCOEs for both,
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
the fixed-tilt system and the single axis tracked system, with only marginal differences if further increased to 1.4 or 1.45. For
technical reasons a DC/AC ratio of 1.36 has been considered for the reference case.
Source: Simulation
To analyse suitable capacities, the economies of scale have been estimated in the following. The table shows the analysis of
different system capacities for the fixed-tilt reference case configuration:
Parameter Unit 260MWac 100 MWac 50 MWac 30 MWac 10 MWac
Energy Yield GWh/a 525.25 202.02 101.01 60.61 20.20
Total area Ha 351 135 67 40 14
CAPEX M USD 308.26 144.76 80.42 60.16 35.05
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The above table shows that, with decreasing system capacities, the LCOE increases due to the economies of scale. A large
capacity >30 MW for the pilot project is recommended also to get international players into bidding.
In general, it should be noted that the evaluation of different technical configurations during the feasibility analysis is based on
the applied technical and financial assumptions. During tendering stage, the layout optimisation and selection of modules,
inverters, mounting structure, DC/AC ratio etc. should be left open to the bidders. The tender documents should provide the
minimum technical specifications and information required to enable competitive and responsive bids and not a bill of
This study shows the average wind speed for the Region of Interest (RoI) at a typical hub-height of 100 m above the ground
(observing the long term wind speed trends), as shown in the below map (with best 20 wind turbine locations across the
entire site):
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Source: Simulation
Selected wind turbine generators (WTG) are known for operating in low wind regions with the capability of generating power
at a lower cut-in wind speeds. These wind turbine generators which have wider blades, can reach rated power at wind speeds
much lower than compared to other WTG models.
These WTG models are mainstream IEC-61400 fully certified turbine. The typical technological parameters about the WTG
models have been tabulated below:
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In this task, the potential capacity of the site was assessed considering the trade-off between performance of wind turbines
and land utilization per megawatt of capacity installed. The three best in class wind generators: Gamesa-G114-2.0MW,
Vestas-V110-2.0 MW and Suzlon-S111-2.1MW models have been considered while estimating the long term energy yields as
it represents predominant wind technology and appropriate WTG class suited at the site. These WTG models are mainstream
IEC-61400 fully certified turbine. Micrositing was carried out with both the above models with turbine spacing criteria i.e. 5D x
7D to arrive at an optimal layout of the wind-farm. The model optimized the positioning of WTGs considering the gross energy
yield, spacing criteria and existing terrain.
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PLF values at probabilities of exceedance (PoE) P50 and P75 and gross & net AEP using Gamesa G114 2.0 MW, Vestas
V110 2.0 MW and Suzlon S111 2.1 MW WTG models with spacing criteria of 5D x 7D have been derived at the wind farm
level consisting all identified 20 WTG locations at the site is given in below table.
*Gross AEP *Gross PLF **Net AEP **Net PLF
WTGs Model PoE
(GWh/year) (%) (GWh/year) (%)
Gamesa G114-2MW P50 66.46 18.97% 57.93 16.53%
Gamesa G114-2MW P75 52.91 15.10% 46.12 13.16%
Vestas G110-2MW P50 62.73 17.90% 54.68 15.60%
Vestas G110-2MW P75 49.18 14.03% 42.87 12.23%
Selected technology:
The study has analysed and identified following suitable technology for the project:
1.) A fixed-tilt solar PV system based on central inverter and polycrystalline module technology stands out as the preferred
configuration for the project site.
2.) Gamesa G114 2.0MW Model stands out as the preferred configuration for the site.
The following options were analyzed so far, created to meet different objectives of technology mix, costs of generation,
sustainability etc. set by Power Cell and EGCB.
Option 1 (Reference Case) 100 MWac (136.06 MWdc) Solar PV with 24 MWac Wind in distinct manner
100 MWac (136.06 MWdc) Solar PV with 24 MWac Wind in distinct manner along with
Option 2 extra 54MWac Solar PV in WTGs shadow free area.
Option 3 Only 262 MWac (356.53 MWdc) Solar PV with no wind
Option 4
172 MWac (234.050 MWdc) Solar PV with 10 MWac Wind and Intensive fishery activity
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Different objectives of technology mix, costs of generation, sustainability etc. set by Power Cell and EGCB, Option 7 comes
out the more suitable option among all.
a.) Following comparative analysis shows the rationale to choose the Option 7 as the recommended option (Only Solar PV,
No wind):
Solar PV Wind
Site is having good solar resource and generation Site is having less wind resource and generation
potential. (As per resource potential assessment) potential.
1 MWdc solar PV would require 2.4 Acres land 1 MWac wind would require 7.4 Acres land
(1 MWac solar PV would require 3.3 Acres land)
If 10 MWac wind (74.3 Acres of land) is replaced with complete solar PV then it can accommodate additional ≈30
MWdc solar PV capacity on the same land.
30 MWac solar PV would produce 58 GWhr per year net 10 MWac wind (using same land as 30 Mwac Solar)
electricity would produce 14.9 GWhr per year net electricity
LCOE = 10 USD cents / kWh (As per financial analysis, it LCOE = 18 USD cents / kWh
does not include the cost and revenue of fishery, but it
includes fishery’s impacts on foundation, civil & Structure
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Associated Infrastructure cost: for solar PV need to Associated Infrastructure cost: for wind along with solar
strengthen the existing 4 m wide road it costs around 23.77 PV need to develop 9.8 m wide new road (this stretch of
Mn Taka, there is no need of development of a new road or road consists of 3 Bridges of 8m, 20m, 30m respectively
Jetty. and 2 Culverts (both of 3m length), it costs around
147.1 Mn Taka. there would be need of detailed study
and development of a new road or Jetty.
For the proposed site only solar PV installation with no wind is recommended, based on comparative analysis.
b.) Following comparative analysis shows the rationale to choose the Option 7 as the recommended option (Only Solar PV
with Intensive Fishery at open land in distinct manner):
Parameters Intensive Fish Culture Semi Intensive Fish Culture
Production (kg per year per Acre) 40000 @40 MT/acre 4000 @4 MT/acre
OPEX (Taka per year per Acre) 3200000 @80 BDT/kg 240000 @60 BDT/kg
Revenue (Taka per year per Acre) 5600000 @140 BDT/kg 560000 @140 BDT/kg
Capex (Taka per Acre) 600000 (@15BDT/kg 80000 @20 BDT/kg
Fish culture independent – solar Solar panels will be spaced at a
Operation of Solar Plant production can be maximized. larger pitch. O&M difficulties in
No O&M Difficulties accessing panels through a Boat
LCOE of solar plant
accommodating fishery 10.1 USD cents/kWh 10.8 USD cents/kWh
Intensive fish culture on open land is a better option to Semi-intensive fish culture beneath the panels, due to 10 times
better productivity (fish productivity), relatively higher solar generation (in term of units generated), lower LCOE, and less
operational complexity.
Conclusion: Based on GoB Bangladesh’s requirement of livelihood, site parameters/location, ease in EPC & O&M, financial
attractiveness and comparative study, Option 7 comes out as more appropriate option for the proposed site. Hence Option 7
is the recommended option from this feasibility assessment study. The recommended Option 7 would be developed in two
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Project development
This study has presented two phases of development of this project, in Phase-1 solar PV of 50 MWac capacity will be
executed and remaining solar PV i.e. 150 MWac solar PV capacity will be executed in Phase-2. Following table shows the
proposed phasing for the recommended Option 7:
Phase-1 Phase-2 Remark
Parameter Unit
Solar PV Balance Solar PV
Land leveling, associated
dike & infrastructure work,
Capacity MWdc 68 204
Pooling SS and Approach
Road will be developed.
MWac 50 150
Total MWac 200
Phase-2: Tariff discovered
Model - EPC, with 5 years O&M BOOT model
through bidding.
Ownership - EGCB IPP/PPP
Power sale - BPDB BPDB
Expected date of commissioning - Apr-19 Apr-20
Financial analysis
The project financials have been analysed using a tailor-made financial model. During the techno-financial analysis target
equity IRR of 15% has been applied to determine the respective LCOE for each PV plant configuration. The key input
parameters for the financial model are, among others, the technical input data, such as the estimated annual electricity yield,
the investment cost (CAPEX), operation and maintenance cost (OPEX) and assumptions regarding the financing scheme.
Along with these parameters, data and standard formulas are used to perform the calculations.
The study identified the potential installation capacity of solar PV and wind along with its LCOE (financial analysis) for all the
prepared Options, which as follows:
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196.3 30.6 301.2 30.6 514.5 337.7 12.7 327.2 12.7 360.1 392.4
Energy GWhr/yr 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 9 4 9 1 4 9 6 9 5 4
134.5 26.4 207.2 26.4 352.5 231.4 11.0 291.1 11.0 319.2 269.1
Total Area Ha 0.00 0.00
7 5 4 5 7 5 2 6 2 2 3
129.9 36.2 184.4 34.8 292.4 208.4 14.4 222.3 14.6 241.7 237.0
CAPEX m USD 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 3 1 0 2 2 4 0 9 9 0
OPEX USD/annu 1.71 0.48 2.55 0.48 4.21 0.00 2.99 0.20 3.67 0.20 4.01 0.00 3.42 0.00
USD cents 19.5 18.5 17.8 18.0
LCOE 11.32 10.28 9.43 0.00 10.30 11.49 11.33 0.00 10.04 0.00
/ kWh 3 6 2 7
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The weighted average of phase 1 and phase 2 Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for the recommended option 7 configuration
with 200 MW AC is 10.04 USD cents / kWh with an annual electricity production of 392.7 GWh/yr (net) at P75 confidence level.
The study identified the potential installation capacity of solar PV with its LCOE (financial analysis) for recommended option 7,
which is as follows (P75):
Option 7 (in two Phases)
Phase-1 Phase-2
Parameter Unit
Solar PV Solar PV
Technology Fixed-tilt solar PV system based on central inverter and polycrystalline module technology
MWdc 68 204
Capacity MWac 50 150
Total MWac 200
Net Energy Yield GWhr/yr 98.12 294.32
Total Area Ha 67.3 201.85
CAPEX m USD 66.37 170.63
OPEX m USD 0.94 2.48
USD cents /
kWh 10.18 9.99
As we know, solar PV technology is cheaper than power generation by diesel/HFO generators, unit cost of electricity
generation is 25.80 to 38.40 Tk/kWh average HSD generation cost and 14.15 to 19.30 Tk/kWh HFO generation cost (BPDB,
annual report 2015-2016). Cost of power generation by renewable energy is fixed for its project lifetime e.g. 25 years for solar
PV, whereas cost of power generation by diesel generators is subject to inflation.
Economic analysis
Considering externalities and benefits economic analysis has been done, following table shows the economic analysis result
of this assessed seven options:
Following table shows the economic analysis of the all assessed Options:
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
ERR- HFO replacement % 22.00% 25.01% 29.54% 27.26% 24.86% 25.74% 28.45%
NPV- HFO replacement MnUSD 191.33 309.92 530.9 410.1 322.32 347.59 460.43
Payback period- HFO replacement #years 4.69 4.12 3.48 3.75 4.12 3.98 3.59
As can be seen from the above financial and economic analysis that, among proposed seven Options, Option 3 seems more
economically viable compare to other options, but as per the requirement of the country, site and client to cater livelihood
along with this project, Option 7 seems suitable among all (as rationale to choose Option 7 has been provided in above
Hence in this FSR we have considered Option 7 more suitable to the site. However decision is open with the client to choose
any Option as per their further requirements.
Following table shows the economic analysis (3E evaluation) of Option 7 (recommended option):
Economic Analysis (3E evaluation) of the recommended final option 7
Diesel HFO
3E Parameter Unit Remark
Replacement Replacement
ERR % 36% 28%
NPV m USD 659.39 460.43
Years 2.85 3.59
Economic period
This assumes social carbon value of avoided CO2
emissions as per USEPA, considered for entire
SC-CO2 m USD 88.20 100.73
project life @ 14 USD/tCO2, 5% average, 2020-
Environment GHG ktCO2e 6299.738 7194.872 Carbon emission savings over the life of the project
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Energy Savings from fuel reduction will further cut import
fossil fuel m USD 2574.50 1915.35
Security costs of these items.
Social benefits in terms of incomes, health, education,
Many other indirect social benefits may result from
employment and general human well-being from power,
Social this project. A separate detailed study may be done
connectivity and such additional support infrastructure for the
for exact estimation of the same.
Above Economic analysis shows that, among proposed seven Options, Option 3 seems more economically viable compare to
other options, but as per the requirement of the country, site and client to cater livelihood along with this project, Option 7
(recommended option) seems suitable among all.
Hence in this FSR we have considered Option 7 more suitable to the site. However decision is open with the client to choose
any Option as per their further requirements.
This economic analysis shows that, the project is having 3E benefit for the country at macro level, which this project can
achieve through different means like GHG emissions avoidance, SC-CO2, social benefits, energy security, health benefit and
job creation etc.
I. Goal 7 “Clean energy for everyone”: Secure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for
II. Goal 9 “Industrial and technological innovation and social infrastructure”: By developing robust infrastructure, promote
inclusive and sustainable industrialization and also expand technological innovation.
III. Goal 13 “Urgent handling of climate change”: Take urgent countermeasures for climate change and its impact.
Note: There is further need of detailed study of externalities and benefits of this project.
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Grid connection
PGCB requires to ensure adequate and reliable power supply for the upcoming economic zone at Mirsarai in Chittagong, to
establish transmission infrastructure for transfer of electricity generated from upcoming coal/LNG power plants at Moheskhali
and Matarbari to the major load centers and to meet the rapidly growing demand of residential, commercial and industrial
consumers in the southern region (in Gopalganj, Satkhira, Faridpur, Khulna, Chittagong and Greater Barisal Districts), as well
as other locations throughout Bangladesh. This GSS can be used for this RE project.
This proposed RE project will be developed in two phases, first phase will be 50 MWac solar PV only and second phase will
be remaining of solar PV capacity.
Mirsarai 230 kV GSS of PGCB may be an option for power evacuation but BEZA substation of PGCB (under construction) will
be suitable substation for power evacuation of this RE project", based on discussions and suggestion from PGCB.
The various assessed power evacuation and interconnection options are given in chapter 2.
Analysis of all the transportation options and consideration of practical aspects, constraints, use and cost, the transportation
through road seems more viable in terms of transporting the required materials and equipments etc. and in future the same
road can be used by the nearby communities too for their purpose along with the project use.
Following table shows the cost (as per Bangladesh road category type-7) of strengthening of existing west side road of the
project location for the project.
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According to the interviews conducted with locals, 25% of the site is almost permanently flooded. The tide regularly intensifies
the flooded area to 50%.
Apart from this regular flooding the proposed project area is prone to seasonal inundation during the monsoons. Water from
the Feni and Dakatiya rivers often breach the riverbanks and come inside the proposed site. Inputs from locals suggest that
water ingress takes places during full moon and maximum water level is around 9-12 inches above ground inside the
proposed site. The maximum historical high water level has been 5 meters during the super-cyclone of 1991 (that was an
extreme event in the past).
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There might be possibilities of such super-cyclones and resultant flooding but these events have had a frequency of 3-4
instances over 50 years.
We have collected last 50 years surface water level (flooding data) from three meteorological measuring stations of BWDB
and analysed and forecasted the scenario for coming 25 years.
The Analysis has provided that the maximum possible forecasted surface water level (from all sources of flooding i.e. rain,
surge storm, back flooding etc.) which may go is around 4 meter.
These frequent occurrences of flooding events need to be taken into account for the layout of the solar PV plant. Different
options for protecting the solar PV plant against floods are assessed such as:
a. Elevated PV plant
b. Floating PV plant
c. Dike for flood protection surrounding the PV plant
The detailed techno-economic analysis has been done for the comparison of “5 m elevated structure” with the “1.5 m elevated
structure” following is the comparative result of the analysis:
Above analysis result table shows that, cost of structure and foundation for “5m elevated solar system” is around 88% higher
compare to “1.5 m elevated solar system”. Hence the option of high elevation of solar PV system is not viable in terms of cost
and other above mentioned disadvantages.
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Comparative analysis of these possible three flood protection options (based on up to date information, cost analysis and
collected and analysed hydrological data of last 50 years from BWDB) shows that the combination of elevated structure (1.5
meter height) and dike (5 meter height) is the most suitable option for the site.
Project site is having two major natural streams, which act in monsoon and flow from populated villages to towards sea coast,
passing through the site. These existing natural streams shall be restored with proper embankment at both the sides of these
natural streams.
Following table shows the key associated risks to the project and their mitigation measures:
Categor Risk Allocated to Mitigation
y of Risk manifestation Party
Climate Tidal Inundation Project The major adaptation measure against flooding in the coastal region of
change/ Developer Bangladesh is the construction of earthen dike along the rivers as well
Natural as parallel to coastline. The dikes are designed primarily to prevent
Disaster flooding during high astronomical tides and are found useful during
Risk cyclone-generated storm surge too.
Tropical Cyclones Project Increasing Dike Height: Dikes obstruct the penetration of surge wave to
and Storm Surges Developer and the land and even if the surge overtops them, the wave energy reduces
Sponsor/Forest to a considerable extent. The Project Specific Proposed Dike height has
Department been defined after analysis and assessment of last 50 years historical
(Gov. of meteorological stations’ data and forecasted for 25 years and regression
Bangladesh) analysis has been done to arrive at the suitable Dike height.
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Approvals, permits Project All the requisite approvals, permits and clearances for the project
and Clearances Developer & (Statutory and Non-Statutory) should be obtained by the Project
Governmental Developer by the appropriate regulating Governmental Authorities. The
Authorities Governmental Authorities (subject to approval requirements and Project
Developer’s capacity to provide same, as per contractual stipulations)
shall assure issuance. Obtaining all approvals, permits and clearances
are a prerequisite for financial closure.
Completion Project Liquidated damages for delay in task/project completion on account of
Developer default of the EPC contractor has to be provided in the EPC contract for
each component of project procurement.
Technolo Relatively new Sponsor Full recourse to sponsors until completion
gical/Fun technology
Disruption in Operator O&M contract with incentives and penalties; Operator = Sponsor,
production, mal- incentivized by dividend shortfalls or over-performance
higher cost than Operator, contingent equity (guarantees) to come up for curing measures (e.g.
nal &
scheduled for Sponsors sand dune walls)
instance, migrating
ment risk
sand dunes or
higher cost for
Lower sales Power off-taker Long-term PPA with defined purchase volume OR merchant plant risk,
Market volume in which case higher equity in project as buffer to banks
risk Lower prices Power off-taker Long-term PPA with defined prices or merchant plant risk, in which case
higher equity percentage as buffer to Lenders
Energy Less solar Sponsors Contingent equity injections from Sponsors, that could be used e.g. to
Yield irradiation than enlarge solar field
Risk and predicted
e risk
Financial FX risk Sponsors/ Hedging, local currency funding in debt and equity
risk Lenders
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CHAPTER - 1......................................................................................................................................................................... 43
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................... 43
CHAPTER - 2......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
CHAPTER - 3......................................................................................................................................................................... 77
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7.2.2 Operation and maintenance expenditures (OPEX) – solar PV plant ................................................................ 184
7.3.3 Operation and maintenance expenditures (OPEX) – Wind farm ...................................................................... 193
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REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................................... 216
Appendix A: Conceptual design of 200 MWac Solar PV with livelihood ................................................................................ 219
Appendix D: Risk assessment and comprehensive risk matrix and recommended mitigating measures - as applicable ...... 224
Appendix E: Analysis of rain fall data for last 50 years ......................................................................................................... 228
Appendix H: Analysis of last 50 years Surface Water Level (Flooding) ................................................................................. 234
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Figure 1: Site location map .................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3: Topographical map of the project site boundary with mouja map ........................................................................... 50
Figure 12: Floating solar plant of 1008 kWp located near Ono city, Japan ............................................................................ 69
Figure 17: Exemplary plant diagram for MVPS-2000SC inverter station ................................................................................ 88
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Figure 18: Annual energy yield respective to tilt angle and pitch ............................................................................................ 89
Figure 20: Comparison of data source(s) with best estimate GHI ........................................................................................ 102
Figure 21: Annual cycle of GHI from best estimate in comparison with various different data sources ................................ 103
Figure 22: Annual energy gain/loss sankey diagram obtained from PVsyst software........................................................... 109
Figure 23: Energy generation simulation results of 100 MWAC solar PV reference case plants at Sonagazi ........................ 110
Figure 24: Probability distribution for the reference case showing ....................................................................................... 112
Figure 26: Methodology followed for carrying out meso-scale modeling .............................................................................. 116
Figure 27: Methodology flow chart for computing wind speed at different heights ............................................................... 117
Figure 29: Digital elevation map of the Region of Interest (RoI) ........................................................................................... 123
Figure 30: Meso-scale wind speed map at 100m elevation for entire country ...................................................................... 124
Figure 32: Long term wind speed at 100m height for the RoI .............................................................................................. 127
Figure 33: Long term wind speed at 120m height for the RoI .............................................................................................. 128
Figure 34: Power Curve of Gamesa G114 at standard air density (1.225 kg/m3) ................................................................. 130
Figure 35: Power Curve of Vestas V110 at standard air density (1.225 kg/m3) .................................................................... 131
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Figure 36: Optimized layout of Wind turbine generators with Long term mean wind speed at 120m.................................... 132
Figure 37: Optimized layout of Wind turbine generators with Long term mean wind speed at 100m .................................... 133
Figure 40: Proposed block level layout of Wind-Solar PV Hybrid plant ................................................................................ 141
Figure 42: Robotic dry type solar module cleaning system .................................................................................................. 165
Figure 44: LCOE of solar PV in recommended option for Phase 1 and Phase 2 ................................................................. 188
Figure 46: Comparison of net electricity generation in the Bangladesh by fuel type ............................................................ 198
Figure 48: Eelevated PV plant concept for a fish farm underneath a 200MW PV in Zhejiang, China ................................... 208
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Table 1: Forecasting of annual daily maximum rainfall for the period of 2010 to 2066 (Dhaka) .............................................. 61
Table 3: Comparison of elevated structures as flood protection measure against a dike ....................................................... 65
Table 7: Variation of module technology for the reference case scenario .............................................................................. 81
Table 9: Comparison of fixed-tilt vs. single axis tracked system at DC/AC ratio of 1.36 ......................................................... 84
Table 11: Analysis of economies of scale based on the reference plant configuration ........................................................... 92
Table 12: Main characteristic of the fixed-tilt system for reference case................................................................................. 98
Table 13: Overview of the long-term GHI values from different data sets and the best estimate .......................................... 100
Table 14: Typical monthly averages of GHI [W/m2] from different data sources and best estimate ...................................... 104
Table 15: Summary of technical specifications for reference case ....................................................................................... 106
Table 16: Summary of energy losses for the reference case ............................................................................................... 108
Table 17: Summary of energy yield modelling uncertainties of reference case .................................................................... 111
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Table 18: Potential capacity with different WTGs model and spacing criteria at the entire site ............................................. 132
Table 19: Outline of inputs for computing of annual energy production ................................................................................ 134
Table 20: Optimal WTG positions with three WTGs model as per different spacing criteria ................................................. 135
Table 21: Estimated gross and net AEP of wind farm considering 20 WTGs ....................................................................... 136
Table 22: Uncertainty for energy with three selected WTG models for 20 years period ....................................................... 137
Table 30: Aquaculture sustaining optimum parameters along with solar PV system ............................................................ 150
Table 35: Solar PV V/s Wind project comparative assessment ............................................................................................ 158
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Table 36: Intensive fishery V/s Semi-intensive fishery comparative assessment ................................................................. 159
Table 39: BOQs of 200 MWac power evacuation in recommended option 7 ........................................................................ 172
Table 40: Power evacuation capacity and cost of recommended option 7 in both phases ................................................... 173
Table 41: Project development phasing for recommended option ........................................................................................ 176
Table 45: CAPEX assumptions for PV plant recommended Option 7 .................................................................................. 183
Table 46: OPEX assumptions for solar PV plant recommended Option 7 ............................................................................ 184
Table 48: CAPEX assumptions for wind farm (10 MWac) .................................................................................................... 192
Table 50: LCOE of the project in phasing for recommended option 7 (P75) ......................................................................... 196
Table 51: Economic analysis result of the project Options - 1 to 7 ....................................................................................... 201
Table 52: Economic analysis (3E evaluation) result of the recommended Option 7 ............................................................. 203
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Acronym Definition
AC Alternating Current
BOS Balance of System
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
COD Commercial Operation Date
DC Direct Current
DFS Detailed Feasibility Study
DHI Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance
DSRA Debt Service Reserve Account
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPC Engineering, Procurement, Construction
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
FC Financial Close
GHI Global Horizontal Irradiance
GI Global Irradiation
IAM Incidence Angle Modifier
ICEC International Cost Engineering Council
IDC Interest During Construction
IFC International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group
IRR Internal Rate of Return
LCOE Levelized Cost of Electricity
MW Megawatt
MY90 Meteorological Year (values exceeded with a probability of 90%)
NPV Net Present Value
P50 (Values exceeded with a) probability of 50%
POC Point Of Connection
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
PR Performance Ratio
PV Photovoltaic
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Bangladesh is a low lying country located on the Ganges Delta. 75 % of the country is less than 10 meters above sea level
and more than 700 rivers run through its borders. Approximately 162 million people live in a total area of 147,500 square
kilometers. Lack of access to modern energy services is one of the reasons for poverty and low economic development.
Almost 65.1% of Bangladesh’s 162 million citizens live in rural areas.
Different types of power plants generate electricity and synchronize it with the national grid in the Bangladesh. There are
some isolated diesel power stations at remote places and islands which are not connected with the National Grid. In the
Eastern Zone (eastern side of river Jamuna), electricity is generated from indigenous gas and a small percentage through
hydro power.
In the Western Zone, Coal and imported liquid fuel are used for generation of electricity. The fuel cost per unit generation in
the Western Zone is much higher than that of the Eastern Zone. Therefore, as a policy, low cost electricity generated in the
Eastern Zone is transferred to the Western Zone through the 230 kV East-West Inter connector transmission line.1
Electricity is the major source of power for most of the country's economic activities. Only about 74% of the population has
access to electricity including about 13% from renewable energy. Total installed electricity generation capacity was 11,265
MW in January, 2015. About 67% of generated power comes from natural gas and the rest is from liquid fuel, coal and
hydropower. The present share of renewable energy is only 1.5% i.e. 130 MW through the solar home systems that reached
3.8 million rural households.
The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has taken a systematic approach towards renewable energy (RE) development
including relevant policy and institutional development. As per the National Renewable Energy Policy 2008, the plan is to add
generation capacity of 2000 MW by 2020 from renewable sources. EGCBL has identified a potential site to develop an
aggregate capacity of 200 MW from solar PV and wind at Sonagazi Upazilla under Feni District. In continuation to this RE
deployment in the country, “Power Cell”, Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy, & Mineral Resources (the Client) is
carrying out a project “Feasibility Study for Development of Utility-Scale Solar PV and Wind Project Bangladesh” financed and
supported by World Bank under the ongoing Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development II (RERED II). This
project will meet the national renewable energy plan of Bangladesh as outlined in the National Renewable Energy Policy
2008 and will also serve a potential path to avail the RE benefits towards sustainable development of the country.
The Client has appointed Wind Force Management Services Pvt. Ltd. (WFMS) - India in consortium with Suntrace GmbH -
Germany and EQMS Consulting Ltd. – Bangladesh through international competitive bidding and tendering process to
1 http://www.bpdb.gov.bd/bpdb/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18
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prepare a feasibility study report for the development of utility-scale solar PV and wind power at Sonagazi Upazilla under Feni
District in Bangladesh to address the national renewable energy plan of Bangladesh.
This feasibility study report outlines techno-economic feasibility of setting up Solar PV and Wind Power project at Sonagazi
Upazilla under Feni District of Bangladesh.
This report shows the techno-economic feasibility of using different technical concepts of renewable energy (RE) i.e. wind and
solar PV technologies to identify the best suitable technological option(s) for the project site.
The objectives of this study are to assess the proposed project site for possible solar PV and wind system installations,
estimation of cost, tariff, performance, and site impacts of different RE technology options. In addition, the study explores
various development and financing options, ranging from pure public development to public-private partnership (PPP) and
independent power producer (IPP) modalities.
Project site feasibility assessment including topographic mapping of the site, available geophysical, soil, climate, solar and
weather data.
A conceptual design of the project, including estimation of installed capacity.
Detailed shading analysis
Estimated energy yields for a number of technologies that are most suitable for the identified sites. (as per TOR)
The land ownership and land use status assessment.
Transmission line and grid connection, including cost and potential barriers to achieve grid connection.
Power off-take options through analysing available existing grid condition.
The status of roads and accesses, water pipeline, green belt requirement and other associated facilities.
Permitting requirements and expected timeline and estimated costs for achieving these issues.
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The cost estimates for development, construction and operation of the project and predicted revenue, and cost-benefit
analysis for different technological options.
Financial and economic analysis for the technology suitable for commercial utility-scale grid connected solar power plants
at each of the selected sites.
The investment plan analysis as per TOR
The estimated local and global environmental benefits including climate, annual GHG reduction benefits attributable to the
renewable energy generation for the site.
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The project is located (as shown in figure 1) on the estuary region between the Feni and little Feni river in the Sonagazi
upazilla of Feni district, Chittagong division around 200 KMs south –east of Dhaka.
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The available area of the project site has a size of approximately 1000 acres. Figure 2 shows the boundary of the project site.
Source: WFMS
The site is situated in the eastern region of the little Feni and Feni River and has Feni River on the east, little Feni / Dakatiya
River on the west, the Bay of Bengal to the south and villages extending towards Sonagazi municipality on the north.
The consultant appointed the third party to conduct the topographical survey to mark the project boundary and relevant
structures. Following topographical figure shows the project site boundary with its Mouja map:
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Figure 3: Topographical map of the project site boundary with mouja map
Source: WFMS
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The access to the site is through narrow village roads, the roads are not suitable for continuous heavy vehicle movement.
During project construction phase, the EPC contractor will has to strengthen the existing roads or need to develop a new
proposed road
Adequate railway connectivity is available up to Feni district. The same railway lines go up to Chittagong which is the major
port of Bangladesh and has an international airport too. Using Chittagong airport and port facilities, major equipments can be
imported into Bangladesh and these can then be shifted to the site using barges considering the distances and ease of
access to site from the river banks.
Alternatively, using railway lines, containerised cargo can be moved to Feni and then taken to the site on truck. This way of
material transportation to the site will save time and cost associated with barging in rainy seasons and the cost associated
with building up jetties and material handling and storage facilities at the river bank close to the site.
At site, we found adequate high-speed data connection through existing mobile network. For additional bandwidth
requirement setting up of VSAT terminals or additional mobile cell sites are recommended.
As per analysis and consideration of practical aspects, constraints, use and cost, the transportation through road seems more
viable in terms of transporting the required materials and equipments etc. and in future the same road can be used by the
nearby communities too for their purpose along with the project use.
Analysis of all the transportation options and consideration of practical aspects, constraints, use and cost, the transportation
through road seems more viable in terms of transporting the required materials and equipments etc. and in future the same
road can be used by the nearby communities too for their purpose along with the project use.
Following table shows the cost (as per Bangladesh road category type-7) of strengthening of existing west side road of the
project location for the project.
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Following figure shows the proposed approach road (strengthening of existing west side road:
Source: WFMS
The existing 4 m wide road (from point A to B) is recommended to be strengthening for the project activity as per Bangladesh
Type 7 road type.
Following figure shows the associated cost of road strengthening and widening of existing road (from point A to B).
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Source: WFMS
Assessment result and cross section of this approach road is provided in the Annexure I.
2.4 Geography
Sonagazi is located at 22°51′00″N 91°23′30″E / 22.8500°N 91.3917°E . It has 37,1842 households and a total area of
235.07 km².
2 https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Sonagazi%20Upazila&item_type=topic
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It is situated in the southern part of the district, the only Upazila to have a coastline with the Bay of Bengal. Sonagazi is noted
for its natural beauty, a sluice gate, known as "Muhuri Project", built in the late 1970s to control water flow of the Feni River is
a popular tourist destination as well.
The site soil is primarily alluvial/loamy soil deposited by the river. It is mostly land deposited in the area by the rivers over a
long period of time and changing course of the rivers has currently left this area available for cultivation and fishery.
The consultant appointed the third party to conduct the geotechnical investigation of the site, the geotech study report has
been used for designing and costing of relevant infrastructure of the project.
The scope of work for soil investigation of the site was as following:
The detailed geotechnical investigation report is separately provided along with this FSR.
Following images show the conducted geotechnical investigation work of the site:
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Source: WFMS
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2.5 Demography
It is bounded by Feni sadar upazila on the north, Companiganj (noakhali) upazila on the south, Mirsharai upazila on the east,
Companiganj and Daganbhuiyan upazilas on the west.
Total population of the upazila is 235,2293 (urban=12249, rural=222980), male 115680 and female 119549. It has 9 Unions,
94 Mouzas, and 95 Villages with density of 1001 per km².
1.) The site is surrounded by the Feni River to the east and Dakatiya River to the west. Water for usage during civil
construction phase can be easily pumped from these rivers.
2.) Additionally, there are minor water bodies within the site area which can be used. During the project’s operational stage,
water for the O&M e.g. for module cleaning can directly be pumped from the existing water bodies.
3.) Around the site, hand pumps are usually used to draw groundwater (as per land revenue and irrigation department
officials of the local UNO). Since the water table is as high as 6 meters from the surface therefore setting up multiple
shallow bore wells for module cleaning system can be done.
4.) Considering site location and salinity of the site being coastal area, automatic dry type robotic module cleaning can also
be an option (for further details refer section 5.5 of this FSR).
Thirty-five percent of the Bangladesh sits on top of actively deforming region, including the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, with
16 million people living in its metropolitan area. In addition, this fold belt extends into western Myanmar and north-eastern
India. These observations raise the possibility that detachments may be capable of producing earthquakes with severe
ground shaking. This is particularly worrisome because detachments form some of the largest faults on Earth, underlying
many populated basins, including 35% of Bangladesh.
3 http://en.banglapedia.org/index.php?title=Sonagazi_Upazila
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Source: Google
Above figure shows that the proposed project site comes under Seismic Zone II (Moderate risk) therefore during project
development this seismic effect should be considered in design and development.
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Source: www.earthobservatory.sq
4 http://www.earthobservatory.sg/project/bangladesh-active-faults-chittagong-tripura-fold-belt)
5 http://www.thedailystar.net/news-detail-3917
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The benefits of establishing set-back zones along the coast are well-
recognized and practiced around the world. There are different
ranges of set-back zones in different countries (8–3 000 meters)
India has adopted a 500-metre set-back zone. Bangladesh is also
considering the establishment of set-back distances along the
coastline. This will restrict certain uses, such as the construction of
residential blocks and hotels within a specified distance. In the
absence of set-back distances, hotels and other infrastructures are
being indiscriminately built on the beaches of Cox’s Bazar, St
Martin’s Island and other locations. For the Bangladesh coast, a set-
back distance of 50 meters in general, 100 meters for non-polluting
industries and 200 meters for polluting industries can be considered.6
Source: http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ag124e/AG124E05.htm
6 http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ag124e/AG124E05.htm
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The geographic location and climatic pattern: Bangladesh is located at the foot of the highest mountain range in the
world, the Himalayas, which is also the highest precipitation zone in the world. This rainfall is caused by the influence
of the southwest monsoon. Cherapunji, highest rainfall in the world, is located a few kilometres north east of the
Bangladesh border
The confluence of three major rivers, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna: the runoff from their vast
catchment (about 1.72 million km²) passes through a small area, only 8% of these catchments lie within Bangladesh.
During the monsoon season the amount of water entering Bangladesh from upstream is greater than the capacity of
the rivers to discharge in to the sea.
Bangladesh is a land of rivers: there are about 310 major and minor rivers in the country. The total annual runoff of
surface water flowing through the rivers of Bangladesh is about 12,000 billion cubic meters.
Man-made environment: the construction of embankments in the upstream catchments reduces the capacity of the
flood plains to store water. The unplanned and unregulated construction of roads and highways in the flood plain
without adequate opening creates obstructions to flow.
The influence of tides and cyclones: the frequent development of low pressure areas and storm surges in the Bay of
Bengal can impede drainage. The severity of flooding is greatest when the peak floods of the major rivers coincide
with these effects.
Long term environmental changes: climate changes could influence the frequency and magnitude of flooding. A higher
sea level will inhibit the drainage from the rivers to the sea and increase the impact of tidal surges. Deforestation in
hilly catchments causes more rapid and higher runoff, and hence more intense flooding.
The springtides of the Bay of Bengal retard the drainage of floodwater into the sea and locally increase monsoon flooding. A
rise of MSL at times during the monsoon period due to effect of monsoon winds also adversely affect the drainage and raise
the flood level along the coastal belt.
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Extreme rainfall can create flooding in the project area. A study by Ahammed, published in 2014 shows the historical and
forecasted maximum rainfall daily as shown in the table 1 and 2 below.
Table 1: Forecasting of annual daily maximum rainfall for the period of 2010 to 2066 (Dhaka)
Source: Researchgate
Besides, the annual flood reports from 2012 to 2014 of the Bangladesh Water Development Board have been reviewed and
the following maximum precipitations per day and month have been found:
Maximum precipitation per day: 373 mm (June 2012; South East Hill Basin, Chittagong)
Maximum precipitation per month: 790 mm (May 2013; Meghana Basin)
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Following figure shows the South East Hill Basin and Meghan Basin:
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We have collected last 50 years rain fall data in mm per day from CL358 meteorological measuring station of Bangladesh
Water Development Board (BWDB) and analysed the data (that is more site specific compare to above mention for Meghna
basin data from Annual Flood Report 2014).
Out of these last 50 years data, 13 May 1984 has the maximum occurred precipitation data i.e. 280.20 mm per day. If we
conservatively consider that, the same rate of rain fall continuously occur for 4 days then the project site can collect the 1.12
meter of water level within the site (considering the Dike around the periphery).
The Analysis has provided that the maximum possible water logging within the project site can be 1.12 m because of this
maximum continuous rain fall for 4 days.
Besides precipitation, the possibility of ground water entering the diked area must be considered. Therefore following can be
Possible solutions:
According to interviews with locals 25% of the site is almost permanently flooded. Tide regularly increases the flooded area to
Apart from this regular flooding the proposed project area is prone to seasonal inundation during the monsoons. Water from
the Feni and Dakatiya rivers often breach the riverbanks and come inside the proposed site. Inputs from locals suggest that
water ingress takes places during full moon and maximum water level is around 9-12 inches above ground inside the
proposed site. The maximum historical high water level has been 5 meters during the super-cyclone of 1991 (that was an
extreme event in the past).
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There might be possibilities of such super-cyclones and resultant flooding but these events have had a frequency of 3-4
instances over 50 years.
We have collected last 50 years surface water level (flooding data) from three meteorological measuring stations of BWDB
and analysed and forecasted the scenario for coming 25 years.
The Analysis has provided that the maximum possible forecasted surface water level (from all sources of flooding i.e. rain,
surge storm, back flooding etc.) which may go is around 4 meter.
Result of this surface water level (flooding) analysis is provided in the Annexure H.
These frequent occurrences of flooding events need to be taken into account for the layout of the solar PV plant. Different
options for protecting the solar PV plant against floods are considered such as:
d. Elevated PV plant
e. Floating PV plant
f. Dike for flood protection surrounding the PV plant
a. Elevated PV plant
to allow for alternative use of the land (e.g. farming and cattle breeding)
avoidance of direct contact of sensitive components with brackish water
Elevated mounting structure is considered as not a reasonable option because of following reasons:
Because of brackish water coming into the site approx. 4 months every year, the benefit of agricultural use is limited
and vegetation is poor.
Marine grade steel frames or concrete foundations must be used which would increase the CAPEX.
Corrosion might be a major problem. Additional costs for adapting the components (inverters, transformers, combiner
boxes, connectors) to the saline environment have to be taken into account and a proper installation has to be
ensured to avoid downtimes of the plant and additional operation and maintenance costs.
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Manufacturers might not provide approval for mounting their components on a site flooded with brackish water. Official
approvals from manufacturers are needed to avoid problems regarding warranty claims at a later time.
All electrical parts of the plant including modules, combiner boxes, inverters, transformers and switchgears etc. would
require an elevated supporting structure.
The height and static of the elevated structure has to account also for extreme flooding events to avoid any damages
on the equipment.
During the presence of flooding events, the maintenance of the equipment would be only possible to a limited extent.
For maintenance work on the inverter stations, ladders would be necessary to allow adequate access to the platforms.
Maintenance work on the combiner boxes, modules and mounting structure would require mobile platforms with
Module cleaning would be possible mainly during non-flooding periods however, it would require special equipment
like mobile platforms with laddars to reach the elevated solar PV arrays.
The installation of the plant would have to be carried out in parts on flooded terrain due to the regular flood tide. Extra
costs for difficult transport and assembling conditions, construction site road, safety measures etc. would have to be
The Consultant has elaborated a scenario considering an elevated mounting structure of 5.0 meters for the PV array and
electrical equipment such as inverters, transformer, and combiner boxes, for flood protection and compared it against a dike
along the complete project site borders. This comparison is based on the 100 MW AC reference case technical layout (based
on fixed-tilt solar PV system with central inverter and polycrystalline module technology), as shown in the table below.
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It can be seen that due to the higher cost required for the elevated structures and respective foundations, the elevated PV
plant is less attractive in terms of LCOE when compared to the option considering a dike instead. Higher cost and risk are the
principle reasons to exclude the only higher elevated PV system from further analysis.
We have collected the last 50 years rain fall data in mm per day from Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) of
CL358 meteorological measuring station of BWDB and analysed the data.
Out of these last 50 years data, 13 May 1984 has the maximum occurred precipitation data i.e. 280.20 mm per day. If we
conservatively consider that the same rate of rain fall continuously occur for 4 days then the project site can collect the 1.12
meter of water level within the site (considering the Dike around the periphery).
The Analysis has provided that the maximum possible water logging within the project site can be 1.12 m because of this
maximum continuous rain fall for 4 days (considering without any provision of pumping, in worst case), therefore the analysis
shows that the solar panel should be elevated at the height of in between 1.5 to 2 meter (we have considered 1.5 m height of
the structure to be elevated along with 5 m Dike around the periphery with pumping arrangement in our Options).
As per this analysis we have assessed the requirement of pumping for discharging this logged rain water from the project site
to the outside the boundary, the installation of pumps is matter of further detailed study during the project development.
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The major projects have used the Hydrelia technology of Ciel et terre. The individual solar panels are clipped onto specially
designed air-filled floats, which are assembled to form a large raft. The raft is assembled on the shore and pushed out onto
the reservoir in sections. Boats are used to position the raft’s sections, and then they are attached to buoys on the water’s
surface, which are anchored to the bottom of the reservoir to keep the installation in place.
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Figure 12: Floating solar plant of 1008 kWp located near Ono city, Japan
Source: http://www.ciel-et-terre.net/
Floating solar PV installation is considered as not a reasonable option because of the following reasons:
The floating PV systems are designed for lakes and water ponds with a permanent water level above ground. For this
project, most of the time the project site is expected to be dry. So far just one project for such an application is known
and no research/study has been carried out in analysing the effect on the PV plant and the ground after the flood is
gone (variation of ground level and alignment of the PV modules).
Corrosion will be an enormous issue on this specific site, as floating PV plants up to now were almost exclusively built
on fresh water and the technology is yet to prove itself in salt-water bodies. Despite of the availability of waterproof-
marine grade components, serious problems on large (inverters) as well as on small components (connectors) might
arise and lead to significant downtimes of the plant.
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The heavy electrical equipment of the plant including inverters, transformers and switchgears etc. would require an
elevated supporting structure also allowing adequate access for maintenance work. These components would have to
be installed on shore resulting in higher cabling costs and energy losses.
The dike would allow designing, 5.00 m
constructing and operating the solar
PV plant on a dry area during the
whole year. However, water
entering the dike area during
regular rainfall (in particular during
monsoon season) and flooding
events has to be considered for the 10.00 m 15.00 m
design of the solar PV plant.
The expected cost for the dike is 27.60 m
considered as moderate compared
to other options. As first indication,
the cost for a dike with a height of DIMENSION OF DIKE
5.0m is estimated to be around
2.07 m USD/km dike.
Source: WFMS
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Prepared Cross section of the proposed dike is provided in the above figure.
We have collected the last 50 years Surface water level (flooding data) from three meteorological measuring stations of
BWDB and analysed and forecasted the scenario for coming 25 years.
The Analysis has provided that the maximum possible forecasted surface water level (from all sources of flooding i.e. rain,
surge storm, back flooding etc.) which may go is around 4 meter, therefore the suggested 5 meter height of the Dike is
sufficient to accommodate the maximum possible predicted surface water level (as per this feasibility study, however for this
site the detailed subject study should be carried out by the third party during development phase).
Result of this surface water level (flooding) analysis is provided in the Annexure H.
The detailed techno-economic analysis has been done for the comparison of “5 m elevated structure” with the “1.5 m elevated
structure” following is the comparative result of the analysis:
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Above analysis result table shows that, cost of structure and foundation for “5m elevated solar system” is around 88% higher
compare to “1.5 m elevated solar system”. Hence the option of high elevation of solar PV system is not viable in terms of cost
and other above mentioned disadvantages.
Comparative analysis of these possible three flood protection options (based on up to date information, cost analysis and
collected and analysed hydrological data of last 50 years from BWDB) shows that the combination of elevated structure (1.5
meter height) and dike (5 meter height) is the most suitable option for the site.
Appendix D shows the impacts and mitigation measures (Tidal Inundation, Cyclones & Storm Surges and Erosion) for sea
level rise in the Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh (the Project site comes under this area).
Project site is having two major natural streams, which act in monsoon and flow from populated villages to towards sea coast,
passing through the site. These existing natural streams shall be restored with proper embankment at both the sides of these
natural streams.
Based on the information gathered during the site visit and subsequent discussions with:
Following three interconnection options have been considered for this project:
1.) Feni 132 kV Sub-Station of PGCB: PGCB is having exiting 132 kV Feni Sub-Station (SS), that is an existing option
which can be considered for capacities less than 80 MWac, but the following points make it difficult to connect this
project (>80 MWac) to this SS.
It is 132 kV SS and it can only be used for capacity less than 80 MWac beyond 80 MWac there is need of 230 kV
Lack of additional space for bay extension and switch-gears in the existing Feni SS of PGCB.
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132 kV lines from the site has to pass through heavily populated area and there would be considerable difficulty in
getting rights of way for setting up of transmission towers for the project. The cost and time associated with getting
clear title deeds and rights of way for setting up the dedicated PE capacity would push back the project completion
and commissioning by a considerable margin.
Distance from the proposed project site to Feni SS of PGCB is around 24 KMs and the cost associated with setting
132 KV lines for this distance would be high and should be taken up only if there are no alternative interconnectivity
points available.
2.) Baraiyaarhaat 132 kV Sub-Station: This option is relatively simpler because of the following points:
The SS is in construction stage and any plans of feeding an additional 124 MWac power can be easily considered
at the execution stage itself (considering expansion in capacity of this SS to 230 kV) or less than 80 MWac power
plants can be fed into this 132 kV SS.
The distance from Baraiyarhat to the project site is around 10 KMs and along thinly populated area, therefore,
putting up transmission towers would be relatively easy.
The SS is being up as part of the 7th 5-year plan of PGCB and any additional funds required for setting up bay
extensions dedicated to the renewable energy project can be shared by PGCB and the project developer.
3.) Mirsarai 230 kV SS: This SS is under construction and targeted commissioning by April 2018.
PGCB requires to ensure adequate and reliable power supply for the upcoming economic zone at Mirsarai in
Chittagong, to establish transmission infrastructure for transfer of electricity generated from upcoming coal/LNG power
plants at Moheskhali and Matarbari to the major load centers and to meet the rapidly growing demand of residential,
commercial and industrial consumers in the southern region (in Gopalganj, Satkhira, Faridpur, Khulna, Chittagong and
Greater Barisal Districts), as well as other locations throughout Bangladesh. This GSS can be used for this RE project.
This proposed RE project will be developed in two phases, first phase will be 50 MWac solar PV only and second phase will
be remaining of solar PV capacity.
As per EIA report Mirsarai Economic Zone-II of BEZA and Tender ICB no PGCB/230KV/MIRSAR-BSRM/SS of PGCB,
"Mirsarai Economic Zone is a fully government owned economic zone with an area of approximately 7716 acres under
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA). A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between BEZA and
PGCB for setting up and maintenance of a grid substation in Mirsarai Economic Zone. PGCB will establish a 230/132/33 kV
Grid Substation with provision of extension up to 400 kV in the land provided by BEZA as per MoU. Distance of proposed 50
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MW solar power plant site from PGCB grid substation under BEZA is around 9 km. PGCB has invited bid for "Design, Supply,
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 230/33kV GIS Substation at Mirsharai EZ" on 09 August,2017 which will be
completed within 18 months from the effective date of contract"
Hence based on discussions and suggestion from PGCB, Mirsarai 230 kV GSS of PGCB Or BEZA substation of PGCB
(under construction) can be an option for power evacuation for this RE project. For this feasibility assessment study we have
considered Mirsarai 230 kV GSS, however further power evacuation option and arrangement depend on the detailed grid
connectivity and stability study of PGCB and client’s decision.
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Source: PGCB
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Followings are the images of the site captured during site visit:
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Solar photovoltaic plants use Global Irradiation (GI), which is converted into electric energy in a solar generator. The solar generator consists of
PV modules connected in series to form strings, which are connected in parallel and deliver DC power to the inverters. The inverter converts
the DC power to AC power before transforming to the required voltage level allowing evacuation of power to the grid, as ilustrated in the figure
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The project specific boundary conditions have been assessed for the conceptual engineering and technology selection. Besides the market
situation in Bangladesh, the technology has been analysed in terms of availability, inter-operability, reliability, scalability and maintenance
aspects, suitability for the site, command and control systems, load consumption, system architecture, system output and performance. The
main technologies analysed are:
The site-specific boundary condition, in particular the risk of flooding, has been taken into account for the selected equipment and mounting
system as described in the sections hereafter.
The analysis and comparison of various design options has been assessed for a reference case based on a 100 MWAC capacity.
The main PV module technologies available in the market at commercial level were compared from a techno-economic point of view in order to
find the technology that best fit the local ambient conditions found on the site. Three main technologies were evaluated:
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The CIGS based thin film technology has been excluded from this analysis since it is still not considered as major technology with sufficient
suppliers allowing competitive bidding.
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From a cost point of view the average price per watt peak of the modules vary among the different technologies with p-Si modules being slightly
cheaper than TF modules. The prices for p-Si tier 1 modules in the Indian market (which is used as reference market because of size and
strength in comparison to the actually small market in Bangladesh), range from 32 to 36 $-cent/Wp and 35 to 40 $-cent/Wp for TF. The price for
monocrystalline modules per watt peak is about 10%7 higher compared to p-Si module technology.
Different module technologies have been analysed to identify the most suitable option. This analysis is based on the reference case with 100
MWac considering a fixed-tilt system and central inverter technology. The following module technologies have been assessed:
SPV technology Manufacturer
Polycrystalline module technology Canadian Solar CS6X-315P 315Wp
High efficiency thin film modules First Solar (CdTe) FS-4117-2 118Wp
Monocrystalline module technology Canadian Solar CS6X-320M 320Wp
The technical and financial results of the comparison as well as cost assumptions for the applied PV modules are summarised in the table
7 Average international PV module price for m-Si and p-Si; Source: http://pv.energytrend.com/pricequotes.html
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The results indicate that, the higher efficiency of Monocrystalline modules cannot compensate the additional cost compare to the p-Si module
cost per watt peak. The area required for the m-Si module configuration remains the same as for the p-Si, whereas the DC capacity is higher
due to the higher efficiency of the modules compare to p-Si.
A high efficiency of First Solar’s CdTe modules has been considered for this analysis and the comparison shows that this module requires less
area compare to other modules. The resulting LCOE for CdTe module technology is of similar magnitude compared to the p-Si technology.
However, the higher technology risk of thin film module technology and the limited number of suppliers has to be taken into account.
With respect to the discussion above, the polycrystalline module technology stands as the best alternative from a techno-economic point of
view. During the tendering stage, however, the selection of the module technology should be left open to bidders. Official approvals from
manufacturers for the installation of their products on the specific site with its challenging features (proximity to sea, high wind loads) are
needed. A particular attention should also be paid to the hail tests of the manufacturers.
Selected Technology
For the feasibility study, polycrystalline modules from Canadian Solar with 315 Watt peak and the model number CS6X-315P have been
applied reflecting state of the art module technology. The technical characteristics of the chosen modules are given in the table below.
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Description Value
Current at Pmax (@STC conditions) 8.61 A
Open-Circuit Voltage 45.1 V
Short-Circuit Current 9.18 A
Temperature coefficient of Pmax -0.41%/°C
Temperature coefficient of Voc -0.31%/°C
Temperature coefficient of Isc -0.053%/°C
Maximum System Voltage (DC) 1000 V (IEC) or 1000 V (UL)
Module efficiency; no. of cells 16.42%; 72
Power Tolerance 0~+5W
Length 1954 mm
Width 982 mm
Height 40 mm
Weight 22 kg
Besides the project specific boundary conditions, the electricity production, required land usage, EPC costs, O&M costs and material liability
must be analysed during the selection of the optimal mounting structure for utility scale solar PV plants. The market situation in Bangladesh and
the availability of skilled labour force in the region of the site during construction and operation of the plant has to be taken into account.
Fixed-tilt system
Single axis tracked system
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Fixed structures in the northern hemisphere are generally tilted towards the south with an inclination between 10° and 25° for the latitude of the
project site. The fixed position of the modules leads to a generation curve with a peak at midday on cloudless days.
For tracker solutions, the aim is to follow the sun and maintain the panels perpendicular to the axis of incidence of the sun. Thus a greater
efficiency in converting solar energy into electricity can be achieved. A single axis tracked system typically tracks the sun’s position from East to
West while being mounted along a North to South axis.
In general, the tracking systems can harness more energy, making them an attractive alternative in areas of high solar irradiation. Tracking
systems are able to keep shading to a minimum but typically it requires more space for the same power output as compared to a fixed-tilt
system. One of the most important aspects of tracking systems is the increased energy yield during the morning and evening hours, which
helps to deliver a more constant electricity supply.
Tracking systems are more susceptible to failure, due to the number of moving parts and therefore, it also require more maintenance and
maintenance costs can be around 15% higher. Trackers are more susceptible to high wind loads and in areas of high wind speeds the limited
warranty for tracker systems may be reduced.
The decision to choose the type of mounting structure is typically based on a techno-economic evaluation. Extra energy generation must be
assessed in comparison to the energy price and to the investment required. For the project site, the reference fixed-tilt system, as detailed in
the sections below, has been compared against a single axis tracking system. A tracking angle towards East and West of ± 45° and a ground
coverage ratio (GCR) of 40% has been assumed, reflecting the industry standard for projects of similar latitudes. The table width is 4 m with a
pitch of 10 m and each tracker having a length of 150 m in total. The results are shown in the table below:
Table 9: Comparison of fixed-tilt vs. single axis tracked system at DC/AC ratio of 1.36
Parameter Unit Fixed-tilt Single axis tracked
Plant capacity MW AC 100 100
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The above table shows that the single axis tracking system is having less cost in terms of LCOE compared to fixed-tilt system. The specific
yield is about 10% higher while about 68% more space per MWac is required. Based on the analysis towards the selection of a mounting
structure for the proposed project, the following needs to be considered:
With respect to the project site being located next to the coast, the higher corrosion risk due to salty air needs to be taken into account
in particular for any moving parts, such as the tracked mounting system.
The fixed-tilt system offers simple construction and maintenance requirements, which favours for this project.
The project represents the first utility scale PV plant of this scale in Bangladesh and the availability of experienced EPC and O&M
companies in the local solar industry is limited.
As the project is to be the first utility scale PV plant in the market, a fixed-tilt system is proposed as the reference case takes into account the
short field experience with trackers and complications posed by flooding at the site. The selection of the mounting system however can be left
open to bidders during tendering stage, as single axis tracking systems are showing increasing adoption in recent years and potentially lower
cost in terms of LCOE.
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The inverter technology is crucial for the plant layout and equipment requirements such as string combiner boxes, DC and AC cabling,
distribution transformers and others. Typically, a central inverter concept is applied for large-scale PV plants having several MW of capacity,
while the string inverter concept offers more flexibility often required for smaller installations.
The individual PV modules are connected in series to form strings. When using string inverters, the DC power from a few strings runs directly
into a string inverter where it is converted to AC power. The string inverter is a small unit and can eventually be mounted underneath the PV
mounting system. This concept offers higher modularity and flexibility of the system configuration compared to the central inverter concept and
is typically applied for small PV plants and systems with different array angles and/or orientations. The nominal DC capacity of string inverters
is typically below 100kW.
When using central inverters, the strings are connected in parallel through combiner boxes and they are then connected to the central inverter,
which summarize typically between 500 kW to 2.5 MW of DC PV power. In utility scale PV plants, the PV field is generally divided into
subfields, each of them served by an inverter of its own. This configuration is optimal for large systems where production is consistent across
arrays. Moreover, the central inverter concept offers lower capacity specific costs and fewer component connections compared to the string
inverter concept.
The average price per watt peak of a central inverter is 8% lower compare to a string inverter. No major change in the price is expected
for 2017 (GTM research, 2016).
The central inverter concept requires less equipment and BOS activities compared to a string inverter concept. Turnkey systems
available on the market also offer plug and play solutions combining for example inverters, MV transformers and switchgear in a single
inverter station, which further minimises the BOS requirements.
A large inverter capacity enables further cost reduction through economy of scale effects.
In the Indian solar market (which is used as reference market because of size and strength in comparison to the actually small market in
Bangladesh), there is a tendency towards high capacity central inverter systems for utility scale PV plants. The market is dominated by
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European and Japanese suppliers such as ABB, TMEIC, Hitachi, SMA, Schneider TBEA, Delta, Sungrow, Gamesa Solar and Huawei
(Khurana, 2016).
The use of large turnkey central inverter station is proposed in order to maximize the performance and reduce investment cost. Special coating
and/or sophisticated ventilation and/or other protection measures of electrical components are likely to be necessary for various parts of the
inverters and transformers. Additionally, official approvals from manufacturers for the installation of their products and required maintenance
frequency during operation on the specific site with its challenging features (proximity to sea) are needed. The selection of the inverter however
can be left open to bidders during tendering stage.
Selected Inverter
The suitability of the selected inverter regarding site-specific environmental protection requirements, such as the corrosion risk due to salty air,
has been coordinated with the inverter manufacturer directly. The electrical components are designed in a way to withstand the salty air and a
double coating of the MV transformer has been considered. The SMA inverter station MVPS-2000SC with 2,000 kWac capacity has been
applied during the conceptual engineering reflecting state of the art inverter technology. The inverter station comprises of 2 x 1000 kWac SMA
SC1000CP-XT outdoor inverters, the MV transformer, and MV switchgear. The output voltage of the inverter station is 33kV. The technical
characteristics of the inverter are given in the table below.
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Description Value
AC grid frequency 50 Hz./60 Hz.
Protection rating IP54*
Ambient temperature range -25 to +62 °C
Efficiency (CEC) 98.5%
*The protection rating of IP54 can be acceptable for the site depending on the inverter manufacturer. In any case, approval from manufacturers
for installation of their products is needed and a lower protection rating should not be applied.
The housing of the inverter station is based on a standard steel-framed 20-feet shipping container as shown in the figure below. The medium
voltage transformer as well as protection and monitoring systems are embedded in the inverter station housing.
Source: SMA
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Module tilt angle decides the angle of incidence of solar radiation on the PV module to utilize maximum solar energy for generation of maximum
possible energy. A PV module would produce more power with lower reflection and incident angle losses when the solar radiation is normal to
its surface as compared to solar radiation incident at any other angle. The most optimum angle of tilt of PV modules at any given location
depends on the latitude and the variation of solar irradiation over the year. Since each site has its own characteristics, it is necessary to
determine the most optimum tilt for the site.
By increasing the tilt angle and keeping the pitch (distance between two consecutive rows of PV modules) constant, the shadow created by one
row of PV modules on the next row of PV modules increases. This decreases the output of the PV power plant. Hence, it is also important to
check the most optimum tilt angle for different values of pitch as shown in the figure below.
Figure 18: Annual energy yield respective to tilt angle and pitch
Source: Simulation
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The above figure shows the specific energy yield of the fixed-tilt system for a tilt angle varying from 10° to 30°. The pitch has been varied from
8.3 m, 8.9 m, 9.4 m, 11.2 m and 14 m representing a ground coverage ratio (GCR) of 70%, 65%, 60%, 50%, and 40% respectively. The
specific land use decreases by reducing the distance between the rows from 1.56 ha/MWp for 14 m to 0.92 ha/MWp for 8.3 m.. For each
calculation a 3D shading scene has been modelled in PVsyst software to calculate the shading losses and annual energy yield.
To account for an efficient land utilisation, a specific land use of 1ha/MWp has been selected for the fixed-tilt system resulting in a tilt angle of
15° and a pitch of 8.9 m (GCR 65%). The resulting shading loss is below 2% compared to the case with 1.56 ha/MWp land use (GCR 40%).
The type of PV module technology, type of inverter, the optimum tilt angle and the pitch have been determined for this study. The next step is to
determine the DC/AC ratio for the optimal plant configuration. The DC/AC ratio is the ratio between the installed module capacity and the
installed inverter capacity.
A change in the DC/AC ratio means, not only a change in CAPEX, but also OPEX. Hence, the LCOE is applied to determine the most optimum
DC/AC ratio for the proposed solar PV power plant. The LCOE considers the complete cash flow including CAPEX, OPEX and also the
financing conditions, and hence it is an ideal metrics to be considered. The LCOE is calculated using a financial model, the details of which are
given in financing chapter of this report. The financial calculations are targeting an equity IRR of 10%. The CAPEX, OPEX and the annual
energy produced are the main inputs; those can be varied in the financial model for simulating cases with different DC/AC ratios. The solar PV
power plant configuration with the lowest value of LCOE is considered to be the most optimum.
The electricity production of the power plant has been calculated by varying the DC/AC ratio from 1.05 to 1.45 with an ascending interval of 0.5
considering optimum tilt angle of 15° and a pitch of 8.9 m. For each case the respective LCOE has been calculated and the results are shown
in the table below. It should be noted that the energy yield calculation for the DC/AC optimisation is based on the reference case with
100 MW AC capacity assuming concessional financing conditions.
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Source: Simulation
From this analysis it can be seen that by increasing the DC/AC ratio, the energy produced by the solar PV power plant increases as more
number of modules are installed for the same AC capacity of the inverters (with consideration of inverter losses). It can be seen that lowest
LCOEs can be reached for DC/AC ratios above 1.35 with only marginal differences if increased further to 1.4 or 1.45. DC/AC ratios greater than
1.45 are not feasible due to technical limitations of the inverters (maximum DC input power).
Even though it is technically feasible, it should be noted that inverter suppliers typically provide a figure for the maximum allowed DC input
power within their data sheet of the respective inverter. In order to avoid warranty problems, it is recommended to get a final approval from the
inverter manufacturer for the specific site and design.
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For technical reasons, a reference case with a DC/AC ratio of 1.36 has been selected as optimal plant configuration. It should be noted that
during tendering stage, bidders should assess the optimal DC/AC ratio for the presented technical concept in compliance with the minimum
The economies of scale have been analysed based on the reference plant configuration to evaluate suitable capacities for the pilot plant
ranging from 10 MW AC to the maximum capacity of 260 MW AC that could theoretically be installed on site assuming complete land utilization for
solar PV power generation. The results are shown in the table below.
Table 11: Analysis of economies of scale based on the reference plant configuration
With lower capacities the quantity of equipment to be purchased by the EPC decreases which in turn increases the specific cost due to
economies of scale. The specific infrastructural cost including power evacuation and site access as well as project development cost is
considerable higher per MWp for capacities below 50 MW AC. Moreover, tenders for small utility scale projects, especially in emerging markets,
are less attractive for international players to participate, which in turn leads to less competitive bids.
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The table above shows that due to the economies of scale the LCOE increases with decreasing system capacities. A capacity of at least
50 MW AC is recommend for the pilot plant also getting international players into bidding.
3.2.7 DC Cabling
The study assessed the requirements of DC cable and as per this assessment the plant will have PV modules connected in series creating
strings of 20 modules each. Since a large number of strings are needed, one junction level is defined using combiner boxes to group the strings
and protect them with fuses. This minimizes material and installation costs associated with DC cabling and comply with the available DC inputs
in the inverter. One combiner box has 24 input circuits (strings) which reduce the DC cables input to each inverter to 9. Thus, in total there are
18 combiner boxes per inverter station.
Solar PV plant should be equipped with an adequate SCADA system. The SCADA system needs a reliable communication design to monitor
and fully control the plant as required by the grid code. The SCADA system enables to monitor and control the inverter stations and substation
allowing the constant measuring of the system performance and the recording of important system parameters, such as current, voltage,
frequency, real and reactive power generation and power factor of the generated electricity.
A remote and local monitoring system will be installed. The remote monitoring system will facilitate monitoring of the plant through an Internet
connection. Also the solar PV plant will be monitored and controlled from the solar PV plant central control room located within the on-site
control building. The control room will completely be equipped to allow for daily use as workstation. In order to obtain a high availability and
reliability of the solar PV plant, an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system should be installed in the Control Room to provide power supply
to the rest of equipment and preventing the loss of data in case of emergency.
In order to evaluate the performance of the solar PV plant it is very fundamental to integrate a meteorological station. The following parameters
need to be measured and recorded:
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In assessing the performance of the solar PV plant there is a need of obtaining an accurate measurement of the specific array conditions
because the ambient conditions may be different within the solar PV plant due to clouds and other weather events.
It is advisable that at least three meteorological measurement stations are installed inside the solar field in order to measure the specific local
meteorological conditions, which may vary significantly inside the solar field.
The meteorological measurement stations will be consisted of (but not limited to this):
Calibrated pyranometer to measure the global inclined and horizontal irradiance on the plane of the array (POA) with a targeted
measurement uncertainty of 2% and fulfilling secondary standard according to ISO 9060 classification. The POA pyranometer values
are used to determine the Performance Ratio (PR) and reference purposes.
Reference cell to measure the global inclined and horizontal irradiance on the POA and cell temperature.
Thermocouple to measure ambient temperature with measurement accuracy of ± 1 °C.
Resistance thermometer e.g. Pt100, Pt1000 or equivalent, to measure the temperature of modules with measurement accuracy of ± 0.5
Anemometer mounted on a mast to measure the wind speed at the site. The exact location and height of the mast will follow the
recommendations from supplier of the mounting system.
To protect from infiltration of animals and unauthorized persons inside the site area, the periphery of the Solar PV power plant has to be
covered by prefabricated / modular concrete wall with elevated barbed wire fencing (concertina). Prefabricated / modular concrete boundary
wall will be erected of height 1.8 m with elevated spiral type round barbed wire fencing with 150 mm spacing of 1 m height, total height of the
boundary wall will be 2.8 m above finished ground level. Boundary wall’s bottom portion of 450 mm will be covered by random rubble or stone
masonry to protect the intrusion of surface water from adjacent land. Galvanised Iron (GI) post or concrete post shall be provided at spacing not
more than 3 m. Vertical bracings should also be provided at certain distances for overall stability of the fence. Proper arrangements should be
done to block outside water. Grills on inlet and outlet of drainage or waterways should be given as per executing agency.
It is suggested that the CCTV scheme should be implemented at the plant area, which as follows:
24/7 simultaneous coverage of the boundary and entire field (leaving no blind spots at any point of time) will be ensured through the
installed CCTV systems.
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3.2.10 O&M
In order to achieve the high up time of the solar PV power plant it is very much necessary to carry out planned preventative maintenance cycles
(PMC) of all the defined system parts. These PMC are planned over the periodic manner for specific cycle interval based on the individual
equipments / components requirement.
The energy output of the plant will be monitored using the remote data acquisition system connected to charge controller. Significant reduction
in energy output will trigger specific maintenance requirements, such as charge controller servicing or module replacement. In addition to this,
on-going maintenance of the plant may be required and typical activities are as described below:
Visual inspection and replacement of damaged modules will be required at regular intervals. Cleaning of the module glass surface during
long dry periods must be considered.
If go for conventional module cleaning then following would be water requirement for module cleaning (based on similar sector experience):
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Total water required per annum 31.5 million liters per year
Hence, 1.296 million litres of water storage facility is needed at site in this conventional module cleaning case.
The site is surrounded by the Feni River to the east and Dakatiya River to the west. Water for usage during civil construction phase and module
cleaning can directly be pumped from the existing water bodies.
And / Or
Around the site, hand pumps are usually used to draw groundwater (as per land revenue and irrigation department officials of the local UNO).
Since the water table is as high as 6 meters from the surface therefore setting up multiple shallow bore wells for module cleaning system can
be done.
Water (water bodies and/or ground water bore wells) before use in module cleaning requires lab testing and as per that water treatment, if
Water supply for construction and O&M is subject to detailed hydrology study and decision of the client as per regional scenario of the water.
Considering site location and salinity of the site being coastal area, automatic dry type robotic module cleaning can also be an option (for
further details on robotic dry type cleaning system refer section 5.5 of this FSR).
Safety devices
Checking connections, functionality of fuses, isolators and circuit breakers, and for signs of overheating
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Major O&M activities which effects the plant performance and must recommended to perform at proposed PPMC plant are:
a. Monitoring the performance of the power plant by data logging, monthly report preparation & reporting on performance of power plant
b. Maintenance of module – Periodic cleaning of all SPV modules, scheduled maintenance of charge controller. Attend to the
emergency break down of the components.
c. Careful logging of operation data and periodically processing it to determine abnormal or slowly deteriorating conditions.
d. Regular routine schedule for maintenance work such as keeping equipment clean, cleaning of module, spare parts and inventory
maintenance, proper modification of all spares.
Note: The O&M plan will be submitted and followed by the EPC/AMC contractor.
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During the techno-economic optimization and technology selection described in the sections above, the concept design for
the fixed-tilt system has been identified for the reference case based on a 100 MWAC plant capacity.
The technical parameters of the concept design of the reference case developed during the initial investigations. A summary
of the main plant characteristics of reference case is provided in the table below.
Table 12: Main characteristic of the fixed-tilt system for reference case
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The aim of this solar PV energy yield assessment is to estimate the possible annual electrical energy generation potential of
the site within a given confidence interval. The assessment was done for 20 years lifetime of the solar PV power system,
which provides the basis for calculating the revenues and the profitability of the project.
1) Evaluation of site
a) On-site inspection
b) Meteorological site assessment
On-site inspection shows that, the flat land is suitable for a solar PV installation and no shading objects in the near vicinity
have been detected. A detailed geotechnical study with soil testing and Topographical survey of the site has been performed
by the third party (appointed by the Consultant) and the same study has been used as basis for infrastructure designing and
costing. More details regarding site assessment are described in Chapter 2.
Based on several sources of solar data, a typical meteorological year (TMY) has been created. This TMY has been used as
input data to calculate the energy yield for one year (typical year).
This section summarizes the results of the initial solar energy potential analysis of the project site. An estimate of the
expected long-term average Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), which is closely related to PV power plant energy yields,
along with the corresponding uncertainty is given. Typical long-term monthly average values of GHI expected at this site are
also given. Furthermore, a typical meteorological year P50, P75 and P90 have been created, which can be used for energy
yield initial estimations.
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The following findings are derived from the above data set:
The best estimate for GHI is 199 W/m2 equal to 1741 kWh/ m2a or 4.77 kWh/ m2d.
The best estimate is determined by the long-term hourly data set from SG and the typical year hourly data set from
MN7 as the only sources since the uncertainties of the other examined and evaluated sources is too high for this
The variation of GHI from the lowest to the highest examined data source for this site ranges from 1695 kWh/ m 2a
NASA-SSE, to 1825 kWh/ m2a, DLR-ISIS.
The overall uncertainty for the long-term best estimate is 3.9 % (1 σ value).
The table and figure below provide an overview of the long-term GHI values from the different data sets together with their
overall uncertainty in comparison to the best estimate. In the figure below the lower and upper ranges of this best estimate
are based on the uncertainty estimate. The error bars represent the assumed uncertainty of the individual data sources.
Table 13: Overview of the long-term GHI values from different data sets and the best estimate
Overall uncertainty Long-term yearly GHI
[%] [W/m2] Avg. [W/m2] Sum [kWh/m2]
SG* 5.0 9.9 196 1719
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To determine the long-term best estimate of Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), a quality-weighted average as a combination
of two independent data sets (Solargis long term satellite derived data in hourly time resolution & Meteonorm 7 TMY in hourly
time resolution) is calculated based on Meyer et al. (2008)8. The resulting combined uncertainty of both data sets (Solargis:
5%, MN7: 6%) is also calculated using Meyer et al. (2008). The MN7 data set refers to a nearby measurement site, 74 km
distant under similar conditions nearby the coast. By applying two completely independent data sets for determination of the
P50 value, the overall uncertainty can be reduced to 3.9% (1 σ value).
Following figure shows the overview of the long-term GHI values from different data sets and the best estimate derived by a
quality weighted average.
8Meyer et al., ‘Combining Solar Irradiance Measurements And Various Satellite-Derived Products to A Site Specific Best Estimate’, in
Proceedings of SolarPACES 2008 (presented at the SolarPACES 2008, Las Vegas, USA, 2008).
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Source: Analysis
The typical annual GHI cycle from different data sources is shown in the figure below. The variation in monthly means of GHI
between different sources is not that large and lies within the normal deviation. As it can be seen, the annual cycle from the
best estimate well represents the annual cycle of GHI from other sources. The monthly averages of GHI are given in the
below figure and table.
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Figure 21: Annual cycle of GHI from best estimate in comparison with various different data sources
Source: Analysis
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Table 14: Typical monthly averages of GHI [W/m2] from different data sources and best estimate
Months SG* ISIS SSE CMSAF MN7* estimate
Jan 171 189 184 188 176 173
Feb 207 223 209 224 205 206
Mar 234 257 233 251 233 233
Apr 238 264 232 247 234 236
May 216 238 210 214 228 221
Jun 183 198 183 190 207 194
Jul 186 184 179 210 172 179
Aug 193 191 183 202 192 193
Sep 188 188 171 191 193 190
Oct 188 199 181 198 203 195
Nov 186 191 178 200 197 191
Dec 164 179 177 173 181 172
avg. 196 208 193 207 202 199
* used for calculation of best estimate
The overall uncertainty for the long-term GHI best estimate is 3.9 % (1 σ value), which is rather low for the solar resource
uncertainty. Further improvement of the data quality could be achieved by setting up a solar radiation measurement station at
the site or in close vicinity. It should be in less than 10 km distance from the site and measurement campaigns should cover
at least 12 months (one complete seasonal cycle). It is recommended to acquire time-overlapping data-series from satellites
for correlation and perform an updated assessment of solar resource data. As long as no measurements nearby are available
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other measurements in the region are of help to lower uncertainty values. The complete solar resource assessment report is
attached to this document.
Taking these results from the inter-comparison of on-site measurements against satellite derived GHI values from SG
into account it can be concluded that the formerly determined long-term irradiation average (P50) for GHI of
199 W/m2, or 1741 kWh/m2 respectively, is realistic, since the SG-data set fits quite well the on-site measurements
during the overlapping period.
It should be noted that at least 12- months overlapping time period between on-site measurements and satellite-
derived data are required to achieve high quality results. Using one complete year assures that all seasons are
reflected. At the time of this study only six months of measured data were available for comparison.
During tendering stage, the Bidders shall take into account on-site measurements for 12 consecutive months for
correction of the satellite derived long-term data set. This will enable good characterization of local conditions and
reduce the uncertainty of the long-term best estimate for GHI.
For further details on “comparison of satellite-derived GHI values to on-site measurement data” can be found in the
separate data analysis and comparison report, that is with Appendix L and N.
The main parameter considered for performance simulation of solar PV plant is the annual energy produced. The
specifications of the reference case i.e. 100 MWac layout configuration is used for the energy yield assessment.
The simulation of the proposed project site with various technical concepts was realized using the software PVSyst version
6.43. The applied software is a state of the art tool that considers all relevant loss effects of a solar PV plant and is a widely
accepted tool for the analysis of electricity yield of large-scale solar parks.
Solar PV power plant with fixed-tilt of 15°, pitch of 8.9m and DC/AC ratio of 1.36 (as mentioned in previous sections) has
been considered for this assessment. With respect to the components of the solar PV power plant such as the type and
quantity of modules, inverters, trackers, strings, etc. a model of the solar PV power plant is built in PVsyst software including
a 3D shading scene of the PV tables for the purpose of simulation of the annual energy that can be produced from this solar
PV power plant. A summary of the plant specifications is shown in the table 14 below.
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AC capacity 100 MW
DC capacity 136.08 MW
Inverters Central Inverter stations: 50 x SMA inverter station MVPS-
Modules Polycrystalline modules of 315 Wp Canadian Solar CS6X-
315P; 432000 number of modules; 20 modules in
series/string; 21600 strings in parallel
Mounting type Fixed-tilt system with 15° tilt angle, 8.9m pitch (GCR 65%) and
6m table width
Area required 135 ha
3D Shading Scene
The shading scene is simulated internally in PVsyst and a shading factor is calculated for all the 8760 hours of the year.
These shading factors are then used to determine the shading caused by one row of PV modules on the next row of PV
modules, which are in turn used for simulating the energy produced. The resulting shading diagram is shown in the figure
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System losses
Once the basic system components and the layout are defined, the next step is to define various losses those occur in the
system. The following assumptions are used during the energy yield modelling process (as shown in the below table):
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Soling losses 3 %
Availability 99 %
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Figure 22: Annual energy gain/loss sankey diagram obtained from PVsyst software
The monthly electricity generation indicated in the figure below shows a relative constant generation profile along the year
with a maximum variation between months of 36%.
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Figure 23: Energy generation simulation results of 100 MWAC solar PV reference case plants at Sonagazi
As per simulation study and analysis, the reference case with 100 MW AC solar PV power project would produce ≈ 152.5
GWh/yr including all losses at PLF of 17.41% with 81.32% performance ratio.
Uncertainty analysis
A statistical analysis of resource data, assessing the uncertainty in input values and limitations of the simulation software are
applied to derive the appropriate levels of uncertainty in the final energy yield estimation. Several assumptions are made and
models are used for this yield analysis, all these assumptions and models are subject to uncertainties. The following table 16
shows a summary of all relevant parameters and their uncertainty for the reference case.
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The probability distribution of the system production forecast mainly depends on the solar resource data applied for the
simulation as the solar resource uncertainty is usually the highest for the energy yield estimation. Besides the solar resource
uncertainty, the uncertainty for the simulation has to be taken into account, which are summarised in the above table. The
resulting probability distribution for the reference case (showing the P50, P75, and P90 probability for the annual energy yield)
is shown in the figure below (note that the energy yield shown is w/o AC losses as assessed during post-processing step)
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This section illustrates about the typical wind resource seismic assessment carried out for the region of interest (RoI) using
the processed open source data which is the long term reanalysis data sourced from various weather agencies available at
several pressure levels and different spatial resolution. The data analysis and wind flow modelling has been carried out using
globally accepted software models i.e. Windographer and Windfarmer and as per industry practises. The modelling has been
carried out considering three best in class wind generators: Gamesa-G114-2.0MW, Vestas-V110-2.0MW, Suzlon-S111-2.1
MW placed optimally considering least wake loss within the RoI (explained in further sections).
Based on the wind flow modelling results, the gross and net annual energy estimates has been derived and presented in this
report in the wind energy yield assessment section.
Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into electricity or mechanical energy using wind turbines. The power in the wind
is extracted by allowing it to blow past moving blades that exert torque on a rotor. The amount of power transferred is
dependent on the rotor size and the wind speed.
Wind turbines range from small four hundred watt generators for residential use to several megawatt machines for wind farms
and offshore. The small ones have direct drive generators, direct current output, aeroelastic blades, and lifetime bearings and
use a vane to point into the wind. While the larger ones generally have geared power trains, alternating current output, flaps
and are actively pointed into the wind.
Direct drive generators and aeroelastic blades for large wind turbines are being researched and direct current generators are
sometimes used.
Since wind speed is not constant, the annual energy production of a wind converter is dependent on the capacity factor. A
well sited wind generator will have a capacity factor of about 35% (energypedia.info).
As a general rule, wind generators are practical where the average wind speed is 4.5 m/s or greater (energypedia.info).
Usually sites are pre-selected on the basis of a wind atlas, and validated with on site wind measurements.
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Source: easywindenergy
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A Meso scale modelling and mapping of site wind resources for RoI has been carried out. The methodology in respect to
conduct that modelling and mapping is illustrated below:
• Run Boundary Layer Wind Mapping Model using primary and secondary
Task 1.3 - Boundary Layer Wind Mapping datasets
Model (BLWMM) • Model validation and Minimization of error in estimation
• Creation of Boundary Layer Wind Field
Task 1.5 - Annual Yield Assessment Model • Micrositing, optimal layout of the windfarm, and Capacity assesment,
(AYAM) • Computation of annual yield from a G114. 2.0 MW and V110 2.0 MW Model
The methodology involves setting up a grid of 3 km resolution over RoI and the use of NCEP/NCAR and MERRA re-analysis
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data for computing long term means. Extrapolation of the computed wind speed at boundary layer using different spatial
variables, interpolation of the extrapolated wind speeds to arrive at a mean annual wind field at boundary layer and then re-
computation of wind speed at different respective hub heights. The analysis carried out is shown in below figure:
Figure 27: Methodology flow chart for computing wind speed at different heights
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The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis project monthly mean wind speed dataset was procured from the NOAA for the year
1948 to 2016. The datasets was available in .NC format which was further processed and a series of monthly values
were generated. Long term mean was calculated for the all procured points to arrive at mean annual wind field at 10m
The land use data was procured from the Global Land Cover 2000 Project (GLC 2000) for South East Asia and was
extracted for the region of interest. Several random points were generated to validate the data with the observed Land
Use category existing on the respective points. The validation was performed using some observed points procured
during the early site visit to the country and others with the latest Google Earth Satellite imagery. It was found that
Global Land Cover 2000 Project database was aligned with the observed Land Use categories.
The Advance Space borne Thermal Emissions and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) digital elevation model (DEM)
procured for the RoI was divided into several tiles of varying latitude and longitude which was further joined by
mosaicing in ArcGIS 10.0. The sinks of raw digital elevation model was filled using fill in hydrology tool in Arc tool box,
that results into a smooth elevation surface, where no values were originally found. The DEM extracted for the RoI is
shown in the below figure.
Following figures show wind direction and frequency for the site:
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Source: Simulation
Based on the above methodology and data sets, a mesoscale wind speed map has been drawn at 100m elevation for entire
country and has been presented in below figure:
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Figure 30: Meso-scale wind speed map at 100m elevation for entire country
Source: Simulation
On observing the potential areas of higher wind speeds, the exercise of ground measurements are performed, but in our case
the potential area has already been identified so the micro-scale modelling has been performed for that RoI.
The project is located in Sonagazi upazilla of Feni district, Chittagong division of Bangladesh, which is located on a flat
terrain. The elevation of the site above mean sea level (MSL) varies from 0 m to 25 m. The site lies on small scale flat terrain
and is surrounded with very small and rare plants or vegetation. It has been informed that the site gets water filled during
monsoon months. The site location map is shown in figure below:
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Source: WFMS
On physical verification of the site, Micro-scale modelling has been carried out to assess the wind potential for RoI
considering best in class wind generators with optimised turbine to turbine spacing.
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The boundary layer wind mapping model creates a hypothetical field of wind speeds at boundary layer termed as boundary
layer wind (BLW) for an area much larger than the RoI.
The long term NCEP/NCAR and MERRA reanalysis data, LULC database and DEM etc. were processed in the required
format to be taken as an input in the BLWMM. The long term measurements are available over the last 68 years or so. It is
assumed that BLW is free of disturbances from local terrain, vegetation, settlements and buildings. In the past, BLWMM has
been validated by WFMS at the country level for India, Malaysia and Kenya to yield an error of the order of 9% and below.
In this task, the BLW is mapped on to every cell in the grid (RoI) at 1 square kilometre resolution to arrive at mean wind speed
at height of 100 and 120 m. a.g.l. The mean annual wind speed maps at 100m & 120m heights respectively are shown in
below figures:
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Figure 32: Long term wind speed at 100m height for the RoI
Source: Simulation
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Figure 33: Long term wind speed at 120m height for the RoI
Source: Simulation
Based on the micro-scale modelling for the RoI, the long term mean wind speed at 100m height is assessed from WMMAM to
4.47 m/s and same has been used for energy prognosis.
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Note: WFMS has done the comparative analysis of the used data provided 6 months data and following are outcome of the
New dataset: The new data set provided to WinDForce by the client is inferred to be the weather station data which
details about DNI (Direct Normal Irradiance), DHI (Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance), GHI (Global Horizontal Radiation)
and also wind data from an anemometer at 10m height. For a period of about 6 months, from 06 June 2017 till 30
November 2017 (179 days), the wind speeds have been recorded at 8m & 10m (vertical wind speed profile). Also,
calibration reports for the wind sensor are not available. This is required to ensure that the wind sensor is calibrated
and recording without any malfunction
Old dataset: Windforce draft report, vide December 2017, has been shared that was based on the wind speeds at
100m height.
For any wind project it is always recommended to use wind recorded at hub height level.
Technically, the anemometer used for capturing the wind data as provided in the new dataset, is not suggested to be
used for Wind Resource Assessment because:
o For WRA minimum of 1 complete year data should be used of wind pattern at 100m height, and the new
provided data set was only for 6 months and was at only 8 – 10 m height.
For further detail on data comparative study, refer separate comparative study report, that is with Appendix M and N.
The Identification of a potential site, turbine selection and its micrositing are the keys for any wind energy project. The
selection of site not only depends upon the average wind speed but also on various other parameters like topography,
roughness class, natural or man-made obstacles in the vicinity, connectivity for transportation as well grid, etc.
Typically for the selection of an onshore wind turbine, the identification of the wind class, Weibull distribution and the
roughness class drives the selection of wind turbine models. The optimisation of cut-in speed and rated wind speed are the
critical decisions for a low wind regime area.
In this task, the potential capacity of the site was assessed considering the trade-off between performance of wind turbines
and land utilization per megawatt of capacity installed. The three best in class wind generators: Gamesa-G114-2.0MW,
Vestas-V110-2.0 MW and Suzlon-S111-2.1MW models have been considered while estimating the long term energy yields as
it represents predominant wind technology and appropriate WTG class suited at the site. These WTG models are mainstream
IEC-61400 fully certified turbine. Micrositing was carried out with both the above models with turbine spacing criteria i.e. 5D x
7D to arrive at an optimal layout of the wind-farm. The model optimized the positioning of WTGs considering the gross energy
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yield, spacing criteria and existing terrain. The respective power curves for the selected WTG Models – Gamesa G114,
Vestas V110 - 2 MW and Suzlon-S111-2.1MW Power Curves are shown in below figures considering standard air density.
Figure 34: Power Curve of Gamesa G114 at standard air density (1.225 kg/m3)
Wind Speed (m/s) Power (kW)
3 33
Technical Specification
4 146
5 342 Rotor Diameter : 114m
6 621
Hub height : 106m
7 1008
8 1501 2400
9 1909 2200
10 2076
11 2093 1600
Power (kW) 1400
12 2099
13 1200
14 2100
15 2100 600
16 2100 400
17 2100
18 2100
19 2100 Wind Speed (m/s)
20 2100
Source: Gamesa
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Figure 35: Power Curve of Vestas V110 at standard air density (1.225 kg/m3)
Wind Speed (m/s) Power (kW)
3 35
4 155
Technical Specification
5 329
Rotor Diameter : 114m
6 566
8 1381
9 1827 2000
10 1985 1800
11 1999
12 2000 Power (kW)
13 2000 1000
14 2000
15 2000
16 2000 200
17 2000 0
18 2000 Wind Speed (m/s)
19 2000
20 2000
Source: Vestas
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The analysis and simulations shows the 20 best possible locations for install WTGs of considered model and capacity.
The potential capacity with above WTG models and spacing criteria is given in below table and optimized positions of the
WTGs has been shown in the below figure.
Table 18: Potential capacity with different WTGs model and spacing criteria at the entire site
WTGs Model Spacing Criteria Potential Capacity at the entire site Number of WTGs
Gamesa-G114 2.0MW 7D x 5D 40 MW 20
Vestas-V110 2.0 MW 7D x 5D 40 MW 20
Suzlon-S111 2.1 MW 7D x 5D 40 MW 20
The optimised layout of the site using Gamesa-G114-2.0MW, Vestas-V110-2.0MW and Suzlon-S111-2.1MW (7D x 5D
spacing criteria) has been presented with long term mean wind speed at different vertical heights of 100m and 120m in the
below figures.
Figure 36: Optimized layout of Wind turbine generators with Long term mean wind speed at 120m
Source: Simulation
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Figure 37: Optimized layout of Wind turbine generators with Long term mean wind speed at 100m
Source: Simulation
The wind energy assessment provides information about annual energy production (AEP) at the wind farm level consisting of
20 nos. of wind generators after optimising the location. The figures for gross & net AEP, net PLF w.r.t P50 and P75 are
derived for Gamesa-G114-2.0MW, Vestas-V110-2.0MW and Suzlon-S111-2.1MW model WTG power curves with spacing
criteria of 5D x 7D are used to arrive at AEP. The various uncertainties drawn in BLWMM and WMMAM model which includes
uncertainty pertaining to data modelling, data use, terrain and historical are assessed. The total uncertainty is applied on AEP
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for estimating PLF at different probabilities of exceedence. In the estimation of net AEP the machine availability, grid
availability and transmission loss are considered in accordance with best industry practice.
The process involved in assessing AEP is described through the process – flow diagram shown in below figure.
Correct AEP for air density, and calculation of P50 and P75
Source: WFMS
The AEP of the wind farm is calculated based on the followings shown in below table:
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On considering the optimised WTG location through micrositing, the best 20 locations have been identified (across the entire
site area, if no other use of land would be there) as shown in below table:
Table 20: Optimal WTG positions with three WTGs model as per different spacing criteria
WTG Models Gamesa G114 2.0 MW, Vestas V110 2.0MW and Suzlon S111 2.1MW
Turbine spacing criteria 7D x 5D
WTG No Lat Long Elevation(m)
01 22.78364 91.36688 7
02 22.78353 91.37317 8
03 22.78395 91.37909 2
04 22.78386 91.38495 4
05 22.78365 91.39068 6
06 22.78299 91.39655 5
07 22.78771 91.39947 5
08 22.78831 91.39365 7
09 22.78857 91.38797 6
10 22.78859 91.38213 7
11 22.78881 91.37629 7
12 22.78908 91.37042 7
13 22.78945 91.36492 6
14 22.79282 91.39671 7
15 22.79236 91.40245 7
16 22.79316 91.3909 7
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17 22.79342 91.38508 7
18 22.79349 91.3793 8
19 22.79387 91.37348 8
20 22.79421 91.36769 7
PLF values at probabilities of exceedance (PoE) P50 and P75 and gross & net AEP using Gamesa G114 2.0 MW, Vestas
V110 2.0 MW and Suzlon S111 2.1 MW WTG models with spacing criteria of 5D x 7D have been derived at the wind farm
level consisting all identified 20 WTG locations at the site is given in below table.
Table 21: Estimated gross and net AEP of wind farm considering 20 WTGs
* Gross PLF is assessed using wind speed derived from meso-scale modeling at 100m hub height for site.
** Net PLF after MA=0.96, GA=0.97 and TL factor = 0.965 and Array losses = 0.97 has been considered as per industry practices.
The uncertainty pertaining to micro-scale modelling is high as compared to ground measured wind resource assessment. The
various uncertainties considered here are mentioned in below table:
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Table 22: Uncertainty for energy with three selected WTG models for 20 years period
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The issue lies with the water ingress in the area which may affect the
construction and operation of foundation structure of machines. There
have not been too many instances of wind turbine foundations of on-shore
remaining inundated in standing water for more than 24 hours. But this
issue can be partially solved by making the turbine foundation base
slightly elevated on the normal ground and using fast-setting marine grade
RCC for the foundations. Similar construction techniques are routinely
followed for other water-immersed infrastructures like railway bridges,
highways and even HT towers passing over water bodies like rivers and
shallow water bodies and this practice can be incorporated here.
Design scheme for elevated DP yard for wind turbine is shown this image.
Similar scheme can be adopted for containerised Inverter solution for solar
This arrangement will also protect against damage from flash floods,
excess rainfall and malicious damage by humans. Small grazing animals
who manage to enter solar PV and wind area will also be prevented from
damaging the CT, PT and relays. Unskilled labours working to clear shrub
growth under the PV installed areas and wind area will also be safe and at
the same time they will be prevented from accessing any of the HT side
Source: WFMS
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Chapter 2, 3 and 4 shows the site assessment, resource estimations, suitable technology and system and energy yield
analysis for solar PV and wind energy. Further in this Chapter all possible capacity mix options have been assessed
(technical and financial) and presented, and based on assessment, site suitability & requirements one Option out of all
assessed options has been recommended for the site i.e. Option 7- only 200 MWac solar PV with no wind this recommended
option shall have around 25% of total land area for livelihood activity in distinct manner e.g. Intensive Fishery.
The recommended final option would be “200 MWac solar PV with Intensive Fishery on balance (298 acre) land without
wind”. It would be developed in two phases:
1.) Phase-I (EPC mode, EGCB Ownership): 50 MWac solar PV with 230 kV pooling SS, associated infrastructure, dike
and approach road development.
2.) Phase-II: (IPP Ownership): 150 MWac solar PV with associated infrastructure and dike.
Before defining the hybrid system we have considered the mutual influence of solar PV and wind system on each other.
It is envisioned that the major interference of the system will be from the flickering and shadowing effect of the wind turbine
blades on the solar PV area. Our design considers that the following points are considered while calculating the quantum of
area which is to be left vacant around the wind turbine:
Falling distance of the turbines = (length of tower + height of the nacelle + radius of the blade) x 1.10, this is the area
to be compulsorily kept vacant around the turbines where no PV modules can be installed. As a standard industry
practise, the wind turbine switch-yard would be usually installed here but in this proposed project case we can use this
area for the water tanks for module cleaning and/or other small components of the module cleaning system.
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An entire stretch of land mostly in the northern, western and eastern part of the land patch. The effect of wind turbine
shadow will be on these areas, if install solar PV modules here.
Source: Simulation
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The study identified the possible capacity mix options for the site, out of which one option has been recommended that is
Option 7 - “272 MWdc solar PV with fishery activity in the remaining land in distinct manner without wind”.
The LCOE comparison of all options is based on concessional finance conditions as described in section 7.1 and applied
during Phase 1. Moreover, revised cost figures for the dike and power evacuation infrastructure compared to the reference
case analysis have been considered. Following are the identified capacity mix options for the site:
Option 1 is 100 MWac (136.08 MWdc) solar PV plant and 24 MWac wind energy system and no additional use of land.
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5.2.2 Option 2
In option 2 100 MWac Solar PV, 10 MWac wind power and additional 54 MWac solar PV in between shadow free area of
5.2.3 Option 3
Option 3 is only 262 MWac solar PV plant and there is no wind energy system. Entire proposed site will be utilized for only
solar PV system installations.
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5.2.4 Option 4
In this option 4, 172 MWac (234.05 MWdc) Solar PV and 10 MWac wind power project is proposed in distinct installation
manner along with additional utilization of the 26% of the entire land for livelihood purpose e.g. fishery (Intensive Fish culture
has been considered for this analysis, and the cost and revenue of fishery has not been considered in financial analysis).
Following table shows the results of Option 4 (solar PV-wind hybrid project) at the proposed site:
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MWac 50 122 10
Net Energy Yield GWhr/yr 101.36 247.3 12.78
Total Area Ha 67 164 7DX5D
CAPEX m USD 80.64 155.86 13.71
OPEX m USD 0.94 2.05 0.198
cents /
LCOE kWh 10.35 10.29 17.82
Weighted Average LCOE 10.61
for PV and wind
Since 26% livelihood area will be used for Intensive fishery in this Option, the following Intensive assumptions have been
considered in this analysis:
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5.2.5 Option 5
Option 5 has fish farming beneath the solar PV modules. Bangladesh local fishery experts were consulted for designing the
fish farming beneath the proposed solar PV. This Option 5 is proposed to be developed in two phases (as proposed for
Option 4), Phase-I will have only 50 MWac solar PV with relevant infrastructure like Site approach road, Dike for Phase-I,
ponds, office area, platforms etc. Phase-II will have remaining 116 MWac solar PV with 10 MWac wind capacity along with
pooling SS for entire project, Dike for Phase-II, platforms etc.
Following table shows the results of Option 5 (solar PV-wind hybrid project with fish farming (semi Intensive fish culture)
beneath the solar PV module) at the proposed site:
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87 203 11.02
Total Area Ha
Semi intensive fish culture has been considered in this Option 5 (beneath the solar module), hence following Semi-Intensive
assumption has been considered in this analysis:
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As per Fishery experts inputs we have designed the layout of Option 5 which caters the relevant requirements for fish farming
beneath the solar PV, as follows:
1.) Optimum area distribution for fishery solar PV, wind and other relevant activities: Due to initial stage proper maturing of
fish eggs we have not considered the installation of solar PV on Egg and Fingerlings ponds, solar PV installation will come
only on Market Size Maturing Ponds. Following table shows the area distribution for Option 5:
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2.) Optimum sun light for aqua culture: Following table shows the proposed required sunlight fulfilment along with solar
PV module installation and decrease in solar PV capacity because of provision of more row spacing for fishery
(because of the fishery activity requirements the solar PV plant will be having updated – 6 m row spacing, 11.6 m pitch
and 15° tilt angle):
Table 30: Aquaculture sustaining optimum parameters along with solar PV system
Optimum Sunlight Area Total Area For Total Module Sunlight Area
Sr. No. Of
Month Pitch Per Available On Each Sunlight Per Area For 1 Mw Available Per
No. Rows
Month Row In Sq.Mtr Month In Sq. Mtr Month
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3.) Optimum elevation of solar PV system for fishery management activity: The elevation of the solar PV system will be 4 m,
which will cater the fishery management activity requirement.
As per consultation with fisher expert, above mentioned spacing, elevation and sunlight area are sufficient for fish farming at
the site beneath the solar PV modules.
5.2.6 Option 6
In this option 6, 182 MWac (247 MWdc) Solar PV is proposed with fishery (semi-intensive fish culture) beneath the solar
modules and no wind power project.
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Net Energy Yield GWhr/yr 98.881 261.03
Total Area Ha 87.7 231.53
CAPEX m USD 67.82 173.97
OPEX m USD 1.190 2.82
USD cents
LCOE / kWh 11.37 11.32
Weighted Average LCOE for
Semi intensive fish culture has been considered in this Option 6 (beneath the solar module) with no Wind power project,
hence following Semi-Intensive assumption has been considered in this analysis:
Optimum area distribution for fishery solar PV and other relevant activities: Due to initial stage proper maturing of fish eggs
we have not considered the installation of solar PV on Egg and Fingerlings ponds, solar PV installation will come only on
Market Size Maturing Ponds. Following table shows the area distribution for Option 6:
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In this option 7, 200 MWac (272 MWdc) Solar PV is proposed with utilization of the remaining land for livelihood purpose e.g.
fishery (Intensive Fish culture has been considered for this analysis and the cost and revenue of fishery has not been
considered in financial analysis).
Following table shows the results of Option 7 at the proposed site (P75):
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MWac 200
Technology Fixed-tilt solar PV system based on central inverter and polycrystalline module technology
MWdc 68 204
Capacity MWac 50 150
Total MWac 200
Net Energy Yield GWhr/yr 98.12 294.32
Total Area Ha 67.3 201.85
CAPEX m USD 66.37 170.63
OPEX m USD 0.94 2.48
USD cents /
kWh 10.18 9.99
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Option 7
In Intensive Fish Culture
Phase 1 Phase 2 Unit Remark
Area 81.17 48.9 Acres As per Local and International Fishery Expert
As per Local and International Fishery Expert @ 40 MT / Acre /
Production 3246800 1956000 KG/year year
As per Local and International Fishery Expert @ 80 BDT / kg of
OPEX 259744000 156480000 Taka/year production
As per Local and International Fishery Expert @ 140 BDT / kg of
Revenue 454552000 273840000 Taka/year production
As per Local and International Fishery Expert @ 15 BDT / kg of
CAPEX 48702000 29340000 Taka production
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Bangladesh is having land scarcity and higher population density per square KM, therefore, to utilize the available land in
most optimum way to fulfil country’s needs and generation of more livelihood options for the citizens is the major
consideration for the GoB.
This project site is also considering the sustainable development – environment benefit through renewable energy, economic
benefit through additional power generation and social benefit through livelihood generation.
The detailed assessment and analysis of all the 7 options has given the conclusion that Option 7 is the more appropriate and
suitable implementable option for the proposed site (considering all the aspects and requirements).
c.) Following comparative analysis shows the rationale to choose the Option 7 as the recommended option (Only Solar PV,
No wind):
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Solar PV Wind
Site is having good solar resource and Site is having less wind resource and generation potential.
generation potential. (As per resource
potential assessment)
1 MWdc solar PV would require 2.4 Acres 1 MWac wind would require 7.4 Acres land
land (1 MWac solar PV would require 3.3
Acres land)
If 10 MWac wind (74.3 Acres of land) is replaced with complete solar PV then it can accommodate additional ≈30 MWdc solar
PV capacity on the same land.
30 MWac solar PV would produce 58 GWhr 10 MWac wind (using same land as 30 Mwac Solar) would produce 14.9 GWhr
per year net electricity per year net electricity
LCOE = 10 USD cents / kWh (As per LCOE = 18 USD cents / kWh
financial analysis, it does not include the
cost and revenue of fishery, but it includes
fishery’s impacts on foundation, civil &
Structure cost).
Associated Infrastructure cost: for solar PV Associated Infrastructure cost: for wind along with solar PV need to develop
need to strengthen the existing 4 m wide 9.8 m wide new road (this stretch of road consists of 3 Bridges of 8m, 20m,
road it costs around 23.77 Mn Taka, there is 30m respectively and 2 Culverts (both of 3m length), it costs around 147.1 Mn
no need of development of a new road or Taka. there would be need of detailed study and development of a new road or
Jetty. Jetty.
For the proposed site only solar PV installation with no wind is recommended, based on comparative analysis.
d.) Following comparative analysis shows the rationale to choose the Option 7 as the recommended option (Only Solar PV
with Intensive Fishery at open land in distinct manner):
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Intensive fish culture on open land is a better option to Semi-intensive fish culture beneath the panels, due to 10 times
better productivity (fish productivity), relatively higher solar generation (in term of units generated), lower LCOE, and less
operational complexity.
Conclusion: Based on GoB Bangladesh’s requirement of livelihood, site parameters/location, ease in EPC & O&M, financial
attractiveness and comparative study, Option 7 comes out as more appropriate option for the proposed site. Hence Option 7
is the recommended option from this feasibility assessment study.
Following figure shows the layout of the recommended Option 7:
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Source: WFMS
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Further in Chapter 6 – Power Evacuation and Off-take, Chapter 7 - Financial Analysis (for solar PV) and Chapter 8 –
Economic analysis, Option 7 (i.e. recommended option) has been used to present the analysis and results.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Activities by PowerCell
Finalization of DPR
Investment Approval
Preparation of Tender
Floating of Tender
Technical Evaluation, Recommendation for Price Bid
Award of Work/LOA
Activities by LSTK
Site Specific Assessment Studies and Design
Construction of Foundations
Erection of Electrical Components
Commissioning of Entire Project
Performance Testing
Training of Manpower for O&M
Installation Activities
PowerCell support during installation and
Note: Relevant site specific studies, design engineering and construction of site approach road & dike shall be done before project installation.
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Certain permits and clearances are required to be obtained by the project developer from different Government and statutory
agencies at various stages of development phase of the project.
Permitting and licensing procedures vary depending on plant location and size. For small PV installations, permitting regimes
are often simplified and obtained at a local authority level. However large-scale plants can have more extensive requirements
that are determined at a national or regional level. The key permits, licences and agreements typically required for renewable
energy projects include:
The list of clearances/permits along with the status is as under (as an exemplary based on similar project experience in the
Permissions/Licenses Authority
Bid Winning
Letter of Consent from State DISCOM DISCOM
Temporary Electricity Connection on site State Electricity Board
LOA from Nodal Agency Nodal agency 45 days
PBG Nodal agency
Implementation Agreement with DISCOM DISCOM
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District town Planner/Municipal/Forest
Land Clearance (Deed/Registry and etc.) Department
NOC and other required set of documents to
attached for CLU.
CLU-Change of Land use if it is Forest or Agriculture land District Town Planner-Revenue Department 6 months
Water Pipeline or Ground Water Clearance from similar
department. Ground water department
Waste Disposal Clearance Concern department
Consent to Establish Concern department
Fire NOC Concern department
Pollution Control Board PCB
Ministry of Environment and Forestry 45 days
(MOEF) (Register in the website and doing
Forest Clearance needful)
Grant of Connectivity or Grid Feasibility letter from nearest SS DISCOM Circle office(SS)
NOC from DISCOM based on Grant of Connectivity DISCOM
Right of Way from TRANSCO TRANSCO 45 days
State Highway or National Highway Clearance Concern Ministry and state departments
CEIG Approval Concern department
Leveling of land using blast mode (if applicable) Permission to be taken from DC
Third Party Inspection approval to be submitted to DISCOM and
Nodal Agency Third party 30 days
Labor Licenses Labor department
Road Entry Permit for Contractors to bring Material to site Concern department
With Order Copy/Agreement Copy stating
the quantity and price and technology used.
Should comply the ROW and State Grid 15 days
Bill of Material Clearance from Nodal Agency in concurrence Code Supply and CEIG Compliance and
with DISCOM and TRANSCO CEA as well.
Purchase of Approved Meters Authorized supplier 5 days
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The technology (E4) is a water-free cleaning system, meaning that it not only avoids the cost of water, but also the
infrastructure that supports it, be it tanker trucks, storage containers, hoses and piping. The E4 removes 99% of soiling on a
daily basis using a combination of three factors: A special microfiber that gently wipes soiling away controlled airflow over the
panel surface and gravity to ensure soiling is moved downwards and off panel rows.
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Source: www.ecoppia.com
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Monitor and manage site’s E4 fleet from anywhere in the world via remote management platforms, where one can initiate
cleanings, change schedules, look at historical statistics or drill down into the function of single robots. Management is further
enhanced by a simple SMS interface, allowing us to send commands and receive status updates from your mobile phone.
Life of System?
o 25 years.
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Availability of system?
o Their product is easily available.
Note: Above mentioned information are based on discussion with Ecoppia Technology Provider.
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PGCB requires to ensure adequate and reliable power supply for the upcoming economic zone at Mirsarai in Chittagong, to establish
transmission infrastructure for transfer of electricity generated from upcoming coal/LNG power plants at Moheskhali and Matarbari to
the major load centers and to meet the rapidly growing demand of residential, commercial and industrial consumers in the southern
region (in Gopalganj, Satkhira, Faridpur, Khulna, Chittagong and Greater Barisal Districts), as well as other locations throughout
Bangladesh. This GSS can be used for this RE project.
This proposed RE project will be developed in two phases, first phase will be 50 MWac solar PV only and second phase will be
remaining of solar PV capacity.
As per EIA report Mirsarai Economic Zone-II of BEZA and Tender ICB no PGCB/230KV/MIRSAR-BSRM/SS of PGCB, "Mirsarai
Economic Zone is a fully government owned economic zone with an area of approximately 7716 acres under Bangladesh Economic
Zones Authority (BEZA). A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between BEZA and PGCB for setting up and
maintenance of a grid substation in Mirsarai Economic Zone. PGCB will establish a 230/132/33 kV Grid Substation with provision of
extension up to 400 kV in the land provided by BEZA as per MoU. Distance of proposed 50 MW solar power plant site from PGCB
grid substation under BEZA is around 9 km. PGCB has invited bid for "Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
230/33kV GIS Substation at Mirsharai EZ" on 09 August,2017 which will be completed within 18 months from the effective date of
Hence based on discussions and suggestion from PGCB, Mirsarai 230 kV GSS of PGCB Or BEZA substation of PGCB (under
construction) can be an option for power evacuation for this RE project. For this feasibility assessment study we have considered
Mirsarai 230 kV GSS, however further power evacuation option and arrangement depend on the detailed grid connectivity and
stability study of PGCB and client’s decision.
The Generated power from this project will be stepped up to kV level of transmission line and then evacuated through dedicated
feeder lines to the pooling SS. The pooling SS should be of 230 kV level to be connected to 230 kV Mirsarai GSS.
The various power evacuation and interconnection options are given in chapter 2 and here we would briefly discuss the final
selection and basic layout of a 33/ 230 kV pooling SS from which dedicated transmission lines would be evacuating the power to the
PGCB network.
Following images show the SLD of the pooling SS for this RE project:
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Source: PGCB
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Source: PGCB
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Note: For better legibility the PDF file of the SLD shall be shared separately.
The bill of quantity (BOQ) of the above shown 200 MWac pooling SS layout is attached below (considering power evacuation of both
Phases to 230 kV Mirsarai grid GSS):
3 33 kV Cables
33 kV Solar Ring Main System (100 MW) to 33 kV Sub Switchgear and 33 kV Solar Ring Main System (100 MW)
to 33 kV Main Switchgear (Pooling Substation)
119 km
33 kV Cable from Sub Switchgear to 33 KV Main switchgear (Pooling Substation)
33 KV Main switchgear (Pooling Substation) to Transformer
4 33 kV / 230 kV Switchyard
100 MVA, 230 kV / 33 kV, ONAN/ONAF Power Transformers 2 Nos.
50 kVA, 33 kV / 0.415 kV, Auxiliary Transformers 4 Nos.
230 kV Feeder Bay comprising of 1250 A, SF6 Outdoor type breaker, Motorised Double Break Isolator, LA, CTs,
Metering & Protection, etc. 2 Bays
230 kV Outgoing Bay comprising of 1600 A, SF6 Outdoor type breaker, Motorised Double Break Isolators, Earth
Switch, LA, CTs, PTs, Metering & Protection, ABT Meters, etc. 2 Bays
230 kV Bus-PT Bay comprising of Motorised Double Break Isolator. 2 Bay
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230 kV Bus Coupler Bay comprising of 2500 A, SF6 Outdoor type breaker, Motorised Double Break Isolator, LA,
CTs, Metering & Protection, etc. 1 Bay
230 kV Bus Transfer Bay comprising of 1600 A, SF6 Outdoor type breaker, Motorised Double Break Isolator, LA,
CTs, Metering & Protection, etc. 1 Bay
5 Transmission Line
A 230 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line with Moose Conductor to Mirsarai SS 20 km
Note: Tentative BOQ from Inverter AC side 33kV to Transmission Line
The technical specifications for the cables, conductors and relay settings for the project will be designed as per Bangladesh grid code
by the developer and the schemes and BOQ given here is an indicative document only.
Following table shows results of the analysis for power evacuation of both phases in recommended option 7:
Table 40: Power evacuation capacity and cost of recommended option 7 in both phases
Phase-1 Phase-2
Parameter Unit
Solar PV Balance Solar PV
MWdc 68 204
Capacity MWac 50 150
Total MWac 50 150
Two 100/125 MVA, 230 kV / 33 kV, ONAN/ONAF Power Transformers; 2 transformer feeder bays + 2
outgoing transmission line bays + 2 bus PT bays + 1 bus coupler + 1 bus transfer bay; 230 kV two circuit
Evacuation items transmission line of around 20 KMs; two additional bays at 230 kV grid SS; 33 kV Sub Switch gear
Indoor type VCBs (13 X 630 A + 1 X 1250 A + 2 X 1600 A; total 16 numbers); 33 kV main switch gear
indoor type pooling SS (13 X 630 A + 3 X 2500 A + 2 X 1600 A; total 18 numbers)
Total evacuation cost million USD 6.621
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As a legal contract between the plant operator and the purchaser of the electricity produced (off-taker), a Power Purchase
Agreement (PPA) defines future project revenues. Hence a PPA will be signed between project owner and off-taker.
In this case, power off-taker will be BPDB, who will buy the power from this project through duly defined and specified PPA as per
applicable acts and rules of Bangladesh.
The off-take conditions (voltage, tariff, etc.) will be in-line with the Grid Code and Distribution Code of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory
Commission (BERC).
General requirements
o Application for Connection
o Site responsibility Schedule
o Connection Voltage
o Maintenance Responsibility
o Data Requirement
System Performance
o Generator : 47.5 – 52 Hz, PF 0.8 lag to 0.95 lead
o Grid Frequency : 49 - 51 Hz
o Voltage : ± 5% normal ± 10% emergency
System Design Short Circuit Level – 12123 MVA (3-Phase)
International and Regional Connection
o Synchronous or Asynchronous
o HDVC Connection and Back to Back (B2B) Interface
Fault Clearing Time
o 400 kV : 100 ms
o 230 kV and 132 kV : 160 ms
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The grid code, controlled by the grid operator i.e. PGCB, specifies how a generating plant must connect to and interface with the
electricity distribution network. The PPA should reference the grid code and clearly specify how compliance with that code is
determined as a condition for commercial operation. There may be room to negotiate relaxation of grid code requirements for solar
projects if specific code for renewables has not yet been adopted. If the grid code has not been updated to cover intermittent energy
sources, such as solar, certain provisions may need to be included in the PPA.
Considering the limited funding pool available with the federal republic of Bangladesh and in view of maximising the benefits of the
grant money from World Bank group, the best option for power intake can be a mixture of the following options.
1. EGCB can start with outright ownership as an anchor agency for 50 MWac solar PV capacities in Phase-1 with equity support
from domestic/ foreign lending agencies and debt from World Bank group. EGCB will also act as overall park developer
making investments in developing the total shared infrastructure like land development, pooling sub-station development and
putting in place approvals related to grid tie-up and other statutory clearances.
2. The balance solar PV and wind capacity in Phase-2 are bounded out in IPP mode with bidders invited to bid on a tariff-based
reverse bidding mode. Bidders have to bid considering the cost of shared services like land, power evacuation and other
common infra like CMCS. Roads and telecom infra has already been made ready at the site by EGCB and just need to
incorporate the apportioned cost of these shared services on a per MW basis. The bidders for the allocated capacity will be
entering into long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with EGCB. EGCB will be providing them payment guarantee in
the form of a rolling bank guarantee against three months estimated billing. The tariff will be set for a guaranteed number of
units and any shortfall in delivered units due to technical issues related to the performance of the solar PV components
installed by the integrated power producer (IPP) will be compensated by the IPP to EGCB at the agreed tariff level. For any
shortfall in delivering power to EGCB from IPP due to grid shutdown and interference from the installed solar PV and wind
systems installed by EGCB (causing revenue loss due to conditions beyond the control of the IPP) then, in that case it will be
considered as deemed generation and the IPP will be compensated by EGCB and PGCB. Guaranteed deemed generation
system has been successfully implemented in India with World Bank group funding and we feel payment guarantee for
deemed generation loss will provide ample incentive to the developers to attract them to invest in this first multi-megawatt grid
connected solar and wind power project in Bangladesh.
3. Another option can be a public private partnership (PPP) mode, where EGCB and PGCB can invite bids for development of
the entire capacity of the renewable energy project based on reverse bidding model, and the winner(s) will be forming a
special purpose vehicle (SPV) with EGCB and PGCB for operating this asset for 25 years. As part of their equity contributions
for the project, EGCB can provide land and power evacuation infra, grid tie-up approval and common infrastructure facilities.
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Hence the developer can develop the solar PV and wind capacity in a BOOT model with the entire infrastructure transferred
to the EGCB after 25 years. This will provide the developer opportunity to raise cheap international debt for the project based
on very limited power off-take risk. This will bring down the WACC of the overall project and also give the developer additional
negotiating power with international Tier-1 module and inverter manufacturers. Often these Module manufacturers will bring
favourable debt financing options based on the volume (130MWp+) of modules and also based on the payment risk mitigation
provided by the SPV with the federal utility as a shareholder.
4. Based on the response of the bids received, EGCB can also decide to invite pure-play EPC contractors for setting up the
project on a cost plus basis indexing. Similar EPC project experience is there in India where World Bank has been involved
as a funder for state owned entities like Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI). This option can be exercised only if EGCB
and World Bank feel there is a case for substantial reduction of cost of the project and the LCOE, if EGCB develop this
project as their flagship and tariff quoted by IPP in the reverse auction is highly ambitious in terms of profit expectations.
This study has presented two phases of development of this project, in Phase-1 solar PV of 50 MWac capacity will be executed and
remaining solar PV i.e. 150 MWac solar PV capacity will be executed in Phase-2. Following table shows the proposed phasing for
the recommended Option 7:
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With a financial model adapted to Bangladesh, the effects of the defined assumptions will be calculated to provide an economic basis
for the conclusions of this report. The key input parameters for the financial model are, among others:
Estimated annual electricity yield given in MWh per year (based on site-specific solar irradiation and technical configuration)
Investment cost (CAPEX)
Operation and maintenance cost (OPEX)
as well as the assumptions regarding the financing scheme. Standard formulas are used to perform the calculations considering
these assumptions.
The financial model uses a single currency (here: USD) and is based on a yearly cash flow, where revenues and costs are calculated
according to the assumptions and technical input of the project configuration. For the calculation of key performance indicators (such
as Net Present Value (NPV) of the project, the Equity Internal Rate of Return (IRR), or alternatively the tariff in USD/MWh) the
financial modelling takes into account the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.
The financial parameters for the calculations are shown in the table below:
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On the basis of the above mentioned financing assumptions and technical parameters, the Consultant calculated the LCOE of the
solar PV for the recommended option and other options.
The Consultant is aware that there are currently no local banks capable to finance an utility scale solar project in Bangladesh. The
ideas on how to enable local financing for solar project are going to be explored separately in Task 5. Thus, the Consultant only
considers the IFC financing for the technical calculations at this stage of the Feasibility Study. For Phase 2 IPP mode, the following
preliminary financial assumptions have been taken into account.
Following table shows the assumed tax rates for the financial analysis:
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The CAPEX comprise all costs for the installation of the plant, including civil structures and interconnection to the closest substation.
For solar PV installations, the major driving factor of capital expenditures is the cost of solar PV panels. In the past years, solar panel
prices have represented approximately 40% to 50% of total solar PV system installed, price depending on the market and application
The following three key components of the CAPEX shall be explained in more detail:
1. EPC cost
2. Owner’s cost
3. Financing cost
For a non-recourse project financing scheme, a so-called EPC contract is mostly mandatory to integrate the construction risk and
allocate to a party that can manage it. As such, in case of an EPC turnkey project, an experienced EPC contractor will carry out the
engineering for the project, procure all the equipment and materials necessary and construct the plant, thus, providing the owner a
facility that is “ready to use”. The EPC contractor has to execute and deliver the project within an agreed time and budget, commonly
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known as a fixed-price, Date Certain Turn Key contract, providing the owner (or the Special Purpose Company) the respective
EPC cost consists of the cost of plant equipment, on-site facilities and all infrastructure supporting the plant installation (e.g.
workshops, office and roads) as well as cost for the direct and indirect labour required for the construction of the plant. These costs
are often summarized as “bare erected costs”. Further, there is the cost of services provided by the EPC contractor, including the
basic and detail engineering, contractor permitting, project and construction management, site related studies, commissioning and
start-up services or other indirect costs. Last, the EPC cost includes the profit margin of the contractor and his contingencies.
The owner’s cost includes all further expenses for the owner, which are not included in the EPC turnkey package and which are not
related to the financing of the project. The owner’s cost can be grouped into the following:
Project development (incl. preparatory studies and surveys, permits and licensing, taxes, development fee etc.)
Land cost (purchase or land lease during construction)
Additional owner’s cost (owner's management, owner's engineering, advisory services, lender's technical, legal and insurance
advisors, insurances, O&M mobilization, pre-operating costs and contingencies etc.)
The financing costs prior to the commercial operation date depend on the financing structure of the project. In the case of debt
financing, the fees related with the negotiation and closing of the financial agreements may include appraisal fee, up-front fee (also
arranging fee and structuring fee) and syndication fee (if applicable).
Other financing costs are the commitment fee (payable on the committed but not yet disbursed loan amount), interest during
construction (IDC), and funding of the debt service reserve account (DSRA) with equity or with a letter of credit facility.
The following table shows the CAPEX assumptions for the solar PV recommended option:
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Option 7 (CAPEX)
Phase 1: Phase 2:
Description 50 MWAC (68 MWDC) 150 MWAC (204 MWDC)
Solar PV Modules 329600 22.43 312500 63.79
Mounting systems (fixed-tilt) 117634 8.00 116530 23.79
Inverter + Transformer stations 77500 5.27 73876 15.08
Combiner boxes, DC/AC cables 19366 1.32 18685 3.81
Electrical installation (mounting, earthworks and cable laying, medium voltage, SCADA) 76220 5.19 71390 14.57
Civil works (buildings, roads, site preparation, security) 21980 1.50 20587 4.20
Other (site facilities, engineering, experts, logistics, services, margin, miscellaneous) 73160 4.98 68338 13.95
Emerging market factor 10% 4.87 10% 13.92
Dike construction cost - 10.77 - 11.58
Cost for pumping system - 0.32 - 0.75
Power Evacuation Cost - 1.66 - 4.97
Site Approach road - 0.07 - 0.22
Total Cost 66.37 170.63
Cost for land lease 55540 3.67 44445 11.03
Development cost (including fees) - 4.00 - 3.00
Financing cost - 0.60 - 4.40
Working Capital - 0.36 - 0.91
Total Investment Cost (TIC) - 75.00 - 189.97
It should be noted, that the complete infrastructural cost associated with the access road, grid connection, flood protection measures
such as the dike and pumping system as well as land acquisition cost are allocated to PV technology within the LCOE calculations.
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The day-to-day operation and maintenance of a solar PV plant is conducted by an experienced O&M contractor, which guarantees
his services at a fixed price. The assumed O&M cost do not include the insurance for the plant.
Option 7 (m USD)
O&M cost breakdown
Phase 1 Phase 2
Monitoring (Reporting, Error-Analysis & -Management) 0.11 0.28
Preventative Maintenance 0.15 0.38
Corrective Maintenance (Repair) 0.11 0.30
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Special inspection all 4 years (cost applicable on an annual basis) 0.05 0.13
Site Maintenance / Vegetation Management 0.07 0.18
Module Cleaning (assumption: 4 times per year) 0.07 0.19
Commercial Plant Management 0.07 0.13
Accruals 0.26 0.72
miscellaneous/contingencies 0.05 0.16
Total 0.94 2.48
Considering site location and salinity of the site being coastal area, automatic dry type robotic module cleaning can be an option.
However we have used cost of conventional O&M for financial analysis. Further choosing O&M method is open with client.
Note: For further details on robotic system refer section 5.5 of this FSR.
In a solar project financing scheme it is essential to diligently analyse and evaluate potential risks. Once certain risks are identified
and considered, the appropriate measures to mitigate them can be adopted. In the context of this chapter, risk shall be deemed as
the negative deviation of a factor from a targeted value. In a project financing, particularly those factors influencing the cash flow are
of great significance.
There are different approaches for risk breakdown models. In order to cluster the risks according to their type, we can outline the
following categories:
1. Construction Risks
a. Cost overrun
b. Time overrun
c. Technical performance
2. Market and Operational Risks
a. Sales and revenue risk
b. Energy yield risk – solar resource risk
c. Operative risk
d. Competition risk
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These five clusters describe the main risk categories and usually in a project financing, they have multiple subgroups and sub-risks
that need to be evaluated and allocated in the project agreements. Also, they need insurance agreements and project financing
contracts in order to avoid any risk event that would be fatal to the project. Most risks can be analysed in the financial model. A
reduction of revenues from a construction failure, malfunctioning equipment or an overestimation of solar irradiation, for instance, can
be tested in the financial model and the effect on cash flow, debt and equity can be estimated. Other risks have a rather binary
impact, such as an expropriation of the project (nationalization) that takes away all property rights and fully transfers ownership and
operation. A similar effect occurs if a national off-taker is being advised by the government not to pay its dues under the PPA
contract. Another risk would be a change in the interest rate during the lifetime of the loan. In order to see how most of the mentioned
risks would typically be addressed and allocated, the Consultant uses a risk matrix to show a typical risk analysis and structure (see
Appendix D).
The completion risk can occur through a cost overrun in construction, a time overrun, by not achieving completion at all, or by the
completed plant not meeting pre-defined performance levels. The assessment is made by increments in different CAPEX elements
and their impacts on the results of the project.
All threats during the operating phase that disrupt the production or lead to higher operational costs can be pooled as operational and
management risks. Causes for an operational and management risk include poor planning, organization or execution of operational
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procedures. Hence, the experience of the management personnel is crucial. Possible limitations of production have a negative
impact on the output quantity and consequently on generated income. The key consequence in the model is a lower cash flow, i.e.
The functional risk includes risks such as lower quantity or problem with reaching the quality of the product due to immature
technologies, or un-developing production methods. Due to substantially lower revenues, the ability of the project to serve its debt
obligations can be jeopardized.
In case of a solar power project, the resource risk can be described by the threat that solar irradiation (the resource) does not
correspond to the initial assumptions. If less solar irradiation is available this may cause lower income possibly during the entire
project lifetime, thus, this is an extremely sensitive risk aspect. Solar resource assessment and energy yield estimation can provide a
high degree of certainty. Risk in solar resources may lead banks and sponsors to invest in additional equipment in order to boost
energy yield.
The financial risk includes the interest rate risk, the inflation risk and the exchange rate risk. An increase of the interest rate can
decrease the project return by a significant percentage. Since interest rates are quite sensitive to project economics it is highly
recommended to hedge the interest rate over the lifetime of the loan, as usually done in best practice project financing. This can be
implemented by either lenders providing fixed interest rates or by the SPV buying interest rate hedging instruments like SWAPs for
floating interest rate loan e.g. LIBOR basis.
For the LCOE calculation, the impacts of inflation (on the tariff, O&M and other costs), as well as tax and depreciation, have been
taken into account. The financial model is tuned as to realise a fixed internal rate of return of 15%. The financial model considers a
stream of cash flows throughout the lifetime of the entire project from today’s point of view. The resulting tariff provides the LCOE,
expressed in USD/kWh. This is a different approach compared, for instance, to SAM (System Advisor Model) from the American
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which uses the equation of total project costs and total generation in kWh, subject to a
discount rate.
The applied financial model represents international best practice and has been used for different projects across different countries
and technologies (CSP and PV).
Figure 44: LCOE of solar PV in recommended option for Phase 1 and Phase 2
Source: WFMS
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This project will have the first commercial scale megawatt level grid-connected commercial wind power project in Bangladesh. Since
there are no benchmark or reference capital cost for projects in Bangladesh, the Consultant has to assume costs as prevalent in
Indian markets since India has now the 4th largest cumulative wind power installation in the world at 32 GW and all major
international wind power equipments manufacturers like GE Wind, Vestas, Gamesa, Senvion along with domestic majors like Suzlon
and Inox have a robust manufacturing presence in India and are supplying equipments to all neighbouring countries. Also the wind
profile of many sites in India is similar to the site at Sonagazi and we can take Indian capital costs and indexing them considering
cost of cement, steel and labour cost in Bangladesh.
Prima facie, the major difference in capital cost will be occurring in the balance of system components like cement, steel, sand and
also hiring charges for large-sized high capacity crawler cranes which are available in limited numbers and have very high
mobilisation and rental costs. Also there would be considerable cost in hiring expert manpower for wind turbine erection,
commissioning and operation and maintenance in the initial stages of the project. Such expert manpower need to be initially hired
from outside Bangladesh during the project planning and implementation stage and their cost will increase the overall CAPEX by a
margin of 1.5-3.00 percentage points .
With a financial model adapted to Bangladesh, the effects of the defined assumptions will be calculated to provide an economic basis
for the conclusions of this report. The key input parameters for the financial model are, among others:
Estimated annual electricity yield given in MWh per year (based on site-specific solar irradiation and technical configuration)
Investment cost (CAPEX)
Operation and maintenance cost (OPEX)
as well as the assumptions regarding the financing scheme. Standard formulas are used to perform the calculations considering
these assumptions.
The financial model uses a single currency (here: USD) and is based on a yearly cash flow, where revenues and costs are calculated
according to the assumptions and technical input of the project configuration. For the calculation of key performance indicators (such
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as Net Present Value (NPV) of the project, the Equity Internal Rate of Return (IRR), or alternatively the tariff in USD/MWh) the
financial modelling takes into account the income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.
The financial parameters for the calculations are shown in the table below:
The CAPEX comprise all costs for procurement, delivery and installation of all major and minor components that are part of the plant
design, including civil structures, electrical line and interconnection to the closest electrical substation.
For wind turbine project installations, the major driving factor of capital expenditure is the wind turbine generator understood as the
combination of blades, nacelle and tower. In the past years, turbine prices have remained steady with minor increase in the prices
due to increase in input costs of metals like steel and copper.
The following three key components of the CAPEX shall be explained in more detail:
1. EPC cost
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2. Owner’s costs
3. Financing cost
For a non-recourse project financing scheme, a so-called EPC contract is mostly mandatory to integrate the construction risk and
allocate to a party that can manage it. As such, in case of an EPC turnkey project, an experienced EPC contractor will carry out the
engineering for the project, procure all the equipment and materials necessary and construct the plant, thus, providing the owner with
a facility that is “ready to use”. The EPC contractor has to execute and deliver the project within an agreed time and budget,
commonly known as a fixed-price, Date Certain Turn Key contract, providing the owner (or the Special Purpose Company) with the
respective guarantees.
EPC costs consist of the costs for plant equipment, on-site facilities and all infrastructure supporting the plant installation (e.g.
workshops, offices and roads), as well as costs for the direct and indirect labour required for the construction of the plant. These
costs are often summarized as “bare erected costs”. Further, there are the costs of services provided by the EPC contractor,
including the basic and detail engineering, contractor permitting, project and construction management, site related studies,
commissioning and start-up services or other indirect costs. Last, the EPC costs include the profit margin of the contractor and his
The owner’s costs include all further expenses for the owner, which are not included in the EPC turnkey package and which are not
related to the financing of the project. The owner’s costs can be grouped into the following:
Project development (incl. preparatory studies and surveys, permits and licensing, taxes and development fee etc.)
Land costs (purchase or land lease during construction)
Additional owner’s costs (owner's management, owner's engineering, advisory services, lender's technical, legal and
insurance advisors, insurances, O&M mobilization, pre-operating costs and contingencies etc.)
In most cases of large wind power projects in Asia, equipments manufacturers like Gamesa, Vestas, Senvion, Regen Powertech,
Suzlon, Inox usually undertake the entire EPC including development cost as a turn-key project, thereby guarantying timely
execution, quality control and adherence to design. In the Asian context, except large well-established IPP and developers,
companies rarely contract supply and work of the entire project separately, especially for wind power projects. In light of this trend in
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Asia and considering the fact that there has not been any large-scale development of wind power projects in Bangladesh, it is
foreseen that developers/ IPP will favour turn-key solutions especially for the first large-scale project, where construction and design
risks outweigh other factors.
The financing costs prior to the commercial operation date depend on the financing structure of the project. In the case of debt
financing, the fees related with the negotiation and closing of the financial agreements may include appraisal fee, up-front fee (also
arranging fee and structuring fee) and syndication fee (if applicable).
Other financing costs are the commitment fee (payable on the committed but not yet disbursed loan amount), interest during
construction (IDC), and funding of the debt service reserve account (DSRA) with equity or with a letter of credit facility.
Often in the Asian context it is noticed that large wind equipments manufacturers have arrangements with financial institutions and
that they offer financing options linked to supply and performance of their works and the long-term performance of the projects. This
reduces the risk of performance uncertainty for the project since financers are comfortable with the technicalities of the projects and
can control risks better than a less experienced financial institution which might not be comfortable lending to a new industry.
Following table shows the CAPEX cost of wind farm of 10 MWac capacity:
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Taking the indexed cost of a similar sized project using similar equipments and operating on a pure IPP mode, the annual OPEX for
wind farm are estimated at 20000-22000 USD/MW/a. This is usually a comprehensive operation and maintenance price considering
zero liabilities for any breakdown related cost for the project owner. The comprehensive OMS is provided by the OEM who usually
acts as EPC contractor for the project. Considering the higher cost due to lower volumes for one project and the associated cost of
storing all major components like blades, generators and transformers at site, the cost of OMS can be taken as USD 20000/ MW/
A. Insurance cost – the cost of insurance on a MW basis per annum considering reinstatement clause premium is estimated at
2000 USD/MW/a.
B. Cost incurred in statutory dues like land tax, local panchayat tax, sales tax for maintaining office and apportioned cost of head
office staffs engaged in asset management.
C. Cost of travel, contingency, telecommunication and transportation assets and local guest houses etc.
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One of the main risks associated with wind power projects is the risk of abandonment of the project due to the local law and order
situation, flooding of the site and bankruptcy of the project execution agency. Other factors like changing political and legal
frameworks could also jeopardise the project. Further, the execution can be stopped on grounds of violation of environmental laws,
labour laws and safety regulations.
The main risk related to the wind power project is a shutdown and/or short-circuits due to an unforeseen flooding of the site caused
by storms and tidal surge of the Feni river. This risk can be mitigated by building a dyke at the southern side of the site towards the
river bank. This would prevent sudden uncontrolled water ingress into the site and also give the maintenance team enough time to
take emergency flood control measures like putting-up temporary dykes using sand bags and using high-capacity pumps to remove
water from the plant area. Though the DP yard may be elevated 5 m above the ground using the design demonstrated earlier, the
cable trenches may get exposed to water.
The other risk arises due to malfunctioning of the installed wind turbine generators due to damage in transit, unsafe operation caused
by grid fluctuations, cyclonic winds damaging blades, or a lack of generation due to inherent design flaws and defects in the
equipment installed. Some of the defects are covered by guarantees of the OEM and respective clauses protect against financial
losses but for other risks, the project may have to stop operating pending complete replacement.
Wind resource assessment is currently being conducted at the site and in case the WRA is not comprehensive and equipments used
are not matched against the available wind resource at site, the project will stop operating completely. There have been numerous
cases of equipment and wind resource mis-match in India and even in Bangladesh leading to total non-performance of the asset.
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The main financial risk of the project is due to non-performance of the asset, thereby not allowing the IPP / Developer to accrue
revenue to pay the debt + interest portion of the loan.
Financial Assumptions:
1. Leverage debt / equity = 70 : 30 ratio
2. Equity IRR =16 %
3. Required DSCR = 1.2 Times
4. Tenure = 12 Years
5. Interest Rate (base rate plus margin) = 12%
6. Up-front fee = 0.5 %
8. DSRA = 6 Months
10. CAPEX = 25.88 m USD
11. OPEX = 0.22 m USD
17.82 USD cents/ kWhr
Technical Assumptions:
1. Capacity = 10 MWac (ac output)
2. Gamesa G114-2MW
3. PLF = 14.59%
4. Probability = P75
5. AEP = 12.78 GWh/yr
Source: WFMS
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Based on the assessment, site suitability & requirements one Option out of all assessed options has been recommended for the site
i.e. Option 7- only 200 MWac solar PV with no wind this recommended option shall have around 25% of total land area for livelihood
activity in distinct manner e.g. Intensive Fishery.
Following table shows the summary of financial analysis of the recommended option 7 in two phases:
Table 50: LCOE of the project in phasing for recommended option 7 (P75)
Option 7 (in two Phases)
Phase-1 Phase-2
Parameter Unit
Solar PV Solar PV
Technology Fixed-tilt solar PV system based on central inverter and polycrystalline module technology
MWdc 68 204
Capacity MWac 50 150
Total MWac 200
Net Energy Yield GWhr/yr 99.42 298.25
Total Area Ha 67.3 201.85
CAPEX m USD 66.37 170.63
OPEX m USD 0.94 2.48
LCOE USD cents / kWh 10.18 9.99
Note: The cost of road, elevated structure, diking, pumping, pooling SS is included in this analysis. The calculated cost of Diking for
the entire project area (10.8 km) for recommended Option 7 is 21.5 m USD.
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8.1 Background
The energy sector is an important one for all the various countries of the world, and especially, the countries that are developing from
an economic point of view. A main issue regarding the energy supply and demand in Bangladesh is that, whereas the energy
demand is expected to continue increasing rapidly, domestic production of natural gas that accounts for more than half of the
country’s energy demand is coming to saturation (as per Survey on Power System Master Plant 2016 by JICA) .
Following figure shows the yearly comparison of net electricity generation in the Bangladesh by fuel type:
Figure 46: Comparison of net electricity generation in the Bangladesh by fuel type
Both above figure of electricity generation and primary energy scenario from Survey on Power System Master Plant 2016 by JICA
report of Bangladesh indicates that, in Bangladesh domestic production of petroleum is far less than that of natural gas, and the
country’s demand mostly depends on imports. The consumption of petroleum for power generation has been increasing rapidly since
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2011, but that the amount of domestic production has not increased during that period, which implies that the dependence of power
generation on imported petroleum has been progressed.
Based on above analysis and primary energy supply scenario of Bangladesh for future, HFO & Diesel seems gap filling fuel for
power generation in Bangladesh. For this economic analysis in this FSR we have considered HFO & Diesel as baseline fuel.
Considering challenges of primary fuel, more emphasis has been given in power generation through renewable energy. This would
especially meet the demand in areas where grid supply is not possible. The establishment of Sustainable and Renewable Energy
Development Authority (SREDA) is aimed to provide dedicated institutional support to promote renewable energy. The two main
areas of renewable energy are solar and wind power.
Bangladesh has enormous potential for wind energy, mainly in the coastal areas, hoarse and offshore islands. Government has a
plan to generate electricity from wind power under public and private initiatives.
Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has taken a systematic approach towards renewable energy development. The initiative includes
development of relevant policy and institutional development. As per the National Renewable Energy Policy 2008, the plan is to add
generation capacity of 2,000 MW by 2020 from renewable sources. In addition, the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral
Resources has announced in 2013 to develop 500 MW of installed generation capacity from solar energy through Asia Solar Energy
Initiative (ASEI).
Bangladesh has received concessional climate financing from the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries
(SREP) of the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) for implementing the SREP Investment Plan for Bangladesh that was prepared by
GOB and endorsed by the SREP Sub-Committee. The Investment Plan includes i) grid-connected renewable energy and ii) off-grid
solar PV mini-grids and irrigations. Under the grid-connected renewable energy project supported by the World Bank, Bangladesh
plans to use concessional resources from SREP to leverage financing for the development of 170 MW of utility-scale solar PV and
32MW of grid-connected rooftop solar PV. SREP support would help catalyze private investment in a first round of ground- and roof-
mounted solar PV plants, and show the potential for deploying solar PV on a commercial basis.
In the course of promoting renewable energy development program, the Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Limited
(EGCBL) has identified a potential grid-connected renewable energy project.
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Economic Analysis considers the project associated externalities and benefits, as explained in following sections with results.
8.2 Externalities
Externalities are impacts from the electricity generation activity, e.g. lung diseases from air pollution, which have no financial
bearings on the owner of the power plant, but which result in economic costs or benefits to society.
The World Bank’s Handbook on Economic Analysis defines externalities as “The difference between the benefits (costs) that accrue
to society and the benefits (costs) that accrue to the project entity.”
The difficulty is to quantify the costs and benefits in terms of money, so that the externalities can be included in socio-economic
evaluations. Then the political issue is whether and how to introduce corrective measures to include (internalise) the externalities in
energy prices at the least cost for society in order to create a level playing field for all technologies.
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Different kinds of power sector investment project have different kinds of benefits, some of which may be difficult to quantify. Below
are main benefits and issues of Grid connected renewable energy:
This renewable energy project will fuel economic growth, create new employment opportunities, enhance human welfare, and
contribute to a climate safe future.
The macroeconomic impacts of renewable energy deployment presented in this FSR were obtained based on a macro-econometric
analysis, using the 3E benefits (Economy, Environment & Energy Security).
Considering externalities and benefits economic analysis has been done, following tables and figures show the economic analysis
result of this project:
Table 51: Economic analysis result of the project Options - 1 to 7
Parameter Unit Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7
ERR- Diesel replacement % 28.70% 32.59% 38.51% 34.15% 32.18% 33.34% 35.78%
NPV- Diesel replacement MnUSD 307.24 478.96 791.57 588.06 494.96 530.05 659.39
Payback period- Diesel replacement #years 3.59 3.16 2.66 2.99 3.18 3.07 2.85
ERR- HFO replacement % 22.00% 25.01% 29.54% 27.26% 24.86% 25.74% 28.45%
NPV- HFO replacement MnUSD 191.33 309.92 530.90 410.10 322.32 347.59 460.43
Payback period- HFO replacement #years 4.69 4.12 3.48 3.75 4.12 3.98 3.59
Source: WFMS Analysis
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588.06 659.39
478.96 530.9 494.96 530.05 460.43
410.1 322.32 347.59
307.24 309.92
Payback period- Diesel replacement #years Payback period- HFO replacement #years
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As can be seen from the above table and figure that, among proposed seven Options, Option 3 seems more economically viable
compare to other options, but as per the requirement of the country, site and client to cater livelihood along with this project, Option 7
(recommended option) seems suitable among all.
Hence from this feasibility study we have recommended Option 7 as more suitable to the site. However decision is open with the
client to choose any Option as per their further requirements.
Table 52: Economic analysis (3E evaluation) result of the recommended Option 7
Economic Analysis (3E evaluation) of the recommended final option
Diesel HFO
3E Parameter Unit Remark
Replacement Replacement
ERR % 36% 28%
NPV m USD 659.39 460.43
Payback period Years 2.85 3.59
This assumes social carbon value of avoided CO2
SC-CO2 m USD 88.20 100.73 emissions as per USEPA, considered for entire project
life @ 14 USD/tCO2, 5% average, 2020-2030.
Environme GHG emissions
ktCO2e 6299.74 7194.87 Carbon emission savings over the life of the project
nt avoidance
Energy Avoided fossil Savings from fuel reduction will further cut import costs of
m USD 2574.50 1915.35
Security fuel cost these items.
Social benefits in terms of incomes, health, education, employment and Many other indirect social benefits may result from this
Social general human well-being from power, connectivity and such additional project. A separate detailed study may be done for exact
support infrastructure for the project estimation of the same.
Note: Taken assumptions for this analysis is given in the excel sheet, that will be shared separately as Financial Model.
Following tables show the job creation scenario of different technology projects:
Research conducted by EPRI (Electrical Power Research Institute, California), has assessed the direct employment of various RE
technologies per MW of RE capacity:
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Assuming technical lifetimes of 20 years for wind and biomass and 30 for photovoltaics and geothermal, the number of job years
created for each technology is calculated in the table below:
8.5 Conclusion
Above Economic analysis shows that, among proposed seven Options, Option 3 seems more economically viable compare to other
options, but as per the requirement of the country, site and client to cater livelihood along with this project, Option 7 (recommended
option) seems suitable among all.
Hence in this FSR we have considered Option 7 more suitable to the site. However decision is open with the client to choose any
Option as per their further requirements.
This economic analysis shows that, the project is having 3E benefit for the country at macro level, which this project can achieve
through different means like GHG emissions avoidance, SC-CO2, social benefits, energy security, health benefit and job creation etc.
Note: There is further need of detailed study of externalities and benefits of this project.
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Bangladesh is having land scarcity and higher population density per square KM, therefore, to utilize the available land in most
optimum way to fulfil country’s needs and generation of more livelihood options for the citizens is the major consideration for the
This project site is also considering the sustainable development – environment benefit through renewable energy, economic benefit
through additional power generation and social benefit through livelihood generation.
Considering all aspects of sustainability, the option 7 seems best fit to fulfil these criteria. Based on this consideration the final
selected option to go ahead with is Option 7 - 200 MWac (272 MWdc) Solar PV along with utilization of remaining land for livelihood
purpose e.g. fisheries.
Besides the electricity production of from the RE plant, the possibility of an additional land utilisation has been analysed for the
following usage scenarios.
a. Fishery
b. Cattle breeding
c. Farming
a. Fishery
Fish farming might be an option as the demand of land compared to other options is relatively low. For risk mitigation separated
areas are required. A possible location of the ponds could be within the wind farm.
The usage scenario of fish farms around the WTGs area seems reasonable as the land is having existing water body in his area and
the south side of the site would be water immersed throughout the year (as told by the client).
Other option is fish farming beneath the solar PV modules (with consideration of technical aspects and safety).
The possible fish farming analysis has been done in direct consultation with the Fishery Experts from the Department of Fishery of
Bangladesh and other recognised International fishery expert in Bangladesh (visited Bangladesh exclusively for this consultation
from 23rd July to 27th July 2017).
As per consultation and discussion, the fish farming can be done at the proposed project site in two ways:
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1.) Separately defined a fish farming area in the proposed project site along with RE power project i.e. Option 4 & Option 7
(recommended option).
2.) Fish farming beneath the solar PV modules (with some considerations) i.e. Option 5 & Option 6.
As per consultation with fishery experts in the Bangladesh followings are the inputs for the fishery at the proposed project site
(irrespective to layout of proposed project activity):
1.) Brackish water fish species can be farmed at the site like Telapia.
2.) Semi Intensive fish farming culture gives 4-5 MT/acres/year production with less cost of farming culture development e.g.
BDT 80 / kg for OPEX and BDT 15 / kg for CAPEX.
3.) Intensive culture gives 40 MT/acres/year but with large amount of development investments.
4.) For suggested semi intensive fish farming culture following pond system is required:
a. 50 decimal (1 decimal equals to 40 m2) Egg pond of 1 m depth.
b. 50-100 decimal Fingerlings pond of 1 – 1.5 m depth).
c. 200-250 decimal Market size maturing pond of 1.5 – 2.5 m depth.
5.) 5-6 feet vertical clearance (from pond water level) and 5-7 m horizontal distance is required for daily fishery
6.) Semi Intensive culture fishery requires 6-8 hours of sunlight per day and does not require aeration for aqua life, however
during cloudy days aeration may be required and it can be done through manual pedalling.
7.) During rainy season the brackish water specie can survive with rainy water mixing.
8.) For daily fish feeding can be done through country boat and bucket.
9.) Under water tray can be used for regular fish feeding (1-2 times in a day).
10.) A special harvesting net can be designed for this case of fishery beneath the solar PV modules.
11.) Whole sale price of fish product in the Bangladesh is around BDT 140 per kg.
12.) 10-17 kg/capita/year fish consumption is in Bangladesh.
Following image shows the example for an elevated PV plant concept for a fish farm underneath a 200MW PV plant covering an area
of 300 hectares in Zhejiang, China.
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Figure 48: Eelevated PV plant concept for a fish farm underneath a 200MW PV in Zhejiang, China
Source: www.pv-magazine.com
b. Cattle breeding
In general, the land would be suitable for cattle grazing. This scenario however, would require sufficient fencing around the PV plant
to protect the PV plant equipment. Allowing cattle grazing within the area of the PV plant is not reasonable in light of life risk, possible
damage of equipment and restrictions to component warranties.
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c. Farming
There are mainly two seasonal types of crops growing in this area, which is paddy during early monsoon (34 kg paddy / decimal) and
lentil at dry season (15 kg lentil / decimal).
Here in project area those species of plants can be planted which can grow in brackish water, following are benefits of planting those
1.) These plant species can improve the water quality via phyto-
remediation process
2.) Aesthetic purpose
3.) Livelihood
4.) Aqua life
In order to improve the usability of the land for farming activities the
application of an elevated structure might be an option. The idea of an
elevated structure is to reduce the obstacles that limit the activities of
farming to a minimum. Disadvantages of this option are:
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Presently the proposed project land is not having any livelihood activities ongoing like agriculture, fishery and/or any other land use.
The land is less fertile and saline in nature due to presence near coast of Sea. Proposed livelihood activities analysis shows that
agriculture farming and cattle breeding do not seem suitable to the site conditions and proposed project activity, but, fishery (brackish
water species) activity can be done at the site. Intensive fish culture on open land is a better option compare to Semi-intensive fish
culture beneath the panels (as explained in the Capacity Mix Chapter with rationale.
Hence intensive Fishery can be done in a separately defined area in the proposed project site along with only solar PV power project.
Option 7 (recommended option) suffices this purpose. The Option 7 considers a separated area for additional land utilisation option
(intensive fishery) with small/large pond culture). The recommended scenario allows up to use 25% of the site for separate livelihood
option within a clearly defined and safe area (refer Option 7 layout for further understanding in Capacity Mix Chapter).
From the north and west side of the project site some small fishery ponds and agriculture activity is happening but they are away
from the site and not dependent on the site in any way. However the detailed ESIA study needs to be conducted for this project
during implementation stage by the accredited third party, hence that study will cover the impacts of this project on nearby
communities and their livelihood and vice versa case.
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1. Recommended final option is “200 MWac solar PV with Intensive Fishery on balance land without any wind power project”.
2. The project shall be developed in two phases
a. Phase -1 (50 MWac)- by EGCB,
b. Phase-2 (150 MWac)- PPP Mode. Fishery to be separately set up under PPP mode
3. Power Evacuation: Mirsarai 230 kV GSS of PGCB Or BEZA substation of PGCB (under construction) can be an option for
power evacuation for this RE project.
4. Transportation & Site Approach: Strengthening of existing road with 4.5 m width of 7.5 KM length (connecting the site to
National Highway) as per Bangladesh road category type-7 is recommended for the project.
5. Natural Stream Management: Two natural streams are passing from the site. We have proposed to restore both the natural
streams with its natural course along with both side embankment.
6. The LCOE is estimated for Option 7 (recommended option) is 10.04 USD cents / kWhr. This is cheaper compare to power
from diesel and HFO generators, is 25.80 to 38.40 Tk/kWh is average unit cost of electricity generation by HSD and 14.15 to
19.30 Tk/kWh by HFO (BPDB, annual report 2015-2016).
7. Financial and Economic analysis shows that, among proposed seven Options, Option 3 seems more economically viable
compare to other options, but as per GOB’s requirements and sustainable use of land to cater livelihood along with this
project, Option 7 (recommended option) seems suitable among all. Hence in this FSR we have considered Option 7 more
suitable to the site. However decision is open with the client to choose any Option as per further requirements.
8. Following table shows the results of Option 7 at the proposed site (P75):
Parameter Unit Option 7 (solar PV with fishery and no wind)
Solar PV
Solar PV: Fixed-tilt solar PV system based on central
inverter and polycrystalline module technology. Wind:
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MWdc 272
MWac 200
Total MWac 200
9. To avoid flooding hazard, combination of Dike and elevated structure will be used.
10. The recommended option 7 project activity would reduce the GHG emissions around 6299738 tCO2e by replacing Diesel Or
7194872 tCO2e by replacing HFO in its project life i.e. 25 years, which would occur in business-as-usual case.
11. There is further need of detailed hydrology/natural disaster impacts/climate change impacts study before the vendor
engineering e.g. study through existing 2-dimensional flood model for the project area with recent satellite imageries/
topography to refine and improve the forecast of disaster risk on the site beyond the 50 years. It will include risks, mitigation
measures, the proposed embankment and other drainage facilities (pumps, drainage network, regulators, retention ponds,
drainage canals) and restoration of natural streams.
12. For detailed financial and economic assessment please refer Appendix P.
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1. Solar PV assessment has been carried out using solar GIS data provided by World Bank. No further refinement is expected in
this regard.
2. 10-min interval wind data from 120 m met-mast is not available for the project area, therefore all wind related calculations
have been carried out considering Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Application (MERRA) data which is
widely used internationally and has lower uncertainty. Flow modeling has been carried out using boundary layer theory, a
methodology proprietary to WFMS. This methodology has been validated using actual mast observation across South Asia
and South East Asia. The decision to be taken will need further confirmation by installing a measurement mast and
measuring wind speeds for at least two full wind seasons. Regen is doing the on region wind measurement study but the
study will be completed by 2018, hence the wind project should be developed in next year once the actual regional wind data
is available.
3. Based on discussions and suggestion from PGCB, Mirsarai 230 kV GSS of PGCB Or BEZA substation of PGCB (under
construction) can be an option for power evacuation for this RE project. For this feasibility assessment study we have
considered Mirsarai 230 kV GSS, however further power evacuation option and arrangement depend on the detailed grid
connectivity and stability study of PGCB and client’s decision.
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Ahammed, F. (2014). Variability of annual daily maximum rainfall of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Atmospheric Research.
Atonometrics, Inc. (2012). The Effects of Soiling on PV Performance - A Brief Literature Survey. Atonometrics, Inc.
GTM research. (2016). The Global PV Inverter and MLPE Landscape H2 2016; Prices, Forecasts, Market Shares and Vendor
Profiles. GTM research.
ISE, F. I. for S. E. S. (2016). Photovoltaics Report 2016. Freiburg, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
(ISE). Retrieved from https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/content/dam/ise/de/documents/publications/studies/Photovoltaics-
Khurana, J. (2016, September 29). Understanding the solar inverter market in India. PVTech. Retrieved from http://www.pv-
Mejia, F. A., & Kleissl, J. (2013). Soiling Losses for Solar Photovoltaic Systems in California, 95, 357–636.
Richter, M., De Brabandere, K., & Kalisch, J. (2015). WP2 Deliverable 2.4 - Best Practice Guide on Uncertainty in PV
Thevenard, D., Driesse, A., Turcotte, D., & Poissant, Y. (2010, March 31). UNCERTAINTY IN LONG-TERM PHOTOVOLTAIC
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Appendix D: Risk assessment and comprehensive risk matrix and recommended mitigating measures - as
Category Risk manifestation Allocated to Mitigation
of Risk event Party
Climate Tidal Inundation Project The major adaptation measure against flooding in the coastal region of
change/N Developer Bangladesh is the construction of earthen dike along the rivers as well as
atural parallel to coastline. The dikes are designed primarily to prevent flooding
Disaster during high astronomical tides and are found useful during cyclone-
Risk generated storm surge too.
Tropical Cyclones Project Increasing Dike Height: Dikes obstruct the penetration of surge wave to the
and Storm Surges Developer and land and even if the surge overtops them, the wave energy reduces to a
Sponsor/Forest considerable extent. The Project Specific Proposed Dike height has been
Department defined after analysis and assessment of last 50 years historical
(Gov. of meteorological stations’ data and forecasted for 25 years and regression
Bangladesh) analysis has been done to arrive at the suitable Dike height.
The Coastal Afforestation: In the recent years, plantations in the coastal area
as well as along the Dikes are being extensively conducted to enhance flood
mitigation measures in the coastal zone by the Forest Department in
Bangladesh. This Project will also have the Afforestation along the Dike.
Coastal Sponsor/Forest Mangrove Greenbelt: The Government of Bangladesh is now executing the
Morphological Department Green Belt Project in the coastal areas. This is a participatory reforestation
Dynamics (Erosion) (Gov. of program aimed at reduction of natural disasters as well coastal erosion.
Bangladesh) Afforestation is environment friendly and it helps to stabilize the land and
also raise the ground level that will reduce inundation depth. The primary
objective of developing mangrove plantations would be to mitigate disastrous
effects of cyclones, storm surges and erosion.
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gical/Fun technology
Disruption in Operator O&M contract with incentives and penalties; Operator = Sponsor,
production, mal- incentivized by dividend shortfalls or over-performance
higher cost than Operator, contingent equity (guarantees) to come up for curing measures (e.g. sand
al &
scheduled for Sponsors dune walls)
instance, migrating
ent risk
sand dunes or
higher cost for
Lower sales volume Power off-taker Long-term PPA with defined purchase volume OR merchant plant risk, in
Market which case higher equity in project as buffer to banks
risk Lower prices Power off-taker Long-term PPA with defined prices or merchant plant risk, in which case
higher equity percentage as buffer to Lenders
Energy Less solar irradiation Sponsors Contingent equity injections from Sponsors, that could be used e.g. to
Yield Risk than predicted enlarge solar field
and Solar
FX risk Sponsors/ Hedging, local currency funding in debt and equity
Interest rate risk Sponsors Hedging - mostly mandatory in Project Finance
Financial increases during
risk lifetime of loans
Off-taker PPA tariff escalated with inflation rate, or anticipation of inflation rate over
Inflation risk PPA lifetime (LCOE approach)
Sponsor in fixed PPA tariff, risk falls to dividends/equity
Changes in law, Political Risk Political Risk Insurance like OPIC, DIA, Export Credit Agencies (Hermes
Political & expropriation Insurance etc.) and/or Multilateral Development Agency involved (World Bank, Asian
Sovereig Development Bank et.)
n risk Restricted transfer of Sponsors Political Risk Insurance for Equity
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Expropriation Sponsors Political Risk Insurance for Equity
Force Earthquake, Insurance or Force Majeure Insurance or regulation/stipulation in PPA
Majeure Tsunami, PPA Off-taker
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Per day rain fall (mm/day) data collected from 1 April 1965 to 31 December 2016 from BWDB and analysed and forecasted for
coming 25 years (project life).
Following are the result of the regression analysis of the last 50 years’ and forecasted 25 years’ data:
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Following tables show the required earth soil and stone quantity with cost:
Phase - 1
= 5.5 km 31455.35384 =
36016.93 cu. m
= 229,069,066.65৳
= 3.4 km 4561.578674 = = $2,751,250
Phase - 2
= 6.9 km 32729.57378 =
35976.34 cu. m
= 228,810,925.23৳
= 2.4 km 3246.770703 = = $2,748,149
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Note: This Dike design, assessment and costing is based on available public data and details for Bangladesh, further there is need
of detailed study on Dike use, design and costing during vendor engineering.
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Companyganj station is at same elevation of the project site (both are 7 m above MSL, on an average, based on GIS mapping). The
data of Companyganj station for last 50 years has been analysed and forecasted. Following table shows the result of the analysis:
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Average 3.97 m
Deviation 2.264982 -
Sample Size 790 -
Cofficienct. 1.96 -
Margin of Error 0.157946 -
Upper Bound 4.13 m
Lower Bound 3.81 m
Max 51.74 m
Min 1.44 m
Range 50.30 m
Occurrence of maximum storm surges in the past:
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A Solar Modules
2 Module Junction box Dust Cleaning; Replace the Module junction box in case of failure. 1 Month
malfunction, visual
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Inspection of Mounting Check Fasteners - take remedial measures in case of issues. Check 3 Months
Structure and Hardware lugs of earthing conductors for corrosion – change as needed
D Inverter
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2 Current 3 Months
3 Frequency 3 Months
F LV Panel
2 Schedule maintenance as
indicated by LV Panel
1 Voltage Monthly
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2 Current Monthly
3 Frequency Monthly
H Transformer
1 Schedule maintenance as
indicated by Transformer
1 Voltage Monthly
2 Current Monthly
3 Frequency Monthly
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L Spare parts Ensure availability of spare parts as required for the plant to run 1 months
normally. (Only Supply of spares for free issue material is in JPL’s
scope, provided that list of spares required is provided by operator well
in advance)
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Single Table
Pile Reinf Cost Total
No. Depth
Of Above
Of Dia( (Below Total Volume (M3) Concr Reinforce
Colu Ground( M Cost
Piles Mm) Ground)( ete ment
mns Mm)
16 16 300 1000 4500 6.220
No. Total Total
Total Volume Of
Of Tota Volu Weight Of
Capa Of Of Concr Cost Of
Modu Capacity Of Total l me Of Reinforce
city Concret ete Reinforce Total Cost
les Table (Kwp) Tables Pile Concr ment
(Mwdc e In One Per ment
Per s ete Required
) Pile(M3) Cubic
Table (M3) (Kg)
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Total Cost including Miscellaneous 8,639,878.87৳
Inverter Block Foundation Cost
Phase - 1 25
Total No. Of Foundation [Location=43]
Phase - 2 62
Phase - 1 422,643.1৳
Cost Of Foundation In One Area
Phase - 2 422,643.1৳
Phase - 1 10,566,076.25৳
Total Cost Of Foundation
Phase - 2 26,203,869.10৳
Machinery Phase - 1 12,679,291.50৳
Total Cost Of Foundation Including Miscellaneous
Transportation Phase - 2 31,444,642.92৳
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Single Table
Pile Cap Total
Pile Reinf Cost Total
(Thk.-500mm ) Volum
e (M3)
No. Of Of
No. Of
Colum Leng Concre
Piles Dia(M Depth(M Breadt Concre Reinforce
ns th te In M Cost
m) m) h (Mm) te ment
(Mm) Single
12 24 500 5000 2000 1000 35.55
Total Cost
Volum Total
Total No. Of Capaci Weight Of Of
e Of Volum Cost Of
Capaci Module ty Of Total Total Reinforce Concre
Concr e Of Reinforce Total Cost
ty s Per Table Tables Piles ment te Per
ete In Concre ment
(MWdc) Table (KWp) Required Cubic
One te (M3)
(Kg) Meter
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FSR - Utility Scale Solar PV and Wind Project in Bangladesh
Total cost including miscellaneous 21,491,471.91৳
Inverter Block Foundation Cost
Phase - 1 25
Total No. Of Foundation [Location=43]
Phase - 2 62
Phase - 1 157,223.2৳
Cost Of Foundation In One Area
Phase - 2 157,223.2৳
Phase - 1 67,706,192.0৳
Total Cost Of Earthwork And Stone Pitching
Phase - 2 167,911,356.2৳
Phase - 1 71,636,772.37৳
Total Cost Of Foundation
Phase - 2 177,659,195.47৳
Machinery Phase - 1 85,964,126.84৳
Total cost including miscellaneous
Transportation Phase - 2 213,191,034.56৳
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