Community Study Barangay Jones

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Barangay JONES: A Community Study

Community Health Care Plan

1. Community Profile:

Barangay Jones is a rural community that belong to 5 th municipality north of

Iloilo. It is 75 km away from Iloilo City. It is bounded in the north by the province of
Talisay, on the south by San Tolentino. The east part is coastal town of San Miguel
and the west part are mountainous barangays of San Jose. It has a total land area of
4.04 hectares. The climate is a mixed of dry and wet season.

There are 977 households/families, 39% ( 382) of which were surveyed There
are 382 families with 1,801 individuals, of which 915 males and 886 females

Frequency and the Percentage Distribution of the Individuals According to Age and Sex
Percentage(%) Males Age Group (years) Females Percentage(%)
2.23 40 (65+) 44 2.44
1.11 20 (60-64) 34 1.89
1.67 30 (55-59) 42 2.33
2.72 49 (50-54) 50 2.78
2.83 51 (45-49) 44 2.44
2.94 53 (40-44) 54 3
4.39 79 (35-39) 61 3.39
3.83 69 (30-34) 76 4.22
4.28 77 (25-29) 88 4.89
4.66 84 (20-24) 77 4.28
4.11 74 (15-19) 90 5
5.05 91 (10-14 ) 69 3.83
5.39 97 (5-9) 75 4.16
5.61 101 (0-4) 82 4.55
50.81 915 TOTAL 886 49.20

Family Structure: Nuclear 243 ( 63.61 %) , Extended 97 ( 25.39 %), Dyad 9 (2.36
%) , Other Arrangement ( 8.64%) TOTAL 382 100%.

Types of Family According to Authority: Patriarchal 235 ( 61.52 %); Matriarchal 147
(38.48 %), TOTAL 382 100%

Civil Status: Single 997 ( 55.36 %); Married 687 ( 38.15 %) Widowed 53 ( 2.94%);
Common Law 46 ( 2.55%); Separated 18 ( 1 %) Total 1801(100%).

Religious Sector : Roman Catholic 1528 ( 85.84 %) Iglesia Ni Cristo 132 ( 7.33%)
Born Again 94( 5.22%) Protestant 30
( 1.67 %) Others 14 (0.78 %) Total 1801 (100%).
2. Socio-economic and Cultural Data

A. Highest Educational Attainment

Elementary Graduate 323 ( 17.93 %) ; High School Graduate 672 ( 37.31%),
College Graduate 281 ( 15.6 %), Vocational 74 ( 4.11 %); No Formal Education 201
( 11.16 %). None 250 (13.88%); Total 1801 100%.

B. Status of Education
Degree Holder 332 ( 18.43%), Presently Studying 404 ( 22.43%) ; Stopped Studying
795 ( 44.14 %) , No Formal Education 46 ( 2.5 5%) ; Not Applicable 224 ( 12.44
%); Total 1801 100%,

C. Literacy Rate
Literate 1282 ( 71. 18 %) ; Illiterate 8 ( 0.44 %), Not applicable 511 ( 28.37 %) Total
1801 (100%)

D. Top 5 Occupations:
Farmers 384 ( 65.20%) , Livestock raisers 78 ( 13.24%); Employee 68 ( 11. 54
%); Factory worker 32 ( 5.43 %) ; Vendors 14 ( 2.48 %) ; Businessman 13 ( 2.21
%) , TOTAL 586 100%,

E. Employment Status
Self Employed 462 ( 25.65%) ; Employed 100 (5.55 %) Unemployed 621
( 34.48%), Underemployed 33 (1.83%) Not applicable 585 ( 32.48 % ) TOTAL
1801 100%

F. Other Sources of Income (refers to the source of income apart from the income
coming from their main job).
Sari-sari store 24 ( 6.24 %); Pension 17 ( 4.45 %), From relatives 14 ( 3.66%);
Rentals 12 ( 3.14 %); Selling products 6 ( 1.57 %); None 309 ( 80.89 %); Total 382

G. Adequacy of Income:
Poverty Level Threshold and Adequacy of Income Compared to the Expenses
Within threshold, sufficient to expenses 42 11%
Within threshold, insufficient to expenses 54 14.13%
Not within threshold, sufficient to expenses, 41 10.73%
Not within threshold, insufficient to expenses 245 64.14%
Total 382 (100%)
H. Expenditure Prioritization:
Top 1- Food: Top 2- Electricity Top 3- Fertilizers and agricultural products Top 4-
School fees Top 5- Transportation.

3. Health and Sanitation

3.1 Food Sanitation
Common Food Storage places used/utilized
Refrigerator 201 ( 52. 16 %); Cabinet 20 ( 5.24 %) , Basket 3 ( 0.79 % ), Table
114 ( 29.84 %), None 35 ( 9.16 %), Plastic container 9 ( 2.36 %), TOTAL 382

3.2. Water Facilities:

Water Source of households:
Point source 372 ( 97.38% ) ; Communal faucet 5 ( 1.31% ) , Water coming
from shallow well and questionable source like open springs 5 ( 1.31% ) Total 382

3.3. Refuse and waste disposal; Covered and Uncovered Waste: Covered 241 ( 63.10
% ). Uncovered 141 (36.91%)Total 382 100%

3.4.Toilet Facilities
Excreta Disposal utilized: Accepted: Flush Type 64 ( 16.75%), Water-sealed Latrine
164 ( 42.93 %), Antipolo (toilet separated from the house with cover) 104 ( 27.23
%) . Not Accepted: Open Pit Privy 45 (11.78%), Pail/ Balot System 5 ( 1.31% ) Total
382 100%

3.5.Common Vectors and Rodents: Types of Vectors per households: Cockroaches 334
( 31.90%), Rats 288 ( 27.57%), Mosquitoes 285 ( 27.22%) , Flies 140 (13.37%).

3.6 Different Ways to Control Vectors per households: Insecticidal sprays 45

(11.78%) , Katol/insecticide 239 ( 62.57%), Electric insecticide 10 ( 2.62% ), Bed
nets 25 ( 6.54%), Fumigation/ smoke 18 (4.71%) , 4 o’clock habit 3 (0.79%), Pamalo/
mechanical force 24 ( 6.28%), Sticky Paper /Pandikit 13 (3.40% ) , Candles 5
( 1.31%) , Total 382 100%

3.7. Animals which is kept vaccinated/ not vaccinated ( Dogs and cats)
With vaccination and on cage/ leash 60 ( 15.71% ); Without vaccination on
cage/leash 105 (27.49% );
With vaccination and freely loitering 45 ( 11.78%), Without vaccination and freely
loitering 172 ( 45.03 % ), Total 382 100%

4. Cultural Beliefs and Practices:

4.1. Utilization of Herbal Medicine per families: Utilizing herbal medicines 310 ( 81.15
%), Not utilizing herbal medicines 72 ( 18.55 %), Total 382 families ( 100%)
4.2 Herbal Medicine often used per families: Sambong 30 ( 9.68 %) Ampalaya 55
(17.74 %) Tsaang gubat 25 ( 8.06%) Lagundi 50 ( 16.13%) Bawang 85 (
27.42%) Bayabas 40 ( 12.90%) Yerba 15 ( 4.84%) Ulasimang bato 10
( 3.22 %) Total 310 100%
5.2. Leading Causes of Morbidity: Frequency and Incidence Distribution of the Leading
Causes of Morbidity

Compute :Incidence rate

Top 5 Leading Frequency Population
Cause of at Risk
Flu 32 1097 2. 92 % for every 100 person at risk gets ill of Flu
( Influenza)
Hypertension 16 1272 1.26 % for every 100 person at risk gets ill of
Stroke 7 1272 0.55 % for every 1000 person at risk gets ill of
Asthma 7 1097 0.64 % for every 1000 person at risk gets ill of

TB 6 601 1 % for every 1000 person at risk gets ill of TB

(Tuberculosis) (Tuberculosis)
Total population

5.3. Case Fatality Rate

Causes of Mortality Number of Number of Cases Total Percentage

Deaths from of the Same
Specified Cause Disease
Cancer 1 3 33.33%
Vascular Diseases (stroke, etc.) 2 7 28.57%
Heart Diseases/Heart Failure 8 16 50%
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus 1 3 33.33%
Old Age 1 4 25%

6. Political Leadership Pattern

6.1. Peace and Order.
There is no reported crime committed in the whole year round, although there are
ample incidences of malicious mischiefs, robbery committed.
According to the Barangay Officials there is no social conflict that they experienced in
their barangay because according to the Barangay Kagawads they always keep their
barangay peaceful and their goal is to fight crime, protect the people and serve the
people in the community.

6.2.Perceived Problems
According to key informants like the BHW;s Kagawad and key people in the
community the following are the perceived health problems:
According to the kagawad for health one of the perceived problems of the barangay is
that there is no adequate allocation for health care fund. They said that if there are
some projects that they would like to implement, they would get it from their own money.
People also noticed the lack of health facilities due to insufficient medicine for those
who most need them. There is no assigned Rural Health midwife. The Mayor and the
RHU assigned 1 RHM to come during immunization and prenatal schedules only.

1. Introduction

Community diagnosis includes a comprehensive assessment of the health status

of the whole community in relation to the community’s social, biological and physical
environment. It is needed to describe and identify the health status of a community
as well as assessing the attitude of the community towards its services and

The Level III nursing students of St. Paul University Iloilo under the Community
Health Nursing duty exposure conducted a study and survey at Barangay Jones in
the province of Iloilo along with its goals to motivate and seek wide participation for
the improvement of the community through data collection, collation analysis and
interpretation of the data gathered which would include statistics, problem
identification and setting of priority for community diagnosis of Barangay Jones,

There are so many factors that could affect the health of a family in the
community. Some may include: chronic illnesses, vices like alcoholism, drug
addiction and smoking and changes in the environment which may affect the health
of the people living in a community. To help the community with their needs, there
must be a basis for action and the nurse must have complete understanding on
concepts and models of the community health nursing as well as the importance of
health promotion and disease prevention. Assessment of the situation, health care
planning, implementation and evaluation of outcomes must also be done.

2. Objectives

General Objective

a. The general objective of the study is to describe the health status of

Barangay Jones, Iloilo through a comprehensive community diagnosis

Specific Objective

Furthermore, this study also aims to:

b. Establish rapport among barangay officials for easy negotiation and
assessment so that the student nurses must identify well the
foreseeable health problems
c. Familiarize ourselves with the community and to observe what is
happening in the barangay to determine the problems
d. Collect data regarding the health status of the community through
home visitation and interview or conducting a survey then evaluate the
data gathered.
e. Summarize gathered information of the barangay which are vital
factors to their health.
f. Immerse ourselves to the community and widening our knowledge on
the concepts of community health nursing while we are helping the
people in the community as well as identifying and recognizing the
problems in the community.

3. Total Population, Families and Families Surveyed

There were 382 families out of 977 and 1,801 were surveyed in Barangay
a. Frequency and Percentage Distribution Showing the total Family


Number of Family Not

595 61%

Number of Family
382 39%

Total 977 100%

b. Graph
Frequency distribution of family surveyed
and Not

Frequency distribution of family
surveyed and Not

300 39%


Family Not Surveyed Family Surveyed

c. Interpretation
 The total household of Barangay Jones is 977 and we have only
surveyed 39% of the total household which is equivalent to 382
4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution Population Table
a. Frequency Distribution Table

Percentage(%) Males Age Group (years) Females Percentage(%)

2.23 40 (65+) 44 2.44
1.11 20 (60-64) 34 1.89
1.67 30 (55-59) 42 2.33
2.72 49 (50-54) 50 2.78
2.83 51 (45-49) 44 2.44
2.94 53 (40-44) 54 3
4.39 79 (35-39) 61 3.39
3.83 69 (30-34) 76 4.22
4.28 77 (25-29) 88 4.89
4.66 84 (20-24) 77 4.28
4.11 74 (15-19) 90 5
5.05 91 (10-14 ) 69 3.83
5.39 97 (5-9) 75 4.16
5.61 101 (0-4) 82 4.55
50.81 915 TOTAL 886 49.20
b. Ratio of Male over Females

The ratio of male over females is 103:100

c. Interpretation

According to the data gathered during the survey in Baranggay Jones ,the sex
ratio in the community is 103 male per 100 female as compared to the sex ration of
the Philippines which is 1 male per 1 female.Male has the highest distribution
according to the data gathered.

d. Analysis

There is a high birth rate of males in Baranggay Jones, Iloilo which could imply
that there will be domination of males in the community that could help in the

e. Health Implication

Males are more prone to cardiovascular diseases according to the Department of

Health, if this ratio of 103:100 would continue overtime there will be most likely men
who will be at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and the Baranggay would
plan to conduct programs and services related to cardiovascular diseases.

5. Types of Family According to Authority

a. Frequency Distribution Table

Types of Family According Frequency Percentage

to Authority:
Patriarchal 235 61.52%
Matriarchal 147 38.48%
Total 382 100%
b. Graph


c. Interpretation

Among the 382 families, the majority of that belongs to the patriarchal type of
family which is equivalent to 61.52% or 235 families. The remaining 38.48% or 147 are

d. Analysis

Filipinos are known to be patriarchal in terms of structure it is because of the

notion that the male has the right to run a family being the head. In the Philippines,
usually the males are the ones who tends to work and earn for a living to provide for
their family, In cases of the matriarchal wherein a mother decides the decisions in the
household some reasons might be that the father is absent or the mother earns a living
to support the family.Patriarchal type of family is really common among us Filipinos.

e. Health Implication

It Can be implied that a father cannot do tasks alone. The father is the one
who provide that’s health matters is really not an issue because mother’s
were there to care for the children. However in the matriarchal type, the
mother earns for a living that’s why health matters since who will be taking
care of the children when the mother cannot function well.

6. Population pyramid
a. Frequency Distribution Table

Percentage(%) Males Age Group (years) Females Percentage(%)

2.23 40 (65+) 44 2.44
1.11 20 (60-64) 34 1.89
1.67 30 (55-59) 42 2.33
2.72 49 (50-54) 50 2.78
2.83 51 (45-49) 44 2.44
2.94 53 (40-44) 54 3
4.39 79 (35-39) 61 3.39
3.83 69 (30-34) 76 4.22
4.28 77 (25-29) 88 4.89
4.66 84 (20-24) 77 4.28
4.11 74 (15-19) 90 5
5.05 91 (10-14 ) 69 3.83
5.39 97 (5-9) 75 4.16
5.61 101 (0-4) 82 4.55
50.81 915 TOTAL 886 49.20

b. Graph
c. Interpretation

Basing on the data shown and gathered, the base of the pyramid concludes that
large population of children aging 0-9 years implies that there must have been a high
crude birth rate. The middle part of the pyramid shows that there is a large population of
the reproductive years from 15-39 years old This would conclude that there is a high
General Fertility Rate. It could be implied by the evidence of high crude birth rate that
population in the Philippines may continue to rise.

d. Analysis

This pyramid belongs to the classification of a expansive pyramid. The pyramid

of Brgy Jones shows a wider base which means that there is already an increase in the
Crude birth rate and on the middle part of the pyramid which shows an increase
General Fertility Rate. The peak of the pyramid denotes high Crude death rate. We can
also see in the data that life expectancy matches with the number of individual who
reached the age of 56 and above

e. Health Implication

Based on the gathered data with High Crude Birth Rate and General Fertility Rate, the
community must prepare livelihood programs and medical missions and health
educations. The health centers must conduct teachings on fertility and family planning.
Feeding programs for children may also be employed in the prepared programs and

7. Frequency distribution table of Types of Family According to:

a. Structure
A. Frequency Distribution Table
Family Structure Frequency Percentage (%)
Nuclear 243 63.61%
Extended 97 25.39%
Dyad 9 2.36%
Other Arrangements 33 8.64%
Total 382 100%

B. Graph

8.64 %
C. Interpretation

Among the 382 families surveyed, 243 families have nuclear type of family
structure equivalent to 63.61%, which comprises the majority of the families.The
extended type, this account for 97 families or 25.39 %. The dyad type which accounts
for 2.36 % or 9 families and there are families with other arrangements which comprises
8.64% or 3 families

D. Analysis

Most of the families living in Barangay Jones have a nuclear type of family which
is the most common type of family based on structure. Some household may appear a
nuclear model but the family is extenden. It is common in our traditions as Filipinos to
include every family member and to gove importance in the bond and relationship that
we have.

E. Health implication

In the nuclear family the focus of health is a must since the family is just small in
size where in allocation must be adequate in terms of health expenses. Most of the
families living in Barangay Jones have a nuclear type of family which is the most
common type of family based on structure. T

b. Civil Status
A. Frequency Distribution Table
Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 997 55.36%

Married 687 38.15%
Widowed 53 2.94%
Common Law 46 2.55%
Separated 18 1%
Total 1801 100%

B. Graph

55.36 %

38.15 %

2.94 % 2.55% 1%

C. Interpretation

Majority of the people in Brgy Jones are Single which is equivalent to 997
55.36% of the population. People who are married sums up to 687 or 38.15% of
the population. The widowed individuals has the next number with 53 out of 1801
people or 2.94% of the population. Next are those who are in common law with a count
of 46 out of 1801 or 2.55% of the population. The lowest population is the separated
individuals with 18 or 1%.

D. Analysis

As for the data gathered in Brgy.Jones in civil status, the single status stood as
the highest rank with a value of 997 or 55.36% it is because that there is a high number
of children that belongs to the bracket 0-14 years old. This also relates of the majority of
the religion in the community are Catholics wherein it is a law that in order to get
married in the Catholic church the person must be 18 and above. This could also mean
that they respect the vows and sanctity of marriage.
E. Health Implication

People who belong the single status may have less stress because they may
face fewer problems than this who are married. Married people already have families
and dealt with everyday family crisis which makes them prone to devlop stress
associates illnesses.

c. Religious Sector
A. Frequency Distribution Table

Religious Sector Frequency Percentage

Roman Catholic 1528 85.84%
Iglesia ni Cristo 132 7.33%
Born Again 94 5.22%
Protestant 30 1.67%
Aglipay 3 0.17%
Others 14 0.78%
Total 1801 101.1%
B. Graph


5.22% 1.67% 0.17% 0.78%

C. Interpretation

The Roman Catholic religion has the largest number, which counts 1528
individuals with a percentage of 84.84%. This is followed by the religion Iglesia Ni Cristo
with a number of 132 individuals or 7.33% of the population. Born Again has a number
of 95 or 5.22% of the population. With a number of 30 or 1.67% of the
population, follows the Protestant religion. Then one is shared by 2 religions which are
7th day Adventist and Mormons, each having 0.11% of the population. Lastly, the last in
the ranking is other religions which is composed of 14 or 0.78%.

D. Analysis

II. Socio-Economic and Cultural Data

a. Highest Educational Attainment
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

Elementary Graduate 323 17.93%

High School Graduate 672 37.31%
College Graduate 281 15.6%
Vocational 74 4.11%
No Formal Education 201 11.16%
None 250 13.88%
Total 1801 99.99%
ii. Graph



iii. Interpretation

The data shows that 37.31% or 672 of the population in Barangay Jones has
attained High school, 17.93% or 323 of the total population has attained Elementary,
15.6% or 281 of the population has attained College. While 4.11% or 74 people of the
total population has attained Vocational Level.

iv. Analysis

Most people surveyed that the highest attainment that they had would be High School
and Elementary Graduate. This just shows that these people set off their priorities
differently. Instead of pursuing education and a career afterwards, they were forced to
stop and to find a job in order to sustain their needs. There are a lot of things that may
have caused this implications and one of them is poverty.

v. Health Implication
The most number of people has attained High School graduate. These individuals may
have tackled basic principles on how to properly treat oneself with nutrition, leisure,
hygiene etc. There are 323 individuals who has attained elementary and these are the
people who only knew the basics and probably lived their lives on what they’ve adopted
in the doings of others. Therefore I conclude that these people needs health education
in order to attain maximum benefits of being a living person and in order to live a
healthy, decent life.

b. Status of Education
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Status of Education Frequency Percentage

Degree Holder 332 18.43%
Presently Studying 404 22.43%
Stopped Studying 795 44.14%
No Formal Education 46 2.55%
Not Applicable 224 12.44%
Total 1801 99.99%

ii. Graph


iii. Interpretation

The data shows that 44.14% or 795 in the total of 1801 population has stopped
studying. There are 22.43% or 404 who are presently studying, 18.43% or 332 who are
degree holders, and there are 2.55% or 46 people of the total population has stopped

iv. Analysis

The data showed that the highest number belong to people who stopped studying. This
may be brought by a lot of issue just like for example they have set their priorities to
their other necessities which enables them to have extra budget to sustain their needs
for studying. Some of them may chose to spend their money on other expenses like
food, bills etc rather than spending it on education.

v. Health Implication

When you stopped studying that’s the time when you cannot get the additional
informations that might be useful for your health and can be a beneficial not only to
yourself but to your whole family as well. Having no knowledge about certain topics like
health may arise to problems and the development of diseases like obesity, dm, etc.

c. Literacy Rate
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Literacy Rate Frequency Percentage

Literate 1282 71.18%

Illiterate 8 0.44%
Not Applicable 511 28.37%
Total 1801 99.99%

ii. Graph



iii. Interpretation
The data shows that there are 1282 or 71.18% of literate people in the community.
While there are only 8 or 0.44% who are illiterate.

iv. Analysis

The number of people who are literate outnumbered those who are illiterate. This just
shows that even most of the people in the population were only High School and
Elementary graduate they can read and this is a big advantage for them to learn new

v. Health Implication

Literacy means being able to keep up with the current events, communicate effectively
and understand the issues that are shaping in our world. Literacy also lifts individuals
out of poverty because it creates opportunities for people to develop skills that will help
them provide for themselves and for their family.

d. Top 5 Occupations
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Top 5 Occupation Frequency Percentage

Farmers 384 65.20%
Livestock Raisers 78 13.24%
Employee 68 11.54%
Factory Worker 32 5.43%
Vendors 14 2.38%
Businessman 13 2.21%
Total 589 100%
ii. Graph

2.38 % TOP

13.24% VENDORS
iii. Interpretation

There are 384 or 65.20% of the population who are farmers, 13.24% or 78 of the
population are livestock raisers, 11.54% or 68 people are employees, 5.43% or 14
people are vendors and there are 2.21% or 13 people are businessmen.

iv. Analysis

Almost half of the population showed that their work revolves around their surroundings.
They are making most of what has nature has given to them but in return they need to
work hard to be able to have crops that could be harvested. This job along with livestock
raises and vendors are common types of occupation in the community.

v. Health Implication

These people have more and better food to eat than have most people who lived in the
cities. These people tend to live longer and healthier as long as they avoid sedentary
lifestyle and unhealthy activities such as smoking and drinking alcohol. These people
tend to have a healthy mental health because they enjoy work more than most people
city do and also they are a part of promoting the welfare of the community and the
nation as well.

e. Employment Status
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Employment Status Frequency Percentage

Self Employed 462 25.65%

Employed 100 5.55%
Unemployed 621 34.48%
Underemployed 33 1.83%
Not Applicable 585 32.48%
Total 1801 99.99%
ii. Graph

34.48% 32.48%

iii. Interpretation

The data shows that there are 462 or 25.65% who are sef employed, 5,55% who are
employed, 34.48% of unemployed and 585 or 32.48% of the total population are not
applicable to have a job.

iv. Analysis

Most of the people in the community attained High school or Elementary or no formal
education. It means that one of the reasons of the unemployment in the barangay is
their educational probleMs which is related to educational status and their highest
educational attainment.

v. Health Implication

If most people in the community will remain unemployed it can lead , they will be unable
to sustain the needs of their family. Unemployment can also lead to depression, low
self-esteem, anxiety and other mental health issues. These people might have low self-
esteem and may feel shame of having their family provide their needs.

f. Other Sources of Income

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Other Sources of Income Frequency Percentage

Sari-Sari Store 24 6.28%
Pension 17 4.45%
From Relatives 14 3.66%
Rentals 12 3.14%
Selling Products 6 1.57%
None 309 80.89%
Total 382 99.99%

ii. Graph


6.28% 4.45% 3.66% 3.14 1.57

iii. Interpretation

80.89% or 309 out of 382 surveyed household don’t have other sources of income.
Some get there incomes from sari-sari store, selled products wtc. Other household get
their income by their pension, from relatives.

iv. Analysis

Most of the families in the barangay don’t have other sources of income and 34.38% of
the citizens in Barangay Jones agree unemployed. This is due to lack off or inadequate
entrepreneurship and livelihood program inside the barangay.

v. Health Implication

If most of the people in the barangay are unemployed and don’t have other source of
income there is a big chance for them to fall into poverty. These families will have poor
nutritional intake because they will have limited income to buy food, pay bills, etc. They
will tend to buy cheaper food/ instant food that have less nutrition and as the time goes
by these individuals might develop diseases that could arise from eating unhealthy.

g. Adequacy of Income
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Adequacy of Income Frequency Percentage

Within Threshold, Sufficient 42 11%
to Expenses
Within Threshold, Insufficient 54 14.13%
to Expenses
Not Within Threshold, 41 10.73%
Sufficient to Expenses
Not Within Threshold, 245 64.14%
Insufficient to Expenses
Total 382 100%
ii. Graph


11% 14.13%
iii. Interpretation

The percentage of the community people who are in within threshold is higher when
compared to those who are in below poverty level threshold. There are 245 or 64.14%
who are not within the threshold and has insufficient expenses.

iv. Analysis

The data shows that there are a lot of families who are not within the threshold and has
insufficient expenses. Tendency is you become dependent on the help that you receive
May it be goods or financially. Some people will also look down on you because you are
poor which will cause low self esteem. When you are poor, you tend to have a limited
network. Poor people tend to live around and mingle with other poor people. These
people cannot afford to help you very much since they are barely trying to make ends to
meet themselves. They also lack the skills and network to help overcome poverty.

v. Health Implication

Insufficient income may affect the health of every member of the family byt not meeting
the basic needs. For example, for malnutrition it is because of low income you tend to
buy cheap foods, junk foods, or instant foods. These foodshave low to none nutritional
value but are just taken as consumption to fight hunger.

h. Expenditure Prioritization
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Top 1 – Food
Top 2 – Electricity
Top 3 – Fertilizers and Agricultural Products
Top 4 – School Fees
Top 5 – Transportation

ii. Interpretation

The top 1 where people spend their money on is Foods. Followed by electricity bills,
fertilizers and agricultural, school fees and then the last on the list would be

iii. Analysis

The data shows that most people spend their money on food that could give nutrition to
their family. While the least thing that these people spend their money on is
Transportation. It was also showed in the charts above that most of the people living in
Barangay Jones are suffering from poverty from lack of education and not being able to
find a proper job, during these times they make and use their money to the most
important like food and electricity while spend less on transportation because there
would also be options like using the bicycle or walking to reach your destination.

iv. Health Implication

Most people spend their money on Food which is a good thing because proper nutrition
will reduce the risk of some disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers and osteoporosis.
Proper nutrition also improve your overall well-being as a person and as an individual in
the society. It increases your energy level to be able to do farming or activities of daily

III. Health and Sanitation

b. Food Sanitation
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Food Sanitation Frequency Percentage

Refrigerator 201 52.61%
Cabinet 20 5.24%
Basket 3 0.79%
Table 114 29.84%
None 35 9.16%
Plastic Container 9 2.36%
Total 382 100%

ii. Graph

5.24% 2.36%
0.79% %
% %
iii. Interpretation
i. There are 201 or 52.61% who keeps their food in the refrigerator, 111 or 29.84%
who keeps in in the surface of the table, others put it in the cabinet, basket, plastic
container and there were also some who does not store their food at all.
i. Analysis

With the proper food sanitation, these can reduce the risk of developing vector borne
diseases brought by flies and other insects that leech on food/soil food. Also when you
properly store your food you are protecting your food from the risk of contamination,
including bacteria, poisons, and foreign bodies. Preventing any bacteria present
multiplying to an extent which would result in the illness of consumers or the early
spoilage of the food. Destroying any harmful bacteria in the food by thorough cooking or

ii. Health Implication

These good particles prevent you from suffering food poisoning and allergic reacions,
help minimise food waste and boost efficiency. But above all, food sanitation makes
your food premises a pleasant, safe place to eat.

b. Water Facilities
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Water Source Frequency Percentage

Point Source 372 97.38%
Communal Faucet 5 1.31%
Water Coming from Shallow 5 1.31%
Well and Questionable
Source Like Open Springs
Total 382 100%
ii. Graph

1.31% 1.31%
%% %%
iii. Interpretation

Most people in the community uses Point Source which 372 or 97.38% of the
households voted for. Some uses communal faucet or water coming from shallow well
which both have 1.31% or 5 families in total.

iv. Analysis

The data showed that most people in the community have access to water and
most of them are connected to a point source. This point source is free and they have
nothing to pay with it since they are getting their supply naturally without chemicals in
the rivers/streams near the barangay.

v. Health Implication

Since the majority of the people are connected to one point source they are
prone to pollutants from sewage treatment plants, oil refineries, paper and pulp mills,
chemical, automobile and electronic manufacturers. Some of these pollutants may be
harmful to the skin and cause irritation. In the worst case scenarios, if this water will be
consumed as drinking water the person who consumes it are prone to infections and
other diseases that can be brought by these pollutants.

c. Refuse and Waste Disposal

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Covered and Uncovered Frequency Percentage

Covered 241 63.10%
Uncovered 141 36.91%
Total 382 100.1%
ii. Graph

iii. Interpretation

The total families who covered their waste disposal composed of 241 or 63.10%
while 141 or 36.91% respondents who do not covered their waste disposal.

iv. Analysis

Many people cover their waste because they are knowledgeable about the act
that they can acquire a lot of diseases from uncovered waste. Also, trash
containers/bins are available in the community so that the people can practice proper
waste management and avoid diseases such as leptospirosis.

v. Health Implication

Uncovered and waste can increase the presence of vectors by providing

breeding places for rats, flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches that can transmit several
diseases. Acquiring diseases like dysentery is one of the major effects if the community
failed to utilize the method.

d. Toilet Facilities
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Toilet Facilities Frequency Percentage

Flush Type 64 16.75%
Water-Sealed Latrine 164 42.93%
Antipolo 104 27.23%
Open Pit Privy 45 11.78%
Pail/Balot System 5 1.31%
Total 382 100%

ii. Graph

16.75% 1.31%
%% 11.78%
%% %
iii. Interpretation

The data shows that the highest is 164 or 42.93% families are using water sealed
latrine type.About 104 families or 27.23% are using Antipolo type. Followed by 64
families or 16.75% are using flush type.About 45 families or 11.78% are using open pit
privy.The least is Pail/Ballot system with 5 families or 1.31%

iv. Analysis

42.93% of the population are using Water-Sealed Latrine because of unavailability of

water source. Almost half of the population are using this kind of disposal due to

v. Health Implication

Using water sealed latrine can prevent the spreading of disease in barangay if properly
use. It is significant to note that there has been an increase in the proportion of
households having sanitary toilet facilities both in the urban and rural areas but there is
also an increase in the absolute number of persons which do not have an access to
sanitary toilet facilities in the sense that the mothers still allow their children to move
their bowel elsewhere despite of the presence of toilets in their own homes.

e. Common Vectors and Rodents

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Types of Vectors per Frequency Percentage

Cockroaches 334 31.90%
Rats 288 27.51%
Mosquitoes 285 27.22%
Flies 140 13.37%
Total 1,047 100%

ii. Graph

31.90% 13.37%
iii. Interpretation

The most common type of vectors found in Barangay Jones,Iloilo is cockroaches

with 334 households or 31.90%. Rats are the second most common which with 288 or
27.51% followed by mosquitoes with 285 or 27.22% and the last is flies with 140
households or 13.37%.

iv. Analysis

Cockroaches are the most numbered vectors present in Brgy. Jones Iloilo. When rainy
season comes water will flow from the canal to the drainage system. When it happen
cockroaches will come out and will go to other holes and spaces like in the sink, found
in the kitchen. Flies are the least common vectors in the community because the Brgy.
Jones Iloilo.
v. Health Implication

These vectors, if not controlled, will spread different types of diseases like malaria,
dengue, cholera, dysentery and leptospirosis in the community that will give the
barangay a higher possibility of morbidity to those diseases. On the other hand, if this
will be controlled, the community can prevent the prevalence of these diseases that can
be acquired from those vectors.

f. Frequency Distribution of the Different Ways to Control Vectors per

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Different Ways to Control Frequency Percentage

Vectors per Households
Insecticidal Sprays 45 11.78%
Katol/Insecticide 239 62.57%
Electric Insecticide 10 2.62%
Bed Nets 25 6.54%
Fumigation/Smoke 18 4.71%
4 o’clock habit 3 0.79%
Pamalo/Mechanical Force 24 6.28%
Sticky Paper/Pandikit 13 3.40%
Candles 5 1.31%
Total 382 100%

ii. Graph
iii. Interpretation

The use of Katol/insecticide have the highest frequency used in controlling the
vectors of diseases with 239 families or 62.57%. Followed by insecticidal sprays with 45
families or 11.78%.Next is the use of bed nets with 25 families or 6.54%.Followed by
the use of Pamalo or mechanical force with 24 families or 6.28%. Then the use of
fumigation or smoke with 18 families or 4.71%.Next is the use of sticky paper or pandikit
with 13 families or 3.40%.The use of electric insecticide follows with 10 families or
2.62%.The use of candles then follows with 5 families or 1.31% and the least used is
the 4 o clock habit with 3 families or 0.79%.

iv. Analysis

Most of the people in brgy. Jones Iloilo uses insecticides to control cockroaches and
mosquitoes because it is affordable and available everywhere. Insecticide is used for a
longer period of time that enables them to save their money. Pamalo is mostly used to
control flies because it is readily available any time.They can have it without spending
money and also enables them to save money.
v. Health Implication

These ways can be used by ordinary people living in the community. Using different
interventions will help the community to eliminate the spread of diseases and therefore,
lower the risk of the barangay in acquiring diseases like malaria, dengue, dysentery,
cholera and leptospirosis. On the contrary, if they will not use any methods to control
these vectors, the people might have a higher risk in getting those diseases.

g. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Animals which is kept

vaccinated/ not vaccinated
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Animals which is Kept Frequency Percentage

Vaccinated or Not Vaccinated
(Dogs and Cats)

With vaccination and on 60 15.71%

Without vaccination on 105 27.49%
With vaccination and freely 45 11.78%
Without vaccination and free 172 45.03%
Total 382 100.1%
ii. Graph
15.71% 27.49%

iii. Interpretation

The percentage value of animals which has no vaccination and loitering is the
highest with 172 or 45.03%.Followed by animals without vaccine but on cages with 105
or 27.49%.Next is the animals that has vaccination but with leash and on cage with 60
or 15.71% and lastly is the animals with vaccine but loitering with 45 or 11.78%.

iv. Analysis

In Barangay Jones, Iloilo animals without vaccines and wandering around the
streets has high percentage because a lot of them are not aware how dangerous rabies
is especially those households with animals. According to the survey there were 27
percent of the population are not aware on rabies control. There was 45 percent of the
population who weren’t aware and not utilizing, letting their pets wandering around the
street. Furthermore even families without animals in their house have knowledge about
preventing and controlling rabies in their community. It only means that the community
has an effective utilization of the Rabies Control Program. As a basis under the
Republic Act 9482 An Act Providing for the Control and Elimination of Human and
Animal bites all pet owners shall be required to have their dog regularly vaccinated
against rabies and maintain a registration card which contain all vaccinations conducted
on their dog, for accurate record purposes. Rabies control is implemented once a year
not by the barangay but by the department of health.

v. Health Implication

Since in the Barangay Jones Iloilo the number of unvaccinated animals are greater than
the number of animals vaccinated. There is a greater possibility for the community to
acquired rabies from these animals. The number of not vaccinated and not kept animals
will keep increasing there would be a high risk for the community to get animal bites and
acquire rabies. If this scenario will continue there will be a significant increase in the
number of rabies cases and there would be a high demand for rabies vaccines.
IV. Cultural Beliefs and Practices

a. Frequency and Percentage of Utilization of Herbal Medicine per families

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Utilization of Herbal Frequency Percentage

Medicine per Families
Utilizing Herbal Medicine 310 81.15%
Not Utilizing Herbal Medicine 72 18.85%
Total 382 100%

ii. Graph

% 18.85%

iii. Interpretation

A lot of families in the barangay uses herbal medicines with 310 families or
81.15% but still many are not using it with 72 families or 18.85% Maybe because only
few of the people in the barangay know these herbal plants.

iv. Analysis

People who are using herbal medicine is 81.15% than those who do not use herbal
medicine because it is affordable and it is believe to be effective. There is 18.85% of the
population does not use herbal medicine because they consider the pharmacy in the
barangay is convenient and trusted.
v. Health Implication

Herbal medicine is the oldest and still the most widely used system of medicine in the
world today. It is medicine made exclusively from plants. It is used in all societies and is
common to all cultures. Many people believed that it is more effective than those in the
over the counter drugs. People in the rural society prefer to drink herbal medicine
because they believe that it is healthier to use than those in pharmacy.

b. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Herbal Medicine often used per

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Herbal Medicine Often Frequency Percentage

used per Families
Sambong 30 9.68%
Ampalaya 55 17.74%
Tsaang Gubat 25 8.06%
Lagundi 50 16.13%
Bawang 85 27.42%
Bayabas 40 12.90%
Yerba 15 4.84%
Ulasimang Bato 10 3.22%
Total 310 99.99%

ii. Graph
iii. Interpretation

A lot of families in the barangay uses herbal medicines but still many are not
using .Maybe because only few of the people in the barangay know these herbal
plants.The most commonly used herbal medicine is the bawang with 27.42% and the
least common is the Ulasimang Bato with 3.22%.

iv. Analysis

Many people use herbal medicines because of the increasing cost of drugs. They just
go to their backyards and pick up plants that can be a treatment for a particular
sickness. Many local plants and herbs in the Philippine backyard and field have been
found to be a treatment of common ailments.

v. Health Implication

The use of herbal medicines is a great help for the people in barangay Jones, Iloilo,
because its use is not only effective to cure illness but also they don’t need much
money to have these. But there are some illnesses that these herbal medicines cannot
treat especially if the illness is acute. Other herbal plants which are not scientifically
proven by the DOH can be dangerous because it is not proven to cure illness.

V. Health Status

a. Maternal and Child Health Care and Immunization Status: The Immunization
Status of Children (0-12 Months)
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Maternal and Child Health Frequency Percentage

Care and Immunization
Complete Immunization 10 37.04%
Incomplete Immunization 11 40.74%
Fully Immunized 4 14.81%
No immunization 2 7.41%
Total 27 100%
ii. Graph
37.04% % 14.81%

iii. Interpretation

The data shows that children with incomplete vaccinations have the highest
percentage with 40.74%, followed by the children with complete vaccinations with
37.04%, then children who are fully immunized with 14.81% and no immunization being
the last with 7.41%.

iv. Analysis

Vaccination among infants are important and can aid the child to a better quality of
health as the child grows up. Vaccines are essential for protecting children against
infectious diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella and whooping cough. Many of
these diseases are largely forgotten in our country. Before vaccines became available,
however, these diseases exacted a huge toll

v. Health Implication

Children having incomplete immunizations are prone on having the childhood diseases
like TB, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and measles. If this will continue in the
future, there will be a high occurrence of morbidity and mortality among children.
On the other side, if this will change there will be an early prevention of
acquiring the childhood diseases. Fully immunized children are protected from
disease-causing agents. When they are protected they will be healthy and they can
perform well with their activities in school or in their homes.

b. Leading Causes of Morbidity

i. Frequency Distribution Table

Compute :Incidence rate

Top 5 Leading Cause of Morbidity Frequency Population at Risk

Flu 32 1097 2.92%

Hypertension 16 1272 1.26%
Stroke 7 1272 0.55%
Asthma 7 1097 0.64%
TB (Tuberculosis) 6 601 1%
Total 68 population 1801 6.37%

ii. Graph

2.92% 1.26%

0.55% 0.64%

iii. Interpretation

Morbidity is a diseased condition or state; the incidence or prevalence of a

disease or of all disease in a population.The leading cause of morbidity in Brgy Jones is
Influenza with 2.92% .Followed by hypertension which is also common with 1.26%. Next
is stroke with 0.55% and asthma with 0.64% and the least common cause is
tuberculosis with 1% with least population at risk.

iv. Analysis

Flu (Influenza), the leading cause of morbidity in Brgy. Jones Iloilo, according to our
community survey. Flu (Influenza), a highly contagious and communicable disease, is in
the top spot on the morbidity list 1097 persons are at risk. Incidence rate of fever
contributes in the incidence rate of flu because this two goes hand in hand; they share
common signs and symptoms such as cough, headaches, muscle aches and sore
throat. Hypertension, the second leading cause of morbidity in Brgy. Jones Iloilo,
according to the survey. Though hypertension can develop anytime in an individual, in
most cases, it does not occur solely by chance. Some are more prone to develop high
blood pressure than others. In some cases, people with high blood pressure may have
a pounding feeling in their head or chest, a feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness, or
other signs. Without symptoms, people with high blood pressure may go years without
knowing they have the condition. Stroke is also a leading cause of morbidity in Brgy.
Jones Iloilo. Typically, the cause of stroke is a blockage of artery. Blockage of an artery
in the brain by a clot (thrombosis) is the most common cause of a stroke. Asthma is also
the leading cause of morbidity in Brgy. Jones Iloilo. Factors that contributes to Asthma
as a contender to be the in the top morbidity rates are: Allergens such as breeding sites,
and vectors (e.g. cockroaches and dustmites) for they are called carriers of pollens or
any irritating substance that may trigger asthma. Tuberculosis, is also the leading cause
of morbidity in Brgy. Jones Iloilo. TB, a communicable disease. The reason that they
have a TB is that they have an incomplete immunization that leads to incomplete
immunity, direct contact to person suffering from TB and people exposed to crowding
can easily transfer of disease from one person to another.

v. Health Implication

If flu remains in the top spot of the list, the prevalence of pneumonia and otitis media will
occur because they are the most common complications of flu. Otitis media can present
as earache or fluid coming out of your ears. Pneumonia can manifest as high-grade
fever, brassy cough, lack of appetite, drowsiness, difficulty in breathing, and increased
phlegm and mucus production. These are usually viral in origin but oftentimes,
secondary bacterial complications set in. When bacterial infection sets in, antibiotics are
warranted. Hypertension is a silent killer, if this remains on the second spot of the list
many complication will set in. Hypertension (HIGH blood pressure), if uncontrolled,
causes damage to various organs in the body resulting to other diseases. If stroke
remains on the top 5 list of morbidity many complications or diseases would likely occur.
Heart Failure cases would likely increase. Cases of problem in swallowing would
increase. Slurred speech patients and lung infection would occur. Stroke often results in
immobility; blood clots can develop in a leg vein (deep vein thrombosis). If asthma is not
prevented, or left untreated, Prevalence of feeling of tightness in your chest and
coughing and spitting out mucus or phlegm may occur. Feeling of restless or irritable
and have difficulty sleeping will be more evident. If Tuberculosis is not prevented, a
possible TB Outbreak in the Barangay would most likely occur. The best way to prevent
the spread of tuberculosis is to treat and care all patients with active pulmonary
tuberculosis. The vaccination for TB known as BCG may prevent children from
developing the most severe forms of TB. The barangay would also prioritize projects
and development plans in lessening tuberculosis or practice the DOH plans in
implementing appropriate measures in combating TB (Tuberculosis) – Tuberculosis
Control Program will drastically increase.
c. Frequency and Percentage Case Fatality Rate
i. Frequency Distribution Table

Causes of Mortality Number of Deaths Number of Cases of Total

from Specified Cause the Same Disease Percentage
Cancer 1 3 33.33%
Vascular Diseases
2 7 28.57%
(stroke, etc.)
Heart Diseases/Heart
8 16 50%
Complications of
1 3 33.33%
Diabetes Mellitus
Old Age
1 4 25%
ii. Graph


33.33% 33.33% 25%

iii. Interpretation

The data shows that among the cases of mortality, Heart Diseases/Heart
Failure has the highest percentage with a total of 50%. Followed by cancer and
complications brought about by Diabetes Milletus with 33.33% respectively and the
incidence of vascular diseases follows with 28.57%. The least is Old age with 25%

iv. Analysis

Cancer is the top leading cause of mortality. There are a lot of people dying because of
cancer because there are unaware people that they might have already a cancer. There
are families who don't have sources of health care and some doesn't go to the health
center. There are people who are at risks for having cancer because of exposure to
second hand smoke and people are at risks for respiratory tract infections. There are
people who smokes and people are exposed to certain chemicals.

v. Health Implication

Smoking accounts for more than 85% of lung cancer deaths. Smokers are more likely to
develop lung cancer compared to non-smokers. Overall, smoking has been linked to
cancers of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas and bladder. Intake Heavy
drinkers have an increased risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, larynx and
liver. Diet plays an important role in the development of many cancers, particularly in
the digestive and reproductive organs. Exposure to substances such as chemicals,
metals or pesticides can increase the risk of cancer. Asbestos, nickel, cadmium,
uranium, radon, vinyl chloride and benzene are well-known cancer-causing agents

6. Political Leadership Pattern

6.1. Peace and Order.
There is no reported crime committed in the whole year round, although there are
ample incidences of malicious mischiefs, robbery committed. According to the
Barangay Officials there is no social conflict that they experienced in their barangay
because according to the Barangay Kagawads they always keep their barangay
peaceful and their goal is to fight crime, protect the people and serve the people in the

6.2.Perceived Problems
According to key informants like the BHW;s Kagawad and key people in the
community the following are the perceived health problems:According to the kagawad
for health one of the perceived problems of the barangay is that there is no adequate
allocation for health care fund. They said that if there are some projects that they would
like to implement, they would get it from their own money. People also noticed the lack
of health facilities due to insufficient medicine for those who most need them. There is
no assigned Rural Health midwife. The Mayor and the RHU assigned 1 RHM to
come during immunization and prenatal schedules only.

40.74% of the children in
the community aged 0-12
Inadequate months have incomplete Increase risk of developing
Immunization as a immunization immunizable diseases among 0-
health related problem 1 year old children
7.41% have no
37.31 % of the total
population only finished
high school

17.93% were able to finish

High Frequency of elementary
Risk of being unemployed and
Undergraduates as a
having inadequate knowledge
health related problem 11.16% of the total
population have no formal

44.14% of the population

have stopped studying
45.3 % of cats and dogs Risk of the Population in
doesn’t have vaccines and Acquiring Rabies due to
are not kept inside the Unvaccinated Cats and Dogs
house and left wandering
around the streets.

Only 11.78% of cats and

dogs are vaccinated and
are not kept inside the
High Incidence of
house and left wandering
Unvaccinated Cats and
around the streets.
Dogs as a health
related problem
27.49% of cats and dogs
doesn’t have vaccination
but kept inside the cage
and some have leash

Only 15.71% of cats and

dogs are vaccinated, and
kept inside the cage and
some have leash.
High Incidence of There are 16 cases of Increased proportion of the
Hypertension among Hypertension in population is at risk of
residents of Barangay the total population cardiovascular disease.
Jones, Iloilo as a health surveyed at
status problem Barangay Jones, Iloilo.
1.26% for every 100
person at risk gets ill of
Hypertension ranked as
5th among the top 10
causes of morbidity.
Incidence of Asthma There are 7 cases of Increase risk of ineffective
among residents of asthma among the total breathing pattern and ineffective
Barangay Jones, Iloilo population surveyed in airway clearance
as a health status Barangay Jones, Iloilo.
problem 0.55% for every 100
person at risk gets ill of
Presence of Vectors of In the population a total Risks for acquiring diseases or
Diseases as a health number of 1,047 vectors infection caused by vectors of
related problem can be found per diseases.
households in the
community. This includes
31.90% of cockroaches,
27.51% of Rats, 27.22%
of Mosquitos, and 13.37%
of Flies.
High Unemployment 34.48% in the population Inability of the people to provide
Rate as a health are unemployed. Without family’s basic needs and other
resource problem a proper job, one cannot necessities.
provide the needs of the
High Incidence of 2.92% are at risk of Risk of getting ill with flu
Influenza as a health getting ill with flu and a
status problem total of 32 people suffers
with flu

a. Inadequate Immunization

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the 1/3 x 1 1/3 Incomplete
Problem immunization will
put the children 0-
12 months old risk
for acquiring
diseases and is
regarded as a
health related

40.74% of the
2/4 x 3 3/2 children aged 0-12
Magnitude of the months have
Problem incomplete
immunization and
7.4% have no

The problem is
modifiable since the
2/3 x 4 8/3 health center
Modifiability of cannot
the problem accommodate all
the individuals
seeking health

The risk for

diseases may be
3/3 x 1 1 prevented if the
Preventive immunization is
Potential complete

The people in the

community of
Barangay Jones
Social Concern 1/2 x 1 1/2 recognizes this as a
problem but
immunizations are
due to health
center’s capacity to
accommodate and
the distance from
their home.

Actual Score 6

b. High Frequency of Undergraduates

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the 1/3 x 1 1/3 High frequency of
Problem undergraduates or
the lack of access
to education is a
health related

37.31% of the total

population finished
only until high
school. 17.93% is
able to complete
2/4 x 3 3/2 elementary.11.16 of
Magnitude of the the total population
Problem have no formal
education and
44.14% of the
people have
stooped studying

The problem has

low modifiability
1/3 x 4 4/3 due to lack of funds
Modifiability of and resources.
the problem
If there will be
source of funds and
the problem will be
3/3 x 1 1 addressed, there
Preventive will be no
Potential undergraduate or
illiterate individual
in the community
and lesser amount
of people who are

The people in
barangay Jones
Social Concern 1/2 x 1 1/2 consider this as a
problem but
immediate action
and readiness is
not possible
Actual Score 4 2/3

c. High Incidence of Unvaccinated Cats and Dogs

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the 1/3 x 1 1/3 Risk for acquiring
Problem rabies is a health
related problem.

Magnitude of the 2/4 x 2 1 45.3 % of cats and

Problem dogs doesn’t have
vaccines and are
not kept inside the
house and left
wandering around
the streets.

Modifiability of 2/3 x 4 8/3 The problem is

the problem moderately
modifiable since the
health center
accommodate all
the individuals
seeking health

The risk for

Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 acquiring the rabies
Potential virus is prevented if
the dogs and cats
are vaccinated.

Most of the people

Social Concern 2/2 x 1 1 in the community
aren’t aware and
doesn’t utilize the
anti- rabies
program, but there
are some are
aware but still
doesn’t utilize it.
Only few are aware
regarding anti-
rabies program

Actual Score 6

d. High Incidence of Hypertension among residents of Barangay Jones, Iloilo

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the 3/3 x 1 3/3 The problem High
Problem Incidence of
Hypertension is a
health status

Magnitude of the 1/4 x 2 ½ There are 16 cases

Problem of Hypertension in
the total population
surveyed at
Barangay Jones,
Iloilo.1.26% for
every 100 person at
risk of

The problem is
Modifiability of 3/3 x 4 4 highly modifiable
the problem because
hypertension is a
hereditary disease.
Community should
practice and utilize
the programs that
promote wellness
and educate them
the risk of having
hypertension so it
would be reduced.

If the incident of
3/3 x 1 1 hypertension in the
Preventive community will be
Potential lessened then other
risk factors of
hypertension would
also be lessened.
The community will
2/2 x 1 1 recognize the
Social Concern problem regarding
hypertension since
it ranked as 5th
among the top 10
causes of

Actual Score 7½

e. Incidence of Asthma among residents of Barangay Jones, Iloilo

Criteria Computation Actual Score Justification

Nature of the 3/3 x 1 1 The problem is high
Problem incidence of
asthma and it is a
health status

7 are confirmed
Magnitude of the 1/4 x 2 ½ cases of asthma in
Problem the community of
Barangay Jones,
Iloilo. 0.55% for
every 100 person at
risk getting a
disease of Asthma.

The problem in the

Modifiability of community with
the problem 3/3 x 4 4 asthma is highly
modifiable for the
individual health
practices and
healthy lifestyle
with the correlation
to the norms and
If high incidence of
asthma in the
Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 community is
Potential manage and
treated then other
risk factors of
asthma would be

The community
recognizes the
asthma as a
problem but some
Social Concern 1/2 x 1 ½ people are not
aware and does not
utilize the
programs. Some
are aware but does
not utilize the
program regarding
asthma. There are
some people are
aware and utilizes
the program.

Actual Score 7

f. Presence of Vectors of Diseases

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the 1/3 x 1 1/3 Presence of Vectors of
Problem diseases is regarded as a
health related problem.

There were a total of 1,047

2. Magnitude of the 4/4 x 2 2 vectors present in the
problem community. These vectors
may spread and multiply and
might affect every household
in the community.

The problem is moderately

modifiable. With problem
technique and education in
3.Modifiability of the 2/3 x 4 8/3 the community, they can
problem reduce the numbers of these
vectors but cannot completely
eradicate the problem.

Risks for acquiring diseases

or infection caused by vectors
4.Preventive of diseases could be
Potential 3/3 x 1 1 prevented if the people in the
community will work together
and change their ways
towards their environment.

The community recognizes

5.Social Concern 2/2 x 1 1 this as a problem that has
urgent community concern.
These vectors might carry
diseases that could make the
community unhealthy.

6.Actual Score 7

g. High Unemployment Rate

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 2/3 High Unemployment Rate is
Problem regarded as health resource

34.48% of people in the

community are unemployed.
Which makes them hard to
2. Magnitude of the 4/4 x 2 2 provide for their family’s
problem necessities and also could be
the cause of having low self

The problem is moderately

modifiable because there might
be small businesses or people
who are hiring for a job. The
3.Modifiability of the 2/3 x 4 8/3 location of the rural community
problem also makes it lowly modifiable
because some may not want to
be separated with their family
to work away in the City.

Inability of the family to provide

family’s basic needs and other
4.Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 necessities.
Potential could be prevented if the
people are willing to travel far
to a place where in there would
be much more opportunities for
a job like in the City.

The community recognizes this

as a problem that has urgent
community concern because
5.Social Concern 2/2 x 1 1 these unemployed individuals
does not want to latch their
selves on their family. They
also want to earn and to
provide for their family.

6.Actual Score 7 1/3

h. High Incidence of Influenza

Criteria Computation Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 2/3 The high incidence of influenza
Problem is regarded as a health status

2.92% for every 100 individual

2. Magnitude of the 1/4 x 3 3/4 in the community is at high risk
problem of getting ill due to flue and
about 32 people is suffering
with flu.

3.Modifiability of the 2/3 x 4 8/3 The problem is moderately

problem modifiable if there is early
detection of disease and the
health center could
accommodate people suffering
from flu.

4.Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Other complications associated

Potential with influenza could be
managed and lessened if the
problem is addressed.

The health problem is

recognized by the community
5.Social Concern 2/2 x 1 1 and they expressed readiness
in managing the problem

6.Actual Score 6 1/2

3. Ranking Health Problems According to Priorities

Ran Health Problems Community Nursing Score

k Diagnosis
1 High Incidence of Hypertension Increased proportion of the
among residents of Brgy. Jones population is at risk of 7½
cardiovascular disease
2 High Unemployment Rate Inability of the people to
provide family’s basic needs 7 1/3
and other necessities.
3 Presence of Vectors of Diseases Risks for acquiring diseases
or infection caused by
vectors of diseases.

4 Incidence of Asthma Increase risk of ineffective

breathing pattern and 7
ineffective airway clearance
5 High Incidence of Influenza Risk of getting ill with flu 6½
6 High Incidence of Unvaccinated Risk of the Population in
cats and dogs Acquiring Rabies due to
Unvaccinated Cats and
7 Inadequate Immunization Increase risk of developing
immunizable diseases 6
among 0-1 year old children
8 High Frequency of Risk of being unemployed
Undergraduates and having inadequate 4 2/3

Prepared By:

Christian Angelo Leonor

Dinde Bucoy
Angelica Parrenas

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