Chord Factory

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CHORD - is a set of three or more different notes.

Chords constructed of three notes are described as Triads and consist
of two intervals.

The basic triads are in Western music : Major, Minor,Diminished and Augmented
In order to define the deiffernce between them we must know the formula and color of each one of them

The Major Triad is construct from Root,Major 3rd and 5th

R + 2T + 1.5T
R 3rd 5th Cmajor

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R 3rd 5th Cmajor
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The Minor Triad is construct form a Root, Minor 3rd and 5th
R + 1.5T + 2T
3 R minor3rd 5th Cminor

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 
R Minor3rd 5th Cminor
   

The Diminished triad is construct from - Root, Minor 3rd and diminished 5th
R + 1.5 + 1.5
5 R Minor3rd Dim5th Cdim

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R Minor3rd Dim5th Cdim
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The Augmented Triad is construct from - Root, Major 3rd and Augmented 5th
R + 2T + 2T
7 R Major3rd Aug5th CAug

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 
R Major3rd Aug5th CAug
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