Fitness Profile 1
Fitness Profile 1
Fitness Profile 1
Test: YMCA Bike Test Pre Score: 42.7 ml/kg/min Post Score: 42.7 ml/kg/min i
Test: Treadmill Walk Test Pre Score: 28.12 ml/kg/min Post Score: 43.5 ml/kg/min i
Engaging in more moderate-intensity aerobic activities 3 times per week for at least 30-60
minutes will help improve your cardiovascular fitness levels. Moderate aerobic activity can
include, mowing the lawn, gardening, swimming, or a brisk walk. Also following the exercise
prescription program provided.
2. Muscular Fitness
Test: Grip Strength Pre Score: 39 kg Post Score: 39.4kg i
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Test: Push-Up Test Pre Score: 10 reps Post Score: 12 reps i
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Test: Curl-Up Test Pre Score: 18 reps Post Score: 24 reps i
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Test: 1 Rep Max (Leg Press) Pre Score:130 lbs x 3 reps Post Score:160 lbs x 3 reps
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Test: 1 Rep Max (Pec Fly) Pre Score: 55 lbs x 5 reps i Post Score: 55 lbs x 3 reps i
𝤿 Improved ☒ Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Test: YMCA Bench Press Pre Score: 22 rep Post Score: 32 reps
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Starting with 2-3 days per week then work up to the recommended 3-5 days per week with
moderate intensity. These sessions should last 30 to 1 hour, not including warm-up or cool-down.
Follow the exercise prescription provided for the types of exercises to do.
3. Flexibility
Test: Sit and Reach Pre Score: 18.5 cm Post Score: 21 cm i
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Test: Back Scratch Test Pre Score: R:-8cm L:+0cm Post Score: R:-5 cm L:+1 cm
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Performing daily stretches and mobility will help increase your range of motion. These stretches
should be done 2-3 days a week. The stretches should be held to the point of a slight discomfort
but you should never feel pain. Each stretch should be held for 30-60 seconds.
4. Body Composition ☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
Height: 65 inches Pre Weight: 205 lbs Post Weight: 201 lbs
Test: 7-Site Skinfold Pre Score: 32.10% Post Score: 28.82% i
Test: BIA Pre Score: 40.3% Post Score: 39.8% i\
Test: BMI Pre Score: 33.75kg/m2 Post Score: 31.54% i
Test: Waist Circumference Pre Score: 39 cm Post Score: 41 cm
Continuing physical activity 5 days a week sticking with moderate-intensity exercise. You should
do the recommended 150 mins/week of physical activity. Follow the exercise prescription
provided to know the types of exercise to perform. You can also take 10-20 minute breaks while
grading to stretch, go for a walk, or do something that gets you moving. This may not be a full
workout, but this will help improve your overall health and fitness.
5. Neuromuscular
BESS Pre Score: Post Score:
On Foam: 5 errors total On Foam: 6 errors total
𝤿 Improved 𝤿 Maintained ☒ Decreased
On Firm: 3 errors total On Firm: 1 error total
☒ Improved 𝤿 Maintained 𝤿 Decreased
A. Resting
HR Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-HR (1) 88 bpm High
Post-HR: 92 bpm High
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (2) My client's resting heart rate had gone up since the start
of the semester by 4 bpm. This shows a maintenance measure even though the resting
heart rate had increased instead of decreasing. This is shown from the weekly logs
where her normal resting heart rate range is from 82 bpm – 106 bpm. The logs show
that 92 bpm can be a normal resting heart rate for her. A factor that could contribute to
this is that when taking the post-heart rate measurement, I did not have my client rest
for a long enough time from entering the building to performing the test. This could
have counted for the increase in heart rate at rest. Another factor could be nerves. My
client had told me how she had been nervous for this testing day and seeing the results,
resulted in her heart rate increasing.
3. Recommendations/Prescription (1) There was little change in the post and pre-test for
resting heart rate. To work on increasing cardiovascular fitness, follow the ACSM
guidelines. Incorporate cardio 3 days a week this includes walking, treadmill,
recumbent bike, Stairmaster, and stationary bike. This should be done at a moderate
intensity that is 40-59% heart rate reservoir while vigorous 60-89% heart rate reservoir.
The duration is 150 minutes for a total week. This can be broken down into 30-60
minutes of moderate intensity and 20-60 minutes of vigorous.
B.Resting Blood Pressure Score Rating
1. Pre-value (1) 136/90 mmHg Normal
Post-value 140/90 mmHg Not Normal
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (2) My client is at a high risk for hypertension. Her
resting values for blood pressure increased by 4 mmHm. There could be a few
factors for this increase. One would be taking the blood pressure too soon after
the client entered the room. Not giving her enough time to cool down after
walking up the stairs to the lab could have caused the increase in blood
pressure. Her elevated blood pressure is also because of her having Type 2
3. Recommendations/Prescription (1) Incorporate aerobic exercise that can help
lower blood pressure including walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming.
Follow the cardiovascular fitness guidelines of 3-5 days a week of aerobic
exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes maximum of 60 minutes of moderate
exercise. 20-60 minutes for vigorous exercise.
C.Body Composition
Weight & Height Score Suggested Weight Range
1. Pre-value (1) 66 inches 114 lbs – 150 lbs
205 lbs
Post-value 66 inches 114 lbs – 150 lbs
201 lbs
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (2) My client lost 4 lbs from the start of the semester.
She was able to lose weight because she followed the ACSM guidelines for strength
training and cardiovascular fitness. The weekly logs show the progression my client
made pertaining to her cardiovascular fitness and strength. With cardio, the treadmill,
stationary bike, recumbent bike, and stairmaster were utilized. For the treadmill,
every week the intensity or duration was increased to improve my client's cardio.
With strength training, we progressed weight as each week went on and hit the major
muscle groups along with the small muscle groups with 10-12 repetitions. By doing
this, my client was able to lose weight as the semester went on.
3. Recommendations/Prescription (1): There was a 4 lbs decrease in weight from the
beginning of the semester to the end. To continue to improve after this semester is
over, she can follow the ACSM guidelines. For cardio, the next progression would
continue to increase the duration and intensity while utilizing the treadmill, bikes, and
Stairmaster. First, increase the incline then the duration. Incorporate cardio 3 days a
week with moderate to vigorous intensity. Moderate intensity is 40-59% heart rate
reservoir for 30-60 minutes while vigorous is 60-89% heart rate reservoir for 20-60
minutes. This would be broken down into 15 minutes of moderate until it can be
progressed to 30 minutes. A total of 150 minutes a week is recommended. Also to
keep improving after this semester, follow the ACSM guidelines for strength training.
Strength train the major muscle groups first 2 days a week. The intensity is 60-70% 1
RM performed for 8-12 repetitions. Multi-joint exercises along with agonist and
antagonist muscle groups should be targeted. Then single joint and core exercises
should be included.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Score Percentile
1.Pre-BMI (1) 33.75 kg/m2 Obese
Post-BMI 31.54 kg/m Obese
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (2) There was a 2.21 kg/m2 change in my client's BMI. This
decrease is because she continued following the ACSM guidelines for cardiovascular
fitness and strength training. Even though there is a decrease, she still shows a risk for
cardiovascular disease because of the rating of obese. A healthy BMI is between 18.6 and
29 kg/m2.
Waist Circumference Score Percentile
1. Pre-Waist (1) 39 cm
High Risk
Post-Waist 41 cm
High Risk
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (2): There was a 3 cm increase in her pre-waist and
post-waist circumference. Clients are at a high risk for cardiovascular disease and
hypertension. This is also not good with her Type 2 Diabetes. There could be a few
factors contributing to this, one is not including enough core and abdominal exercises in
the session. I started to incorporate core and abdominal exercises a little later into the
program, as seen in the weekly logs. To improve this measurement, abdominal and core
exercises should have been incorporated earlier on in the program than when I started.
Also, the amount of core and abdominal exercise I included could be a factor. I only did 2
core exercises 2 days a week. Over time, I should have increased the exercise to 3-4 for
my client.
BIA Score Percentile
1.Pre-Fat % (1) 40.3% 1st
Very Poor
Post-Fat % 39.8% 1st
Very Poor
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (2) There is a 0.45% decrease in her fat%. No less than
10%-13% of body fat is recommended. Her test results show that she is at a higher
risk for cardiovascular disease because the desirable range of fat% for her body type
is 23.05.
D. Cardiovascular Fitness
Bike Test Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-VO2MAX (1) 17.62 ml/kg/min 45th Fair
Post-VO2MAX 15.87 ml/kg/min 30th Poor
2. Her VO2MAX decreased from the pre-test to the post-test by 1.75 ml/kg/min. As the
weight of the bike increased the more work my client had to exert to be able to pedal,
this increased her heart rate. The increase in intensity made it harder for my client to
pedal and keep up with the tempo on the pre-test. This was a factor that could cause
an error in the measurements of the pre-test. During the post-test, my client was able
to keep up with the metronome even as the intensity increased and her heart rate
started to pick up. This regression can be because of the cardiovascular fitness during
our session. The frequency and duration could have increased more every week
during the semester. On the weekly logs, a lot of the weeks the intensity and duration
for cardio was the same. Because of this, there was little room for improvement for
her VO2MAX.
A.Muscular Fitness
Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-values (1): Test #1 Grip Strength 39 kg 95th Poor
Test #2 YMCA Bench Press 22 reps Good
Test #3 Curl-Ups 18 reps 16-19th Very Good
Test #4 Push-Up 10 reps Good
Test#5 1 RM Upper 55 lbs 5 reps
1 RM Lower 130 lbs 3 reps
Post-values: Test # 1 Grip Strength 39.4 kg 95th Poor
Test #2 YMCA Bench Press 32 reps Excellent
Test #3 Curl-Ups 24 reps
Test #4 Push-Up 12 reps Very good
Test #5 1 RM Upper 55 lbs 3 reps
1 RM Lower 160 lbs 3 reps
2. Explain/Interpret Changes (3) Her muscular fitness increased in all areas except for
the 1 RM Upper. The 1 RM Upper stayed the same from the pre-test and the post-test.
This could be because of not progressing the upper body weight as much as the lower
body weight, as seen in the weekly logs. These results show that my client has better
lower body strength than she does upper body. A factor that contributed to the same 1
RM Upper is not giving my client enough rest time between reps. I only gave her
1:00 rest when I could have given her 2 minutes. Not getting enough rest in between
would allow my client to fatigue her muscles quicker than it would if I had given her
more rest time.
3. Her muscular fitness scores all improved except the 1 RM Upper body which
stayed the same. To improve muscular fitness continue to follow the ACSM
guidelines of strength training 2 times per/week targeting major muscle groups first
then smaller. This should be done at 60-70% 1RM for 8-12 repetitions. Including
multi-joint exercise, agonist and antagonist muscle groups should be targeted. Then
single-joint and core exercises are to be included.
F Flexibility
Sit and Reach Score Percentile Rating
1. Pre-value (1) 18.5 cm
Post-value 21 cm