2.1 Algorithms End of Unit Quiz Lesson Element
2.1 Algorithms End of Unit Quiz Lesson Element
2.1 Algorithms End of Unit Quiz Lesson Element
1 Algorithms
a. How is decomposition used when thinking computationally?
ai. The array people contains the values:
What is the reason why this array could not be searched using a binary search?
aii. Once the issue identified in part (i) has been resolved, describe the steps that
would be taken to search the array for the value “Fletcher” using a binary search.
array people[5]
people = [“Imogen”, “Fletcher”, “Kirstie”, “Zoe”, “Gavin”]
found = False
x = 0
searchfor = input(“enter a name to search for : “)
while found = False ………… x <5
c. A user has a database of 100,000 people and needs to search through to find one
particular person.
Compare the efficiency of both searching algorithms covered in parts (a) and (b)
for a data set of this size.
ai. A programmer has a list of numbers in an array called scores, as shown below:
When setting up a bubble sort algorithm for these numbers, the programmer uses a
variable called swaps which can either be True or False.
aii. How would the programmer use this variable when implementing the bubble sort?
b. One section of the bubble sort algorithm used by the programmer is shown below:
What is the error that is contained in the code above? Give a corrected version.
c. How would an insertion sort algorithm arrange the numbers in the scores array
into order?
4. A school divides students into house groups based on the month that they were born in.
Students born in January, February, March or April are put into Needwood house. Students
born in May, June, July or August are put into Marchington House. All other students are
put into Trent house.
Ask the user to enter a number (1 to 12) relating to their birth month
Decide which house they are in and print this out.
Keep a running total of how many students are in each house.
Repeat the above for 20 students.
When 20 students have entered their details, print out how many students are in
each house.
num = 7
7. A car dealer uses the following algorithm to determine the price to charge for cars.
ai. p = 1000, i = 2, a = 12
aiii. p = 8000, i = 0, a = 5
ai. The array people contains the values:
What is the reason why this array could not be searched using a binary search?
aii. Once the issue identified in part (i) has been resolved, describe the steps that
would be taken to search the array for the value “Fletcher” using a binary search.
array people[5]
people = [“Imogen”, “Fletcher”, “Kirstie”, “Zoe”, “Gavin”]
found = False
x = 0
searchfor = input(“enter a name to search for : “)
while found = False AND x <5
Linear (search).
c. A user has a database of 100,000 people and needs to search through to find one
particular person.
Compare the efficiency of both searching algorithms covered in parts (a) and (b)
for a data set of this size.
ai. A programmer has a list of numbers in an array called scores, as shown below:
17 9 4 -12 3 39
When setting up a bubble sort algorithm for these numbers, the programmer uses a
variable called swaps which can either be True or False.
aii. How would the programmer use this variable when implementing the bubble sort?
b. One section of the bubble sort algorithm used by the programmer is shown below:
What is the error that is contained in the code above? Give a corrected version.
numbers are not swapped correctly / scores[x] will be overwritten
Correction (eg..)
temp = scores[x]
scores[x] = scores[x+1]
scores[x+1] = temp
c. How would an insertion sort algorithm arrange the numbers in the scores array
into order?
Merge sort.
4. A school divides students into house groups based on the month that they were born in.
Students born in January, February, March or April are put into Needwood house. Students
born in May, June, July or August are put into Marchington House. All other students are
put into Trent house.
Ask the user to enter a number (1 to 12) relating to their birth month
Decide which house they are in and print this out.
Keep a running total of how many students are in each house.
Repeat the above for 20 students.
When 20 students have entered their details, print out how many students are in
each house.
N = 0
M = 0
T = 0
FOR x = 1 to 20
INPUT birthnum
IF birthnum = 1 or birthnum = 2 or birthnum = 3 or birthnum = 4
print “Needwood house”
N = N + 1
ELIF birthnum = 5 or birthnum = 6 or birthnum = 7 or birthnum = 8
print “Marchington house”
M = M +1
ELIF birthnum = 9 or birthnum = 10 or birthnum = 11 or birthnum =
print “Trent house”
T = T + 1
print N, M, T
num = 7
6. Complete the following table to describe the use of each of the following flow chart
Input / output
Used to get information from /give information to the user
Suitable example (eg print “hello”)
Used to make yes/no decisions/choices
Suitable example (eg IF x > 10)
7. A car dealer uses the following algorithm to determine the price to charge for cars.
ai. p = 1000, i = 2, a = 12
aii. p = 5000, i = 3, a = 10
aiii. p = 8000, i = 0, a = 5
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