Chemistry Investigatory Project
Chemistry Investigatory Project
Chemistry Investigatory Project
GVN- The Global School
Chemistry- Investigatory Project
Chemistry in black and white
Academic Year-2022-23
Submitted By
Amogh Dubey
Class- 12th B
Roll No., 19605516
Inthe accomplishment of this project
successfully, Iwould like to thank my
principal Mrs. Maninder Bhatia and
Chemistry teacher Mrs. Anushka
Sharma mam whose valuable guidance
has helped me make this project a fool
proof success. Her suggestions and
instructions have served as the major
contributorstowards the completion of
this project. Also, Iwould like to thank
my parentsand friends whohave
helped me throughout
This is to certify that Amogh Dubey of Class
XII Bof GVN The Global School, during the
academicyear 2022-23, has completed his
Project under my supervision. He has taken
Propercare and shown utmost sincerity in the
completion of this project
Principles Signature
Signature Signature
[External] [Internal]
A Abstract
A Introduction
A Procedure
A Iron Toning
A Copper Toning
A Sepia Toning
A Conclusion
A Abstract
This experiment is designed to illustrate the
purpose of the different components of a
photographic developer. It will also illustrate
the chemistry of the toning
Specifically, you will determine the role of
one component in the developer and
the importance of reaction identify
duration as a
variable in the toning of black and white
prints. For the first part, be specific.
which component you are omitting. Indicate
the role of that
component in your conclusion
Traditional black and white photography
utilized a chemical process that has been
observed since ancient times - that of the
photosensitivity of silver (Ag)
This ability was harnessed by compounds.
the19th century
photography pioneers by coating silver
halides (molecules of Ag and halide gases) in
an emulsion of gelatin onto a glass or
backer. The process of making traditional film
has not changed much from the basic
chemical reactions discovered in the 1800's.
Initially, elemental silver is reacted with nitric
acid to form silver nitrate. Complete and
balance the reaction below:
Ag (s) + HNO3 ’ AgNO3 + H2
ldentify the element oxidized and that
reduced in the above equation.
The silver nitrate is then
converted to the
silver halide (usually bromide) by fuming the
film with potassium bromide.
balance the next reaction: Complete and
AgNO3+KBr ’ ABr + KNO,
The AgBr is an ionic
compound that forms a
crystalline structure in grains. What does it
mean to be an ionic compound? The film
is ready for exposure and the now
creating of the
intended image. Stored within a light sealed
container, the AgBr film is a uniform darkish
yellow. The light exposure occurs when an
opening allows light to enter the dark
container and strike the film. These "storage"
containers that subsequently allow light
exposure are more comnmonly referred to as
In the first section of this experiment you will
determine a set of optimum conditions for
developing a contact print using a light bulb
for exposure and a standard, already
prepared developer. Two factors are
important in determining the optimum
conditions. The first is the amount of light
hitting the photographic paper. This depends
on the intensity of the light, the length of
exposure and the distance of the light from
the paper. The greater the amount of light
hitting the paper, the darker the print since
more silver halide grains are exposed. This
assumes all other conditions are held
constant. The directionsfor the first part are
listed in Section 1.
Inthe second section of the
experiment you
will prepare a developer by weighing out and
mixing the necessary chemicals. You will then
use the conditions determined in the first
part to prepare a contact print with your own
developer. Most photographic developers
have several components in common. These
Variac -glass
set at 52 -hegatve
Best conditions
For your conclusion describe the role of the
chemical which youleft out of the developer.
Refer to the mechanism of the action of the
black and white developer as described by
your lab instructor and in the handout. Also
draw aconclusion about the effect of time on
the progress of the toning reaction.
Indicators are chemical compounds
which are different colours when in
contact with either acids or bases. With
acids, indicators generallyturn red, and
with bases they generally turn a
bluelgreen colour. In addition to
indicators, heat can also be used to
reveal messages. A substance applied
to the paper that burns at a
temperature than the paper and so the
message is revealed. In this practical
you will investigate making up
and then solutions
using them to create your own
secret messages!
Baking Soda
Light Bulb (heat source)
Paintbrush or Swab
Measuring Cup
Purple Grape Juice
Making the invisible ink:
There are at least two methods to use
baking soda as an invisible ink. Mix
equal parts water and baking soda.
Use a cotton swab, toothpick, or
paintbrush to write amessage onto
white paper, using the baking soda
solution as
Allow the ink to dry.
One way to read the message is to hold
the paper up to a heat sOurce, Such as a
light bulb. The baking soda will cause
the writing in the papêr to turn
Asecond method to
read the message is
to paint over the paper with
grape juice. The message will purple
adifferent color. appear in
If you are using the heating
avoid igniting the paper - don't use a
halogen bulb.
Baking soda and grape
each other in an juice react with
producing acoloracid-base reaction,
The baking
soda change in the
used more mixture can also be
soda to twodiluted, with
parts water. one part baking
Grape juice
more visibleconcentrate
color results in a
grape juice. change than regular
Mix asmall
cornstarch (use of water
cornstarch and 4about 2
the pan and stir tablespoons of
teaspoons of water) in
Heat the
mixture for smooth.
Stir. (heat each several minutes.
Dip a mixture
toothpick into
water mixture and the
cornstarch and
on paper. Let write with the
To the paper dry. mixture
observe the
sponge into themessage, dip the small
carefully wipe iodine
the solution and
paper too wet.Thepaper. Do not get the
appear purple. message should