Company Profile - Wide
Company Profile - Wide
Company Profile - Wide
Company Profile
The ORI Group consists of four companies, each focused on a
specific market need; ORI Polytec Composites is the licensed
manufacturer of NOV’s Bondstrand Piping System, Origa Mulia
FRP is specialized in Hand Lay Up and Filament Winding of FRP
products, and Orindo Eratec specializes in general trading of FRP
Tangerang Plant
Products: Molded Grating,
Pultruded Grating,
Cable Tray,
Cable Ladder,
Structural Profiles: I Beam, Square Hollow, Angle
Bar, etc
Ladder Land Area Product Capacity
9000 Sqm 1450 Tons Per Annum
Trust is earned and nothing pleases us more than listening to our customer saying : ‘it’s been
installed nicely!’ Growing the usage of FRP in Indonesia also means helping the development of
smart construction and saving the environment. It is about time for us to be more competitive in
building the future.
The company’s success is attributed to not only the advanced equipment but
also an excellent engineer, production, and QC team who work together to create
high-quality products and achieve customer satisfaction.
HI-GRID is the latest brand OLine FRP is a brand that HI-GRID is the latest brand
that encompasses FRP Grating oversees pultrusion products, that encompasses FRP Grat-
Molded, FRP Pultruded Grating, such as FRP cable tray, FRP ing Molded, FRP Pultruded
FRP Manhole, FRP Rectangular cable ladder, FRP round tube, Grating, FRP Manhole, FRP
Grating, FRP Molded Grating
FRP I-beam, and other prod- Rectangular Grating, FRP
with Checker Plate. Previously
ucts. These products are made Molded Grating with Checker
known as OLine FRP Grating. FRP
Grating from PT. Orindo Eratec using pultrusion technology, Plate. Previously known as
has been widely used in various which allows for the creation OLine FRP Grating. FRP Grat-
industries. This FRP Grating has of complex and strong prod- ing from PT. Orindo Eratec has
many advantages, including: ucts. This technology also been widely used in various
corrosion resistance, durability, allows for the creation of prod- industries. This FRP Grating
resistance to various liquids, easy ucts with a variety of colors has many advantages, in-
to install, and lightweight. FRP and textures. These products cluding: corrosion resistance,
Grating also has various sizes are also long-lasting and durability, resistance to vari-
and shapes, so it can be custom- resistant to different environ- ous liquids, easy to install, and
ized to meet application needs.
mental conditions. lightweight. FRP Grating also
has various sizes and shapes,
so it can be customized to
meet application needs.
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Case Study: Improving Safety and Durability at a Construction Site
Project Overview:
A large construction company approached PT Orindo Eratec for a solution to improve safety and
durability on their construction site. The company was using traditional metal handrails, which
were prone to corrosion and required constant maintenance. This was not only costing them
Customers money, but also putting the safety of their workers at risk.
The main challenge was to find a solution that would improve safety, increase durability, and re-
Clients duce maintenance costs. The construction site was in a coastal area, which made it particularly
challenging to find a solution that would withstand the harsh weather conditions and sea air.
We have a wide range of PT Orindo Eratec serves a is a testament to our com-
After conducting a thorough site assessment, PT Orindo Eratec recommended the use of its
satisfied clients, from diverse range of customers mitment to providing the best
OLine FRP handrails. These handrails are made of fiberglass reinforced plastic, which is light-
and industries with our range products and services to our
small businesses to large weight, corrosion-resistant, and requires minimal maintenance. The company was also pleased
of fiberglass reinforced plastic customers.
corporations, who have (FRP) and polypropylene (PP)
to learn that these handrails are easy to install and could be done on schedule.
experienced the benefits products. Our best-selling Our clients appreciate the
of our products firsthand. Results:
products include FRP molded versatility and durability of
The new handrails exceeded the client’s expectations in terms of strength and durability. The FRP
grating, FRP cable ladder and our products and their ability
handrails have helped to improve safety on the construction site and have eliminated the need for
FRP cable tray, FRP handrail, to withstand harsh weather
ongoing maintenance, which saved them a lot of cost. The client was so pleased with the results,
as well as FRP pultruded grat- conditions. Many of our clients
they decided to expand the use of the FRP handrails to other areas of the construction site.
ing and FRP pultrusion. These have been with us for years
products are ideal for use in and rely on our products to
industrial areas, but also have keep their sites safe and to
versatile applications such as improve the longevity of their
house owners, architects and infrastructure.
even office interior design.
We have a wide range of
We also offer new products satisfied clients, from small
such as PP drainage, polymer businesses to large corpora-
concrete pits drainage, PP tions, who have experienced
septictank, and FRP septictank the benefits of our products
that are perfect for real estate firsthand. We have worked on
area, where our customers projects of all sizes, and our
appreciate the strength and products have been used in
durability of our products, as various applications such as
well as the ease of installation. industrial sites, residential
properties, commercial prop-
Our team of experts work erties, and even in office interi-
closely with each customer or design.
to understand their specific
needs and provide custom- We pride ourselves on provid-
ized solutions that meet their ing excellent customer service
budget and schedule. We have and working closely with each
a proven track record of de- client to find solutions that fit
livering high-quality products their unique needs and re-
and services that exceed our quirements. We stand behind
clients’ expectations. From our products and are dedicat-
Jakarta to Surabaya, from Bali ed to helping our clients find
to Medan, our products can be the perfect solution for their
found all over Indonesia, which specific needs.
Agriculture Jaya Konstruksi Manggala, PT (MG) Batu Tua Tembaga Raya, PT (CL & Grat- Pulp & Paper
Memiontec Indonesia, PT (MG) ing)
Wilmar Indonesia Group, PT (CL, CT & MG) Nindya Karya (Persero), PT (MG) Bumi Suksesindo, PT (CL & Grating) Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia, Tbk, PT (MG)
Pembangungan Perumahan (Persero), PT Freeport Indonesia, PT (CL &Grating) Papertech Indonesia, PT ( CT & MG)
Automotive (MG) Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia, PT (Grat- Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper, PT (CL & MG)
Prambanan Dwipaka, PT (MG) ing) Tanjung Enim Lestari, PT (CL)
Evolution Tyres, PT (MG) Rekayasa Industri, PT (CL, MG & Stair- Mifa Bersaudara, PT (MG) Toba Pulp Lestari, PT (PG)
Chemical Samsung C&T (CT) Textile Water Treatment
Sanggar Sarana Baja, PT (MG)
Asahimas Chemical, PT (CL, CT & MG) Tatamulia Nusantara Indah, PT (PG) Biporin Agung, PT (MG) Biothane Asia Pasific, PT
Dover Indonesia Chemical, PT (CT) Weir Mineral, PT (MG) South Pasific Viscose, PT (MG) Cemara Siko Engineering Indonesia, PT
Indonesia Acids Industry, PT (PG) Daido Metal Indonesia, PT
Lautan Otsuka Chemical, PT (MG) Fertilizer Power Plant Dongwoo Environmental Indonesia, PT
Lautan Luas Sulfamat, PT (MG) Envicon Ekatama, PT
Liku Telaga, PT (PG) Petrokimia Gresik, PT (CL, CT & MG) Jambaran Tiung Biru, Pertamina (CL) Indosol Multidaya, PT
Multi Nitrotama Kimia, PT (PG) Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT (MG) Jawa Satu (CT & Profile) Ion Exchange Indonesia, PT
Pacinesia Chemical Industry, PT (MG) Pupuk Kaltim, PT (CL,CT & MG) Lestari Banten Energy (Handrail & MG) Jababeka Infrastruktur, PT
Sulfindo Adiusah, PT (CL, CT & MG) Pupuk Sriwidjaya Palembang (Pusri), PT Muara Laboeh Geothermal (MG & Stair- Krakatau Engineering, PT
(CT) way) Organo Indonesia, PT
Cooling Tower Merak Energy (MG) Tirta Kencana Cahaya Mandiri, PT
Maritime PLTU Lontar (MG with Chequer Plate)
Golden Mulyono Pratama, PT (Profile) PLTU Muara Karang ( PG)
Samudra Marine Indonesia, PT (MG) PLTU Labuan Angin Sibolga (MG) Zoo
Engineering & Contractor Waruna Shipyard Indonesia, PT (MG) PLTU Paiton Energy (CL, CT & MG)
Star Energy, PT (Profile) Taman Safari Indonesia (Bali) (Profile &
Bajra Mandalasakti, PT (CL) Mining Tanjung Jati Power Services, PT (MG) MG)
Black and Veatch, PT (MG) Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia, PT (MG)
Fadajaya Makmur, PT (CL & MG) Adaro Indonesia, PT (MG)
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Integrated Solution For Your Needs