Code No.: BB-140: Online Annual Examination, 2022

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Code No.

: BB-140
Roll No. ......................... Total No. of Printed Pages : 4 6. How to print four slides in one page ?
7. What is back end in any application ?
Code No. : BB-140
8. What is DBMS ?
Online Annual Examination, 2022
9. What do you mean by multimedia ?
B.Com. Part I
Computer Application 10. Write the name of softwares for multimedia.
Paper II
Section ‘B’
[P.C. Software and Multimedia]
Answer the following Short Answer Type Questions
Time : Three Hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 50
in about 150-200 words : 3 × 5 = 15
Note : Section ‘A’ containing 10 very short answer type
questions, is compulsory. Section ‘B’ consists of 1. Write steps for creating and saving new document.
short answer type questions and Section ‘C’
consists of long answer type questions. Section ‘A’
has to be solved first.
What is header and footer ? Write steps For insert
Section ‘A’
header and footer.
Answer the following Very Short Answer Type 2. Describe data validation.
Questions in one or two sentences : 1×10=10

1. What is file extension of word document ?

Write steps for insert chart in MS-Excel.
2. What is shortcut key for UNDO ? 3. What is slide transition ? Explain how to applying
3. How many worksheet available in MS-Excel ? slide transitions.
4. Write how to rename the worksheet ?
5. What is use of MS-PowerPoint ? Explain how to rehears timing in slide show ?

P. T. O.
Code No. : BB-140 Code No. : BB-140
4. How to create table in MS-Access ? 3. Describe the animation tab using in MS-PowerPoint.

Explain how to importing data from excel sheet in

Describe the slide show and view tab.
5. Write about transformation using in flash. 4. Explain, how to creating reports in MS-Access ?

Explain object properties dialog box of flash.

Explain, how to use query wizard in MS-Access ?
Section ‘C’
5. Explain, how to create a new movies in flash ?
Answer the following Long Answer Type Questions in
about 300-350 words : 5×5=25
Describe object and filling tools of flash.
1. What is Mail-merge ? Write the step-by-step procedure
for Mail-merge.

Describe page layout tab of MS-Word.

2. Explain the math and trig functions with giving suitable


Explain sort and filter options of MS-Excel.

P. T. O.

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