Thyroid Status Examination
Thyroid Status Examination
Thyroid Status Examination
1 Wash your hands and don PPE if appropriate
4 Briefly explain what the examination will involve using patient-friendly language
9 Gather equipment
General inspection
10 Inspect the patient whilst at rest, looking for clinical signs suggestive of underlying
11 Palpate the patient’s radial pulse assessing rate and rhythm
12 Inspect the patient’s face for clinical signs suggestive of thyroid pathology (dry skin,
excessive sweating, eyebrow loss).
13 Inspect the patient's eyes for evidence of lid retraction, inflammation and exophthalmos
Thyroid inspection
16 Inspect the midline of the neck for evidence of thyroid enlargement, lumps or scars
Thyroid palpation
19 Palpate the patient's thyroid gland assessing size, symmetry and consistency. Also note any
masses present in the thyroid tissue.
20 Ask the patient to swallow some water whilst you feel for symmetrical elevation of the
thyroid lobes
21 Ask the patient to protrude their tongue whilst you palpate
23 Inspect for tracheal deviation
Special tests
26 Assess biceps reflex
28 Ask the patient to stand with their arms crossed to assess for proximal myopathy
33 Suggest further assessments and investigations (e.g. thyroid function tests, ECG, ultrasound
Introduce yourself
Wash hands
Briefly explain to the patient what the examination involves
Ask the patient to sit of a chair
General Inspection
Clinical signs of
- Alopecia or vitiligo
- Abnormal temperature regulation
Nail bed and fingers
- Thyroid acropachy
- Onycholysis
Palmar erythema
Fine tremor
Radial pulse
Proptosis or exophthalmos
Eye movements
Lid retraction and lid-lag
Neck and Face
Initial inspection
Palpate the thyroid gland
- Size
- Symmetry
- Tenderness
- Lumps
Palpate the lymph nodes
Tracheal deviation
Percuss for retrosternal dullness
Auscultation of the gland
Evidence of pretibial myxoedema
Test the patella reflex
Sit-to-stand test
Completing the Examination
Thank the patient
To complete the examination:
- Inspect for evidence of gynaecomastia
- Perform a cardiovascular examination and blood pressure reading
Thyroid Examination
Thyroid Examination
General inspection
Look for signs of:
Hyperthyroidism: Hypothyroidism:
Weight loss. Overdressed.
Anxiety. Facial maxiedema.
Frightened facies of Look for signs of mental and physical
thyrotoxicosis. sluggishness.
Neck Inspection
1-Look at the front and sides - Look for localized or general masses and
of the neck . swelling.
-Enlargement (pseudogoitre) can occur as a
result of the presence of a fat pad in the
anterior and lateral part of the neck.
- Enlargement of the gland called goitre
should be apparent on inspection .
2- Ask the patient to swallow - Only a goiter or thyroglossal cyst will
and watch the neck rise during swallowing.
3- Ask the patient to put out - if the mass moves , it is most likely a
the tongue . thyroglossal cyst , but if did not it may be a
thyroid swelling .
4- Describe the swelling .
5- Skin status . -Redness of the skin over the gland occurs
in cases of suppurative thyroiditis .
6- Old scar . -Thyroidectomy .
7- Thyroid cartilage: Present or - in healthy people the line between the
not , deviated or not. cricoid cartilage and the suprasternal notch
should be straight.
- An outward bulge suggests the presence
of a goitre.
1- Ask the patient to raise the - In hyperthyroidism.
arms above the head to test
for proximal myopathy.
2- Tap the arm for abnormal -Hyporeflexia: with hypothyroidism
briskness reflexes. -Hyperreflexia: with hyperthyroidism.
1- -
for Exophthalmos .
Thyroid function test.
Blood sugar.