HRM Reviewer
HRM Reviewer
HRM Reviewer
1. Review or define your company's mission
Planning is the fundamental management function,
2. Know your strengths and weaknesses
which involves deciding beforehand, what is to be done,
3. Consider key factors
when is it to be done, how it is to be done and who is
4. Brainstorm with your employees
going to do it. It is an intellectual process which lays down
5. Begin with a five-year plan
an organisation’s objectives and develops various courses
6. Organize your objectives
of action, by which the organisation can achieve those
7. Set deadlines
objectives. It chalks out exactly, how to attain a specific
8. Assign ownership of each objective
HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Having a clearly defined mission statement helps your
organization and the public know what your overall
Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous
purpose is. Your organization ' s objectives should come
process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use
directly from this vision, serving as the concrete ways you
of an organization's most valuable asset—quality
will accomplish your mission.
employees. Human resources planning ensures the best
fit between employees and jobs while avoiding Know your strengths and weaknesses
manpower shortages or surpluses.
Many organizations find it helpful to run a SWOT analysis,
It includes estimation of how many qualified people are which determines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
necessary to carry out the assigned activities, how many and threats. This can provide valuable insights into areas
people will be available, and what, is anything, must be where your organization is succeeding and areas that
done to ensure that personal supply equals personnel may require more attention. You can use this information
demand at the appropriate point in the future. to create realistic objectives and decide how to allocate
resources in a relevant way for your company and
Basically, it is the process by which an organization
ensures that it has the right number and kind of people,
at the right place, at the right time, capable of effective Consider key factors
and efficient completing those tasks that will help the
When determining organization objectives, factor in any
organization achieve its overall objectives.
relevant internal or external variables that can affect your
organization ' s operations, including:
Strategic: Strategic objectives are typically long-term, it is the process of estimating the future numbers of
broader goals that apply to an organization as a whole. people required and the likely skills and competences
For example, your organization may have a strategic they will need. Forecasting human resource demand is
objective to have a client retention rate of 80% in three the process of estimating the future human resource
years. requirement of right quality and right number.
Tactical: Tactical objectives typically apply to each specific forecasting demand involves determining the numbers
department. Middle-level managers define these and kinds of personnel that an organization will need at
departmental goals, which help companies achieve their some point in the future.
strategic objectives. A tactical goal for the above strategic
goal might be to receive 90% positive customer ratings.
Decide what types of objectives work best with your Two Approaches in Demand Forecasting (Manpower)
• Qualitative Approach also called as “Skills
Operational: Operational objectives are short-term, analysis”
specific goals that are better suited for performance • Rely on human judgment, intuition, and
measurement on a weekly or monthly basis, usually experience to make predictions based on
created by lower-level managers. An operational subjective factors, such as opinions, preferences,
objective that aligns with the previous strategic and expectations, and feelings.
tactical goals is to reach a client retention rate might be • Some examples of qualitative methods are
to make 100 outreach calls to clients each week surveys, focus groups, interviews, Delphi
method, and scenario analysis.
One objective or several objectives: Your organization • Quantitative Approach it uses mathematical
may focus on a single principal objective to demonstrate models and statistical techniques to make
your company ' s current focus, or you may choose predictions based on numerical data, such as
several key objectives. sales, prices, income, population, and
Set deadlines
• Used when there is sufficient and reliable
Determine the timeframe of your objectives and the historical data available, and when the demand
target deadline for each of these goals. The deadlines follows a regular pattern or trend.
should be realistic but challenging. As deadlines • Some examples of quantitative methods are time
approach, managers can adjust as needed. series analysis, regression analysis, exponential
smoothing, and moving averages.
Gap – an incomplete or deficient area
Jamaica’s Report
Human resource planning is a process that is part of the The steps to strategic plan creation
strategic plan. It involves addressing specific needs within
1. Prioritize issues and actions
the organization, based on the company's strategic
2. Can do this using a SWOT analysis
3. Understand the organizational lifecycle
• The first step in HR planning is determining current and (planning, growth, maturity, and decline.)
future human resource needs. In this step, current 4. Draw up the HRM plan (Gregory,2021)
employees, available employees in the market. and
“The Key to Successful HR Planning is Information”
future needs are all analyzed and developed.
(Gregory,2021) (Ivancevich & Konopaske)
In the second step of the process, once we know how
many people we will need to hire, we can begin to
determine the best methods for recruiting the people we Mavi’s Report
Sometimes an organization will use head hunters to find WHAT IS HR PLANNING?
the best person for the job. (Gregory,2021)
Human resources planning ensures the best fit between
After the recruiting process is finished, the HR manager employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages
will begin the selection process. This involves setting up or surpluses
interviews and selecting the right person for the job This
can be an expensive process, so we always want to hire WHAT IS STRATEGIC HR PLANNING?
the right person from the beginning. (Gregory,2021) Strategic HR planning is a process that helps an
HR managers also need to work through compensation organization to identify current and future human
plans, including salary, bonus, and other benefits, such as resources needs to achieve the end goals. It links human
health care. This aspect is important, since most resource management to the overall strategic plan of an
organizations want to use compensation to attract and organization.
retain the best employees.
The overall purpose of strategic HR planning is to: 4. DEVELOPING HR STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT
Ensure adequate human resources to meet the strategic
goals and operational plans of your organization – the There are five HR strategies for meeting an organization's
right people with the right skills at the right time. future needs:
Keep up with social, economic, legislative and 1. Training and development strategies
technological trends that impact on human resources in 2. Recruitment strategies
your area and in the sector. 3. Outsourcing strategies
4. Collaboration strategies
Remain flexible so that your organization can manage
5. Restructuring strategies
change if the future is different than anticipated
Technical Training
• Normally given externally and might be obtaining Monitoring is all about an organization ' s plans for
certification or specific information needed reviewing and refining the plan.
about a profession to perform a job.
1. On-the-job training
2. Coaching or Mentoring scheme
3. Time-management program
4. Leadership program
5. Personal development scheme
6. Job shadowing
PPT 1 • Produce PA students who are excellent
Enriching Sense of Belongingness individuals
• Research University
• Innovations
BU – VISION • Academe-Government- Collaborations
A university for humanity, characterized by productive • Credibility of students
scholarship, transformative leadership, collaborative • Faculty-Student Collaborations (Find a good
service, and distinctive character for sustainable mentor)
7 M’s of Management
1. Man
2. Money
3. Minutes
4. Methods
5. Materials
6. Machines
7. Market
• The only living resource with unlimited potentialities
with Body, Mind, Heart and the Spirit
• Talent Investor
• Capital
• Brain Resource
• Asset • Constantly Changing
• Knowledge Worker • HRM must make up strategies to retain employees
and help them to develop theirselves.
1. Organization
2. Employees
3. Society