cs201 Mcqs by Izhar

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1. How many times the following loop will execute?

int j = 3; while(j > 0) { cout << "Statements" << endl; j

-= 2; }

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
2. In C++, a variable can be declared anywhere in the
program this will increase ________.

1. writability
2. readability
3. portability
4. efficiency
3. In Flow Chart, flow of control is represented by

1. Rectangle
2. Circle
3. Diamomd
4. Arrow
4. The only operator that the compiler overloads for user
define data type by default is

1. Plus (+) operator

2. MInus (-) operator
3. Assignment (=) operator
4. Equal (==) operator
5. Once we have defined a symbolic constant value using
#define, that value ________ during program execution

1. can be changed
2. cannot be changed
3. varies
4. becomes zero
6. The function write() takes ________ as parameter(s).

1. String of pointer type

2. String of variable lengths, no. of bytes to be read and
3. Poimter array of characters and a delimiter
4. String and no. of bytes to be written
7. ________ will be used for enclosing function
statements into a block.

1. " "
2. ()
3. []
4. {}
8. What will be the result of the expression k = ++m; if
initially k = 0 and m = 4?

1. 0
2. 5
3. 6
4. 4
9. What will be the correct syntax for initialization of a
pointer ptr with string "programming"?

1. char ptr = 'programming';

2. char *ptr = "programming";
3. char *ptr = 'programming';
4. *ptr = "programming";
10. < and > both are ________ operators.

1. Arithmetic
2. Relational
3. Logical
4. Mathematical
11. ________ are not available in C language.
1. User defned functions
2. Built in functions
3. Library functions
4. Inline functions
12. How many bytes an integer type pointer intPtr will
jump in memory if the statement below is executed?
intPtr += 2 ;

1. 2
2. 4
3. 8
4. 12
13. ostream is a ________ operator.

1. dependent
2. member
3. standalone
4. None of the given
14. ________ variables are those that are defined
outside of main.

1. Local
2. Dynamic
3. Global
4. Static
15. ________ will return the number of bytes reserved
for a variable or data type.

1. sizeof operator
2. free operator
3. void pointer
4. new operator
16. What will be the output of the following c++ code?
#define max 100
#ifdef max

1. Hello
2. "Hellow"
3. Max is 100
4. Error
17. What will be the result of the expression k = ++m;
if initially k = 0 and m = 5?

1. 0
2. 5
3. 6
4. 4
18. The memory address of the first element of an
array is called ________.

1. floor address
2. foundation address
3. first address
4. base address
19. Symbolic constant PI can be defined as:

1. #define PI 3.14 ;
2. #define PI 3.14
3. #define PI=3.14
4. # include pi= 3.14
20. Body of any function is enclosed within ________.

1. {}
2. ()
3. []
4. ""
21. How many nested loops would be required to
manipulate n-dimensional array?

1. n
2. n + 1
3. n - 1
4. 2n
22. The loop which is most suitable to be used when
the number of iterations is known is called ________.

4.all looping processes require that the iterations be
23. A pointer is ________.

1. the address of a variable

2. an indication of the variable to be accessed next
3. a variable for storing address
4. the data type of an address variable
24. ________ will explain the function of a program.

2. Debugger
3. Compiler
4. Linker
25. In C/C++, the default command line arguments
passed to the main function are ________.

1. float argc, char **argv

2. int argc, char **argv
3. int *argc, char *argv
4. int argc, float **argv
26. The memory allocation functions return a chunk of
memory with a pointer of type ________.
1. integer
2. float
3. ptr
4. void
27. Encapsulation means ________.

1.that the data of a class cannot be accessed from outside

2.that the data of a class can be accessed from outside
3.the data becomes public
4.that the data can be accessible anywhere within a main
28. A function is a block of statements that can be
defined once and used ________ in the program.

1. One time
2. Two times
3. Three times
4. As many times as user wants
29. The malloc function takes ________ argument(s).

1. two
2. three
3. four
4. one
30. Return type of a function that does not return any
value must be ________.

1. char
2. int
3. void
4. double
31. The parameter passed to isdigit() function is

1. a character variable
2. a boolean variable
3. an integer variable
4. a character string
32. Operating System is a type of a/an ________.

1. application software
2. system software
3. computer language
4. interpreter
33. Array is a data structure that stores ________.

1. Memory addresses
2. Variables
3. Data type
4. Data
34. What will be the result of arithmetic expression

1. 10
2. 40.5
3. 42
4. 41
35. In computer systems there are mainly ________
type of softwares.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
36. The members of a class declared with the keyword
struct are ________ by default.

1. static
2. Private
3. protected
4. public
37. NULL has been defined in ________ header file.
1. Iostream.h
2. Stdlib.h
3. Stdio.h
4. String.h
38. Which of the function call is call by value for the
following function prototype?
float add(float);

1. add(&x);
2. add(x);
3. add(float x);
4. add(*x);
39. To access rand(), which library is required to be
included in program?

1. conio.h
2. stdio.h
3. stdlib.h
4. iostream.h
40. ________ is used as a dereferencing operator.

1. *
2. +
3. -
4. None of the above
41. The name of the destructor is the same as that of a
class proceeding with a ________.

1. & sign
2. # sign
3. @ sign
4. ~ sign
42. ________ of a function is also known as signature
of a function.

1. Definition
2. Declaration
3. Calling
4. Invoking
43. C++ is a ________ language.

1. High level
2. Low level
3. Machine
4. Assembly language
44. Which of the function call is "call by value" for the
following function prototype?
float add(int);

1. add(&x);
2. add(x);
3. add(int x);
4. add(*x);
45. Function prototype is written,

1. Within main function

2. After the return statement in main
3. Before the return statement in main
4. Before call of that function
46. The members of a class declared without any
keyword are ________ by default.

1. protected
2. private
3. public
4. constant
47. ________ operator is used to pass the address of a
variable in call by reference method.

1. %
2. +
3. @
4. &
48. Transpose of a matrix means that when we
interchange rows and columns ________.

1. the first row becomes the Last column

2. the first row becomes the first column
3. the Last row becomes the first column
4. the first column becomes the first row
49. A 2D array multi[5][10] can be accessed using the
array name as **multi, this technique is called

1. Single referencing
2. Single dereferencing
3. Double referencing
4. Double dereferencing
50. What is the highest legal index for the following
int arr[4]

1. 4
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1
51. Within the statement obj1=obj2; obj1 will call the
assignment operator function and obj2 will be passed as
an argument to function.

1. True
2. False
52. The function seekg() takes ________

1. 0
2. 1
3. 2
4. 3
53. The default mode for writing into a file using
ofstream object is ________.

1. out
2. bin
3. app
4. ate
54. Which of the following operators is used to access
the value of variable pointed by a pointer?

1. * operator
2. -> operator
3. && operator
4. & operator
55. What will be the output of the given code?

#include #define MAX( A, B ) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

void main() {
int i, x, y;
x = 23;
y = 45;
i = MAX( x++, y++ );
// Side-effect: // larger value incremented twice
cout << "x = " << x << " y = " << y << '\n';

1. x=23 y=45
2. x=24 y=46
3. x=24 y=47
4. x=22 y=47
56. An instance of a class is called ________.

1. structure
2. data type
3. object
4. member function
57. Constructor is a special function, called whenever
we ________.

1. create a function
2. instantiate an object of a class
3. destroy an object
4. create a class
58. Which of the following is not a reserved word in

1. int
2. float
3. double
4. sum
59. Once the ________ are created, they exist for the
life time of the program.

1. local variables
2. non static variables
3. static variables
4. automatic variables
60. ________ executes all the lines before error and
stops at the line which contains the error.

1. Intrepreter
2. Compiler
3. Linker
4. Debugger
61. If we have a program that writes the output
data(numbers) to the disc, and if we collect the output
data and write it on the disc in one write operation
instead of writing the numbers one by one.
In the above situation the area where we will gather the
number is called

1. Heap
2. Stack
3. Buffer
4. Cache
62. What will be the output of following statement?
cout<<setfill('0')<<setw(7)<< 128;

1. 0128128
2. 0000128
3. 1280000
4. 0012800
63. What will be the output of following code segment?

for (int i = 2; i<10; i++) {

if ( i == 5) continue;
cout << i << "," ;

1. 2,3,7,8,9
2. 2,3,4,6,7,8,9
3. 2,3,4
4. 4,6,7,8,9
64. Which of the following function call is "call by
reference" for the following function prototype?

1. func(int &num);
2. func(&num);
3. func(*num);
4. func(num);
65. C is widely known as development language of
________ operating system.

1. Windows
2. Unix
3. Mac OS
4. Linux
66. Which one of the symbol is used to represent a
decision in a flow chart?

2. For binary
3. operators,
operands on the

67. Automatic variables are created on ________.

1. Heap
2. Free store
3. Static storage
4. stack
68. ________ statement is used to terminate the
processing of a particular case and exit from switch

1. if
2. goto
3. break
4. continue
69. Let suppose
int a, b, c, d, e;
a = b = c = d = e = 42;
This can be interpreted by the compiler as

1. (a = b = (c = (d = (e = 42))));
2. a = (b = (c = (d = (e = 42))));
3. a = b = (c = (d = (e = 42)));
4. (a = b) = (c = d) = (e = 42);
70. Word processor is a type of a/an ________.

1. operating system
2. application software
3. device driver
4. utility software
71. What is the output of the following code if the 3rd
case is true

switch (var) {
case 'a':cout<<"apple"<<endl;
case 'b':cout<<"banana"<<endl;
case 'm':cout<<"mango"<<endl;
default: cout<<"any fruit"<<endl;

1. mango
2. mango
any fruit
3. apple
4. None of the given
72. How many dimensions does n-dimensional array

1. n dimensions
2. 2n dimensions
3. (n+1) dimensions
4. (n-1) dimensions
73. dec, hex, oct are all ________.

1. Member functions
2. Objects of input/output streams
3. Parameterized manipulators
4. Non-parameterized manipulators
74. What is the output of the following code if the 2nd
case is true

switch (var) {
case 'a': cout<<"apple"<<endl;
case 'b':cout<<"banana"<<endl;
case 'm':cout<<"mango"<<endl;
default: cout<<"any fruit"<<endl;

1. banana
2. banana
any fruit
3. banana
any fruit
4. None of the given
75. Syntax of a union is identical to ________.

1. structure
2. class
3. function
4. loop
76. In order to get the right most digit of a number, we
divide this number by 10 and take ________.

1. Its remainder
2. Its quotient
3. Its divisor
4. The number
77. Given a two dimensional array of integers, what
would be the correct way of assigning the value 6 to the
element at third row and fourth column?

1. array[3][4] = 6 ;
2. array[2][4] = 6 ;
3. array[4][3] = 6 ;
4. array[2][3] = 6 ;
78. Select the correct way to assign the address of first
element of array to pointer?

1. int *ptr = &data[1];

2. int *ptr = &data;
3. int *ptr = data;
4. int *ptr = data[0];
79. In the given expression which operator will be
evaluated first? 10 + (6 / 2) - 2 * 3?

1. +
2. -
3. /
4. *
80. Whenever we use a library function or a predefined
object or macro, we need to use a ________.

1. source file
2. object file
3. header file
4. exe file
81. C++ was developed by ________.

1. Charles Babbage
2. Graham Bell
3. Bejarne Stroustrup
4. Von Nuemann
82. A record is a group of related ________.

1. Data
2. Fields
3. Bytes
4. Files
83. !( x > 3) means in C++ that

1. x is greater than 3
2. x is less than or equal to 3
3. x is less than 3
4. x is equal to 3
84. What will be the result of the expression j = i++; if
initially j = 0 and i = 5?
1. 0
2. 5
3. 6
4. 4
85. A hierarchy of classes which are used to deal with
console and disk files are called ________.

1. Stream classes
2. Simple classes
3. Binary classes
4. IO classes
86. getche() is a ________ function and defined in
________ header file.

1. user-define function , conio.h

2. built-in function , conio.h
3. built-in function, stlib.h
4. built -in function, iostream.h
87. ________ operators are the ones that require two
operands on both sides of the operator.

1. Double
2. Tow sided
3. Binary
4. None of the given
88. How many elements are stored in the following?
int matrix [4][5];

1. 9
2. 20
3. 25
4. 10
89. The constructor contains ________.

1. return type
2. no return type
3. objects
4. classes
90. ________ is a substitute of multiple if statement.

1. if. . .elseif statement

2. Continue statement
3. Break statement
4. Default statement
91. Constructor is itself a ________ of C++ and

1. class, can be overloaded

2. function, cannot be overloaded
3. function, can be overloaded
4. object, can not be initialized
92. Which of the following is not an example of int data

1. 0
2. -32
3. 65531
4. -4
93. Overloaded assignment operator must be

1. Member function of class

2. Non-member function of class
3. Friend function of class
4. Global function
94. To read command-line arguments, the main()
function itself must be given ________ arguments.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
95. How many bytes of memory are occupied by array

char str[] = "programming";

1. 10
2. 11
3. 12
4. 13
96. How many times the following do-while loop will
int k = 10; do { cout << "Statements" << endl; k -= 2; }

1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7
97. if (a>b && a>c) then the condition will be true only

1. Both a>b and a>c are true

2. a>b is false and a>c is true
3. a>b is true and a>c is false
4. Both a>b and a>c are false
98. Which function is used to locate the first occurance
of a character in any string?

1. strchr()
2. strstr()
3. strtok()
4. strlen()
99. It is possible to return an object from function
using this pointer.

1. True
2. False
100. The ________ is called automatically when an
object destroys

1. destructor
2. constructor
3. main program
4. default constructor
101. TWAIN stands for ________.

1. Technology With An Interesting Name

2. Technology Without An Informative Name
3. Technology Without An Interesting Name
4. Technology With An Informative Name
102. Which one of the below functions is not included in
ctype.h header file?

1. isdigit(int c)
2. isxdigit(int c)
3. tolower(int c)
4. getdigit(int c)
103. It is the job of ________ to transfer the executable
code from hard disk to main memory.

1. interpreter
2. Debugger
3. Linker
4. Loader
104. Which of the following is the starting index of an
array in C++?

1. 0
2. 1
3. -1
4. 2
105. cout << i << " ";
cout << d <<" ";
cout << f;

Above statements can be written within statement of

one line as:

1. cout << i <<" "<< d " "<< f << ;

2. cout << i << << d << << f <<;
3. cout << i <<" "<< d <<" "<< f;
4. cout << i << " "<< d <<" " f<<;
106. What will be the value of variable “input” if the
initial value of input is 67?

if(input >= 50)

input = input + 1;
if(input <= 75)
input = input + 2;
input = input - 1;

1. 68
2. 69
3. 70
4. 66
107. The default visibility for the data members of the
class is

1. private
2. protected
3. public
4. accessible outside the class
108. While programming, it is good to provide an easy to
understand and easy to use interface; this programming
skill is called ________.

1. scalability
2. usability
3. reliability
4. sustainability
109. For binary member operators, operands on the
________ drives (calls) the operation.

1. Left
2. Right
3. Both left and right
4. None of the given
110. Suppose int i = 10; then what is the output of

1. 10
2. 11
3. 12
4. 13
111. The operators ++ and -- are used to increment or
decrement the value of a variable by ________.

1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 4
112. The destructor is used to ________.

1. allocate memory
2. deallocate memory
3. create objects
4. allocate static memory
113. !( x < 3) means in C++ that

1. x is less than 3
2. x is greater than or equal to 3
3. x is greater than 3
4. x is equal to 3
114. A variable of character data type occupies
________ byte(s) in memory.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 8
115. The ________ is called automatically when an
object destroys.

1. destructor
2. constructor
3. main program
4. default constructor
116. ________ data isn't accessible by non-member
functions or outside classes.

1. Public
2. private
3. Static
4. Globally declared
117. The statement cout << yptr will show the
________ the yptr points to.

1. Value
2. memory address
3. variable
4. None of the given
118. To avoid dangling reference, don't return

the reference of a local variable from the function
the reference of a global variable from the function
the reference of a static variable from the function
the reference of a private data member from the
119. The second parameter of operator function for >>
operator must always be passed
1. By reference
2. Function takes no argument
3. By value
4. None of the given
120. What will be the output of following code?
int x = 10;

1. 10
2. "x=10"
3. x=10
4. 10=x
121. We cannot increment ________.

1. pointers
2. arrays
3. references
4. variables
122. Consider the following code segment. What will be
the output of following code?

int addValue (int *a){

int b = (*a) + 2;
return b;
main() {
int x = 6;

1. 6,8,6
2. 6,6,8
3. 6,8,8
4. 6,6,6
123. Object code is machine code but it is not ________
and ________.
1. relocatable, executable
2. faster, efficient
3. compiled, debugged
4. tested, compiled
124. Consider the following code, the printed value will
be converted into:
int n=10;
cout <<oct<<n;

1. Base 8
2. Base 2
3. Base 10
4. Decimal number system
125. We should not use such variable names that are
starting with ________ because in C++, there are lots
of internal constants and symbolic names that start with

1. upper case alphabets

2. lower case alphabets
3. double underscore
4. None of the given
126. C++ views each file as a sequential stream of

1. Bits
2. Bytes
3. Numbers
4. Words
127. Which of the following syntax is best used to delete
an array of 5 objects named 'string' allocated using new

1. delete string;
2. delete []string;
3. delete string[];
4. delete string[5];
128. Suppose that an integer type pointer contains a
memory address 0x22f220. What will be the new
memory address if we increment this pointer by one?

1. 0x22f221
2. 0x22f222
3. 0x22f223
4. 0x22f224
129. An address is a ________, while a pointer is a

1. constant, variable
2. variable, constant
3. global, variable
4. non static variable, constant
130. Overloading means :

1. Using the same name to perform multiple tasks or

different tasks depending on the situation.
2. Using the different name to perform multiple tasks or
different tasks depending on the situation
3. Using the same name to perform multiple tasks or same
tasks depending on the situation
4. Using the same name to perform difficult tasks or
complex tasks and it does not depend on the situation
131. When the logical operator && combines two
expressions then the result will be true only when the
both expressions are ________.

1. Logical
2. Arithmetic
3. true
4. false
132. We can ________ pointer.
1. increment
2. decrement
3. reassign
4. all of the given
133. If a function has been declared but not defined
before its function call then it is termed as ________.

1. logical error
2. syntax error
3. run time error
4. program time error
134. If B is designated as friend of A, B can access A's
non-public members.

1. B cannot access private member of A

2. B cannot access protected member of A
3. A can access non-public members of B
4. A cannot access B
135. The condition in loop should be a(n) ________.

1. Constant Expression
2. Boolean Expression
3. Primary Expression
4. Arithmetic Expression
136. Which one of the following is mandatory
preprocessor directive for c++?

1. #undef
2. #include
3. #undef
4. All of the given
137. We can ________ references.

1. increment
2. decrement
3. reassign
4. None of the given
138. The keyword ________ is used to get some value
back from a function.

1. return
2. break
3. continue
4. goto
139. Which of the following function call is "call by
reference" for the following function prototype?
float add (float *);

1. add(&x);
2. add(float x);
3. add(x);
4. add(*x);
140. Switch statement deals with ________ type of

1. Integer
2. Float
3. Character
4. Both Integer and Character
141. We must include the header file ________ to
convert the value of one type into another type using
built-in functions.

1. conio.h
2. stdlib.h
3. string.h
4. iostream.h
142. The most suitable data type for number 325.25 is

1. char
2. int
3. short
4. float
143. The first parameter of operator function for <<
operator ________.

1. Must be passed by value

2. Must be passed by reference
3. Can be passed by value or reference
4. Must be object of class
144. Individual characters in a string stored in an array
can be accessed directly using array ________.

1. superscript
2. script
3. subscript
4. value
145. NULL character is used to indicate the ________ of

1. Start
2. End
3. Begin
4. Middle
146. The friend keyword provides access ________.

1. in one direction only

2. in two directions
3. to all classes
4. to the data members of the friend class only
147. To access the data members of structure,
________ is used.

1. Logical operator
2. Dereference operator
3. Dot operator
4. Address operator
148. ________ are very good tools for code reuse.

1. operators
2. loops
3. functions
4. variables
149. ________ must be included to use stream
manipulation in your code.

1. conio.h
2. iostream
3. stdlib.h
4. iomanip
150. Here the code is given below. You have to identify
the problem in the code.

while(i < 10) && (i > 24))

1. the logical operator && cannot be used in test condition

2. the while loop is an exit-condition loop
3. the test condition is always true
4. the test condition is always false
151. For console input and output we use ________.

1. conio.h header file

2. stdlib.h header file
3. process.h header file
4. getch.h header file
152. The endl and flush are ________.

1. Functions
2. Operators
3. Manipulators
4. Objects
153. Matrix is defined as ________.
1. Single dimensional array
2. Multi-dimensional array
3. Vector product
4. Scalar product
154. A class can be declared as a ________ of other

1. member
2. member function
3. friend
4. part
155. Constructor is special type of function :

1. which has no return type

2. which returns NULL pointer
3. which returns zero
4. which returns integer type data
156. We can define a matrix as ________ array.

1. Sorted
2. Unsorted
3. Single dimensional
4. Multi dimensional
157. What will be the size of the following character
char name[] = "Adeel";

1. 5
2. 6
3. 4
4. 7
158. Which of the following will be the most appropriate
data type to store the value 63.547?

1. Integer
2. Character
3. Short
4. Float
159. Which of the following values are used in C/C++ to
represent true and false?

1. 1 and 0
2. 1 and -1
3. 11 and 00
4. any numerical value
160. The memory allocation in C++ is carried out with
the help of ________.

1. NULL pointer
2. new operator
3. dot operator
4. + operator
161. A ________ is an array of characters that can store
number of character specified.

1. Char
2. String
3. Multidimensional array
4. Data type
162. We want to access array in random order which of
the following approach is better?

1. Pointer
2. Array index
3. Both pointers and array index are better
4. Matrix
163. A program statement that invokes a function is
called ________.

1. function declaration
2. function call
3. function definition
4. function prototype
164. There can be ________ 'default' statement(s) in
any switch structure.

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. n
165. When an array element is passed to a function, it is
passed by ________.

1. reference
2. data type
3. value
4. data
166. Which of the following loops checks the test
condition at the end of the loop?

1. While
2. Do-While
3. For
4. Nested Loop
167. ostream class is ________ and not under our

1. user-defined
2. built-in
3. both user-defined and built-in
4. None of the given
168. What will be the correct syntax for declaration of
the following statement?
"ptr is a constant pointer to an integer"

1. const * int myptr;

2. const int *myptr;
3. int const *ptr;
4. int *const ptr;
169. Identify the correct option which is used for calling
the function float area (int).

1. area(&num);
2. area(num);
3. area(int num);
4. area(*num);
170. Which of the following if missing would result in
infinite recursion in case of recursive function?

1. Recursive call
2. Base case
3. Function parameters
4. Local variables
171. char **argv can be read as ________.

1. pointer to pointer
2. pointer to char
3. pointer to pointer to char
4. None of the given
172. The main advantage of function overloading is

1. The program becomes portable

2. The program becomes complex
3. The function becomes inline
4. The program becomes more readable
173. Memory allocated from heap or free store

1. can be returned back to the system automatically

2. can be allocated to classes only
3. cannot be returned back unless freed explicitly using
malloc and realloc
4. cannot be returned back unless freed explicitly using
free and delete operators
174. What will be the value of the variable output in the
given piece of code?

double output = 0;
output = (2 + 2) * 4 + 2 / (4 - 2);

1. 15
2. 17
3. 12
4. 11
175. From the options given, you need to choose the
option which is true for the given code.

for (int i = 1; i>0; i++) {

/*loop code*/

1. the logical operator && cannot be used in a test

2. the while loop is an exit-condition loop
3. the test condition is always false
4. the test condition is always true
176. ________ of a variable means the locations within
a program from where it can be accessed.

1. Data type
2. Visibility
3. Value
4. Reference
177. The syntax of declaration of a function that returns
the reference to an integer is ________.

1. int & myfunc();

2. int myfunc();
3. int myfunc() &;
4. integer & myfunc();
178. You cannot overload the ________ operator.

1. ? :
2. *
3. /
4. ++
179. In C/C++, the string constant is enclosed in

1. curly braces { }
2. parentheses( )
3. single quotes ' '
4. double quotes " "
180. When a variable is defined as static in a class then

1. Separate copy of this variable is created for each object

2. Only one copy is created for all objects of this class
3. A copy of this variable is created for only static objects
4. None of the given
181. The friend function of a class can have access

1. to the public data members only

2. to the private data members
3. to the protected data members
4. to the main program
182. A reference cannot be NULL it has to point a data

1. True
2. False
183. The statement x += y can be interpreted as
1. Adding the value of the x to the value of the y and
storing the result in x
2. Adding the value of the y to the value of x, store the
result in y
3. Adding the value of the x to the value of x, store the
result in x
4. Adding the value of the y to the value of y, store the
result in x
184. A ________ structure specifies that an action is to
be repeated while some condition remains true.

1. Control
2. Logical
3. Repetition
4. Relational
185. Symbolic constant PI can be defined as:

1. #define PI 3.14;
2. #define PI 3.14
3. #define PI=3.14
4. # include pi=3.14
186. C is a/an ________ language.

1. low level
2. object based
3. object oriented
4. function oriented
187. Structure use ________ allocation.

1. Queue
2. Heap
3. Cache
4. Stack
188. In the following nested For Loop, which loop will
run most number of times?
for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for(int k = 0; k < 5; k++)

1. Outer loop
2. Inner loop
3. Both loops run equal number of times
4. Depends upon the statements in the inner loop's body
189. ________ is the pointer which determines the
position in a file from where the next read operation

1. put
2. seek
3. get
4. tell
190. When the if statement consists more than one
statement then enclosing these statement in curly
braces is,

1. Not required
2. Good programming
3. Relevant
4. Must
191. The dynamic memory allocation uses ________
whereas static memory allocation uses ________.

1. heap , stack
2. stack , lists
3. array , stack
4. classes , array
192. When the compiler overload the assignment (=)
operator by default then
1. Class members are not assigned properly
2. Compiler does not allow default assignment operator
3. Compiler does member wise assignment.
4. None of the given
193. ________ function give the position of the next
character to be read from that file.

1. tellp()
2. tellg()
3. seekg()
4. seekp()
194. In statement a+b+c, at first

1. a+b is executed first

2. b+c is executed first
3. All executed at the same time
4. None of the given
195. Which of the following is the correct syntax to
access the value of first element of an array using
pointer ptr?

1. ptr[0]
2. *(ptr+1)
3. ptr[1]
4. *ptr[0]
196. In case of single dereferencing, the value of the
________ is the address of the ________.

1. pointer, variable
2. pointer, constant
3. variable, pointer
4. constant, pointer
197. Given a 2D array of integers, what would be the
correct way of assigning the value 5 to the element at
second row and third column?
1. m[2][3] = 5;
2. m[3][2] = 5;
3. m[1][2] = 5;
4. m[2][3] = '5';
198. Which one of the given option is not a mode for
reading/writing the data from a file?

1. in
2. out
3. trunc
4. get
199. In programming, comments are used to explain the
functioning of the ________.

1. Debugger
2. Editor
3. Program
4. Linker
200. The compiler of C language is written in ________

4. C
201. ________ operators are the ones that require only
one operator to work.

1. Unit
2. Unary
3. Single
4. None of the given
202. Both compiler and ________ are used to translate
program into machine language code.

1. debugger
2. linker
3. loader
4. interpreter
203. The parameter passed to isdigit() function is
________ variable.

1. Character
2. Boolean
3. Integer
4. Float
204. Whenever some number is added in an array name,
it will jump as many ________ as the added number.

1. rows
2. value
3. column
4. bytes
205. What is the output of the following code, if the first
case is true

switch (var) {
case 'a':cout<<"apple"<<endl;
case 'b':cout<<"banana"<<endl;
case 'm':cout<<"mango"<<endl;
default: cout<<"any fruit"<<endl;

1. apple
2. apple
any fruit
3. apple
any fruit
4. none of above
206. Suppose that an integer type pointer contains a
memory address 0x22f230. What will be the new
memory address if we increment this pointer by one?

1. 0x22f231
2. 0x22f234
3. 0x22f226
4. 0x22f238
207. != operator is used to check whether the operand
on the left-hand-side is __________ to the operand on
the right-hand-side.

1. Less than or equal

2. Greater than or equal
3. Not equal
4. Approximately equal to
208. The correct syntax of do-while loop is ________.

1. (condition) while; do {statements;};

2. {statements;} do-while();
3. while(condition); do {statements;};
4. do {statements;} while (condition);
209. 'While' loop may execute ________ or more times.

1. three
2. zero
3. two
4. one
210. ________ variables are defined in the main.

1. Global
2. Dynamic
3. Local
4. All
211. When the break statement is encountered in a
loop's body, it transfers the control ________ from the
current loop.

1. Inside
2. Outside
3. To break statement
4. To continue statement
212. The ________ structure is a multiple-selection
construct which makes the code more efficient and easy
to read and understand.

1. multiple-if
2. switch
3. if-else
4. else-if
213. We should use ________ for clarity and to force the
order of evaluation in an expression.

1. brackets []
2. parenthesis ()
3. curly braces {}
4. quotation marks " "
214. The ________ statement allows us to select from
multiple choices based on a set of fixed values for a
given expression.

1. switch
2. break
3. continue
4. goto
215. The remainder (%) operator is a ________

1. Logical
2. Arithmetic
3. Relational
4. Conditional
216. Which one of the following languages has been
used to write the compiler of "C" language?

1. Java
2. Fortran
3. Basic
4. C
217. if
int sum = 54;
Then the value of the following statement is
sum = sum - 3;

1. 52
2. 50
3. 51
4. 57
218. We cannot use ________ pointer for storing and
reading data from it.

1. 'NULL
2. integer
3. double
4. zero
219. Which of the following function call is "call by
reference" for the following function prototype?
int add (int *);

1. add(&x);
2. add(int x);
3. add(x);
4. add(*x);
220. The microsoft word document (.doc) is a kind of

1. Sequential File
2. Random Access File
3. Binary Access File
4. Executable File
221. ________ stops execution at the line that contains
error(s) in the code.

1. Compiler
2. Debugger
3. Interpreter
4. Linker
222. To convert the value of one type into another type
using built-in functions, we include ________ header

1. conio.h
2. stdlib.h
3. iostream.h
4. string.h
223. When the logical operator AND (&&) combines two
expressions exp1 and exp2 then the result will be true
only ________.

1. When both exp1 and exp2 are true

2. When both exp1 and exp2 are false
3. When exp1 is true and exp2 is false
4. When exp1 is false and exp2 is true
224. The purpose of using cout<< is to ________.

1. Display information on the screen

2. Read the data from keyboard
3. Read the data from a file
4. Write into a file
225. What is the correct syntax to declare an array of
size 10 of int data type?

1. int [10] name;

2. name[10] int;
3. int name[10];
4. int name[];
226. Member functions of the class ________ main

1. are not accessible

2. are accessible from
3. are defined within the
4. are private to
227. ________ data type can operate on modulus

1. int
2. float
3. char
4. double
228. The increment of a pointer depends on its

1. variable
2. value
3. data type
4. None of the given
229. If any break statement is missed in switch
statement then ________.

1. compiler will give error

2. this may cause a logical error
3. no effect on program
4. program stops its execution
230. What will be the correct syntax for the following
function call?
float add (int &);

1. add(int x);
2. add(&x);
3. add(x);
4. add(*x);
231. When operator function is implemented as member
function then return type of function ________.

1. Must be an object of same class

2. Must be user-defined data type
3. Must be built-in data type
4. Can be any data type
232. Structure is a collection of ________ under a single

1. only functions
2. only variables
3. both functions and variables
4. only data types
233. If the request of new operator is not fulfilled due to
insufficient memory in the heap ________.

1. the new operator returns 2

2. the new operator returns 1
3. the operator returns 0
4. free operator returns nothing
234. Which of the following data types will be assumed
if no data type is specified with constant?

1. short
2. float
3. int
4. double

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