Gram Positive Bacteria Table

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Gram positive Shape Flora/Habitat Virulence Disease Others Test

Staphylococci Clusters the skin and Enterotoxins Inflammation/Cutaneous Is a commensal Staphy

mucous Exotoxins Diseases like Folliculitis, of the skin divided
S. aureus membrane Surface proteins Furuncle/boil, Impetigo, positiv
pyogenic cocci of human Capsule Carbuncle. Benefits its host coagul
species Systemic diseases by producing pigmen
S..epidermidis Biofilm might • Bacteremia, septicemis acids on the skin
disperse in dust cause severe Toxigenic infection that retard the
via air infection if the • Staphylococcal Scalded growth
host has a weak Skin Syndrome (SSSS) of dermatophyte
relatively immune system • Toxic Shock Syndrome fungi.
resistant to (TSS)
drying Food poisoning
Grow readily on
the pre
many types of
agar, blood

Streptococci Chain Human M protein and Most GAS infections are have not Strepto
lipoteichoic acid relatively mild illnesses developed catalas
S. pyogenes facultative for attachment; • Strep throat, scarlet widespread
Group A anaerobes, Hyaluronic acid fever, and impetigo (a resistance to Beta h
Streptococcus obligate(strict) capsule; skin infection). Tonsilitis penicillin strepto
GAS anaerobes. pyrogenic Invasive group A strep and the other agar fo
Most require (erythrogenic) disease beta lactam colonie
enriched media toxin, which • Necrotising fasciitis antibiotics a trans
(blood agar, causes the rash • Streptococcal toxic hemol
serum agar) of scarlet fever shock syndrome (STSS). nonmotile, Alpha h
nonspore strepto
S..pneumonia the upper Capsulated Community acquired forming agar fo
e respiratory strains are very pneumonia colonie
tract of invasive Meningitis Can be a green
healthy adults. Acute middle ear prevented by Gamm
Serum agar the presence of infections vaccination on bloo
cytochromes Acute sinusitis Pneumococcal colonie
Lysis of bile vaccines hemol

Aerobic Rods Ubiquitous (can enterotoxin is Short incubation period Spores are
Spore-forming live anywhere) released when of 30 mins—6 hours abundant in the
Bacillus cereus enter small emetic type illness is environment
Soil and dust intestine of host most often associated
with rice, potato, pasta Grows in foods
Causes Nausea, vomiting
and abdominal cramps Spores survive
cooking &
Diarrheal form/long reheating
incubation of 6- 15 hours
• Often related to meat Causes 2 types of
and prepared meals that food poisoning
were improperly stored As the spores
• Also associated with can quickly
milk, vegetables, fish. multiply at room
• Causes abdominal temperature
cramps and diarrhea
(watery diarrhea),
Tenesmus (rarely
Bacillus Soil vomiting)
anthracis Domestic and capsule Cutaneous Anthrax Zoonotic disease
wild animals exotoxins • Septicemia (e.g., sheep,
may be  Small, non painful goats, cattle)
transmitted to papule at inoculation follows ingestion
humans. site which develops of spores in soil
into hemorrhagic
vesicle & ruptures concentrated
Gastrointestinal anthrax spores
• Abdominal distress, were used for
usually accompanied by bioterrorism in
bloody vomiting or the United States
diarrhea, followed by
fever and signs of
Mediastinal widening.

Anaerobic in soil and dust Exotoxins food poisoning low oxygen

Spore and on anaerobic wound stimulates spore
Forming skin infections germination
. Clostridium gas gangrene
perfringens necrosis Vaccine (DPT):
Common Tetanospasmin Causative agent of inactivated toxin
C. tetani resident of soil, (neurotoxin) tetanus used to stimulate
dust, Causes muscles spasm, antibodies
Gastrointestinal breathing problems, • Vaccine
(GI) tracts of lockjaw booster needed
animal and every 10 years
C. botulinum botulinum toxin Block acetylcholine, block Produces heat
Spores in soil (neurotoxin) nerve impulse resistant
may Causes double/blurred endospores
contaminate vision, drooping eyelid, associated with
vegetables nausea, vomiting, bulging canned
Raw honey and abdominal cramps, food
contain spores slurred speech, trouble C. botulinum
of the bacteria breathing, difficulty spores can be
in swallowing, dry mouth, killed by
muscle weakness, autoclave
paralysis method.
Nirates /nitrites
are used in
canned meat as

Non spore spread by Exotoxin/ Infects nasopharynx or

forming droplets or by diphtheriae skin
Corynebacteriu Slender contact to toxin Diphtheria, swelling of
m diphtheriae rods with susceptible Cytotoxin neck glands and edema
individual paralysis of cranial nerves
clubbing distributed to nerve palsy in hand, feet
at both distant organs congestive heart failure
ends by the myocarditis
Listeria flagella listeriosis
monocytogenes facultative Can infect the brain,
Many anaerobic spinal cord membranes Primarily affects
long bacterium, and/or the pregnant
flagella capable of bloodstream of the host women,
surviving in the meningitis newborns, those
Bacillus/ presence or with weakened
rod oxygen immune system.

30°C and below

Soil and water

Gram- Shape Flora/Habitat Virulence Disease Others

Aerobes appears in pairs obligate human Pili for Gonorrhoeae Prevented by
Neisseria (diplococci) pathogen attachment to During birth prophylaxis after
gonorrhoeae Many pili human urogenital mucosal newborns birth
tract epithelium exposed to resistance to
Antiphagocytic ocular infections many types of
(Ophthalmia antibiotics and
neonatorum) poses as an
Causes eye emerging
inflammation public health
and can lead to threat.
Neisseria Monococcus the upper Capsule Blindness
meningitidis/ respiratory tract. Pili
meningococc Endotoxin meningococcal Chemoprophylaxi
us infection/bacteri s and
al meningitis immunisation are
developmental both used to
impairment prevent
death meningococcal
causes fever, disease.
hemorrhage and
shock; can be
Aerobes Encapsulated, rod in soil, water, and Endotoxin, Opportunistic Pseudomonas is
Pseudomona shaped most man made • Causes the infections in one of the most
s aeruginosa environments symptoms of cystic fibrosis and vigorous, fast
Flagellum throughout the sepsis and septic traumatic burns swimming
world. shock. bacteria seen in
It uses a wide Corneal ulcers pond water
range of organic Exotoxin A, which from samples.
material for causes tissue contaminated
growth. necrosis lens solutions They are resistant
It is found on the to soaps, dyes,
skin in moist areas Enzymes such as Ear infections some
and can colonise elastase and (Otitis) disinfectants and
the upper proteases “swimmer’s ear” drugs.
respiratory tract of that facilitate
hospitalised invasion of the Skin rash
patients. organism into the (contaminated
bloodstream. hot tubs, saunas,
Survive in aquatic swimming pools)
Motile rod, environment Lipopolysaccharid Causes
Legionella facultative aerobic Air conditioners, e (endotoxin). Legionnaires
pneumophila and flagellated cooling towers, disease, an Despite airborne
hot water, lakes, atypical transmission of
stagnant pools pneumonia the organism,
in hospitals • Also called person to person
in water taps, Legionellosis spread DOES NOT
sinks, and occur
showers. Bacteremia At high risk,
Haemorrhage to Patients with
vascular AIDS, cancer, or
endothelium of transplants.
brain and kidney An older man who
smokes and
of alcohol.
Facultative acute bacterial
Anaerobes Preferring blood meningitis,
(fastidious Obligate parasites epiglottitis, otitis
GNRs) of man and media, sinusitis,
animals pneumonia,
Haemophilus bronchitis
influenzae coccobacilli High fatality if
True pathogen untreated
(not found in
H. ducreyi healthy Causes STD soft Vaccine available
coccusbacilli individuals) chancre subunit vaccine
Pathogenic only
for human

Vibrio Curved/comma Produces causes severe oral rehydration

Cholerae shaped rod enterotoxin diarrhea therapy (ORT)
Vibrio survive in choleragen, a described as salt solution,
water for up to 3 toxin "rice water intravenous and
weeks rapid loss of antibiotics
liquid and Access to safe
electrolytes water
Possesses a single hypovolemic Adequate
polar flagellum shock, metabolic sanitation, and
acidosis, and basic hygiene
fatal if not needs
Microaerophilic and treated within 24 vaccine
Helicobacter spiral/helical shaped uses its flagella to hours.
pylori in the stomach burrow into the Cholera
Is usually by fecal mucus lining of
oral route among the stomach to Gastritis
family members reach the gastroesophageal
epithelial cells reflux disease
Through ingestion underneath, peptic ulcer
of water where it cancer of the
contaminated with is less acidic. esophagus and
feces move towards stomach
the less acidic
H. pylori
urease, which
Enteric Gram negative which are Surface antigen Food poisoning Produces vitamin
Bacteria rod/bacilli normally found in toxins pathogenic K and prevents
Entero aerobic non the Endotoxins- strains causing different
bacteriaceae fastidious bacterium gut/bowel/intestin lipopolysaccharid different pathogenic
Escherichia e of warm blooded e intestinal, urinary bacteria from
coli organisms. Highly motile and tract or internal infecting the
some stains have infections. human body
flagella or pili that When released
allow the into the .
bacteria to move bloodstream Enterohemorrhagi
and attach to following cell c
human cell. lysis, cause a A strain of E. coli
capsule protects systemic that produces a
against inflammatory toxin called
phagocytosis and vasodilatory Shiga toxin
Klebsiella, Fimbrae promote response. Leads to
Shigella virulence The most severe Haemolytic
(important in UTI form of this is uremic syndrome
known as (HUS)
endotoxic shock,
which can Enterotoxigenic
be rapidly fatal. (ETEC)
These strains can
cause watery
particularly in
infants and

Most infections
are due to Typhoidal species
ingestion of food Those that cause
contaminated by typhoid fever
animal feces; or by S. typhi and S.
human feces, such paratyphi
as by a food b. Non typhoidal
service worker species
at a commercial • Those that
eatery. cause diarrhea
• [ enterocolitis ]
Can be zoonotic S. enterica
contamination of
food products)

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