1ST Quarter Notes Math Notes
1ST Quarter Notes Math Notes
1ST Quarter Notes Math Notes
1) x3 – 27y3 = (x – 3y)(x2 + 3xy + 9y2)
2) 64x6 + 1000y3 = (4x2 + 10y)(16x4 – 40x2y2 + 100y2)
3) 16x7 – 25x4 = 2x4 (8x3 – 125)
= 2x4 (2x – 5)(4x2 + 10x + 25)
4) 64c6 + 1 = (4c2 + 1)(16c4 – 4c2 + 1)
5) 27x3 + 125 = (3x + 5)(9x2 – 15x + 25)
27x3 – 125 = (3x – 5)(9x2 + 15x + 25)
6) 8x6 + 216y3 = (2x2 + 6y)(4x4 – 12x2y + 36y2)
1) Factor n2 + 16n + 64 = (n + 8)(n + 8) or (n + 8)2
2) Factor 4x2 – 12x + 9 = (2x – 3)(2x – 3) or (2x – 3)2
➢ Divide all terms by its common factor (3t)
3) Factor 75t + 30t + 3t
3 2 = 25t + 10t + 1
= 3t (5t + 1)(5t + 1)
LESSON 5: Factoring Quadratic Trinomial
- Factoring quadratic trinomials in the forms:
• x2 + bx + c
• ax2 + bx + c
▪ There are cases where quadratic trinomials are not expressed as perfect square trinomials
but come in the form x2 + bx + c. The polynomial in this form may still be factored as a product
of two different binomial factors.
▪ Through the FOIL method or other multiplication techniques, you can check whether the
product of two different binomials will yield the given trinomial.
➢ EXAMPLE: (x + 1)(x + 2)
STEP 1: Determine the STEP 2: Write the
product of the… polynomial in its simplest
First terms: (x)(x) = x2 form.
Outer terms: (x)(2) = 2x
(x + 1)(x + 2) = x2 + 2x + x + 2
Inner terms: (1)(x) = x
= x3 + 3x + 2
Last terms: (1)(2) = 2
▪ If the constant of c of the trinomial x2 + bx + c is not equal to zero, then it can be positive or
negative. Hence, the trinomial can be factorable.
▪ If the quadratic trinomial is factorable and is not a perfect square trinomial, its factors are
two different binomials.
▪ To factor the quadratic trinomial in the form x2 + bx + c, follow the steps and the illustrative
examples below.
▪ Consider x2 + 5x + 6 and x2 – x – 6
STEPS: x2 + 5x + 6 x2 – x – 6
( __ + __ ) ( __ + __ ) ( __ + __ )( __ - __ )
1. Form two binomial factors. NOTE: Since b and c are positive, the NOTE: Since c is negative, the two
two binomial factors will have the binomial factors will have
same positive signs. different signs.
2. Solve for the principal root Principal root of the first term: Principal root of the first
of the first term of the
√𝑥 2 = x term: √𝑥 2 = x
trinomial factor to find the Factored form: Factored form:
first term of each binomial ( x + __ ) ( x + __ ) ( x + __ ) ( x - __ )
a. Second term: 5x a. Second term: -x
3. Identify the second term of Third term: 6 Third term: -6
each binomial factor. b. Factors of 6 whose sum is 5: b. Factors of -6 whose sum is
Using trial and error, list all the Factors Sum Remarks -1:
possible factors of the third 1 6 7 x Factors Sum Remarks
term that will yield the sum of 2 3 5 / -1 6 5 x
the numerical coefficient of -1 -6 -7 x 1 -6 -5 x
the second (middle) term. -2 -3 -5 x -2 3 1 x
2 -3 -1 /
4. Complete the binomial Factored form: Factored form:
factors by writing down the (x + 2)(x + 3) (x + 2)(x – 3)
factors that satisfy the
condition in Step 3.
5. Check by performing the Checking: Checking:
FOIL method or any (x + 2)(x + 3) (x + 2)(x – 3)
technique used in = x2 + 3x + 2x + 6 = x2 – 3x + 2x – 6
multiplying binomials. = x2 + 5x + 6 = x2 – x – 6