Question Bank (UNIT 1 & 2)

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UNIT 1 & 2

1. How is Managerial Economics, related to Economics, Mathema cs and Sta s cs?

2. What is law of demand? Also Explain some excep ons to the law of demand.
3. Discuss the scope of managerial economics.
4. Differen ate between managerial economics & economics.
5. What do you mean by income elas city? Also explain the type of income elas city.
6. Discuss the different factors which affects the demand.
7. What is meant by managerial economics? How is it helpful to a business firm in decision
8. Managerial economics works on some fundamental principles. Elucidate.
9. Explain the fundamental concepts of managerial economics.
10. Elaborate the significance of elas city of demand for managerial decision making.
11. Explain the role and func ons of managerial economist in present compe ve scenario.
12. “Do microeconomics and macroeconomics really complement each other”? Comment on
the statement.
13. Define demand and factors effec ng demand of a commodity.
14. Define managerial economics. Discuss the rela onship of managerial economics with other
15. State the law of demand. What are the excep ons to it?
16. Discuss the main characteris cs of Managerial Economics.
17. Q. How Managerial Economics differs from Economics.
18. Explain the important determinants of demand.
19. What do you understand by a change in demand?
20. Differen ate between managerial economics & economics.
21. Dis nguish between price elas city, income elas city and cross elas city of demand.
22. Discuss the rela onship of Managerial economics with other disciplines.
23. Discuss the different characteris cs of managerial economics.
24. Discuss the rela onship of Managerial economics with other disciplines.
25. Discuss the different characteris cs of managerial economics.
26. Discuss the rela onship of Managerial economics with other disciplines.
27. Discuss the different characteris cs of managerial economics.

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