The document provides the time table and syllabus for Periodic Test 2 for students of STD 8. The test will take place from January 8-12, 2023. The syllabus listed is cumulative and includes topics from the previous test. Minor language subjects will be assessed in weekly tests on January 17th. The time table schedules each subject to be tested on a different day. Detailed portions for each subject are also provided. Students are reminded that no electronic devices can be used during the exams and the regular school schedule will remain in effect for the exam week.
The document provides the time table and syllabus for Periodic Test 2 for students of STD 8. The test will take place from January 8-12, 2023. The syllabus listed is cumulative and includes topics from the previous test. Minor language subjects will be assessed in weekly tests on January 17th. The time table schedules each subject to be tested on a different day. Detailed portions for each subject are also provided. Students are reminded that no electronic devices can be used during the exams and the regular school schedule will remain in effect for the exam week.
The document provides the time table and syllabus for Periodic Test 2 for students of STD 8. The test will take place from January 8-12, 2023. The syllabus listed is cumulative and includes topics from the previous test. Minor language subjects will be assessed in weekly tests on January 17th. The time table schedules each subject to be tested on a different day. Detailed portions for each subject are also provided. Students are reminded that no electronic devices can be used during the exams and the regular school schedule will remain in effect for the exam week.
The document provides the time table and syllabus for Periodic Test 2 for students of STD 8. The test will take place from January 8-12, 2023. The syllabus listed is cumulative and includes topics from the previous test. Minor language subjects will be assessed in weekly tests on January 17th. The time table schedules each subject to be tested on a different day. Detailed portions for each subject are also provided. Students are reminded that no electronic devices can be used during the exams and the regular school schedule will remain in effect for the exam week.
STD 8 Periodic Test 2 – Time Table and Portion 2023 - 24 November 2023
Dear Students and Parents of STD 8
Periodic Test 2 is scheduled from Monday 8th January to Friday 12th January 2024. Please note: The portion will be cumulative and will include some parts from Periodic 1 Test. Please note that the dates of Periodic 2 given in this circular is one day less than that mentioned in the academic calendar as now there is assessment of 5 subjects. Minor language subjects will be assessed in the weekly test schedule as mentioned in the table below. So from Tuesday 16th January Std 8 will follow their regular school time table.
Detailed time table and portion is given below for your reference.
Periodic Test 2 (60 Marks) – Time Table : Std 8
Day Date Subject
Marathi/ Hindi/ Sanskrit as a
Monday 8th January Major language
Tuesday 9th January English
Wednesday 10th January Science
Thursday 11th January S.S.
Friday 12th January Math
Minor language assessment
th Wednesday 17 January in Weekly test (WT) from 9:40 to 10:40 am for 20 marks
Portion for the Periodic Test 2 – STD 8
From Number Magic Text book
L3- Polygons, L4- Quadrilaterals, L5- Special types of quadrilaterals, L7- Data Handling I - Classification and Tabulation of Data, L8- Data Handling II - Bar MATH Graph & Histogram, L9- Data Handling III- Pie Charts or Circle Graphs, L13- Comparing Quantities I - Percentage, L14- Comparing Quantities II- Profit and Loss, Discount, Sales Tax and VAT, L15- Comparing Quantities III- Compound Interest L16- Algebraic Expressions and Identities.
L- Microorganisms - friend & foe, L- Reaching the age of adolescence , L- Light,
SCIENCE L- Some natural phenomenon, L- Friction , L - Force & pressure (Numericals only), L- Combustion & flame (Numericals only) History: L.2 From Trade to Territory -The Company Establishes Power (Term 1) L.3 Ruling the Countryside, L.5 When People Rebel - 1857 and After Geography: L.1 Resources (Term 1), L.2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation SOCIAL SCIENCE and Wildlife Resources, L.3 Agriculture SPL: L.1 The Indian Constitution (Term 1), L.2 Understanding Secularism, L.3 Parliament and the Making of Laws
Literature -1. Bepin chaudhury's lapse of memory, 2. Home sweet home,
3. The Summit within, 4. The Treasure within. Grammar - 1. 8 Figures of speech taught in std 8, 2. Sentences Simple, ENGLISH compound, complex identification, 3. Conversion - simple to compound, compound to simple., Active voice and Passive voice, Creative writing - Report writing, leaflet, Diary entry
1) अप ठतम ् 2) च वणनम ् 3) कथापू त: ४) याकरणम ् - वण व छे द:,
पाठ - परतफेड, शेरास स वाशेर, परा मी अ भम यू, वातं याचे मू य
क वता - लपंडाव, मा या गो या या भूमीत याकरण – नाम व याचे कार, सवनाम व याचे कार, वशेषण व कार, अ यये, MARATHI Major या वशेषण अ यये, काळ व काळाचे कार, लंग, वचन, यापद, वा चार अथ व वा यात उपयोग, हणी रचना मक लेखन - कथा लेखन, प , अप ठत ग य व प य
सा ह य - पाठ २ कबीर क सा खयाँ, पाठ ४ बूढ़ अ मा क बात, पाठ ५ कदम
मलाकर चलना होगा, पाठ ६ - कण - महाभारत कथा HINDI Major याकरण – उपसग - यय (श द नमाण), वाकय के अंग, वा य वचार, अशु शोधन रचना मक लेखन - अनु छे द लेखन, मु के आधारपर कहानी लेखन वाचन - अप ठत ग यांश, अप ठत प यांश
सा ह य - पाठ - बूढ़ अ मा क बात, पाठ - एक खलाड़ी क कुछ याद
For those students whose याकरण - लंग, वचन, अनेकाथ श द का वा य योग, अशु शोधन minor language रचना मक लेखन - अनु छे द लेखन, मु के आधारपर कहानी लेखन is Hindi वाचन - अप ठत ग यांश, अप ठत प यांश
पाठ - संत तुकाराम, परतफेड, शेरास स वाशेर, परा मी अ भम यू
For those क वता - लपंडाव, मा या गो या या भूमीत students whose याकरण - नाम, सवनाम, वशेषण काळ व काळाचे कार minor language is Marathi रचना मक लेखन - नबंध, प अप ठत ग य व प य Kindly note that ..
1. During examination week school will function regularly.
2. Any request related to the late drop off and early pick up during the examination week will not be entertained by the school. 3. Use of calculator, smart watch, mobile or any other gadget is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 4. Students should not share/exchange the writing material during the exam period.
Students can get study material for the next paper.