Othman 2014

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Internal air flow analysis of a bladeless micro aerial vehicle hemisphere body using

computational fluid dynamic

M. N. K. Othman, M. Razlan Zuradzman, D. Hazry, Wan Khairunizam, A. B. Shahriman, S. Yaacob, S. Faiz
Ahmed, and Abadalsalam T. Hussain

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1635, 182 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4903581

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4903581
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Internal Air Flow Analysis of a Bladeless Micro Aerial
Vehicle Hemisphere Body Using Computational Fluid
Othman M.N.K., Zuradzman M. Razlan, Hazry D., Khairunizam WAN, Shahriman
A.B., Yaacob S., S. Faiz Ahmed, Abadalsalam T. Hussain

Centre of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems,

Universiti Malaysia Perlis,
01000 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. This paper explain the analysis of internal air flow velocity of a bladeless vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL)
Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) hemisphere body. In mechanical design, before produce a prototype model, several
analyses should be done to ensure the product’s effectiveness and efficiency. There are two types of analysis method can
be done in mechanical design; mathematical modeling and computational fluid dynamic. In this analysis, I used
computational fluid dynamic (CFD) by using SolidWorks Flow Simulation software. The idea came through to overcome
the problem of ordinary quadrotor UAV which has larger size due to using four rotors and the propellers are exposed to
environment. The bladeless MAV body is designed to protect all electronic parts, which means it can be used in rainy
condition. It also has been made to increase the thrust produced by the ducted propeller compare to exposed propeller.
From the analysis result, the air flow velocity at the ducted area increased to twice the inlet air. This means that the duct
contribute to the increasing of air velocity.
Keywords: Internal air flow analysis, Bladeless, Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV), Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD).
PACS: 47.11.-j

Nowadays, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has become famous throughout the world. Most countries are
using UAV technology for military or civil purposes. Advances in technology have made UAV become an
important asset for handling special and important mission [1]. One of the UAV type is the Micro Aerial Vehicle
(MAV). Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) VTOL has been widely used in many country for many purposes such as
military, rescue or surveillance use. One of the MAV is known as the ducted-fan type. This type of MAV is very
simple design because it only use single propeller, easy to maneuver by change the direction of the flaps and capable
of hovering. The ducted-fan MAV is a mobile type and can be deployed rapidly, which makes it suitable for military
mission or urgent purposes. The compact size makes it suitable for landing in small areas such as roof, on board
ships or on a vehicle. Due to the ducted propeller, it will produce more thrust compare to other ordinary rotor which
has open blade. Besides that, it can protect the blade from damage due to accident and also can prevent the
personnel from injury [2],[3].
A ducted-fan MAV has very unique principle, therefore, it is necessary to consider the exact dynamic modeling
of this aircraft. The unstable air-flow due to the complicated design of the inner duct combined with static and
dynamic instabilities makes the aircraft quite hard to control. Dynamic instability is a unique feature of the VTOL
MAVs. Nevertheless, flight control performances such as flight condition, airspeed, and altitude can be greatly
enhanced through exact dynamic modeling of a basic aerial vehicle. Hence, it is a must to investigate the tendencies
of aircraft and understand the instability through the analysis of dynamic modeling before designing flight control
systems [4].

International Conference on Quantitative Sciences and Its Applications (ICOQSIA 2014)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1635, 182-186 (2014); doi: 10.1063/1.4903581
© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1274-3/$30.00

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The purpose of this section is to identify the systematic theoretical analysis of the study. In mechanical design,
methodology is important because it will show the steps of the design process. Figure 1 below shows the flow
process of the product design for the Bladeless MAV body.

FIGURE 1. Design flow process.

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)

In mechanical design, there are two types of analysis can be done which are Computational Fluid Dynamic
(CFD) and mathematical modeling. In this analysis, CFD process has been used. Computational Fluid Dynamic
(CFD) is a method of analysis to enable quick, efficient simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer. It can model the
fluid flow by solving it numerically using fundamental equation (Navier stokes equations) [5]. With this method, it
is easy to calculate fluid forces and easy to understand because all results are shown graphically. These days, there
are many types of software can be used for CFD analysis. In this study, SolidWorks software was used.
Solidworks is one of the easiest products because it has many simulation capabilities can be performed such as
linear stress analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), nonlinear analysis, thermal structural analysis, frequency
analysis, metal fatigue, plastic and rubber part analysis, dynamic analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
Designers can easily employ advanced simulation techniques to optimize performance while doing the design. This
process can cut down the cost of producing prototypes, prevent rework and save time [6].
Figure 2 below shows the engineering drawing of hemisphere design. Figure 3 shows the 3D view of the

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FIGURE 2. Engineering drawing

FIGURE 3. 3D view

Flow Equation
In Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method, all the simulations are based on the mathematical fundamental
equations of fluid dynamics such as momentum, continuity, energy equations and etc. All the equations are from the
three principals which are Newton's Second Law, Law of Mass Conservation, and Low of Energy Conservation.
Momentum equations were identified as an equation known as Navier Stokes. This is due to historical experience. In
the form of conservation, the navier stokes equations can be written as below.


From the equation, Q is variable matrix, FC and FD are in-viscous flux matrix and viscous flux matrix [7].

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Boundary conditions
In flow simulation analysis, we need to identify the boundary condition. Boundary condition is the region where
the fluid will enter and exit. For this analysis, there are two boundary condition were selected; inlet region and outlet
region. In inlet region, the air velocity is set to 10 m/s, while the outlet region is set to normal environment air
pressure 101325 Pa. Figure 4 below shows the air inlet and air outlet region.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 4. (a) Air inlet region, (b) Air outlet region

Mesh is the process where the design surface (area of analysis) was subdivided into nodes and elements. Figure 5
below shows the mesh of the internal area surface of the design.

FIGURE 5. Mesh

Figure 6 below shows the simulation result. Base on the result, the air run smoothly from the inlet to the outlet
region. The arrows show the direction of the air flow, and the lines are the air flow. The colors shown represent the
velocity of the moving air in the area. The air velocity can be read using the scale provided. The air velocity at the
cornering area is 7.2 m/s. In the duct area, the air velocity increases uniformly. After passed through the duct area,
the air exit to the atmosphere with its velocity increases to 19.1 m/s, almost twice the internal velocity. There is air

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turbulence at the top of the area, but the amount of the air turbulence is small and will not affect the efficiency of the
air flow.

FIGURE 6. Simulation result

In this paper, a computational fluid dynamic analysis of a bladeless MAV body was carried out. The
computational method is used to simulate the air flow inside the MAV body. Base on the analysis result, the ducting
plays a role in increasing the velocity on the air flow. The inlet and outlet area size also need to be consistent so that
the air can flow smoothly without reducing its velocity. This analysis is important so that we can ensure the design
capability and effectiveness.
Same analysis on other designs should be performed to compare which design is the most efficient and

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