Link Prediction Via Graph Attention Network

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Link Prediction via Graph Attention Network

Weiwei Gu1 , Fei Gao1 , Xiaodan Lou1 , and Jiang Zhang1,*

1 School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P.R.China
* [email protected]


Link prediction aims to infer missing links or predicting the future ones based on currently observed partial networks, it is
a fundamental problem in network science with tremendous real-world applications. However, conventional link prediction
approaches neither have high prediction accuracy nor being capable of revealing the hidden information behind links. To
arXiv:1910.04807v3 [cs.SI] 29 Oct 2019

address this problem, we generalize the latest techniques in deep learning on graphs and present a new link prediction model -
DeepLinker. Instead of learning node representation with the node label information, DeepLinker uses the links as supervised
information. Experiments on five graphs show that DeepLinker can not only achieve the state-of-the-art link prediction accuracy,
but also acquire the efficient node representations and node centrality ranking as the byproducts. Although the representations
are obtained without any supervised node label information, they still perform well on node ranking and node classification

1 Introduction
Many real world data come naturally in the form of pairwise relations, such as protein-protein interaction in human cell, paper
citations in scientific research and drug-target interaction in medicine discovery1–3 . These linkages contain rich information
on node properties, network structures and network evolution. To predict the existence of a relation is a fundamental task
in network science and of great importance in practice. For networks in biology like protein-protein interaction network,
metabolic network, and food webs, the discovery and validation of links require significant experimental effort. Instead of
blindly checking all possible links, link prediction can help scientists to focus on the most likely links and thus sharply reduce
the experimental cost. For WWW, social networks, and citation networks, link prediction can help in recommending relevant
pages, finding new friends, or discovering new citations4–6 .
The conventional link prediction methods can be divided into several categories. Local link prediction approaches make
prediction based on the assumption that two nodes are more likely to be connected if they have many common neighbors7, 8 .
These local similarity based methods are fast and highly parallel since they only consider local network structure. But their
prediction accuracy are very low especially when networks are sparse and large. The global link prediction approaches take the
whole network’s structural similarity into consideration 8–10 , those methods have higher link prediction accuracy compared with
the local ones, but they have high computational complexity problem which prevent them to be applied on graphs that contain
million and billion nodes. There are also some probabilistic and statistical based approaches that assuming there is a known
prior structure of the network, like hierarchical or circles structures11, 12 . But those methods can not get over the problem of
low link prediction accuracy. Besides, we can hardly extract the hidden network structure and node properties from above
mentioned conventional link prediction approaches.
Recently, there has been a surge of algorithms that seek to make link prediction through network representation learning
which automatically decoding local and global structural information from graphs. The idea behind these algorithms is to learn
a mapping function that embedding nodes as points in a low-dimensional space Rd with nodes vector represent the information
extracted from the original graph. Most of the network representation based methods are based on the Skip-Gram method or
matrix factorization, such as DeepWalk, node2vec, LINE, and struc2vec13–17 . Those algorithms are task agnostic, the learned
representations then used to perform graph-based downstream machine learning tasks, such as node classification, node ranking
as well as link prediction14, 18 . Compared with the conventional ones those representation based methods have achieved a
much higher link prediction accuracy. But they still have several drawbacks, to start with, there is no supervised information
during the training process, we can’t evaluate the embedding quality unless performing the downstream machine learning tasks.
Second, nodes’ representation vectors are updated directly without considering the dynamic changing structure of the networks,
network structures are not static, the nodes and edges are changing rapidly. Those algorithms can’t assign meaningful vector to
a newly added node. Moreover, the expressive power is limited, because the embedding process is fixed by the random walk
strategy13, 14, 17 . Finally, the representations can be hardly extent for inductive learning since the embedding vectors can not be
transferred to similar graphs19 .
More recently, deep learning techniques based on neural networks have achieved triumphs in image processing20 and natural

language processing21 . This stimulates the extensions of the methods on graph structures to perform node classification and link
prediction tasks by converting the network structures into a low dimensional representations. For example, graph convolutional
network (GCN)22 borrows the concept of convolution from the convolutional neural network (CNN) and convolve the graph
directly according to the connectivity structure of the graph. After that, Velickovic et al.23 further proposed graph attention
networks (GAT) and obtained the state-of-art accuracy in node classification task. Following the self-attention mechanism,
GAT compute representation of each node by combining its neighborhoods vectors in an adaptive way. The attention here is an
adjustable weights on different neighbor nodes which can be updated dynamically according to the states of the nodes within a
local connected neighborhood.
Nevertheless, those algorithms mentioned above and their extensions24 have the scalability problem since they take the
whole graph as input and recursively expand neighborhoods across layers. This expansion is computationally expensive
especially when graphs grow large. Due to the scale free property in many graphs, when hub nodes are sampled as the 1st-order
neighbors, their 2nd-order neighbors usually quickly fill up the memory that usually leads to the memory bottleneck problem.
This problem prevents GAT and GCN to be applied on large scale networks.
GraphSAGE19 tries to solve the memory bottleneck problem by sampling a fixed-size neighborhood during each iteration,
after that it performs a specific aggregator over feature extractor. The sampling strategy in GraphSAGE yields impressive
performance on node labeling task over several large-scale networks. FastGCN25 then proposes to view GCN22 as integral
transforms of embedding functions under probability measure. The classification accuracy is highly comparable with the
original GCN while gets rid of the reliance on the test data.
However, most of the graph convolution based methods mainly apply node labels instead of linkages as the supervised
information. Node labels, however, are always scarce in most real networks, there are only several types of networks that
have node label information, such as the Protein-Protein interactive network, citation networks and so on. Besides, linkages
rather than node attributes contain much richer information about network structure and evolution. According to the similarity
and popularity theory26 , the links within a network not only contain nodes similarity27 but also encode nodes popularity
information7 . Take the formation of a citation network for example, papers tend to cite literatures that not only have higher
content similarity but also have greater popularity28 . Linkages contains much more structure information than node labels. And
the representation power is influenced strongly by the supervised information, thus, for most downstream machine learning
tasks such as link prediction, visualization and community detection, linkages rather than node labels should be used as the
supervised information because they encodes at least both popularity and similarity.
In this paper, we propose DeepLinker, a new model that extends the GAT architecture to be applied on predicting the
missing links over various networks. By adopting the attention mechanism, we can not only make predictions on links but also
learn meaningful node representations that can be used to identify node categories especially when the labeled nodes are spares.
The learned attentional weights can help us form directed and weighted graphs from the un-directed and unweighted ones.
The attentional weights also show potential in evaluating nodes’ importance and measuring node centrality. The original GAT
model can not be directly applied on the supervised link prediction task due to the following reasons. First, the complexity
of classification task is O(N), while the complexity of link prediction is O(N 2 ), where N is the number of nodes. Compared
with node classification, link prediction usually involves a much larger node feature computation, which bringing the memory
bottleneck problem. Second,the original GAT model needs access to the entire network while performing node classification
inference, but we can not directly apply this strategy to link prediction task due to the well known scale-free property in real
networks since the expansion of the neighborhood of a hub node can quickly fill up a large portion of the graph. Last, although
large mini-batches are preferable to reduce the communication cost, they may slow down the convergence rate in practice29
since the decrease in mini-batch size typically increases the rate of convergence30 in the optimization process. Whereas, in the
original GAT model, a small mini-batch usually involves a large amount of nodes, which decreases the convergence rate and
usually leads to poor performance in link prediction accuracy.
Here we solve the memory bottleneck and the convergence problem by incorporating the mini-batch strategy via sampling a
fixed neighborhoods19 . The difference between DeepLinker and GraphSAGE lies in the sampling stratagy. In DeepLinker we
sample only once and fix the sampling neighborhoods during the training process, GraphSAGE keeps changing neighbors in
every epoch. We discover that changing neighbors in every epoch usually slows down the convergence and causes the training
errors vibrate a lot . Our model is a novel structure which combines both GAT and GraphSAGE, and particularly designed for
link predictions. This model computes the hidden representations of each node through a shared attention mechanism across its
A large number of experiments are implemented on five representative networks. The results show that DeepLinker not only
achieve the state-of-art accuracy in link predictions but can also obtain the effective node representations for downstream tasks
such as node ranking and node classifications. We find that the nodes with more attention paid by their neighbors are either the
elites in a Chinese co-investment network or the ’best papers’ in the APS citation network. Moreover, if the model is well
trained, the low-dimensional node vectors extracted from the last layer of DeepLinker can achieve a higher node classification

h1(0) h1(0) h2(0) h5(0)
1 1 2 5
W(0) W(0) W(0) W(0)
α31 α31 α42 α45

h3(1) 3 4 h4(1)
shuffling data

W(1) W(1)
α13 α14

Logistic Regression
(1) h1(2)
h N(1)
1 1

2 3 sample N linked pairs

Link Existence
pairs 2
4 5 h2(2)

α24 α21
W(1) W(1)

h4(1) 4 1 h1(1)
N disinked pairs α45 α42 α14 α13

W(0) W(0) W(0) W(0)

5 2 4 3
h5(0) h2(0) h4(0) h3(0)

Figure 1. The overall DeepLinker architecture. We take a simple five-node network as an example, any two node linkage
relation will be considered. We describe the linked relations in solid lines and the unlinked ones in dashed lines. We then take
the linked node 1 in red and node 2 in yellow as an training example. We first sample nodes 3 and 4 as their 1st-order
neighbors, then sample nodes 1,2,5 as their 2nd-order neighbors, nodes 1,2,5 are also the 1st-order neighbors of nodes 3 and 4.
After that we calculate nodes 1 and 2’s vector representations based on their initial attributes as well as their neighbors’ initial
features via GAT architecture. We acquire edge vector via calculating the inner product of the 1 and 2’s vector representations.
Finally a logistic regression function is applied to compute the linkage existence probability.

accuracy compared with other unsupervised learning algorithms. And the fewer the labeled nodes in classification task, the
bigger the advantage our model has.
Our main contributions are summarized as follows:
• We propose DeepLinker, which achieves the state-of-the-art accuracy in link prediction task.
• We handle the memory bottleneck and mini-batch problems by fixing the neighborhood number which yields a controllable
cost for per-batch computation.
• The trained attentional coefficient matrix of DeepLinker plays a key role in revealing the latent significance of nodes. It
helps in identifying the elites of a Chinese Investment Network and finding the ’best papers’ for citation network.
• DeepLinker can extract meaningful feature representations for nodes, this link prediction based node embedding achieves
high accuracy in node classification task especially when the labeled nodes are sparse.

2 GAT architectures
To start with, we review the architecture of GAT model which our model is mainly based on. GAT takes a set of node features as
input, h = {~h1 , ~h2 , ... , ~hN }, in which, ~hi ∈ RF , and N is the number of nodes, F is the number of input node attributes. We use
~h0 ∈ RF to denote GAT’s outputs that also contain F 0 node features. The target of GAT is to obtain sufficient expressive power
to transfer the input features into high-level output features. It first applies a learnable linear transformation, parameterized by a
0 0
weight matrix, W ∈ RF ×F to every node, it then uses a single-layer feed-forward neural network ~a ∈ R2F to compute the

attention coefficients between nodes. This computation process is shown in equation 1, where .T represents matrix transposition
and k is the concatenation operation. Node j is a neighbor of node i, and αi, j indicates the importance of j’s features to i among
all of i’s neighbors, represented as Ni .
exp LeakyReLU ~aT [W~hi k W~h j ]
αi, j =    . (1)
∑ j∈Ni exp LeakyReLU ~aT [W~hi k W~h j ]

Once the normalized attention coefficient αi, j is obtained, GAT aggregates nodes’ features as a combination of their neighbors,
followed by a potentially nonlinear sigmoid function σ , as is shown in equation 2.
~h0 = σ ~
i ∑ αi, j Whi (2)

Finally, GAT employs multi-head attention to stabilize the learning process of attention coefficients. K denotes the number
of attentional heads, αi,k j denotes the kth relative attentional weights of j0 s features to i. The output features of nodes’ neighbors
are either concatenated or averaged to form their final output features, as is shown in equation 3:
~h0 =kK σ k ~
i k=1 ∑ αi, j Whi . (3)

3 DeepLinker architecture
To improve link prediction accuracy, we introduce DeepLinker which has an encoder-decoder architecture, with adjustable
attention parameters. The overall architecture of DeepLink is shown in Figure 1. An encoder encodes nodes to a vector
0 0
representations, F ∈ RF , a decoder then genearte an edge vector by aggregating nodes’ vectors. Finally, a score function
is applied to evaluate the link existence probability between two nodes via the edge vectors. One of the key ideas behind
DeepLinker is to learn how to aggregate nodes’ features into edge vector for link prediction task.
As mentioned above, the limitations of GAT are memory bottleneck and mini-batch problem. Due to the scale-free property
of most networks, once the hub nodes are sampled as the 1st-order neighbors of a given node, the 2nd-order neighbors
usually quickly fill up the memory, which prevents GAT to be applied on larger networks. Besides, the existing GPU-enabled
tensor manipulation frameworks are only able to parallelize on the normalized activation coefficients (αi, j ) for the same sized
neighborhoods, which prevents GAT from parallel computing.

3.1 Fixed-sized Neighborhood Sampling

Here we use the fixed-sized neighborhood sampling strategy to solve the memory bottleneck and the mini-batch problem. The
undirected graph can be represented as G = (V, E), with V denoting the set of nodes and E representing the edges in network G.
For any two randomly selected nodes i and j, as is illustrated in Figure 1 we then calculate the Hadamard distance to represent
the edge vector and evaluate the edge existence probability via training a logistic regression function. We sample each node’s
neighborhood to form a fixed-sized node mini-batch. Taking node i as a sample example, we uniformly sample a fixed-sized
set of its neighbors defined as Ni from the set {i ∈ V : (i, j) ∈ E} instead of full neighborhood set as in GAT. Different from
sampling neighborhood during each training iteration in GraphSAGE, we sample only once and fix the neighborhoods during
the whole training process. The sampling strategy is illustrated in Figure 1. We compute the Hadamard product between two
output vectors to generate an edge vector, as is shown in Equation 4, note that ei j is a d-dimensional vector.

e(i, j) = (~h0i h~0j ) (4)

We then assume that the probability between node i and j is given by Equation 5 where θ is a d-dimensional parameter vector,
and eTij θ is the dot product between the vectors ei j and θ .
pi j (ei j ; θ ) = (5)
1 + exp(eTij θ )

3.2 Training DeepLinker

The whole framework is trained by minimizing the following objective function:
L=− ∑ − yi, j log p(i, j) + (1 − yi, j ) log(1 − p(i, j)), (6)
| ε ∪ ε − | (i, j)∈ε∪ε

where, yi, j is the label information for linkage between i and j, with 0 for non-existence and 1 for existence. ε is the training set
of edges. We follow the convention to randomly divide the full set of edges E into three parts, ε for training, φ for validating
and τ for testing. We train the model to predict not only the existence but also the non-existence links. Here, ε − is the set
of negative samples, in which each element is a node pair (i, z), and both i and z are drawn from the nodes involved in ε.
Additionally, there is no edge between i and z in the set of ε − . In our experiment, we sample the same number of negative
instances as for positive links.

4 Experiments
In order to evaluate the performance of DeepLinker and explore its potential applications, we conduct link prediction, node
ranking, as well as node classification tasks over several networks ranging from citation network to venture capital co-invest
network. All experiments are done under the PyTorch machine learning environment with a CUDA backend.

4.1 Experiments setup

We utilize the following five networks in our experiments:

• Cora network contains 2,708 nodes 5,429 edges, and 7 classes. Each node has 1,433 attributes corresponding to elements
of a bag-of-words representation of a document.
• Citeseer network contains 3,327 nodes 4,732 edges, and 6 classes. Each node has 3,703 attributes extracted from paper
• Pubmed is a citation network, which contains 19,717 nodes and 44,338 edges, and 3 classes. The size of attributes of
each node is 500.
• VC network is a venture capital co-invest network with nodes representing venture capital companies and edges
corresponding to co-invest events. It contains 1,436 nodes and 2,265 edges. Here we use the adjacency matrix as the
one-hot input node attribute in the training process. On this network, 42 nodes are identified manually as VC which
play a vital role in venture capital events. These nodes are regarded as the ground truth in node ranking task. The VC
investment network is built on the SiMuTon33 database.
• APS graph has 1,012 nodes and 3,336 edges. The adjacency matrix is used as the the one-hot input node attribute in the
training process. Follow a paper published on Science37 here we quantify papers’ impact and importance by counting the
number of citations over 10 years (c_10) after their publication, c_10 is used as ground truth metric for measuring nodes

We compare DeepLinker with the following baseline algorithms:

1. RA8 is a traditional link prediction method, and the similarity between two nodes is measured by computing neighbors’
weights which are negatively proportional to its degree.
2. LINE16 minimizes a loss function to learn embedding while preserving the first and the second-order neighbors proximity
among vertices in the graph.
3. Node2vec14 adopts a biased random walk strategy and applies Skip-Gram to learn vertex embedding. This embedding
algorithm is widely used in recent years.
4. GraphSAGE19 learns node embedding through a general inductive framework consisting with several feature aggregators.
It usually adopts supervised node classification task as the evaluation benchmark with the assumption that better
embedding algorithm leads to higher node classification accuracy.
5. GAT23 is the main architecture that our model based on. GAT compute representation of each node by combining its
neighborhoods vectors in an adaptive way with adjustable attention weights for different neighborhoods.
In our experiments, we keep node2vec and LINE’s parameters as they are in the original papers. We set the same parameter
for GraphSAGE, GAT and DeepLinker, that include the type and sequence of layers, choice of activation functions, placement
of dropout, and setting of hyper-parameters.
DeepLinker algorithm consists of two layers, the first layer is made up of 8 (K1 = 8) attentional heads over all networks.
Here we set the hidden size to 32 for Cora and VC, 16 for Citeseer and APS, and 64 for Pubmed network. The main purpose of
the first layer is to compute the hidden features of the 1st-order neighbors. We then add the non-linearity by feeding the hidden

Table 1. Link prediction accuracy and AUC of different algorithms over several networks.

Accuracy/AUC Cora Citeseer Pubmed VC network APS network

GAT 0.79/0.88 NA NA 0.77/0.83 0.80/0.89
DeepLinker (attention) 0.87/0.93 0.85/0.91 0.57/0.63 0.80/0.90 0.84/0.94
DeepLinker (all ones) 0.88/0.93 0.86/0.91 0.90/0.97 0.82/0.90 0.85/0.95
GraphSAGE-mean 0.83/0.89 0.84/0.90 0.88/0.96 0.81/0.87 0.82/0.88
node2vec 0.82/0.92 0.85/0.89 0.81/0.94 0.77 /0.87 0.83/0.89
LINE 0.69/0.76 0.67 / 0.73 0.66/0.72 0.78/0.84 0.68/0.74
RA 0.41/0.75 0.32/0.73 0.31/0.69 0.33/0.76 0.35/0.78

features to an exponential linear unit (ELU), as shown in equation 2. The aggregated features from each head are concatenated
in this layer.
The main purpose of the second layer is to compute the edge features that used for evaluating link probability. Here we use
a single attention (K2 = 1) for Cora, Citeseer, VC and APS graphs. We discover that the Pubmed graph requires a much larger
attention head number, thus we set (K2 = 8) for Pubmed graph. The aggregated features from each head are averaged in this
layer. The output of the second layer is the final feature representations for nodes. We then compute the Hadamard distance
between two node features to represent the edge vector, as is shown in equation 4. Once edge vectors are obtained, an active
function sigmoid σ is applied to evaluate the edge existing probability between nodes.
We initialize the parameter of DeepLinker with Glorot initialization34 and train to minimize the binary-cross-entropy6, for
the training set we use the Adam SGD optimizer35 with an initial learning rate of 5e − 4. We also apply an early stop strategy
over link prediction accuracy for the validation set, with the patience sets to 100 epochs.
We solve the memory bottleneck by sampling a fixed neighbors size (20) for both 1st and 2nd-order neighbors selection for
DeepLinker. The sampling strategy is illustrated in Figure 1. We set the batch size to be 32 for Cora, Citeseer, and Pubmed, 16
for APS network, and 8 for VC network. The sampling size in GraphSAGE algorithm is also 20.

4.2 Link prediction

In this part, we evaluate the link prediction accuracy of DeepLinker algorithm and compare DeepLinker with other link
prediction algorithms mentioned above. The goal of link prediction task is to predict whether there exists an edge between two
given vertices. To start with, we randomly hide 10% of the edges in the original graph to form ’positive’ samples in the test set.
The test set also has equal number of randomly selected disconnected ’links’ that servers as ’negative’ samples. We then use the
remaining 90% connected links and randomly selected disconnected ones to form the training set. After that, we uniformly
sample first and second order neighbors for each node. Finally we feed the sampled nodes into DeepLinker and the output of
DeepLinker is the edge existence probability between two vertices.
Two standard metrics, Accuracy and AUC (area under the curve) are used to quantify the accuracy of link prediction. As
shown in Table 1, DeepLinker outperforms all the baseline methods in link prediction accuracy across all graphs. In Table 1 we
didn’t report the link prediction accuracy of GAT algorithm, because Citeseer and Pumbed datasets caused memory error in our
Here, we propose two implements of DeepLinker: DeepLinker (attention) and DeepLinker (all ones). Both implements
apply neighborhood sampling and mini-batch strategies during the training process, while DeepLinker (attention) trains the
attention coefficient, which indicates how important the neighbors’ features to the present node, as illustrated in equation
1 and DeepLinker (all ones) sets the attention to 1 among all neighbors. As is shown in Table 1, DeepLinkerDeepLinker
(attention) has a much higher prediction accuracy compared with other link prediction algorithms, while DeepLinker(all ones)
achieves the best performance among all datasets. Actually in larger networks such as Pubmed, no matter how we adjust the
learning rate, the linear transformation matrix size and the mini-batch size for the attention based DeepLinker, the training
error doesn’t go down. At the initial stage of the training process, the neighbors’ attributes have a stronger influence on the
representation ability of the current node, however the attention coefficient value in DeepLinker (attention) architecture can
only apply a limited attention coefficient ranging from 0 to 1, which weakens the neighbors’ feature influence on the current
node. Attention coefficient tends to be less than 0.1 especially for a hub node with tremendous neighbors, in other words, the
attention mechanism limits the expression power on neighbors features’ influence for the current node.
DeepLinker (all ones) sets all the attention coefficients αi j to 1, which means all neighbors’ features have an equal
contribution to the present node. Although DeepLinker (all ones) is a much simpler architecture with less trainable parameters,
to our surprise, its performance is even better than DeepLinker (attention) over all networks, and the accuracy difference
becomes much significant on large networks, such as Pubmed, as is shown in Table1. When training the Pubmed graph with
DeepLinker (all ones), the training error converges within 10 epochs. Compared with DeepLinker (attention), DeepLinker (all

Table 2. Link prediction robustness test on Cora graph.

Break Portion 20% Accuracy/AUC

DeepLinker (attention) 0.84/0.90
DeepLinker (all ones) 0.85/0.91
GraphSAGE-mean 0.81/0.90
node2vec 0.80/0.89
LINE 0.52/0.53
RA 0.33/0.73

ones) is a more suitable model for link predictions on large networks.

Table1 shows that RA and LINE algorithms may can not capture the essential pattern of graph structure, since the predictive
accuracies are low in both algorithms. Node2vec performs better than LINE and RA since the Skip-Gram model is better at
extracting neighborhood information from graph structure. The original GraphSAGE-mean and GAT model are used for node
classification task only, here by computing the Hadmard distance between two nodes and adding a logistic regression layer
we make those models suitable for link prediction task. Since there are no sampling and mini-batch training strategies in the
original GAT model, thus, once the network becomes large, the original GAT algorithm suffers from memory bottlenecks. That
is why we do not report the link prediction accuracy on the Citeseer and Pubmed networks of the GAT model.
In order to test the robustness of the model, we randomly break 20% edges among the existing links. Table 2 shows that
both DeepLinker (attention) and DeepLinker (all ones) are much robuster than other algorithms, and DeepLinker (all ones)
achieves the state-of-the-art link prediction accuracy.

4.3 Attention coefficients for node centrality measuring

DeepLinker (all one) model is easier to train and achieves better performance in link prediction task compared with DeepLinker
(attention) model. Then what’s the meaning to train the attention coefficients of networks? In this part we show that the learned
attention coefficients from DeepLinker (attention) help extract the hidden relationship between connected nodes for a given
graph. Based on network structure DeepLinker (attention) can automatically learn a directed link weighted for any connected
nodes, thus turn the undirected and unweighted networks to a directed and weighted networks. Besides, the learned attention
coefficients also help in node centrality measuring and ranking. We show the attention coefficients’ power in ranking and
finding the most vital nodes with the Chinese Venture Capital (VC) and the APS citation networks. The detailed network
information is described in the Experiments setup section.
One of the most important questions in venture capital analysis field is to identify the leading investors (leading VC) among
a large amount of invest activities. Syndication in the Chinese venture capital market is typically led by main leading VCs, who
always finding good investment opportunities, setting up investment plans, and organizing the partners. These leaders play a
major role during the investment activities, therefore, identifying them has practical significance. To find the ground truth for
discovering and identifying the leading VCs in venture capital industry, we use the Delphi method to interview four experts in
this field to get a name list of leaders among the VC firms36 . Based on this questionnaire survey, we identify 42 elites (leading
VCs) in this network.
The APS graph is a sub-graph extracted from APS (American Physical Society journals) website with nodes representing
papers and links representing citations. Measuring the centrality of papers helps scientists find the significant and high quality
discoveries among thousands of publications. In this paper, we follow a paper published in Science journal37 to evaluate papers’
importance by counting the number of citations within the first 10 years (c_10) after papers’ publications.
Intuitively, the more attention a node attracts, the more influential it is. We measure node’s influence by accumulating
neighborhoods’ attention towards it across all heads in the second layer of DeepLinker(attention). We name this attention
coefficient based node rank method as Attention Rank, as is shown in equation 7. Attention Rank is a byproduct of DeepLinker
(attention). We first extract the normalized attention coefficients α kj,i from a pre-trained DeepLinker (attention) model of the kth
attentional head in the second layer, and then sum them up for all neighbors across all heads.
c̄i = ∑ ∑ α kj,i (7)
k=1 j∈Ni

By calculating VC’s total amount of attention based on equation 7, we find that the elites (leading VCs) always attract a larger
amount of attention compared with the followers. Following the evaluation methods for node centrality measures in complex
networks38 , we sort VC nodes according to the total amount of attention in a decreasing order, and find that we can hit 30 elites
out of the top 42 elites in the ground truth set. Table 3 shows the top 16 VCs with the most attention, all of the VCs are elites

Table 3. The top 16 VC firms that attract the most attention.

Rank VC name is_elite Rank VC name is_elite

1 MORE/Shenzhen Capital Group Yes 9 JAFCO ASIA Yes
2 IDG Capital Yes 10 FOETURE Capital Yes
3 Sequoia Yes 11 GGV Capital Yes
4 Legend Captital Yes 12 Walden International Yes
5 Goldman Sachs Yes 13 SBCVC Yes
6 Intel Capital Yes 14 DFJ Venture Capital Yes
7 Northern Light Venture Capital Yes 15 Qiming Yes
8 DT Capital Yes 16 Cowin Yes

Table 4. Ranking performance comparison under unsupervised ranking methods.

Dataset Evaluation PageRank Closeness Betweenness SPRank Attention Rank

VC Accuracy 0.65 0.60 0.58 0.64 0.72
APS Rank Coor. 0.32 0.08 0.03 0.38 0.42

in the ground truth set. Besides, we find the top 16 VCs has a larger overlaps with a later released VC ranking website that
discusses about the ’best’ venture capital in China39 .
To accurately compare the ranking result with other centrality measuring algorithms, we follow the method in Webspam
competition40 and use the Accuracy which defines the ratio of the hits on the ground truth as a metric to evaluate the performance
of different node ranking methods. The ranking performances are listed in Table 4.
In order to evaluate papers’ importance for APS citaion network, we first extract the pre-trained attention coefficient matrix
from DeepLinker and rank papers’ total attention in a decreasing order. We then follow the experiments of41 to use Spearman’s
rank correlation coefficient as an evaluation metric since the ground truths (c_10) are real values instead of binary ones.
In this part we choose several unsupervised graph ranking algorithms to compare with. The first algorithm is PageRank42
which is a basic solution for ranking nodes. The second is Closeness Centrality and the third is Betweenness Centrality43 .
The Closeness Centrality believes that the most important nodes should have shorter path lengths to other nodes, while the
Betweenness Centrality assumes that the most important nodes should be involved in more shortest paths. We also compared
Attention Rank with the SPRank3 , which can efficiently and accurately identify high quality papers (e.g. Nobel prize winning
papers) and can significantly outperform PageRank in predicting the future citation growth of papers. Table 4 shows the
compare result of DeepLinker (attention) with the ranking methods mentioned above with the default parameter settings. We
can find that Attention Rank significantly outperforms other ranking methods without any adjustable parameter and human

4.4 Feature learning for node classification

DeepLinker can not only be applied in predicting missing links, measuring node centrality but also can provide meaningful node
representations. In Figure 2 we visualize the raw input attributes, the second layer output of the pre-trained GraphSAGE-mean
and the pre-trained DeepLinker (all ones) with t-SNE44 visualization method. In this figure each point represents a node in the
Cora graph with its node color denoting classification label. From the DeepLinker (all ones) visualization, we can tell in general,
nodes belonging to the same class usually block together. The NMI (Normalized Mutual Information) and the Silhouette
score of DeepLinker representation are much higher than GraphSAGE-mean vectors and raw attributes. For example, the
Reinforcement Learning and the Genetic Algorithms are quite independent communities with the highest sub-network density
0.017 and 0.009 compared with the whole network’s density (0.001). This indicates that link prediction based representation has
incorporated node similarity information. We also discover that even DeepLinker tends to separate nodes from different classes,
there are still some overlap areas consisting of nodes from different classes. This phenomenon may support the popularity
versus similarity theory26 , which claims that network links are trade-offs between node similarity and other network properties
such as node popularity.
Compared with the network representations learned from supervised node classification task such as GAT, GCNs, and
GraphSAGE, the representations learned from links such as DeepLinker and node2vec contains richer structural information.
The node representations learned from supervised node classification can only decode part of the hidden information. For
example in citation networks, papers belonging to the same subject in general will have the same labels. Network embedding
based on node labels would decode mainly the similarity between nodes. However, the evolution of citation networks rely not
only on papers’ subjects and labels, other factors such as authors’ fame and their popularity also play vital roles in network

Theory Theory Theory
Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning
Genetic Algorithms Genetic Algorithms
Reinforcement Learning
Neural Networks Neural Networks Genetic Algorithms
Probabilistic Methods Probabilistic Methods Neural Networks
Case Based Case Based Probabilistic Methods
Rule Learning Rule Learning Case Based
Rule Learning

Raw feature visualization node2vec visualization DeepLinker visualization

Figure 2. t-SNE visualization of Cora graph from the raw features (left), node2vec representations with the default parameter
setting (middle), and the DeepLinker representations, node features for DeepLinker are extracted from the second layer of a
pre-trained model (right). The clusters of the DeepLinker’s representations are clearly defined with a Silhouette score equals to
0.38 compared with 0.09 in node2vec and 0.00 in raw features. The NMI value of DeepLinker is 0.44 compared with 0.41 in
node2vec vectors and 0.13 in raw features.

formation45 . Besides, the supervised link information is easier to acquire compared with the supervised label information.
Actually, there are few networks that have node label information.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed DeepLinker representation, we follow the commonly adopted setting
to compare different representation algorithms of node classification task on Cora and Citeseer networks. In node classification
task, each node has a targeted label and our goal is to build a simple predictive learning logistic model based on the training
set and to predict the correct labels in the test set. In particular, after extracting nodes representations of a given graph, we
randomly select some nodes to form the training data, we then apply the training nodes representations and their labels to train
a node classify model and use this model to predict the label of the remaining nodes. We repeat the classification experiments
for 10 times and report the average Micro-F1 value.
We compare the node vectors learned from link prediction task of DeepLinker (all ones) with the unsupervised GraphSAGE-
mean and the widely used node2vec. In order to control changing variables, we fix the embedding dimension to 128 for all
algorithms, and name them as DeepLinker_128, GraphSAGE-mean_128 and node2vec_128. The first sub-graph in Figure 3
shows that in Citeseer graph, DeepLinker outperforms node2vec and GraphSAGE-mean especially when the labeled training set
is small. In the second sub-graph, when the training portion is less than 10%. DeepLinker also performs better than node2vec
and GraphSAGE-mean. Here, we believe achieves a better performance when the training set is small is an important factor in
node classification task, because in real-world networks there are only a few labeled graphs and manually labelling a large
amount of nodes not only cost time and efforts but also introduce biases.
Moreover, in order to improve node classification accuracy, we increase the embedding dimension by concatenating the
vectors learned from different unsupervised algorithms. As is shown in 3, we find the concatenation of DeepLinker and
GraphSAGE-mean achieves the highest classification accuracy in Cora and Citeseer compared with other combination, the
combination of DeepLinker and node2vec also has a better classification accuracy compared with the joint of GraphSAGE-mean
and node2vec. Actually the concatenating of GraphSAGE-mean and node2vec performs even worse than DeepLinker in 128
dimension in the Citeseer network.

5 Conclusion and discussion

In this paper, we propose a mini-batched link prediction model, DeepLinker which based on the graph convolution architecture
and sampling strategy. DeepLinker can extract meaningful vertex representation and achieve the state-of-the-art link prediction
accuracy. The byproducts of DeepLinker, attention coefficients show the potential in node centrality measuring and the node
representations extracted from the last layer show advantage in node classification tasks, especially when the labeled training
data is small. DeepLinker outperforms other unsupervised node representation learning methods in node classification and
node visualization tasks. This may alleviate the dependency on large labeled data.
Despite the process of adjusting the hyper-parameter requires many efforts, we still believe that network representation
based on link prediction can lead to both quantitative and qualitative leap in graph processing. Although DeepLinker has

Citeseer Graph Classification Performance Cora Graph Classification Performance

0.70 0.850

0.65 0.800



[DeepLinker||node2vec]_256 0.725 [DeepLinker||GraphSAGE-mean]_256

0.55 [DeepLinker||GraphSAGE-mean]_256 [DeepLinker||node2vec]_256
[GraphSAGE-mean||node2vec]_256 0.700 [GraphSAGE-mean||node2vec]_256
DeepLinker_128 DeepLinker_128
node2vec_128 0.675 node2vec_128
GraphSAGE-mean_128 GraphSAGE-mean_128
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8
train portion train portion

Figure 3. Classification accuracy comparison under different representation learning methods.

achieved a quite high accuracy of link prediction, we still can’t figure out the mechanism that leads to such a good performance.
Our future work will mainly focus on the hidden theory behind DeepLinker.

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