3 1,653
3 authors:
Tatiana Bronich
University of Nebraska Medical Center
All content following this page was uploaded by Swapnil Desale on 18 November 2015.
Synthetic polymers play an essential role in the development of conventional pharmaceutical formulations
as well as devices for controlled drug delivery and represent the most commonly used “building blocks”
for engineering of various nanomedicines. In this chapter we review several classes of synthetic polymers
that are widely used for the design of drug delivery systems, synthetic methodologies to tailor their physi-
cochemical properties, and therapeutic applications and developments.
1 Introduction
Zheng-Rong Lu and Shinji Sakuma (eds.), Nanomaterials in Pharmacology, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-3121-7_1, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016
2 Swapnil S. Desale et al.
2 Synthetic Polymers
3 Polyesters
+ n HO R2 OH C C R2 + 2n H2O
n HO R1 OH R1 O O n
b O O
Sn(Oct)2 O
ROH + n + m Heating
O O 2n 2m
DL-lactide glycolide PLGA
Scheme 1 (a) Synthesis of polyesters by polycondensation of dicarboxylic acids and diols; (b) synthesis of
PLGA copolymer by ROP using alcohol as an initiator and stannous octoate as the catalyst
Synthetic Polymer-based Nanomaterials 3
4 Polyanhydrides
O Vacuum
HO R OH Reflux O R O Heating O R O n
CH2 C n
O O N Br
CuCl, bpy, 50 oC
80:20 IPA/H2O
CTP, V501 O
Acetic Buffer, pH 5.2,70 oC HN
Scheme 3 Synthesis of HPMA polymer by (a) ATRP and (b) RAFT polymerization methods
Synthetic Polymer-based Nanomaterials 7
6 Polyethylenimine (PEI)
PEIs are synthetic cationic polymers that have been widely employed
as the most prominent polynucleotide delivery systems [53].
Depending on the linkage of the repeating ethylenimine units, PEI
possesses either branched or linear topology (Scheme 4). Branched
PEI is synthesized by polymerization of aziridine either in aqueous
or alcoholic solutions [54–56], where the reaction is controlled by
adjusting the temperature and initiator concentration, or in a rather
vigorous bulk polymerization of anhydrous aziridine at a lower tem-
perature [57]. Linear PEI has been synthesized via cationic ROP of
either N-(2-tetrahydropyranyl)azidirine [58] or unsubstituted and
2-substituted 2-oxazolines followed by acid or base-catalyzed hydro-
lysis of the corresponding N-substituted polymer [59, 60].
The efficiency of PEI as transfection agent as well as its cyto-
toxicity is closely linked to the polymer characteristics such as
molecular weight, the degree of branching, charge density and
buffering capacity. Generally, the low molecular weight linear or
branched PEIs have low cytotoxicity but display poor transfection
efficiency. In order to solve the efficiency versus toxicity problems,
cross-linked PEIs were synthesized to include biodegradable cross-
links that facilitate an increase in molecular weight but then follow-
ing cross-link degradation, allowing the release of lower molecular
weight components to reduce cytotoxicity [61]. Alternatively,
star-like PEI derivatives with high charge density have been
designed; these polymers utilize low molecular weight PEIs that
are conjugated to a central multivalent polymer core [62–64].
H H n
N MeOTs N Hydrolysis
n N
O n
Triphosgene R'-NH2
8 Dendrimers
9 Polymer Therapeutics
10 Polymeric Micelles
11 Polymersomes
12 Polymeric Nanogels
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