Am 19780531 S
Am 19780531 S
Am 19780531 S
The challenges we face as a young nation are very clear:
to continue to earn a living in a rapidly changing,world and
therefore a world of instability and, particularly, economic un-
certainty; to build upon what we have been fortunate enough to
achieve in the past two decades; to grow as a society we want to
live in and be proud to leave Our children with a harmonious
living that makes all of us together Singaporean.We
have proved ourselves to be a viable nation despite the meagre
endowments that nature has given us by honestly recognising our
limitations and taking full advantage of whatever we,have. We
with this same frankness and determination, not only
continue to prove our viability as a nation and as an economy, but
also uplift the quality of life in our society to make it even
more meaningful and worthwhile, so that at the end of the day we
can say that we have done what We have had to do. This is the
challenge for us as a society.
The Board works closely with the Economic Development Board and the
Ministry of Finance (Development Division) to establish the broad
skilled workers requirements of'the economy, both in terms of
numbers and trade areas. These projections determine the nature of
the courses run and the size of intakes,into ITB institutions. Ihe
Board also maintains continuous contact, through meetings, visits,
seminars and discussions, with individual companies and trade
associations. Its officers go out to industry regularly and
systematically discuss training needs. As a matter of fact, ITB
reflects the significance of and the stress placed on,tripartite
representation comprising members from the Government, the
Basic Four pupils may opt to come under the Junior Trainee
Scheme run by ITB specially to place them in supervised employment
or oh-the-job training for a period of three years or until they
reach the age of 18, Whichever is earlier In addition to Working
36 hours a week, they undergo an extension education programme of
6 hours in one day of the Week run by the Adult Education Board.
The programme aims to maintain and consolidate the level of
literacy and numeracy acquired in the Basic Course and includes
languages, arithmetic and social and civic education. Junior
Trainees are paid by-their employers, even during the day they
attend classes, and are entitled to annual leave and other employ-
ment benefits according to laws
their . . . . . /IO.
their pupils. This,in turn calls. for a constant upgrading of
professional skills, an attitude of continuous learning, in and
for the education of their pupils
It is not . . ./12.
What roles can Teaohers ' Unions then play in all this?
I trust that
the deliberadions during this Seminar will
focus on this theme* I trust also that the theme will receive wide
and in-depth treatment. In view of this, I would like. to make a
few suggestions which 1 hope may help in your deliberations.
e) . . . . . /I30
In conclusion, I would like to thank the Singapore Malay
Teachers' Union for inviting me to deliver a paper at this Seminar
I believe a Seminar like this is a step in the right direction
towards upgrading the quality of member as well as a clear
indication of the concern the Union has in promoting, such pro-
fessionlism among teachers, I look forward with keen interest to
hearing of the result of your deliberations in this conference. a