Hyper D
Hyper D
Hyper D
Hyper-D seriesseries
Advanced cameras with Digital Pixel System™
The Hyper-D series of cameras incorporates a breakthrough in imaging technology that dramatically
improves on images from current CCTV camera technologies. The primary advantage of Hyper-D
comes from its very high dynamic range that delivers images of unmatched quality from scenes containing
extremes of bright and dark areas. Where current technologies typically set 1 or 2 “optimised” exposures
for a frame, Hyper-D determines the optimum exposure for each individual pixel, resulting in greatly
improved image quality and colour accuracy.
At the heart of the Hyper-D is Pixim’s Digital Pixel System™ (DPS™) that integrates an analogue-to-digital
converter (ADC) within each pixel of the image sensor. The power of digital signal processing can be
applied right at the point of capture and all analogue signal stages are eliminated. This brings immediate
benefits in reduced cross talk within the imager and minimized signal degradation, while direct access to
digital sensor data allows the use of a variety of powerful techniques for image optimization.
The high dynamic range achieved by Hyper-D is gained by exploiting the ADC on each pixel to take
multiple samples during a single capture frame and then determine the sampling instant that gives the
optimum performance for each pixel. The high dynamic range is not the only advantage of optimization at
the pixel level, Hyper-D also offers higher colour fidelity, minimal blooming artifacts and zero smearing.
Baxall’s Smart Exposure system automatically self-selects the lens type and exposure controls such as
back light compensation. This allows the camera to adapt as the scene changes to guarantee the best
Hyper-D is a truly wide dynamic camera and its performance surpasses current cameras in the market:
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Hyper-D series
Advanced cameras with Digital Pixel System™
DPS™ technology
The Digital Pixel System™ marks a fundamental breakthrough in imaging technology.
Building upon technology developed at Stanford University in the 1990s, DPS™
utilises an image capture and processing system that provides high-quality pictures
that have amazing colour reproduction with enhanced dynamic range. Greater
dynamic range significantly improves image quality in scenes consisting of both bright
and dark areas, making it more like the human eye when viewing surveillance images.
At the same time the low light performance
has not been sacrificed so the performance is suitable for high-end colour
surveillance cameras.
The core innovation in DPS™ is the inclusion of an analogue-to-digital
converter (ADC) within each pixel of the image sensor. The ADC translates
the light signal into a digital value at the immediate point of capture, thus
reducing degradation of the signal and also cross talk, allowing for greater
noise reduction methods. Once the data is captured in a digital format, a
variety of digital signal processing techniques are used for optimal image
������������ ���������� DPS™ technology uses a technique known as “multi-sampling” to gather
the information to achieve unmatched image quality and high dynamic
range. Each pixel is independently sampled non-destructively multiple
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processed in parallel and converted into high quality images. In contrast,
other technologies typically set one exposure time for the frame and
sample each pixel at that time – resulting in images with some pixels that are underexposed (too dark) and some that
are overexposed (too bright).
With it’s
dynamic range,
both extremes
are handled
Head Office:
Unit 1 Castlehill, Horsfield Way, Bredbury
Park Industrial Estate, Stockport, Cheshire
SK6 2SU, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)161 406 6611
Fax: +44 (0)161 406 8988
sales@baxall.com support@baxall.com