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After reading and discussing this article on parenting and parenting tips, I found it very

helpful on the topic of parenting and learned things that I had not previously considered. One

thing that really stood out for me was how every tip requires focus on how the child feels and

thinks. The way parents treat their children will directly impact their future. I think that in the

past and even into today, parents used to put a lot of emphasis on the parent rather than the child.

I do believe parents thought they were putting the child first, but most parenting techniques were

centered around what the parent wanted to do despite what the child needed or even wanted at

that moment. I liked this idea that the article talked about when the tips were focused on how the

child feels and thinks. I think that in order to make more productive members of society and

build self-confidence, it is important for children to feel heard, especially by their parents. Of

course I also agree that there is a fine line between being authoritative and responding warmly to

the child and being permissive or even neglectful. Good parenting is crucial for a child’s growth

and future success. The article also discussed that it is important for parents to create a safe and

loving environment that promotes emotional well-being and resilience. Children who grow up in

such an environment develop higher self-esteem and social skills. They also tend to be more

optimistic, have more empathy towards others, and have better situational awareness. Therefore,

parents should set their goal on giving their children the best head start in life. I hope to do this

with my children as my parents did this for me. Both of my parents were emotionally invested in

their relationship with me, so I saw the benefits of it firsthand by experiencing that type of love

myself. I was glad to see the article talk about creating more loving and safer environments for

children because I feel like the benefits are often overlooked. Good parenting also plays an

important role in supporting the mental development of children. A child can develop good

habits and a sense of control over their lives by being given a sense of discipline and routines.
This develops their time management skills so that they will be more productive in the future. To

help a child's independence and problem-solving skills, parenting should also contain a good mix

of flexibility and discipline. When parents let their kids experience difficulties and learn from

their errors, it helps kids comprehend consequences, remembers errors they made, and make

better decisions. When I was growing up my parents would always tell me to do certain things

but I never understood why. Now that I am older and more mature I have learned the same

lessons my parents were teaching me through my own personal experience. The plan I have for

my child is to create a nurturing and safe environment for my child. I will do this by paying close

attention to how my child feels and thinks. I will constantly push positive things on the child for

the best interest of their future. The company I keep around my child will be held to a minimum.

The child will also be on a very healthy diet and get constant exercise. Another thing I will do is

not be overprotective and give them freedom so they can figure out the things they like to do.

This will also allow them to make decisions on their own and learn the consequences of their


In conclusion, I believe good parenting plays a critical role in shaping children's lives.

Creating a nurturing and secure environment that is full of positive discipline is essential.

Parents should strive to provide for their children with the support and encouragement they need

to benefit their future. Through open communication, parents can guide their children towards

successful opportunities and relationships. Good parenting is essential for a child’s emotional,

mental, and physical development, and without it, a child may struggle in both their personal and

professional lives. Therefore, we must understand the importance of good parenting, and take

positive action to ensure that our children have the best possible start in life.

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