Halfwave Rectifier
Halfwave Rectifier
Halfwave Rectifier
CRO, function generator, multimeter, bread board, Carbon film resistor, diode, connecting
wires, BNC probes tweezer, wire stripper etc.
Circuit Diagram
1. Rig up the half wave rectifier circuit after testing all the components.
2. Connect the CRO channel I across the function generator to view the input waveform and
the channel II across the resistor for viewing output waveform.
3. Set the function generator output at 6V (1000 Hz) peak to peak sine wave and feed it to the
input of the circuit.
4. Observe the input and output waveform of the circuit on the CRO screen. Voltage: Voltage
is shown on the vertical y-axis and the scale is determined by the Y AMPLIFIER (VOLTS/CM)
control. Usually peak-peak voltage is measured because it can be read correctly even if the
position of 0V is not known. The amplitude is half the peak-peak voltage.
5. Plot the input and output waveform on a graph sheet.
a) Measurement of input voltage