Come Let Us Go Up
Come Let Us Go Up
Come Let Us Go Up
Marc Chopinsky
am dm F G am
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
F G Esus E
Unto the house of the God of Jacob.
am dm F G am
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
F G am
Unto the house of the God of Jacob.
Verse 1
G E am am7/G F
And the law will go forth from Zi - on,
dm E am G dm7
And the word of the Lord from Jeru – sa - lem.
G E am am7/G F
We will walk in His fo - ot - steps,
dm E am E
And He will teach us His ways.
Verse 2
G E am am7/G F
And He will judge many peo - ples,
dm E am G dm7
And decide for mighty nations far and wi - de.
G E am am7/G F
Swords will be beaten into plow - shares,
dm E am E
And nations will not learn war again.
Copyright © 1983 Integrity's Hosanna! Music. Song No. 187056, CCLI License #11010222