Fe-Nb-Ni (Iron-Niobium-Nickel) : Binary Systems

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Section II: Phase Diagram Evaluations JPEDAV (2010) 31:180–183

DOI: 10.1007/s11669-010-9654-3
1547-7037 ÓASM International

Fe-Nb-Ni (Iron-Niobium-Nickel)
V. Raghavan

The early review of this ternary system by [1992Rag]

presented a tentative isothermal section at 1000 °C from the
studies of [1989Sav]. The updates by [2004Rag] and
[2007Rag] presented an isothermal section at 1200 °C from
[2001Tak] and [2005Tak]. Recently, [2009Mat] carried out a
Calphad-type assessment of this ternary system and calcu-
lated a number of isothermal sections. This work will be
reviewed briefly in this update.

Binary Systems

The Fe-Nb phase diagram [2000Tof] depicts two inter-

mediate phases: Fe2Nb (C14, MgZn2-type hexagonal) and
Fe7Nb6 (D85, Fe7W6-type rhombohedral). In the Fe-Ni
phase diagram [1991Swa], a continuous face-centered cubic
solid solution (denoted c) forms between cFe and Ni and is
stable over a wide range of temperature. At 517 °C, an
ordered phase FeNi3 (L12, AuCu3-type cubic) forms con-
gruently from c. The Nb-Ni phase diagram [2006Che,
1996Bol], has the following intermediate phases: Nb7Ni6
(D85, Fe7W6-type rhombohedral), NbNi3 (D0a, Cu3Ti-type
orthorhombic) and NbNi8 (tetragonal). Computed phase Fig. 2 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 1250 °C
diagrams of the above systems were given by [2009Mat].

Fig. 1 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 1291 °C Fig. 3 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 1200 °C
[2009Mat] [2009Mat]

180 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 31 No. 2 2010

Phase Diagram Evaluations: Section II

Computed Isothermal Sections models, providing for ternary solubility. In addition, the
modeling included metastable phases L10, D022 and C15, to
The liquid, disordered fcc and disordered bcc phases facilitate the future extension of the thermodynamic
were modeled as substitutional solutions by [2009Mat]. The description to higher order systems. Ab-initio calculations
magnetic contribution to the Gibbs energy of the bcc and fcc were done by [2009Mat] to estimate the enthalpies of
phases was taken into account. The binary phases C14, D85, formation of the elements and the compounds on the basis
D0a and L12 were described by appropriate sublattice of the Density Functional Theory, using the Generalized

Fig. 4 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 1000 °C Fig. 6 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 800 °C
[2009Mat] [2009Mat]

Fig. 5 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 950 °C Fig. 7 Fe-Nb-Ni computed isothermal section at 450 °C
[2009Mat] [2009Mat]

Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 31 No. 2 2010 181

Section II: Phase Diagram Evaluations

Fig. 8 Fe-Nb-Ni tentative reaction sequence

Gradient Approximation method. The ab-initio values were present in the system. Solid-state transition reactions occur
used in the optimization. Detailed discussion and compar- below 950 °C (Fig. 5), to yield the phase distribution seen at
ison of the modeling, the magnetic contribution and the 800 and 450 °C (Fig. 6 and 7). Based on the computed
ab-initio calculations were presented by [2009Mat]. The isothermal sections of [2009Mat] and the binary systems, a
available experimental phase diagram data, with the excep- tentative reaction sequence is shown in Fig. 8.
tion of one or two results, were used in the optimization.
The optimized parameters were listed.
[2009Mat] computed seven isothermal sections at 1291,
1250, 1200, 1000, 950, 800 and 450 °C and compared them
with the available experimental data. The overall agreement 1971Lei: K. Leitch and M. Chaturvedi, Ageing Behavior of
was found to be satisfactory. These sections are shown in Fe-30Ni Alloys Containing Nb, Metall. Trans., 1971, 2, p 1407-
Fig. 1-7. At 1291 °C (Fig. 1), the critical line of the three- 1413
phase equilibrium of (L + NbNi3 + Fe2Nb) is seen. This 1975Pan: L.A. Panteleimonov and L.V. Aleshina, Alloys of
temperature is just 1 °C above the experimental pseudobi- the Fe2Nb-Ni3Nb System, Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Khim., 1975,
nary eutectic temperature reported by [1975Pan] along the 16(5), p 630, in Russian
NbNi3-Fe2Nb join. The D85 binary compounds with the 1981Var: K.K. Varli, T.I. Druzhinia, N.P. D’yakonova, S.E.
nominal composition Fe7Nb6 and Nb7Ni6 form a continuous Pirogova, and A.M. Rutman, The Influence of Alloying with
Cobalt and Nickel in the Phase Stability of the Fe-Nb System,
solid solution l at this temperature as well as at lower
Izv. VUZ Chern. Metall., 1981, (9), p 116-118, in Russian
temperatures down to at least 450 °C. At 1250 °C (Fig. 2),
1989Sav: V.V. Savin, Formation and Stability of Laves Phases in
the liquid originating on the Ni-Nb side has split into two the Nickel-Iron-Niobium System, Fiz. Met. Metalloved., 1989,
parts and is separated by a three-phase field of (NbNi3 + 68(1), p 143-149,. in Russian; TR: Phys. Met. Metallogr., 1989,
Fe2Nb + L). At 1200 °C (Fig. 3), that part of the liquid 68(1), p 141-146
which lies within the ternary region has solidified, probably 1991Swa: L.J. Swartzendruber, V.P. Itkin, and C.B. Alcock, The
through a ternary eutectic reaction E, see the reaction Fe-Ni (Iron-Nickel) System, J. Phase Equilib., 1991, 12(3),
sequence in Fig. 8. At 1000 °C (Fig. 4), no liquid phase is p 288-312

182 Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Vol. 31 No. 2 2010

Phase Diagram Evaluations: Section II

1992Rag: V. Raghavan, The Fe-Nb-Ni (Iron-Niobium-Nickel) Phases in Ni-Nb-Fe and Ni-Nb-Fe-Cr at Elevated Temperatures,
System, Phase Diagrams of Ternary Iron Alloys, Part 6B, Indian Superalloys 718, 625, 706 and Various Derivatives, E.A. Loria,
Institute of Metals, Calcutta, 1992, p 1025-1027 Ed., The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale,
1996Bol: A. Bolcavage and U.R. Kattner, Reassessment of the PA, 2001, p 333-344
Calculated Ni-Nb Phase Diagram, J. Phase Equilib., 1996, 2004Rag: V. Raghavan, Fe-Nb-Ni (Iron-Niobium-Nickel),
17(2), p 92-100 J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 2004, 25(6), p 552
1997Uey: T. Ueyama, M.M. Ghanem, N. Miura, M. Takeyama, 2005Tak: M. Takeyama, N. Gomi, S. Morita, and T. Matsuo,
and T. Matsuo, Phase Stability of Ni3Nb-d in Ni-Nb-M Systems Phase Equilibria and Lattice Parameters of Fe2Nb Laves Phase
at Elevated Temperatures, THERMOMEC-97, International in Fe-Ni-Nb Ternary System, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.,
Conference of Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and 2005, 842, p 461-466
Other Materials, Vol 2, 2nd ed., T. Chandra and T. Sakai, Ed., 2006Che: H. Chen and Y. Du, Refinement of the Thermodynamic
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Warrendale, PA, Modeling of the Nb-Ni System, CALPHAD, 2006, 30(3), p 308-315
1997, p 1753-1760 2007Rag: V. Raghavan, Fe-Nb-Ni (Iron-Niobium-Nickel),
2000Tof: C. Toffolon and C. Servant, Thermodynamic Assess- J. Phase Equilib. Diffus., 2007, 28(4), p 389-390
ment of the Fe-Nb System, CALPHAD, 2000, 24(2), p 97-112 2009Mat: M. Mathon, D. Connetable, B. Sundman, and J. Lacaze,
2001Tak: M. Takeyama, S. Morita, A. Yamauchi, M. Yamanaka, Calphad-Type Assessment of the Fe-Nb-Ni Ternary System,
and T. Matsuo, Phase Equilibria Among c, Ni3Nb-d and Fe2Nb-e CALPHAD, 2009, 33, p 136-161

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