Tech - spec - vol - II مهم بو OHTL
Tech - spec - vol - II مهم بو OHTL
Tech - spec - vol - II مهم بو OHTL
Volume – II
Technical Bid
The work covered by this Specification is for 33kV distribution lines as specified herein and in the
attached Schedules. The overhead distribution lines will form a part of the CESU’s distribution
3.0. SCOPE:
Construction of 33 KV New Line from Ranasinghpur 132/33 kV S/S to IOCL depot, at Jatni ,
through a combination of overhead and underground lines.
The work Involves:
a) The detailed survey to be got conducted including route map, tower schedule, soil
investigation reports.
b) The Tower designs to be done and all the BOQ to be freezed
c) The foundation designs to be done for different soil classifications like normal,
submerged, hard rock, fissured rock etc and provisional quantities to be indicated in the
d) Construction of 33kV S/C line through a combination of Overhead line on double circuit
NBLS towers of route length 6.8 km and UG Cable of route length 13.3 km from
132/33kV Ransinghpur grid S/S to IOCL Depot at Jatni.
e) Stringing of 33KV ACSR Panther conductor for a route length of about 6.8kM.
f) Fitting of Insulators & hardware fittings for 33kV line.
g) Construction of foundation (Civil Work) for the towers, 4 poles structure and DPs.
h) Erection of 33 kV Isolator with earth switches (2 nos).
i) Erection of DP structure (2nos ) and 4-Pole structure (1no) with required Insulators and
H/W fittings.
j) Erection of 33 kV Lightning Arrestors (27 nos).
k) Erection of 1 set of HG Fuse unit.
l) Laying of 3core x 400mm2 ,33KV XLPE UG Cable with spare (2 runs) for a distance of
9 kM
m) Laying of 3core x 300mm2, 33KV XLPE, UG Cable with spare (2 runs) for a distance
of 21 kM
n) Straight through Jointing kits of 400mm2 and 300mm2,33KV XLPE Cable.(120 nos)
o) Jointing of HT cable termination end kit for 400mm2 and 300mm2 ,33KV XLPE Cable
(20 nos)
p) Erection of rigid PVC pipes of size 200 mm diameter of length 60mtrs.
The supply of all the required materials on TOTAL TURN KEY is in the scope of the contractor.
The technical specifications for the major materials are mentioned in different sections of this
5.0. Methodology:
The complete procedures for the execution of the project are explained herewith in details.
5.0.1 SURVEY (detail & check, estimating of quantities & spotting of towers/ Poles).
Walk over survey, Theodolite survey, profile survey (if required) shall have to be carried out to
establish the route alignment by the contractor for new 33 KV lines. If the line is passing by any
Municipal/ NAC areas, permission from local bodies, NH authority and State high way authority
has to be obtained prior to execution of work.
The contractor shall undertake the check survey during execution on the basis of the alignment
profile drawing and tower schedule approved by the concerned authority. During check survey,
minor changes due to RoW or any other unavoidable constraints, the contractor may have to
change the said alignment after obtaining prior approval from the authority.
Preliminary route alignment in respect of the proposed 33KV transmission lines has been fixed by
CESU subject to alteration of places due to way leave or other unavoidable constraints. The Right
of way shall be solved by the contractor and all expenses there of shall be borne by him.
However, CESU shall render all helps in co-ordination with law and order department for solving
the same. Involvement of forest land should be restricted as far as possible.
C. Provisional quantities/numbers of different types of tower structures, Length cables, Conductors
etc have been estimated and indicated in the BOQ Schedule given. However final quantities
for work shall be as determined by the successful bidder, on completion of the detail survey,
preparation of route profile drawing and designing of the different items as elaborated in the
specification and scope of work.
D. The contractor shall undertake detailed survey on the basis of the tentative alignment fixed by
CESU. The said preliminary alignment may, however, change in the interest of economy to avoid
forest and hazards in work. While surveying the alternative route the following points shall be
taken care of by the contractor.
I. The line is as near as possible to the available roads in the area and the route is
With the help of sag template, final tower location shall be marked on the profiles and while
locating the tower on survey chart, the following shall be kept in mind:
• The span should be as near as possible to the basic design span so that the minimum
ground clearance should not less than 7.0 mts in cross country at maximum sag
• In urban areas minimum in every Half KM one angle tower (Cut point) has to be
• In other areas in every 1.5 KM one angle tower (Cut point) may be provided.
• Way-leave permission which may be required by the contractor shall be arranged at his
cost. While submitting final-survey report for approval, proposals for way-leave right of
way shall be submitted by the contractor. CESU may extend help to get the permission
within a reasonable time as mutually agreed upon for which due notice shall be given
by the contractor in such a way so that obtaining permission from appropriate authority
do not hinder the continued and smooth progress of the work.
• CESU shall not be held responsible for any claim on account of damage done by the
contractor or his personnel to trees, crops and other properties.
• The contractor shall take necessary precaution to avoid damage to any ripe and
partially grown crops and in the case of unavoidable damage, the CESU shall be
informed and necessary compensation shall be paid by the contractor.
• All the documents required for application to the statutory authorities must be prepared
by the contractor & submitted to the CESU for submission of the application towards
approval of NH authority, State authority etc. However, the responsibilities lie with the
contractor to get the clearance.
•To ascertain soil parameters in locations where higher tower will be required in order to
get adequate ground clearance (Either 220KV or 132 KV tower normally used in OPTCL)
the contractor shall carry out sub-soil investigation through reputed soil consultant as
approved by the CESU.
• The boring shall be done at the major locations / crossing of special towers.
• The test boring through different layers of all kinds of soil shall have to be carried out by
the contractor through the approved soil consultant as briefed hereunder.
a. Method of boring, selection of sampling tubes, sampling, recording of boring,
protection, handling, leveling of samples shall be done as specified in IS: 1892/1977, if
any, after obtaining approval from the CESU. The contractor shall furnish in the soil
report in details, the equipment and method of boring actually adopted.
b. Depth of boring below ground level shall be normally 15 Mts to 25 Mts.,in river
crossing locations.
c. Undisturbed soil samples shall be obtained for the initial 4M depths at every 1.5M
interval and at change of strata. After these initial 4M depths, samples shall be
obtained preferably at every 3M or where there is a change of strata, or as advised by
the CESU.
d. In case collection of undisturbed samples becomes difficult/impossible detailed soil
testing on remolded soil samples is to be considered and reported in the soil report.
e. Standard penetration test as per IS: 2131 with latest amendment shall have to be
conducted in different strata and recorded properly.
f. The ground water table shall be recorded during boring operation and incorporated in
the bore log. If possible, the position of the water table just after monsoon period be
ascertained from local people and indicated in the report.
• The method and procedure of testing of soil sample to be followed shall be as per
relevant IS codes. Adequate volume of test samples shall be collected from site.
• Sample shall be properly sealed immediately after recovery as specified in relevant IS
code and transported carefully to laboratory for carrying out necessary laboratory tests to find
out the following parameters of every samples. Data and time of taking of the sample shall be
recorded in the test report.
a) Natural moisture content, Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Plasticity index.
b) Bulk, dry and buoyant density of soil.
c) Void ratio (e-long P curve shall be submitted)
d) Specific gravity.
e) Grain size distribution (Sieve analysis and hydrometer analysis)
f) Tri-axial and consolidation tests (consolidation undrained andconsolidated
drained as and when application in table, graph and drawing.
g) Permeability tests
h) Chemical tests for both water and soil samples at different layers.
i) Evaluation of safe bearing capacity at different strata for square footings shall
be done for a maximum value of 25-mm. settlements.
j) At depths from 3M to 25 different strata.
k) Factor of safety shall be considered as 3 for evaluation of safe bearing
capacity of soil.
l) Unconfined compression test for cohesive soil if encountered.
• The contractor shall make analysis of soil samples as collected by him in the field and
approved by the CESU. A comprehensive report shall have to be prepared by him, finally
incorporating all the data collected in proper tabular forms or otherwise along with the
• Recommendations shall include but not be limited to the following items (a) to (o)
b) Past observations and historical data, if available, for the area or for other areas
with similar profile or for similar structures in the nearby area.
c) Procedure of investigations employed at field as well as laboratory test results.
d) Net safe bearing capacity and settlement computation for different types of
foundations for various widths and depths of tower and building.
e) Recommendations regarding stability of slopes, during excavations etc.
f) Selection of foundation types for towers, transformers and buildings etc.
g) Bore hole and trial pit logs on standard proforma showing the depths,
extent of various soil strata etc.
h) A set of longitudinal and transverse profiles connecting various boreholes shall
be presented in order to give a clear picture of the site, how the soil/rock
strata are varying vertically and horizontally.
i) Modulus of sub grade reaction from plate load test for pressure
ranging up to 6 kg/cm². The recommended values shall include the effect of
size, shape and depth of foundations.
j) Deformation modulus from plate load test in various test depth/stratification.
k) Coefficient of earth pressure at rest.
l) Depth of ground water table and its effect on foundation design parameters.
m) Recommendations regarding stability of slopes, during shallow excavation etc.
n) Whether piles are necessary or not. If piles are necessary, recommendation of
depth, diameter and types of piles to be used.
o) Recommendations for the type of cement to be used and any treatment to the
underground concrete structure based on the chemical composition of soil and
sub-soil water.
Bill Of Material For Construction of 33 kV S/C line on D/C NBLS towers and Underground
Cable with Spare from Ransinghpur (OPTCL) S/S to IOCL Depot, Jatni, Odisha on Total Turn
Key basis
Sl No Description Of Item Unit Quantity
1 Supply of materials for NBLS Tower which includes Design, fabrication, galvanizing & and all
hardware accessories with a provision of 33kVdouble circuit line.
Hx tower (1.05 MT)
Hz tower 2.58 MT
Hx (Hardware Fittings-0.054 MT)
Hz (Hardware Fittings-0.149 MT)
Extension (Hz)-0.757 MT
Extension (Hardware Fittings- 0.024 MT)
2 Supply of materials for NBLS Tower foundation with design, fabrication, galvanizing with all
hardware accessories.
Hx tower foundation with Stub-0.131 MT No
Hz tower foundation with Stub-0.526MT No
Supply of ACSR Panther conductor ( as per IS 22.5
standard) on the NBLS towers for single circuit.
Supply of materials for 2 nos. of DP structure of Metering Unit at either ends and one no of
4 Pole structure inside Janla 33/11KV Structure,
i) 11mtr R.S. Joist (150mmx150mm) No
ii) 11 kV Insulators No
to be filled up by bidder
iii) H/W fittings - As required. Kg
iv) Stay sets (2 nos. per DP) Sets
to be filled up by bidder
v) MS Channel- As required Kg
ix) Isolator with earth switch for 4 Pole structure Sets
x) HG Fuse set for 4 pole structure Sets
Supply of 3core x 400mm2 33KV XLPE Underground Cabling for a route length of 4.0 kM and
Supply of 3core x 300mm2 33KV XLPE Underground Cabling for a route length of 9.3 kM
33kV Conductors
This section covers design, manufacture, testing before dispatch, packing, supply and
delivery F.O.R destination of kMs of "PANTHER" ACSR Conductor of size 30/7/3.00mm.
2.1 The Conductor shall also comply in all respects with the IS:398 (Part-II) 1996 with latest
amendments unless otherwise stipulated in this specification or any other International
Standards which ensure equal or higher quality material.
2.2 The ACSR Conductor shall also conform to the following standards
Sr. Indian Title International
No. Standards Standards
1 IS : 209 Specification BS : 3436 for zinc
2 IS : 398 Part Specification IEC : 209 for aluminum BS :
I to V As 215 conductor for (Part-II) overhead
relevant) Transmission purpose.
3 IS : 1778 Reels and BS : 1559 Drums for Bare
4 IS : 1521 Method of Ten-ISO / R 89 site testing of
Steel wire.
5 IS : 2629 Recommended practice for Hot dip
galvanising of Iron and Steel.
6 IS : 2633 Method of Testing uniformity of coating of
zinc coated articles.
7 IS : 4826 Galvanised coating quoting on round steel ASTM A –
wire. 472 729
8 IS : 6745 Methods of determination of weight of zinc BS
BS :: 443
coating of zinc coated iron and steel articles.
9 IS : 8263 Method of radio Interference tests on high IEC:437
voltage Insulators NEMA : 107
10 IS : 1841 EC grade aluminium rod produced by rolling CISPR
(Second Revision)
11 IS : 5484 EC grade aluminium rod produced by
continuous casting and rolling (first revision)
2.3 However, in an event where the supplier offers ACSR conductor conforming to standards
other than the above, then the salient points of comparison between the standards
adopted and the standards quoted herein shall be detailed in relevant schedule with an
authenticated English version of such standards referred to.
The General Technical Requirements are given in Clause-31.0. The Conductor shall conform
to these technical requirements.
3.1.1 The material offered shall be of best quality and workmanship. The steel cored aluminium
conductor strands shall consist of hard drawn aluminium wire manufactured from not less
than 99.5% pure electrolytic aluminium rods of E.C. grade and copper content not exceeding
0.04%. They shall have the same properties and characteristics as prescribed in IEC:889-
1987. The steel wire shall be made from material produced either by the acid or basic open
hearth process or by electric furnace process or basic oxygen process. Steel wire drawn from
Bessemer Process shall not be used.
3.1.2 The steel wires shall be evenly and uniformly coated with electrolytic high grade, 99.95%
purity zinc complying with the latest issue of IS-209 for zinc. The uniformity of zinc coating
and the weight of coating shall be in accordance with standard specification and shall be
tested and determined according to the latest IS-2633 or any other authoritative standard.
3.1.3 The steel strands shall be hot dip galvanized and shall have a minimum zinc coating of 250
gm/Sq.m after stranding. The coating shall be smooth, continuous, and of uniform thickness,
free from imperfections and shall withstand minimum three dips after stranding in standard
preece test. The steel strands shall be preformed and postformed in order to prevent
spreading of strands in the event of cutting of composite core wire. The properties and
characteristics of finished strands and individual wires shall be as prescribed in IEC:888-
4.1 The Parameters of individual strands and composite steel cored aluminium conductor, shall be
in accordance with the standard specification values.
4.2 Creep in a conductor is attributed partly due to settlement of strands and partly due to non-
elastic elongation of metal when subjected to load. The manufacturer of conductor shall
furnish the amount of creep which will take place in 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years along with
the supporting calculations. The calculations should be based on everyday temperature of 32
ºC and everyday tension of 25% of UTS of conductor of 33 KV Lines.
5.1 The tolerances on standard diameter of Aluminium and Steel wires shall be as detailed in
specific technical requirements.
5.2 The cross-section of any wire shall not depart from circularity by more than an amount
corresponding to the tolerance on the standard diameter.
5.3 The details of diameters, lay ratios of Aluminium and steel wires shall be in accordance with
the standard specification.
6.1 All aluminum and steel strands shall be smooth, and free from all imperfections, spills/and
splits. The finished conductor shall be smooth, compact, uniform and free from all
imperfections including spills and splits, die marks, scratches, abrasions, scuff marks, kinks
(protrusion of wires), dents, pressmarks, cut marks, wire cross-over, over-riding looseness,
pressure and/or unusual bangle noise on tapping, material inclusions, white rust, powder
formation or black spots (on account of reaction with trapped rain water etc.,), dirt, grit, etc.
The surface of conductor shall be free from points, sharp edges, abrasions or other
departures from smoothness or uniformity of surface contour that would increase radio
interference and corona losses. When subjected to tension upto 50% of the ultimate strength
of the conductor, the surface shall not depart from the cylindrical form nor any part of the
component parts or strands move relative to each other in such a way as to get out of place
and disturb the longitudinal smoothness of the conductor.
There shall be no joints in finished steel wires forming the core of the steel reinforced
aluminium conductor.
8.1 The wires used in construction of the stranded conductor, shall, before stranding, satisfy all
requirements of IS-398 (Part-II)1996.
8.2 In all constructions, the successive layers shall be stranded in opposite directions. The
wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded round the underlying wire or
wires. The outer most layer of wires shall have a right hand lay. The lay ratio of the different
layers shall be within the limits as per standard specification.
9.1 The conductor shall be supplied in non-returnable strong wooden drums provided with lagging
of adequate strength constructed to protect the conductor against any damage and
displacement during transit, storage and subsequent handling and stringing operations in the
field. The drums shall generally conform to IS-1778-1980 and latest version except as
otherwise specified hereinafter. The conductor drums shall be adequate to wind one
standard length of 2500 meters PANTHER ACSR conductor.
9.2 The drums shall be suitable for wheel mounting and for letting off the conductor under a
minimum controlled tension of the order of 5KN. The conductor drums shall be provided with
necessary clamping arrangements so as to be suitable for tension stringing of power
9.3 The bidders should submit their drawings of the conductor drums along with the bid. After
placement of letter of intent the supplier shall submit four copies of fully dimensioned
drawing of the drum for purchaser's approval. After getting approval from the purchaser,
supplier shall submit 30 more copies of the approved drawings for further distribution and
field use at Board's end.
9.4 All wooden components shall be manufactured out of seasoned soft wood free from
defects that may materially weaken the component parts of the drums. Preservative
treatment for anti-termite/anti fungus shall be applied to the entire drum with preservatives of
a quality which is not harmful to the conductor.
9.5 All flanges shall be 2-ply construction with 64 mm thickness. Each ply shall be nailed and
clenched together at approximately 90 degrees. Nails shall be driven from the inside face of
the flange, punched and then clenched on the outer face. Flange boards shall not be less
than the nominal thickness by more than 2 mm. There shall not be less than 2 nails per board
in each circle.
9.6 The wooden battens used for making the barrel of the conductor shall be of segmental type.
These shall be nailed to the barrel supports with at least two nails. The battens shall be
closely butted and shall provide a round barrel with smooth external surface. The edges of
the battens shall be rounded or chamfered to avoid damage to the conductor.
9.7 Barrel studs shall be used for construction of drums. The flanges shall be holed and the barrel
supports slotted to receive them. The barrel studs shall be threaded over a length on either
end, sufficient to accommodate washers, spindle plates and nuts for fixing flanges at the
required spacing.
9.8 Normally, the nuts on the studs shall stand protruded of the flanges. All the nails used on the
inner surface of the flanges and the drum barrel shall be countersunk. The ends of the barrel
shall generally be flushed with the top of the nuts.
9.9 The inner cheek of the flanges and drum barrel surface shall be painted with bitumin
based paint.
9.10 Before reeling, card board or double corrugated or thick bituminised waterproof bamboo paper
shall be secured to the drum barrel and inside of flanges of the drum by means of a suitable
commercial adhesive material. The paper should be dried before use. Medium grade kraft
paper shall be used in between the layers of the conductor. After reeling the conductor the
exposed surface of the outer layer of conductor shall be wrapped with thin polythene sheet
across the flanges to preserve the conductor from dirt, grit and damage during transportation
and handling and also to prevent ingress of rain water during storage/transport.
9.11 A minimum space of 75 mm shall be provided between the inner surface of the external
protective lagging and outer layer of the conductor. Outside the protective lagging, there shall
be minimum of two binders consisting of hoop iron/galvanised steel wire. Each protective
lagging shall have two recesses to accommodate the binders.
9.12 Each batten shall be securely nailed across grains as far as possible to the flange edges with
atleast 2 nails per end. The length of the nails shall not be less than twice the thickness of
the battens. The nail shall not protrude above the general surface and shall not have
exposed sharp edges or allow the battens to be released due to corrosion.
9.13 The conductor ends shall be properly sealed and secured with the help of U-nails on one side
of the flanges.
9.14 Only one standard length of conductor shall be wound on each drum. The method of lagging
to be employed shall be clearly stated in the tender.
9.15 As an alternative to wooden drum Bidder may also supply the conductors in non- returnable
painted steel drums. The painting shall conform to IS:9954-1981,reaffirmed in 1992. Wooden/
steel drum will be treated at par for evaluation purpose and accordingly the Bidder should
quote the package.
10.1 The drum number shall be branded or gauged or stencilled into the flange. An arrow shall be
marked on the sides of the drum, together with the words "Roll this way". Each drum shall
have the following information provided on the outside of the flange stencilled with indelible
a) Manufacturer's name and address.
b) Contract/Specification number.
c) Size and type of conductor.
d) Net weight of the conductor.
e) Gross weight of the conductor and drum.
f) Length of the conductor.
g) Position of the conductor end.
h) Drum and lot number.
i) Name and address of the consignee.
j) Month and year of manufacture.
k) The drum may also be marked with standard specification as per which the conductor is
Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa Page 18
Tender Specification for Construction of 33kV new line for IOCL, Jatani, Khurda/Odisha
11.1 The standard length of the conductor shall be 2500 metres. Bidder shall indicate the standard
length of the conductor to be offered by them. A tolerance of plus or minus 5% on the
standard length offered by the bidder shall be permitted. All lengths outside this limit of
tolerance shall be treated as random lengths.
11.2 Random lengths will be accepted provided no length is less than 70% of the standard length
and total quantity of such random length shall not be more than 10% of the total quantity
order. When one number random length has been manufactured at any time, five (5) more
individual lengths, each equivalent to the above random length with a tolerance of +/-5% shall
also be manufactured and all above six random lengths shall be dispatched in the same
shipment. At any point, the cumulative quantity supplied including such random lengths shall
not be more than 12.5% of the total cumulative quantity supplied including such random
lengths. However, the last 20% of the quantity ordered shall be supplied only in standard
length as specified.
11.3 Bidder shall also indicate the maximum single length, above the standard length, he can
manufacture in the guaranteed technical particulars of offer. This is required for special
stretches like river crossing etc. The Purchaser reserves the right to place orders for the
above lengths on the same terms and conditions applicable for the standard lengths during
the pendency of the Contract.
A Quality Assurance Plan including customer hold points covering the manufacturing
activities of the material shall be required to be submitted by the tenderer to the purchaser
along with the tender. The Quality Assurance Plan after the same is found acceptable, will
be approved by the purchaser.The contractor shall follow the approved Quality Assurance
Plan in true spirit. If desired by the purchaser, he shall give access to all the documents and
materials to satisfy the purchaser that the Quality Assurance Plan is being properly followed.
13.1.1 The samples shall be taken from a continuous length of conductor and subjected to all the
tests specified in clause 14.
13.2.1 Before dispatch from the works individual wire and finished steel cored aluminium
conductor shall be subjected to the tests as specified in IS:398 or any other
authoritative standard.
13.2.2 Sample for individual wires for test shall be taken before stranding from outer ends of not
less than ten per cent of the spools in the case of aluminium wire and ten per cent of the wire
coils in the case of steel wires. If samples are taken after stranding, they shall be obtained by
cutting 1.2 metres from the outer ends of the finished conductor from not more than 10 per
cent of the finished reels.
13.2.3 The routine tests shall be same as acceptance test and shall be carried out on each coil.
14.0 TESTS
a) Visual examination
b) Measurement of diameters of individual aluminium and steel wires.
c) Measurement of lay ratio of each layer
d) Breaking load test
e) Ductility test
f) Wrapping test
g) Resistance test on aluminium wires.
h) DC resistance Test on Composite Conductor.
i) Galvanizing test
j) Surface condition test.
k) Stress Strain test
l) Procedure qualification test on welded joint of Aluminium Strands.
NOTE :- The tenderer should submit type test certificates of a standard laboratory alongwith the
tender, failing which the tender is liable for rejection.
The conductor shall be examined visually for good workmanship and general surface finish of
the conductor. The conductor drums shall be rewound in the presence of Board's Inspecting
Officer. The Inspector will initially check for Scratches, Joints etc., and that the conductor
shall generally conform to the requirements of the specifications/IS 398(Part-II)-1996.
The diameters of individual Aluminium and Steel Wires shall be checked to ensure that they
conform to the requirements of this specification.
14.6 Measurement of lay-ratios
The lay-ratios of each layer of the conductor shall be measured and checked to ensure that
they conform to the requirements of this specification and IS:398 (Part- II)-1996.
14.7 Breaking load test
Circles perpendicular to the axis of the conductor shall be marked at two places on a sample
of conductor of minimum 5m length between fixing arrangement suitably fixed on a tensile
testing machine. The load shall be increased at a steady rate upto 50% of minimum specified
UTS and held for one minute. The circles drawn shall not be distorted due to relative
movement of strands. Thereafter the load shall be increased at steady rate to 100% of UTS
and held for one minute. The Conductor sample shall not fail during this period. The applied
load shall then be increased until the failing load is reached and the value recorded.
14.7.2 Breaking load test on individual Aluminium and Galvanized steel wires.
This test shall be conducted on both Aluminium and Galvanized steel wires. The breaking
load of one specimen cut from each of the samples taken shall be determined by means of
suitable tensile testing machine. The load shall be applied gradually and the rate of
separation of the jaws of the testing machine shall be not less than 25 mm/min. and not
greater than 100 mm. / min. The ultimate breaking load of the specimens shall be not less
than the values as per standard specification.
14.8 Ductility Test
For the purpose of this test both torsion and elongation tests shall be carried out on
galvanized steel wires only.
One specimen cut from each of the samples taken shall be gripped in two vices exactly 15
cms. apart. One of the vices shall be made to revolve at a speed not exceeding one
revolution per second and the other shall be capable of moving longitudinally to allow for
contraction or expansion during testing. A small tensile load not exceeding 2 (two) percent of
the breaking load of the wire shall be applied to the samples during testing. The test shall be
continued until fracture occurs and the fracture shall show a smooth surface at right angles
to the axis of the wire. After fracture, the specimen shall be free from helical splits. The
sample shall withstand a number of twists equivalent to not less than 18 on length equal to
100 times the diameter. When twisted after stranding the number of complete twists before
fracture occurs shall be not less than 16 on a length equal to 100 times the diameter of the
wire. In case test sample length is less or more than 100 times the stranded diameter of the
strand, the minimum number of twists will be proportioned to the length and if number comes
in the fraction then it will be rounded off to the next higher whole number. The fracture shall
show a smooth surface at right angles to the axis of the wire.
The elongation of one specimen cut from each of the samples taken shall be determined. The
specimen shall be straightened by hand and an original gauge length of 200 mm. shall be
marked on the wire. A tensile load shall be applied as described in and the
elongation shall be measured after the fractured ends have been fitted together. If the
fracture occurs outside the gauge marks, or within 25 mm. of either mark and the required
elongation is not obtained, the test shall be disregarded and another test conducted. When
tested before stranding, the elongation shall be not less than 4 percent and when tested after
stranding, the elongation shall be not less than 3.5 percent.
14.11 Wrapping Test
This test shall be conducted on both Aluminium and Galvanised steel wires.
14.11.1 Aluminium wires
One specimen cut from each of the samples of aluminium wires shall be wrapped
round a wire of its own diameter to form a close helix of 8 turns. Six turns shall then be
unwrapped and closely wrapped in the same direction as before. The wire shall not break or
show any crack.
14.11.2 Galvanized steel wires
One specimen cut from each of the samples of galvanized steel wire taken shall be wrapped
round a mandrel of diameter equal to 4 times the wire diameter to form a close helix of 8
turns. Six turns shall then be unwrapped and again closely wrapped in the same direction as
before. The wire shall not break.
This test shall be conducted on aluminium wires only, conforming to procedure as per
IEC:889. The electrical resistance of one specimen of aluminium wire cut from each of the
samples taken shall be measured at ambient temperature. The measured resistance shall be
corrected to the value corresponding to 20 degrees C. by means of following formula.
R20 = RT------------------------
1+ alpha x (T-20) Where
R20 = Resistance corrected at 20 degrees C.
RT = Resistance measured at T degrees C.
alpha = Constant mass temperature coefficient of resistance 0.004.
T = Ambient temperature during measurement
This resistance calculated to 20 degrees C. shall be not more than the maximum value
specified in standard specification.
This test shall be conducted on galvanized steel wires only. The uniformity of Zinc
coating and the weight of coating shall be in accordance with IS 4826-1979.
A sample of the finished conductor for use in 33 KV system having a minimum length of 5
meters with compression type dead end clamps compressed on both ends in such manner as to
permit the conductor to take its normal straight line shape, shall be subjected to a tension of 50
percent of the UTS of the conductor. The surface shall not depart from its cylindrical shape nor shall
the strands move relative to each other so as to get out of place or disturb the longitudinal
smoothness of conductor. The measured diameter at any place shall be not less than the sum of
the minimum specified diameters of the individual aluminium and steel strands.
The test is contemplated only to collect the creep data of the conductor from the
manufacturer. A sample of conductor of minimum 10 meters length shall be suitably
compressed with dead end clamps.
15.1 The test sample shall be supported in a trough over its full length and the trough adjusted so
that the conductor will not be lifted by more than 10mm under tension. This shall be
ascertained by actual measurement.
15.2 The distance between the clamp and the sleeve mouth shall be monitored with callipers during
the test to ensure that, after the test, it does not change by more than 1mm + 0.1mm from
the value before the test.
15.3 The conductor strain shall be evaluated from the measured displacements at the two ends of
the gauge length of the sample. The gauge reference targets shall be attached to the
clamps which lock the steel and aluminium wires together. Target plates may be used with
dial gauges or displacement transducers and care shall be taken to position the plates
perpendicular to the conductor. Twisting the conductor, lifting it and moving it from side-to-
side by the maximum amounts expected during the test should introduce no more than
0.3mm error in the reading.
16.0 Test Loads for Complete Conductor
The loading conditions for repeated stress-strain tests for complete conductor shall be as
16.1 1KN load shall be applied initially to straighten the conductor. The load shall be removed after
straightening and then the strain gauges are to be set at zero tension.
16.2 For non-continuous stress-strain data, the strain readings at 1KN intervals at lower
tensions and 5 KN intervals above 30% of UTS shall be recorded.
16.3 The sample shall be reloaded to 30% of UTS and held for 1 hour. Readings are to be noted
after 5, 10,15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes during the hold period. The load shall be released then
after the hold period.
16.4 The sample shall be reloaded to 50% of UTS and held for 1 hour. Readings are to be
noted after 5, 10,15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes during the hold period. The load shall be
released then after the hold period.
16.5 Reloading upto 70% of UTS shall be done and held for 1 hour. Readings are to be
noted after 5, 10,15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The load shall be released.
16.6 Reloading upto 85% of UTS shall be done and held for 1 hour. Readings are to be
noted after 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes and the load shall be released then.
16.7 Tension shall be applied again and shall be increased uniformly until the actual breaking
strength is reached. Simultaneous readings of tension and elongation shall be recorded upto
90% of UTS at the intervals.
17.0 Test Loads for steel core only
The loading conditions for repeated stress-strain tests for the steel core of ACSR shall be as
17.1 The test shall consist of successive applications of load applied in a manner similar to that for
the complete conductor at 30%, 50%, 70% and 85% of UTS.
17.2 The steel core shall be loaded until the elongation at the beginning of each hold period
corresponds to that obtained on the complete conductor at 30%, 50%, 70% and 85% of UTS
18.0 Stress-strain curves
The design stress-strain curve shall be obtained by drawing a smooth curve through the 0.5
and 1 hour points at 30%,50% and 70% of UTS loadings. The presence of any aluminium
slack that can be related to any observed extrusion entering the span from the compression
dead ends shall be removed from the lower ends of the design curves. Both the laboratory
and standard stress-strain curves shall be submitted to the purchaser alongwith test results.
The stress-strain data obtained during the test shall be corrected to the standard temperature
i.e. 20 deg.C.
On a conductor sample of minimum 5m length, two contact clamps shall be fixed with a pre-
determined bolt torque. The resistance of the sample shall be measured by a Kelvin double
bridge by placing the clamps initially zero metre and subsequently one metre apart. The test
shall be repeated at least five times and the average value recorded. The value obtained
shall be corrected to the value at 20 deg C as per clause no.12.8 of IS:398 (Part-II)-
1982/1996.The corrected resistance value at 20 deg.C shall conform to the requirements of
this specification.
20.0 Procedure Qualification test on welded Aluminium Strands.
Two Aluminium wires shall be welded as per the approved quality plan and shall be
subjected to tensile load. The breaking strength of the welded joint of the wire shall not be
less than the guaranteed breaking strength of individual strands.
21.0 Chemical Analysis of Aluminium and steel
Samples taken from the Aluminium and Steel ingots / coils/ strands shall be chemically/
Spectrographically analysed. The same shall be in conformity with the requirements stated in
this specification.
22.0 Chemical Analysis of zinc
Samples taken from the zinc ingots shall be chemically / spectrographically analysed.The
same shall be in conformity with the requirements stated in this specification.
24.1 In case of failure in any type test, the supplier is either required to manufacture fresh sample
lot and repeat all the tests successfully once or repeat that particular type test three times
successfully on the sample selected from the already manufactured lot at his own expenses.
In case a fresh lot is manufactured for testing then the lot already manufactured shall be
24.2 If samples are taken for test after stranding and if any selected reel fails in the retest, the
manufacturer may test each and every reel and submit them for further inspection. All
The contractor should arrange for inspection by the representative of the purchaser specially
authorized for this purpose. At least 50% of the total number of drums of conductor subject to
minimum of two taken at random should be checked to ascertain the length of conductor.
Arrangements should be made available in the works of the manufacturer for transferring the
conductor from one reel to another at the same time measuring the length of the conductor
so transferred by means of a meter.
The Owner reserves the right of having at his own expenses any other test(s) of reasonable
nature carried out at Bidder's premises, at site, or in any other standard Laboratory in addition
to the aforesaid type, acceptance and routine tests to satisfy himself that the materials
comply with the specifications.
27.1 The breakup of the testing charges for the type tests specified shall be indicated separately.
27.2 Bidder shall indicate the laboratories in which they propose to conduct the type test.
They shall ensure that adequate facilities are available in the laboratories and the tests can
be completed in these laboratories within the time schedule guaranteed by them.
27.3 The entire cost of testing for the acceptance and routine tests and tests during
manufacture specified herein shall be treated as included in the quoted unit price of the
conductor, except for the expenses of the inspector/Purchaser's representative.
27.4 In case of failure in any type test, if repeat type tests are required to be conducted then all the
expenses for deputation of Inspector/Purchaser's representative shall be deducted from the
contract price. Also if on receipt of the supplier's notice of testing, the Purchaser's
representative does not find 'plant' to be ready for testing, the expenses incurred by the
Purchaser for redeputation shall be deducted from contract price.
28.0 Test Reports
28.1 Copies of type test reports shall be furnished in at least six copies alongwith one original. One
copy will be returned duly certified by the Purchaser only after which the commercial
production of the material shall start.
28.2 Record of Routine test reports shall be maintained by the supplier at his works during
inspection by the Purchaser's representative.
28.3 Test certificates of Tests during manufacture shall be maintained by the supplier. These shall
be produced for verification as and when desired by the Purchaser.
29.0 Test Facilities
The following additional test facilities shall be available at the supplier's works:
a) Calibration of various testing and measuring equipment including tensile testing machine,
resistance measurement facilities, burette, thermometer, barometer,etc.
b) Standard resistance for calibration of resistance bridges.
c) Finished Conductor shall be checked for length verification and surface finish on separate
rewinding machine at reduced speed(variable from 8 to 16 meters per minute).The rewinding
facilities shall have appropriate clutch system and be free of vibrations, jerks etc with traverse
laying facilities.
30.1 The Owner's representative shall, at all times, be entitled to have access to the works and all
places of manufacture where conductor shall be manufactured and the representative shall
have full facilities for unrestricted inspection of the Bidder's works, raw materials and process
of manufacture and conducting necessary tests as detailed herein.
30.2 The Bidder shall keep the Owner informed in advance of the time of starting and of the
progress of manufacture of conductor in its various stages so that arrangements can be
made for inspection.
30.3 The contractor will intimate the purchaser about carrying out of the tests at least 15days in
advance of the scheduled date of tests during which the purchaser will arrange to depute his
representative/s to be present at the time of carrying out of the tests. Six (6) copies of the test
reports shall be submitted.
30.4 No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture before it has been
satisfactorily inspected and tested, Unless the inspection is waived off by the owner in
writing. In the later case also, the conductor shall be dispatched only after satisfactory
testing for all tests specified herein has been completed and approved by the owner.
30.5 The acceptance of any quantity of material shall in no way relieve the Bidder of any of his
responsibilities for meeting all requirements of the specification, and shall not prevent
subsequent rejection if such material is later found to be defective.
30.6 At least 50% of the total number of drums subject to minimum of two in any lot put up for
inspection, shall be selected at random to ascertain the length of conductor by the following
method:"At the works of the manufacturer of the conductor, the conductor shall be transferred
from one drum to another at the same time measuring its length with the help of a graduated
pulley and Cyclometer. The difference in the average length thus obtained and as declared
by the Bidder in the packing list shall be applied to all the drums if the conductor is found
short during checking".
If the tenderer has any exceptions to any of the clause/s laid down in this specification,
these should be clearly stated in the schedule of deviations / variations.
System Particulars
a) Line Voltage (kV) 33
b) Highest System Voltage (kV) 36
c) Number of Circuits 1
d) Frequency HZ 50
e) Neutral effectively earthed
j) Short circuit level (KA) 31.8KA
k) Conductor : Panther ACSR
l) IS applicable: IS-398 (part-II)1996 latest revision.
m) Wire diameter: Panther
After stranding :
e) Minimum ultimate tensile stress of strand (KG/Sq mm) :
f) Co-efficient of linear expansion :
21. D.C. Resistance at 20 degrees C in ohms/Km :
22. Zinc coating of steel wire in gms/m2:
a) Number of 1 minute dips. :
b) Minimum weight of Zinc Coating:
c) Process of Galvanizing :
d) Quality of Zinc :
23. Joints in strands a) Steel :
b) Aluminium :
c) Method of making joint :
d) Ultimate tensile strength of joint :
24. Maximum single length of conductor which can be manufactured in km :
25. Standard length of each piece in Km. :
26. a) Tolerance if any on standard lengths :
b) Details of random lengths :
27. No. of standard length in one reel :
28. Type of Drums and IS applicable :
29. Dimensions of the Drum in cm. : (Drawing shall be enclosed)
30. Weight of the Drum in kg :
with conductor :
empty Drum with lagging :
31. Details of marking on conductor drum :
32. Whether the drums are suitable for use with tension stringing equipment. :
33. Standard according to which the conductor will be manufactured and tested :
a) Certification Mark if any :
b) Test certificate enclosed : Yes/No
34. Chemical composition of high carbon steel wire :
35. Initial & Final sag and Tension charts Furnished:
36. Stress/Strain data corresponding to different tensions, temperatures and time
furnished. :
37. Curves/tables of creep compensation corresponding to different tensions
temperatures furnished :
38. Other details if any :
NBLS Towers
Support Structures shall be of lattice type double circuit. Both suspension and tension poles in case
of all 33 KV lines. Suitable extension where ever necessary in case mini base tower is to be used.
The total steel structures to be inducted to the existing or as additional features should be
galvanized with minimum zinc coating of 610 gms / Sq. Mts. Any new design (approved and
tested in any approved test bed) as per the required parameters is also acceptable. The
materials must conform to IS: 800. The entire test on materials and fabrication etc will be as per the
relevant Indian standards.
In different crossings the contractor shall take into consideration the prevailing regulations of the
respective authorities before finalizing type and location of the towers. While carrying out survey
work, the contractor has to collect all relevant data, prepare and submit drawings in requisite
number for obtaining clearance from road, aviation, railways, and river and forest authorities.
Earthing of tower.
Fixing of Insulator and accessories, paving out and stringing of conductors with all
accessories, fittings, dampers etc. complete for power conductors.
Paving out and stringing of earth wire with all accessories, fittings of dampers etc.
complete for earth wire.
Checking and commissioning of the line after completion of all erection works.
Getting clearance from Chief Electrical Inspector ( CEI) Govt. of Orissa.
Solving all type of ROW problem and payment of compensation at his own cost to make the
location free for construction erection and stringing work.
Payment of all type of crop compensation at his own cost.
The contractor shall arrange the security for watch and ward for the entire work including the
work already done till handing over of the line at his own cost. Engaging own security at own
cost till final handing over of the line to CESU.
Any incidental work not covered in the specification but are required for completion of
Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa Page 32
Tender Specification for Construction of 33kV new line for IOCL, Jatani, Khurda/Odisha
• All bolts shall be property class 5.6 of property class 5.0 and nuts shall be of
properly class 5.0 HRH and shall conform to the requirements of Indian standard
Specification IS:1367(Part 3)– 1991, IS: 6639-1972 and galvanizing quality shall
be as per IS: 538. All bolts and nuts shall be of minimum diameter of 16 mm. unless
otherwise stated. All mild steel for bolts and nuts when tested in accordance with the
following Indian Standard Specification shall have a tensile strength of not less than
44 kg/ and a minimum elongation of 23 percent on a gauge length of 5.6 A,
where ‘A’ is the cross sectional area of the test specimen. Washers shall be made of
steel conforming to IS: 961 as may be applicable under the provisions of the
contract. Zinc reached Epoxy Paints to be used for shop coat of fabricated steel
(other than galvanized) under the purview of
this contract shall conform to IS: 2074 – Ready mixed paint, red oxide –zinc
chromate priming.
• All steel materials required for the work will be supplied by the Contractor unless
otherwise specified elsewhere in the contract. The materials shall be free from all
imperfections, mill scale, slag intrusions, laminations, pitting, rusts, etc. that may
impair their strength, durability and appearance.
• All materials shall be of tested quality only, test certificates in respect of each
consignment of structural steel work delivered to the site shall be submitted to the
• Electrodes for manual metal are welding shall be of approved manufacturer and
conforming to the relevant Indian Standard Codes of Practice and Specification. They
shall be of the heavily coated type and the thickness of the coating shall be uniform
and concentric .With each container of electrodes, the manufacturer shall furnish
instructions giving recommended voltage and amperage,(and polarity in the case of
direct current supply), for which the electrodes are suitable.
Note: All Iron materials including Joist, Angle, Channel, Cross Arms,
Pins, Tower members etc used in this project shall be galvanized of
• Mild Steel: When tested in accordance with the following Indian Standard
Specifications all mild steel for bolts and nuts shall have a tensile strength of not less
than 44 Kg/mm² and a minimum elongation of 23 percent on a gauge length of 5.6
A, where ―’A’ is the cross sectional area of the test
IS: 1367 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners
IS: 1608 Method for tensile testing of steel products other than sheet,
strip, and wire tube
• Steel: All steel materials shall comply with the relevant Indian Standard
Specifications, described above. Where imported steel material is used, this shall
conform to the relevant international specification which is deemed to be appropriate
by the Engineer.
• Bolts, Nuts and Washers: All bolts and nuts shall conform fully to the
requirements of Indian Standard Specification IS: 1367. Materials for bolts and nuts
under the purview of this contract shall comply with any of the following Indian
Standard Specifications as may be applicable.
• High Tensile Steel: The material used for the manufacturer of high tensile steel
bolts and nuts shall have the requirements of IS:1367
• Washers: Washers shall be made of steel conforming to the appropriate
Indian Standard Specifications including, but not limited to IS: 1977, IS: 2062, IS:
The stress analysis shall be conducted by any suitable method for all types of steel
structures including towers, Line supporting structures, considering following worst case load
combinations as applicable for respective structures: -
• All possible combinations of dead loads, service loads and on any other
applicable Loads as derived.
• Wind induced loads.
• Inertial forces induced due to seismic activities.
• Thermal stresses.
• Any other special loads like short circuit forces (CTC) during service period of
structures and during erection stages.
Usage of INHOUSE developed software shall not be permitted. Only standard widely
used and tested software‘s i.e. STAAD-3, COSMOS, SAP-90 etc shall be used for analysis
and design of structure.
• Conductor Tension: The tension for conductors will be 1000 Kg. And for shielding
wire will be 750 kg. Angle of deviation with respect to direction normal to take off
structure beam will be 0 deg. to 15 deg.
• Short Circuit Loading: Short circuit forces including snatch in the case of bundle
conductors shall be considered according to manufacturers specification.
• For the design of the steel structures, simultaneous application of loads as indicated
shall be considered. The direction of wind should be assumed such as to produce the
maximum Stress in any member for the combination of wind load and wire tensions.
Strung Bus Bars
• Wind load on bus bars, shield wires, insulator strings, electrical equipments
structure members etc.
• Unbalanced loads due to wire tension.
• Dead loads of wire, insulators, electrical Line and structure members.
Steel structure dimensions, framing, member sizes and length, number, size and length of
bolts, thickness of each of the fillers and other necessary details to fabricate each piece
Step bolts
Step bolts shall be of 16-mm. diameters and shall have round or hexagonal head.
Each step bolt shall be provided with two hexagonal nuts. The minimum bolt length and
length of unthreaded portion shall be150 and 100 mm. respectively. Step bolts shall not be
used as connection bolts.
The step bolts shall be spread alternately on the inner gauge line on each face of the angle
about 40 cm. Centers. They shall be furnished for one leg of each steel structure column
from its base elevation.
‘U’ bolts
Detailed drawings shall be complete with sizes and detailed dimensions of all steel structure
members. At each joint there shall be the number, size and length of bolts, number and size
of fillers and detailed dimensions of gusset plate, if any.
Bill of Material
Bill of Material shall give the size, length and galvanized weight of each member and the
total weights of steel structures. It shall also include the number of bolts, nuts and washers
per structure.
All workmanship shall be equal to the best practice in modern structural shop and shall
conform to the provisions of IS: 800 – 1984 & IS: 802 (Part II) 1978.
Rolled materials before being laid off or worked, must be clean free from sharp kinks, bends,
or swifts and straight within the tolerances allowed by IS: 1852. If straightening is necessary,
it may be done by mechanical means or by the application of a limited amount of localized
heat not exceeding 600 deg. C.
Cutting shall be affected by shearing, cropping or sawing. Use of mechanically controlled
Gas Cutting Torch may be permitted for mild steel only. Gas cutting of high tensile steel may
also be permitted provided special care is taken to leave sufficient metal to be removed by
machining, so that all metal that has been hardened by flame is removed. To determine the
effective size of members, cut by gas, 3 mm. shall be deducted from each cut edge.
The erection clearance for cleared ends of members connecting steel to steel shall
preferably be not greater than 2 mm. at each end. The erection clearance at ends of beams
without cleats shall not be more than 3 mm. at each end, but where for practical reasons
greater clearance is necessary suitably designed clearings shall be used. All members shall
consist of rolled steel sections.
Holes for bolts shall not be more than 1.5 mm. large than the diameter of the bolt passing
through them. All members shall be cut to jig and all holes shall be punched and drilled to jig.
All parts shall be carefully cut and holes accurately located after the members are assembled
and tightly clamped or bolted together. Drifting or rimming of holes shall not be allowed.
Holes for bolts shall not be formed by gas cutting process. Punching of holes will not be
permitted for M.S. members up to 8 mm. thick and in no case shall a hole be punched where
the thickness of the material exceed the diameter of the punched hole.
The stress analysis shall be conducted by any suitable method for all types of steel
structures. Any computer programmer to be employed shall be prepared of approved by the
recognized institute and be submitted to CESU/ Engineer Minimum bolt spacing and
distances from edges for members shall be in accordance with the provisions in the relevant
Indian Standard Specification.
Built members shall, when finished, be true and free from all kinds of twists and open joints
and the material shall not be defective or strained in anyway.
All bolts shall be galvanized including the threaded portion. The threads of all bolts shall
be cleared of smelter by spinning or brushing. A die shall not be used for cleaning the
threads unless special approved by the CESU. All nuts shall be galvanized with the
exception of the threads, which shall be oiled.
When in position all bolts shall project through the corresponding nuts but not exceeding 10
The nuts of all bolt attaching insulator sets and earth conductor clamps to the structure shall
be carefully positioned as directed by the CESU. Bolts and nuts shall be placed in such a
way so that they are accessible by means of an ordinary spanner.
Foundation bolts and tubes shall be fitted with washer plates or anchor angles and flats,
nuts, etc and shall be manufactured from mild or special steel.
Washers shall be tapered or otherwise suitably shaped, where necessary to give the heads
and nuts of bolts a satisfactory bearing. The threaded portion of each bolt shall project out
through the nut at least one thread. In all cases, the bolt shall be provided with a washer
of sufficient thickness under the nut to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within
the washer, one spring washer or lock nut shall be provided for each bolt shall project out
through the nut at least one thread. In all cases, the bolt shall be provided with a
washer of sufficient thickness under the nut to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being
within the washer, one spring washer or lock nut shall be provided for each bolt for
connections subjected to vibrating forces or otherwise as may be specified in the drawings.
After fabrication as been completed and accepted, all materials shall be clear of rust, loose
scale, dirt, oil grease and other foreign substances.
All materials shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and cleaning. Re- tapping of nuts
after galvanizing is not permitted. Galvanizing or structural mild steel products shall meet the
requirements of IS: 4759-1984.
All holes in materials shall be free of excess shelter after galvanizing.
Galvanizing for fasteners shall meet the requirements of IS: 1367 (Part – 3)-
1983. The spring washers shall be electro galvanized as per IS: 1573 – 1986. Finished
materials shall be dipped into the solution of dichromate after
Galvanizing for white rust protection during transportation. All galvanizing shall be uniform
and of standard quality.
Repair of Galvanizing
Materials on which galvanizing has been damaged shall be acid stripped and regularized,
unless, in the opinion of CESU, the damage is local and can be repaired by zinc spraying
or by applying a coating of galvanizing repair compound. Where regularizing is required,
any member which becomes damaged after having been dipped twice shall be rejected.
The contractor shall design the towers including all connection not detailed in the tender
Drawings. Full design calculation for the connections shall be submitted with the fabrication
drawings for review by the Engineer in Charge.
The Contractor shall design and fit all required lifting lugs or attachments required for
erection of the structural steelwork and provide appropriate design and calculations for review.
Contractor shall furnish all materials and fabricate all steelwork in accordance with the
approved Drawings and/or as instructed by the Engineer keeping in view the maximum
utilization of the available sizes and sections of steel materials.
The method of painting, marking, packing and delivery of all fabricated materials shall be
strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Specification and/or as approved by the
All materials shall be as stored as to prevent deterioration and to ensure the preservation
of their quality and fitness for the work. Any materials which has deteriorated or has been
damaged shall be removed from the Contractors yard immediately, failing which the
Engineer shall be at liberty to arrange for removal of the material and the cost
incurred thereof shall be realized from the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain
up to date accounts in respect of receipt, use and balance of all sizes and sections of
steels and other materials. Where fabrication is carried out in Contractors fabrication shop
or site and where fabrication works for their other projects are also carried out, all
materials allocated for use on these projects shall be stored separately with easily
identifiable marks.
The contractor shall establish and maintain quality control procedure for all items of work
and material provision to ensure conformity with the requirements of this specification in
addition to the Contractors quality control procedures, materials and workmanship shall at
all times be subjects to be inspected by the Engineer in charge.
The quality control procedure shall cover but not be limited to the following items of work:-
• Steel Quality Manufacturers test certificates.
• Bolts, Nuts & Manufacturers certificate, dimension checks, material Washers
• Electrodes Manufactures certificate, thickness and quality of flux coating. All
inspection by the Engineer shall be carried out at the Contractors fabrication shop
unless the Engineer is an agreement with other arrangements being made. The
Contractor shall permit access for inspection to all places where work is being
carried out and shall provide, free of cost, all necessary assistance to the Engineer
in respect of tools and plant instruments labour and materials required to carry out
the inspection.
General Requirements
The contractor shall provide all tools, plants, instruments, qualified supervisory personnel,
labour materials, any temporary workers, consumables, and everything necessary,
whether or not such items are specifically stated herein, for completion of the project in
accordance with specification requirement. The excavation shall be done in accordance
with the design and drawing. This shall also includes, where ever required, proper shoring
shuttering to maintain excavations and also the furnishing, erecting and maintaining of
substantial barricades around excavated areas and warning lamps at night for
ensuring safety of lives and property.
• Scope also includes dumping of excavated materials in regular heaps, bunds, rip
rap with regular slope as directed by Engineer-in-charge within the lead specified and
leveling the same so as to provide natural drainage. Rock/soil excavated shall be stacked
properly. All softer materials shall be laid along the center of the herpes, the harder and
more weather resisting materials forming the casing on the sides and the top. Rocks shall
be stacked separately.
• The area to be excavated /filled shall be cleared of trees, plants, stumps, bush,
vegetation rubbish etc. and other objectionable matter. If any roots or stumps or trees are
met during excavation, they shall be removed as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
• Soft/Loose Soil:
These shall include all kinds of soils containing pellets, Sand, Silt and are removable
by ordinary pick axes, shovel and spade and which is not classified under
“Dense/Compact” “soft dis-integrated” and “Hard Rock” category as defined below:
• Dense/Compact Soil:
Spoil removable by pick-axe, crowbar etc. Moorum or shingle, gravel, clay, loam peat
• Soft & Decomposed / Dis- integrated Rock:
This shall include rock, boulders, shale, chalk, slate, hard mica, schist, laetrile and all
other materials which in the opinion of the Engineer-in- charge is rock, does not need
blasting and could be removed with picks, hammer, craw bars, wedges and
pneumatic breaking work. This shall also include rock boulders not longer than one
meter in any direction and not more than 500 mm in any one of the other two
• Hard Rock
This shall include all rock occurring in continuous masses which cannot be removed
except by blasting for loosening it. Harder varieties of rock with or without veins
and secondary minerals, which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge require
blasting, shall be considered as hard work.
• Sub-merged Soil
Where the subsoil water table is encountered within the range of foundation
depth, the soil below the water table and that at locations where pumping or
bailing out of water is required due to presence of surface water will be treated as wet
soil. Soil partially submerged and fully submerged shall also come under this
category. In case of pile foundations submerged soil; the required sand filling should
be done by the contractor by his own cost.
• Where soil at a tower foundation is of composite nature, classification will be
according to the type of soil, which is preponderant in the footing and the rate for the
same will apply for the composite foundation. The decision of the CESU Engineer-in-
charge shall be final and binding with reference to classification of soils.
• All surplus excavated soil along with left over gradients if any “should be
removed from work site and dumped at any suitable place in such a manner that
the landowner will not object. A thin layer of nearly 200mm of surplus earthy can be
stacked over the excavated pits for future compaction”.
• Standard penetration test to be carried out for long line one in ten support sites.
All organic or other foreign materials shall be removed from back fill earth. The earth shall be
deposited in maximum 200mm. Layers, leveled and watered and rammed properly before
another layer is deposited.
The back filling should be such that enough moisture would be available for curing of
the concrete embedded. Sufficient water shall be poured over the back filled earth for proper
consolidation. All surplus excavated soil shall be stacked around the tower legs. In case of
wet locations, de-watering, shoring and shuttering etc. if required shall be paid for based on
unit rates indicated. The actual quantity shall be as approved by the Engineer-in charge. The
shoring and shuttering is to be done by very good quality planks and supports as approved
by Engineer-in-charge.
adequate advance intimation shall be given by the contractor. The approval shall not,
however, relieve the contractor of his responsibility of correctness of setting.
• The bottom of the pits shall be free from loose earth and shall have about 150mm.
Thick layer of sand or a lean concrete [1:4:8] mat, before stubs are set for concreting. The
concrete shall be as specified in relevant I.S.S. for such work or as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. It shall be 1:2:4 mix with proper quality of sand, cement and granite
chips as stated below: The concreting of stubs shall not be made in parts and it should be a
continuous process till completion.
Reinforcement, as per approved drawings. In no case the bottom most portion clits of stub
should be more or less than 75mm from the bottom finished level.
The sand to be used for concreting shall be coarse and from available Local River beds free
from clay and other undesirable organic & inorganic materials like dust, lump, loam, mica,
saline and other deleterious substances.
Coarse Aggregate—
The coarse aggregate to be used shall be of broken granite rock varying in size from 20mm.
to 40mm. to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge provided the resultant concrete shall
meet the requirement of IS:456-1964 M150 quality.
Clear non-saline, free from oils, acids alkalis and organic materials water from river, tank or
well shall be used in concreting.
The stock position/condition of cement will be subject to inspection by the Engineer-in
charge at any time and at the time of use in the work.
For reconciliation of cement account, consumption of cement shall be considered as under:
1:1.5:3 Mix -
1:2:4 Mix 330kg/cum
1:3:6 Mix 225kg/cum
1:5 Cement mortar 87kg/cum
1:4:8 Mix 115kg/cum
• Before laying the concrete the stub shall be cleaned of rust, scale, mud etc with a steel
wire brush. The method of placement of concrete shall be such as not to result in loss of
workability or in segregation of concrete mix.
• In wet locations, the site must be kept completely dewatered, both during the placing of the
concrete and for 24 hours thereafter to protect the concrete from water during this period.
The steel reinforcement bar shall be fabricated and placed in the position while concreting as
shown in the approved foundation drawing or as directed by the Engineer-in charge.
Before the steel reinforcement bars are placed in position, the surface of the bars shall be
cleared of rust, scale, dirt, grease or other objectionable foreign substance. The bending and
fixing of bars for concrete reinforcements shall conform to IS:
2502/1963 and IS: 5525/1969. Sufficient concrete coverage as indicated in the foundation
drawing or as per relevant ISS, where not shown in the drawing, should be provided.
• Copping —
After completion of back-filling the coping over the top surface of the chimney shall be done
as per the approved foundation drawing with 1:2:4 concrete with a slight slope towards the
outer edge to drain off any rain water falling on the coping. The coping shall have a smooth
and geometrical finish. In no case the height of copping more or less than 350mm
above the actual ground level.
Black Bitumen paint of 2 coat of a length 400mm above the copping should be provided by
the contractor by his own cost.
• Curing —
Full care should be taken for curing of the concrete exposed over ground by any
conventional method. 15 days curing is required depending on weather and location. The
concrete underground is expected to be cured from the moisture in the backfill earth.
Every tower shall be suitably earthed so that the tower footing resistance does not exceed
10 Ohms. Depending on the earth resistively of soil it is to be decided by the Engineer-in-
charge whether pipe type Earthing or counterpoise Earthing is to be provided, details of
which shall be indicated in the approved drawings. The earth electrode shall be 40mm. dia 3
mtr. Long heavy duty GI pipe. The contractor shall supply 560 kg. of common salt and 50 kg.
Charcoal for each earth pit. The contractor is required to take soil resistively reading at each
location before start of work.
manner and tower members shall not be strained or deformed during course of erection.
• The method followed for the erection of towers shall ensure the points
mentioned below:-
Straining of the members shall not be permitted for bringing them into position. It
may, however, be necessary to match hole positions at joints and to facilitate this,
Tommy bars not more than 450 mm. long may be used.
Before starting erection of an upper section, the lower section shall be
completely braced and all bolts provided in accordance with approved drawings.
All plan diagonals relevant to section of tower shall be placed in position
before assembly of upper section is taken up.
All bolts will have their bolt heads facing outside/inside of the tower as
convenient, for horizontal or nearly horizontal bolt connection and upwards for
vertical bolt connections.
Slings and other works used for picking up members, portions of towers or
complete towers, shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent cuttings into the
corners of members, damaged the finish or portions of towers shall be raised in such
a manner that no dragging on the ground surface or against portions of the towers
already erected will occur.
• Normally two version towers will be used viz: “Hx”, and “Hz” type with their extensions.
• The method of erection is left to the contractor subject to his responsibility
for any damage done to the materials due to any cause. The erection of towers
should not be started earlier than 15 days after back fill of the stubs so that there is
no disturbance or damage to the concrete and also to allow it to acquire its full
strength. Approval of the Engineer-in-charge to start erection work shall be obtained.
After the final tightening of bolts and nuts the treads shall be punched so as to
prevent loosening under temperature changes or vibrations. The towers must be truly
vertical after erection and no straining will be permitted to bring them so. Towers
shall be so erected that the vertical axis through the center of the gravity shall not be
out of plumb by more than one centimeter for every 500 centimeter of height.
All nuts shall be tightened properly using correct size spanners or torque wrenches. Before
tightening, it shall be seen that filler washers and plates are placed in relevant gaps between
members bolts of proper size and length are inserted under each nut and in case of steps bolts,
spring washers have been placed under the outer nut. The tightening shall progressively be
carried out from the top down wards and checked back from bottom upwards before punching
care being taken that all bolts at every level are tightened simultaneously. The minimum 3
thread should be projected after final tightening. After final tightening, the projected thread
should be riveted by using hammer. In the complete tower, the nuts for bots shall be
tightened to the following torque.
The entire stringing work of conductor and earth wire shall be carried out by tension
stringing technique. The contractor shall indicate in their offer, the sets of tension stringing
equipment he is having in his possession and the sets of the stringing equipment he would
deploy exclusively for this package which under no circumstance shall be less than the
number and capacity requirement indicated in Qualifying Requirements for Bidder.
The Bidder should have assured access to supply Earth wire, hardware fittings and
Conductor & Earth wire accessories from qualified manufacturers. Type test certificate
from CPRI/Govt. testing laboratory should be attached with the offer.
• Earth wire: Galvanized steel ground wire of size 7/3.15 mm or above from any
reputed manufacturer.
• Hardware Fittings: 90KN/100KN Hardware fittings of reputed
Type and load test certificates from CPRI/ Govt. testing laboratory.
• Insulator String Hardware (As may be applicable)
I. Anchor shackle
II. Chain Link
III. Ball Clevis
IV. Arcing horn holding plate
V. Yoke plate
VI. Socket clevis
VII. Arcing horns
• Service Conditions:
Equipment/ material to be supplied against this specification shall be
suitable for satisfactory continuous operation under tropical conditions as
specified below:
Maximum ambient temperature (Degree Celsius) : 50
Minimum ambient temperature (Degree Celsius) : 0
Relative humidity (% range) : 10 – 100
Wind zone (as per IS : 875) : 49 m/sec
Maximum altitude above mean sea level (Meter) : Up to1000m
Isoceraunic level (days/years) : 50
Moderately hot and humid tropical climate conducive to rust and fungus growth.
Climate varies from moderately hot and humid tropical climate to cold climate.
The Guaranteed Technical Particulars of the various items shall be furnished by the
Bidders in one original and one duplicate for Approval from CESU.
The data furnished in Guaranteed Technical Particulars should be the minimum or
maximum value (Which ever is ruling condition as per the requirement of the
specification) required. However, for testing purpose or from performance point of
view, the material shall be considered performed successfully if it achieves the
minimum/ maximum value required, whichever is ruling condition, as per the technical
specification. No preference what so ever shall be given to the bidder offering
better/more stringent values than the required as per specification except where
stated otherwise.
The overhead ground wire(s) shall be strung for the entire length of the transmission
line, and shall be attached to the towers in accordance with the details same as for
conductor(s). The work, methods, and limitations used for installing the overhead
ground wire shall be the same as for installing the conductor.
The overhead ground wire shall be strung in advance of the conductors, and the
method shall be the same as for conductor string. The same degree of care shall be
exercised to avoid damage or injury of the overhead ground wire. If damaged, the
Tower Drawings :
R.S.Joist Pole
Applicable Standards:
This specification covers the manufacturing, testing before dispatch and delivery of following
R.S Joists
150x150mmRS Joist
2.0 Standards:
The RS JOISTS shall comply with the requirements of latest issue of IS – 2062 Gr – A
except where specified otherwise.
4.4. However, In case of any discrepancy between the above data & the relevant ISS, the values
indicated in the IS shall prevail.
4.5. The Acceptance Tests shall be Carried out as per Relevant ISS.
5.2.150x150mm RS Joists:
RS Joists of Specific Weight 30.6kg/mtr with length of each type of pole being 11mtr pole
weighing 336.6Kg for specified number of poles with specified weight in MT as given in
the NIT table given above shall have to be supplied as per IS:2062;2006 Grade”A” ,
IS:808;1989/2001, IS1608:1995 & IS:12779-1989 and their latest amendment if any
complying the required Dimension, Weight, Chemical & Mechanical properties confirming to
the relevant IS, as per the Tolerrance given Below.
2. Length of each pole = + 100mm / - 0 % As per relevant IS: 12779-
(with proportionate change in no of Poles)
3. Specific Weight of RS Joists = ±2.5% As per relevant IS:
4. Weight for whole lot of supply for all categories = ±3.0% As per relevant IS: 12779-1989
for both type of RS Joists.
Following distinct non-erasable embossing is to be made on each R.S Joists .
a) Name & Logo of the
Manufacturer. b) B.I.S Logo(ISI
Mark) if applicable. c) Size of the
R.S Joist
1.3.Mechanical Properties :
However, In case of any discrepancy between the above data & the relevant ISS, the values
indicated in the IS shall prevail.
Insulators & Hardware fittings
33 KV Disc Insulator
33 KV Pin Insulator
Performance Guarantee
The equipment along with all accessories shall be capable of performing intended duties under
specified conditions. The manufacturer shall guarantee the reliability and performance of the individual
equipment as well as of the complete system as specified in the bid documents.
The material shall conform in all respect to the relevant Indian standards with latest amendments
indicated below :
All insulators for 33KV shall conform to Type B of latest version of IS: 731. Insulator shall be
as per enclosed drawing. Pin insulator shall consist of a single piece of porcelain, intended to be
mounted rigidly on supporting structure by a pin, which passes up inside the insulator. The pin type
insulator shall have a top groove and shall be threaded to take mild steel pins. The profile of threads
shall be as per IS: 1445. The strain insulator shall be of Ball and Socket (B & S) type with details.
These insulators shall generally comply with latest version of IS: 1445, REC Specification
No.4/1972 and fittings with IS: 7935-1975 or the latest version thereof.
The insulators shall confirm to the following specific conditions of respective IS given in the table
below :
Minimum mechanical
Insulator Designation Creepage
failing load
Pin 10 KN 320 mm
Type –B of IS 731
Pin 10 KN 580 mm
Type –B of IS 731
33 KV Disc 70 KN (for B & S type) 320 mm
Type – C of IS
Stay 88 KN 57 mm
6.1 Porcelain :
The porcelain used in the manufacture of shells shall be sound, free from defects
thoroughly vitrified and smoothly glazed. It should not engage directly with hard metal.
6.2 Glaze :
The finished porcelain shall be glazed in brown colour. The glaze shall cover all exposed
parts of the insulator and shall have a good lustre, smooth surface and good performance
under the extreme weather conditions of a tropical climate. It shall not crack or chip by ageing
under the normal service conditions. The glaze shall have the same co-efficient of expansion
as if the porcelain body throughout the working temperature range. The insulator shall be so
designed that the stresses due to expansion and contraction in any part of the insulator shall
not lead to deterioration.
6.3 Cement :
Cement used in the manufacture of the insulator shall not cause fracture by expansion or
loosening by contraction. The cement shall not give rise to chemical reaction with metal
fittings and its thickness shall be as small and uniform as possible. Proper care shall be taken
to correctly centre and locate individual parts during cementing.
Note: Type test reports shall be submitted for acceptance which should not be more than
five (05) years old as on date of bid opening.
The following tests shall be conducted at the works of the manufacturer on a suitable number
of individual insulators.
Verification of dimensions
Temperature cycle test
Electro-mechanical failing test (for Strain Insulator only) to be carried out.
Puncture Test
Porosity Test
Galvanizing Test
7.3 Routine Test :
The manufacturer should have facilities to conduct following routine tests at their works.
a. Visual Inspection
b. Mechanical routine test (for Strain Insulator only)
c. Electrical routine test ( for Strain Insulator only)
d. Hydraulic Internal Pressure on Shells ( for strain insulators only).
The bidder shall have to submit the list testing and measuring equipments along with bid
1. The applied mechanical load during this test shall be 70% of the rated
ectromechanical or mechanical value.
2. The acceptance criteria shall be:
The minimum sample size shall be taken as 20 for disc insulator units
The individual elect mechanical failing load shall beat least equal to the rate value. Also
puncture shall not occur before the ultimate fracture.
This test shall be performed in accordance of IEC 383 with the following acceptance.
X greater than or equal to R + 3S
X Mean value of the electro-mechanical/mechanical/failingload
R Rated electro-mechanical/mechanical failing load
S Standard deviation.
The minimum sample size shall be taken as 20 for disc insulators units. However, for larger
lot size, IEC 591 shall be applicable.
The individual electro-mechanical/mechanical failing load shall be at least equal to the rated
value. Also electrical puncture shall not occur before the ultimate fracture.
Note: The purchaser had right to waive any type/special test if the supplier produces the
test report for such tests conducted on identical Insulators.
Marking on porcelain shall be printed / engraved and shall be applied before firing.
All insulators shall be packed in strong seasoned wooden crates. The gross weight of the
crates along with the material shall not normally exceed 200 Kg to avoid handling problem.
The packing shall be of sufficient strength to withstand rough handling during transit, storage
at site and subsequent handling in the field.
(To be submitted along with offer)
9.1 SCOPE :
This Specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, stage testing,
inspection & testing before supply and delivery at site
I. Fittings for Disc insulators shall comply with the requirements of IS : 2486
and REC specification No. 3/1971, 4/1972.
II. 33 kV GI shall comply with the requirements of IS : 2486.
II. 33 kV GI Pin :
The pins shall be of single piece obtained by the process of forging. They will not be
made by any process using more than one piece of material. The pin will have good
finish, free from flaws and other defects. The finish of the collar shall be such that a
sharp angle between the collar and the shank is avoided. All ferrous pins, nuts and
washers, except those made of stainless steel shall be galvanized by hot dip process.
Other fittings, i.,e flat washers and spring washers may be electro-galvalised as per
IS:2486. The threads of nuts, and toped holes, when cut after galvanization shall be
well oiled or greased.
The pins shall be as per relevant figure indicated in IS 2486 (part II) having stalk
length of 165 mm and shank length of 150 mm with minimum failing load of 10
KN with small heads and shall match with the pin type insulators with cemented
zinc thimble having similar threads.
9.4 TESTS :
The hardware fittings and pins shall be tested as per IS: 2486 (part-1):1993
I. Type Test:
The bidder has to enclose the reports of the following type tests carried out in any
govt. recognized laboratory along with the bid documents.
10.1 SCOPE:
This specification covers manufacture, testing and supply of ISI Marked bolts and nuts made
of black mild steel. All bolts and nuts shall have hexagonal heads, the heads being forged out
of solid truly concentric, and square with the shank, which must be perfectly straight. The half
thread GI nuts and bolts with 1 plane washer and 1 spring 1 washer completes 1 set. The
assorted sizes are as following :
The Bolts & Nuts shall conform to IS: 6639 and galvanized as per IS: 1367 (Part-13)/ IS-
a) Bolts upto M16 and having length up to 10 times the diameter of the bolt should be
manufactured by cold forging and thread rolling process to obtain good and
reliable mechanical properties and effective dimensional control. The shear
strength of bolt for 5.6 grade should be 310 MPA minimum as per IS-2427. Bolts
should be provided with washer face in accordance with IS: 1363 Part-I to ensure
proper bearing.
b) Nuts should be double chamfered as per the requirement of IS: 1363 Part-III-
1984. The manufacturer should ensure that nuts should not be over tapped
beyond 0.4 mm oversize on effective diameter for size up to M16
c) Fully threaded bolts shall not be used. The length of the bolt shall be such that the
threaded portion shall not extend into the place of contact of the component parts.
All bolts shall be threaded to take the full depth of the nuts and threaded enough to
permit the firm gripping of the component parts but no further. It shall be ensured
that the threaded portion of the bolt protruded not less than 3 mm and not more
than 8 mm when fully tightened. All nuts shall fit and tight to the point where shank
of the bolt connects to the head.
d) Flat washers and spring washers shall be provided wherever necessary and shall
be of positive lock type. Spring washers shall be electro-galvanized. The
thickness of washers shall conform to IS: 2016. The bidder shall furnish bolt
schedules giving thickness of components connected the nut and the washer and
the length of shank and the threaded portion of bolts and size of holes and any
other special details of this nature.
e) To obviate bending stress in bolt, it shall not connect aggregate thickness more
than three time its diameter. Bolts at the joints shall be so staggered that nuts may
be tightened with spanners without fouling.
MS round 16mm/12mm used shall be tested for quality as per IS: 2062 Gr.”A”.
The dimensions of the bolts & nuts and tolerances shall conform to IS: 1363 with their
latest amendments in all respect. The eccentricity and angular errors of various elements
shall be within specified limits as per IS: 1367/1967 with its latest amendments. The bolts &
nuts shall be free from forging and threading defects such as cuts, splits, burns,
bulging, taper, eccentricity, loose fill etc., which may affect their serviceability.
The bolt heads and nuts shall be chamfered on one face only and other face shall
be machined made. Mechanical property requirement of tester shall conform to IS:
1367 (Part- III)-1979 property class 4.6 for bolts and property class-5 for nuts as per IS:
1367 (Part-VI)-1980. The bolts and nuts shall be supplied in well- cleaned conditions and
suitably protected against corrosion in individual bags of 50kgs.
a) All galvanizing shall be carried out by the hot dip process, in accordance
with Specification IS 2629. However, high tensile steel nuts, bolts and spring washer
shall be electro galvanized to Service Condition 4. The zinc coating shall be
smooth, continuous and uniform. It shall be free from acid spot and shall not scale,
blister or be removable by handling or packing. There shall be no impurities in the
zinc or additives to the galvanic bath which could have a detrimental effect on the
durability of the zinc coating.
b) Before picking, all welding, drilling, cutting, grinding and other finishing
operations must be completed and all grease, paints, varnish, oil, welding slag and
other foreign matter completely removed. All protuberances which would
affect the life of galvanizing shall also be removed.
c) The weight of zinc deposited shall be in accordance with that stated in Standard
IS 2629 and shall not less than 0.61kg/m² with a minimum thickness of 86 microns
for items of thickness more than 5mm, 0.46kg/m² (64 microns) for items of thickness
between 2mm and 5mm and 0.33kg/m² (47 microns) for items less than 2mm thick.
d) Parts shall not be galvanized if their shapes are such that the pickling solutions
cannot be removed with certainty or if galvanizing would be unsatisfactory or
if their mechanical strength would be reduced. Surfaces in contact with oil shall
not be galvanized unless they are subsequently coated with an oil resistant varnish
or paint.
e) In the event of damage to the galvanizing the method used for repair shall be
subject to the approval of the Project Manager or that of his representative.
g) The threads of all galvanized bolts and screwed rods shall be cleared of spelter by
spinning or brushing. A die shall not be used for cleaning the threads unless
specifically approved by the Project Manager. All nuts shall be galvanized. The
threads of nuts shall be cleaned with a tap and the threads oiled.
h) Partial immersion of the work shall not be permitted and the galvanizing tank must
therefore be sufficiently large to permit galvanizing to be carried out by one
i) After galvanizing no drilling or welding shall be performed on the galvanized
parts of the equipment excepting that nuts may be threaded after galvanizing. To
avoid the formation of white rust galvanized materials shall be stacked during
transport and stored in such a manner as to permit adequate ventilation.
Sodium dichromate treatment shall be provided to avoid formation of white rust after
hot dip galvanization.
j) The galvanized steel shall be subjected to test as per IS-2633.
10.6 TESTS
The bidder shall furnish test certificate from his own/recognized Govt. Laboratory giving
Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa Page 73
Tender Specification for Construction of 33kV new line for IOCL, Jatani, Khurda/Odisha
the results of tests as per IS: 1367 (Part-III)-1979 & IS: 1367 (Part-VI) 1980 witnessed by
owners inspecting officer for each lot under inspection. The test certificate shall be in
respect of the following for all sizes of both bolts & nuts as applicable given below:-
a) Dimensional particulars (Sampling in accordance with IS: 2614 for both bolts &
nuts (tolerance as per drawing).
b) Tensile strength test on full size (for bolts minimum 400 N/ Sq. mm and for Nuts
Proof Stress test Min 610 N/
c) Power load test on full size bolts and M-12-51400 N for 15 Sec. d) Head
soundness tests for bolts (no fracture). e) Brinell hardness tests or Rockwell
Hardness or Vickers’s Hardness tests for bolts min. 114 and max. 209 or min.67 &
max. 95 or min.120 & max.220 respectively. For nuts Vicker’s Hardness min. 130 &
max. 302.
The bidder shall arrange to carryout acceptance tests in presence of owner’s inspecting
officer in his own laboratory. In case testing facilities are not available at his works he will
make necessary arrangements for carrying out these tests at a Govt. recognized lab at his
own expenses(s) and will provide all testing arrangement for Owner’s representative to
witness the tests.
On the bolt head, there shall be identification marking of the manufacturer as well as
property class “4.6”. If possible property calls “5” shall be marked on Nuts also. Further
“ISI” mark shall be marked on Sunny Bags for proper identifications.
(To be submitted along with offer)
11.1 SCOPE:
This Specification covers manufacture, testing and supply to the owner’s stores of Danger
Notice Plates to be displayed in accordance with Rule no.35 of Indian Electricity Rules,
The danger Notice Plates shall comply with IS: 2551-1982 and REC Spec. No. 57/1993 or
the latest version thereof.
All letterings shall certainly spaced. The dimension of the letters, figures and their
respective position shall be as per standard. The size of letters in the words in each
languages and spacing earmarked for them.
Under Rule No.35 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, the owner of every medium high
and extra high voltage installation is required to affix permanently in a conspicuous
position a danger notice in Hindi or English and , in addition, in the local languages, with
the sign of skull and bones.
The type and sizes of lettering to be done in Odia is indicated in the specimen danger
notice plates.
Adequate space has been provided in the specimen danger notice for having the letterings
in local languages for the equivalent of ‘Danger’: “33000” and “volts”.
The plates shall be made from mild steel sheet of at least 1.6 mm thick and vitreous
enameled white, with letters, figures and conventional skull and cross bones in signal red
colour (refers IS:5-1978) on the front side. The rear side of the plate shall also be
11.7 TESTS
The following tests shall be carried out: Visual examination as per IS: 2551-1982.
Dimensional check as per IS:2551-1982.
Test for weather proofness as per IS:8709-1977 (or its latest version)
Maker’s name and trade mark and the purchaser’s name shall be marked in such a manner
and position on the plates that it does not interfere with the other information.
The plates shall be packed in wooden crates suitable for rough handling and acceptable
for rail/road transport.
(To be submitted along with offer)
1 Size of the danger board
2 Size of the letter
3 Size of the Skull
4 Detail of painting
5 Whether detailed drawing is enclosed along
12.1 SCOPE :
The scope covers manufacture, testing and supply of two ply barbed wires as per IS
: 278,1978.
The galvanised barbed wires, (Type A) shall be manufactured from hot dipped
galvanised mild steel wire confirming to IS : 280, 1972. Diameter of line and point wire
shall be 2.5 mm. Distance between the barbs shall be 75 mm.
Each reel of barbed wire shall be wound and fastened compactly and of weight of 50 Kg
12.4 TESTING :
Routine and Acceptance test will be carried out at the works of the manufacturer as per
(To be submitted along with offer)
1 Nominal diameter of line wire
2 Nominal diameter of point wire
3 Distance between the barbs
4 Tensile strength
a Min. N/mm²
b Max. N/mm²
5 Minimum breaking load (KN)
6 Type of coating Heavy/Medium/Light
7 Weight of Zinc coating (Gms/Sq. Mtr.) Min.
8 No. of dips the coating is able to withstand as 18 ± 20ºC
9 Chemical composition the MS Wire used shall not
a Sulphur 0.060%
b Phosphorous 0.065%
33kV Isolator
1.00 SCOPE
1.01 This specification covers design, manufacture, testing and supply of. Manually operated 33 KV,
800 Amps Upright mounting type with manually operated with earth switch Isolators.
1.02 The isolator shall be of the manual operated type with earthing switches and shall complete
with all parts and accessories including insulator operating rods, mounting attachments,
necessary for their efficient operation.
1.04 It is not intent to specify completely herein, all details of the design and construction of
equipments, however the equipment shall confirm in all respect to high standards of
engineering mentioned in clause No. 4.0 design and workmanship and shall capable of
performing in continuous commercial operation up to the suppliers guarantee in a manner
acceptable to the purchaser, who will interpret the meanings of drawing and specification and
shall have the powers to reject any work or material which, in his judgment, is not in
accordance therewith. The equipment offered shall be complete with all components
necessary for its effective and trouble free operation along with associated equipments,
interlock, protection schemes, etc. Such components shall be deemed to be within the scope
of bidder's supply irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out in this specification
or not. All similar parts particularly removable ones shall be interchangeable.
3.01 The 33 kV triple pole air break isolators are intended to be used primarily for sectionalizing 33
kV UG cable portion of the line with 33 kV over head portion of the line.
4.01 The isolator shall unless otherwise specified, generally conform the IS : 9921 (Part I to IV) -
1985, which shall be applied in the manner altered, amended or supplemented by this
specification, the latest Indian Electricity Rules wherever applicable.
4.02 Any deviation from this specification offered to improvement performance, utility and efficiency
of equipment proposed by the bidder will be given due consideration, provided full particular
with justification thereof are furnished.
4.03 In the preparation of this specification, details have been taken from IEC 600 - 129
"alternating current disconnects (Isolators) and earthing switches", and IS 9921 (Part-I
to IV) "Specification for alternating current disconnects (isolators) and earthing
switches for voltages above 1000V ”.
4.04 Equipment meeting with the stipulations of equivalent IEC, ANSI, CSA, DIN standards which
ensure equal or better quality than the standards listed in Clause No. 4.05, shall also be
acceptable. In such case the bidder should submit along with this offer, two copies of such
standards, in authentic English translation, if the language of the standard is other than English.
In case of dispute, the stipulations in English translation, submitted by the bidder shall prevail.
Further, in the event of conflict between the stipulations of the standard adopted be the bidder,
corresponding Indian Standard specification shall prevail.
4.05 In this specification reference has been made to the following Indian standard and other
Standards Particulars
5.01 The isolators shall be designed for the following rating and other particulars:
5 Rated frequency 50 Hz
8 Rated peak withstand current 2.5 times the rated short time withstand current
ii Bare copper 75
Terminal of isolator to be
b) connected to external
conductors by bolts
ii Bare copper 90
c) Metal parts acting as springs The temperature shall not exceed a value, where
the elasticity of the materials is impaired. For
5.02 The isolator are required to be closed or interrupt the 33 kV line & UG cable line charging
current. Hence isolators should be capable of closing or interrupting a current of magnitude
indicated in 5.01 (iv) above.
5.04.01 The clearance between live parts and ground structure shall not be less than those specified
in the IS – 10118, part – III, 1982. The length of break in full open position should be such
that there is absolutely, no possibility of arc over from the live parts to the de-energized parts
on which any maintenance work have to be done. The speed of opening or closing the
switch shall be designed to ensure that the arcing during the operation is reduced to the
The ISOLATORS shall be of three phase gang operated horizontal, double break type with turn
and twist type moving blades.
Current density, to be adopted, for all parts of isolator and terminal connector & shall not exceed
the following limits.
The full particulars of design, manufacture, template and quality control devices developed for
manufacture of the equipments - offered in respect of the following items shall be furnished with
drawings and descriptions.
6 Balancing of heights.
8 Base plates.
Operating mechanism, type of gear, size and thickness of box, degree of protection.
Gland plate, gland, etc.
The design of the isolators shall be such that the switch can be changed to right or left hand
control without excessive labour and with a minimum change of parts. The live parts shall be of
non-rusting, non-corroding metal. Current carrying parts shall be nonferrous. Bolts, screws and
pins shall be provided with lock washers, keys or other equipment locking facilities. Current
carrying parts shall be made of copper alloy or equivalent material. The switch shall not require
lubrication of any part, at frequent intervals.
The isolator shall be suitable for mounting in upright position (with the blades moving in
horizontal plane) on steel / fabricated steel structures. The heights at which the isolators will be
mounted along with phase to phase dimensions are as per clause 5.00, Part - I. Any change in
dimensions, will be intimated to successful bidder. Necessary lengths of operating rod as
required shall be supplied..
a) Manual operating mechanism, gang operated through crank & reduction gear shall be
provided for main switch.
b) The design of the operating mechanism shall be Such that minimum energy is required for
operation and one person shall be able to operate the switch without undue effort. The blades
shall be in positive continuous control throughout tile entire cycle of operation. Suitable
reduction gear to achieve above aspects may be provided, for main switch and shall close or
open with about 20 revolutions of the crank.
c) The operating pipes and rods shall be sufficiently rigid to maintain positive control without
tension or compression & there shall also be capable of withstanding all torsional and
bending stresses due to operation of the disconnecting switch. It shall not be possible, after
final adjustment has been made for any part of the mechanism to be displaced at any point
in the travel sufficiently to allow improper functioning of the switch, when the switch is
opened or closed at any speed. All holes, ill crank, linkages, etc., having moving pins, shall
be drilled to accurate fit, so as to maintain the minimum amount of slack and lost motion. The
operating mechanism and its controls shall be so designed that under no circumstances the
switch blades travel is interrupted before it reaches the fully close or open position. The
operating mechanism shall be suitable to hold the main switch or earth switch in closed or
opened position to prevent operation by gravity, wind, short circuit, seismic acceleration,
vibration, shock, accidental touching etc.
The operating mechanism mid all accessories shall be enclosed in a weather, dust and
vermin proof cabinet. The control cabinet of each operating mechanism shall be made out of
12 SWG (2.64 mm thick) steel sheet. or 10mm thick aluminum in the form plate or casting.
Control cabinet shall be provided with hinged doors along with padlocking arrangement.
Sloping rain hood shall be provided to cover all sides. 15 mm thick neoprene or better type
gasket shall be provided to ensure degree of protection atleast IP 55 as per S : 2147.
The motor operating mechanism / manually operating mechanism shall be mounted on the
base supporting structures or on a separate Support- structure at a height of 300 mm from the
ground level. Operating or lever for manual operation shall be at a convenient height of 1000
mm above ground level for easy operation. The unsupported length of the operating rod shall
not. exceed 3 meters. Guide bearings shall be provided at suitable intervals. All brackets
angles or other members mid accessories necessary for fixing the operating mechanism to
switch supporting structure. and the bearing for operating rods shall be supplied. Rust proof
pins and bearings of the bronze bushing, ball or roller type shall be provided. All ball and roller
bearings shall be protected from weather by means of covers and grease retainers. Bearing
pressures shall be kept low to ensure long life.
6.06 GEAR:
The disconnect may be required to operate occasionally with considerably long idle intervals.
Special care shall be taken for selection of material for gear and lubrication of gears to meet
these requirements. The gears shall be made of bronze or any other better material and
lubricated for life with graphite or better quality non-draining or non-hardening grease.
complete details of components, materials, self-lubricating arrangement, grade of lubricant,
details of jigs, fixtures and devices used for quality check shall be furnished in the bid.
a) The isolator shall have heavy-duty self-aligning high pressure - contacts of modem design.
The contact shall be made of high grade, high conductivity, and heat resisting material. The
main contacts shall be made of hard drawn electrolytic copper and the surface shall be
silver plated. Arcing contacts wherever provided shall close first and open last.
b) The isolators blades / arms shall be made preferably from tubular section of hard drawn
electrolytic copper having suitable diameter and shell thickness, and the contact surface
shall be heavily silver plated.
c) The surface of the contacts shall be liberally designed to withstand safely the-highest short
circuit current of the system as specified in the clause 05.01 (vii) - (viii) of part - I.
d) The male and female contact assembly and blades shall ensure
i. Electro dynamic withstand ability during short circuit without any risk of repulsion of
ii. Thermal with stand ability during short circuits.
iii. Constant contact pressure even when the live parts of the insulators stacks are subjected
to tensile stresses the insulators stacks are subjected to tensile stresses due to linear
expansion of connected bus - bars, flexible conductors either because of temperature
variation or strong winds.
iv. Self - wiping action during closing and opening (preferably twisting type contacts). The
surface shall be wiped during closing and opening operation to remove any film, oxide
coating, etc. wiping action shall not cause scouring or abrasion of surfaces.
v. Self - wiping ensuring smooth closing of the switch. The temperature rise of the contacts
and other current carrying parts shall not be more than 45 °C over an ambient air
temperature of 45°C, while carrying the rated current continuously. The temperature rise
due to passage of rated short-circuit current for a period of 3 seconds shall not cause
an), annealing or welding of contacts.
e) Fixed guides shall be provided so that proper seating of contacts will be obtained by
closing even when a blade is out of alignment by 2.5 min or less.
f) All movable pars which may be in the current path shall be shunted by flexible copper
conductors to prevent breaking due to repeated bending.
g) Fabrication shall be made with suitable jig to avoid deviation during production. Details
of size and shape of contact, springs, back plate, fixing arrangements, design of
contact pressure, life of contacts, limit of temperature rise etc., shall be furnished along
with the tender.
Fixed contacts shall be mounted on a block or channel welded to 10 mm thick M.S. plate with
holes for fixing on insulators. Slots shall be provided for marginal adjustment of height of
contacts. The contacts shall rest on a brass block and with initial tension. Suitable device shall
be provided to prevent dashing. Fabrication, welding etc. shall be done in suitable jig to avoid
deviation during production.
Turn and twist mechanism shall be provided with adequate locking to avoid opening or loosening
by wind, short circuit force etc., on moving blade. The springs shall be made out of stainless
steel or phosphor bronze or any other better material to have adequate strength and resilience
and shall be encased with grease to avoid exposure to rain. The clamps and plates be made out
Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa Page 85
Tender Specification for Construction of 33kV new line for IOCL, Jatani, Khurda/Odisha
of at least 10 mm thick M.S. plate or flat. Fasteners with unlock nuts shall be used wherever
necessary. Vulnerable parts shall be fabricated by tubular gas cutting and milling. The entire-
mechanism shall be fabricated in suitable jig and template to avoid deviations during production.
6.10.All lives parts shall be designed to have smooth surfaces without any sharp points, edges and
other corona producing surfaces so as to eliminate corona at specified extinction voltage or at
1.1 x rated voltage, if extinction voltage is not specified.
Nuts, bolts and washers of M -16 and higher size shall be hot-dip galvanized. The bolts used on
tapped holes of insulators cap shall be galvanized by centrifuge process to avoid excess
deposition of zinc on threads. Nuts, bolts and washers of less than M -16 size shall be of
stainless steel when used on live parts and nickel plated brass in other parts.
a) The design and construction of the various bearings should embody all the features required
to withstand the climatic conditions specified to ensure dependable and effective operation,
even after long period of in action. All bearings in the current path except those specially
designed as high pressure contact should be shunted by flexible copper housing having
adequate cross section.
b) Rotating insulator shall be mounted on a housing with bearings. The housing shall be made
of gravity die cast metal with smooth surfaces and suitably machined for seating the
bearings. Two nos. of bearings with adequate shaft diameter and distance between the
bearings shall be provided to avoid wobbling during operations. The bearings shall be of at
least 75 mm internal diameter. The bearings shall be of reputed make and lubricated for life.
All other friction locations shall be provided with suitable bearings or stainless or brass
bushes. The bearings, bushes, joints, springs, etc., shall be so designed that no lubrication
shall be required during the service. Complete details of bearings, bushes housing greasing,
etc., shall be furnished with tender.
a) The operating down pipe mid tandem pipe shall be of heavy duty GI pipe of the following
sixes (Bore dia) for different KV class
1. 32 42.9 42 4
2. 40 48.8 47.9 4
a) Two Nos. of tandem pipe shall be used for phase coupling of double break isolator. Base plate
of insulators for connection of tandem pipe shall be made out of one piece of at least 10 mm.
thick MS plate. Bolt and shackle device shall be used to connect tandem pipe to the base
plate. Wherever unavoidable, sliding clamps may be used. These clamps shall be made out of
at least 10 mm thick MS plate with four(4) nos. of nuts and bolts. A grub screw shall be
provided for securing connection of tandem pipes.
b) The pipe shall be terminated into a suitable swivel or universal type joint between the insulator
bottom bearing of the operating mechanism to take cares of marginal angular misalignment at
site. All brackets, guides, etc., shall be
mounted on the base of the isolator. Arrangement of mounting any guide, bracket, mechanism
and the base shall not be accepted, for upright mounting type isolator.
6.15. BASE :
Each pole of the isolator shall be provided with hot dip galvanized rolled steel base provided
with holes for mounting bolts and designed for mounting on a steel structure. The bases shall
be rigid and self supporting and shall require the guying or cross bracing between phases other
than the supporting structure. The composite frame of the base shall be made of single channel
of 150 x 75 x 6 / 8 mm.
a) These shall be of stacking type to be used.The dimensions and other parameters unless
otherwise specified shall generally conform to IS - 5350-Part-11 & IEC 273.
b) The cylindrical type post insulators shall be of solid core type. Insulators of similar type
shall be interchangeable. The mechanical strength class for outdoor cylindrical post
insulators shall be of strength class 6, corresponding mechanical strength in tension,
compression and torsional shall be as per IS : 53550 Part - II. When operated at
maximum system voltage, there shall be no electrical discharge. Shielding rings, if
necessary shall be provided.
c) The parameters of the insulators required shall conform to IS : 0350 - Part - II - 1973 or
IEC 273.
e) The insulator shall be provided with a completely galvanized steel base designed for
mounting on the support. The base and mounting arrangement shall be such that the
insulator shall be rigid and self supporting and no guying or cross bracing between phase
shall be necessary.
a) The porcelain used for the manufacture of the insulators shall be homogenous, free from
laminations and other flaws or imperfections that might effect the mechanical or
dielectric. quality and shall be thorough vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture. The
glazing of the porcelain shall be uniform brown colour, with a smooth surface arranged to
shade away rain water and free from blisters, burns and other similar defects. Insulators
shall be inter-changeable.
b) The porcelain and metal parts shall be assembled in such a manner and with such
materials that any differential thermal expansion between the metal and porcelain parts
throughout the operating temperature range will not loosen the parts or electrical strength
or rigidity. The assembly shall not have excessive concentration of electrical stress in any
section or across leakage surfaces. The cement used shall not give rise to chemical
reaction. with metal fittings. The insulator shall be suitable for water washing by rains or
artificial means in service conditions. Further the insulators to be supplied shall be of
high- quality and should not result in mismatch and misalignment of stacks during
erection and operation.
c) Each cap shall be of a high grade cast iron or malleable steel casting or steel forging.
Cap and base insulators shall be interchangeable with each other. The insulator shall
conform to the requirement of the latest edition of IS : 2544,or any other equivalent
standard. The bidder should furnish the characteristics of insulators.
6.16.03 All the ferrous metal part shall be hot dip galvanized smoothly as per IS : 3638 (as amended
up to date), IS : 2623 or any other equivalent authoritative standard. The material shall be
galvanized only after shop operations upon it have been completed. The metal parts for
galvanization should be thoroughly cleaned of any paint, grease, rust, scales or alkalies or
any foreign deposit which are likely to come in the way of galvanization process. The metal
parts coating shall withstand minimum four one minute dips in copper sulphate solution as
per IEC - 168.
The insulator unit shall be assembled in a suitable jig to ensure correct positioning of the top
and bottom metal fittings relative to one another. The phases of the metal fitting shall be
parallel and at right angle to the axis of the
insulator and corresponding holes in the top and bottom metal fittings shall be in a vertical
plane containing the axis of the insulator.
It shall be sole responsibility of the supplier to carry out thorough inspection and quality,
checks on the insulators at the insulator supplier works before offering the insulators for
purchaser's inspection.
The isolator shall be provided with padlocking device to permit locking of the isolator in
both fully open and fully closed positions.
The frame of each disconnect shall be provided with two reliable earthing terminals for
connection to the earthing conductor / flat so also clamping screw suitable for carrying
specified short time current. The diameter of clamping screw shall be at least 12 mm. The
connecting point shall be marked with earth symbol.
a) The disconnecting switches shall be provided with high conductivity bimetallic terminal
connectors and suitable for Aluminium pipes (BS 1600 schedule 40) and 100 mm AAA
conductors & 120 sqmm U.G.cable, the size of which will be indicated. to successful bidder.
The connector shall be rigid in respect of AAA conductors & flexible for UG Cable connections.
The terminal connectors shall be expansion type in respect of Aluminium pipes. The terminal
connector shall conform to IS : 5561 1970.
b) Further the terminal connectors shall be suitable for both horizontal or vertical take off.
c) For bimetallic type of connectors, necessary steps shall be taken by the manufacturers to
ensure that there is no adverse effect on the connector and the connected equipment due to
bimetallic action.
The disconnect shall be fully assembled at the works of the bidder. Typical operation shall be
carried out on each type of fully assembled disconnect to ascertain that all parts fit correctly and
function satisfactorily.
a) All interiors and exteriors of enclosures, cabinets mid other metal parts shall be thoroughly
cleaned to remove all rust scales, corrosions, grease and other adhering foreign matter and
surfaces treated by recognized phosphating (Eg. Seven tank phosphating sequence), After
such preparation of surfaces tow coats of zinc oxide primer shall be given by suitable stoving
and air-drying, etc., before final paint.
b) Colour of the final paint shall be of shade No. 631 of IS-5, i.e., epoxy light grey. The final
painted cubicle shall. present aesthetically pleasing appearance free from any dent of uneven
surface Paint inside the metallic housing shall be of anti - condensation type and the paint on
outside surfaces shall be suitable for outdoor installation.
c) All ferrous parts not suitable for painting such as structural steel, pipes, rods, levers, linkages,
nuts and bolts used in other than current path etc., and also supporting structures shall be hot
dip galvanized. Galvanization shall be done after completion of fabrication which shall be
capable to prevent corrosion in view of the severe climatic conditions.
d) Thickness of zinc coating shall not be less than 610 gm of zinc per sq. meter of surface. Zinc
coating shall be smooth clean and of uniform thickness and free from defect. Preparation of
galvanizing and the galvanizing itself shall not adversely effect the mechanical properties of
the coated material, The quality shall be established by tests per IS : 2633. Galvanizing of nuts
and bolts shall be carried out by centrifugal or suitable process so that the bolts will easily fit
into the tapped holes / nuts.
e) All components shall be given adequate treatment of climate proofing as per IS : 3202 so as to
withstand corrosion and severe conditions.
7.00 TESTS :
7.01Type tests :
a) The equipment offered, shall be fully type tested. The type test reports shall not be older than
5 years on the day of bid opening. The type tests are to conducted again if the reports are
older than 5 years on the day of bid opening at no extra cost to owner.
b) During the type test the disconnect shall be mounted on its own support structure or
equivalent support structure and installed with its own operating mechanism to make the type
test representative. Drawing of equivalent support structure if any and mounting arrangement
made for type tests shall be furnished for purchaser's approval before conducting the type
c) The type tests shall be conducted on the disconnect along with approved insulators and
terminal connectors.
d) Mechanical endurance test shall be conducted on the main switch.
a) All acceptance and routine tests as stipulated in the relevant standards shall be carried out
by the supplier in presence of purchaser's representative.
b) Mechanical operation tests (routine test) shall. be conducted on the complete disconnect
(man switch and earth switch) at supplier's works and a certified test report be furnished to
the purchaser. Alternatively the bidder may offer to conduct this test at purchaser's sub-
station in which case the purchaser shall make necessary arrangement to erect the
disconnect at his sub-station site under supervision of bidders representatives for
supervision shall not be borne
by the purchaser.
c) The test report of power frequency voltage withstand test conducted on the insulator shall
be furnished for purchaser's acceptance in lieu of conducting the power frequency (dry) test
on main circuit (routine test).
Special tests listed below shall be carried out in presence of purchaser's representative.
The inspection may be carried out by the purchaser at any stage of manufacture. The successful
bidder shall grant free access to the purchaser's representative at a reasonable time when the
work is in progress. Inspection and acceptance of any equipment under this specification by the
purchaser, shall not relieve the supplier of his obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance
with the specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if the equipment is found to be
defective. The supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance, about the manufacturing
programme so that arrangement can be made for inspection. The purchaser reserves the light to
insist for witnessing the acceptance / routine testing of the bought out items.
All drawings shall conform to International Standard Organization (ISO) ' A ' series of drawing
sheet / Indian standards specification IS : 656. All drawings shall be in ink and suitable for micro
filming. All dimensions and data shall be in system international units.
The bidder shall furnish the following drawings along with his offer:
a) General outline and assembly drawings of the disconnect, operating mechanism, structure,
insulator and terminal connector.
b) Sectional views and descriptive details of items such as moving blades, contacts arms, contact
springs, contact support, turn and twist mechanism, bearing, housing of bearing, bushes,
balancing of heights, phase coupling pipes, base plate, operating shaft, guides, swivel -joint
operating mechanism and its components, etc.
a) Loading diagram.
b) Drawings with structure for the purpose of type test
c) Name plate
d) Schematic drawing
e) Type test reports in case the equipment has already been type tested
f) Test reports, literature, pamphlets of the bought out items and raw material.
The two copies of the erection, operation and maintenance manuals in English shall be
supplied one month prior to dispatch of the equipment. The manual shall be bound volume and
shall contain all drawings and information required for erection, Operation and maintenance of
the disconnect including but not limited to the following particulars.
a) Marked erection prints identify the component parts of the disconnect as shipped with -
assembly drawings.
b) Detailed dimensions and description of all auxiliaries.
c) Detailed views of the insulator stacks, metallics, operating mechanism, structure etc.
Lightning Arrestor
The specification covers the design, manufacture, shop & laboratory testing before
despatch, supply delivery of 33 KV, Station class heavy duty, gapless metal oxide Surge
Arrestors, insulating base, clamps, complete fittings & accessories suitable for 33
KV transformers/feeders including arrester's electrode earthing.
The design, manufacture and performance of Surge Arrestors shall comply with IS: 3070
Part-3 and other specific requirement stipulated in the specification Unless otherwise,
specified, the equipment, material and processes shall conform to the latest applicable
Indian/International Standards as listed hereunder:
IS: 2071-1993 (Part-1) : Methods of High Voltage Testing General Definitions &
Test Requirements.
IS: 3070-1993 (Part-3) : Specification for surge arrestor for alternating current
system Metal-Oxide lightening Arrestors without gaps.
The equipment complying with any other internationally accepted standards shall also be
considered if it ensures performance equivalent to or superior to the India Standards.
2.1 The Metal Oxide gap less Surge Arrestor without any series or shunt gap shall be suitable for
protection of 33 KV power transformers, associated equipment and 33 KV lines from
voltage surges resulting from natural disturbance like lightening as well as system
2.2 The surge arrestor shall draw negligible current at operating voltage and at the same time
offer least resistance during the flow of surge current.
2.3 The surge arrestor shall consist of non-linear resistor elements placed in series and housed
in electrical grade porcelain housing/silicon polymeric of specified creepage distance.
2.4 The assembly shall be hermetically sealed with suitable rubber gaskets with effective sealing
system arrangement to prevent ingress of moisture.
2.5 The surge arrestor shall be provided with line suitable for ACSR 'Panther' Conductor for
vertical and horizontal take off. The earth terminals shall be provided of suitable size. The
groundside terminal of surge arrestor shall be connected with 50x6mm- galvanized
strip, one end connected to the surge arrestor and second end to a separate ground
electrode (Electrode type of earthing). The contractor shall also recommend the procedure
which shall be followed in providing the ear thing/system to the Surge Arrestor.
2.6 The surge arrestor shall not operate under power frequency and temporary over voltage
conditions but under surge conditions, the surge arrestor shall change over to the conducting
2.7 Surge arrestor shall have a suitable pressure relief system to avoid damage to
the porcelain/silicon polymeric housing and providing path for flow of rated fault currents
in the event of arrestor failure.
2.8 The reference current of the arrestor shall be high enough to eliminate the influence of
grading and stray capacitance on the measured reference voltage.
2.9 The surge arrestor shall be thermally stable and the contractor shall furnish a copy of
thermal stability test with the bid.
2.10 The arrestors for 33 KV system shall be suitable for mounting on transformers as well as in
the yard. The supplier shall furnish the drawing indicating the dimensions, weight etc. of the
surge arrestors for the design of mounting brackets.
2.11 The arrestor shall be capable of handling terminal energy for high surges, external pollution
and transient over voltage and have low losses at operating voltage.
3.1 The arrestor housing shall be made up of porcelain/silicon polymeric housing and shall be
homogenous, free from laminations, cavities and other flaws of imperfections that might affect the
mechanical and dielectric quality. The housing shall be uniform brown colour, free from blisters, burrs
and other similar defects.
Arrestors shall be complete with insulating cases, fasteners for stacking units together and terminal
3.2 The housing shall be so coordinated that external flashover shall not occur due to application of
any impulse or switching surge voltage upto the maximum design value for arrestor. The arrestors
shall not fail due to contamination. The 33 KV arrestors housing shall be designed for pressure
relief class as given in Technical Parameters of the specification.
The Surge Arrestors offered shall be type tested not earlier than 5 years before the date of
opening of this tender. The surge arrestors shall be subjected to routine and acceptance
tests in accordance with IS: 3070(Part3)-1993. In addition, the suitability of the Surge
Arrestors shall also be established for the following:
Each metal oxide block shall be tested for guaranteed specific energy capability in addition to
routine/acceptance test as per IEC/IS.
4.2 The maximum residual voltages corresponding to nominal discharge current of 10KA for
steep current, impulse residual voltage test, lightning impulse protection level and switching
impulse level shall generally conform to Annexure-K of IEC-99-4.
4.3 The bidder shall furnish the copies of the type tests and the characteristics curves
between the residual voltage and nominal discharge current of the offered surge arrestor and
power frequency voltage V/s time characteristic of the surge arrestor subsequent to impulse
energy consumption as per clause 6.6 of IS: 3070 (Part-3) offered along with the bid.
4.4 The surge arrestors housing shall also be type tested and shall be subjected to routine
and acceptance tests in accordance with IS: 2071.
4.5 Galvanization Test
All Ferrous parts exposed to atmospheric condition shall have passed the type test and be
subjected to routine and acceptance test in accordance with IS: 2633 & IS: 6745.
5.1 The nameplate attached to the arrestors shall carry the following information: -
6.1 All tests and inspection shall be made in the manufacturer’s works unless
otherwise specifically agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser at the time of
placement of purchase order. The manufacturer shall afford to the inspector representing the
purchaser, al reasonable facilities, without charge to satisfy him that the material being
furnished is in accordance with these specifications. The purchaser reserves the right to get
an component/material being used by the manufacturer of the Surge Arrestor tested from
any recognized test house.
6.2 The inspection by the purchaser or his authorized representative shall not relieve
the contractor of his obligation of furnishing equipment in accordance with the specifications.
Within 15 days of receipt of the order, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the
purchaser the following drawings and literature for approval:
c. Instructions manual
(To be submitted along with offer)
HG Fuse Unit
1.1 This specification covers the manufacture, testing and supply of 33KV, 800
Amps, H.G. Fuse sets
1.2 The 33 KV H.G. Fuses shall be suitable for outdoor operation under the climatic
conditions specified. It shall be of the following ratings :-
1. Number of Poles 3
2. No. of insulator per pole 4 nos. 22 KV/24 KV, Post insulators per phase.
3. Nominal system voltage 33kV
4. Highest system voltage 36kV
5. Rated frequency 50Hz
6. System Earthing Effectively earthed
7. Rated normal current 800 Amps.
8. Altitude of installation Not exceeding 1000 M.
The Post insulator used in the H.G.Fuse set shall have the following ratings :-
IS- 5792 – 1973 ( for high voltage expulsion fuses and similar fuses ).
IS- 2544 – 1973 ( for porecelain post insulators or its latest amendments if any.
IS- 9385 – 1979.
INSULATOR MAKE :- 22/24 KV post insulator complete with pedestal cap duly
cemented to be used in 33 KV H.G. Fuse sets confirming to IS-2544/1973.
The tender shall furnish type test certificate of the post insulators from their manufacturer
for reference.
cemented and not pin insulators shall be used for the H.G. Fuse set).
Certificate for the following type test conducted within5 years preceding to the date of
opening of Tender on a prototype set of H.G Fuse set in a Govt. approved Testing
Laboratory preferably at CPRI, Bangalore shall have to be submitted for Reference &
33kV HT UG Cable
1.0 SCOPE :
1.1 The scope of this specification covers the design, manufacture, stage inspection at works,
inspection and testing the finished cables 33kV aluminum conductor. Three Core 400
square millimeter and 300 square millimeter XLPE insulated screened, DRY CURED
Power cables for use with effectively earthed urban distribution system at manufacturer’s
works. One portion from Janla 33/11kV s/s to IOCL depot Jatni is proposed for 3 core ,300
sqmm XLPE insulated Cable and the rest cable portion is proposed for 3 core ,400 sqmm
XLPE insulated as per the SLD given herewith.
2.1 The rated voltage of the cable shall be 33000 Volts AC with the highest system voltage of
36000 Volts between phases of the effectively earthed three phase-distribution system.
3.1 Unless otherwise stipulated in the specifications, the latest version of the following
Standards shall be applicable.
a. IS 8130 – Conductors for Insulated electrical cables and flexible cords, H4
Grade Aluminium Conductor, Stranded compacted Circular.
b. IS 10810 (series) – Methods of tests for cables.
c. IS 10418 – Drums for electrical cables.
d. IS 7098 (Part 2) – Cross – linked Polyethylene Insulation for Cables.
e. IS 3975 – Specification for mild steel wires, strips and tapes for armoring of
f. IS 5831 – Specification for PVC insulation sheath for electric cables.
Dimensions of protective coverings of cables
Part 1 – Elastomeric and thermoplastic insulated cables.
3.2 The Cables manufactured to any other Internal Standards like BSS, IEC or equivalent
standards not less stringent than Indian Standards are also acceptable. In such cases, the
Bidders shall enclose a copy of the equivalent international standard, in English language,
along with the bid.
•SHEATH: The sheath shall be suitable to withstand the site conditions and the
desired temperature. It should be of adequate thickness, consistent quality and free
from all defects. The PVC sheath shall be extruded as per IS: 7098 Part-II/1985.
• ARMOUR: Armoring shall be applied over the inner sheath with single
galvanized steel wire/strip complying with the requirements of IS: 3975/1979. The
dimensions of the galvanized wire/strip shall be as specified in table 4 of the IS:
7098/Part-II/1985. The armour wire/strips shall be applied as closely as practicable.
The direction of the lay of the armour shall be left hand. The joints in armour
wire/strip shall be made by brazing or welding and the surface irregularities shall be
removed. A joint in any wire/strip shall be at least 300mm from the nearest joint in
any other armour wire/strip in the complete cable.
• OUTER SHEATH: Extruded PVC outer sheath as per IS:5831/1984, shall be
applied over armouring with suitable additives to prevent attack by rodents and
termites. Outer sheathing shall be designed to offer high degree of mechanical
protection and shall also be heat, oils, chemicals, abrasion and weather resistant.
Common acids, alkalis, saline solutions etc., shall not have adverse effects on the
PVC sheathing material used. The cable shall be suitable for laying in covered
trenches and/or buried underground to meet the outdoor application purposes.
• Conductor Screening: Extruded, cross-linked, semi-conducting compound of
1.0mm thickness for 33 KV
• The cable shall have suitable PVC fillers laid up with insulation cores to provide
substantially circular cross section before the inner sheath is applied. The fillers
should be suitable for the operating temperature of the cable and compatible with the
insulating material.
• All materials used in the manufacture of cable shall be new, unused and of finest
quality. All materials should comply with the applicable provisions of the tests of the
specification, IS, Indian Electricity Rules, Indian Electricity Act and any other
applicable statutory provisions, rules and regulations.
The cables will have current ratings and derating factors as per relevant Indian
Standards. The one second short circuit current rating values shall be furnished and shall
be subject to the purchaser’s approval. The current ratings shall be based on maximum
conductor temperature of 90Deg.C with ambient site condition specified for continuous
operating at the rated current. The Short circuit current rating should be 28.2 KA for 1sec for
33 KV, 300 mm2 and 37.6 KA for 1 sec. for 33 KV, 400 mm2, XLPE UG Cable.
Cables shall be capable of satisfactory operation, under a power supply system frequency
variation of plus or minus 3 Hz., voltage variation of plus or minus 10% and combined
frequency voltage variation of 10% (absolute sum). Cable shall be suitable for laying in ducts
or burried under ground. Cable shall have heat and moisture resistance properties. These
shall be of type and design with proven record on Distribution Net work services.
The cables shall be supplied in standard drum lengths of 250Mtr. ±5% for 33 KV Cables.
For identification of individual cores, colored tape of red, yellow and blue colors
respectively shall be used on the cores on frequent intervals to identify phase
conductors as per IS:7098/Part-II/1985.
• MARKING ON THE DRUM: The following information either stenciled on the reel
or drum or contained in a label attached to it shall be carried by the cable.
Reference : IS:7098/Part-II
Manufacturers Name, Brand name or Trade mark
Type of cable and voltage grade
Number of cores
Nominal cross sectional area of conductor
Cable code
Length of cable on the reel or drum
Number of lengths on the reel or drum
Direction of rotation of drum (by means of arrow)
Approximate gross weight
Year of manufacture
The reel, drum, or label may be marked with IS Certification mark
The drum shall be marked ―Name of Bayer – CESU, Orissa‖.
Purchase Order number and date.
Each cable shall have the range of non-erasable distinct markings listed below
legibly printed on its outer sheath at one meter intervals.
ISI Mark with B.I.S License No. & ISS No. Applicable legibly
embossed on the insulation.
Buyer’s name : “CESU, Odisha”
Manufacturer’s Name with trademark identification.
Year of manufacture: last two digits are sufficient:
Size of Cable
Rated voltage class:
Sequential marking of length.
The height of the printed lettering shall be not less than 20% of the
overall diameter of the conductor
11.0 TESTS
The following tests shall be carried out in accordance with IS:8130/1984, IS:3975/1979
(Armouring), IS:5831/1984, IS:10810 (Methods of test for cables), IS:7098/Part-II/1985.
All acceptance tests shall be conducted at the time of inspection and inspection shall be
made at the place of manufacture unless and otherwise specifically agreed upon by the
manufacturer and purchaser at the time of purchase. The manufacturer shall afford the
inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities, without charges to satisfy him
that the material is being furnished in accordance with the specification. The purchaser has
the right to have the test carried out at his own cost by an independent agency whenever
there is dispute regarding the quality of supply.
The cable shall be either wound on reels or drums, the packing shall be robust enough for
rough handling that is occasioned during transportation by Rail/Road.
Guaranteed technical particulars of the cables to be furnished with the Bid are enclosed.
The schedule of requirement and desired deliveries etc. are indicated in the GTP.
The cables are laid directly buried in ground, in the bores formed by horizontal boring
method. The Nominal depth of laying is up to 2000 mm (from top, of ground to centre of
cable).However, in trenchless horizontal bore method, the bore can go up to a depth of a
maximum of 2 meter. Nature of soil is heterogeneous, sandy, Soil resistivity varies between
18 to 100 ohmmeter and the Thermal resistivity is around 1200 to 1500 C/ Cm/w. Only firm
prices shall be quoted.
Tenderer may quote the quantity that they can offer immediately within a month of the issue
of purchase order and the minimum time required to supply the full quantity.
• ISI CERTIFICATION: Tenderer having ISI certification marking will only be
• DRAWING & LITERATURE: The following shall be furnished along with the
Cross sectional drawings of the cables, giving dimensional details for each size
of cable.
An illustrated literature on the cable, giving technical information, on
current ratings, cable constants, short circuit ratings, de-rating factors, for
different types of installation, packing date, weights and other relevant information.
f) KEI
The bidders can only offer the above cable manufacturer’s equipments. However manufacturers
other than the above list may be considered based on their previous experience and approval of
18. Armouring:
a) Material
b) Type of Armouring
c) Diameter of wire
d) Whether galvanized
e) Diameter of cable over Armouring
f) Current carrying capacity of Armor
19. Outer Sheath:
a) Material
b) Minimum thickness of sheath
c) Tolerance over thickness of sheath
d) Overall diameter of cable
20. Scheme for identification of cable
21. Allowable/attainable maximum conductor temperature when carrying rated current continuously
22. Cable constants:
a) DC Resistance per core 200 C
b) AC Resistance per core at operating temperature
c) Reactance
d) Capacitance
e) Insulation Resistance at 270C
f) Loss tangent
g) Dielectric constant – Maximum cable charging current at normal operating voltage
23. Factory Tests (Enumerate in detail for each type of cable)
24. Is the offered cable guaranteed to safely withstand continuous conductor temperature at 900C and
also safely withstand temperature upto 130 C for a duration of one hundred hours per year.
25. Are the offered Three core cable guaranteed to perform satisfactorily under installation conditions
specified? If ‘Yes’ furnish relevant calculations in support including the following data:
a) Induced voltage in the Amour when a 500 mtr long cable is carrying current
b) Induced voltage and the circulating current in the copper tape
HT cable joints and terminals
based compound with abrasive action. Edges and corners shall be free from burrs and sharp
edges. The terminals shall meet the requirements of IS 8309 - Specification for Compression
type tubular terminal ends for aluminum conductors of insulated cables.
The term heat shrink refers to extruded or molded polymeric materials which are cross linked
to develop elastic memory and supplied in expanded or deformed size or shape. The
subsequent heating results in shrinking down to original size and shape. The manufacturer of
kits besides stating the properties of each component of the kit as indicated below and as per
the detailed specifications given in Enclosures-I(A), I(B) & I(C) should also state the source of
origin of each component viz; whether locally manufactured or imported in raw material form
and processed. The manufacturing activity carried out on each component should be stated.
Also, in case the kit is assembled with components imported from two or more foreign
suppliers, the manufacturers should give documentary proof supported by the foreign
manufacturers confirming that the kit assembled utilizing components of different suppliers are
guaranteed by them.
The kits should have satisfactory performance record in India in excess of 5 years supported
with proof of customers having had satisfactory use of these kits in excess of 5 years.
The successful contractor/bidder should undertake the testing of termination and jointing kits at CPRI
in the presence of CESU Engineers as per the performance type test sequence given below. For this
purpose, the kit shall be selected by CESU Engineers in the manufacturer’s premises and sealed by
the Engineer before taking it to CPRI, Bangalore.
Sl No Particulars Details
Maximum 450 C
1 Amb. Temperature
Minimum 100 C
3 Relative Humidity 50 – 90 %
Test sequence
Test results shall be as
Sl No Test Sequence Test Voltage
1 No visual damage
freely 6 times from a height of 2.0M. On to the
sample. The drops shall be distributed over the
length of the joint and at right angles to the axis of
the joint,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
.(Electricity Council Engg.C.81)
Indoor -75 kV
10 positive and 10
negative 1.2/50
micro seconds
Impulse voltage withstand
3 between each -do-
test (IEC Pub 60 & 230)
conductor & the Outdoor95 kV
grounded sheath
or screen
63 cycles, 5 hrs
heating, 3hrs
4 Load Cycling 15 kV -do-
screened : 75⁰ C
1 Sec. symmetrical
fault with sheath
5 Thermal short circuit -do-
temp. as per cable
Indoor -75 kV
8 Impulse voltage withstand Repeat -do-
Outdoor95 kV
Conductivity 800
10 Humidity indoor termination 7.5 kV -do-
S/Cm., 100 hrs
spray rate 0.41/Cu.
Test Inner
Test Stress Ferrule
Method Non-Tracking Clear insulating Outer
Control insulating
Tubing tubing tubing for
Tubing tubing
d Ageing
168 Hrs. at ISO 188
No tracking
erosion to top
surface or flame
failure after:
and ASTM
1 HR at 2.5 kV - KA 3C KA 1
erosion D2303
1 HR at 2.75 kV
1 HR at 3.0 kV
20 Mins at
Water ISO/R 1 % Max. AFT. 1 % Max. 1 % Max. AFT. 0.5 % Max. AFT. 0.2 % Max.
absorption 62 14 days at (23 ± AFT. 14 days 14 days at (23 ± 14 days at (23 ± AFT. 14
Procedu 2)⁰C at (23 ± 2)⁰C 2)⁰C 2)⁰ C days at (23
re A ± 2)⁰ C
Resistance ISO
to liquids 1817
r oil to VDE
& days at
(23 ± 2)⁰C
Sl No Test Test Method
Sheds Conductive Break-outs
Accelerated Ageing
3 ISO 188
168 Hrs. at 120ºC
9 N/mm²
4 Tensile Strength ISO 37 7.5 N/mm² Minimum.
200 % 150 %
5 Ultimate Elongation ISO 37
Minimum. Minimum.
110ºC 105ºC
6 Thermal Endurance IEC 216
Minimum. Minimum.
7.5 N/mm²
Tensile Strength ISO 37 5 N/mm² Minimum.
250 % 150 %
Ultimate Elongation ISO 37
Minimum. Minimum.
Test Test Method
Black Insulator Mastic Sealant break-out and sheds
IEC 243 130 kV/CM Min. 80 kV/CM Min.
Volume 1 × 10 ¹⁴ OHM-CM
IEC 93
Water ISO/R 62
absorption Procedure A at (23 ± 2)⁰ C (23 ± 2)⁰ C
effect 16 Hrs.
at 121⁰ C Method-B No corrosion
Below- 30⁰ C
This shall comprise of vegetable or organic soil, turf, sand, sandy soil, silt, loam, clay, mud, red
earth, suede, peat, black cotton soil, soft shale, loose murrum, mud debris, concrete below
ground level, a mixture of all these and similar material which yields to the ordinary application
of pick, shovel, rake or other ordinary digging implement. Removal of gravel or any other
modular material having diameter in any one direction not exceeding 75 mm, such occurring
strata shall be deemed to be covered under this category.
2) Gravel, soft laterite, kankar and cobble stone having maximum diameter in any one
direction between 75 mm and 300 mm.
3) Soliding of road paths, etc., and hard core.
4) Macadam surfaces such as water bound and bitumen/tar bound.
5) Lime concrete, stone masonry in lime/cement mortar below ground level.
6) Soft conglomerate, where the stones may be detached from the matrix with picks.
7) Generally any material which requires the close application of picks or sacrifiers to
loosen and not affording resistance to digging greater than hardest of any soil
mentioned in item (1) to (6) above.
1) Ordinary rock comprising of lime stone, sand stone, hard laterite, fissured rock,
conglomerate or other soft or disintegrated rock which may be quarried or split with
crow bars.
2) Unreinforced cement concrete which may be broken up with crow bars or picks and
stone masonry in cement mortar below ground level.
3) Boulders which do not require blasting having maximum diameter in any direction of
more than 300 mm found lying loose on the surface or embedded in river bed, soil,
talus slope wash and terrace material of dissimilar origin.
NOTE : Hard laterite does not require blasting. It is to be classified under
ordinary rock which does not require blasting.
1) Any rock or cement concrete or RCC for the excavation of which the use of mechanical
plant or blasting is required.
Cable Laying Methodology
Central Electricity Supply Utility of Orissa Page 124
Tender Specification for Construction of 33kV new line for IOCL, Jatani, Khurda/Odisha
1.0. Notwithstanding anything stated in these specifications, CESU reserves the right to assess
the bidder’s capability to fulfill the scope of the bid, should the circumstances warrant such
2.1 The design and quality of goods supplied and the workmanship shall be in accordance
with the best engineering practice to ensure satisfactory performance of the system
throughout the service life.
2.2 The goods and accessories offered shall be complete in all respects. Any material and /
or component thought not specifically stated in this specification but is necessary for
trouble free and successful operation shall be deemed to be included. All such
components, accessories, etc., shall be supplied at no extra cost.
2.3 The goods supplied shall be such that components, accessories of the same type shall
be interchangeable. Likewise similar or corresponding parts, components / accessories
shall also be interchangeable.
2.4 Wherever and whenever a material or article is specified or described by the name of a
particular brand, manufacturer, vendor, the specific item mentioned shall be understood
as establishing type, function, quality and not as limiting competition. However bidders
may offer other similar components / accessories provided they meet with the required
standards, design, duties and performance.
2.5 Goods and accessories so offered shall conform to type test and shall also be subjected
to acceptance and routine tests in accordance with the requirements stipulated in this
specification. The CESU reserves the right for repeating any or all of the type tests to be
conducted on the goods supplied.
3.1. Except as modified by this specification all materials to be supplied shall conform to the
requirements of the latest editions of the following standards:
a) IS 1255 Code of practice for Installation and maintenance of power cables up to
and including 33 KV rating
b) IS 7098 (Part 2 ) Cross – linked Polyethylene PVC sheathed cables.
c) IEC 332 Tests on erected cables
d) IEC 1329 Allied steel, tubes, tubular and other rough iron fittings.
e) IEC 2629 Recommended practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron & steel.
f) ASTM-D : 2671 Standard method of testing heat shrinkable or push on Tapex or
cold type tubing for electrical use.
g) ASTM-D 3111 Flexibility determination of hot melt adhesives by mandrel bend test
h) IEC 60 High Voltage test
i) IS 3043 Code of practice for Earthing
j) IS 8309 Compression type tubular terminals for aluminum conductors of insulated
4.1. All deviations in specification shall be brought out by the bidder and detailed clause by
clause in appropriate annexure form.
4.2. Deviations brought out elsewhere or in any other format will not be considered and are
liable for rejection. The CESU in such an event shall also deem that the bidder has
conformed to the clauses in this specification scrupulously.
4.3. Deviation in specification shall if possible be quoted with reference to standards. The
bidder shall then furnish an authentic English version of such standards.
5.1. It will be imperative on each bidder to fully inform himself of the local conditions and
factors which may have any effect on the execution of the supply and services covered
under these documents and specification.
5.2. It shall be understood and agreed that such factors will have been properly investigated
and considered in any bid that is submitted. The purchaser will entertain no claim for
financial adjustment to the contract awarded under these specifications and
documents. No change in the time schedule of the contract, or any financial
adjustment arising thereof that are based on incorrect information, or its effect on the
cost of the contract to the bidder shall be permitted by the Purchaser.
5.3. Bidders are advised to visit the various areas where the U.G. cables are access, road
/drain / footpath crossings to enable them to make proper costing and then quote
a) The scope of work involves Supply and laying, testing and commissioning of 33KV,
3 Core, 400/300 XLPE UG cable.
b) Laying of 3 core, 33 kV, 400 and 300 sqmm UG Cables by trenchless technology
adopting horizontal Boring (HDD) by machines with adequate drawing capacity.
6.1. The contract will be on the turnkey basis and all the required materials as per
specifications are to be procured by the contractor himself. The specifications for the
major equipment to be procured are as follows :
6.2. All the other materials like coarse and fine aggregate sand, joint markers, sealing,
route markers, cable support clamps, terminals and inline connectors, sealing
compounds etc., whether specifically mentioned or not in these specifications are
deemed to have been included in the scope of supply and installation. Similarly, the
contractor has to arrange for all the tools and plants required for the works at his own
7.1. The cables are being laid in the Khurda district, Odisha, where temperature, humidity
effect is heavily experienced.
7.2. The climatic conditions are prone to wide variations in ambient temperature, humidity
etc., and the accessories offered shall be suitable for installation under the above
tropical conditions, where moderately hot and humid conditions conducive to dust, rust
and fungi growth, prevail at site.
7.3. The underground cables are to be laid along NH-5, where other utility services like
telephone and EHT lines are encountered.
Climatic conditions
Sl No Particulars Details
Bhubaneswar – Jatani in
1 Location
Not exceed 100 M above
2 Altitute
MSL- Almost at the Sea level
3 Max. Ambient air temperature : 45º C
4 Max. Daily average air temp : 38 º C
5 Minimum ambient air temp : 10 º C (Max) 5 º C (Min)
6 Ground temperature at depth of laying assumed : 35 º C (Max)
7 Isoceraunic level : 45
8 Avg. annual rainfall : 1450 mm
9 Avg. number of rainy days per annum 60
The climate in the coastal city
of Bhubaneswar is Tropical
moderately hot and humid.
10 Climate :
sub- soil water at certain
location at depth of burial of
cables may be anticipated .
11 Soil : Normally dry
9.1. All services carried out by the bidder / sub contractor shall be as per the requirements
of the I.E.Act-2003 & Indian electricity Rules – 1956, OERC and all other applicable
statutory laws governing the services in the state of Odisha
9.2. Particular attention is drawn to the necessity of consulting the local authorities and the
administrative heads concerned with the operation and maintenance of roads, railways,
telegraph and telephone services, water supply and sewerage and other public utilities.
9.3. The CESU will assist in obtaining permission from civil authorities for boring in the
Roads, cutting roads. However the necessary charges shall be paid by the bidder
sufficiently in advance. CESU will also co-ordinate with the traffic police authorities for
regulation of traffic during cutting of roads.
10.1. All Electrical installations and equipments are to be inspected and approved by the
Chief Electrical Inspector to the Government of Odisha, before commissioning.
10.2. The Contractor will arrange for the payment of the necessary fees for inspection.
10.3. Any defects pointed out by the Electrical Inspector, shall be corrected or attended by
the bidder /subcontractor at his own cost and he shall pay, for subsequent inspection
charges to the Electrical Inspector, for obtaining approval.
11.1. Method Of Ug Cable Laying : Laying 33 kV HT UG cables at a depth not more than
3 Mtrs, by trenchless technology ,adopting horizontal boring using appropriate standard
machines. Boring & Drawing of cable including preparation at site
11.2. ROUTE PLANS: Tentative cable route plans will be furnished to the contractors,
indicating the roads road crossings, findings by excavating trial holes by the contractor /
sub contractor. The work should be taken upon only after CESU Engineers approve
the final route. The CESU reserves the right to change, alter deviate the route on
technical reasons.
11.3. TRIAL PITS : The bidder shall excavate trial pits, for alignment purpose at
appropriate distance apart as warranted by the local conditions, keep a record of the
findings and close the trial holes properly to avoid hindrance / accidents to pedestrian
traffic. The final route / alignment of the cables shall be decided based on the finding of
the trial holes.
11.4. It is the responsibility of the bidder to maintain as far as possible the required statutory
clearances from other utility services.
11.5. Any damage caused, inadvertently to any utility services shall be the sole responsibility
of the contractor.
12.1. The Contractor shall arrange the necessary way leaves from the concerned public
utility authorities and CESU shall give the required assistance to the contractor in
completing the project.
15.1. Wherever it is not possible to lay of the entire cable drum length, the cable should be
cut and properly sealed and if it is necessary to remove the cable from the drum, it
should be properly flaked. Such cable lengths should be properly stored at site.
16.1. Wherever the cable route crosses bridges the cable shall be laid in the ducts, if provided,
by removing and replacing the R.C.C. covers and filled with sand cushion.
16.2. In the absence of the cable ducts over bridges, the cable shall be laid in suitable size
steel/G.I. pipes or as directed by the engineer-In-charge and the pipe covered by cement
concrete if necessary to protect from direct sunrays.
17.1. Wherever the cable to cross open drains with a long span, the cable shall be laid in
suitable size G.I. pipe, properly jointed with suitable collars. The GI pipe shall be firmly
supported on pillars, columns, or suitable support of R.C.C. foundation with stone masonry
in cement mortar 1:4
17.2. Wherever the U.G. cable has to cross the sewerage or water supply line the U.G. cable
has to be taken below them maintaining adequate clearance. Further wherever the U.G.
cable runs parallel to the telephone cable a separation distance of at east 300-mm shall be
17.3. The cables shall be laid in stoneware pipe wherever the cable and trench crosses private
roads, gates, etc. In order to avoid inconvenience the stoneware pipe should be laid first
after excavation and excavated trench shall be back filled, compacted and surface properly
redone to restore that original condition.
18.1. Permanent means of indicating the positions of joints on site should be provided. During
the course of permanent reinstatement cable and joint markers, should be laid directly
above the route of the cable and the position of the joint respectively.
18.2. Wherever it is not possible to place the marker directly over the cable route or joint the
marker should be suitably placed near the cable route or joint on which the distance of the
cable route or joint at right angles to and parallel to the marker should be clearly indicated.
18.3. The position of fixing the markers will be at the discretion of the Engineer-In-charge.
19.1. GENERAL: It shall be noted that the U.G. cables are of XLPE insulation and needs
special care in jointing. The cable jointer and his assistant shall have experience in
making joints / terminations. Jointing work should commence as soon as two or three
lengths of cables have been laid. All care should be taken to protect the factory-plumbed
cap/seal by laying the end solid in bitumen until such time as the jointing is commenced.
19.2. Jointing of cables in carriage ways, drives, under costly paving, under concrete or asphalt
surfaces and in proximity to telephone cables and water mains, should be avoided
whenever possible.
19.3. JOINT PITS: The joint pits should be sufficient dimensions as to allow jointers to work with
as much freedom of movement and comfort as cables proposed to be jointed. The sides
of the pit should be draped with tarpaulin sheet to prevent loose earth from falling on the
joint during the course of making. The pit should be well shored with timber, if necessary.
An overlap of about 1.0 mtr of the cables to be jointed may be kept, for allowance to
adjust the position of the joint. When two or more cables are laid together the joints shall
be arranged to be staggered by 2 to 2.5 mtr.
19.4. SUMP PITS: When jointing cables in water logged ground or under monsoon conditions,
a sump pit should be excavated at one end of the joint pit in such a position so that the
accumulating water can be pumped or bailed out by buckets without causing interference
to the jointing operation.
19.5. TENTS: A tent should be used in all circumstances wherever jointing work is carried out in
the open irrespective of the weather conditions. The tent should be so covered as to have
only one entrance and the back facing the direction of the wind. The tent cover should be
properly weighted or tied down on the sides.
19.11. TRANSITION JOINTS: Wherever straight through joints will have to be made with
existing cables under the following conditions, the contractor shall arrange such type of
joints and execute them with skilled jointers.
(1) Between cables having two different types of insulation viz., paper and XLPE
(2) Between cables having two different types of conductor material, viz. copper
and aluminum.
(3) Or a combination of the above
The transition joints shall conform to IS 13705 – Transition joints for cables for
working voltages from 11 KV upto and including 33 KV – performance
requirements and type tests.
19.12. CABLE TERMINATIONS: Cable terminations required are both indoor and outdoor type
and invariably be of heat shrinkable type conforming to the specifications vide Annexe 2.
Alternatively push-on or Tapex or cold shrinkable type can be used with the approval of
CESU with appropriate sheds for rainwater in case of outdoor terminations. All the
technical particulars to establish the superiority in the performance of these joints shall be
furnished while seeking approval. The terminations shall conform to specifications as per
IS 13573 – 1992. The instructions furnished by the manufacturer of termination boxes/kits
should strictly be followed.
19.13. Whenever a cable raised from the trench to end in termination, to be finally connected to
an overhead line or transformer, the following instructions should be complied with –
(i) One coil to made and left in the ground for future needs
(ii) The rise of cable, immediately from the ground level should be enclosed in
suitable diameter GI pipe to height of 2 mt.
(iii) The balance portion of the cable should be neatly curved, in ‘S’ shape.
(iv) The cable and pipe should be properly fastened by using appropriate clamps
/support. The hardware of clamps shall be painted with red oxide and
enamel paint or galvanized.
(v) The lugs on the termination shall be compressed with a suitable compression
20.1. The metal sheath and Armour should be efficiently bonded and earthed at all terminals
to earth electrodes provided. The cross sectional area of the bond shall be such that the
resistance of each bond connection shall not exceed the combined resistance of an
equal length of the metal sheath and Armour of the cable.
21.1. All cables after laying and jointing works are completed should be tested systematically
and insulation and pressure tests should be made on all underground cables.
21.2. All test results should be recorded in tabular form in logbooks kept for the purpose
22.1. After the laying and jointing work is completed, a high voltage test should be applied to
the cable to ensure that the cable has not been damaged during or after the laying
operations and there is not defect in the joining
22.2. The high voltage tests should be as per IS 1255 or as per international standards. The
H.V. testing instruments shall be brought by the turn key contractor.
23.1. When the cable is ready, just before commissioning, the cable constants viz, the
resistance, capacitance and inductance of each conductor should be determined and
recorded, along with frequency at which the values of capacitance and inductance are
24.1. All the cable joints / termination done by the contractor shall be guaranteed for 12
months from the date of energisation of the complete cable. In the event of failure during
the guarantee period, the restoration work shall be done free of cost by the contractor
within 24 hours of giving notice or else the expenditure incurred by CESU to re-do the
joint / termination will be recovered from the performance guarantee amount held with
the CESU.
25.1. Accurate neat plans / sketches, drawn to suitable scale (1 cm = 10M) should be
prepared and furnished by the contractor after the completion of each work.
25.2. All relevant information should be collected at site, during the progress of work and
preserved for preparation of drawings.
25.3. The following essential data should be incorporated on all drawings
a) Size, type of cable or cables.
b) Location of the cable in relation to prominent land mark property, Kerb-line etc., with
c) The cross section showing where cables are laid in piper or ducts, giving their sizes,
type and depths.
d) Position and type of all joints
e) Location of other cables which run alongside or across the cable route.
f) Position and depths of all pipers, ducts, etc., which are met as obstruction to the
cable route.
g) Accurate lengths from joint to joint
h) Manufacturers name and drum number of the cable, between sections / joint to joint.
Two transparencies and six blue print copies of the cable records prepared as above
shall be given to the CESU’s engineer as a part of the contract as soon as the cable is
Proposed Route Map with GPS drawing