39 Vol. 10 Issue 10 Oct 2019 IJPSR RA 11531

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Meena et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(10): 4724-4730.

E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

IJPSR (2019), Volume 10, Issue 10 (Research Article)

Received on 17 January 2019; received in revised form, 20 April 2019; accepted, 13 June 2019; published 01 October 2019


Vandana Meena *, Shakti Bhushan and Anand Chaudhary
Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Keywords: ABSTRACT: In the present study, the pharmaceutical and therapeutic
Shankha Bhasma, dimensions of Shankha Bhasma (Classical Ayurvedic marine medicine) is
Swedana, Bhavana, Ayurveda, explored as a substitute for calcium supplements available in the market.
Marana, Quantum of heat Shankha Bhasma was prepared & standardized by Ayurvedic
Correspondence to Author: pharmaceutical procedure accordingly in Rasa Tarangini (a classical 20 th-
Vandana Meena century book on Ayurvedic pharmaceutical medicine). Conch shell
MD (Ay) Scholar, (Shankha) was subjected to bio-fomentation (Swedana) in a precise
Department of Rasa Shastra & heating container (Dolayantra) containing lemon juice for 12 h. Further,
Bhaishajya Kalpana, Faculty of triturated with Aloe vera juice (Kumari Swarasa) for bio-impregnation
Ayurveda, Institute of Medical (Bhavana) and subjected to the controlled quantum of heat (Marana) in
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi - 221005, Uttar Pradesh,
the sealed earthen saucer at 700 °C for 2 h, till all the classical and
India. contemporary quality parameters about bio-metallic medicinal powder
(Bhasma) was assured. On completion, average weight loss was 17-21%.
E-mail:[email protected] The final product obtained was calcite form of CaCO 3 and calcium oxide
hydrate (CaO.H2O). This paper explores scientific evidence of ancient
Ayurvedic pharmaceutical procedures in terms of bio-fomentation, bio-
impregnation, transfer mechanism of quantum of heat along with the
principles of fluid mechanics & thermodynamics.
INTRODUCTION: Minerals (mica, arsenic, Specific redox reaction with the insertion of herbal
calcium compounds, chalcopyrite, etc.) and metals assimilates causing substitutive addition of many
(mercury, iron, copper, lead, zinc, etc.) are the vital trace elements, converting the metals into a suitable
constituents of the advance Ayurvedic form for internal use, making it more absorbable to
pharmaceutical procedure used in the form of bio- the human body. Ancient Ayurveda classics depict
metallic medicinal powder (Bhasmas). Classical the therapeutic uses of suitably processed Bhasmas,
textbook of Rasa Shastra delineated various including their deleterious effects if not prepared
pharmaceutical processes of Shankha Bhasma, such properly 1.
as Shodhana, Marana, etc. This classical procedure
of repeated detoxification and incineration enriches Standardization of Ayurvedic Bhasmas is need of
it with biochemical constituents. the hour, but due to the absence of standard
QUICK RESPONSE CODE parameters, it’s a difficult task. Standardization of
DOI: crude drugs, pharmaceutical processes, and the
finished product is to be validated by setting a
standard manufacturing procedure (SMP) for every
The article can be accessed online on
step of drug manufacture. Standardization
comprises of classical and contemporary
DOI link: http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.10(10).4724-30 physicochemical parameters 2.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 4724

Meena et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(10): 4724-4730. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

Conch shell (Shankha) is the hard calcareous shell Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Banaras Hindu University. A
of large predatory sea snails species. According to sample of raw Shankha was authenticated from
Rasatarangini, two types of Shankha are Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana,
mentioned: Dextrorotated (Dakshinavarta) and Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute Medical Sciences,
Levorotated (Vamavarta). Vamavarta is very Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
common and hence is therapeutically useful for
preparing Ayurvedic medicines 3. Conch shell Detoxo - purification (Shodhana): Bio -
(Shankha) is known since the Vedic period (1500 fomentation (Swedana) of Shankha: The process
B.C.-500 B.C.), but its internal application as a of Shodhana of Shankha was followed cautiously
medicine has been recognized from Charak about Rasa Tarangini 7. This was performed in
Samhita period (500B.C. - 6thcentury AD). three steps namely Purva Karma (pre-purificatory
Bhasmas of Rasa Shastra has proved its high pharmaceutical procedure) which includes
therapeutic efficacy in comparison to herbal preparation of the liquid media to perform Swedana
medicines and earned an overwhelming acceptance Samskara (bio-fomentation) of Shankha (conch
in the mainstream of Ayurveda. shell) followed by Pradhan Karma (chief
purificatory pharmaceutical procedure), in the
Bhasmas are required in a smaller dose and are process of Swedana an indirect heat through
quicker in action with targeted drug delivery. It has membrane is applied and finally the Paschat Karma
been demonstrated with high therapeutic efficacy (post purificatory pharmaceutical procedure) which
due to their nano-carrier nature and was very is washing and cleaning of Shodhita (detoxo-
portable with a much-enhanced shelf life. These purified) Shankha. The principle to extract nimbu
factors propelled Bhasmas as popular dosage form swarasa is as per reference in Sharangdhar Samhita,
and established their demand in clinics of which involves Nishpidana (expression).
Ayurveda. Shankha Bhasma is used either as a
single drug or in formulation with other medicines. Nimbu was washed properly under tap water along
It is indicated for various disorders, especially with the removal of the outer layer and apex of
chronic diarrhea, colic pain, acidity with nimbu by the knife. The internal pulpy part was
biliousness, and heart disease. It removes looseness placed in between the extractor and pressure was
of stools, cures white blot in eyes and is a tonic, applied. The extracted organic juice was collected
also used in pimples on the face of young peoples 4. in stainless steel vessels and sieved through a
cotton cloth, finally, organic juice was measured.
Shankha Bhasma had been documented to be This measured liquid was used in shodhana
prescribed in indigestion (Ajirna), decreased process. In chief pharmaceutical procedure raw
enzymatic secretion (Agnimandhya), irritable Shankha (conch shell) was crushed into small
bowel syndrome (Grahani), sour eructation/acidity pieces, kept in a clean cotton cloth and pottali was
(Amlapitta), duodenal ulcer (Parinamashula), prepared. Then it was hanged into dolayantra with
hepatosplenomegaly (Yakrittaplihavriddhi) and the help of iron rod (Container containing nimbu
toxins (Visha) 5. It has been known to us that swarasa), and it was boiled with the help of heating
Calcium is vital to many enzymatic reactions, device continuously for 4 yama (12 h) on mild heat.
involved in neuro-hormonal transmission and
maintains cellular integrity. Approximately, half of On completion of 12 h, the heater was put off, and
the total serum calcium is ionized and active and pottali was allowed to self cool. Later the pieces of
the rest is bound primarily to albumin 6. Shankha were separated from cloth and washed
under lukewarm water along with the precautious
MATERIALS AND METHODS: cleaning of the Shankha pieces, and eventually it
Procurement and Authentication of Raw was dried and weighed the whole process showing
Material: The best variety of Shankha was in Fig. 1. Remaining two batches were prepared
procured from Gola Deenanath, local market of following the procedure mentioned above.
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Fresh lemon (Nimbu) was
purchased from the vegetable market in Varanasi, Transfer Mechanism of Quantum of Heat
and Aloe vera (Kumari) was obtained from (Marana) of Shankha: Marana can be probably

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 4725

Meena et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(10): 4724-4730. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

correlated to oxidato-reductive incineration process After proper drying of pellets, it was placed in
of Shankha which was performed in the following Sharava and covered with another Sharava. For
steps. Marana of Shankha was done as per the sealing the Sharava clay smeared cloth was used
reference in Rasa Tarangini 7. with seven coatings which were given successively
after drying the previous coating.
1st Puta: Initially the pieces of Shodhita Shankha The prepared smeared Samputa was subjected to
were arranged in a Sharava (earthen container) and heat in EMF at temperature 700 °C maintained for
closed by another Sharava. Joint was sealed by 2 h duration. After completion of self-cooling, the
using cloth smeared with clay and allowed to dry. Samputa was removed from the furnace and
Total seven coatings was required to Samputa opened; Bhasma was weighed and then subjected
(sealing), and each coating was done after drying to Bhasma Pariksha (analytical completion test for
the previous coating. On completion of sealing quality control of bio metallic, medicinal powder,
procedure, Sharava Samputa (Sealed earthen i.e. Bhasma); eventually, these Bhasmas did not
container) was subjected to heat in an electric pass all parameters of Bhasma Pariksha. So, to pass
muffle furnace (EMF) and the temperature was all the parameters of Bhasma, it was subjected to
maintained at 700 °C for 2 h. After that, the furnace 3rd Puta.
was switched off and allowed for self-cooling. Next
day samples were taken out of the self-cooled 3rd Puta: In this Puta, the procedure mentioned in
Sharava Samputa and pieces were powdered in previous Puta was followed here. After self-
mortar-pestle. cooling, Bhasma Pariksha was done and after third
Puta, the obtained Bhasma passed all the
2nd Puta: In the second Puta, for Bhavana Kumari completion test as mentioned in the classics and
Swarasa was extracted by Nishpidana (expression) finally its quality was assured. The final product
followed by trituration. On the appearance of was powdered and sieved through 120 # mesh to
Subhavita Lakshan (chief desired character after obtain fine Bhasma. At last, it was weighed and
Bhavana) Chakrikas (pellets) were prepared, and collected in an airtight container. The whole
for this procedure, a small amount of levigated process of Shankha Bhasma preparation, showing
doughy mass was made into round, flat pellets. in Fig. 1.
Diameter, thickness, and weight of one Chakrika
were 2.0-2.5 cm, 0.5-0.7 cm and 5-7 g respectively.


International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 4726

Meena et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(10): 4724-4730. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Three batches of and 3.3% respectively in all three samples after
1kg Shankha were taken for the Shodhana Shodhana. The loss was due to the removal of
procedure. 6 litres of nimbu swarasa was utilized in impurities. The summary of Shodhana of three
each batch for the Swedana of Shankha, and this batches of Shankha has been mention in Table 1.
process took 12 h. Loss in weight was 3.45%, 3.0%
Batch Name of Quantity of Duration of Wt. of Shankha Wt. of Shankha %
media media Swedana before Shodhana (gm) after Shodhana (gm) loss
I Nimbu Swarasa 6 litres 12 h 1000 965.50 3.45
II Nimbu Swarasa 6 litres 12 h 1000 970.00 3.00
III Nimbu Swarasa 6 litres 12 h 1000 967.00 3.30

During Shodhana procedure, it was observed that corrosive properties make it a useful ingredient in
fumes appeared on heating in Dolayantra for 45 cleaning products, because it softens the minerals
min and on completion of the process color of in hard water, allowing the cleaning agents to work
Shankha became whitish, unsoiled, brittle and more effectively 10. During the process,
lustreless. The color of nimbu swarasa was light temperature increases and the molecules of the
yellow initially, but after completion of the process, liquid gain energy, causing an increase in the
it changed to slightly greyish. The temperature of molecular motion leading to overcoming the force
the media was maintained at 100 °C – 110 °C of attraction. Probably this results in encircling
throughout the procedure. A whitish powder-like (agitated motion) around the pottali with high
substance was deposited at the bottom of the kinetic movements the media (acidic) neutralizes
Dolayantra, suggesting the sedimentation of the alkaline impurities of Shankha and also
impurities, these are due to the removal of detoxify the toxic impurities in it, making the drug
impurities that dissolved and escaped through the qualitatively available for further processing.
pores of pottali during Shodhana procedure.
For the Marana process, 600 gm of Shankha was
During the process of Swedana in Shankha taken for each batch, the temperature was set at 700
Shodhana, a probable hypothesis can be postulated °C and was maintained for 2 h. On completion of
that an indirect heat applied to Shankha, which is first Puta, Chakrikas was grayish white from
covered in pottali. The convection current superficially with hard consistency, but on breaking
generated causes active randomized movement of internally, it was dull white. In this Puta, loss was
the principle ingredients of lemon juice. This observed at 15.33%. After 1st Puta, Bhavana of
movement facilitates the entry of the components Kumari Swarasa was given for 3 h, and during the
of lemon juice inside the pottali, the cloth of pottali whole process of Bhavana 450 ml of Kumari
acts as a selectively permeable membrane which Swarasa was utilized. Levigation was done
filters the impurities. The citric acid is the chief properly with uniform and sufficient pressure to
constituent of lemon juice which acts as heavy make the materials fine. The pellets were made
metal mobilizer due to its chelating property 8. uniform in shape and size for proper heat exposure.
There is some sort of electrostatic attraction or the After drying, the average weight of one Chakrika
formation of surface Ca-citrate complexes in the was observed in the range of 5 to 7g; the average
ongoing process. diameter was 2.0 to 2.5 cm, and the thickness was
0.5 to 0.7 cm.
Citric acid reduces the positive charge of calcium
compounds, thus indicating the adsorption of the After proper drying Sharava samputikarana was
citrate on the positively charged sites 9. The done as per the previous procedure. The prepared
exchange diffusion process occurring during the smeared Samputa was subjected to heat in EMF at
intermediary procedures leads to the bio- temperature 700 °C maintained for 2 h duration
impregnation of the active principles of media in after 2nd Puta weight loss was observed 2.16%.
Shankha. Lemon juice's high acidity means that it Color changed from grayish white to white, pellets
has a high concentration of hydrogen ions and its consistency changed from hard to soft.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 4727

Meena et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(10): 4724-4730. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

Rekhapurnata was seen after 2nd Puta, 40% Varitara loss in the first batch was 19.7%, and total of three
was observed, but the all quality control parameter Putas was required to prepare standard Shankha
did not pass after 2nd Puta. Therefore, one more Bhasma. The final product obtained was calcite
Puta was given on the same temperature and form of CaCO3 and calcium oxide hydrate
completion of the 3rd Puta 2.21% weight loss was (CaO.H2O). The details of three batches were given
observed, 80% Varitara and Niswadatva, Unnam in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
test was positive after 3rd Puta. The total weight
Puta Amount of TT ST Reaching Maintaining Initial wt. of Final wt. of %
Liquid Media duration on ST time on ST Shankha (gm) Shankha (gm) loss
1st - - 700 °C 55 min 2h 600 508 15.33
2nd 450 ml 3h 700 °C 60 min 2h 508 497 02.16
3rd 460 ml 3h 700 °C 60 min 2h 497 486 02.21
TT- Triturating time, ST- Set temperature


Puta Amount of TT ST Reaching Maintaining Initial wt. of Final wt. of %
Liquid Media duration on ST time on ST Shankha (gm) Shankha (gm) loss
1st - - 700 °C 55 min 2h 600 g 523 g 12.83
2nd 470 ml 3h 700 °C 55 min 2h 523 g 507 g 03.05
3rd 470 ml 3h 700 °C 60 min 2h 507 g 497 g 01.97
TT- Triturating time, ST- Set temperature


Puta Amount of TT ST Reaching Maintaining Initial wt. of Final wt. of %
Liquid Media duration on ST time on ST Shankha (gm) Shankha (gm) loss
1st - - 700 °C 60 min 2h 600 g 502 g 16.33
2nd 450 ml 3h 700 °C 55 min 2h 502 g 489 g 02.58
3rd 460 ml 3h 700 °C 60 min 2h 489 g 471 g 03.68
TT- Triturating time, ST- Set temperature

In the pharmaceutical procedure, Bhavana plays a mechanisms: (1) adsorption onto a coordinatively
very significant role, according to Ayurvedic unsaturated site, (2) adsorption via acid-base
classics Bhavana Samskara alters Guna and interaction, (3) adsorption via π-complex
Karmas (pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics) formation, (4) adsorption via hydrogen bonding, (5)
of a drug at macroscopic as well as at microscopic adsorption via electrostatic interaction, and (6)
level. It is wet trituration which facilitates particle adsorption based on the breathing properties of
size reduction, homogenization, form chelates, and some MOFs and so on 13.
also there is the formation of some coordination
complex among the ingredients leading to a Flat disc-like structure (Chakrika) of specific size
modification of properties of the end product 11. and shape, helps in the uniform distribution of the
The following parameters were analyzed for the thermal energy along with the maximum surface
Bhavana dravya, i.e. proximal composition, water area of exposure for heat transfer. Microscopic
activity, pH, acidity, non-enzymatic browning, collisions of particles and movement of electrons
surface color, vitamin content, mineral content, and within a body are occurring on heat exposure.
antioxidant capacity, minor alterations in the
Conduction of heat through Chakrika can be
physicochemical and nutritional properties at interpreted by Fourier’s law. According to this law,
drying temperatures of 60–70 °C 12. It also plays
the rate of heat flow through a uniform material is
the role of a buffering agent by maintaining a proportional to the area, and the temperature drops
specific pH.
and inversely proportional to the length of the path
It can be probably understood that the possible of flow. So, the pellets must be flat in shape rather
interactions between the adsorbates and active than spherical mass, and thickness of pellets must
adsorption sites of the metalo-organic frameworks be as less as possible to facilitate easy flow of heat.
(MOF) are explained with the following Heat transfer occurs by wave-like motion a type of

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 4728

Meena et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(10): 4724-4730. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

quantum conduction and heat takes the place of CONCLUSION: Based on factors discussed, we
pressure in normal sound waves 14. may conclude that the pharmaceutical procedures
mentioned in preparation of Shankha Bhasma viz.
Sandhibandhana is required to disconnect the detoxo-purification (Shodhana), bio-fomentation
exposure of air from the external environment (Swedana), bio-impregnation (Bhavana), transfer
during reactions. The exchange of heat from the mechanism of quantum of heat (Marana) of
Puta to the material inside Sarava Samputa can be Shankha well collaborate with contemporary
explained by Hess’s law of thermodynamics and scientific laws. We suggest in developing
Zeroth law of thermodynamics which directly technology regarding Ayurvedic pharmaceutics,
focused on the idea of conduction of heat and applying all this core scientific principle involved
proper isolation of the system 15. Puta is defined as in the process of making Bhasma, to ensure its
an exact quantum of heat required for pharmaco- quality, efficacy, and safety. This work has resulted
therapeutic transformation to prepare superior in a better understanding of the pharmaceutical
quality medicine. The heat transfer at an interface preparation of Shankha Bhasma as per Ayurvedic
is considered a transient heat flow. To analyze this protocol.
problem, the Biot number is important to
understand how the system behaves. If the system ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Nil
has a Biot number of less than 0.1, the material
behaves according to Newtonian cooling, i.e., with CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None
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How to cite this article:

Meena V, Bhushan S and Chaudhary A: Pharmaceutical validation & process conceptualisation of ancient Indian calcium preparation:
Shankha Bhasma. Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2019; 10(10): 4724-30. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.10(10).4724-30.
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