ks2 Mathematics 2015 Marking Scheme
ks2 Mathematics 2015 Marking Scheme
ks2 Mathematics 2015 Marking Scheme
Mathematics tests
3–5 Mathematics
mark schemes
Paper 1, Paper 2 and
mental mathematics
The Standards and Testing Agency (STA) is responsible for the development and delivery
of statutory tests and assessments. STA is an executive agency of the Department
for Education.
This booklet contains the mark schemes for the assessment of levels 3–5 mathematics. Level
threshold tables will be available at www.gov.uk/sta from Tuesday 7 July, 2015.
The levels 3–5 mathematics test is made up of 3 papers. A total of 100 marks is available.
■■ Paper 1 and Paper 2 (40 marks each)
■■ Mental mathematics paper (20 marks)
Calculators cannot be used by any pupils sitting the levels 3–5 mathematics test.
As in previous years, external markers will mark the key stage 2 national curriculum tests. The
mark schemes are made available to teachers after the tests have been taken.
The mark schemes were written and developed alongside the questions. Pupils’ responses from
trialling have been added as examples to the mark schemes to ensure they reflect how pupils
respond to the questions. The mark schemes indicate the criteria on which judgements should
be made. In applying these principles, markers use professional judgement based on the training
they have received.
The pupil’s response is numerically Markers will award the mark unless the mark scheme states otherwise.
or algebraically equivalent to the
answer in the mark scheme.
The pupil’s response does Markers will use their judgement in deciding whether the response corresponds with
not match closely any of the the statement of the requirements given in the ‘Requirement’ column. Reference will
examples given. also be made to the ‘Additional guidance’ column and, if there is still uncertainty,
markers will contact the supervising marker.
The pupil has responded Calculations, formulae and written responses do not have to be set out in any
in a non-standard way. particular format. Pupils may provide evidence in any form as long as its meaning
can be understood. Diagrams, symbols or words are acceptable for explanations
or for indicating a response. Any correct method of setting out working, however
idiosyncratic, will be accepted.
There appears to be a misreading This is when the pupil misreads the information given in the question and uses different
affecting the working. information without altering the original intention or difficulty level of the question. For
each misread that occurs, 1 mark only will be deducted.
In 1-mark questions – 0 marks are awarded.
In 2-mark questions that have a method mark – 1 mark will be awarded if the correct
method is correctly implemented with the misread number.
No answer is given in the expected Where a pupil has shown understanding of the question, the mark(s) will be given.
place, but the correct answer is In particular, where a word or number response is expected, a pupil may meet the
given elsewhere. requirement by annotating a graph or labelling a diagram elsewhere in the question.
The pupil’s answer is correct but A correct response will always be marked as correct.
the wrong working is shown.
■■ t he pupil has continued to give If so, the mark will not be awarded.
redundant extra working which does
contradict work already done.
The correct response has been Any legible crossed-out work that has not been replaced will be marked according
crossed out and not replaced. to the mark schemes. If the work is replaced, then crossed-out work will not be
More than 1 answer is given. If all answers are correct (or a range of answers is given, all of which are correct), the
mark will be awarded unless prohibited by the mark schemes. If both correct and
incorrect responses are given, no mark will be awarded.
The answer is correct but, in a later A mark given for 1 part will not be disallowed for working or answers given in a different
part of the question, the pupil has part, unless the mark scheme specifically states otherwise.
contradicted this response.
The pupil has drawn lines which do Markers will interpret the phrase ‘slight inaccuracies in drawing’ to mean ‘within or on a
not meet at the correct point. circle of radius 2mm with its centre at the correct point’.
Further details on recording marks and the use of the on-screen system will be given at
marker training.
If a pupil leaves the answer box empty but writes the answer elsewhere on the page, then that answer
must be consistent with the units given in the answer box and the conditions listed above.
If a pupil changes the unit given in the answer box, then their answer must be equivalent to the correct
answer using the unit they have chosen, unless otherwise indicated in the mark schemes.
Paper 1
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
1 Award TWO marks for four names correctly Up to 2m Accept unambiguous abbreviations or
placed on the diagram as shown: recognisable misspellings.
Do not accept names written in more than
one section.
Alfie Donna
Megan Chen
3 3404 1m
4 Award TWO marks for three lines of symmetry Up to 2m Accept inaccurate drawing provided the intention
drawn corrrectly as shown: is clear.
Paper 1
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
8 24 61 30
add add
32 91
6 less 6 less
26 85
8 24 61 30
add add
32 91
6 less 6 less
26 85
■■ 110 140 170 200 230 260 290 320 Not spotting closest number
■■ 110 140 170 190 220 250 280 310 One step size incorrect (170 to 190)
■■ 300 + 20 = 320
320 − 30 = wrong answer
8a 63 1m
8b 5 1m
Paper 1
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
10b 15 1m
11a X = 125 1m
14 83.6 1m
Paper 1
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
15 1m
6 1 – 2 7 = 34
16 50p 20p 10p 10p 10p 1m Coins may be given in any order.
17c A whole number answer in the range 510 000 to 1m Do not accept 510 000 OR 550 000
550 000 exclusive.
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for Working must be carried through to reach an
evidence of appropriate working, eg: answer for the award of ONE mark.
■■ 125 ÷ 50 = 2.5
2.5 × 30 = wrong answer
■■ 50 g oats 30 g raisins
25 g oats 15 g raisins (÷ 2)
125 g oats wrong answer (× 5)
20a 56 1m
Paper 1
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
21 Two numbers with a difference of 2, in the range 1m Numbers can be given in either order.
48 inclusive to 52 exclusive eg:
■■ 48 AND 50
■■ 51.9 AND 49.9
any pair of numbers that differ from those above
by a multiple of 100 and have a difference of 2,
■■ 149 AND 151
■■ 648 AND 650
22 38 1m
23 A counter-example or an explanation that shows 1m No mark is awarded for circling ‘No’ alone.
Alfie is incorrect, eg:
■■ ‘It doesn’t work when one of the numbers is 1’ U1 Do not accept vague or incomplete
explanations, eg:
■■ ‘1 × 99 = 99, and 99 is not less than 99’
■■ ‘It’s not always true’
■■ ‘It’s not true for zero’
■■ ‘It doesn’t work when one of the numbers
■■ ‘0 × 5 = 0, and 0 is less than 5’
is small’
■■ ‘It doesn’t work for fractions less than 1’
■■ ‘0.5 × 8 = 4, and 4 is less than 8’
■■ ‘If one number is negative and the other If 'Yes' is circled but a correct, unambiguous
is positive, the answer is negative’ explanation is given then award the mark.
Paper 2
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
1 89 1m
3a £3.48 1m
19 38 76 152 304
6a 5 1m
6b 45 1m
7 Award TWO marks for the correct answer of Up to 2m Letters may be given in either order.
A AND E Accept alternative unambiguous indications,
eg tiles ticked or circled.
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for:
■■ both letters correct and not more than
one incorrect
■■ A only (and no other letters)
■■ E only (and no other letters)
Paper 2
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
8a 4 1 OR 4.5 1m
8b A point marked on the line at either 17cm OR 1m The mark need not touch the line provided the
11cm, ie intention is clear.
U1 The marked point need not be labelled.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
10a Any two triangles in the shape shaded. 1m Accept alternative unambiguous indications.
10b Any two more triangles in the shape shaded. 1m Accept alternative unambiguous indications.
11a 14 1m
Paper 2
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
If the answer is incorrect, award ONE mark for Do not accept numbers other than those given.
4 true statements with no number repeated
(within those 4), eg:
50 50
51 48
49 49
14 13 1m
15 350 1m
Paper 2
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
16a 7 1m
16b 8 1m
17c 10:58 1m
■■ Factorisation methods, eg
936 ÷ 9 = 104
104 ÷ 4 = wrong answer
Paper 2
Question Requirement Mark Additional guidance
1 1
1 22 4 52 7
22 (50, 15) 1m
23 An explanation which recognises that they are 1m No mark is awarded for circling ‘No’ alone.
equally likely to choose a blue counter, eg:
Do not accept vague or incomplete explanations,
■■ ‘Half the counters in each bag are blue’ U1 eg:
■■ ‘5 out of 10 is the same as 10 out of 20’ ■■ ‘There is an equal chance’
■■ ‘Chen has twice as many blue counters but he ■■ ‘If Chen has 10 blue and Megan has 5’.
also has twice as many counters altogether, so
If ‘Yes’ is circled but a correct, unambiguous
the chance is the same’.
explanation is given, then award the mark.
Full mark scheme information is given on page 22. In addition, a ‘quick reference’ mark
scheme is provided on page 21. This is presented in a similar format to the pupils’
answer sheet.
General guidance
The general guidance for marking the written tests also applies to marking the mental
mathematics test. In addition, the following principles apply.
1. Unless stated otherwise in the mark scheme, accept answers written in words,
or a combination of words and figures.
2. Where units are specified, they are given on the answer sheet. Pupils are not
penalised for writing in the units again.
3. Where answers are required to be ringed, do not accept if more than 1 answer
is ringed, unless it is clear which is the pupil’s intended answer. Accept also any
other way of indicating the correct answer, eg underlining.
Time: 5 seconds
1 84 11 10
1 11
2 12 12 0.35
2 12
3 50 13 42 40
3 13
Time: 10 seconds
Time: 15 seconds
6 £3.20 £6.80
16 110 5
7 27 18
17 4 cm 30cm
8 900
18 486 540
10 22 20 8
10 20
1 84 1m
2 12 1m
3 50 1m
4 35 1m
5 100 1m
6 £3.20 1m
7 27 1m
8 900 1m
0.7 0.9
10 22 1m
11 10 1m Accept 10
12 0.35 1m
13 42 1m
14 1.8 1m
15 750 000 1m
16 110 1m
17 4cm 1m
18 486 1m
19 £12.00 1m
20 8 1m
If you have any queries regarding these test materials contact the national curriculum assessments helpline on
0300 303 3013 or email [email protected].