STAT346 Problem 9
STAT346 Problem 9
STAT346 Problem 9
a. Trackers
b. Constellation
c. !Lighthouse
d. Motion
4. Microphones can be used not only to pick up sound, but also to project sound
similar to a speaker.
a. !True
b. False
6. In what year was the Oculus Rift revealed to the public through a Kickstarter
a. 2010
b. 2011
c. !2012
d. 2013
11. What is the most significant side venture the popular firearms company,
Remington, has pursued?
a. Door Knobs
b. Ceiling Fans
c. !Typewriters
d. Blenders
9. Which Van Gogh painting depicts the view from his asylum in
SaintReacute;mydeProvence in southern France?
a. Wheatfields with Crows
b. The Church at Auvers
c. The Sower with Setting Sun
d. !The Starry Night
3. In Game of Thrones, what continent lies across the Narrow Sea from Westeros?
a. Easteros
b. Esuntos
c. !Essos
d. Westereast
8. Which of the following was not an actoractress on the American television show
quot;Saturday Night Livequot; in Season 42?
a. Sasheer Zamata
b. !Tina Fey
c. Mikey Day
d. Kate McKinnon
10. In the TV show quot;Mad Menquot;, what was Donald Draper039;s birthname?
a. Donald Draper
b. Michael quot;Mikeyquot; Wilhelm
c. !Richard quot;Dickquot; Whitman
d. John Ashbury
11. Prior to working at Wizards of the Coast, quot;Mark Rosewaterquot; was a writer
for which show?
a. The XFiles
b. Boy Meets World
c. !Roseanne
d. NYPD Blue
12. Out of the 3 Tots in Tots TV, who speaks French in the UK Version and Spanish
in the US Version?
a. Tiny
b. Tom
c. None of the Above
d. !Tilly