STAT346 Problem 9

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1. What are the base station trackers used for the HTC Vive called?

a. Trackers
b. Constellation
c. !Lighthouse
d. Motion

2. The term quot;batteryquot; to describe an electrical storage device was coined

a. !Benjamin Franklin
b. Luigi Galvani
c. Alessandro Volta
d. Nikola Tesla

3. The communication protocol NFC stands for NearField Control.

a. True
b. !False

4. Microphones can be used not only to pick up sound, but also to project sound
similar to a speaker.
a. !True
b. False

5. When was the Tamagotchi digital pet released?

a. 1990
b. 1989
c. 1992
d. !1996

6. In what year was the Oculus Rift revealed to the public through a Kickstarter
a. 2010
b. 2011
c. !2012
d. 2013

7. When was the iPhone released?

a. 2004
b. !2007
c. 2005
d. 2006

8. Which round does a WW2 M1 Garand fire?

a. .308
b. 7.62x51mm
c. !.3006
d. 7.62

9. What is the quot;Mitsubishi Wakamaruquot;?

a. An motorcycle
b. A motorboat
c. A pickup truck
d. !A robot

10. Which of the following is used to measure blood pressure?

a. Ruler
b. !Sphygmomanometer
c. Haemoerythrometer
d. Barometer

11. What is the most significant side venture the popular firearms company,
Remington, has pursued?
a. Door Knobs
b. Ceiling Fans
c. !Typewriters
d. Blenders

1. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

a. !Leonardo da Vinci
b. Pablo Picasso
c. Vincent van Gogh
d. Claude Monet

2. Painter Piet Mondrian 1872 1944 was a part of what movement?

a. Precisionism
b. Impressionism
c. !Neoplasticism
d. Cubism

3. What French sculptor designed the Statue of Liberty?

a. Henri Matisse
b. Auguste Rodin
c. !Freacute;deacute;ric Auguste Bartholdi
d. JeanLeacute;on Geacute;rocirc;me

4. Vincent van Gogh cut off one of his ears.

a. False
b. !True

5. Which one of these paintings is not by Caspar David Friedrich?

a. The Monk by the Sea
b. The Sea of Ice
c. !The Black Sea
d. Wanderer above the Sea of Fog

6. Which of these is not an additional variation of the color purple?

a. Pomp and Power
b. !Kobicha
c. Byzantium
d. Palatinate
7. Leonardo da Vinci was not the creator of the Mona Lisa.
a. True
b. !False

8. Who painted The Starry Night?

a. !Vincent van Gogh
b. Leonardo da Vinci
c. Pablo Picasso
d. Michelangelo

9. Which Van Gogh painting depicts the view from his asylum in
SaintReacute;mydeProvence in southern France?
a. Wheatfields with Crows
b. The Church at Auvers
c. The Sower with Setting Sun
d. !The Starry Night

10. Which painting was not made by Vincent Van Gogh?

a. Bedroom In Arles
b. Starry Night
c. !The Ninth Wave
d. Cafeacute; Terrace at Night

1. In Breaking Bad, the initials W.W. refer to which of the following?

a. Wally Walrus
b. !Walter White
c. Willy Wonka
d. William Wolf

2. The quot;Psychoquot; series of videos on YouTube was created by which of the

a. Billy Familia
b. VeganGainz
d. Dan Bell

3. In Game of Thrones, what continent lies across the Narrow Sea from Westeros?
a. Easteros
b. Esuntos
c. !Essos
d. Westereast

4. Which country does the YouTuber quot;SinowBeatsquot; originate from?

a. England
b. !Scotland
c. Sweden
d. Germany
5. In the television show quot;Lazy Townquot;, who is the actor of Robbie Rotten?
a. !Stefaacute;n Stefaacute;nsson
b. Magnuacute;s Scheving
c. Adam Sandler
d. Stephen Carl

6. The Klingon home planet is Qo039;noS.

a. !True
b. False

7. In quot;Doctor Whoquot;, the Doctor gets his TARDIS by stealing it.

a. !True
b. False

8. Which of the following was not an actoractress on the American television show
quot;Saturday Night Livequot; in Season 42?
a. Sasheer Zamata
b. !Tina Fey
c. Mikey Day
d. Kate McKinnon

9. What is the name of the main antagonists in Battlestar Galactica?

a. The Collective
b. !The Cylons
c. The Federation
d. The Rebels

10. In the TV show quot;Mad Menquot;, what was Donald Draper039;s birthname?
a. Donald Draper
b. Michael quot;Mikeyquot; Wilhelm
c. !Richard quot;Dickquot; Whitman
d. John Ashbury

11. Prior to working at Wizards of the Coast, quot;Mark Rosewaterquot; was a writer
for which show?
a. The XFiles
b. Boy Meets World
c. !Roseanne
d. NYPD Blue

12. Out of the 3 Tots in Tots TV, who speaks French in the UK Version and Spanish
in the US Version?
a. Tiny
b. Tom
c. None of the Above
d. !Tilly

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