Test 4
Test 4
Test 4
Artificial aging
The weak attractive force that results tension, the fracture appears. surface B. Natural aging
from random has a bright C. Cryogenic treatment
polarization is called: A. Granular D. Maraging
A Polarization effect B. Brittle fracture The answer is: B
8. Buffer effect C. Defects 16. Is the phenomenon in which alloys
C. Random effect D. Catastrophic failure containing carbon lose carbon from
D. Dispersion effect The answer is: A their surfaces as a result of heat
The answer is: D 9. Is used in many applications because treatment or a hot working in a
2. When a crystal is subjected to an of its high damping capacity. medium, usually oxygen, that reacts
external force, it first undergoes it and A. Gray cast iron with carbon.
returns to its original shape when the B. Weldability A. Flame hardening
load is removed. C. Fracture toughness B. Induction hardening
A. Axial deformation D. Manufacturing defects C. Decarburization
B. Thermal deformation The answer is: A D. Annealing
C. Elastic deformation 10. To alleviate some of the problems The answer is: C
D. Plastic deformation with thermal expansion, a family of 17. The part is heated rapidly by the
The answer is: C iron-nickel alloys with very low thermal electromagnetic field generated by an
3. The number and size of the grains expansion coefficients has been induction coil carrying alternating
developed in a unit volume of the developed; they are called current, which induces eddy currents in
metal depends on the rate at which it A. Low-expansion alloys the part.
takes place. B. Invar Effect A Continuous furnaces
A Grain boundaries C. Conductors B. Salt-bath furnace
B. Grain-boundary sliding D. Dielectric strength C. Fluidized beds
C. Polycrystals The answer is: A D. Induction heating
D. Nucleation 11. Corrosion can act in indirect ways. The answer is: D
The answer is: D A. Intergranular corrosion 18. Flux means:
4. Large grains produce a rough surface B. Crevice corrosion A. Flux
appearance on the sheet metals, C. Galvanic corrosion D. To flow as fluid
called: D. Stress-corrosion cracking C. Fuel for plant operations
A. Recrystallization The answer is: D D. Slag
B. Grain growth 12. Steels having less than the The answer is: D
C. Diffusion eutectoid amount of carbon (less than 19, is the newest and fastest steel
D. Orange peel 0.77%) are called: making process
The answer is: D A. Alpha ferrite A. Open-hearth furnace
5. If the specimen is loaded beyond its B. Curie temperature B. Electric furnace
ultimate tensile strength, it begins to: C. Hypoeutectoid C. Basic oxygen furnace
A. Fracture D. Delta ferrite D. All of these
B. Ductile The answer is: C The answer is: C
C. Break 13. Has properties consistent with its 20. Improves hardenability, strength,
D. Neck down structure of irregular graphite hardness, and wear resistance; it
The answer is: D spheroids in a ferrite matrix. reduces ductility, weldability, and
6. The fracture at the center of the A. Nodular Iron toughness..
specimen has been utilized in the B. White Cast Iron A. Boron
manufacture of C. Malleable Iron B. Calcium
A Strain softening or work softening D. Ferritic malleable iron C. Carbon
B. Disk test The answer is: D D. Cerium
C. Seamless tubing 14. Is a heating process by which The answer is: C
D. Torsion test hardness is reduced and toughness is 21: Slightly increases the strength of
The answer is: C improved. rimmed steels;
7. Is defined as the maximum stress, in A. Retained austenite it severely reduces toughness
tension and compression, to which the B. Mechanical properties A. Hydrogen
specimen is subjected. C. Tempering B. Nitrogen
A. Hot hardness D. Hardenability C. Oxygen
B. Cyclic stress The answer is: C D. Tin
C. Fatigue failure 15. Several aluminum alloys harden The answer is: C
D. Stress amplitude and become stronger over a period of 22 Stainless steels are made by using:
The answer is: D time at room temperature. A. Electric furnaces
this process is called: B. Basic-oxygen process
C. A and B
D. None of these D. Zinc A. Runners
The answer is: C The answer is: B B. Risers
23. Typical applications are in water 30. Is an alloy often, copper, and C. Gating system
treatment plants and in heat- antimony. D. Sprue
exchanger components A Cassiterite The answer is: A
A Austenitic stainless steels B. Pewter 38. Carbon fibers are generally:
B. Ferritic stainless steel C. Gold, silver and platinum A 80% to 95% carbon
C. Martensitic stainless steels D. Gold B. 80% to 96% carbon
D. Duplex structure stainless steel The answer is B C. 80% to 97% carbon
The answer is: 31. Is the product of the reaction D. 80% to 98% carbon
24. Lightest metal; good strength to between acetylene and hydrogen. The answer is: A
weight ratio. A Ethylene 39. Advantages of a metal matrix over
A. Nonferrous metals and alloys B. Acetylene a polymer
B Aluminum C. Polyethylene matrix is/are:
C. Magnesium D. Polymers A. Higher elastic modulus
D. Copper The answer is: A B, its resistance to elevated
The answer is: C 32. Are added to polymers to impart temperatures
25. First produced in about 4000 BC flexibility and softness by lowering their C. and its higher toughness and
and its alloys have properties glass-transition temperature ductility
somewhat similar to those of A Plasticizers D. All of these
aluminum and its alloys. In addition, B. Fillers The answer is: D
they are among the best conductors of C. Fluorocarbons 40. A process whereby air is sucked in
electricity and heat and they have good D. Lubricants or entrappe the liquid may take place.
corrosion resistance. The answer is: A A Aspiration
A. Porous Aluminum 33. Possess good electrical insulating B. Choke
B. Magnesium properties. impact resistance, and C. Castability
C. Copper dimensional stability, and they have D. spiral mold
D. Brass low water absorption. The answer is: A
The answer is: C A. Alkyds 41. To allow for the casting to shrink
26. A silver-white metal discovered in B. Aminos while cooling.
1751, is a major alloying element that C. Epoxies A. Silica sand
imparts strength, toughness and D. Phenolics B. Collapsibility
corrosion resistance. The answer is: A C. Mulling machine
A. Nickel 34. Other major raw materials for D. Bentonite
B. Superalloys ceramics that are found in nature are: The answer is: B
C. Nickel alloys A Corundum or emery 42. Are two-piece patterns made such
D. Monel B. Flint that each part forms a portion of the
The answer is: A C. Feldspar cavity for the casting.
27. Is used for electrical heating D. Alumina A. Parting agent
elements. The answer is: 8 B. Split patterns
A. Nichrome 35. Hardest substance known; available C. One-piece pattern
B. Sulfide and Oxide ores as single crystal or polycrystalline form; D. Match-plate patterns
C. Superalloys used as cutting tools and abrasives and The answer is: B
D. Monel K-500 dies for fine drawing. 43. Patterns for plaster molding are
The answer is: A A. Diamond generally made
28 The principal alloying elements for B. Quartz A. Aluminum
molybdenum C. Silicates B. thermosetting plastics
are: D. High speed steel C. brass, or zinc alloy
A. Molybdenum The answer is: A D. All of these
B. Titanium and Zirconium 36. Was used for all glass products until The answer is: D
C. Mineral molybdenite the late 1600's. 44. Is carried out at room temperature
D. Niobium A. Glass and compared to hot rolling, produces
The answer is: B B. Silica sheet and strip with much better
29. The element is used in electronic C. Lampback surface finish.
components; in nuclear-power reactor D. Buckyballs A. Wire rods
applications, it is used because of its The answer is: B B. Cold rolling
low neutron absorption. 37. Are the channels that carry the C. Pack rolling
A. Unalloyed Beryllium molten metal from the sprue to the D. Skin pass
B. Zirconium mold cavity, or connect the sprue to The answer is: B
C. Lead the gate.
45. Is a hot-working process for making
long, thick walled seamless pipe and 53. Consist basically of a core of The answer is: C
tubing honeycomb bonded to two thin outer 60. is the process of machining external
A. Ring-rolling skins. cylindrical and conical surfaces.
B. Thread rolling A. Laser-assisted forming A. Turning
C. Forming tap B. Electrohydraulic forming B. Facing
D. Rotary tube piercing C. Honeycomb structure C. Form tools
The answer is: D D. Dents D. Boring
46. The part is then formed into a The answer is: C The answer is: A
rough shape of a connecting rod by a 54. Is the process whereby green 61. Are generally considered to be the
process called: compacts are heated in a controlled- oldest machine tools.
A. Blocking atmosphere furnace to a temperature A. Lathes
B. Flashless below the melting point, but B. Engine lathe
C. Coining sufficiently high to allow bonding of the C. Engine lathe
D. Sizing individual particles. D. Bed
The answer is: A A. Pressureless compaction The answer is: A
47. Swaging is usually limited to a B. Sintering 62. Have jaws that can be moved and
maximum workpiece diameter of about C. Coining and sizing adjusted independently of each other,
A. 150 mm D. Impact forging they can be used for square,
B. 160 mm The answer is: B rectangular, or odd-shaped workpieces.
C. 170 mm 55. A gob of molten glass is placed into A. Three-jaw chuck
D. 180 mm a mold and pressed into shape with the B. Four-jaw chuck
The answer is: A use of a plunger. C. Power chucks
48. If there is no friction to overcome A. Blowing D. Collet chuck
along the container walls B. Pressing The answer is: B
A. Drawing C. Spinning 63. Are commonly used for water or
B. Indirect extrusion D. Sagging gas pipes and plumbing supplies, which
C. Hydrostatic extrusion The answer is: B require a watertight or airtight
D. Lateral or side extrusion 56. Is an operation where the connection.
The answer is: D workpiece is rotated and a cutting tool A. Screw thread
49. In scrap. removes a layer of material as it moves B. Tapered threads
A Burr to the left. C. Tapping
B. Punching A. Chips D. Solid threading dies
C. Shearing B. Cutting-off The answer is: B64. Makes a beveled
D. Blanking C. Slab-milling section at the end of a hole to provide
The answer is: D D. Chip compression ratio a proper seat for a flat-head screw or
50. Is a modified shearing operation The answer is: B drill rivet.
that is used to blank shapes from low- 57. Occurs on the relief face of the tool A Counterboring
strength materials, such as rubber, and the side relief angle and is B. Countersinking
fiber, or cloth. generally attributed to rubbing of tool C. Spot facing
A. Nibbling A Flank wear D. Reaming
B. Shaving B. Crater wear The answer is: B
C. Cutoff C. Chipping 65 is a chip-producing threading tool
D. Drinking D. Mechanical shock and Thermal with multiple cutting teeth.
The answer is: D fatigue A Finishing reamers
51. Is one of the most common forming The answer is: A B. Tap
operations. 58. Are made of pure aluminum oxide. C Taper taps
A. Bending A. Ceramics D. Bottoming taps
B. Anisotropy B. Tool steels The answer is: B
C. Roll bending C. Ceramics 66. Flat surface as well as various
D. Bending in a 4-slide machine D. Coated tools profiles can be produced by It has
The answer is: A The answer is: C either straight or tapered shanks for
52. This is an operation consisting of 59. Among the most important, smaller and larger cutter sizes,
shallow or moderate draws, made with versatile, and cost effective tool and respective
male and female matching dies. die materials for a wide range of A End milling
A. Drawbeads applications. B. Straddle milling
B. Ironing A Carbide C. Form milling
C. Redrawing B. cemented of sintered carbide D. Circular cutters
D. Embossing C. A and B The answer is: A
The answer is: D D. NONE of these
67. Is use to machine parts; it is much D. Through-feed grinding 78. Covers a number of processes in
like planning except that the parts are which the heat required for welding is
smaller. The answer is: D produced by means of electrical
A. Planning resistance across the two components
B. Shaping 73. Has become an important to be joined.
C. Slotters or Vertical shapers production process, in some cases A. Friction Stir welding
D. Broaching replacing conventional grinding B. Resistance welding
operations. C. Resistance spot welding
The answer is: B A. Sandpaper and emery cloth D. Spot welding
68. Power hacksaw blades are usually B. Belt grinding
A. 1.2 to 2.5 mm thick and up to 600 C. Wire brushing process The answer is B
mm long D. Honing
B. 1.2 to 2.5 mm thick and up to 610 79. May occur in various locations and
mm long The answer is: B directions in the weld area.
C 1.2 to 2.5 mm thick and up to 620 A. Weld profile
mm long 74. Is used in the aerospace industry to B. Undercutting
D. 1.2 to 2.5 mm thick and up to 630 remove shallow layers of materials C. Overlap
mm long from large aircraft components, missile D. Cracks
skin panels, and extruded parts for
The answer is: B airframes. The answer is: D
A. Chemical machining
69. May consist of polymer, metal, or B. Chemical milling 80. The source of heat is the electrical
ceramic-matrix with various reinforcing C. Chemical blanking resistance of the components to be
materials D. Photochemical blanking brazed.
A. Gray iron
B. Polymer concrete The answer is: B A. Furnace brazing
C Ceramic B. Induction brazing
D. Composites 75. This process is suitable particularly C Resistance brazing
for heat sensitive materials that cannot
The answer is: D be machined by the process in which D. Dip brazing
heat is produced.
70 Are thermosetting resins and are The answer is: C
available in a wide range of A. Plasma-arc cutting
composition and properties. B. Abrasive water-jet machining 81. is a very popular approach for
A. Grit number C. Abrasive-jet machining attaching circuit components to their
B. Vitrified, resinoid, rubber and metal D. Nanofabrication boards.
C. Ceramic bond
D. Resinoid The answer is: B A Ultrasonic soldering
B. Solder pastes
The answer is: D 76. Arc welding produces temperatures C. Wave soldering
of about:139 D. Soldering
71, Is moved across the width of the
grinding face of a rotating wheel and A. 30,300°C The answer is: C
removes a small layer from the wheel B. 32,000 C
surface with each pass C. 31,000°C 82. When applied, adhesive generally
D. 30,000°C are about
A. Diamond-point tool
B. Star-shaped steel disks The answer is: D A. 0.1 mm in thick
C. Electrical discharge and B. 0.2 mm in thick
Electrochemical 77. Non-consumable electrode process C. 0.3 mm in thick
D. Crush dressing typically use D. 0.4 mm in thick