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[1] Liu Y, Li K, Jia Y, Hao Y, Gong SX, Guo YJ. Wideband RCS DOI: 10.1002/mop.31033
1 | INTRODUCTION been discussed for WiMAX applications. But, all the above
mentioned MIMO antennas have shown only linear polariza-
The multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna system tion (LP). In recent times, utilization of circular polarized
utilized multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver side, (CP) radiator in MIMO system is gaining serious concentra-
for improving the system capacity without any requirement tion among antenna designer.7 In wireless communication,
of extra power level. To get superior channel capacity, high CP antennas are widely chosen over LP antennas because
isolation is necessary between the antenna elements. In they provide stable link between the transmitting and receiv-
recent period of wireless communication, dielectric resonator ing system, regardless of their orientation. In ref. [7], it is
can be chosen as a potential candidate for MIMO antenna shown that instead of using LP radiator, CP radiator in
due to absence of surface waves, high radiation efficiency, MIMO antenna system will appear as a promising method in
high gain, versatile shape, and feeding mechanism.1 In open indoor and outdoor circumstances.
literature, very few research articles are available on MIMO In this article, a compact two element dual port dual
dielectric resonator antennas.2–6 In ref. [2], Roslen et al. pro- sense CDRA is proposed for MIMO applications. Modified
posed MIMO rectangular DRA for 4G applications. But the circular shaped aperture is used to generate CP wave in the
use of shorting pin and metallic strip makes complicated fab- CDRA. The modified circular aperture is oriented in such a
rication process. Nasir et al. proposed rectangular DRA for manner that LHCP is generated with one port while RHCP is
MIMO applications.3 The isolation between the ports has generated with another port. So, in proposed radiator, polar-
been improved by etching slits in the ground plane. But, ization diversity concept is utilized to improve the isolation
inserting rectangular DRA in FR4 substrate makes complex between two ports (jS12 j 220). For further improvement
fabrication process. The present author proposed MIMO in isolation, a number of DGS slits are used in the ground
CDRA for WLAN applications.4 By exciting orthogonal plane between the two radiators (jS12 j 225) Different
mode in the CDRA, the isolation between the ports has been MIMO performance are calculated in terms of envelope cor-
improved. In ref. [5], a DRA-based MIMO antenna has been relation coefficient (ECC), diversity gain (DG), mean effec-
proposed for wireless access point. By utilizing one group of tive gain (MEG), total active correlation coefficient (TARC),
large and small CDRA, the antenna can able to cover 2.45 and channel capacity loss (CCL). The proposed article is
and 5.8 GHz WLAN band. In ref. [6], a MIMO CDRA has organized as follow: Formation of the proposed antenna and
FIGURE 1 Schematic diagram of the proposed MIMO antenna: (A) feeding structure; (B) 3D view [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli-
FIGURE 2 Configuration of (A) antenna A, (B) antenna B, and (C) antenna C [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
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FIGURE 3 |S11| and |S12| variation of different antenna configuration F I G U R E 5 Axial ratio variation with circle-shaped aperture and
[Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] modified circular shaped aperture [Color figure can be viewed at wileyon-
Figure 1A,B displays the feeding mechanism and 3-D view
Heff 5H 1 HS (3)
of the proposed MIMO radiator. Alumina ceramic-based
cylindrical DRA (Er 59:8, tan d50:02 is placed over FR4 With the help of equations 1–3, the resonant frequency
substrate (Esub 54:4, tan d50:02) . Modified circular shaped of the proposed CDRA is found to be 5.75 GHz.
aperture has been etched on the upper side of the ground
plane and the lower part of the ground plane consists simple 3 | INVESTIGATION OF
microstrip line. Two modified circular shaped apertures are PROPOSED ANTENNA
mirror image of each other used at port 1 and port 2. A num-
ber of DGS slits are etched at upper part of the ground plane This section mainly focuses on the isolation improvement
between the two feeding ports to improve isolation. between the antenna elements. For isolation improving, three
The resonant frequency of CDRA (HE11d) mode is calcu- different antenna configurations will be investigated which
lated by using following formula.8 are shown in Figure 2.
" 2 #
6:321c r r Figure 3 shows |S11| and |S12| characteristics with various
fr 5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0:2710:36 10:02 (1) steps of modification of the proposed antenna. From Figure
2pr Er;eff 12 2Heff 2Heff
3, it can be seen that by using same type of circular shaped
where, r (5D/2), H, and Hs are the radius of DR, height of aperture at both the port (antenna A), the isolation between
DR, and height of substrate, respectively; c is the velocity of the antenna elements is almost 213 dB at resonance
FIGURE 4 E-field distribution in CDRA for antenna A at 5.75 GHz [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
688 | DAS ET AL.
FIGURE 6 E-field distribution at 5.7 GHz for antenna 1 and antenna 2 [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
F I G U R E 7 surface current distribution at 5.7 GHz (A) without DGS and (B) with central slit. (C) Proposed structure [Color figure can be viewed at
frequency. It can also be perceived from Figure 3 that isola- image of each other. Figure 6 shows the E-field distribution
tion between the antenna elements is improved for modified at AR resonance frequency for antenna B (antenna 1 and
circular aperture fed CDRA (antenna B). For further antenna 2). From Figure 6, it can be observed that clockwise
improvement in isolation value, a number of DGS slits are circulation of electric field (LHCP) and anticlockwise circu-
used between antenna 1 and antenna 2 (antenna C). The reso- lation of electric field (RHCP) is generated at antenna 1 and
nant peak is almost remaining same for different antenna antenna 2, respectively. Here, E-field distribution at 08 and
configuration as HE11d mode is generated in DR for all
cases. Figure 4 displays the E-field distribution with simple
circular shaped aperture (antenna A) with port 1 and port 2.
From Figure 4, it can be observed that HEy11d mode is gener-
ated for both CDRA (antenna 1 and antenna 2) for antenna
A. The mutual coupling between the antenna elements is
high as same phase of E-field distribution in CDRA with
port 1 and port 2. Perturbation of circular aperture (antenna
B) generates degenerated orthogonal mode (HEy11d and
HEx11d in the CDRA and produce phase shift of 908 between
the orthogonal modes. Figure 5 displays the axial ratio varia-
tion with circular shaped aperture (antenna A) and with
modified circular aperture (antenna B). From Figure 5, it can
be confirmed that modified circular aperture is responsible
for creation of CP wave in proposed radiator. The modified F I G U R E 8 |S12| variation for different antenna structure modifica-
circular shaped aperture used at port 1 and port 2 are mirror tion [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
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F I G U R E 9 Photographs of the fabricated antenna: (A) feeding structure; (B) bottom view; (C) proposed antenna [Color figure can be viewed at
908 are plotted for antenna 1 and antenna 2 as E-field at 1808 introducing a pair of slit in the ground plane, the isolation
and 2708 are opposite in direction and equal in amplitude to between the antenna elements further improved which is
those 08 and 908. The isolation between two antenna ports shown in Figure 8. From Figure 7C, it can be observed that
has been improved by polarization diversity (LHCP at port 1 the surface current is mainly concentrated over the excited
and RHCP at port 2). Polarization diversity creates nonover- port. As a result, the proposed radiator achieves high isola-
lapping E-field in CDRA which is the very simple reason for tion between port 1 and port 2.9,10
enhancement in isolation value. It is also confirmed from
Figure 6.
The surface current distribution on the ground plane with
and without DGS condition is shown in Figure 7. Figure 8
The proposed MIMO antenna is simulated with the help of
shows |S12| variation for different antenna structure modifica-
Ansoft HFSS Simulation software. Figure 9 illustrates proto-
tion. It can be observed from Figure 7A that without DGS
type of the fabricated antenna. Figure 9A,B shows the top
condition, the surface current between two ports is highly
view and bottom view of the feeding structure. Final fabri-
dense. After placing central DGS slit, the isolation between
cated antenna structure is shown in Figure 9C.
the ports reduced significantly as shown in Figure 8. It can
Figure 10 shows the comparison of measured and simu-
be easily understood with the help of surface current distribu-
lated S-parameter of the proposed MIMO antenna. Measure-
tion on ground plane which is shown in Figure 7B. By
ment has been done by using KEYSIGHT N5221A PNA
FIGURE 10 Scattering parameter of the proposed antenna [Color F I G U R E 1 1 Axial ratio of the proposed antenna (u 5 08, ɸ 5 08)
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
690 | DAS ET AL.
Dimension Dimension
Symbol (mm) Symbol (mm)
LS 5 LG 40.0 L3 10
WS 5 WG 50.0 W3 1
HS 1.6 L4 18
L1 30 L5 5.5
W1 3 L6 3.2
L2 28 D 15
FIGURE 12 Gain and radiation efficiency of the proposed
antenna (u 5 08, ɸ 5 08) [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlineli- W2 2 H 6
FIGURE 13 Simulated and measured LHCP and RHCP pattern of the proposed antenna: (A) port 1; (B) port 2 [Color figure can be viewed at
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Frequency Diversity
(GHz) ECC gain (dB)
6 0.07 9.64
FIGURE 16 Measured TARC of the proposed antenna [Color figure F I G U R E 1 7 Channel capacity loss (CCL) of the proposed antenna
can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
h i
by isotropic antenna. In a movable condition, MEG basically MEG150:5h1;rad 50:5 12jS11 j2 2jS12 j2 (8)
provides information related to the gain of the antenna. MEG h i
can be calculated with the help of following formula,16 MEG250:5h2;rad 50:5 12jS12 j2 2jS22 j2 (9)
ð 2p ð p " For equal power level, ratio between MEGs (MEG 1/MEG
MEG 5 Gu ðu; /ÞPu ðu; /Þ 2) should be <3 dB.17 The simulated and measured MEGs of
0 0 11XPR
# sin udud/ (7) the proposed MIMO antenna are presented in Figure 15. From
1 Figure 15, it is seen that the ratio between MEG 1 and MEG 2
1 G/ ðu; /ÞP/ ðu; /Þ
11XPR is <3 dB which indicates satisfactory diversity performance.
Total active reflection coefficient (TARC) is an important
where XPR is the cross polarization power ratio of horizon-
MIMO performance parameter, which characterized MIMO
tally and vertically polarized incident wave. Gu and G/ are the
antenna system. It is defined as the ratio between reflected
power gain pattern of the antenna. Pu and P/ are the angular
and incident power for MIMO antenna system. It can be cal-
density function of the incoming wave which is the function of
culated by utilizing following relation,14
u and ɸ, respectively. Calculated MEG values at different rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
environments are shown in Table 3. The different MEG values
jS11 1S12 eju j2 1 jS21 1S22 eju j2
computed by considering mv 510 , mH 510 , rv 515 , and pffiffiffi
TARC 5 (10)
rH 515 . From Table 3, it is seen that the ratio of MEG 1 and 2
MEG 2 is almost equal to one at different frequency which where Sii and Sij are represented as reflection coefficient and
shows improved diversity performance of the proposed mutual coupling between the antenna elements respectively.
antenna. MEG can also be calculated with the help of S param- u is the phase angle which is swept from 08 to 1808 with 308
eter. The MEG can be computed by utilizing following the step size. Figure 16 represents the measured TARC of the
eqn. described in ref. [13].
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Ravi Kumar Gangwar http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6137-1644