Jecrc 3-1

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1o) Unbaid deller T

salscf Ced At
930heainaf tn uJevud to as tht 'pet
deine Q7 unbaid selle a selen that
hos n betn paid
u pics ay the
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JUeuvea a biU aechangt athu
icqotiabl dnstunent Conoitical
ay mel and nob dion OxLich Jt
ucived has nfJet paid.
Whun dht buyer cy Goeols dets n
ay 3s outs to diseUe J seler becomt
aUnbod selle d t the selle a
evtain Júsh asainst the
buyu sud
Jighs a th oelle stmmtdies aginst

ethi bulach Cot seat by Hh bwt.

c1 Sal b Autin - n aeL tin Jal
pubbc. bale.
Sale Thi gools dold to al
Euhlie J:lat! lo tir a1icn
ntersleo a1J! ielde). h bid
He establsheo Jow majur me A'olud) autien
The biol (0pem ora) or erg-)
Th oueinding bid Dutch)
3 The First pele Jealuo bd qudin
Th econol uid, sealed bid (vick^u)

OBtaUL Cheu 0scde chaql
8ossed ehiquu aia cheqe
PostPOst dalid e hau Stal Chucu
Toeawelles chaauu ely ch
To Cnauin ehgu Atatus -

CJiek E nauisus Cha Atatus. The chusu

status pag abbeau.
8elut the accOur oY t&hich fas uih

to Veuy ehtau Atatus.

Stut tho na chgu optien do vepy
Atatus a. singl ehta

Eni the eheguL numbun

C.bek. I Enguirs
Parties e ehugut
uhuse Yaml wsltten
The pULwm
nthe ehuqu that ds the hunsm Jo
homl the ChLsu4 dS pafaklu.
A.:) 9agh ard dusies w d pune

Pacne has súg J Jr a i t

LoveDI debt J, uf onjr jvl gcod
lsdard a eeuyaty He ho jq
Aue yor th mds gord Jdyed Qr

due Jo i m . aLune.
th paymed ren
inbwrsersI v4
hay aught Jo Aul
erdta0dI nau
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9 Duy do dpa h o pus aru

ndewst dus om oubt
do elp
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wth th ueuw aontyact At19s0,

which ad by enps appintme
hdni þal., by mplied aalrtmet
by th
anipal, by utien. by
pvdnepal, by nedi dodtsin!
eatopels/ +i
Eass uuminmtnt- T tyjalcal wite a su
is a isting-
The tan u m i d ús
mest abveoiat dsgal ofe tao
Cselal Qn
enc ulatiens
ano liahiliies pwdnens
ollsoalutien -

Sectin the Indlian pastinunship A f 1932

Jihiidjes an Qct ad the pasdh
owides ter Acorolno to
ate the disalutiom a th ism
this setim,
fhu th Joatnus o the ism
Jable do thu thisd Ony autolne
b them Unlus fhuy giu uhbe netic)
hA isalusim h m.
Tn unlimited þafnn s P, een
al thu athe
pavdnn i s iabl y aintly u H
p a t s anol olso ttally y all ads
dane hiy h us a þatneu
ultomJ ihly
Yoc lom bi held Umaly
ognothen patneny Catliisnes."

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