Arch Firms Types
Arch Firms Types
Arch Firms Types
AR 5142 - Group 1
Submitted by:
Delos Reyes, Loreto Jade
Quibilan, Gabriel Niño
Rosales, Shirlyn Mae
➔ Research
➔ Case Studies
➔ Comparative Analysis
➔ Challenges
➔ Opportunities
➔ Recommendations
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Sole Proprietorship
A Sole Practitioner Architect (SPA) is a self-employed architect
with no employees.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Advantages: Disadvantages:
● All revenue is only taxed and ● With more than one owner, decision
the individual level (only making can be tougher, take longer, or
taxed once) lead to disputes.
● It is still relatively easy to set ● Unlimited liability - both owner’s
up the business as a personal assets are at risk even if one
partnership owner wasn’t involved in the dispute.
● With more than one owner ● Profits are split between the owners.
there is the potential for ● Some benefit expenses may not be
more capital to invest in the deductible such as the owner’s
business insurance policies (consult with your
● Each partner can bring tax advisor).
unique skills, knowledge, ● Typically the business entity would
and experiences to the dissolve upon the death or withdrawal
business. of a partner.
A business that the state recognizes as a separate legal entity
from its owners (which are also referred to as shareholders).
This business structure is an independent legal entity owned by shareholders. If
the business were to encounter a problem, shareholders do not take
responsibility for the liabilities and debts that it may face.
S Corporation
This business structure is classified as a special corporation for shareholders
who are able to avoid the double taxation of a corporation.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Advantages: Disadvantages:
● Distinctive Brand Identity ● Limited Capital
● Attract Specific Clients ● Liability
● Limited Offered Services
● Market Volatility
Refers to architecture firms that have access to various different
professionals within the office in order to accommodate a wide
range of services beyond the designing nature of architecture with
the goal being an all service firm that caters the client from the
Advantages: Disadvantages:
● Diverse Services ● Risks and Liability
● Versatility ● Complex Management
ase Studies
Firms Studied
Photo retrieved from
Espina, Perez-Espina
and Associates
ase Studies
Project Management Approaches
ase Studies
Type: Sole Proprietorship Firm
ase Studies
Photo provided by Ar. Cortés
A.Cortés Architecture + Design
Project Management Approaches
ase Studies
“Any project should always be treated as immediately as possible;
delays will only cause backlogs on workload. Any requirement for
the project should be planned ahead and follow a strict schedule of
implementation. Strict compliance of work schedule is the most
efficient way for the project to be delivered correctly. Documentation
on all necessary documents for the project will be very helpful as
work progresses. Staffing of workers for a project will be vital in the
proper project implementation, schedule delivery and workmanship.”
ase Studies
“Client acquisition is not the easiest when you are starting out, but
the closest for one Architect to get a project is from the existing circle
of potential clients around his connection - Relatives and Friends.
ase Studies
“Any architectural office is financially stable only until the next
ase Studies
“Social media has been undoubtedly the rising and popular
marketing avenue for this generation. But our office still believes that
established work is the most apparent marketing tool.
Our office though has created our own social media pages to go with
the times and post our projects as part of the marketing initiatives we
think is necessary for this time and age.”
● Pros:
○ Being a family-based
partnership, there is observed
to be no conflict between
● Cons:
○ Being the more established
○ Having an extensive network
firm which would entail a
in Cebu as well as the fact
large party of employees,
that one of the partners is in
there might be problems with
the government sector, the
firm is able to take on bigger
○ Based on their organizational
structure, the firm is able to
handle different projects
omparative Analysis Pros and Cons
A.Cortés Architecture + Design
● Pros:
○ The principal architect has the
advantage of the managing
director to help him oversee the
● Cons:
business operations of the firm.
○ Marketing strategies for the
Under the managing director are
firm are only limited to social
the senior project manager and
media and word of mouth.
administrative supervisor who are
The firm could use
delegated with managing the
opportunities such as joining
construction and design teams,
design competitions to
promote their name.
○ More approachable for smaller
projects making architecture
accessible to the masses.
omparative Analysis Impact on Projects
● Espina, Perez-Espina and Associates ● A.Cortés Architecture + Design
○ It is evident in their completed ○ From the interview, it can be concluded that
projects that part of these A. Cortes is very efficient and organized in
projects’ success is the firm’s project management. They are strict with
business and project deadlines and scheduling, as well as
management practices. emphasizing the thought of planning out
○ Due to their prestigious how they can manage their projects.
reputation, they are able to lure ○ Due to the small size of the firm, they tend
lucrative projects from wealthier to be more accommodating to clients that
clients making them more are not as wealthy hence putting them in
attractive and recognizable as an the unique position of finding a niche of
architectural firm. clientele to cater to a variety of small
As the world continues to evolve, changes are unavoidable. In
and Opportunities
Customization Complexity
and Opportunities
Client-Centered Approaches
Architects have the ability to translate the requirements
and Opportunities
Perennial Business
In the modern environment, architectural firms use marketing
and Opportunities
Specialization in architecture, such as commercial or residential, offers professionals
and clients distinct advantages. It enables architects to find their ideal niche and
and Opportunities
allows clients to approach experts in their specific needs. Specialization not only
aids in building value and brand recognition but also enhances firms' efficiency. This
can be considered as a challenge when there are a lot of architectural firms that
offer the same specialization. To become the preferred architectural firm, one should
showcase their capabilities on what they can offer that makes them stand out or
different from other architectural firms who have the same specialization.
Evolving Client Expectations
Contractor Involvement
Clients are exploring alternative procurement methods to shift risk, prompting
contractors to participate in procurement at earlier stages. This approach can pose a
and Opportunities
challenge if the contractor and client decide to make some changes without the
architect’s knowledge or approval, however it works effectively when clients have
well-defined briefs and engage actively in the design process. Architects play a
pivotal role in assisting clients in creating comprehensive and flexible briefs and
and Opportunities
and Opportunities
influence by refining their model management and integration skills, demonstrating the
value they provide across a building's entire lifecycle. Technological advancements are
enabling increased productivity, accuracy, and cost-efficiency in the field, making it possible
for even smaller architectural firms to compete effectively in the industry.
Early contractor involvement is allowing architects to establish integration protocols and
utilize virtual building models for procurement, planning, and cost control, emphasizing the
importance of architects taking an active role in leading the adoption of Building
Information Modeling (BIM) to enhance building lifecycle operations, quality, and
Technological Advancements
and Opportunities
architects, typically recent graduates, to bridge this gap. However, this
approach often falls short due to fee pressures and the lack of mentorship,
causing young architects to leave firms and knowledge transfer issues. To
address this, the profession needs clear career progression, structured skills
development, and experience pathways to facilitate knowledge transfer and
organizational flexibility. Proper mentorship and resources can help architects
transition effectively into the digital age and overcome these challenges.
Technological Advancements
Many architectural firms have chosen to utilize the internet to attract and
engage with clients, while some still favor traditional in-person methods for
and Opportunities
client interactions and other activities. However, this traditional approach can
be problematic as there are potential clients seeking architects through
online platforms. Therefore, embracing modern online marketing strategies
enables architectural firms to establish a robust online presence and increase
their visibility compared to other firms.
Sustainability Requirements
Sustainability Requirements
The architectural industry faces growing challenges and risks related to factors like
government policies, environmental regulations, land scarcity, and the pursuit of
competitive advantages. To address these challenges, architectural firms should prioritize
and Opportunities
understanding their clients' needs and adhere to international codes of conduct and
government protocols.
Development risks have intensified due to increased competition, limited land availability,
and complex regulations. Government agencies, under time and cost pressures, often
and Opportunities
year with reduced work backlog compared to pre-pandemic levels, leading to
increased uncertainty and lower budget forecasts, making it more
challenging to secure new clients and prompting a rush to replenish the
backlog. - (Tom Mroz, President of American Society of Landscape Architects
and Senior Vice-President of SmithGroup)
Global Economic Trends
In the competitive landscape of architectural firms, delivering quality work
alone may not suffice, as clients have the option to explore other firms. To
and Opportunities
maintain competitiveness, architectural firms need to employ strategic
positioning at regional, national, or international levels. Leveraging the
internet and social media is another strategy to enhance exposure to current
and potential clients. Additionally, participating in design competitions is a
common approach to acquiring solutions, but it's crucial for firms and
architects to ensure that competitions adhere to guidelines covering the
competition process, fair compensation, copyright protection, and ongoing
Global Economic Trends
Allied professionals such as engineers and contractors can help address the
challenges and acquire opportunities, resulting in global firms on worldwide
and Opportunities
businesses with substantial architectural practices. These businesses expand
to serve their clientele on a worldwide basis, entering and dominating new
marketplaces. Their size enables sophisticated processes, more diverse
knowledge, and back-office efficiencies. To vertically integrate their supply
chain, construction corporations are buying well-known businesses.
Global Economic Trends
Improving cities and creating sustainable communities is a primary concern
for both public and private development sectors. This presents architects
and Opportunities
with a prime opportunity to not only contribute to individual building projects
but also to influence the design and planning of entire precincts, districts, and
cities. Architects should take a leading role in shaping discussions about the
future of built environments, serving as visionaries who inspire leaders and
engage with communities.
How did our chosen firms
and Opportunities
This firm emphasized that efficiency and timely action are crucial in project
management to prevent backlogs. Planning and adhering to a strict schedule, along
and Opportunities
with proper documentation, are essential for project success. Staffing plays a vital
role in project implementation, scheduling, and work quality. Client acquisition often
starts with personal connections and referrals. Financial stability relies on a
continuous project pipeline, necessitating prudent financial management. While
social media is a valuable marketing tool, the firm emphasized the importance of
established work as the most effective marketing strategy, although they also
maintain a social media presence to adapt to current marketing trends.
ecommendations Collaboration Example
Client acquisition techniques that can be As provided in the previous case studies, an
applicable to architectural firms are example of partnering/collaborating with local
partnering with local organizations (profit organizations is Espina, Perez-Espina and
and non-profit) in creating projects Associates’ project on the Jesuit Retreat House
together and networking (Setiawan, 2022). renovation in Banawa, Cebu City. This was a
Along with this, allied professionals such project administered by Jesuit priests from the
as engineers and contractors can help Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu (Sunstar,
address the challenges and acquire 2018). Collaborating with another group allows
opportunities, resulting in global firms on the firm to gain more insight about the conditions
worldwide businesses with substantial of the existing building as well as garner enough
architectural practices. funds for the project to progress.
ecommendations Financial Decision-Making
Consensus Process - all partners are
involved, wherein they can weigh in their Example
pros and cons before arriving at a collective
As provided in the previous case studies, an
example of financial decision-making is
Democratic Process - requirement of
presented in the context of financial management
partners to vote on business decisions;
for partnership businesses. This entails the
upper management may be involved to
partners’ agreement on capital contributions and
balance the votes.
sharing ratios. There shall also be a designated
Delegation Process - decisions to a
general manager between the partners to handle
specific partner or trusted upper
and expedite the legal processes of the firm.
management employee.
ecommendations Marketing Strategies
Websites - containing content about the firm and the services it
offers, along with documentation of completed existing projects
(Fischer, 2023). An example of marketing strategies
Social Media - platform used to reach a wider audience that can conducted by Espina, Perez-Espina and
be potential clients and making it easier to establish Associates contains setting up their own
communication.The visual nature of the platform becomes an website on the range of their expertise for
alternative to the traditional website model as it simplifies the clients to navigate through, social media
marketing process (Fischer, 2023). accounts to easily communicate with a
Design Competitions - facilitated by organizations or a potential
wider audience, especially for potential
client in looking for the best design concept. These are usually
clients and joining design competitions
participated by up and coming designers of international or
allows them to gain exposure or gain
domestic practices, depending on the scale of the competition.
Architects usually join such competitions to either win or gain
more exposure for future commissions (Rizwan, 2022).
ecommendations Technological Advancements Example
Utilizing Organizational Softwares and Programs - Using programs such as Notion, Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Google Suite, Microsoft Teams to organize workflow in order to have a streamlined has been adopted by architectural
process. firms in India and Taiwan. In a study
Using Online Workflow Management Systems - Hiring IT and Industrial Engineering conducted by Ahuja et al. (2016) India
professionals to help streamline workflow processes for the firm to operate efficiently had a slower adoption rate to
(Tortor et al, 2019). integrating BIM softwares for the
Integrating BIM softwares - The integration of modeling and management software in reason that architectural firms are still
the design process, particularly with Building Information Modeling (BIM), is becoming lacking in the fields of expertise,
increasingly popular in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. knowledge and skills. Whereas
This approach streamlines collaboration between architects and engineers, leading to architectural firms in Taiwan have
more efficient project execution, reduced cost estimation errors, and better detection of grown accustomed to integrating BIM
design flaws, ultimately improving project quality and delivery time (Juan et al., 2015). softwares due to the influence of their
Address the Knowledge and Skill Gap - clear career progression, structured skills governmental policies, competitors,
development, and experience pathways to facilitate knowledge transfer and financial incentives and technological
organizational flexibility. Proper mentorship and resources can help architects transition support (Juan et al., 2015).
effectively into the digital age and overcome these challenges.
ecommendations Last Planner System Example
The 'last planner' refers to the individual or The LPS was implemented by the Saudi Binladin
group responsible for overseeing Group, which had successfully completed civil,
production unit control, specifically the industrial, commercial and residential building projects
completion of individual tasks at the in Saudi Arabia, wherein this company had a track
operational level. The Last Planner System record of accomplishments in effectively finishing
(LPS) facilitates collaborative management projects on time (Al Sehaimi et al., 2013). Although this
of the entire communication and example is a construction company, it showed methods
relationship network crucial for effective that can be applicable for the architectural firms to
program coordination, production planning, improve their management efficiency, where its primary
and project delivery. (Ballard, 1994). goal is to enhance planning and control, increasing
predictability in project timelines and thereby improving
the likelihood of on-time project completion.
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