Stat Con Notes
Stat Con Notes
Stat Con Notes
Legislative power, generally
Laws, generally • Power to make, alter and repeal laws
Jural and generic • A whole body or system of law • Vested in congress – 1987 Constitution
Jural and concrete
• Rule of conduct formulated and made obligatory by • President – 1973 & Freedom (PD and EO
legitimate power of the state respectively)
• Includes RA, PD, EO (president in the ex of legislative • Sangguniang barangay, bayan, panglungsod,
power), Presidential issuances (ordinance power) panlalawigan – only within respective jurisdiction –
Jurisprudence, ordinances passed by sanggunians of ordinances
local government units. • Administrative or executive officer
• Delegated power
Statutes, generally • Issue rules and regulations to implement a
• An act of legislature (Philippine Commission, Phil. specific law
Legislature, Batasang Pambansa, Congress)
• PD’s of Marcos during the period of martial law 1973 Congress legislative power
Constitution • The determination of the legislative policy and its
• EO of Aquino revolutionary period Freedom formulation and promulgation as a defined and binding
Constitution rule of conduct.
• Legislative power - plenary except only to such
▪ Public – affects the public at large limitations as are found in the constitution
• general – applies to the whole state and
operates throughout the state alike upon all Procedural requirements, generally
people or all of a class. • Provided in the constitution (for Bills, RA)
• Special – relates to particular person or things • Provided by congress – enactment of laws
of a class or to a particular community, ▪ Rules of both houses of congress (provided also
individual or thing. by the Constitution)
• Local Law – operation is confined to a
specific place or locality (e.g municipal Passage of bill
ordinance) • Proposed legislative measure introduced by a member
▪ Private – applies only to a specific person or of congress for enactment into law
subject. • Shall embrace only one subject which shall be
expressed in the title
Permanent and temporary statutes • Singed by authors
• Permanent - one whose operation is not limited in • File with the Secretary of the House
duration but continues until repealed. • Bills may originate from either lower or upper House
• Temporary - duration is for a limited period of time • Exclusive to lower house
fixed in the statute itself or whose life ceases upon the
▪ Appropriation
happening of an event.
o E.g. statute answering to an emergency ▪ Revenue/ tariff bills
▪ Bills authorizing increase of public debt
Other classes of statutes ▪ Bills of local application
• Prospective or retroactive – accdg. to application ▪ Private bills
• Declaratory, curative, mandatory, directory, • After 3 readings, approval of either house (see Art 6
substantive, remedial, penal – accdg. to operation Sec 26 (1))
• According to form • Secretary reports the bill for first reading
o Affirmative • First reading – reading the number and title, referral to
o Negative the appropriate committee for study and
Manner of referring to statutes • Committee – hold public hearings and
• Public Acts – Phil Commission and Phil Legislature submits report and recommendation for
1901- 1935 calendar for second reading
• Commonwealth Acts – 1936- 1946 • Second reading – bill is read in full (with amendments
• Republic Acts – Congress 1946- 1972, 1987 ~ proposed by the committee) – unless copies are
distributed and such reading is dispensed with
• Batas Pambansa – Batasang Pambansa
o Bill will be subject to debates, motions and
• Identification of laws – serial number and/or title amendments
o Bill will be voted on
o A bill approved shall be included in the • Indispensable
calendar of bills for 3rd reading • By signing of Speaker and Senate President
• Third reading – bill approved on 2nd reading will be •
submitted for final vote by yeas and nays,
Unimpeachability of legislative journals
• Bill approved on the 3rd reading will be transmitted to
the “Other House” for concurrence (same process as • Journal of proceedings
the first passage) • Conclusive with respect to other matters that are
o If the “Other House” approves without required by the Constitution
amendment it is passed to the President • Disputable with respect to all other matters
o If the “Other House” introduces amendments, • By reason of public policy, authenticity of laws should
and disagreement arises, differences will be rest upon public memorials of the most permanent
settled by the Conference Committees of both character
houses • Should be public
o Report and recommendation of the 2
Conference Committees will have to be Enrolled bill
approved by both houses in order to be • Bills passed by congress authenticated by the Speaker
considered pass and the Senate President and approved by the
• President President
o Approves and signs • Importing absolute verity and is binding on the courts
o Vetoes (within 30 days after receipt) o It carries on its face a solemn assurance that it
o Inaction was passed by the assembly by the legislative
• If the President vetoes – send back to the House where and executive departments.
it originated with recommendation • Courts cannot go behind the enrolled act to discover
o 2/3 of all members approves, it will be sent to what really happened
the other house for approval o If only for respect to the legislative and
o 2/3 of the other house approves – it shall executive departments
become a law • Thus, if there has been any mistake in the printing of
o If president did not act on the bill with in 30 the bill before it was certified by the officer of the
days after receipt, bill becomes a law assembly and approved by the Chief Executive, the
remedy is by amendment by enacting a curative
• Summary : 3 ways of how a bill becomes a law.
legislation not by judicial decree.
▪ President signs
• Enrolled bill and legislative journals - Conclusive upon
▪ inaction of president with in 30 days after receipt
the courts
▪ vetoed bill is repassed by congress by 2/3 votes of • If there is discrepancy between enrolled bill and
all its members, each house voting separately. journal, enrolled bill prevails.
Appropriations and revenue bills
Withdrawal of authentication, effect of
• Same as procedure for the enactment of ordinary bills
• Speaker and Senate President may withdraw if there is
• Only difference is that they can only originate from the discrepancy between the text of the bill as deliberated
Lower House but the Senate may propose/ concur with and the enrolled bill.
the amendments • Effect:
• Limitations of passage (as per Constitution) Art 6 Sec. o Nullifies the bill as enrolled
27 (2)
o Losses absolute verity
o congress may not increase the appropriation
o Courts may consult journals
recommended by the President XXX
o particular appropriation limited
o procedure for Congress is the same to all
other department/ agencies (procedure for
approving appropriations )
Title of statute
o special appropriations – national treasurer/
revenue proposal • Mandatory law - Every bill passed by Congress shall
o no transfer of appropriations xxx authority to embrace only one subject which shall be expressed in
augment the title thereof ( Art 6, Sec 26 (1) 1987 Constitution)
o discretionary funds – for public purposes • 2 limitations upon legislation
o To refrain from conglomeration, under one
o general appropriations bills – when re-enacted
statute, of heterogeneous subjects
o President my veto any particular item/s in an
o Title of the bill should be couched in a
appropriation revenue, or tariff bill.
language sufficient to notify the legislators
and the public and those concerned of the
Authentication of bills
import of the single subject.
• Before passed to the President
Purposes of requirement (on 1 subject) • States the authority by which the act is enacted
• Principal purpose: to apprise the legislators of the
object, nature, and scope of the provision of the bill
and to prevent the enactment into law of matters which • #1 - Phil Commission – “ By authority of the President
have not received the notice, action and study of the of the US, be it enacted by the US Philippine
legislators. Commission”
o To prohibit duplicity in legislation • #2 - Philippine Legislature- “ by authority of the US,
• In sum of the purpose be it enacted by the Philippine Legislature”
o To prevent hodgepodge/ log-rolling • #3 - When #2 became bicameral: “Be it enacted by the
legislation Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines
o To prevent surprise or fraud upon the in legislature assembled and by authority of the same”
legislature • #4 - Commonwealth- “Be it enacted by the National
o To fairly apprise the people, through Assembly of the Philippines
publication of the subjects of the legislation • #5 – when #4 became bicameral: “be it enacted by the
o Used as a guide in ascertaining legislative Senate and House of Representatives in congress
intent when the language of the act does not assembled” – same 1946-1972/1987-present.
clearly express its purpose; may clarify doubt
• #6 – Batasang Pambansa: “Be it enacted by the
or ambiguity.
Batasang Pambansa in session assembled”
• #7 – PD “ NOW THEREFORE, I President of
How requirement construed
the Philippines, by the powers vested in me by the
• Liberally construed
Constitution do hereby decree as follows”
• If there is doubt, it should be resolved against the
• #8 – EO “Now, therefore, I, hereby order”
doubt and in favor of the constitutionality of the statute
When there is compliance with requirement
• Defined – prefatory statement or explanation or a
• Comprehensive enough - Include general object
finding of facts, reciting the purpose, reason, or
• If all parts of the law are related, and are germane to occasion for making the law to which it is prefixed”
the subject matter expressed in the title
• Found after enacting clause and before the body of the
• Title is valid where it indicates in broad but clear law.
terms, the nature, scope and consequences of the law
• Usually not used by legislations because content of the
and its operations
preamble is written in the explanatory note.
• Title should not be a catalogue or index of the bill
• But PDs and EOs have preambles.
• Principles apply to titles of amendatory acts.
o Enough if it states “an act to amend a specific Purview of statute
• that part which tells what the law is about
• Need not state the precise nature of the
• body of statute should embrace only one subject
amendatory act.
should only one subject matter, even there provisions
• US Legislators have titles ending with the words “and should be allied and germane to the subject and
for other purposes” ( US is not subject to the same purpose of the bill.
Constitutional restriction as that embodied in the
• Statue is usually divided into section. w/c contains a
Philippine Constitution)
single proposition.
When requirement not applicable • Parts
o short title
• Apply only to bills which may thereafter be enacted
into law o policy section
• Does not apply to laws in force and existing at the time o definition section
the 1935 Constitution took effect. o administrative section
• No application to municipal or city ordinances. o sections prescribing standards of conduct
o sections imposing sanctions for violation of
Effect of insufficiency of title its provisions
• Statute is null and void o transitory provision
• Where, the subject matter of a statute is not o separability clause
sufficiently expressed in its title, only so much of the o effectivity clause
subject matter as is not expressed therein is void,
leaving the rest in force, unless the invalid provisions Separability clause
are inseparable from the others, in which case the • it states that if any provision of the act is declared
nullity the former vitiates the latter invalid, the remainder shall not be affected thereby.
• It is not controlling and the courts may invalidate the
Enacting clause whole statute where what is left, after the void part, is
• Written immediately after the title not complete and workable
• Presumption – statute is effective as a whole
• its effect: to create in the place of such presumption o Power to repeal procedural rules
the opposite of separability. o No power to promulgate rules substantive in
nature (unlike the legislative department)
PRESIDENTIAL ISSUANCES, RULES AND • Substantive rules – if it affects or takes away vested
ORDINANCES rights; right to appeal
• Procedural rules – means of implementing existing
Presidential issuances right; where to file an appeal for transferring the venue
• are those which the president issues in the exercise of • Rules and regulations issued by the administrative or
ordinance power. executive officers in accordance with and authorized
• i.e. EO, AO (administrative orders), proclamations, by law, have the force and effect of law
MO (memorandum orders), MC (memorandum o Requisites for validity
circulars), and general or special orders. ▪ Rules should be germane to the
• Have force and effect of laws. objects and purposes of the law
• EO ▪ Regulations be not in contradiction
o acts of the President providing for rules of a with, but conform to, the standards
general or permanent character in the that the law prescribes
implementation or execution of ▪ The be for the sole purpose of
constitutional/ statutory powers. carrying into effect the general
o do not have the force and effect of laws provisions of the law
enacted by congress o Law cannot be restricted or extended
o different from EO issued by the President in o Law prevails over regulations, if there are
the ex of her legislative power during the discrepancies
revolution Presidential decree under the • Rule-making power of public administrative agency is
freedom constitution a delegated legislative power – if it enlarges or restricts
• AO such statute is invalid
o acts of the President which relate to particular • Requisites for delegating a statute by legislative
aspects of governmental operations in branch to another branch of government to fill in
pursuance of his duties as administrative head details, execution, enforcement, or administration of
• Proclamations law…. the law must be:
o acts of the President fixing a date or declaring o Complete in itself
a statute or condition of public moment or o Fix a standard which may be express or
interest, upon the existence of which the implied
operation of a specific law or regulation is ▪ Example of “standard” – simplicity
made to depend and dignity; public interest; public
• MO welfare; interest of law and order;
o acts of the President on matters of justice and equity and substantial
administrative details or of subordinate or merit of the case; adequate and
temporary interest which only concern a efficient instruction
particular officer or office of government • Example:
• MC o Change of “and/or” to “or” – invalid
o acts of the president on matters relating to o Change of “may”(permissive) to “shall”
internal administration which the President (mandatory) – invalid (Grego v COMELEC
desires to bring to the attention of all or some pp 22)
of the departments, agencies, bureaus, or
offices of the government, for information of Administrative rule and interpretation distinguished
compliance • Rule – “makes” new law with the force and effect of a
• General or Specific Order valid law; binding on the courts even if they are not in
o Acts and commands of the President in his agreement with the policy stated therein or with its
capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the AFP innate wisdom
• Interpretation – merely advisory for it is the courts that
Supreme Court circulars; rules and regulations finally determine what the law means
• See Art 8, Sec. 5(5) 1987 Constitution • Administrative construction is not necessarily binding
• See Art. 6, Sec. 30 1987 Constitution upon the courts; it may be set aside by judicial
• It has been held that a law which provides that a department (if there is an error of law, or abuse of
decision of a quasi-judicial body be appealable directly power or lack of jurisdiction or GAD – grave abuse of
to the SC, if enacted without the advice and discretion)
concurrence of the SC, ineffective
o Remedy or applicable procedure – go to CA Barangay ordinance
• Rules of Court – product of the rule-making power of
the SC
• Sangguniang barangay – smallest legislative body; • Final arbiter of unconstitutionality of law is the
may pass an ordinance by majority of all its members; Supreme Court EN BANC (majority who took part
subject to review by Sangguniang bayan/ panglungsod and voted thereon)
• Sangguniang bayan/ panglungsod – take action on the • Nonetheless, trial courts have jurisdiction to initially
ordinance within 30 days from submission; if there’s decide the issue of constitutionality of a law in
inaction, it is presumed to be consistent with the appropriate cases
municipal or city ordinance; if inconsistency is found,
it will remand to the Sangguniang barangay Requisites for exercise of judicial power
Municipal ordinance • The existence of an appropriate case
• Lodged in the Sangguniang bayan • Interest personal and substantial by the party raising
• Majority of the quorum voting, ordinance is passed the constitutional question
• Ordinance sent to Mayor within 10 days for approval • Plea that the function be exercised at the earliest
or veto; if there’s mayor’s inaction, ordinance is opportunity
presumed approved; if vetoed and overridden by 2/3 of • Necessity that the constitutional question be passed
all members, ordinance is approved upon in order to decide the case
• Approved ordinance is passed to Sangguniang
panlalawigan for review Appropriate case
o Within 30 days may invalidate in whole or in • Bona fide case – one which raises a justiciable
part and its action is final; if there’s inaction controversy
within 30 days, it is deemed valid • Judicial power is limited only to real, actual, earnest,
and vital controversy
City ordinance • Controversy is justiciable when it refers to matter
• Vested in Sangguniang panglungsod which is appropriate for court review; pertains to
• Majority of the quorum voting, ordinance is passed issues which are inherently susceptible of being
• Submitted to Mayor within 10 days decided on grounds recognized by law
o Approve • Courts cannot rule on “political questions” – questions
o Veto – 2/3 of all members – approved which are concerned with issues dependent upon the
o Inaction – deemed approved wisdom (v. legality) of a particular act or measure
• If city or component city – submit to Sangguniang being assailed
panlalawigan for review which shall take action within o “separation of powers”
30 days, otherwise, it will be deemed valid o However, Constitution expands the concept
of judicial review – judicial power includes
Provincial ordinance the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
• Sangguniang panlalawigan – majority of quorum controversies involving rights which are
voting, passage of ordinance legally demandable and enforceable and to
• Forwarded to the Governor who within 15 days from determine whether or not there has been GAD
receipt shall amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
o Approve the branch or the part of any branch/
o Veto – 2/3 of all members – approved instrumentality of the Government
o Inaction – deemed approved
Standing to sue
VALIDITY • Legal standing or locus standi – personal/ substantial
interest in the case such that the party has sustained or
Presumption of constitutionality will sustain direct injury as a result of governmental
• Every statute is presumed valid act that is being challenged
o Lies on how a law is enacted • “interest” – an interest in issue affected by the decree
o Due respect to the legislative who passed and • Citizen – acquires standing only if he can establish that
executive who approved he has suffered some actual or threatened concrete
o Responsibility of upholding the constitution injury as a result of the allegedly illegal conduct of the
rests not on the courts alone but on the government
legislative and executive branches as well o E.g. taxpayer – when it is shown that public
• Courts cannot inquire into the wisdom or propriety of funds have been illegally disbursed
laws • Member of the Senate or of the House has legal
• To declare a law unconstitutional, the repugnancy of standing to question the validity of the Presidential
the law to the constitution must be clear and veto or a condition imposed on an item in an
unequivocal appropriations bills
• All reasonable doubts should be resolved in favor of • SC may, in its discretion, take cognizance of a suit
the constitutionality of law; to doubt is to sustain which does not satisfy the requirement of legal
o E.g. calling by the President for the o Orthodox view – unconstitutional act is not a
deployment of the Philippine Marines to join law; decision affect ALL
the PNP in visibility patrols around the metro o Modern view – less stringent; the court in
passing upon the question of
When to raise constitutionality unconstitutionality does not annul or repeal
• xxx at the earliest possible opportunity – i.e. in the the statute if it finds it in conflict with the
pleading Constitution; decisions affects parties ONLY
• it may be raised in a motion for reconsideration / new and no judgment against the statute; opinion
trial in the lower court; or of court may operate as a precedent; it does
• in criminal cases – at any stage of the proceedings or not repeal, supersede, revoke, or annul the
on appeal statute
• in civil cases, where it appears clearly that a
determination of the question is necessary to a Invalidity due to change of conditions
decision, and in cases where it involves the jurisdiction • Emergency laws
of the court below • It is deemed valid at the time of its enactment as an
exercise of police power
• It becomes invalid only because the change of
conditions makes its continued operation violative of
Necessity of deciding constitutionality the Constitution, and accordingly, the declaration of its
• where the constitutional question is of paramount nullity should only affect the parties involved in the
public interest and time is of the essence in the case and its effects applied prospectively
resolution of such question, adherence to the strict
procedural standard may be relaxed and the court, in Partial invalidity
its discretion, may squarely decide the case • General rule: that where part of a statute is void as
• where the question of validity, though apparently has repugnant to the Constitution, while another part is
become moot, has become of paramount interest and valid, the valid portion, if separable from the invalid,
there is undeniable necessity for a ruling, strong may stand and be enforced
reasons of public policy may demand that its • Exception – that when parts of a statute are so
constitutionality be resolved mutually dependent and connected, as conditions,
considerations, inducements, or compensations for
Test of constitutionality each other, as to warrant a belief that the legislature
• … is what the Constitution provides in relation to what intended them as a whole, the nullity of one part will
can or may be done under the statute, and not by what vitiate the rest – such as in the case of Tatad v Sec of
it has been done under it. Department of Energy and Antonio v. COMELEC
o If not within the legislative power to enact
o If vague – unconstitutional in 2 respects EFFECT AND OPERATION
▪ Violates due process
▪ Leaves law enforcers unbridled When laws take effect
discretion in carrying out its • Art 2 CC - “xxx laws to be effective must be published
provisions either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of
o Where there’s a change of circumstances – general circulation in the country”
i.e. emergency laws o The effectivity provision refers to all statutes,
• Ordinances (test of validity are): including those local and private, unless there
o It must not contravene the Constitution or any are special laws providing a different
statute effectivity mechanism for particular statutes
o It must not be unfair or oppressive • Sec 18 Chapter 5 Book 1 of Administrative Code
o It must not be partial or discriminatory • Effectivity of laws
o It must not prohibit but may regulate trade o default rule – 15-day period
o It must be general and consistent with public o must be published either in the OG or
policy newspaper of general circulation in the
o It must not be unreasonable country; publication must be full
• The clause “unless it is otherwise provided” – solely
Effects of unconstitutionality refers to the 15-day period and not to the requirement
• It confers no rights of publication
• Imposes no duties
• Affords no protection When Presidential issuances, rules and regulations take effect
• Creates no office • The President’s ordinance power includes the authority
• In general, inoperative as if it had never been passed to issue EO, AO, Proclamations, MO, MC and general
• 2 views: or specific orders
• Requirement of publication applies except if it is
merely interpretative or internal in nature not Manner of computing time
concerning the public • See Art. 13 CC
• 2 types: • Where a statute requires the doing of an act within a
o Those whose purpose is to enforce or specified number of days, such as ten days from
implement existing law pursuant to a valid notice, it means ten calendar days and NOT ten
delegation or to fill in the details of a statute; working days
requires publication • E.g. 1 year from Oct. 4, 1946 is Oct. 4, 1947
o Those which are merely interpretative in • If last day falls on a Sunday or holiday, the act can still
nature or internal; does not require be done the following day
publication • Principle of “exclude the first, include the last” DOES
• Requirements of filing (1987 Administrative Code): NOT APPLY to the computation of the period of
o Every agency shall file with the UP Law prescription of a crime, in which rule, is that if the last
Center 3 certified copies of every rule day in the period of prescription of a felony falls on a
adopted by it. Rules in force on the date of Sunday or legal holiday, the information concerning
effectivity of this Code which are not filed said felony cannot be filed on the next working day, as
within 3 months from that date shall not the offense has by then already prescribed
thereafter be the basis of any sanction against
any party/ persons
When local ordinance takes effect CHAPTER TWO: Construction and Interpretation
• Unless otherwise stated, the same shall take effect 10
days from the date a copy is posted in a bulletin board NATURE AND PURPOSE
at the entrance of the provincial capitol or city,
municipality or barangay hall, AND in at least 2 other Construction defined
conspicuous places in the local government unit • Construction is the art or process of discovering and
concerned expounding the meaning and intention of the authors
• The secretary to the Sangguinian concerned shall cause of the law, where that intention rendered doubtfully
the posting not later than 5 days after approval; text reason of ambiguity in its language or of the fact that
will be disseminated in English or Tagalog; the the given case is not explicitly provided for in the law.
secretary to the Sangguinian concerned shall record • Construction is drawing of warranted conclusions
such fact in a book kept for that purpose, stating the beyond direct expression of the text expressions which
dates of approval and posting are in spirit though not within the text.
• Gist of ordinance with penal sanctions shall be • xxx inevitably, there enters into the construction of
published in a newspaper of general circulation within statutes the play of JUDICIAL JUDGMENT within
the respective province concerned; if NO newspaper of the limits of the relevant legislative materials
general circulation in the province, POSTING shall be • it involves the EXERCISE OF CHOICE BY THE
made in all municipalities and cities of the province JUDICIARY
where the Sanggunian of origin is situated
• For highly urbanized and independent component Construction and interpretation distinguished
cities, main features of the ordinance, in addition to the • They are so alike in practical results and so are used
posting requirement shall be published once in a local interchangeably; synonymous.
newspaper. In the absence of local newspaper, in any
newspaper of general circulation Construction Interpretation
o Highly urbanized city – minimum population - process of drawing - art of finding the true
of 200,000 and with latest annual income of warranted conclusions not meaning and sense of any
at least 50M Php always included in direct form of words
expressions, or determining
Statutes continue in force until repealed the application of words to
• Permanent/ indefinite – law once established continues facts in litigation
until changed by competent legislative power. It is not
changed by the change of sovereignty, except that of Rules of construction, generally
political nature • Rules of statutory construction are tools used to
• Temporary – in force only for a limited period, and ascertain legislative intent.
they terminate upon expiration of the term stated or • NOT rules of law but mere axioms of experience
upon occurrence of certain events; no repealing statute
• In enacting a statute, the legislature is presumed to
is needed
know the rules of statutory construction, in case of
doubt, be construed in accordance with the settled
Territorial and personal effect of statutes principles of interpretation.
• All people within the jurisdiction of the Philippines
• Legislature sometimes adopts rules of statutory • The purpose:
construction as part of the provisions of the statute: - o Continuous production of sugar
see examples page 49-50 o To grant the laborers a share in the increased
• Legislature also defines to ascertain the meaning of participation of planters in the sugar produce
vague, broad words/ terms • The legislative intent is, thus to make the act operative
irrespective of whether there exists a milling
Purpose of object of construction agreement between central and the sugar planters.
• The purpose is to ascertain and give effect to the intent
of the law. Matters inquired into in construing a statute
• The object of all judicial interpretation of a statute is to • “It is not enough to ascertain the intention of the
determine legislative intent, either expressly or statute; it is also necessary to see whether the intention
impliedly, by the language used; to determine the or meaning has been expressed in such a way as to
meaning and will of the law making body and discover give it legal effect or validity”
its true interpretations of law. • Thus: The object of inquiry is not only to know what
the legislature used sufficiently expresses that
Legislative intent, generally meaning. The legal act is made up of 2 elements:
• … is the essence of the law o internal – intention
• Intent is the spirit which gives life to legislative o external- expression
enactment. It must be enforced when ascertained, • Failure of the latter may defeat the former
although it may not be consistent with the strict letter
of the statute. It has been held, however, that that the
ascertainment of legislative intent depend more on a
determination of the purpose and object of the law. Where legislative intent is ascertained
• Intent is sometimes equated with the word “spirit.” • The primary source of legislative intent is the statute
• While the terms purpose, meaning, intent, and spirit itself.
are oftentimes interchangeably used by the courts, not • If the statute as a whole fails to indicate the legislative
entirely synonymous intent because of ambiguity, the court may look
beyond the statute such as:
Legislative purpose o Legislative history – what was in the
• A legislative purpose is the reason why a particular legislative mind at the time the statute was
statute was enacted by legislature. enacted; what the circumstances were; what
• Legislation “is an active instrument and government evil was meant to be redressed
which, for the purpose of interpretation means that o Purpose of the statute – the reason or cause
laws have ends to be achieved” which induced the enactment of the law, the
mischief to be suppressed, and the policy
Legislative meaning which dictated its passage
• Legislative meaning is what the law, by its language, o when all these means fail, look into the effect
means. of the law.
• What it comprehends; ▪ If the 3rd means (effect of the law) is
• What it covers or embraces; first used, it will be judicial
• What its limits or confines are. legislation
• Intent and Meaning – synonymous
• If there is ambiguity in the language used in a statute,
its purpose may indicate the meaning of the language
and lead to what the legislative intent is Construction is a judicial function
• It is the court that has the final word as to what the law
Graphical illustration – means.
• It construes laws as it decide cases based on fact and
Federation of Free Farmers v CA. the law involved
• RA No. 809 Sec. 1 – “In absence of a written milling • Laws are interpreted in the context of a peculiar factual
agreements between the majority of the planters and situation of each case
the millers, the unrefined sugar as well as all by- • Circumstances of time, place, event, person and
products shall be divided between them” particularly attendant circumstances and actions
• RA 809 Sec. 9 – “The proceeds of any increase in before, during and after the operative fact have taken
participation granted by the planters under this act and their totality so that justice can be rationally and fairly
above their present share shall be divided between the dispensed.
planter and his laborer in the proportion of 60% • Moot and academic –
laborer and 40% planter” o Purpose has become stale
• To give literal import in interpreting the two section o No practical relief can be granted
will defeat the purpose of the Act o Relief has no practical effect
• General rule (on mootness) – dismiss the case modifying or repealing the very statute which has been
o Exception: the subject of construction. It can, and it has done so,
▪ If capable of repetition, yet evading by amending or repealing the statute, the consequence
review of which is that the previous judicial construction of
▪ Public interest requires its resolution the statute is modified or set aside accordingly.
▪ Rendering decision on the merits
would be of practical value When court may construe statute
• “The court may construe or interpret a statute under
Legislative cannot overrule judicial construction the condition that THERE IS DOUBT OR
• It cannot preclude the courts from giving the statute AMBIGUITY”
different interpretation • Ambiguity – a condition of admitting 2 or more
• Legislative – enact laws meanings. Susceptible of more than one interpretation.
• Executive- to execute laws • Only when the law is ambiguous or doubtful of
• Judicial- interpretation and application meaning may the court interpret or construe its intent.
• If the legislature may declare what a law means – it
Court may not construe where statute is clear
will cause confusion…it will be violative of the
fundamental principles of the constitution of • A statute that is clear and unambiguous is not
separation powers. susceptible of interpretations.
• Legislative construction is called resolution or • First and fundamental duty of court – to apply the law
declaratory act • Construction – very last function which the court
should exercise
• Law is clear – no room for interpretation, only room
for application
Endencia v David • Courts cannot enlarge or limit the law if it is clear and
• Explains why legislative cannot overrule Supreme free from ambiguity (even if law is harsh or onerous
Court’s decision • A meaning that does not appear nor is intended or
reflected in the very language of the statute cannot be
Perfecto v. Meer placed therein by construction
• Art. 8 Sec. 9 1935 Constitution – SC’s interpretation:
“shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by Manikan v. Tanodbayan
law, which shall not be diminished during their • Sec. 7 PD 1716-A – “sole police authority” of EPZA
continuance in office” – exempt from income tax officials may not be construed as an exception to, or
• Legislative passed RA 590 Sec. 13 – “no salary limitation on, the authority of the Tanodbayan to
whenever received by any public officer of the investigate complaints for violation of the anti-graft
Republic shall be considered exempt from the income law committed by the EPZA officials
tax, payment of which is hereby declared not to be a • EPZA’s power – not exclusive; “sole” refers to police
diminution of his compensation fixed by the authority not emplyed to describe other power
Constitution or by law”
• Source of confusion Lapid v. CA
• Violative of principle on separation of powers • Issue: whether or not the decision of the Ombudsman
• RA 590 Sec 13 – unconstitutional imposing a penalty of suspension of one year without
• Art 8 Sec. 9 1935 – repealed by Art. 15 Sec. 6 1973 pay is immediately executory
Constitution – “no salary or any form of emolument of • Administrative Code and LGC – not suppletory to
any public officer or employee, including Ombudsman Act
constitutional officers, shall be exempt from payment • These three laws are related or deal with public
of income tax” officers, but are totally different statutes
• Thus, judiciary is not exempt from payment of tax
anymore • An administrative agency tasked to implement a
statute may not construe it by expanding its meaning
When judicial interpretation may be set aside where its provisions are clear and unambiguous
• “Interpretations may be set aside.” The interpretation
of a statute or a constitutional provision by the courts Land Bank v. CA
is not so sacrosanct as to be beyond modification or • DAR interpreted “deposits” to include trust accounts”
nullification. • SC held that “deposits” is limited only to cash and
• The Supreme Court itself may, in an appropriate case LBP bonds
change or overrule its previous construction.
• The rule that the Supreme Court has the final word in Libanan v. HRET
the interpretation or construction of a stature merely • Issue: whether ballots not signed at the back by the
means that the legislature cannot, by law or resolution, chairman of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) are
modify or annul the judicial construction without spurious, since it violated Sec. 24 RA 7166
• Held: not spurious; only renders the BEI accountable • Monge v Angeles (1957) and Tupas v Damaso (1984)
– from the date of conveyance or foreclosure sale
Rulings of Supreme Court part of legal system • Belisario v. IAC (1988) – from the period after the
• Art. 8 CC – “Judicial decisions applying or expiration of the 1-year period of repurchase
interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form part • The SC held that the doctrine that should apply is that
of the legal system of the Philippines” which was enunciated in Monge and Tupas because
• Legis interpretato legis vim obtinet – authoritative the transactions involved took place prior to Belisario
interpretation of the SC of a statute acquires the force and not that which was laid down in the latter case
of law by becoming a part thereof as of the date of its which should be applied prospectively
enactment , since the court’s interpretation merely
establishes the contemporaneous legislative intent that Court may issue guidelines in construing statute
the statute thus construed intends to effectuate • In construing a statute, the enforcement of which may
• Stare decisis et non quieta novere – when the SC has tread on sensitive areas of constitutional rights, the
once laid down a principle of law as applicable to a court may issue guidelines in applying the statute, not
certain state of facts, it will adhere to that principle and to enlarge or restrict it but to clearly delineate what the
apply it to all future casese where the facts are law is.
substantially the same
o For stability and certainty Peo. v. Ferrer
• Supreme Court becomes, to the extent applicable, the • What acts that may be considered liable under the
criteria that must control the actuations not only of Anti-Subversion Act
those called upon to abide thereby but also of those
duty-bound to enforce obedience thereto. Morales v. Enrile
• SC rulings are binding on inferior courts • Rights of a person under custodial investigation
Two (2) Exceptions to the rule There should be no penalty from compliance with law
• Pari delicto doctrine will not apply when its • A person who complies with what a statute requires
enforcement or application will violate an avowed cannot, by implication, be penalized thereby
fundamental policy or public interest • For “simple logic and fairness and reason cannot
countenance an exaction or a penalty for an act
Delos Santos v. Roman Catholic Church faithfully done in compliance with the law”
• Homestead Law – to give and preserve in the
homesteader and his family a piece of land for his
house and cultivation
• The law prohibits the alienation of a homestead within
5 years following the issuance of the patent and
provides that any contract of a conveyance in
contravention thereof shall be null and void
• The seller or his heirs, although in pari delicto, may
recover the land subject of such illegal sale CHAPTER FIVE: Interpretation of words and phrases
Commissioner of Customs v. Phil. Acetylene Co.
Noscitur a sociis • Statute: Sec. 6 of RA 1394 provides that “tax
• where a particular word or phrase is ambiguous in provided for in Sec. 1 of this Act shall not be imposed
itself or equally susceptible of various meanings, its against the importation into the Philippines of
correct construction may be made clear and specific by machinery or raw materials to be used by new and
considering the company of words in which it is found necessary industry xxx; machinery equipment, spare
or with which it is associated. parts, for use of industries…”
• to remove doubt refer to the meaning of associated or • Issue: Is the word “industries” used in ordinary,
companion words generic sense, which means enterprises employing
relatively large amounts of capital and/or labor?
Buenaseda v. Flavier • Held: Since “industries” used in the law for the 2nd
• Statute: Sec. 13(3), Art XI of the Constitution grants time “is classified together” with the terms miners,
Ombudsman power to “Direct the officer concerned to mining industries, planters and farmers, obvious
take appropriate action against a public official or legislative intent is to confine the meaning of the term
employee at fault, and recommend his removal, to activities that tend to produce or create or
suspension, demotion, fine censure or prosecution. manufacture such as those miners, mining enterprises,
• “suspension” – is a penalty or punitive measure not planters and farmers.
preventive • If used in ordinary sense, it becomes inconsistent and
Magtajas v. Pryce Properties Corp.
Peo. v. Santiago
• Issue: Whether defamatory statements through the provide otherwise. The propriety of a stay granted by
medium of an amplifier system constitutes slander or the officer or body rendering the award, order, ruling,
libel? decision or judgment may be raised only by motion in
• Libel: committed by means of “writing, printing, the main case,” refers to the CA or to the Court of
lithography, engraving, radio, cinematographic Agrarian Relations?
exhibiton.” • Held: Correct construction made clear with reference
• It is argued that “amplifier” similar to radio to Sec. 1 of RA 5434, where the court, officers or
• Held: No. Radio should be considered as same terms bodies whose decision, award are appealable to the
with writing and printing whose common Court of Appeals, enumerated as follows: Court of
characteristic is the “permanent means of Agrarian Relations, Sec. of Labor, Social Security
publication.” Commission etc…; From grouping, the enumeration
in Sec. 5 means Court of Agrarian Relations not CA.
San Miguel Corp. v. NLRC
• Issue: Whether claim of an employee against his Ejusdem generis (or the same kind or species)
employer for cash reward or submitting process to • General rule: where a general word or phrase follows
eliminate defects in quality & taste of San Miguel an enumeration of particular and specific words of the
product falls within jurisdiction of the labor arbiter of same class or where the latter follow the former, the
NLRC? general word or phrase is to be construed to include,
• Held: No. Outside of jurisdiction. Not necessary that or to be restricted to, persons, things or cases akin to,
entire universe of money claims under jurisdiction of resembling, or of the same kind or class as those
labor arbiter but only those to 1.) unfair labor specifically mentioned.
practices, 2.) claims concerning terms & conditions of • Purpose: give effect to both particular or general
employment 4.) claims relating to household services words, by treating the particular words as indicating
5.) activities prohibited to employers & employees. the class and the general words as indicating all that
• Statute: “jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters and the is embraced in said class, although not specifically
NLRC, as last amended by BP Blg. 227 including named by the particular words.
paragraph 3 “all money claims of workers, including • Principle: based on proposition that had the
hose based on nonpayment or underpayment of legislature intended the general words to be used in
wages, overtime compensation, separation pay, and their generic and unrestricted sense, it would have not
other benefits provided by law or appropriate enumerated the specific words.
agreement, except claims for employees • Presumption: legislators addressed specifically to the
compensation, social security, medicare and particularization
maternity benefits.”
Ebarle v. Sucaldito
• Statute: EO 265 outlines the procedure which Mutuc v. COMELEC
complainants charging government officials and • Statute: Act makes unlawful the distribution of
employees with commission of irregularities should be electoral propaganda gadgets, pens, lighters, fans,
guided, applies to criminal actions or complaints. flashlights, athletic goods, materials and the like”
• EO 265 – “complaints against public officials and • Held: and the like, does not embrace taped jingles for
employees shall be promptly acted upon and disposed campaign purposes
of by the officials or authorities concerned in
accordance with pertinent laws and regulations so that Murphy, Morris & Co. v. Collector of Customs
the erring officials and employees can be soonest • Statute: Dynamos, generators, exciters, and other
removed or otherwise disciplines and the innocent, machinery for the generation of electricity for lighting
exonerated or vindicated in like manner, and to the end or for power;
also that other remedies, including court action, may • Held: phrase “other machinery” would not include
be pursued forthwith by the interested parties, after steam turbines, pumps, condensers, because not same
administrative remedies shall have been exhausted” kind of machinery with dynamos, generators and
• Held: executive order does not apply to criminal exciters.
actions. The term is closely overshadowed by the
qualification - “After administrative remedies shall Vera v. Cuevas
have been exhausted,” which suggest civil suits • Statute: all condensed skimmed milk and all milk in
subject to previous administrative actions. whatever form shall be clearly and legibly marked on
its immediate containers with words: “This milk is not
Mottomul v. dela Paz suitable for nourishment for infants less than 1 year of
• Issue: Whether the word ‘court’ in Sec 5, Art 5434: age”
Appeal shall not stay the award, order, ruling, • Held: restricts the phrase “all milk in whatever form,”
decision or judgment unless the officer or body excluded filled milk.
rendering the same or the court, on motion after
hearing, and on such terms as it may deem just should Graphilon v. Municipal Court of Cigara
• Statute: the vice-mayor shall be entitled to assume the
office of the mayor during the absence, suspension or Cagayan Valley Enterprises v. CA
other temporary disability • Issue: whether the phrase “other lawful beverages”
• Held: anything which disables the mayor from which gives protection to manufacturer with the Phil.
exercising the power and prerogatives of his office, Patent Office its duly stamped or marked bottles used
since “their temporary disability” follows the words for “soda water, mineral or aerated waters, cider, milk,
“absence” and “suspension” cream or other lawful beverages,” includes hard
Peo. v. Magallanes liquor?
• Where a law grants a court exclusive jurisdiction to • Statute title: “An Act to regulate the use of stamped or
hear and decide “offenses or felonies committed by marked bottles, boxes, casks, kegs, barrels, & other
public officials and employees in relation to their similar containers.”
office,” the phrase “IN RELATION TO THEIR • Held: The title clearly shows intent to give protection
OFFICE” qualifies or restricts the offense to one to all marked bottles of all lawful beverages regardless
which cannot exist without the office, or the office is a of nature of contents.
constituent element of the crime defined in the statute
or one perpetuated in the performance, though National Power Corp. v. Angas
improper or irregular, of his official functions • Issue: whether the term judgment, refers to any
judgment directing the payment of legal interest.
• Statute: Central Bank Circular # 416 – “by virtue of
Cu Unjieng Sons, Inc. v. Bord of Tax Appeals the authority granted to it under Sec. 1 of Act Number
• Issue: whether losses due to the war were to be 2655, as amended, otherwise known as Usury Law, the
deductible from gross income of 1945 when they were Monetary Board in a resolution prescribed that the rate
sustained, or in 1950 when Philippine War Damage of interest for loan or forbearance of any money, good
Commission advised that no payment would be made or credit & the rate allowed in judgment in the absence
for said losses? of express contract shall be 12% per annum.
• Statute: “In the case of a corporation, all losses • Held: Judgments should mean only judgments
actually sustained and not charged off within the involving loans or forbearance money, goods or credit,
taxable year and not compensated for by insurance or these later specific terms having restricted the meaning
otherwise.” “judgments” to those same class or the same nature as
• Contention: the assurances of responsible public those specifically enumerated.
officials before the end of 1945 that property owners
would be compensated for their losses as a result of the Republic v. Migrino
war sufficed to place the losses within the phrase • Facts: retired military officer was investigated by the
“compensated xxx otherwise” than by insurance PCGG for violation of Anti-Graft Act in relation to EO
• Held: Rejected! “Otherwise” in the clause # 1 & 2 authorizing the PCGG to recover ill-gotten
“compensated for by insurance or otherwise” refers to wealth from the former President’s “subordinates and
compensation due under a title analogous or similar to close associates”
insurance. Inasmuch as the latter is a contract • Issue: Does PCGG have jurisdiction to investigate
establishing a legal obligation, it follows that in order such military officer for being in service during the
to be deemed “compensated for xxx ‘otherwise,’ the administration of the former President?
losses sustained by a taxpayer must be covered by a • Held: “Subordinates” refers only to one who enjoys
judicially enforceable right, springing from any of the close association or relation to the former President
juridical sources of obligations, namely, law, contract, and his wife; term “close associates” restricted the
quasi-contract, torts, or crimes,” and not mere meaning of “subordinates”
pronouncement of public officials
Limitations of ejusdem generis
Cebu Institute of Technology v. Ople • Requisites:
• Issue: Whether teachers hired on contract basis are o Statute contains an enumeration of particular
entitled to service incentive leave benefits as against & specific words, followed by general word
the claim that they are not so? or phrase
• Statute: Rule V of IRR of Labor Code: “This rule (on o Particular and specific words constitute a
service incentive leaves) shall apply to all employees, class or are the same kind
except “filed personnel and other employees whose o Enumeration of the particular & specific
performance is unsupervised by the employer words is not exhaustive or is not merely by
including those who are engaged on task or contract examples
basis.” o There is no indication of legislative intent to
• Held: “those who were employed on task or contract give the general words or phrases a broader
basis” should be related with “field personnel,” apply meaning
the principle, clearly teachers are not field personnel
and therefore entitled to service incentive leave
• Rule of ejusdem generis, is not of universal Negative-opposite doctrine
application; it should use to carry out, not defeat the • Argumentum a contrario- what is expressed puts an
intent of the law. end to what is implied.
Iburan v. Labes
• Where court originally obtains and exercises • A statute may not be construed and applied
jurisdiction, a later statute restricting such jurisdiction retroactively under the following circumstances:
or transferring it to another tribunal will not affect o if it impairs substantive right that has become
pending action, unless statute provides & unless vested;
prohibitory words are used. o as disturbing or destroying existing right
embodied in a judgment;
Lagardo v. Masagana o creating new substantive right to fundamental
• Where court has no jurisdiction over a certain case but cause of action where none existed before and
nevertheless decides it, from which appeal is taken, a making such right retroactive;
statute enacted during the pendency of the appeal o by arbitrarily creating a new right or liability
vesting jurisdiction upon such trial court over the already extinguished by operation of law
subject matter or such case may not be given • Law creating a new right in favor of a class of persons
retroactive effect so as to validate the judgment of the may not be so applied if the new right collides with or
court a quo, in the absence of a saving clause. impairs any vested right acquired before the
establishment of the new right nor, by the terms of
Republic v. Prieto which is retroactive, be so applied if:
• Where a complaint pending in court is defective o it adversely affects vested rights
because it did not allege sufficient action, it may not be o unsettles matter already done as required by
validated by a subsequent law which affects existing law
substantive rights and not merely procedural matters. o works injustice to those affected thereby
• Rule against the retroactive operation of statutes in Benguet Consolidated Mining Co v. Pineda
general applies more strongly with respect to
• While a person has no vested right in any rule of law
entitling him to insist that it shall remain unchanged U.S. Tobacco Corp. v. Lina
for his benefit, nor has he a vested right in the • The importation of certain goods without import
continued existence of a statute which precludes its license which was legal under the law existing at the
change or repeal, nor in any omission to legislate on a time of shipment is not rendered illegal by the fact that
particular matter, a subsequent statute cannot be so when the goods arrived there was already another law
applied retroactively as to impair his right that accrued prohibiting importation without import license. To rule
under the old law. otherwise in any of these instances is to impair the
• Statutes must be so construed as to sustain its obligations of contract.
constitutionality, and prospective operation will be
presumed where a retroactive application will produce
Prospective or retroactive
• RULE: constitution operates prospectively only unless
the words employed are clear that it applies
Magtoto v. Manguera
• Sec 20 of Article IV of the 1973 Constitution: “no
person shall be compelled to be a witness against
himself. x x x Any confession obtained in violation of
this section shall be inadmissible in evidence”
• Court held that this specific portion of the mandate
should be given a prospective application
Co v. Electric Tribunal
• Sec. 1(3) Art. 4 of the 1987 Constitution states that
those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon
reaching the age of majority” are citizens of the
Philippines has a retroactive effect as shown to the
clear intent of the framers through the language used
- The End -