Diggers - Friday-1 2023
Diggers - Friday-1 2023
Diggers - Friday-1 2023
man kills
baby after
bouncing at
By Nakaonga Nakaonga
OLICE in Lusaka have arrested popular pastor
John General for allegedly raping a Matero woman
who was seeking prayers to make her stop having
miscarriages every time she gets pregnant. By Muzamba Siandizya
According to a statement from Police spokesperson Rae N Monday,
Hamoonga, John General escaped by jumping over the fence 3 6 - y e a r -
after being caught in the act by the victim’s husband. old Vinlay
Sialwiindi’s life changed
Story on Page 4 forever, after he and his
company $500 million.
And Mapani says there
are no risks of the country
experiencing load shedding
because Zesco has put in place
some mitigation measures like
the importation of power from
Story on Mozambique.
Page 3 Story on Page 5
Mukula verbatim
continues Story on Page 6
2. Local News www.diggers.news Friday November 24, 2023
challenges in improving
kills baby after
life changed forever, covid-19 pandemic,
after he and his wife watched the Russia–Ukraine war and
his cousin’s boyfriend murder other regional conflicts have
his one-month-three-weeks caused a surge in global oil
living standards
bouncing at
old son, Patrick. and food prices which has in
Narrating the ordeal, turn had a negative effect on
Sialwiindi said his neighbour, basic commodity prices.
28-year-old Musonda Muluma And COMESA Secretary
girlfriends house
had gone to his house in search General Chileshe Kapwepwe
of the former’s cousin. says COMESA and the
He said Muluma threatened European Union have signed
that someone would die if he two Financing Agreements
did not see his girlfriend. which will provide new grants
“What happened is that he asked me about Miyoba. I using knives and guns. I want to COMESA valued at €48.2
when I knocked off from work, then asked him to either call the government to keep him million.
I reached home and found my or follow her where she was. wherever they will keep him but Meanwhile, European
wife and then she told me the He then responded saying he should not come to society. Union Ambassador to Zambia
neighbour in the other flat, we ‘someone will die today’ and He might not kill you today but and COMESA Karolina Stasiak
are within the same yard, came that’s how he rushed to the gate he might kill somebody else. says The Global Community is
and beat the door. He wants and locked it. After locking That guy should be caged for grappling with the profound
the cousin that you keep, her the gate, I was standing, life. He doesn’t deserve to live effects of climate change and
phone is off so he wants you because I thought I was just in the society, such people we environmental degradation.
to call your cousin so that you having a conversation with should not condone them in Speaking during the
can get hold of her. That’s how my neighbour. After locking the society,” he said. COMESA 44th Council of
I came out of the house and Ministers meeting, Thursday, “Despite our countries opportunities that come
the gate, he went straight into He said his wife was being endowed with vast along with global challenges,
he saw me. Before I could say his house, got a bag and came depressed and he recalled that Vice-President Nalumango
anything, he said ‘chimudala highlighted challenges natural resources, including such as climate change,
close to where I was standing, even Maluma’s parents had minerals, agricultural and making trade more
(derogatory term for man), removed a knife from that pleaded with him not to kill affecting government’s ability
you will see today, where is to improve people’s living land and attractive sites, sustainable and will further
bag and started sharpening anyone. our people remain poor contribute to enhancing the
Miyoba?’ Miyoba is my cousin, it on the floor since our yard “My wife is depressed, standards.
she’s at Eden University doing “The covid-19 pandemic, and vulnerable to various overall competitiveness of
has got cement all over. After imagine a one month three economic shocks. This is one enterprises, which provide
nursing,” he said. weeks baby is killed. She has the Russia – Ukraine war and
sharpening it, he tried to stab more reason why we should services, including through
“Then I asked him why not even healed. She was not other regional conflicts have
me on the chest but I held join hands to forge ahead digital platforms. With respect
caused a surge in global oil
his hand that had the knife, I attacked but she pleaded, with our regional integration to the market performance
and fuel prices, food items
pushed him down and that’s asking him what the boy had agenda, which offers and key achievements in
and agricultural inputs, which
how I went back into the house done to him but the guy didn’t opportunities to add value the implementation of
has had a negative effect
lover in
to avoid him”. listen to anyone. He didn’t and enhance productivity, our programmes; In 2022,
on basic commodity prices
Sialwiindi said Muluma listen to his father and sister generate employment COMESA’s exports to the
owing to disruption of global
then mobilised some friends who helped plead together with opportunities and increase world increased by 15% while
court for
supply chains, tightening of
and broke down his door. my wife. His mission was to kill household income earnings. the value of intra-COMESA
global financial conditions
“Unfortunately, he but I can only speculate that It also stimulates growth and exports increased by 10%.
and heightened market
organised his friends to come he does drugs. I have opened expansion of the private sector Imports sourced from the
volatility. These developments
and broke the door and entered a police docket for the people and business opportunities. COMESA market were
have placed severe fiscal
the house. He came to me I saw entering my house and As we move forward, it is ranked in fourth position and
and exchange rate pressures
and tried to stab me on the helped attack me. I believe that important to leverage on the increased by 27% in 2022,”
across many countries in the
chest, I held onto the knife today, they will be arrested,” opportunities offered under said Kapwepwe said.
COMESA region. Further,
and swerved. After I swerved, said Sialwiindi. the COMESA-EAC-SADC Kapwepwe said inadequate
his wife’s
the region is grappling with
he rushed to get the baby who In a statement, Tuesday, tripartite free trade area infrastructure in the region
the adverse impact of climate
was sleeping on the sofa. I was Police Spokesperson Rae and the African continental remained one of the major
change which cannot be
unable to follow him because Hamoonga confirmed the free trade area,” said Vice- constraints to economic
ignored, as Africa is the
the friends started beating me murder. President Nalumango. growth and development.
most affected region. These
and it was hard for me to fight “Police in Matero have And Kapwepwe said She added that COMESA
challenges pose risks to the
back. After he hit the baby, he detained Musonda Muluma COMESA and the EU and the African Union
By Taonga Tembo gains that the region has
said ‘whoever comes near, I will aged 28 of Zingalume had signed two Financing launched a joint and fully
u s a k a made in reducing poverty
stab the baby’. It was difficult compound in Lusaka on Agreements which would integrated observer mission to
businessman and improving the standards
for anybody to reach near him allegations of having killed improve the overall trade Zimbabwe in July 2023.
S e d r i c k of living of our people,” Vice
because they were afraid the a one month old baby. It is competitiveness of COMESA Meanwhile, Stasiak said
Kasanda’s alleged lover President Nalumango said.
baby would be stabbed. He alleged that on November 20, member states while seeking the Global Community was
Rumbidzai Chibanda “This, therefore,
spun the baby in the air and 2023, at around 19:30 hours underscores the need for the opportunities that came along grappling with the profound
has been dragged to
then hammered his head on the the suspect went to look for region to prioritise and refocus with global challenges. effects of climate change and
court for allegedly
floor. That’s how the baby was his girlfriend at her uncle’s on key areas that contribute to “I am glad to inform environmental degradation.
assaulting a woman
rushed to hospital but he was place within Zingalume. Upon development, productivity and this meeting that on “The Global Community
believed to be his wife’s
pronounced dead and I also reaching his girlfriend’s place, competitiveness. Prioritisation Monday 20th November, is grappling with the profound
went to get stitches on my hand he noticed that she was not should be based on value 2023, COMESA and the effects of climate change and
Chibanda is
due to cuts from the knife that around, then he decided to addition, diversification and European Union signed two environmental degradation. In
charged with one count
he attempted to stab me with. force himself inside the house embracing new technologies, Financing Agreements which light of these global challenges,
of assault occasioning
According to the information and found the girlfriend’s uncle all with due consideration will provide new grants to we must work together to
bodily harm Contrary
I gathered, Miyoba was going and the wife seated while their to the protection of our COMESA with a total value make trade thorough and more
to Section 248 of the
out with the same young man baby was sleeping. Afterwards, environment”. of EUR 48.2 million. The two sustainable. Green investment
Penal Code Chapter 87
but the relationship became he threatened to kill the couple She said there was need programmes will focus on holds the key to creating more
of the Laws of Zambia.
sour, they started fighting and and the baby because they to join hands to forge ahead improving the overall trade job opportunities for the youth
Particulars of
she blocked the number and by declined telling him where his with the regional integration competitiveness of COMESA in the COMESA region and in
the offence are that
virtue of me being the cousin, girlfriend was. He then lifted agenda. member states, while seeking Europe fostering industrial
Chibanda, on August
that’s how I suffered this up the baby and started hitting growth and revitalizing
29, 2023, in Lusaka,
By Muzamba Siandizya General, we signed two key
thereby occasioning society. overpowered by the suspect
OLICE in Kabwe have formally arrested and regional support programmes
actual bodily harm. “I want this guy to never who produced a knife which
charged PF faction deputy chairperson of on Monday. The first one being
When the matter come out to society, he is a he used to stab him on the
mobilisation Bowman Lusambo and others for the the Trade Competitiveness and
came up for allocation criminal, he will kill other right arm. Police visited the
offence of unlawful assembly. Market Access Programme
before Chief Resident people. That guy if the police scene of crime and managed
In a statement, Thursday, Police spokesperson Rae and the second, the Trade in
Magistrate Davies never came, he would have to apprehend the suspect
Hamoonga stated that all the suspects had been released on services Programme. These
Chibwili, he allocated killed all the people in that with help of the members of
police bond and would appear in court soon. two actions will provide
the matter to Magistrate yard when he locked the gate. the public. The victims were
“Police in Kabwe of Central Province have today grounds to COMESA of
Kigan Litiya. He is a danger to society, he rushed to George Clinic where
formally jointly arrested and charged Bowman Lusambo over EUR 48 million and
Magistrate Litiya doesn’t deserve to live, he was the baby was pronounced dead
aged 47 of Chamba Valley in Lusaka, Saidi Chibwana aged focus on improving trade
set November 27, 2023 supposed to be eliminated upon arrival whilst the father is
52 of industrial area in Kabwe, Matthews Changwe aged competitiveness and trade in
for plea. somewhere. Society must be admitted in the same Hospital.
39 of Kasanda Mine area in Kabwe, Martin Simfukwe aged services. Additionally, we have
Earlier in October, clean. If you’re an educated The body of the deceased
44 of Makululu Compound in Kabwe and Billy Sichamba numerous programs in the
Chibanda dragged person with proper education, was deposited in University
aged 52 of Bwacha in Kabwe for the offence of Unlawful pipelines which are dedicated
Kasanda’s wife Lauren you cannot do what that person Teaching Hospital mortuary
Assembly Contrary to Section 74 and 75 of the Penal Code to trade and transport
Rhaphelle to court did. He has been saying he awaiting postmortem. The
Act Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia. The offence is alleged facilitation, competition and
on similar charges to works for (named bank). Now, suspect is detained in police
to have been committed on November 2, 2023 at Kabwe consumer products, safety,
which the latter pleaded I’m wondering what kind of a custody waiting to be charged
town centre along the Great North Road in Kabwe District. e-commerce and e-payments
not guilty to and trial is bank keeps criminals. What I and appear in court soon”.
All the suspects have been released on police bond. They and the transition from a
yet to commence. know is that things are resolved Patrick was put to rest on
will appear in court soon,” said Hamoonga. linear to a circular economy”.
through conversations unlike Wednesday.
Friday November 24, 2023 www.diggers.news Local News .3
Nyambe said Phiri’s at the National Prosecution By Muzamba Siandizya decision to halt has been system and health workforce working under strenuous
role required a fearless Authority don’t, in fact, feel HE Zambia Medical made. In as much as the majorly comprises of conditions. This issue, if
determination to do like jobs, it’s a passion, it’s not Association says Ministry tried to explain that volunteers. When you visit not expedited, will have a
what was right, which he about a salary, it’s a calling. I it is disappointed they want the promotion health facilities, you find that negative impact on service
with government’s decision process that the Civil in different units, including provision. We had hoped
to halt the 2023 health Service Commission has to tertiary institutions, you as an association when we
workers recruitment work on to be completed, find that 80 percent of reached that agreement
process. which is normal procedure, people that are sustaining for recruitment, which we
On Tuesday, Health however, knowing that this that facility are volunteers. commend the government
Minister Sylvia Masebo recruitment was already The health sector is quite for, that things would be
said the Civil Service planned for, we expected a sensitive environment, done in a more expedited
Commission had directed that the civil service very hazardous and quite manner given the urgency
that the 2023 recruitment commission would not work strenuous. Now, for one and the dire need of skilled
process for health workers as per usual but try and to be working in such an human resources in these
be halted until further expedite their processing environment on a voluntary health facilities. It will just
notice. of people who have been basis is really demoralising prolong the volunteerism
Commenting on this in commended for promotions. and also makes them and delay in patients being
an interview, Wednesday, What this halting does is perform under par”. attended to because the
ZMA Secretary General that it prevents the ready or He said health workers doctors and health workers
Dr Oliver Kaoma said the skilled human resource from were frustrated because are tired because of the high
failure to recruit health staff reporting to their stations they were working under volume of patients they have
would negatively affect the in time and to commence strenuous conditions. to deal with,” Dr Kaoma said.
delivery of services in health delivering services to the “That is why when people “Our recommendation
facilities. Zambian people who are in visit hospitals, they meet to the government or the
“Basically, as an much need of these services,” frustrated health personnel Civil Service Commission
Director of Public Prosecutions Gilbert Phiri (r) receiving the association, we are he said. and people who do not smile is that they have to sit and
award of Most Influential Local Anti-Corruption actor. disappointed that the “Currently, the health at them because they are look at the promotions, treat
this as a matter of urgency
By Mwenya Mofya to that, the budget line for
USPENDED PF recruitment was for 2023,
National Chairman so, what are they telling us
Davies Chama says he regarding the revenue that
drug procurement. This is we have most areas that have that there are people who are By Taonga Tembo president Edgar Lungu seeking to be nominated as President
commendable and let us deal unfinished infrastructure, doing that in a very dishonest L E C T O R A L a declaration that he is not and Running mate were
with legacy debt for drugs,” more especially district manner because either they Commission of eligible to contest any future required to present before the
Dr Chilufya said. hospitals; in Muchinga we want to make money from Zambia Chief Electoral presidential elections. returning officer their requisite
“Let us ensure that have about two, I know even unsuspecting patients or they Officer Brown Kasaro has Chizombe, who also cited documentation prescribed by
procurement processes are in Eastern, I know even just want to give government told the Constitutional Court the ECZ and the Attorney law within the prescribed time
within the law. Procurement Southern. They need attention a bad name because they are that ECZ did not breach General as respondents, also within which nominations
processes are such that we do so that our people can be politicking, which is really any provisions of the law wants the court to declare that should be filed,” read Kasaro’s
not bring on board suppliers accessing these health services unfortunate. We have some or Constitution during the Lungu’s participation in the reply in part.
who will not bring highly from within the district. cases where we have called August 2021 general elections August 2021 general elections Kasaro stated that ECZ
efficacious medicines. We The other important issue some people and very soon Kasaro has also told the was unconstitutional. abided by all the requisite laws
must ensure that the money to address is the mortality when you [hear] some people ConCourt that ECZ abided by In his reply, however, for processing nominations for
that is increased in drug rate, I know there has been a getting fired, don’t come here the requisite laws during that Kasaro stated that the ECZ the presidential candidates.
allocations translates into decline but still there is much and start defending criminals period. was guided by relevant He added that Article
access to safe and efficacious to be done to ensure that this or people doing things which This is in a matter in which electoral laws, among them the 52 (2) of the Constitution
drugs for everyone. On health is completely eradicated. We are a danger to society,” said a youth activist, Michelo Constitution of Zambia. Amendment Act No.2 of 2016
care financing, I still bemoan should not allow a situation Masebo. Chizombe, petitioned former Kasaro stated that obliged the ECZ to either
the fact that NHIMA still candidates who were aspiring accept or reject nomination
sits at Labour. I call upon the to be nominated as president papers filed by a candidate
Executive to quickly revert and running mate in the wishing to contest for
NHIMA to the Ministry of August 2021 elections were presidential elections.
Health so that we can address required to present before the Kasaro, however,
the issue of health care returning officer their requisite stated that Article 52 of the
financing”. documentation prescribed Constitution Amendment Act
He said the Ministry of by law, within the prescribed 2 of 2016 provided adequate
Health needed more funds time. grievance mechanisms to
to fight non-communicable “I am advised by the challenge the nomination
diseases by sensitising people advocates and verily believe process.
on how to prevent them. that in the performance of “It is our submission
“A functional health its functions, the second that the second respondent
system focuses on universal respondent (ECZ) is guided (ECZ) abided by the requisite
health coverage, health for by the relevant Electoral laws laws during the processing
everyone everywhere. The which, amongst others, include of the nominations and did
epidemiological profile for the Constitution of Zambia not breach any provisions
the country is fundamental (amendment) Act No.2 of of the Law or Constitution
to budget allocations of 2016, Electoral Process Act during that Process. That I
resources. If we look at the no.35 of 2016 and Regulations am advised by my Advocates
strategic plan 2022 to 2026, promulgated thereunder. and I verily believe that
the Ministry of Health has That the nominations for Article 52 of the Constitution
told us that the highest case presidential candidates for (amendment) Act 2 of 2016
of fatality rate is attributable Vice President Mutale Nalumango confers with former COMESA court chief justice Lombe the 2021 general elections provides adequate grievance
to cardiovascular diseases. Chibesakunda after officiating at the 44th COMESA Council of Ministers meeting attended by were conducted from May 17, mechanisms to challenge the
Chairperson, it means that 21 member states at Mulungushi International Conference center in Lusaka yesterday - Picture 2021 to May 20, 2021. That nomination process,” read
there should be money by Chongo Sampa candidates who were aspiring Kasaro’s reply in part.
Friday November 24, 2023 www.diggers. news Local News .5
By Taonga Tembo
Cross examination
Verbatim: Mukula smuggling trial – Given
Lubinda, others Vs News Diggers (PART 14)
Nchito SC: What
about the Murena, or is it
Mulena Apartments did
you declare those?
Lubinda: I did my lady
Nchito SC: Just refresh Lubinda. You did not get paying tax. admit at the last sitting, did How do you pay tax State Counsel had a lot to
my memory, how many that land through a public Nchito SC: Yes. you not, that in all the 40 without tax returns? say to support his…
properties did you say you advert which would have Lubinda: Correct. years that you’ve run your He conceded that in his Judge Yangailo: It’s like
bought in Kingsland? benefited the people? Nchito SC: I had asked business, you haven’t been business, there were no you are submitting…
Lubinda: Two Lubinda: Repeat the at the last [case] sitting paying tax? tax returns. That’s the K Kaunda: In short,
Nchito SC: Sorry? question my lady. whether you had signed a Lubinda: I did not record that I have and if my lady, we reiterate our
Lubinda: Two. Judge Yangailo: Repeat tax declaration from the admit that my lady. my learned friends have a objection to what State
Nchito SC: You the question. time that you remember? (K Kaunda rose to different record, they can Counsel raised, there is
bought two properties? Nchito SC: Obliged (Bonaventure Mutale object) bring it into record. no reference to 40 years
Lubinda: Yes. my lady. The question is State Counsel rose to K Kaunda: My lady, an Mutale SC: By way anywhere. I am most
Nchito SC: How many simple, I am saying you as object) objection to State Counsel’s of replying, despite the obliged.
properties did you refer to Honourable Lubinda did Mutale SC: My lady, question. When he asked evidence from the opening Judge Yangailo: The
when you were asked? not get that land on which may I just interject for the witness that at the comments that my brother record shows that the
Lubinda: I can’t recall you built a mansion from guidance here. Issues last sitting or session, the has just read, that the witness stated that he did
my lady but I did indicate Mahopo from responding involving the question tax witness had conceded questions relating to the not admit that he had not
Kindsland property. to a public advert. That’s were exhaustively delved that he hadn’t been paying returns were in respect of a been paying tax during the
Nchito SC: Did you what you have just told the in at the last session, I tax 40 years of his being body corporate, Highview 40 years that he has been
provide the record? court meaning you were don’t know whether they in business. My lady, the Investments Limited and in business. If indeed he
Lubinda: I can’t recall never aware of any adverts, are going over the same record will show that the not in relation to the first did say something contrary
Nchito SC: But you correct? over and over again. If witness was specifically Plaintiff ’s personal tax to his earlier statement,
were required to declare Lubinda: My lady, all it’s another aspect that asked on the loan that affairs. And I think my State Counsel Nchito has
your property when you the residents… my brother is pursuing, he got from the Chinese brother is mixing issues the right to refresh his
were minister, correct? Nchito SC: You’ve heard that’s very normal but the company whether he paid relating to the tax affairs of memory. At the end of the
Lubinda: Correct my question? Remember witness was exhaustively tax or not. The record a corporate body and those day, there is a court record
Nchito SC: What the rule, you answer my cross examined on his tax will show that the witness relating to the first Plaintiff which will be a basis for
would you say if I put it question, and if you want status. testified that he was paying in his personal capacity. the determination of the
to you that in fact you did to explain after that you Nchito SC: My lady, tax through Pay as You Much obliged. matter. Accordingly, the
not declare your property? can explain, If I try to stop I am introducing a new Earn. My lady, therefore K Kaunda: In addition objection is overruled.
Lubinda: To the best you, the court will remind subject to tie the loose the reference to 40 years is, my lady, when one does not Parties: Obliged
of my knowledge, I did me of this promise. Answer ends. Hence, I don’t see the I am afraid, is misleading sign accounts, [it] does not Nchito SC: Honourable
my lady. the question. need to object. and we object to that. mean that they don’t pax. Lubinda the point that I am
Nchito SC: What Lubinda: My lady, Mutale SC: I will Nchito SC: My lady, The fact that one does not trying to make, the point
would you say if I put it repeat the question. withdraw. obviously I am referring sign accounts… that I am making is, if you
you that you acquiring Nchito SC: I’ve repeated Judge Yangailo: to my notes and I can Judge Yangailo: Can were not paying tax, you
the land in Mahopo after this question for the third Objection withdrawn. demonstrate that in fact, he you say that again? were not fit to hold public
championing what was a if not the fourth time. I Proceed. did admit that in 40 years K Kaunda: The fact office, is that correct?
public fight for the people asked you the question, Nchito SC: Obliged. of doing business, he hadn’t that one does not sign Lubinda: Correct.
can be viewed as unfair? was there an advert for that Honourable Lubinda, the filed any tax returns and I accounts… Nchito SC: Now, in
Lubinda: My lady, all land in Mahopo? And you question that I was asking can go back to the similar Nchito SC: The witness your evidence, I asked
the residents of Mahopo said I am not aware of the you, maybe let me put a questions that I asked him. specifically said that he has you about how you were
got land and only the advert. So, the land you background…one of your My lady, the question that I never done a tax return, organising your tax affairs,
remainder is what was got was not obtained after complaints is that you asked was this and I’ll just meaning, if my colleagues remember that? Would you
gotten by non residents responding to an advert have been cast in a light pick up the quote as me want to respond, that’s kindly tell the court.
like myself. because you were not aware where it is being suggested speaking, “did you produce what they should respond Lubinda: I do.
Nchito SC: So, you of any public advert? that you are not fit to hold any memoranda, evidence to. They are saying I put Nchito SC: I asked you.
agree that you were a Lubinda: Correct public office. That’s one of of this movement, anything words in his mouth and I Firstly you said when I
non resident and a public Nchito SC: You see how the complaints, remember that the company had am saying no, I have not. asked you whether there
official and went and got somebody would conclude that? seeded or the company had This is what we discussed was no tax returns, you said
that land after fighting, that you were benefiting Lubinda: I don’t received? He says no my in the last sitting. He I am agreeing there is no
correct? yourselves as leaders in remember. lady, and you tell this court conceded that he never tax returns. [I asked] Why?
Lubinda: Correct my these tenders meant for the Nchito SC: Oh. You did. that you have been doing paid tax returns in the last The rest of us are scared of
lady. public, of land and others? One of the complaints was business for the last 40 40 years. ZRA, you said the major
Nchito SC: Where was Lubinda: The video in that you have cast me in a years, yes my lady. So, in 40 Judge Yangailo: Yes Mr source of income my lady
the advert for the people question my lady was about light that shows that I am years of business, have you Kunda. is rentals on which we were
to apply for that land? mukula. not fit to hold public office. ever signed any accounts K Kaunda: Yes my paying tax on rental and
Was there an advert? Nchito SC: I am not Lubinda: Right. of business? He says no lady, I was saying that the withholding tax, remember
Lubinda: My lady, talking about the video, Nchito SC: Before my lady. So, if probably fact that one does not sign that? And on other income,
it was being handled by I am talking about land. State Counsel (Mutale) 17 million passed through accounts, doesn’t follow I asked you? We figured,
Lusaka City Council. We’ve moved from the objected, I was asking you your account as Highview, that they don’t pay tax… my lady, that those were
Nchito SC: You heard video. the question whether if you in a period of three years, Judge Yangailo: Sorry, not major income earners.
my question? Lubinda SC: My lady, were not paying your taxes, would that be right, no can you take away that So, in other words Mr
Lubinda: I am not the question it would be right [that] my lady. So, you have no bundle from the witness Lubinda, you have not
aware of any advert Judge Yangailo: What’s you were not fit for public objection with us looking (Plaintiff ’s bundle of been remitting tax on your
because I was not the one your question? office. at the Highview account? documents), when he is income to ZRA, correct?
advertising my lady. Nchito SC: The Lubinda: If, my lady. Have you ever done any referred to the bundle, Your answer, ‘you may say
Nchito SC: So, you question is, somebody Nchito SC: If, and your personal tax returns? I he will be given. And if so’, remember that?
don’t remember any would be right if they answer is? asked him that question. Counsel wants to present it Lubinda: I don’t my
advert yourself because concluded that since you Lubinda SC: The My lady, I was in formal before court, then Counsel lady
you were not the one were getting land without answer is if. employment until 2021 and needs to communicate with Nchito SC: But today,
advertising. That’s what adverts, you were favouring Nchito SC: Yes, when I was relying on parliament me if it’s still needed by the you agree that when you
you just told the court, yourselves as leaders you and I are talking, just of which I was paying Pay court, is that clear? got that money to go and
correct? without public tender remember [that] the court As You Earn. I am now in K Kaunda: We buy property in Kingsland,
Lubinda: Correct. system to allocate the land? will remain with the record the process of preparing apologize on that. I was there was no document
Nchito SC: So, you Lubinda: Not so finish the sentence. both personal income tax saying that the fact that one produced between you and
just agreed with me that necessarily my lady. Lubinda: My lady, the for 2022. So, you are telling does not sign an account the company?
in fact, you did not get Nchito SC: I’m sorry question is if I was not this court that you manage doesn’t mean they don’t Lubinda: Correct my
that land in the public honorable Lubinda, it’s not paying tax and I am saying all these properties together pay tax. In reference to lady.
advert which would disrespectful but I’m trying yes, if I was not paying with your wife and you the witness saying they’ve Nchito SC: And you
have benefited the to demonstrate that you tax… have no time to prepare tax never… didn’t pay any tax.
public. Yourself, we are were not fit to hold public Nchito SC: You were returns because you were Judge Yangailo: You are Lubinda: Correct my
not talking about other office. If you were not not fit? in formal employment? No now in the area of going lady
people who got, we don’t paying tax, then you were Lubinda: I would not my lady. No what? I am into what is meant for To be continued in the
know how they got, you not fit, not so? be fit. agreeing that there is no tax submissions. Monday (November 27,
as Honourable Given Lubinda: If I was not Nchito SC: But you did return”. K Kaunda: My lady, 2023) edition.
Friday November 24, 2023 www.diggers.news Business / local News .7
in Mufulira. controlling crowds. By Philip Chisalu
In an interview, “It’s regrettable that we ATIONAL Union
Wednesday, Mabeta also had to lose life, especially a for Small Scale
Farmers in Zambia
impacted us – MAZ
we wish to commend millers your party because they are what will they do? They start
Correctional Service (ZCS),
and even the traders that tarnishing your name. And we selling which is not supposed
has negatively impacted
participated in the market, I don’t want the government to to be the case. It is illegal to
commercial millers.
think it’s job well done because fail because of unscrupulous sell but those are desperate
In an interview, Thursday,
of the price that we were able to cadres who we are thinking farmers. For the farmers, my
MAZ president Andrew on the market, this obviously only be determined by the pay,” said Chintala. had gone but they have come appeal would be to government
Chintala lamented that ZNS had an impact on our side as market forces in terms of “And I think we will back in the cover of UPND. that let’s put in systems. If
and ZCS were accessing millers. Because if you look at production. definitely encourage our No, we don’t need them, agro dealers are failing, the
cheaper maize than the the price at which millers are “In terms of expecting farmers to do more and whether they are UPND or PF cooperatives and the farmer
commercial millers. paying for the maize, we went cheap maize and all that, we probably increase maize or whatever – MMD. We don’t groups can do that. We can
“First of all, I think we as high as 7,900. And these our cannot determine that now. production in the 2023/4 need those cadres who destroy help and support government
need to appreciate one thing
colleagues, how much are they Because what is determining maize season. We are quite government programmes. to create a structure where
here, government made a very
accessing their maize at? So, the price in the country is the optimistic that we should be They need to be dealt with by these fertilisers can go straight
serious call at the start of the
you can try and find out that market itself. Depending on able to see an increase in terms the law and they need to be from the national suppliers.
season that millers should go
they are accessing this maize what we will do next year, that of maize production which dealt with by their party”. We don’t need to run systems
out and ensure that they secure
from FRA at a more cheaper is what is going to determine should be able to settle most Commenting on Lukwasa’s that are very porous when it
enough maize to support their
price than we were paying. the direction that the country of the concerns that we have case, Dr Kayula said buying comes to losing the fertiliser to
production throughout the
So, that on its own has totally will take. So, if we produce had during this season. I think FISP inputs from beneficiaries those who are not supposed to
period. And I think I am on
created some kind of impact on enough maize, then that is this season has been quite was illegal. have it. Government intends
record of having echoed the
our activities in terms of rate of a well-known fact that you challenging but obviously, such “It’s not legal to sell inputs that this fertiliser goes to the
same from the Ministry of
sales and all”. expect a reaction, which is is expected in a market. It’s that have been given under small holder farmers and it has
Agriculture or government
Chintala said it was, that reaction that obviously not every time that you expect FISP. There are people like to be used by the small holder
per se. So, what we did is that
however, government’s prices have to go down. But if smooth sailing but we expect desperate farmers [but] we farmers”.
we went out in the market and
responsibility to respond when production is kind of low, that’s challenges and we remain have advised government He said Lukwesa was
tried to buy as much as we
people complained. a different story altogether. positive about it”. actually that to have farmers wrong to buy commodities
could. Obviously, we had one
“But however, We would like to implore our which were not supposed to
Daily Rates
challenge which is the high
prices of maize on the market. It notwithstanding that farmers that let’s work together be resold.
was a principle of now demand [government security wings and ensure that we produce “Unfortunately the law
and supply, you couldn’t go and are accessing cheap maize], enough,” he said. may have to take its course
we appreciate that it is The MAZ president and like the current President
Bank of Zambia
put in the price that you want
to pay but farmers, I think this government’s responsibility also described this year’s says, ‘he is on his own’. He has
time around, because the prices to respond when people maize marketing season as to substantiate why he bought
complain. But I think we know challenging. what he is not supposed to
were determined by the market
that there could have been “You also need to
Daily ZMW/USD Exchange Rates : 23-11-2023 buy because there are open
forces, they were able to make
a bit of some, or rather, good better considerations of maybe appreciate that following our Time Buying Selling markets. I understand for
money or get a good return how that would impact millers activities in the 2023 maize me that he was helping those
09:30 23.3838 23.4319 farmers who are stranded but
on their investment which is a that were sitting on expensive marketing season, this should
maize following the directive be able to encourage the 12:30 23.4181 23.4659 you know, law is law. He has
good thing,” he said.
from government to procure. farmers to do more maize. I 15:30 23.4494 23.4944 to be forgiven by the courts of
“But obviously, along the
way, before we could conclude But I am quite confident that have been in several parts of Average Exchange rates: 23-11-2023 law. We cannot say we forgive
the season like you rightly said we have really survived and the country just to monitor him because he broke the law
that some interventions that we have been able to compete preparedness for farmers. I Currency Buying Selling which is clearly written not for
government has made through in the market even under the think the vibes that are coming sale then you go and buy or
USD 23.4171 23.4641 you buy things that you don’t
ZNS and Kalonga Milling circumstances,” he said. out is that more farmers
GBP 29.3720 29.4404 know where the sources are,
which is Zambia Correctional Asked if his members would want to go for maize
EUR 25.5316 25.5923 the law will take its course,”
Service, obviously coming expected cheaper maize next as compared to the previous
ZAR 1.2465 1.2494 said Dr Kayula.
in with cheaper mealie meal year, Chintala said that could two, three seasons where they
8. Opinion www.diggers.news Friday November 24, 2023
won’t make
kwacha appreciate
Dear Editor
Somalia has been
Dilan Yesilgöz, and a brand especially hit hard by the
ENYA’S President A year later, the cabinet the national carrier Kenya Kenya had accumulated
new party formed by floods, after suffering from
William Ruto said approved a list of 26 firms Airways, which suffered more than 10.1 trillion
whistleblower MP Pieter catastrophic droughts in
on Thursday the to privatise including the record losses in 2022. shillings ($66bn) in debt by
Omtzigt in fourth - both have recent years. The worst hit
government was poised to Kenya Pipeline Company, On Monday, the World the end of June, according
congratulated him on the town is Beledweyne, where the
privatise 35 state companies Kenya Electricity Generating Bank said it expects to to the country’s National
result. Shabelle River burst its banks.
and was looking at a further Company, and banks, but provide the country of 53 Treasury figures, equivalent
Although Ms Yesilgöz The El Nino phenomenon
100 firms after enacting a no action has yet been taken million people with $12bn in to around two-thirds of gross
doubts Mr Wilders will be has greatly affected East Africa.
revised law last month to since. support over the next three domestic product.
able to find the numbers he It is caused by warming in the
cut down on bureaucracy. East Africa’s economic years. ALJAZEERA
needs, she says it is up to her Pacific Ocean and is linked to
“We have identified the powerhouse is facing a host
party colleagues to decide flooding, cyclones, drought
first 35 companies that we are of challenges, including
how to respond. Before the and wildfires.
going to offer to the private depleted government coffers,
election she insisted she Not all droughts or floods
sector,” Ruto told a gathering skyrocketing inflation, and a
would not serve in a Wilders- are due to climate change, but
of African stock market plunging currency that has
led cabinet, but did not rule excess heat in the atmosphere
officials in Nairobi. sent its debt repayment costs
out working with him if she is drawing more moisture
The law makes it easier soaring.
won. out of the earth and making
to sell state enterprises to The International
Mr Omtzigt said initially droughts worse, while a
private companies and aims Monetary Fund (IMF)
his New Social Contract party warming atmosphere caused
to push up the private sector’s said this month that it had
would not work with Mr by climate change makes
participation in the economy, agreed to a $938m loan for
Wilders, but now says they extreme rainfall more likely.
the presidency said at the Kenya, which also has a $2bn
are “available to turn this trust The world has already
time of the signing. Eurobond repayment due
[of voters] into action”. warmed by about 1.2C since
Kenya last privatised a next year.
A Wilders victory will since the industrial era began
state-owned company in The IMF also urged Ruto’s
send shockwaves around and temperatures will keep
2008 when it issued an IPO government to reform public
Europe, as the Netherlands is rising unless governments
for 25 percent of the shares sector firms, particularly Kenya’s President William Ruto speaks at a news conference
one of the founding members around the world make steep
in telecommunications firm the national electricity at the State House in Nairobi, Kenya, May 5, 2023 [Monicah
of what became the European cuts to emissions.
Safaricom. supplier Kenya Power and Mwangi/Reuters]
Union. BBC
Nationalist and far-
Friday November 24, 2023 www.diggers.news Sports News .11
Lungowe, Mubanga
three majors and lost in the Sunday’s showpiece. France that secured the
Wimbledon final, with more Great Britain initially nation’s place in Malaga.
success in the Davis Cup. named the same five-man With Evans ruled out by
First, Djokovic and his squad which reached the a calf injury, four-time major
team-mates have to beat knockout stage, but have champion Salisbury was
replace injured
Great Britain - who the 24- since lost Evans - who was called up as a replacement
time Grand Slam singles instrumental in their progress and comes into the event
champion described as “one from the group stage - and having retained the doubles
of the greatest tennis nations former world number one title at the ATP Finals on
out there”. Murray. Sunday.
By Godfrey Dube Below is the full squad won the trophy in 2015, consisting of two singles a really good team.”
ISD Women’s striker Namasiku GOALKEEPERS reached the Davis Cup matches and a potentially BBC
Lungowe and Charity Mubanga of Catherine Musonda (Tomiris-Turan-
Zesco Ndola Girls have been called up Kazakhstan), Leticia Lungu (ZESCO Ndola
to the Copper Queens squad, replacing the Girls), Ngambo Musole (Green Buffaloes),
injured duo of Sara Jere and Eneless Phiri. Loveness Tonge (Green Eagles).
On Wednesday, assistant coach Florence DEFENDERS
Mwila revealed that Jere and Phiri would be Martha Tembo (BIIK Kazygurt Shymkent-
unable to make camp due to injuries. Kazakhstan), Lushomo Mweemba, Esther
The women’s national team is preparing to Banda, Esther Siamfuko (all Green Buffaloes),
face Angola in the first leg of their WAFCON Pauline Zulu (Elite Ladies), Judith Soko
qualifier on November 29 in Luanda. (YASA), Thelma Cheela, Esther Muchinga (both
Lungowe and Mubanga have been in fine ZANACO Ladies), Mirriam Moono (Trident
form so far this season, scoring 14 goals between Queens).
them with the former contributing eight for her MIDFIELDERS
club. Misozi Zulu (Hakkarigucu Spur-Turkey),
The Copper Queens technical bench has Ireen Lungu, Hellen Chanda (both BIIK
also called up ZANACO Ladies defender Kazygurt Shymkent-Kazakhstan), Evarine
Thelma Cheela, bringing the number of players Susan Katongo (ZISD Women), Susan Banda
in camp to 21. (Red Arrows), Prisca Chilufya (Club Juarez
Skipper Barbra Banda, Racheal Kundananji, Femenil-Mexico), Avell Chitundu (ZESCO
Racheal Nachula, Prisca Chilufya, Misozi Zulu Ndola Girls).
and Hellen Chanda will link up with the team STRIKERS
in Luanda. Rachael Kundananji (Madrid CFF-Spain),
Mwila is looking to collect maximum points Barbra Banda (Shanghai Shengli-China),
away from home before hosting the second leg Rachael Nachula (Hapoel Jerusalem-Israel),
at the Levy Mwanawasa Stadium on December Agness Phiri (Green Buffaloes), Eneless Phiri MALAGA, SPAIN - NOVEMBER 23: Matteo Arnaldi of Italy plays a forehand during the
5. (Nkwazi Queens), Sara Jere (ZANACO Ladies), Quarter-Final match against Botic van de Zandschulp of the Netherlands in the Davis Cup
Winner over two legs will qualify for the Fridah Kabwe, Charity Mubanga (both ZESCO Final at Palacio de Deportes Jose Maria Martin Carpena on November 23, 2023 in Malaga,
15th edition of the WAFCON tournament Ndola Girls), Namasiku Lungowe (ZISD Spain. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images for ITF) CLIVE BRUNSKILL / GETTY IMAGES
which will be held in Morocco in 2024. Women). EUROPE / Getty Images via AFP
No 1611 K10 www.diggers.news Friday November 24, 2023
SPORTS TOTW By Godfrey Dube
ATSON Daka’s performances in the
Chipolopolo’s World Cup qualifiers
against Congo Brazzaville and Niger
that develops and publishes sports video
games such as FIFA 24.
Daka scored three goals over the course
of the international break, a brace in a 4-2
Although Daka has been banging in goals
when called up to the Chipolopolo setup, his
club form paints a very different picture.
The striker has failed to impress Leicester
have earned him a place in the EA Sports victory over Brazzaville and a consolation City coach Enzo Maresca who has only given
Team of the week. goal as the Chipolopolo fell to Niger on a combined 29 minutes on the pitch this
EA Sports is a division of Electronic Arts Tuesday night in Morocco. season. Story on P11
Patson Daka
Maguire accepts
Ghana MP’s apology
after mockery
United footballer
Harry Maguire has
accepted an apology from a
Ghanaian MP who mocked
“See you at Old Trafford
soon,” the defender wrote on X,
Adongo explained that he had
used “Harry Maguire’s struggle
for form from 2021 to 2022” to
communicate his dissatisfaction
with Ghana’s economy.
“When Harry’s form
improved, I felt that he deserved
an apology. As a lover of
formerly Twitter. football, it was important that I
MP Isaac Adongo had recognised his turnaround.”
been debating the budget When Mr Adongo was
last year when he compared asked about the footballer
Vice-President Mahamudu accepting his apology, he said:
Bawumia’s economic “That humility has made my
management to Maguire’s day, this brings closure.” BBC
performances on the pitch.
On Tuesday, Mr Adongo
said he wanted to correct the
record and hailed Maguire as
a “transformational footballer”.
He was a “key player”
for Manchester United, Mr
Adongo said during a budget
But he did not let up in
his criticism of Vice-President
“As for our Maguire, he is
now at the IMF, with a cap in
hand,” he added.
Speaking to the BBC’s
Newsday programme, Mr Harry Maguire
Lungowe, Mubanga
replace injured Copper
Queens stars Story on P11 In House