Prospects of Small Industry in Punjab

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Prospects of small Industry in Punjab

Gupta and Aggarwal in their article have discussed the contribution of industrialisation in the
economic development of nation. Development of small, medium and large scale industries
in Punjab state has resulted in creating employment opportunities and increase in total
industrial output. The government has also taken steps to develop infrastructure ensuring
regular power supply, assistance to recover from high cost debt for small scale industrial

Gupta, Monica, Aggarwal, Kavita, Prospects of small Industry in Punjab.

International Journal of management, 7[7], 2016, pp. 226-231

The study undertaken by Sharma, Neeraj, Mohan, Harinder (2016) under the title ‘Growth of
Small, Medium and Large Industrial Enterprises in Punjab: Issues and Policy Implications’
have highlighted various policy initiatives taken by Government of India to promote
industrial sector in the economy. Industrial reforms are expected to bring positive impact on
productivity and efficiency levels of industrial units in Punjab state. Small-scale sector
contributes a major shown of total industrial enterprises.

Sharma, Neeraj, Mohan, Harinder, Growth of Small, Medium and Large Industrial
Enterprises in Punjab: Issues and Policy Implications. Political Economy Journal of India,
January-June 2016.

Gupta Sanjeev (2009) in his article ‘Future Prospects of Small Scale Industrial Sector of
Punjab: An Empirical Assessment’ has discussed the use of Auto Regressive Integrated
Moving Average Model in forecasting number of limits, employment and production levels
and capital formation. Due to low absorption levels of labour force in small sector would lead
to meagre growth rates with respect to employment and number of industrial units. He has
concluded that economic policy measures are required to strengthen the industrial sector in

Gupta Sanjeev (2009) F.P. of SSIS of P. An Empirical Assessment

Garg (2015) in his article ‘Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises Growth in Punjab
State in India’ has explained advantages and disadvantages of adoption of Information and
Communication Technology in the context of small and medium scale industrial concerns.
He has discussed the impact of information and communication technology adoption on the
growth of small and medium scale enterprises.

Garg, Ankit, “Ass. of S and M growth in P., state of India”

International Journal of Research– granthaalayah, Vol.3, No. 8 (2015): 69–77

The study entitled ‘A Study on the Financial Aspects of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises in Bathinda district of Punjab, India has highlighted various financial issues of
Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. The study has analysed various factors to study
entrepreneurial growth, sources of finance and role of agencies and institutions and lack
awareness levels.
Poonam Rani, Centre for Economic Studies, School of Social Sciences, Central University of
Punjab, Bathinda, September, 2016.

Abdul Naser V, (2013) has critically analysed the role of micro, small and medium scale
enterprises towards the growth of a nation. The paper has of a nation brought to light the
commendable support of this sector in generating employment levels promoting inclusive
growth, exports and raising GDP levels of the economy.
Nasser. V Abdul, 2013. A Critical Evaluation of the Contribution made by the Micro, Small
and Medium enterprises in Indian economy. 2013.

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (2013) in its report on the Inter Ministerial
Committee for Accelerating Manufacturing in MSME has emphasized on importance of
MSMEs, changing patterns of employment levels seasons for slow growth of MSMOS
especially after 2009 period.

Changing labour laws, emergence of sting apps, expansion of Business units, closer and exit
regulations are the other issues that have been discussed in the report.

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