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zona exposicion

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Fecha: 25.05.2023
Proyecto elaborado por: electrolatino
zona exposicion

Proyecto elaborado por electrolatino


PHILIPS CR350B LED40S/840 W30L120 / Hoja de datos de luminarias

Emisión de luz 1:

Clasificación luminarias según CIE: 100 Emisión de luz 1:

Código CIE Flux: 65 90 98 100 100
Philips Cleanroom: when light has to be hygienic, excellent quality and high
definition When operating a facility where the highest levels of hygiene are
required, the demands placed on light are also very high. It must comply with
strict standards; it must be easy to clean, dust-free, sealed and waterproof –
all while offering exceptional optical performance. Philips Cleanroom
CR350B luminaires are designed specifically for facilities where hygiene is
critical, such as hospitals, laboratories, surgical and examination rooms, as
well as applications in the pharmaceutical industry. These energy-efficient,
durable cleanroom lighting solutions deliver excellent quality of light that
complies with the strictest norms, as well as legislation that requires special
IP65, easy-to-clean, dust-free luminaires. Thanks to excellent quality of light
and color rendering, these Philips cleanroom luminaires also reduce eye
strain. This can make all the difference in industries such as cleanroom
production, graphics and textile manufacturing where high lumen and low
glare light are so important.

DIALux 4.13 by DIAL GmbH Página 2

zona exposicion

Proyecto elaborado por electrolatino


Local 1 / Resumen

Altura del local: 3.300 m, Altura de montaje: 3.300 m, Factor Valores en Lux, Escala 1:129
mantenimiento: 0.80

Superficie  [%] Em [lx] Emin [lx] Emax [lx] Emin / Em

Plano útil / 331 142 459 0.431
Suelo 20 308 154 383 0.499
Techo 70 62 47 68 0.753
Paredes (4) 50 129 50 248 /

Plano útil: UGR Longi- Tran al eje de luminaria

Altura: 0.850 m Pared izq 17 17
Trama: 64 x 64 Puntos Pared inferior 18 17
Zona marginal: 0.000 m (CIE, SHR = 0.25.)
Porcentaje de puntos con menos de 400 lx (para IEQ-7): 77.22%.
Lista de piezas - Luminarias

N° Pieza Designación (Factor de corrección)  (Luminaria) [lm]  (Lámparas) [lm] P [W]

PHILIPS CR350B LED40S/840 W30L120
1 16 4000 4000 37.0
Total: 64000 Total: 64000 592.0

Valor de eficiencia energética: 3.89 W/m² = 1.18 W/m²/100 lx (Base: 152.00 m²)

DIALux 4.13 by DIAL GmbH Página 3

zona exposicion

Proyecto elaborado por electrolatino


Local 1 / Protocolo de entrada

Altura del plano útil: 0.850 m

Zona marginal: 0.000 m

Factor mantenimiento: 0.80

Altura del local: 3.300 m

Base: 152.00 m²

Superficie Rho [%] desde ( [m] | [m] ) hacia ( [m] | [m] ) Longitud [m]
Suelo 20 / / /
Techo 70 / / /
Pared 1 50 ( 0.000 | 0.000 ) ( 15.200 | 0.000 ) 15.200
Pared 2 50 ( 15.200 | 0.000 ) ( 15.200 | 10.000 ) 10.000
Pared 3 50 ( 15.200 | 10.000 ) ( 0.000 | 10.000 ) 15.200
Pared 4 50 ( 0.000 | 10.000 ) ( 0.000 | 0.000 ) 10.000

DIALux 4.13 by DIAL GmbH Página 4

zona exposicion

Proyecto elaborado por electrolatino


Local 1 / Luminarias (lista de coordenadas)

PHILIPS CR350B LED40S/840 W30L120

4000 lm, 37.0 W, 1 x 1 x LED40S/840 (Factor de corrección 1.000).

N° Posición [m] Rotación [°]

1 1.900 1.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
2 1.900 3.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
3 1.900 6.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
4 1.900 8.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
5 5.700 1.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
6 5.700 3.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
7 5.700 6.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
8 5.700 8.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
9 9.500 1.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
10 9.500 3.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
11 9.500 6.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
12 9.500 8.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
13 13.300 1.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
14 13.300 3.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
15 13.300 6.250 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0
16 13.300 8.750 3.300 0.0 0.0 180.0

DIALux 4.13 by DIAL GmbH Página 5

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