Nano Photonics 1st Sessional 2022

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Name: oe a S VISVESVARAYA NATIONAL INSTIT 1D: oes Centre for VST and ECUNOLOGY, NAGPUR M.Tech, (VLSI De nology Mid Sessional Exan d Nanotech sign) — III Semester nation - September 2033 Course Code: ENL-543 ‘ Max, Marks 215 ourse: Nanophotor Doras hae namo 1 Mising diy ean em 2. Numbers in {J indicates marke?" Q.) Consider pulse of 1000366 half width f transmitted theo S0km having following specifications. The waveguide has a numerieatg i Nb angle of refraction 9.36°. For the given vo eases, ihe tral pales i s find the half width of the received pulse, considering all the given kind of pulse broadening dispersion processes, 2 eo (a) Consider that the light is launched in the waveguide through LED e Gi) 4=1300nm. The material dispersion parameters of the wave -105.5 ps nny" kin" and -2.8 ps nm the eases is 30mm, ing at (I) 2=850nm and ‘ rs guide for the two wavelengths are Kur", respectively. The full width at half maximum for both (b) Consider that the light is launched in the waveguide through LASER diode also emitting at (i) 2=850nm and (i) 2=1300nm, The material dispersion parameters of the waveguide are the same as given in problem (a). The full width at half maximum for both the eases (LASER) is nm, Comment, what kind of light source is better for the-transinission of the optical signals, using the example of the above given parameters. 16] t | ~< Q.2) (a) At the center of a hollow dielectric sphere, as given in Fig. 1; of relative permittivity, €,, S and P. RL (b) Given that E, = 10a, — Say + 4a, Vim as given in Fig, 2, find: (2) Ez and the angle Ey makes (al with the interface, (ii) P;. QI tionship between relative permitivity and optical conductivity, pal We ‘al conductivity for permittivity? Compare the permittivity equal roar ryntuctivity, What isthe important requirement for a material (0 Q.3) Derive the rel significance of op! : ° plasma frequency and optical conduct 13 be used as a solar cell material? aaa € aving number of atoms as 8.5 x 1024/cn, meant “Q44) Find the dieletrie constant ofthe medium having number oO round 14 see, for the inci nd : Lae meee e ppened to the diclectrie freetime cau ectie constant Is What i the ci ” te constant value at incident wavelength of 800 Scanned with CamScanner

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