Job Performance Measurement in The Military A Clas
Job Performance Measurement in The Military A Clas
Job Performance Measurement in The Military A Clas
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H State Michael J. Kavanagh
School of Business
State University of New York at Albany
Albany, New York 12222
in I Walter C.Borman
A Personnel Decisions Research Instititte
Main Street,
Suite 405
Jerry W. Hedge
E R.
Bruce Gould
Texas 78235-5601
S Brooks Air Force Base,
0 September 1987
May 1982 - February 1983
U Final Technical Report for Period
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21U0 Garden Road, Suite J Air Force Human Resources Laboratory
Monterey, California 93940 Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235-5601
ORGANIZATION (if applicable)
Air Force Human Resources Laboratory HQ AFHRL F41689-81-C-0022
Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235-5601 PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT
62703F 7719 18 21
17. COSATI CODES 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if n•ceUArY and •dentify by block rumber)
FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP "--wkcriterion developmentl
05 0- job performance assessment
05 10 performance measurement,
19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and odentify by block number)
- he major purPose of thi- report is to describe a classlficatlon scheme of job performance measuremeit, with
emphasis on its applicability in a military context. This report js organized into five sections: (a) an
introduction, which provides report organization and background; (b) a"desciriptlon of a conceptual performance
measurement classification scheme used to organize and categorize research findings; (c) an examination of the
empirical and theoretical literature relevant to the variables and relationships ident.ified in the schema; (d)
specific recommendations for both applications and research directions for a long-term RW'effort; (e) priorities
related to research directions, both from an importance and urgency standpoint. .
Nancy J. Alain, Chief, SlINFO Office (512) 536-3877 AFHRI /T•R
DD Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAr.E
The joo perfcrmance measurement literature indicates that previous research relied heavily on U
broad-based generic indices, performance ratings, or operational measures with their inherent
problems of inflation and halo effects. These broad measures were unable to take into account
task-level-specific influences such as training differences or opportunities to perform; hence,
such efforts have been largely unsuccessful, However, it appears that current interest,
resources, and state-of-the-art technology developments have now significantly increased the
probability of developing successful measures of job performance. This report describes the Air
Force Human Resources Laboratory's (AFHRL) research program for development of individual job
performance measures. The report describes the construction of a job performance measurement
classification scheme into which the relevant empirical and theoretical literature are
organized. Based on this framework, specific recommendations for both applications and research
directions are given.
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development (R&D) focusing on job performance criterion develcipnen•.. The work was
performed by McFann-Gray and Associates, Inc., under contract F41689-81-C-0022 with the
Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL), Ianpower and Personnel Division. The work
was accomplished under Work Unit 77191821. Dr. R. Bruce Gould was the AFHRL Contract
Mon itor.
Several influences have highlighted the Air Force's need for performance
measurement and brought ongoing and planned programs to their current state. Planning
for the research program began several years ago on the recommendation of two Research
Advisory Panels (composed of knowledgeable scientists from academia and industry, as
well as peers from the Army and Navy). They reviewed the entire AFHRL manpower,
personnel, and training research program and recommended consolidation of separate
measurement efforts into one unified research program. At the same time, the Uniform
Guidelines for Employee Selection (1978) and a review of case law mandated that Air
Force civilian selection systems be validated against job performance measures.
Finally, Congress mandated that military selection tests be validated against hands-on
job performance measures. These operational, legal, and Congressional mandates have
thus provided the impetus to planning and obtaining support for a lengthy, high resource
research effort.
The short-term objective of this effort is the development of on-the-job
performance measures to validate Air Force selection ano classification procedures.
Guidelines for developing and obtaining the performance measures will be established for
a wide range of enlisted, officer, and civilian jobs. Once obtained, the measures will
be placed in a data base for validation use. The long-term goal is to establish an
operational performance measurement program for evaluation of selection and training
procedures, as well as personnel policies and practices. The goal here Is to
operatlonalize the procedures 'so that performance measurement and evaluation can be
carried on by technicians, as is currently done by the USAF Occupational Measurement
Center with the Occupational Survey (Job Analysis) Program. In this way, R&D resources
will be freed for other projects.
LI iii
Table of Contents (Concluded)
REFERENCES ....................................... 40
Figure Page
Table Page
The major purpose of this report is to describe a job performance measurement classification
scheme, with emphasis on its applicability in a military context. The field of job performance
measurement has probably generated more literature in the behavioral sciences than has any other
topic, yet there does not yet exist a complete conceptual framework for this phenomenon. The
works of DeCotiis and Petit (1978) and Wherry and Bartlett (1982) represent the most significant
efforts at providing partial conceptual frameworks, and these will be reviewed in more detail
later in this report. The importance of these two conceptualizations to this effort is that they
share the same perspective that :ccuracy of the performance evaluation is the most critical
indicator of the quality of the measurement.
The lack of a complete conceptual framework for the measurement of job performance is central
to the problem of properly specifying and measuring dependent variables in both causal and
covariate designs. This is particularly problematic for the applied researcher who is concerned
with understanding and predicting the behavior of people in organizations. Within the military
context, this problem becomes more acute for scientists involved in research and recommendatlons
for action in any of the traditional personnel decision functions. Thus, a m,ajor outcome of this
report will be a conceptually based descriptive classification scheme of performance measurement
variables that may be used (a) to summarize and organize research progress in terms of previous
empirical work and (b) to identify future research and development (R&D) needs. These tcwo
outcomes should prove helpful to the long-term R&D program being initiated by the Air Force Human
Resources Laboratory (AFHRL) to develop a methodology for measuring job performance in the
The four chapters that follow will provide: (a) a description of a conceptual performance
measurement classification scheme; (b) an examination of the empirical and theoretical
literature relevant to the variables and relationships identified in the schema; (c) specific
recommendations for both applications and research directions; and (d) priorities related to
research directions.
The third chapter examines the literature on performance measurement. Computer searches of
both the public (e.g., Psych SCAN) and Department of Defense (DOD) literature were conducted to
identify as much of the relevant literature as possible. In addition, behavioral scientists
identified with the per t ormance measurement literature were contacted in an attempt to uncover
current, unpublished stu.lies related to this topic. This chapter represents a first attempt to
verify the relationships or linkages hypothesized in the classification scheme and provides a
summary showing the empirical support (or non-support) for these relationships. This literature
review serves as a basis for revision of the schema and provides direction for AFHRL's program of
The fourth and fifth chapters are most important, in that they can be used as guides for the
long-term RW program within AFHRL to develop a measurement methodology for job performance.
The fourth chapter, organized by the linkages in the model, contains reconmnendations both for
specific features to include in the design of the measurement methodology and for specific areas
where research is needed. The recommendations will help to conserve AFHRL resources by also
specifying where research is not necessary (i.e., where prescriptive advice exists in.the
The final chapter provides recommendations for research that are prioritized in terms of
their importance to the overall program of R&D at AFHRL, presented in chronological order to
serve as a planning tool, and integrated within the conceptually based classification scheme in
this weport.
1.2 Terminology
Before proceeding further, it is important to define and differentiate among the various
terms used in the field of performance measurement. Criterion, one of the most commonly used
terms in the field, refers to a measure of performance. In the context of this report, a
criterion is a measure of an individual's performance on a job. Performance measure is
essentially the same as criterion for the purposes of this report, and these two terms will be
used interchangeably; however, it is possible to have more than one performance measure. The
different performance measures are sometimes referred to as dimensions of performance; these
terms will be used interchangeably in this report.
Performance measures can vary in several ways. First, they can be of differing complexity
(e.g., a simple count of the number of defects on an inspection, or a supervisory rating of the
leadership quality of a subordinate). Performance measures can also vary in terms of objectivity
versus subjectivity. In the previous example, count of defects is fairly objective and easily
quantified, whereas a rating of leadership quality involves more subjective processes and is less
easily quantified. It is important not to confuse objectivity-subjectivity with the amount of
judgment used to define the performance measure. A count of defects requires a considerable
evaluative judgment before a clerk can make a tally. in this report, objective and subjective
measures will be used within this definition, and no degree of judgment will be implied by either
term. Subjective job performance measures are typically called performance ratings, and this
convention will be followed. Objective performance measures are sometimes called production or
productivity measures or records; however, that usage is somewhat erroneous. Production or
productivity is much too general a term (as will be discussed later) to equate with the
narrowness of objective performance measures. Further, it is obvious that subjective performance
measures also indicate something important about an individual's productivity.
Finally, performance measures can vary in terms of the degree of control the individual has
over altering personal performance on the measures. If there exist constraints on performance
due to inadequate technology or supplies, for example, the individual can do little to affect
performance on the measure. Hiowever, one would be hard-pressed to say an individual has similar
constraints on a performance dimension such as personal appearance. Although there Is no special
terminology to differentiate performance measures on this continuum, this distinction will have
considerable Importance for establishing the foundation of the conceptual model.
The terms performance measurement, performance evaluation, and performance appraisal are used
interchangeably in this report. They all refer to the process by which performance measures are
generated. Kavanagh (1982b) has defined them as "the process, for a defined purpose, that
involves the systematic measurement of individual differences in employees' performance on their
jobs" (p. 192). This definition Is consistent with other definitions found In the literature.
The final point to be made here involves the use of the word productivity. Often,
productivity measures are used interchangeably with objective performance measures. This is much
too narrow, and productivity will not be used in this manner. Productivity is a more general
term, and close to what Kavanagh (1982b) has defined as IL performance. "Job performance is a
dynamic, multidimensional construct, assumed to indicate an employee's behavior in executing the
requirements of a given organizational role" (p. 195). The term job performance will be used in
this report, following the meaning described above, to avoid confusion with other uses of the
term productivity in the literature.
1.3 Background
Previous applied research efforts in the military have traditionally not used job performance
as the dependent variable for validating personnel procedures and decisions. Typically, training
school grades have been employed to validate the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
(ASVAB) and its predecessor selection and classification tests. Altnough training school success
is an important dependent variable in the military human resources management system, it is an
intermediate criterion of the effectiveness of personnel selection. The crucial question that
remains is whether the scores on the ASVAB can successfuily predict individual effectiveness in
job performance once the person is on the job. It is important to note that this logic applies
not only to the validation of the ASVAB but to applied research efforts involving decisions
within the human resources management system. For example, the empirical question of whether
females can perform as well as males in traditionally non-female jobs in the military cannot be
answered using training school success only. Nor can the effectiveness of a placement/transfer
system be evaluated only in terms of personal adjustment and time to proficiency In the new job.
Clearly, a measure of individual effectiveness on the job is needed to validate such personnel
decisions. However, the focal example used throughout the remainder of this report will be the
validation of the ASVAB.
If there exists a need for criterion measurement, why not use the performance appraisals
already available in the military? The well-documented problems of leniency errors (or effects)
and reauced variance for these ratings have limited their usefulness for validation efforts.
More critically, the performance appraisals currently in use in the military are primarily
designed for administrative actions (i.e,, promotions). As such, they are subject to "gaming,"
which can distort the true score an individual should receive in terms of job performance. In
order to evaluate the validity of the ASVAB, it is necessary to develop a performance measurement
methodology for research purposes only, so as to better estimate actual performance levels of
individual airmen. The literature has shown that data gathered for research purposes, as opposed
to data collected for administrative uses, contains less distortion and, more importantly, shows
greater variance.
Thus, the need exists for a criterion measurement methodology to index individual
effectiveness on military jobs for use in validation research. Over the past 2 years, technical
reviews of the R&D programs of the AFHRL have consistently noted that this effort should not
"start from scratch." The large volume of previous research on the "criterion problem," as well
as the increased volume of available data as a result of the passage of the Civil Service Reform
Act (CSRA) and recent Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) court decisions, will serve as
guidelines to enable the criterion development research to be accomplished in a relatively
efficient and cost-effective manner. The purpose of this report, as noted earlier, is to provide
a conceptual framework to guide this effort.
To provide a clear focus for the classification scheme, it is necessary to describe the
boundary conditions that will be used.
2. The schema describes the case in which performance measurement is being used for research
purposes only.
3. The schema considers all variables that affect performance measurement: organizational,
situational, grotip, dyadic, and individual.
In the military context, there may be performance variables that do not appear in non-military
settings (e.g., those concerned with weapons maintenance and use, and with combat
effectiveness). Also, some variables in the model may have greater salience than in the
non-military context. In the military environment, too, the variance in performance ratings Is
likely to be greater than that found in non-military contexts. In non-military contexts, there
is lly more pre-selectinn, anti ac A rcsiut, the vwxriknce nn rho seertard Pntit,,des for jobs
is smaller than that typically found in the military.
The fact that the performance measures will be used for validation research only will likely
change the impact of the different variables (e.g., Zedeck & Cascio, 1982). In our schema, this
means that the variables, their interrelationships, and their salience would change depending on
the purpose of the measurement. In terms of a regression analogy, it would be expected that the
beta weights for the independent variables would change as a function of whether the performance
measures were to be used for employee growth and development, administrative, or research
purposes. For example, the relation between pay and performance would be highly salient in a
schema that was concerned with the use of measures for administrative purposes, but probably less
salient within either a growth and development or validation framework.
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classification scheme will be more macro, and include all of the relevant variables that affeqt
the measwrement of individual job performance.
I. Variables were included, on the basis of the theoretical and empirical literature, that
could affect either job performance or the measurement of job performance.
2. Classical test score theory, with its emphasis on true and error variance in observed
scores, provided a general perspective.
3. Rather than including detailed individual variables, these variables were classified into
categories for ease of presentation.
4. An iterative process was used, beginning with a general schema of job performance and
ending with a job performance measurement classification scheme for validation purposes.
5. The applicability of the classification scheme for use in a military setting was an
overriding concern.
Before describing the development procest, we wish to emphasize that the frameworks for the
schema, which were derived from the theoretical and empirical literature, are descriptive rather
than prescriptive, because, in our judgment, the causal linkages hypothesized in the scheme are
incomplete;. This does not mean that no research evidence exists, but rather, that further
research is necessary before the sciteme can be classified as prescriptive. As will be seen in
later sections of this report, there are a variety of research findings that impact directly and
indirectly on the hypothesized linkages of the scheme, and some of this literature can provide
prescriptive advice for the developnmnt of a measurement methodology for job performance.
Perhaps the major reason for a conservative stance lies in the definition of measurement
quality used in this report. As will be discussed in more detail, we consider accuracy and
construct validity as tih primary criteria for evaluating the quality of measurement when the
purpose of the measurement is for validation research. Although other criteria of measurement
quality (e.g., halo and leniency) have been used extensively to judge the "goodness" of job
performance measures, we believe they have less relevance for "rese.ych only" performance
Prior to the development of a framework describing the measurement of job performance, it was
necessary to develop a schema of job performance as a first step. It was important to identify
all variables that could potentially impact on a person's job performance, since these same
variables could be important sources of true or error variance in the measurement of job
performance. An examination of theories in the area of work motivation (cf. Steers & Porter,
Peru-fr~~~~~~~~~ r - -r~ru
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1979) showed them to be conceptually comprehensive, but lacking in detail in terms of the
specific variables that affect job performance. However, using these general models and others
from the organization behavior literature (e.g., Naylor, Pritchard, & Ilgen, 1980), a general
schema of the variables that impact on individual job performance was constructed (Figure 1).
A brief description of the schema depicted in Fitgure 1 will suffice to provide the interested
reader the opportunity to look more deeply into the 1theoretical underpinnings of the scheme.
Starting on the left side of Figure 1, the presence of individual variables in the model is
axiomatic, and based on the common theme in the motivational literature (Steers & Porter, 1979)
that individual job performance is a function of the skills, aptitudes, and effort a person
brings to a job. These variables, according to Figure 1, Indirectly Influence job performance
through their impact on the relationship with the supervisor (Bass, 1981; Vroom, 1976; Yukl,
1981) and their interaction with work group factors (Graen, 1976; Hackman, 1976). It is
important to note that non-job variables could also affect the interaction of the individual
variables with both the work group and the relationship with the superv'sor. These factors wo'ild
include such variables as marital status, religious preference, and membership in a dual-career
family (Hamel, 1981; Owens & Champagne, 1965). Note that this class of variables is not on the
major causal linkage in the schema, thus indicating that these variables may or may not impact at
this point in the model. The same is true for the organizational factors (Adams, 1965; Lawler,
1976; Payne & Pugh, 1976), situational constraints (Chapanis, 1976; Peters, O'Connor, & Rudolf,
1980), and stressful life events (Kavanagh, 1982a). Although any of these factors can become
quite salient in terms of affecting individual job performance, they are not always operative.
The "simplified" framework in Figure I is not only conceptually and empirically based, but It
logically links major sources of variance in job performance together in a meaningful manner.
Current research in the field continues to explore the importance of each of these variables;
however, for our purposes, the differential impact of these variables on individual job
performance is unimportant. As long as the possibility exists that each of the classes of
variables in Figure 1 can influence individual job performance, then it is also possible that
they can affect the quality of the measurement of Job performance. -
2.2 Development of a General Job Performance Measurement Classification Scheme
The model presented in Figure 2 provides a general classification scheme of performance
measurement quality. The model -in Figure 2 is similar to the Figure 1 model in that it suggests
no direct, isomorphic relationship between a person's skills, aptitudes, and effort and the
outcome variable. However, these input variables are included since they can contribute either
true or error variance to performance measurement quality.
Next, a literature search was conducted to identify the variables that impact these quality
criteria. The variables identified constitute the input variables shown in the first box on the
left side of Figure 2.
The process variables shown in the center of Figure 2 reflect the current thinking in the
performance measurement literature that these variables play an important and pervasive role in
the appraisal process (Borman, 1977; Dipboye & dePontbriand, 1981; Feldman, 1981; Hedge, 1982;
Murphy, 1982). There has been a recent enmphasis on cognitive variables (their importance in the
decision-making process) (Feldman, 1981; Landy & Farr, 1980), as well as the acceptability/
confidence users have in the system (Dipboye & defPotbriand, 1981; Kavanagh & Hedge, 1983; Landy,
Barnes, & Murphy, 1978), and their hypothesized effects on measurement quality. In addition, the
motivation which the ratees bring to the appraisal process (OeCotiis & Petit. 1978) and, their
trust in the appraisal process (Bernardin, Orban, & Carlyle, .1981) are considered important
process variables. Although there is little empirical evidence in the literature with respect to
the role of these variables, there are indications that they act as intervening process
variables. Thus, although these individual/system characteristics are known to influence
measurement quality, since they are hypothesized to be functionally related to both the
independent and dependent variables, they will be considered separately.
The cognitive variables have been placed outside the main causal path since these variables
may not always play an important role in the appraisal process. When the measurement system
relies heavily on human judgment, such as with ratings or trained observers, these variables
would be expected to influence, measurement quality. However, when human judgment Is not as
important, such as with productivity counts or number of absences, the irpact of these variables
would be greatly reduced. ,
In Figure 2, the cognitive variables have been divided into two Categories: (a) the input
and storage of information, which is primarily concerned with the observational heuristics that
people use when gathering information about an individual's job performance; and (b) the
cognitive processes that involve the judgment or decision heuristics that people use in assigning
a quantitative index to the performance of a person on the job. This division avoitds the search
for a single cognitive variable, such as cognitive complexity (Bernardin and Cardy, 1981; Lahey &
Saal, 1981), that relates to measurement quality. Recent' work by Murphy, Garcia, Kerkar, Martin,
and Balzar (1982) and Hedge (1982) indicatqs that considering observational processes and
decision processes separately may help to better explain their effects on the quality ,'of the
measurement. This is also consistent with Wherry's theory of rating (Wherry & Bartlett, 1982),
which postulates that observation and recall by the rater are two separate components of the
observed score.
A general hypothesis underlying this conceptualization is that the more complex (i.e.,
sophisticated, not necessarily cumbersome) the observational and/or decision heuristics used, the
higher the quality of the performance measurement. However, Individual/system characteristics
could affect the complexity of these cognitive processes, and thus, lower or raise the quality of
the measures. A good example is the impact of organizational or unit norms in the current
military performance measurement system, where a strong normi exists to give enlisted personnel
high ratings (i.e., "8" or a "9") on their performance evaluatlins. Regardless of the cluse of
this norm, its effect is to simplify the rater's coDgnitive approach; for whether or not the rater
uses compiex observational heuristics, the decision heuristic Is simple -- `8" or mg." The
impact on the quality of ratings is obvious, and interestingiy,_ si•iamr. results have been found
in many non-military settings where ratings are used for administrative purposes.,
In the performance appraisal literature, few studies have focused on motivation in the
context of performance measurement (bernardin, Orban, & Carlyle, 1981; Bernardin & Cardy, 1982;
N 8
DeCotils & Petit, 1978) or on trust in the appraisal process (Bernardoi, Orban, & Carlyle,
1981). Still, the authors believe that these variables play key roles in the accuracy of
performance evaluations; thus, both have been included as elements of the classification scheme.
User acceptance of and confidence in the performance measurement sy'ý.v; are seen as crucial
to the effective operation of the entire system, and thus, directly affe.Žting the quality of the
measurement (Kavanagh, 1982b; Lawler, 1967). Some- recent emirical wo-;: (Dlpboye & dePontbriand,
1981; Kavanagh & Hedge, 1983; Landy, Barnes-Farrell, & Cleveland, 1980; '..,idy, Barnes, & Murphy,
1978) indicates that this is an Important variable in a performance mvurement system. In our
general conceptual framework of performance measurement quality, all of the system
characteristics indirectly affect the quality of the measurement t+huugh their impact un the
acceptability/confidence variable. Clearly, this acceptability vari.:te may change in importance
depending on the purposes of the performance measurement. This notion is critical to the
development of a schema for validation purposes only, and will be discussed later in this sjcLion.
Another perspective used to generate the classification schoue was one borrowed from test
score theory. Spearman's classic test score model was selected because of its simplicity and
wide dissemination. The notion that an observed score, a performance measurement score. .an be
divided into true and error components allows us to examine the impact of those variables that
affect true variance and those that affect only error variance in the performance measurement
situation. During our literature review, it became obvious that one would want to minimize those
factors that affect only error variance, while increasing the impact of those factors that
influence true variance. This finding has clear implications for future research strategies.
This approach, based on test score theory, is analogous to that taken by Wherry (Wherrl & -
Bartlett, 1982), although we prefer to base our conceptual framework on the Analysis of Variance
model of test scores (Cronbach, Gleser, Nanda, & Rajaratnam, 1972). In Wherry's theory, the
observed rating a person receives is comprised of the following components: true job performance
of the ratee, environmental influences, observation and recall by the rater, and the errors
associated with these factors as well as an overall error term. Although the test score model
used may not be critical, it can be seen from Figure 2 that the classification scheme. is much
more specific about the variables that impact on measurement quality.
Finally, in order to refine the classification scheme, our approach was to organize into
categories the many variables that are known to affect measurement quality. This provided a
framework for conducting the literature review in an organized fashion, and for identifying and
L ru, needs. This reaonnably exhaustive list of variables is contained in A•F._
Table 2.
As mentioned earlier, perhaps the most critical input variable in terms of its impact on
rating quality is the measurement purpose. For example, if a measurement system is to be used
for promotion or pay increases, it creates an entirely different context for the quality of the
measurement than if the system is for validation research purposes. That is, the pay-pef rwmance,
relationship with measurement quality would be extremely important in a measurMent system being,
used for administrative purposes, but would have little effect for validation reseurch purposes.
Performance measurement systems have four major purposes or uses: (a) for administrative
decisions, (b) for employee growth and development, (c) for validation research, (d) for meeting
legal guidelines. The strength of the relationships between the individual/system character-
istics and measurement quality will change as a function of changing the purpose. Although these
effects have been discussed for some time (cf. Cummings & Schwab, 1973), only recently has there
been empirical evidence which demonstrates that measurement quality is affected by the purpose of
the measurement (Zedeck & Cascio, 1982). A good analogy would be to consider the indlvidual/
system charcterisitics in Figure 2 as independent variables, the intervening variables as
-- 4i i i
Table 2. Variables That Can Impact on Measurement Quality
1. Individual characteristics
a. Cognitive variables: rater or ratee
b. Rater/ratee intelligence
c. Rater/ratee knowledge of the job being evaluated
d. Rater/ratee personal characteristics
"e. Rater/ratee interpersonal trust
- - 2. Relationship between ratee and rater/observer
a. Sex congruence
"b. Race congruence
c. Job tenure together
d. Age congruence
e. Off-the-job relationship
f. History of conflict or cooperation
3. Me-thod/source of measurement
a. Supervisor ratings
b. Peer ratings
c. Self ratings
d. Subordinate ratings
e. Assessment center (team) ratings
f. Work samples/simulations .
g. Productivity records
.4. Scale development , =' i :
a. Critical incidents used ...- , .. . .
b. Based on Job description/Job requirement.,
c. Employee participation
d. Top management support during developmnt
5. Rating scale characteristics
a. Content of the scale
b. Anchors versus no anchors '
c. Behaviors versus traits
d. Format type
e. Number of anchors/scale points .
6. Performance standards/goals
a. Present or not
b. Standards versus goals ....
c. Participately set and communicated
d. Specificity of behavior or accomplishnfnt e~p.trted
7. Social context -s"*.i•
10 A
Table 2. (Concluded)
8. Non-work variables
a. Marital status
b. Dependent Status
c. Dual-career family
d. Participation in company activities off the job
e. Stressful life events in recent past
-9. Performance constraints
a. Poor information
b. Equipment efficiency
c. Supplies deficiency
d. Time limitations .-
e. Poor work environment
10. Organizational/unit norms
a. Required or not
b. Sources of feedback
c. Participative
d. Clarity of feedback
e. Frequency of feedback
15. Pay-performance relationship
moderat3rs, and measurement quality as the dependent variable in a multiple regression equation,
and to expect the beta weights to change for the various terms in the equation as the purpose of
the measurement changes. Since the initial thrust of the AFHRL program is for research
validation only, we will now examine what happens to the general fr.amework in Figure 2 when only
this purpose is considered.
2.3 Validation Research Classification Scheme
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First of all, the dependent variable, measurement quality, is something that has not been
clearly defined in the literature. Different researchers have used differing criteria to assess
measurement quality; six of these criteria were listed in Table 1. Of those listed, we view
accuracy and construct validity as the crucial criteria by which to Judge the quality of the
mcasurement of job performance. The other four criteria are seen as important, but less
critical, in that satisfying their requirements does not guarantee the measure will be accurate
and construct valid. On the contrary, an accurate and construct valid measure will in all
likelihood satisfy the other criteria as well. This logic is consistent with current theory in
performance measurement (Nunnally, 1978) and performance ratings (Wherry & Bartlett, 1982).
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Few models of the performance appraisal process exist in the literature. Of these, only two
theoretical approaches were found that emphasized accuracy as the crucial criterion of
measurement quality. One such theory was advanced by DeCotiis and Petit (1978), who argued that
accuracy in ratings is a function of rater motivation, rater ability, and the availability of
appropriate rating standards. Although most of the variables in their model also appear in
Figure 3, their emphasis is on how the ratings are made, whereas ours is on the accuracy of the
measure. Another difference is that the DeCotiis and Petit model concerns only ratings, whereas
our conceptual framework enconpas,',es any measure that is used to assess individual job
perf ormance.
Wherry and Bartlett (1982) also provided a model of the performance appraisal process, but as
with the DeCotiis and Petit (1978) model, the model by Wherry and Bartlett is concerned only with
ratings. Thus, the present schema is more comprehensive than either of the other two. However,
as earlier noted, there is considerable similarity between the Wherry and Bartlett model and the
present schema in terms of their bases in test theory.
Of the input variables shown in Figure 3, one that is critically important is the measurement
method. Ar with the measurement purpose variable described earlier, constraints in terms of
different methods will likely affect the relationships within that framework. If this is so, it
may be that different measurement methods are capturing different parts of the performance
criterion space. That is, supervisory ratings may well be assessing a different portion of the
total job performance criterion space than are peer ratings, self ratings, work sample tests, or
objective indices of productivity.
This is not meant to imply that there is no overlap among these methods in the part of the
criterion space they measure; however, they are perhaps measuring some unique aspects of the
criterion space that have been treated frequently in research as error. In the typical research
paradigm to validate multiple measures of job performance, one or more methods have been
eliminated because of low intercorrelations with the other methods, on the assumption that these
low correlations were the result of error in the measures. In our schema, we conceptualize
different measurement methods as measuring different part% of the criterion space with differing
degrees of fidelity; thus, low correlations between measures may not indicate error. It can be
argued that the typical validation approach (intercorrelations among methods) may not be the best
for assessing measurement quality.
This discussion raises the issue of what, in terms of performance dimensicns, constitutes the
crtefo. pae. Apprximtel 12 to 1.5 pr.=.n~
dimsin repe arppear in the
literature. These dimensions seem to fit into two general categories: technical competence
skills and job-relevant interpersonal skills. Although this may seem an oversimplification, it
is supported by factor analytic studies in which two factors, roughly representing these two
broad skill areas, have emerged (Borman, 1981; Borman, Mendel, Lanmmlein & Rosse, 1981). Although
these two categories are, of course, multidimensional, viewing the criterion space in this manner
provides an effective way of communicating AFHRL research needs.
In terms of measuring job performance, the following five methods are the most frequently
used: (a)supervisory ratings, (b) peer ratings, (c) self rat'ngs, (d)work samples, and (e)
objective indices of productivity. The first three are widely used and will be used in this
research effort. However, rather than using a work sample methodology, an
alternative to this approach will be developed and tested.
The new methodology is called Walk-Through Performance Testing (WTPT); it is being developed
specifically for the R&D program at AFHRL. The WTPT methodology combines aspects of both
observer interviewing and work sampling but, in addition, is designed to overcome certain
limitations associated with the generic tasks used with work sanpling. The method will be
developed by accessing the Air Force data base (see Christal, 1974) that contains information on
the tasks performed in enlisted specialties. These tasks will form the basic content of the
measurement scale. Test administrators will be trained to use these scales to evaluate effective
and ineffective ' erformance on each of the tasks. The interviewers will examine the job
incumbent by asking the person to perform certain tasks or explain certain procedures concerning
the tasks for that job. They will then record the person's behavior or answers on a rating
checklist of tasks. The inmortant characteristic of this method is that the job is being reduced
to its smallest parts at the task level, an(i will include not only a core set of tasks, but a
series of unique tasks as well. Thus, this method will examine job performance at micro level.
It is believed that the WTPT method will assess, with a high degree of fidelity, technical
skills and competence -- one-half of the criterion space. In fact, walk-through testing may be
one method that removes the interpersonal/social aspects of the .job situation. However, as
currently planned, it may be less accurate in assessing the job-relevant interpersonal skills
side of the criterion space. Supervisory ratings, on the other hand, may be quite good at
assessing interpersonal skills but not very accurate in measuring technical skills, particularly
if the job has had recent significant changes in technology, or if the supervisor has never had
direct work experien'.e. All five methods measure portions of the criterion space; however, they
differ in their fidelity or accuracy of measurement.
This does not mean that one or more of the methods could not be modified to assess both major
parts of the job performance criterion space. The WTPT method cotdd be modified, for example, to
measure interpersonal skills. However, this modification may not be cost effective if there is
another method that can accurately assess the interpersonal skills wivthout modification (e.g.,
peer ratings). In summary, the five methods, as currently used, assess different parts of the
criterion space with differing degrees of accuracy. AFHRL's criterion development research must
be designed with this point in mind.
This approach to job performance measurement makes the typical multimethod validation study
problematic. Typically, if job performance is measured with two or more methods, and zero-order
correlations are calculated among the methods, those methods showing nonsignificant values are
rejected. Huwever, if, as has been argued, the methods are not assessing the same portions of
the criterion space with equal fidelity, then there is no reason to expect them to be correlated..
An extension of this logic leads directly to the idea of specifying the construct space for
job performance in terms of what Cronbach and Meehl (1955) have termed a nomolcglcal network (a
network of relations that are tied ta observables and hence are empirically testable). In this
framework the measures are the observables, and the construct is used to account for
relationships among them. This suggests the use of Nunnally's (1978) technique for construct
validation; namely, that of testing the a priori hypothesized relationships within a construct
space with ..
,irical data. To do this, the two major parts of the criterion space, technical
com'etence and interpersonal skills, must be better specified in terms of their job perfornmance
dimensions. -
For the Air Force R&W program, empirical construct validation cannot be accomplished until at
least the fifth or sixth year of the effort. First, the methods must be properly researched and
refined. There is a tremendous amount of research to be done during the first 4 or 5 years of
the program before this type of study can be conducted.
Among the research issues to be hnvestigated prior to construct validation are two major
considerations. The first of these concerns the WTPT methodology for assessinq job performance.
The second concerns the incorporation into the schema of an additional variable, time to
3.1 Introduction
15 •-
The focus of the review was on behavioral literature, preferably empirical research,
concerned with investigating the hypothesized linkages in the schema in Figure 3. This was
accomplished to identify well-documented "facts," which could form the basis of prescriptive
advice for the AFHRL R&D program. That is, when we prescribe that a given system characteristic
.must be included in the measurement methodology, there is no need for additional research by the
AFHRL to "re-establish" this finding. On the other hand, the literature review also identified
where research is needed for the AFHRL program.
Although the review was limited to literature on measurement system quality within the
performance appraisal field, the entire scope of available writings was considered. In some
cases, the search was simplified by identifying previously published reviews (Kane & Lawler,
1979; Kavanagh, 1971; Lanoy & F,rr, 1980; Lewin & Zwany, 1976; Mabe & West, 1982; Schmidt &
Kaplan, 1971; Smith 1976). Sccwe ,4 t!Y- literature covered by these reviews was not relevant to
the purposes of this report, but whcrc it was, the review was used as a secondary source.
This linkage concerns the differences between raters or observers (in the WTPT method) that
can impact on the accuracy of the measures of individual job performance.
The major study investigating the relatfonship between individual differences and rating
accuracy was done by Borman (1979a). Borman found that 12 personal characteristics correlated
significantly with rating accuracy. The most censistently high correlations were between
accuracy and (a) intell'qence, (b) personal adjustment, and (c) detail orientation. It is
important to note that the variance in accuracy accounted for by all 12 traits was 17%,
suggesting that individual differences play a significant role in determining rating accuracy.
In 3 meta-analysis of self-evaluation studies, Mabe and West (1982) found that intelligence,
achievement motivation, and internal focus of control were associated with accuracy in
self-evaluations. Other research has found that rating quality is related to: carefulness and
decisiveness of the rater (Mullins, Seidling, Wilbourn, & Earles, 1979), learned associations
among sets of behavioral and personality descriptors (Hakel, 1974), and interpersonal trust
(Kavanagh, Vance, & Wright, 1982). Clearly, the individual traits and characteristics of a rater
are related to measurement quality.
In a slightly different vein, two recent studies investigated individual differences derived
from laboratory data versus those derived from field data. In a study of police supervisors,
Kavanagh et al. (1982) found no statistically significant relationships between accuracy,
leniency, halo, and range restriction based on ratings of videotapes with true scores (Borman,
1979b) gathered in the leboratory and leniency, halo, and range restriction of ratings used
operationally in the field. Hedge and Kavanagh (1983), using the same approach, found only one
relationship, halo from laboratory and field data, to be significant. These unexpected findings
need further replication, and it may be that other individual characteristics of raters are
moderating these relationships.
Recent literature (Feldman, 1981; Landy & Farr, 1980; Wherry & Bartlett, 1982) has called
attention to the cognitive processes involved in evaluating others. Using halo, leniency, range
restriction, and rater confidence, Schneier (1977) found that cognitively complex raters were
more confident in making their ratings and also made fewer leniency and range restriction
errors. Using the same dependent variables, two subsequent studies (Lahey & Saal, 1981; Sauser &
Pond, 1981) found no support for a relationship between cognitive complexity and measurement
quality. Finally, in three further studies using both the typical psychometric errors and
accuracy as the measurement quality criteria, Bernardin, Cardy, and Carlyle (1982) founei no
support for a hypothesized relationship with cognitive complexity. It seems clear that cognitive
complexity, as measured in these studies, is not related to measurement quality.
Does this mean that the cognitive processes of the rater do not affect the quality of the
measurement? In a simplistic approach using a single trait such as cognitive complexity, the
answer is probably "yes." However, raters use multiple cognitive processes (Landy & Farr, 1980;
Wherry & Bartlett, 1982) in arriving at a specific judgment, and the literature supports studying
these processes separately (as indicated in Figure 3) in terms of their effects on measurement
quality. Hedge (1982) found that training raters in either observational techniques or
decision-making techniques differentially affecteo psychometric errors and rating accuracy.
Murphy, Martin, and Garcia (1982) found that ratings made I day after viewing videotapes with
true scores were more accurate than ratings made immediately following the showing of tapes, and
suggested that different memory processes were in operation. Related to our model in Figure 3,
it may be that the immediate ratings involve only observational heuristics, whereas the delayed
ratings involve decision heuristics.
Evidence that there are individual differences in the decision processes of raters comes from
several studies. Policy-capturing studies have identified raters who were consistent in their
rating policies (Hobson, Mendel, & Gibson, 1981), raters who used linear regression models in
their strategies (Zedeck & Kafry, 1977), and raters who used different decision strategies
depending on the purpose of the measurement (Zedeck & Cascio, 1982). The latter study, although
supportive of our model, unfortunately did not include validation research as one of its purposes
of measurement. Finally, one study found that different raters (self, peer, and supervisor) used
different aspects of performance in arriving at their evaluations of performance (Zammuto,
London, & Rowland, 1982). Taken together, these studies indicate that there are Important
individual differences in both observational and decision processes that can affect the quality
of measurement. Future research should treat these two sets of cognitive variables separately
when attempting to determine their effects on the quality of performance measures.
Much of the research reviewed in this and the previous section also applies to observers in
the proposed WTPT method. Within the performance appraisal context, most of the researctr has
been done on raters; however, the processes that WTPT observers go through are quite similar in
that they also require observation and judgment. They differ in that observers have more
specific, job-relevant events to observe, and judgments occur immediately following the
observation of the events; whereas raters must make judgments based on job events recalled from
some previous time period. Nevertheless, it is probable that many of the findings for raters
will generalize to observers. Where they do not, or when special considerations must be made for
the role of the observer, it will be noted.
Research on the rater/ratee-rating quality linkage concerns the formal and Informal
relationships between raters and ratees, as well as the influence of the sex, race, and age of
the ratee on the quality of the measure. Although most research has concentrated on the
interaction of the rater's sex, race, and age with the sex, race, and age of the ratee, some
research documents the main effects of these variables. In the opinion of the authors, there is
always an interaction between raters and ratees on these biographical variables; however, not all
of the relevant research investigated the interactions. •
Several studies examined characteristics of the relationship between raters and ratees. The
degree of responsibility the rater had over the ratee's previous perfcrmance (Bazerman, Beekun, &
Schoorman, 1982), the rater's familiarity with the ratee's previous performance (Jackson &
Zedeck, 1982; Scott & Hamner, 1975), and the degree of acquaintance between rater and ratee
(Freeberg, 1968) have all been shown to affect the quality of job performance measurement. The
degree of acquaintance variable is perhaps most interesting. It is axiomatic that the rater must
be at least somewhat knowledgeable about ratee performance to complete the rating. In fact, most
authors argue that the rater must have had the opportunity to observe job-relevant behaviors or
else the rating will contain error (e.g., see Borman, 1975). However, Stone (1970) has argued
that as the degree of aquaintance increases, the possibility of bias in terms of halo increases,
particularly if the rater and the ratee become friends. This logic is consistent with Wherry's
theory of rating (Wherry & Bartlett, 1982); however, it has not been directly tested in the
performance measurement domain.
Three studies (Freeberg, 1968; Gordon, 1972; Quinn, 1969) have partially addressed the issue
of rater-ratee acquaintance; however, none of these studies included the full range possible for
the acquaintance variable. Freeberg (1968) could not find any effect due to length of
acquaintance, and concluded that degree of acquaintance is only important for rating quality when
it provides greater opportunity to observe job-relevant behaviors. Quinn (1969) found no effect
for acquaintance, but the range of scores on length of acquaintance was not sufficiently large to
adequately test the hypothesis. Neither of these two studies included friendship as a variable
that could impact on rating quality. Gordon (1972), in a study tangential to this issue, found
that the favorability of the rater's impression of the ratee did not affect the accuracy of the
ratings. Favorability of impression may be close to friendship; unfortunately, Gordon's study
was a laboratory simulation using college students as the subjects, thus limiting the
generalizability of the results. It seems clear that well-designed studies are needed to explore
the acquaintance/friendship variable.
Many studies have investigated the effects of differences in the sex, race, or age of both
raters and ratees on the quality of performance measures. In such research, it is assumed that
these biographical variables are causing error in the measurement, but few studies have used
accuracy as the criterion as defined in this report. Evidence of bias, rather, comes from level
differences that indicate certain groups are receiving lower ratings on the basis of their
demographical characteristics.
Only two studies examined the influence of age on performance measurement quality (Cleveland
& Landy, 1981; Schwab & Heneman, 1978). For ratings of "paper people" vignettes of four
secretaries varying in age, Schwab and Heneman (1978) found no age-associated differences in the
accuracy of ratings. Cleveland and Landy (1981), examining ratings from 513 exempt managers,
found that older workers were rated lower on two performance dimensions, self-development and
interpersonal skills. They replicated these findings on a second sample. It is not clear,
however, whether Cleveland and Landy's ri.iults indicate differences in accuracy for ratings of
older workers, or actual differences in the performance of the older workers in the sample.
Finally, it should be noted that these two studies did not examine the interaction with rater
age, and its effect on measurement quality. U
Research results related to sex effects on performance measurement quality have been
inconsistent. Two studies (Bigoness, 1976; Hamner, Kim, Baird, & Bigoness, 1974) found that
females were rated higher than males, and this effect was accentuated when they were performing
at high (versus low) levels. However, both were laboratory studies using videotapes and
employing students as raters. In two field studies (Cascio & Phillips, 1979; Mobley, 1982), sex
was found to have little effect on performance measures. Although females were rated higher than
males in the latter study, neither study found any effect of sex differences on personnel
decisions. In another laboratory study, Lee and Alvares (1977) found no differences in ratings
as a function of sex. Feild and Holley (1977), in a field stuly, found that sex differences
existed within specific job classes, but one could not generalize these differences across all
job classes. Consistent with this finding, Nieva and Gutek (1980), in a review of the empirical
literature, concluded that evaluation bias by sex does exist, but its effects are not consistent
across all situations. Their more specific conclusions indicated that the degree of bias is a
function of the level of inference required in the rating, sex-role incongruency with the job,
and level of qualification or perfornance. Of particular importance for this review are the
effects of sex-role incongruency on the accuracy of performance measures collected for validation
purposes. The level of qualifications or of performance in a job can only serve to increase
sex-rnle incongruency; thus, it should also be included in research on this possible bias. The
level cf inference required can be controlled by the scale development, and that will be
discussed later in this section.
Results on race are also somewhat inconsistent. Various studies have found significant bias
effects due to race (Bigoness, 1976; Hall & Hall, 1976; Hamner et al., 1974; Feldman & Hilterman,
1977; London & Poplawski, 1976). Other studies have not found these race effects (Bass & Turner,
1973; Cascio & Phillips, 1979; Cascio & Valenzi, 1978; Farr, O'Leary, & Bartlett, 1971; Greenhaus
& Gavin, 1972; Huck & Bray, 1976; Mobley, 1982; Moses & Boehm, 1975). It is interesting to note
that these latter studies were done in field settings, whereas the former were done in the
laboratory. Wendelken and Inn (1981) noted this distinction, and conducted a major field study
investigating race main effects and the interaction between raters and ratees. They found
significant effects for ratee race, rater race, rater-ratee interaction, and past performance of
the ratee; however, these four etfects accounted for only 4% of the variance in the ratings. As
a result, they suggested that the larger effects found in the laboratory are artifacts. It
appears that race of rater or ratee, or the interaction, may well affect the measurement quality
of ratings collected for validation purposes; but, the effect is expected to be small. To the
extent that this variable may impact on the accuracy of the measures, it needs to be investigated.
The impact of other variables involved in the rater-ratee relationship on measurement quality
have also been demonstrated. Drory and Ben-Porat (1980) found that leadership style,
specifically initiating structure, was related to leniency on task-related dimensions in rating
subordinates. Cascio and Valenzi (1977) found that rater-ratee experience and education both
impacted significantly on ratings, but they also concluded that the practical significance of the
results werc not very important. Beatty. Schneier, and Beatty (1977) found that ratees perceived
desired job behaviors as occurring more often and undesired behaviors occurring less often than
did raters, Finally, Barrett (1964) found that supervisors give high ratings to subordinates who
do their work the way the supervisor wants it done, regardless of what the job standards
indicate. All of these studies indicate the importance of the rater-ratee relationship in
determining the quality of ratings; however, no single finding appears important enough to merit
further individual study when performance measures are collected for validation purposes only.
It is assumed that all of the measurement methods that are currently available in the
behavioral science literature suffer from criterion deficiency, some being worse than others
(e.g., production records or counts are probably worst). Further, it is posited that each of
these methods measures a part of the criterion space with more accuracy than other measures. For
example, peer ratings may be the most accurate method for assessing interpersonal skills that are
job relevant; yet when used to assess other parts of the criterion space, often all that is
measured is error variance. That is, the various measurement methods have frequently been used
to assess parts of the criterion space which they are ill suited to measure. This leads to two
conclusions. First, in research using multiple methods to assess individual job performance, the
empirical demonstration of a zero relationship is as important as a non-zero one in demonstrating
the construct validity of the measures. The second conclusion is that one must use multiple
methods of measurement to accurately assess the total criterion space.
There has been no research attempting to develop a multiple-method approach to the assessment
of job performance. As a first step, it will be necessary to determine, for each measurement
method, which part of the criterion space it can best measure. Though all measuremet methods,
including production records, may be assessing some true variance in the criterion 4pace, the
problem is the present uncertairty about which methods tap which parts of the criterion domain;
this should be the first reseai ;h conducted. There has been good research done on the various
methods, and some hypotheses can be developed about their use in a multiple-method appraisal
system. Once each of the methods can be refined sufficiently and it can be determined that they
are assessing certain parts of the criterion space with a high degree of accuracy, the next step
should be to investigate the feasibility of developing and using a multiple-method approach for
the measurement of individual job performance.
Earlier, we listed five methods of performance assessment. It should be noted that there are
other methods for the assessment of job performance; however, these are the methods that have
been used most successfully in the past.
Support, for the use of peer ratings is also available in the literature (cf. Downey, Medland,
& Yates, 1976; Fiske & Cox, 1950; Kaufman & Johnson, 1974; Lewin & Zwany, 1976). Peer ratings
heve had their best success at predicting future behavior, and it is hypothesized that this is so
because they accurately assess those job-relevant interpersonal msurvival" skills that are
important for successful performance across jobs.
In addition to the multiple-method studies that have included self ratings of performance,
evidence supporting the usefulniss of self ratings appeared in a recent review (Mabe & West,
1982). These authors concluded that, controlling for measurement conditions (e.g., specificity
-- - -- -- - --- - -
of the measurement instrument, amount of prior self evaluation experience), self ratings can
provide good measures of abilities.
The fourth method, WTPT, combines interviewing and observing, and includes elements of work
sampling, simulation, and work observation techniques. There is strong support in the literature
for the use of all of these techniques for the measurement of individual job performance (Boehm,
1982; Hakel, 1982; Robertson & Downs, 1979; Smith, 1976; Vineberg & Joyner, 1982). As discussed
previously, this method will focus on measuring the smallest possible unit of job-relevant
behaviors. The test administrator will not only be involved in the observation of specific job
tasks, but will also ask the job holder to describe verbally how he or she would deal with a
specific job-related task or problem. Thus, the method will assess job-related skills, and also
perhaps interpersonal skills, and even supervisory skills. It is hypothesized that this method,
given proper development, will provide the most accurate measurement of the technical competence
portion of the criterion space.
The fifth method, production and other objective records, is included for a variety of
reasons. First, such measures are usually readily available and are commonly used as indices of
the effectiveness of units and organizations. There is support for their use in the literature
(Ronan & Prie,, 1971), particularly in jobs that require production quality and quantity counts.
But most importantly, they can be used to capture an important part of the criterion space.
Typically, these types of measures indicate the employee's compliance with certain work or
organizational rules. Violations of these rules, though infrequent, ave what creates the
measurement problem. However, aggregating these records in some form may provide important
information on individual work performance that is not being measured with the cther methods.
Whether these individual differences in work behavior represent a lack of compliance or other
motivational problems remains to be determined, but it is hypothesized that measuring them will
improve the overall assessment of the criterion space.
The research directions seem clear. If the measurement methodology used for validation
research is to assess Job performance with minimal criterion deficiency and maximum accuracy,
then research to develop and validate each of these methods is necessary. Success in these
efforts will lead to a multiple-method research effort concerned with establishing the
differential accuracy of each measure for portions of the criterion space.
With the exception of the production records, all of the methods require scales to measure
job performance. Since three linkages In the classification scheme in Figure 3 are concerned
with the measurement scale (i.e., performance standards, scale characteristics, and scale
development), the evidence for all three will be reviewed in this section.
Based on their review of legal cases regarding compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) guidelines concerning performance appraisal forms, Cascio L Bernardin (1981)
argued that the performance appraisal form must have performance standards if it is to be in
compliance with the guidelines. Because this recommendation is for operationa) systems, it may
not apply to performance measurement used only for validation purposes. However, if the
existence of performance standards can improve the accuracy of the measurement, then they should
be used regardless of the purpose of the measurement. There are arguments for the use of
performance standards (Alewine, 1982; Kirby, 1981; Morano, 1979) but unfortunately, no empirical
results that would support their use. Performance standards on the rating format may make the
form easier to use by raters/observers, and thus enhance its accuracy; however-, this has not been
tested empirically, and remains an avenue for research.
As a number of authors have noted, the search for the single best scale format for measuring
job performance or the best type of content for the scale has resulted in no conclusive evidence
(Kavanagh, 1971, 1982a; Kingstrom & Bass, 1981; Landy & Farr, 1980; Muczyk & Gable, 1981; Schwab,
Heneman, & DeCotiis, 1975). This does not mean that a researcher or a practitioner can be
cavalier about the selection of a format or other scale characteristics when developing a
performance appraisal scale. In fact, as all of the cited reviewers have noted, care in
development of the measurement scales is more important for the quality of the measure than is
the specific format or content chosen. The one lesson that the enormous literature on scale
development and scale characteristics has demonstrated is that there are right and wrong ways to
develop performance measurement scales. This section will focus on the literature supporting
these prescriptions for scale development, noting where research may be needed when the purpose
of measurement is for validation only.
In terms of scale development, it seems clear that the scales must be based, in some way, on
job descriptions (Cascio & Bernardin, 1981) and job task requirements (Cornelius, Hakel, &
Sackett, 1979; Rosinger et al., 1982.; Tosti, 1979). It also seems clear that the participation
and support of management (Beer, Ruh, Dawso', McCaa, & Kavanagh, 1978) improves the quality of
the developmental process and thus, the quality of the measurement. Although it is quite conanon
to include both raters and job incumbents in the scale development process, the evidence
supporting this approach is meager and indirect (Friedman & Cornelius, 1976; Williams & Seller,
1973). Most of the benefits derived trom rater and employee participation are a result of their
increased acceptance of the system. For validation purposes, acceptence of the system is
probably crucial if one expects to obtain accurate measures. Thus, it appears that both employee
and rater participation in scale development may be necessary.
Regarding scale content in general, there seems to be no clear resolution as to whether one ,
should use personal traits or performance dimensions only (Kavanaghl, 1971; Massey, Mullins, &
Earles, 1978). However, when job performance is the target domain to be measured, the only
conceptually appropriate content is performance dimensions. As Kavanagh (1982b) noted in a
review of some of the early research contrasting behavioral anchored rating scales (BARS) with
non-an:hored Graphic Rating Scales (e.g., Borman & Dunnette, 1975; Burnaska & Hollman, 1974;
Campbell, Dunnette, Arvey, & Hellervik, 1973; Keaveny & McGann, 1975; Maas, 1965), the critical
feature of the rating scale is how clearly the performance dimensions are described.
In the multitude of studies reviewed concerning development of alternative forms for the
measurement of job performance (Arvey & Hoyle, 1974; Beatty et al., 1977; Bernardin, 1977;
Bernardin, Alvares, & Cranny, 1976; Bernardln & Smith, 1981; DeCotils, 1977; Dickinson & Tice,
1977; Fay & Latham, 198Z; Finley, Osburn, Uubin, & Jeanneret, i977; Githens & Oister, 1973;
Ivancevich, 1980; King, Hunter, & Schmidt, 1980; Lathan & Wexley, 1977; Mullins, Weeks, &
Wilbourn, 1978; Nugent, Laabs, & Panell, 1982; Rizzo & Frank, 1977; Rosinger et al., 1982; Saal &
Landy, 1977; Schwartz, 1977; Seaton, 1974; Shapira & Shlrom, 1980; Siegel, 1982; Zedeck, Kafry, &
Jacobs, 1976), several rather strong conclusions emerged. First, the anchors or descriptors that
define performance levels on job dimensions must be observable job behaviors or accomplishments.
Second, these observables must be related to job-relevant tasks. Third, the scale must be
structured such that the rater can use it easily. Fourth, the format used is not as Important as
these other characteristics. Finally, if an overall measure of Job effectiveness is to be
collected, it should occur at the end of the form, after individual dimensions of Job performance
have been assessed.
Some experts (Kavanagh, 1980, 1982b; McAfee & Green, 1977) have argued that in selecting an
appraisal format, a broader class of criteria should be used in addition to the traditional
psychometric ones. McAfee & Green (1977) have contended that the various performance appraisal
formats available are differentially useful, depending on the purpose of the measurement. For
validation purposes, they suggested that direct indexes (objective or administrative measures
such as AWOL rate), weighted checklists, forced choice, or other variations on rating scales can
be appropriate. Kavanagh (1980, 1982b) listed 19 different criteria that could be important in
choosing a scaling format for the measurement of job performance. It seems important that these
additional criteria be carefully considered in the validation effort.
Also, at least one expert has shown that going beyond five scalar points does not increase
the reliability of the measures (Smith, 1976). However, there is also evidence (Finn, 1972) that
up to seven scalar points improves the quality of the measures in performance ratings. It seems
that the number of scalar points is not an important research issue as long as the scale contains
at least five. However, the decision to have more scalar points should not be based on
psychometric properties alone. There may be other important reasons such as improving rater
acceptance of the form.
Two other important research issues remaining to be resolved concern scale content and the
scale development process itself.
The content issue involves such questions as: Are 10 to 12 performance dimensions adequate
to cover the job performance criterion space? Are there performance dimensions that are common
to all jobs within an Air Force Specialty (AFS)? There is some evidence that there may not be
universal dimensions for job performance (Feild & Holley, 1975), and that different raters may
define the job performance criterion space differently (Borman, 1974; Taylor & Wilsted, 1974;
Zedeck, Imparato, Drausz, & Oleno, 1974).
Based upon the literature, and the authors' experience in building performance measurement
systems, several hypotheses have been formed concerning this :ontent issue. First, many jobs
contain two general categories of performance dimensions, technical skills and job-relevant
personal and interpersonal skills. Second, there are a number of universal job dimensions that
are common to all enlisted jobs; for example, combat readiness and communications skills.
However, the way in which persons in different jobs perform their job-relevant tasks may be quite
different. To take a simple example, the communication skills required for effective job
performance as an aircrew mechanic would be decidedly different from those for a crew chief or a
clerical job. Third, the number of job dimensions required to cover adequately the job
performance criterion space is probably not more than 12 for non-supervisory positions and 15 for
supervisory positions. Obviously, the speculations voiced here need to be empirically verified.
Finally, a number of authors have raised questions about the techniques typically used to
develop rating scales (Bernardin & Kane, 1980; Dickinson & Tice, 1977; Kane & Bernardin, 1982;
Kavanagh & Duffy, 1978; Latham, Saari, & Fay, 1980; Schwab et al., 1975; Shapira & Shirom,
1980). The development of behavior-based rating scales starts with the generation of "critical
incidents" of job-relevant behaviors and accomplishments. These are usually collected from job
incumbents; however, they could be collected from supervisors, job knowledge experts, or peer
employees in parallel but different positions. When a performance measurement system is to be
used for validation purposes, a crucial research question is: Which of these sources of critical
incidents will lead to development of the most accurate measurement scale. As a second step,
behavior-based rating scale development typically Involves a second set of judgments or a
statistical clustering to determine which are the best critical incidents and job performance
dimensions to put into the final rating form. Again, the research issue is which of these
various techniques will result in the most accurate performance measure for use in validation
research. These are important research issues for the rating and WTPT methods being coiidered
for AFHRL.
3.6 Environmental Context, Non-Work Variables, Performance Constraints,
and Organization/Unit Norms
There is ample evidence that environmental and situational factors can affect the quality of
performance measures (Borman, 1978; McCall & DeVries, 1976; Schwab et al., 1975; Scott & Hamner,
1975; Turnage & Muchinsky, 1982). There is also evidence of the impact on measurement quality of
specific situational variables such as unit norms (Grey & Kipnis, 1976), situational constraints
(Peters, Fisher, & O'Connor, 1982; Peters & O'Conaor, 1980; Peters, O'Connor & Rudolf, 1980), and
social cortxt (Knowlton & Mitchell, 1980; Mitchell & Liden, 1982; Wood & Mitchell, 1981). Among
the non-work variables, there is documented evidence that marital happiness and environmental
stressors such as duration on task directly ir.,pact job performance (e.g., Rose, Jenkins, & Hurst,
1978; Sharit & Salvendy, 1982; Wilkinson, 1969).
Some research must also be con(lucted to ensure that the final measurement system is not being
adversely affected by social context or the existence of unit or organizational norms. Because --
of the importance of organizational and unit norms in the military, these variables shouldi
receive particular attention.
The notion that confusing administrative procedures and instructions to raters will diminish
the quality of the measures can be inferred from the literature. It seems apparent that the
clarity of presentation and the administrative procedures for scales with observable job-relevant
behaviors has led to the relative success of this type of format. Two major efforts involving
the development, implementation, and evalvation of performance measurement systems (Beer et al.,
1978; Kavanagh, DeBiasi, Hedge, & Miller, 1983) provide indirect evidence oa the Importance of
these variables. In both efforts, the importance of a public relations program to "pre-sell" the
performance measurement system was emphasized. They also noted the importance of forwis
management, clarity of instructions to raters, and ensuring the administrative procedures for the
measurement system were consistent with other personnel procedures in the organization. Although
the literature generally has paid little, if any, attention to these variables, it is believed
they are crucially important to the acceptance and accuracy of a performance measurement system
for validation purposes. Because the AFIIRL system must, at some point, be used fnr large-scale
data collection, the importance of these variables is amplified.
Finally, as noted previously, it may be possible to minimize error variance by the use of
instructions or public relations. For example, a public relations program whirh emphasizes that
the performance measurement system is for validation research only, and that raters should
disregard the organizational norms that predispose raters to judge everyone an "8" or a "9," may
be effective in minimizing this potential source of error. Likewise, clear instructions to
raters to not let off-the-job factors influence their evaluations of employees may be sufficient
to control for this potential error source. It seems clear that this type of research will be
necessary if the performance measurement system is to generate accurate ratings.
This is one of the most important linkages in the classification scheme in Figure 3. Though
most of the research reviewed deals with rater training, the principles are equally applicable to
observer training in the WTPT method. However, observer training is not seen to nave as many
research issues as rater training since observer training is much longer, more under the control
of the researcher, and can thus do a better job of eliminating problems that negatively affect
the quality of ratings.
Although rater training does not Alway significantly impact measurement quality, most
empirical studies show positive effects of training on both the traditional psychometric concerns
and accuracy (Bernardin, 1978; Bernardin & Pence, 1980; Bernardin & Walter, 1977; Borman, 1975,
1979b; Brown, 1968; Fay & Latham, 1982; Hedge, 1982; Ivancevich, 1979; Latham, Wexley, & Pursell,
1975; Levine & Butler, 1952; Sauser & Pond, 1981; Spool, 1978; Stockford & Bissell, 1949; Taylor
& Hastman, IS56; Thornton & Zorich, 1980; Warmke & Billings, 1979; Zedeck & Cascio, 1982).
Clearly, it is not necessary to conduct research to determine if rater training should be a part
of a performance measurement system; rather, the important research issues involve the specific
characteristics of the training.
Length of the training is a research issue. Although there is little evidence that strictly
applies to the accuracy criterion, the literature indicates that training sessions as short as 5
minutes can improve the quality of the ratings (Borman, 1975). Zedeck and Cascio (1982) trained
students over 5 contact hours using the typical "psychometric error" approach, and found no
effect on accuracy using the "paper people" approach. Hedge (1982), using real raters, fcund
significant effects on accuracy with a 2-hour trainirg session. Thus, the issue of length of
training has not been resolved, and may be complicated by the type of training given.
In those studies that used the traditional psychometric effects as the criteria of
measurement quality, it appears that participative techniques (group discussion, videotaping,
role playing) are better than lecture only. Training raters to maintain diaries appears to also
improve measurement quality (Bernardin & Walter, 1977). In those studies that used accuracy as
the criterion of measurement quality, it appears that the traditional "psychometric error"
training approach did not have a positive effect (Hedge, 1982; Zedeck & Cascio, 1982).
However, training raters to be better oLservers (Hedge, 1982; Thornton & Zorich, 1980) or
better decislcn makers (Hedge, 1982) has been shown to have positive effects on the accuracy of
the measures. Though not extensive, the evidence certainly suggests an important research issue
for rater training.
A research issue that has received no attention is who should do the training. For
large-scale data collection in the Air Force, it may be impractical to use personnel
psychologists to train all raters. It may be possible to use senior enlisted personnel as
trainers at their respective bases with no loss in terms of the quality and effectiveness of the
training. This Issue will obviously have critical implications for AFHRL's validation research
A final issue in rater training (and observer training) is possible "wash-out" effects of
training. Even with lengthy and intensive training sessions, raters return to making the same
errors they did before training (Ivancevich, 1979; Latham et al., 1975). There has been no
research on "booster" or refresher training of raters or obrervers, and this would also seem an
important research question.
Of the five intervening variables shown in Figure 3, the two cognitive variables were
discussed earlier; thus, the discussion in this section will focus on the acceptability, trust,
and rater motivation issues. Research has shown that the acceptability of performance appraisals
and appraisal systems can significantly impact measurement quality (Dipboye & dePontbriand, 1981;
Kavanagh & Hedge, 1983; Landy et al., 1978). When a performance measurement system is being used
for validation research, user confidence that accurate judgments can be made about job
performance may affect measurement quality. This issue needs to be resolved through empirical
Rater motivation has been essentially ignored by performance appraisa• researchers. This may
be the result of a general belief that individual differences do not exist across raters in their
motivation to rate accurately. Although DeCotiis and Petit (1978) incorporated rater motivation
as an important part of their model of the appraisal process, they cited only Taft's (1971)
theory of interpersonal judgments as support for the inclusion of this variable in the model.
Recently, Bernardin and his colleagues (Bernardin & Cardy, 1982; Bernardin, Orban, & Carlyle,
1981) have focused on rater motivation, but only in terms of how it might be affected by the
level of trust a rater has in the appraisal system.
It is hypothesized that there are differences in motivation and trust in the appraisal system
across raters. In addition, it seems logical that appraisal accuracy may be affected by the
interaction of motivation or trust and such system characteristics as purpose of appraisal,
administrative procedures used, and appraisal format. For example, rater motivation to provide
accurate ratings may be higher when ratings are gathered for research purposes rather than for
administrative or developmental purposes. In addition, for a "research purposes only" system,
rater motivation to rate accurately may depend on the administrative procedures/public relations
used in implementing the system. These and other similar issues nerd to be resolved empirically.
As discussed in Chapter I, the major objective of the classification scheme and literature
review was to provide guidelines for specifying research needs in developing a performance
measurement system for validation research in the military. Implications for research will be of
two major types: (a) specification of areas where research is not needed; that is, where the
literature provides prescriptive advice on system characteristics; and (b) specification of areas
where further research is needed; that is, where the empirical evidence is inconclusive.
We have taken a conservative approach to accepting that a given system characteristic will
impact on accuracy, especially when evidence relates only to the impact of the other rating
quality indicators. On the other hand, where there are a number of studies examining a
particular system characteristic, and the results are consistent across studies, it will be
concluded that no further research is needed, even though accuracy was not used to assess
measurement quality. These reconmmendations will be based on the judgment that the empirical
evidence is strong enough to warrant generalizing to the accuracy criterion, and further, that
the cost of the research would be a waste of resources. In any case, we have recommended that
research be conducted in those important areas where we believe there to be inadequate empirical
It seems clear that rater/observer individual differences will affect measurement quality.
of the
Some variables shown to be related to measurement quality are the personal characteristics
the rater as an observer (Murphy, 1982), carefulness and
raters (Borman, 1979b), accuracy of
1979), learned associations among sets of behavioral and
decisiveness (Mullins et al.,
and interpersonal trust (Kavanagh, Vance, & Wright,
personality descriptors (Hakel, 1974),
1982). Although cognitive complexity, as commonly measured, is not related to measurement
are not; dividing
quality (Bernardin & Cardy, 1981), this does not mean that cognitive processes
decision processess, as done in the conceptual model, has some
them into observational and
The literature strongly supports the importance of cognitive
support in the literature.
processes in performance measurement; and the work of Hedge (1982) on decision processes
well as Murphy's (1982) work on observational processes and accuracy,
accuracy in ratings, as
indicates these are avenues to pursue.
for the
Not all of the research directions suggested by the literature are relevant
to be used only
development of a measurement methodology for job performance, particularly one
select raters on
for validation purposes. For examrple, Borman's (1980) suggestion that we should
project, but
individual differences that are related to rating quality is an intriguing research
one that may not be feasible or beneficial for the Air Force research project.
the cognitive
A major research effort should be concerned with the relationship between
processes (heuristics) involved in observing and judging. Research in this area should be
sequential. The first step would be to determine if different observation and decision processes
The next step
are differentially related to accuracy of performance ratings and/or observations.
to use these
is to determine if rater/observer training can effectively teach raters/observers
The work of Hedge
processes. This research effort could be quite important to the WTPT method.
and their relationship to
(1982) would seem a good starting point to explore both processes
in selecting
Some of the earlier cited research on individual differences might be useful
Evidence -ndicates that s ind•v•dual differenpes dn affect the accuracy of
WTPT observ.r..
To ey,•ure high fidelity in the WTPT
both observations and judgments about human performance.
that records the data (the observer)
method, it will be necessary to be sure that the instrument
select observers.
is a source of only minimal error. Thus, it might be quite appropriate to
However, selecting raters may be more difficult.
The study by Murphy (1982) relating observational accuracy to rating (judgment)
some interesting implications for research.
although limited in terms of the sample used, has
measurement for research purposes only, it can
If, within the military setting using performance
related to rating accuracy, then it may be
be established that observational accuracy is strongly
how accurate raters are likely to be in assessing
possible to use observation tests to evaluate
methods (unless training can modify them); however, they may form the basis of selection of
observers in the WPTP method.
Other variables that are important to the accuracy of both the rater and the observer are
-their knowledge of the job and the degree of acquaintance with the job incumbent. Rater/observer
understanding of the job is clearly important for rating quality. The degree of acquaintance
between rater and ratee will be discussed in the next section.
Even when performance measurement is for research purposes only, rater-ratee relationships
would be expected to impact the quality of the measures.
- From the literature review, it is apparent that the rater's familiarity with the ratee's
previous performance (Jackson & Zedeck, 1982; Scott & Hamner, 1975), as well as the rater's
acquaintance with the ratee (Freeberg, 1968), will impact the quality of the measurement. This
would seem to be one of the most important areas of needed research for both the WTPT method and
the peer and supervisory .ating methods. For the WTPT process, it means that observers should
probably be selected who are not knowledgeable about ratees' previous performance. Degree of
acquaintance is an area needing research. It appears that observers need to become acquainted
with the ratee's job performance in terms of relevant behaviors and/or accomplishments. However,
-as the literature indicates, too much acquaintance with the ratee can lead to bias in the ratings
-(typically halo). The crucial research question for WTPT observers is how much behavior they
need to observe to make an accurate judgment about job performance. There would appear to be an
optimum point (or a range' in terms of the amount of information about job performance required
to make accurate evaluations. Too little information will lead to errors of deficiency; too much
information may lead to biases. - ;
From the literature, it is known that sex, race, and age can impact on the quality of
judgmental data (e.g., Bigoness, 1976; Hamner et al., 1974; Nieva & Gutek, 1980). However, not
all laboratory or field studies found these effects (Cascio & Phillips, 1979); in field studies
such as those of Mobley (1982) and Wendelken & Inn (1981), only about 4% of the variance was due
to these effects. Whether the same effects will occur when the measurement -is made for
validation purposes is unknown, but this is clearly a research issue. Possible ways to minimize
these effects are through training and through effective scale construction that focuses on
relevant performance behaviors. The letter epproach See!"S an annr-riate reeearch area for the
Air Force.
For the WTPT method, it will be necessary to determine if there are sex, race, or age effects
on the quality of the evaluations. Further, the extent of any observer-ratee interaction on
these variables should be determined. Finally, for both the ratings and the WTPT method, it will
be necessary to determine if there are sex effects on measurement quality when there is sex role
incongruity, particularly for females in non-traditional job specialties.
In this proposed program of research, recall that the focus is on the following measurement
methods of job performance: (a) supervisory ratings, (b) peer ratings, (c) self ratings, (d)
WTPT, and (e) objective indices of productivity. The first three are well known. WTPT, a new
method developed specifically for this project, combines both observer interviewing and hands-on
methodologies. Test items will be constructed to evaluate performance on the required tasks for
enlisted specialties. Test administrators, trained to use these scales, will examine job
incumbents by asking them to perform these tasks, or answer specific content questions concerning
the tasks. The job incumbent's behavior or answers will then be recorded on a rating checklist.
Thus, this method will examine job performance at a micro level.
As discussed earlier, it is believed that the performance criterion space for many jobs
consists of two major parts--technical competence and job-relevant interpersonal skills. Both
are necessary for effective job performance. However, no single measurement method is able to
accurately assess both parts equally well. In fact, it is hypothesized that the different
measurement methods assess different parts of the criterion space with varying degrees of
The first, and perhaps, most critical research task is to specify these hypothesized
relationships among the measurement methods and the dimensions of job performance within the
criterion space. This will involve the generation of an "expected" correlation matrix within the
multitrait-multimethod scheme. In line with various recommendations in the scientific literature
(e.g., Feldman, 1981; Nunnally, 1978) that a priori conceptualizations must drive research
programs, this is seen as a high priority task early in the research program; however, empirical
testing of this nomological net will not occur until much later in the research program,
Obviously, the measurement methods must be developed through research efforts such that there is
reasonable certainty that the methods are accurately ass..essing the portion of the criterion space
for which they are intended.
This research task would involve an intensive examination of the literature on measurement
methods and specific dimensions of performance. Although we covered much of the literature in
the present effort, our purpose was simply to identify those measurement methods that have been
used with success. A more intensive literature search would be needed to form hypotheses about
what specific portions of the criterion space are being accurately measured by the specific
The literature and past experience suggest there are a set of common job dimensions that
apply to most jobs, and that successful performance on these common dimensions probably changes
across job families and job levels. For example, the job-relevant social skills for an aircraft
mechanic would be expected to differ from those for clerical specialties and for supervisory
jobs. Although communications skills are required in each, the job behaviors and performance
standards would be different for the three jobs. Kavanagh et al. (1983) found this pattern of
similar dimensions of performance (with differing content within dimensions) across job families
in developing a performance measurement system for a multi-hospital corporation. It is
reasonable to expect to find such a pattern in the development of the performance measurement
methodology for the Air Force. This research effort will be concerned with reviewing the
literature to identify an initial set of common job dimensions that can be used to generate a
nomological net of relationships among method-dimension measures.
It has been shown that each of the five methods being considered within this research program
accurately assesses some portion of the criterion space. Thus, none of these methods should be
abandoned early in the research program; rather, research should be aimed at determining how to
refine these methods so that they achieve a high degree of fidelity in measuring their respective
portions of the criterion space. It is important that these miethods be evaluated within an
,-. . .. . ~
-. .i... . i -
accuracy paradigm, whether that be via mndtitrait-multimethod, "paper people," or videotapes with
true scores. The traditional measures of measurement quality should also be collected; however,
all research within this program must use at least one accuracy measure to evaluate the quality
of measurement. This is not only important conceptually; it is crucial if one wants to
generalize results across the various research projects. The establishment of specific,
acceptable research paradigms using an accuracy criterion is critical to the success of this
entire program of research.
A good organizational plan would be to treat the five measurement methods as separate streams
of research, each with decision points to "stop," "modify," or "continue." Of course, there will
be a point in the research program where AFHRL will begin to integrate these methods into a
measurement methodology for job performance. Thus, one could envision these streams of research
as the rows in a matrix describing the total research program, with the columns representing
research activities or tasks within the streams. One could then establish decision points within
each stream as to the quality of the method.
1. Both raters and ratees should be involved in the development of the scale content.
4. It is crucial to have visible, top management support for the research program.
This is the linkage in the classification scheme about which the most empirical research and
fairly clear prescriptive advice exist, as follows:
2. There should be at least five scale points for the rater/observer to make a judgment.
Although reliability does not increase much beyond five scale points, having a larger number of
points may increase raters' acceptability of the scale. It would probably be wise to avoid a
nine-point scale because of its similarity to the current operational measurement system. Thus,
a five- or seven-point scale should be used. And, it is important that scales across the methods
use the same number of scalar points.
4. The type of format used is not as crucial as the other characteristics described above.
5. An overall measure of effectiveness should be collected, probably at the end of the form,
after the individual dimensions of performance have been assessed. This should be done with the
rating methods and the WTPT method.
In terms of needed research, the content issue raised in the "Measurement Methods" section
should be a priority. Identification of common dimensions across jobs and a general mapping of
the criterion space for Air Force AFSs will be important. Research, in coordination with an
intensive literature search to identify common performance dimensions, should help to better
identify the needed content for the measurement scales. Other work within AFHRL, such as
research on skill, difficulty, and aptitude requirements for various AFSs may be applicable for
identifying the performance dimensions needed to adequately measure the criteron space.
Coordination of these research efforts should remain an AFHRL responsibility.
Performance standards are an important part of this measurement methodology. A perf ormance
standard establishes a specific level, in terms of observables, at which a job incumbent must
perform to be classified "acceptable," "unsatisfactory," etc. Performance standards also have
important implications for scale development. It may be that we do not need performance
standards, since we are measuring for validation purposes only; the important thing here is to
accurately rank-order job incumbents according to their performance levels. Performance
standards are not needed to accomplish this. On the other hand, use of standards right increase
user acceptance of the scales. This is clearly an unresolved issue which needs scome attention in
this research program.
For the walk-through testing method, the research issue is how scales are to be developed
such that observers can make objective judgments about a person's level of performance on job
tasks. The issue becomes one of generating levels of performance on specific tasks that can be
observed and coded in an objective manner that will define differing levels of performance. ihis
appears to be close to t~he performance standards issue raised here, and the resolution may be
research aimed at determining which group(s) of persons (job knowledge experts, etc.) are best
qualified to provide input for development of the observer scales and performance standards.
From the limited research reviewed in this linkage of the schema (Grey t. Kipnis, 1976;
Knowlton & Mitchell, 1980; Mitchell & Llden, 1982; Wiood & Mitchell, 1981), it appears that social
context contributes to error variance. Since none of the studies involvedi validation research,
it may be that the effects of social context will not occur, or will be greatly minimized, in a
validation effort. Using the laboratory paradigm discussed earlier in relation to age, race, and
sex effects, the effects of social context could also be investigated. This would seem to be an
important research project for the Air Force program, If these effects are present in a
research-only context, then research must determine how to eliminate these errors when data are
Interpersonal skills may also impact the evaluation of technical skills in the WTPT method.
This possibility could be easily addressed in a laboratory study. By creating an experimental
situation where the ratees are approximately equal in job skills but quite different in their
interpersonal dealings with the observer, it would be possible to assess the impact of
interpersonal skills on the judgments of technical competence. If the WTPT method is to have the
highest fidelity of all methods for assessing technical skills, then there should be research to
determine if the interpersonal interactions between the job incumbent and the observer are
affecting the observer's judgments. If this is so, then research will be needed to help
eliminate these errors.
Non-work variables include marital status, religion, pre-school children in the family, a
working spouse, and stress events. Based on the job-related stress literature, it seems clear
that these variables do impact on job performance, but it is not at all clear that they influence
ratings of job performance. These variables tend to be taken into account by supervisors in
completing their ratings. That is, when there are non-work events that have a temporary effect
on an Individual's job performance, raters usually adjust for these factors. One way to minimize
non-work factors is to instruct the raters to consider the person's performance over a longer
period of time. Past experience indicates that this Is likely to "factor out" the conte•nanting
influences of non-work variables; however, this still needs empirical testing. Also, this may be
a more serious problem with the WTPT method. If, for example, a person is having a problem at
home and this has temporarily reduced his or her job performance, the observer will not know to
adjust for that factor. It may be necessary for the observer to collect information from the
supervisor on these possible effects before collecting job performance data.
As the literature indicates, performance constraints can also affect the individual
performance of job incumbents. As with non-work variables, raters typically take these
constraints (machines, supplies, forms, etc.) into consideration when evaluating an individual.
These factors pose the most serious threat to the WTPT method. Thus, any research on this method
should take these variables into consideration. 4
4.10 Organization/Unit Norms
This variable has a particularly large impact on rating quality when the ratings are used for
administrative purposes. Though this may not be an issue if the measures are collected for
research validation only, it will be crucial that the purpose of the ratings be clearly and
strongly communicated to the raters. This may become troublesome for large-scale data
collection. It may mean the use of a public relations campaign and strongly worded instructions
to the raters that the data are being collected for research purposes only. This may be not so
much a research issue as a practical issue.
The issue of effectively communicating the purpose also impacts on the packaging of the
performance rating materials. These materials need to be packaged and presented in such a way
that the purpose and procedures are completely understandable to the raters. Frequently error is
introduced in performance appraisals simply because raters do not understand the instructions.
There is little evidence on this issue in the scientific literature; however, it Is believed that
it can be a major source of error in the performance ratings.
Although there is little research in these areas, it has been noted several times in this
report that these factors play an important role when large-scale data collection is being
conducted for research purposes. This should be an area of continuing concern throughout the
developmental phases of the various methods, particularly so later in the research program.
The literature rather consistently indicates that some type of rater training is needed to
ensure high quality ratings. This training can be quite elaborate, involving videotaping and
experiential learning, or it can be more simple, consisting essentially of instructions to avoid
certain rating errors. In the present context, it may be possible to provide orientation
training to senior enlisted personnel in the proper use of the rating form. It may be that
accurate measures can be obtained with relatively simplistic training. This is clearly a
research issue, and one that needs to be investigated using accuracy as the primary dependent
variable. Obviously, for large-scale data collection, using on-site trainers with relatively
short orientation sessions would be the most desirable from a cost-effectiveness standpoint.
The work by Hedge (1982) indicates that if more extensive training is necessary to increase
accuracy, alternative training approaches to traditional upsychometric error" training must be
investigated. This effort should come as a second step in the research program. For example,
the following rater treatments might be tested: (a) no training, instructions only; (b)
orientation training and instructions; (c) psychometric error training, orientation, and
instructions; (d) observation training, orientation, and instructions; and (e) decision-making,
orientation, and instructions. Although this is a rough design, it emphasizes the point that
research must be conducted to determine which of these or other procedures can best improve the
accuracy of the ratings for validation purposes. This research can use either "paper people" or
videotapes with "true" scores in a laboratory setting for the initial work.
which of these techniques will best counter the error effects of these factors. Where possible,
research studies should be conducted to help make these decisions.
Two other important training research issues need to be investigated: duration of training
and uwash-out" effects. In terms of the length of the training session, there is little in the
literature to suggest a minimum amount of time necessary to effect substantial improvement in
accuracy. This probably depends to a great extent on the content of the training. Training
sessions as short as 5 minutes can improve the quality of ratings but are not as effective as
1-hour training sessions. At least one study has shown that accuracy can be improved with a
2-hour training session. Obviously, this issue is far from settled, and it is a critical one for
large-scale data collection. The length of training is a direct cost item. Tangentially, in
terms of cost, research should also be conducted to determine if on-site enlisted personnel can
be used as trainers, rather than using professional trainers. Though this may mean the creation
of training manuals and sessions to train the trainers, the cost savings over using professional
trainers are enormous.
The literature documenting wash-out effects has shown that even with intensive and lengthy
training sessions, raters return to making the same errors they did prior to training. There has
been no research on "booster" or refresher training, and this would seem to be an important
research issue. This research could easily be a follow-on study to the training research study
described earlier. The experimental subjects would simply be randomly assigned to either a
refresher or no-refresher training condition after 6 months. Results would indlcate the
usefulness of refresher training for improving rating quality.
Training for the WTPT observers should be based on the sources of error variance identified
in previous research in this program. Training will probably need to be intensive to bring
observers to a high level of accuracy in their observations and judgments.
In the classification scheme depicted in Figure 3 are five process variables which may impact
on the quality of the measurement- (a) observation heuristics, involving the input and storage
of performance information; (b) decision heuristics, involving weighing information and making a
judgment about a level of performance; (c) rater motivation; (d) rater trust in the appraisal
process; and (e) acceptability of the measurement system.
Hedge, In press; Landy, Barnes, & Murphy, 1978) indicates these can be important determinants of
rating quality. All of this research was conducted either in a laboratory or a field setting
using operational measures of job performance. The extent to which these variables will operate
in a system used for research purposes only is unknown at this time. It would appear that
laboratory research would be a first step to determine if these variables can affect the accuracy
of the measures. It would then be critical to collect field data in follow-up research. These
variables are seen as high priority items, particularly if it is possible through training to
alter these processes and significantly improve the accuracy of the measures.
Several important methodological issues which seemed to be quite releyantr but did not fit
neatly into any of the linkages of the schema remain to be discussed.
The first issue concerns the ways in which the accuracy of the measures of job performance
are assessed. Though the other criteria for evaluating the quality of the measure (see Table 1)
will typicaliy be collected in all research projects, the crucial issue revolves around the
selection of an accuracy approach. The four approaches to the accuracy/construct validity
criterion are: (a) the multitrait-multimethod analysis (Kavanagh et al., 1971); (b) videotapes
of performance, with knowr true scores (Borman, Hough, & Dunnette, 1976); (c) "paper people,"
with known true scores (Zedeck & Cascio, 1982); and (d) specification of expected score
distributions on an a priori basis, as discussed in the introduction of this report. Two obvious
questions are: (a) Are they the same; that is, will the same conclusions be reached about the
accuracy of the measure regardless of the accuracy approach used? and (b) Should research be
conducted within a laboratory setting to evaluate each of these?
A second issue concerns the "paper people" and videotape approaches. Can the materials
created by other investigators be used within the military context to assess the accuracy of
ratings? If not, then research must be started to create new videotapes and/or "paper people,
that are specific to the military. For example, it may be necessary to create videotapes of
aircraft mechanics engaged in job behaviors that vary in terms of true scores. Or, it may be
necessary to create videotapes and/or "paper people" depicting military supervisors (or
inciumbents in other jobs).
The third issue is closely allied to the second, If the decision is made to use videotapes
or "paper people" created by other investigators, will it be necessary to re-establish true score
profiles using military rater-experts? Do the true scores for these materials generalize across
organizations, particularly when there are important dIfferences between military and
non-military settings? Obviously, if materials are created that are specific to the military
only, true scores will be generated by military rating experts, presumably subject-matter experts
or supervisors. If these materials are created for military jobs, they could also be used to
evaluate and train the observers in the WTPT method.
The last issue is a most critical one. Careful control must be exercised over the research
conducted in this program. If specific approaches to the accuracy criterion are used, they need
to hb ,,co1din all researrh studies;. This. would also holdL trup if nthpr rrIterIa are uied to
evaluate the quality of the measures of job performance. Consistency is critical if the results
of these separate research projects are to be combined to arrive at operational aecislons about
the construction of the measurement methodology for this total effert. Requiring a standard
paradigm, as opposed to having each investigation "re-invent the wheel," could also result in
significant cost savings. In sum, this argues for a research program that builds on earlier work
to arrive at the most scientific and cost-effective measurement methodology for job performance
in the military.
As has been noted several times ýn this report, the purpose of this program of research is to
develop a measurement methodology for job performance in the military. This research focus has
guided our thinking and will shape the research priorities that are established. It has guided
our development of a classification schteme and our selection of accuracy as the principal
dependent measure. It is believed this measure is necessary if one is to choose with confidence
the best criterion, or criteria, to validate Air Force selection and classification tests.
Having underscored the purpose a d focus, what follows is a proposed systematic approach to
researching the key issues in the i easurement of job performance. While this section is intended
to highlight needed research, it s not intended to detail specific research projects for each
one listed in Section IV (Reseai)h Implications). A more detailed presentation of research
issues and possible soluLions is presented in Appendix A.
Decisions about the development and use of various measures of performance, and the possible
relationships between these measures, are of primary concern. Consequently, a number of
measurement techniques will be evaluated in terms of their ability to measure job performance
accurately. Because it is anticipated that no single available measure of job performance will
accurately assess the entire criterion space, a top research priority is to identify which
methods accurately measure which parts of the criterion space.
Initial efforts in this area require a riori specification of the nomological network. In
addition, part of this effort should include a more detailed look at the dimensions of
performance used within methods across studies, across methods within studies, and across
dimensions and Studies. The product of this research will be a multimethod-multidimension matrix
tied to measurement of the criterion space. This line of research supports other segments of the
project discussed in Section 5.3 (Research Paradigm Issues).
A related research issue of equally high importance involves empirically testing this
hypothesized nomological net. Once the desired measurement methods are developed and refined,
the postulated relationships can be experimentally tested. This resedrch should take place inf
the later stages of the research project.
Research should also focus on the development of alternate Job performance measures. As
previously noted, the walk-through testing results will serve as the reference point against
which more global and less expensive measures will be compared to select the measure(s) to be
used operationally.
Research on scale development and scale characteristics receives a high priority rating, not
because of the amount of unsolved questions, but because of the urgency associated with scale
development. Although there are well-established guidelines (as noted in Sections III and IV), a
wide range of alternative job performance measures must be developed in order to compare
different performance measures with the walk-through testing procedure. These should include
peer, supervisory, and self performance ratings, and should range from ratings of general
performance to highly specialized, task-specific measures.
Experience ratings need to be obtained from incumbents to help moderate confounding effects.
The experience measures will be particularly important to moderate the ratings, since it will not
be possible to tailor the rating forms to each job incumbent. At best, the rating forms can be
written for job types within specialties. In any event, the specialties should be the same AFSs
as those used in the walk-through testing approach.
Research conducted during this developmental phase should focus on issues such as the number
of dimensions/items required to optimize accuracy, and the degree of content overlap across
dimensions, jobs, and specialties. Although this work is not a high priority or the importance
continuum, the need to develop rating scales and the WTPT method in conjunction in the same AFSs
elevates this research to a top priority on the urgency continuum.
A major research focus must be how to operationalize and apply the accuracy criterion as
various research issues are confronted. Though other criteria (e.g., reliability, psychometric
effects) will be collected, the crucial issue revolves around the selection of an accuracy
approach. As noted in Section IV, there are at least four main paradigms available
(multitrait-multimethod analysis, videotapes, "paper people," and expected score distributions on
an a priori basis).
Whenever possible, a combination of approaches should be used to measure accuracy. Both the
a priori specification of expected score distributions and the post hoc multitrait-multimethod
analyses should be used as frequently as possible because of their direct link to the
hypothesized nomological net, and the eventual empirical testing of the criterion space
conceptualization. However, it is believed that the best single approach to assessing the
accuracy of the measuring devices is the videotape approach.
This method affords several advantages. First, because this approach is based on the
development of scripts depicting varying levels of performance on different dimensions, the level
of performance can be easily manipulated (as can variables such as environmental setting, sex/age
of ratee, type of task being viewed, etc.). Also, normative true scores will be generated, and
thus, it will be known on an a priori basis exactly where on the scale a rater should be rating.
In addition, the level of specificity (i.e., task, job, AFS) of each tape can be varied depending
on the purpose and focus of measurement. " 1 I
Videotapes should be developed for a number of AFSs, using Air Force personnel or
professional actors portraying Air Force personnel. Every effort should be made to make the
tapes as similar to on-the-job conditions as possible. Once developed and validated, data
collection will be accomplished in the field using actual military raters.
The use of videotaped vignettes will also be beneficial in answering other important
performance measurement research issues. For example, in deciding on the type of training to
give observers/,.'ters of behavior, the videotapes can provide the standardized performance
against which to Judge the effectiveness of training. Also, videotapes of individuals being
evaluated in a WTPT situation would provide an excellent mechanism, for giving observation
training to test administrators. Other specific issues that might be addressed include: (a) the
amount of observable behavior required before a rater/observer can make an accurate decision
about level of performance, (b) how a rater's prior knowledge of the ratee (job-related or not)
affects the accuracy of ratings, and (c) the best number of dimensions or items to be used with a
mwmW I
particular measurement method in order to optimize the ability of the rater/observer to rat"Z
Finally, the a priori specification of expected score distributions and the multitrait-
multimethod construct validity analyses should also be included whenever possible, to gain
additional insight -into the accuracy of measurement. Traditional psychometric measures should
also be included in any data collection effort. However, the videotape approach to measurement
accuracy is considered a cornerstone of this entire project and as such, is rated high on both
urgency and importance.
This section represents an attempt to "pull together" research questions whose specific focus
is the identification of possible sources of error variance. Most of these issues are rated no
more than average on either the urgency or importance continuum.
A large part of the discussion in Section IV that dealt with variables such as rater
characteristics, rater/ratee relationships, social context, non-work variables, performance
constraints, and intervening variables, focused on issues related to error variance. Therefore,
pnly a few issues of importance will be discussed here.
For example, one issue of concern involves the purpose of our measurement -- validation
.research. Because the purpose for which ratings are to be collected may affect the degree to
which a rater is willing to provide accurate ratings, it may be that raters will perceive
validation research as having no negative consequences for them, and therefore, provide accurate
ratings. Thus, the variable of concern becomes one of the rater's trust in the uses,
consequences, and benefits of the data collection effort.
Another issue of concern involves the amount of behavior observed and how this affects a
rater's ability to ratU accurately. How much behavior must be observed before one can be
confident that the ratings are relatively accurate? Is there a point of diminishing returns?
These types of questions must be answered so that the rating scales developed, raters chosen, and
tne amount of time spent gathering information all contribute to the accuracy of the measurement.
Many other potential sources of error variance must also be accounted for, including
rater/ratee age, sex, and race congruence; the effects of various performance constraints on both
raters and ratees; and the effects of non-work variables on jub p•rfoitiare. Thes represe.nt
only a subset of the questions tc be answered.
1fter identifying sources of error variance, research must deal with the control or
elimination of at. least some sources of error variance. Although a number of contributors to
error variance will be controlled through standardizing procedures (randomization, equating,
etc.), a major research effort should be undertaken under the general heading of rater/observer
training. For instance, a traininn program (with a "public relations" focus) could be developed
that is aimed at increasing the accuracy of ratings by increasing the raters' motivation and
trust in the appraisal process. .,.
A much larger training effort should be initiated by the second o. third year of this
project, directed toward training raters/observers in ways that will increase, the accuracy of
their evaluations. Training to improve observational skills would seem most beneficial for WTPT,
while other types of training may be required for the supervisory, peer, ano self rating
methods. Small laboratory and/or field pilot studies will be required to nmake decisions
regarding length, type, and content of training prior to implementation.
Training is one of the major techniques that will be introduced to reduce error variance. In
addition, instructions to observers/raters, packaging of the forms, and public relations efforts
should be used. In terms of the scope of this project, training is important, but relatively
less urgent than identifying sources of error variance and developing the necessary measurement
Much of the initial research suggested here should also be repeated/refined as additional Air
Force specialties are incorporated into the research effort, particularly in the areas of scale
development, WTPT development, and development of the videotapes. As information and knowledge
are gained from initial work in these areas, it is anticipated that time required for development
will be significantly reduced.
In this program, the WTPT technique has been designated as the benchmark, high fidelity
method. Consequently, much time and effort will need to be focused on this technique in order to
close the credibility gap between actual and ultimate criteria.
The choice of accuracy as our measurement quality criterion is another major innovative
approach that characterizes this program of research. This approach is not typical of past
research efforts ii performance measurement, yet recent research findings have begun to raise
questions concerning the adequacy of the more traditional criteria of measurement quality.
Finally, the authors consider it essential that a job performance measurement system
4evelopment effort of this magnitude be undertaken in a systematic manner. The worth of the
system developed may be ultimately determined by the willingness of project personnel to
systematically plan, review, and evaluate research priorities and dirgctions durirg the course of
this program of research. " -
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The specific research issues and solutions included here are categorized
according to the headings identified in Section IV - Research Implications.
Each research issue is rated on nine-point scales of importance and urgency
(1-most important/urgent; 9-lea',t important/urgent). In addition, estimdted
start and completion dates fýr each research effort are included to help
"ground" the ratings within a 5-year R&D period.
N R T 0
-P G A M
.0 E R P
C 0
B) Solutions
1) Some of this research can be tagged on to other
efforts (and/or be in-house generated); e.g.,
questionnaire administered during early testing
of ratings/WTPT procedures to determine best way
to convey message that while effort Is for
research purposes only, it is important.
2) A more extensive effort would involve an
epxerimental design manipulating type and degree
of training, type of person administering tests,
and then measuring trust
N R T 0
o E R P
"R N 7 L
.T C E
N I !
_C 0
8) Solutions
1) Some information can be gained from existing
files (ASVAB scores, etc.)
2) Additional information can be obtained by
.comparing accuracy of different types/groups of
B) Solutions
1) Best way -- use developed videotapes with
normative target scores to assess accuracy
of raters with differing amounts of knowledge
of the job (lab and/or field setting)
2) Train observers on job content, etc. (maybe
using videotapes of WTPT with differing
levels of proficiency, varying amount of
information/length of training
a) Once agu k±,- ting 4. terms of impact' on
accuracy (;; feeds -itolater/Ratee II)
4M R T 0
0 E R P
C 0
B) Solutions
1) Test experimentally by manipulating degree of
acquaintance (determined by questionnaire) &
measuring amount of error variance in ratings
2) Use videotapes & manipulate degree of
acquaintance by amount of prior information ...
3) In relation to Issue #2, this may be a training
question & can be tagged on to other research on
reduction of error variance
B) Solutions
1) Post hoc data analyses (e.g., regression
analysis) to help determine, for instance,
how many dimensions/items are required
2) Uie yoenante I mAninulate amount of informa-
tion raters/observers receive and see how it
affects accuracy
31 Just ask raters how long it took/how many -"Y''
dimensions, etc.
M R T 0
0 E R P
A Y T.
N I ' • -":
C 0
measurement methods
A) Issues
1) A priori specification of the relationship 1 2 1 1
between measurement methods and the dimensions
of job performance within the criterion space
(what method measures what piece of the
criterion space; where Is the overlap, etc.)
2) Empirical test of the hypothesized nomological 2 10 5 5
network 5.
3) The WTPT procedure is envisioned as the 1 1 1 2
benchmark & high fidelity component of the
measurement methods. Therefore, research -
concerning refinement of approach, etc. will
be undertaken
B) Solutions
1) Literature review of methods used, criterion
space measured, etc., & theoretical development
of a measurement method by dimension matrix
2) Look at uniqueness of dimensions (i.e., when "- -'
we're validating ASVAB, do we need to validate
it against some sort of weighted checklist, or a
composite, develop a synthetic criterion. etc.?)
a) possibly use a policy-capturing approach
C Consequences
M R T 0
0 E R P
c o;•
B) Solutions
1) See characteristics IB & methods IB
C) Consequences
', __-
i . .' _ :• : :__ • _ • : _ __ " ' _
M R T 0
0 E R P
A Y T 2
o N I
C 0
B) Solutions ;.-> .:
1) Tag-on research -- see Rater/Ratee 1118
2) Manipulate interpersonal skills of ratee and
measure influences on rater/observer
b) this can be done in field, or with.vXidt ipes
M R T 0
0 E R P
C 0
A) , B) Issues & Solutions
se non-work variables .
M R T 0
0 E R P
C 0
B) Solutions
1)See Al
2) Assess by means of questionnaire(s) the
acceptability of the system
* ,(~iF-1~1 I F'k NI
rjI tNI- NH,(F)(j.I V0/17 761
7 J /6c