Fungi As Food
Fungi As Food
Fungi As Food
Soyabeans are fermented by fungi tion : Many tungi are used in the
like Rhizopus oryzae, R. oligospo commerCial production of enzymes
rus to prepare an easily diges and different organic acids. List ot
table and tasty food known as
"tempeh". some fungi along with produced
enzymes and/or acids and their
Several Indian foods such as jalebies, idli, uses are given:
murcha, papadam and toddy, are actually the
fermented products caused by severalfungi like Enzyme
Saccharomyces bayanus for jalebies; Tricho Organic acid Produced fungi Uses
(b) Bread and cake production 6. Itaconic acid Aspergillus terreus, Manufacture of syn
A. itaconicum thetic fibre and
During alcoholic fermentation by plasticisers.
yeast, CO, being released as bub
bles are used in baking industry to 4. Soil fertility : Decomposition of litter
make the breads and cakes as and wood, mainly in the forest, takes
spongy in appearance. place by the combined action of diffe
A) Cheese production :Some species of rent type of fungi. Fungi like Fusarium.
Penicillium (P. roqu/orti and P. Chaetomium, Chitridium, Penicillium.
camembert) are used in the produc Aspergillus etc., can decompose the
tion of Roquefort and Camembert structural polymers such as cellulose
cheese by hydrolysis of fats and also hemicellulose, lipid, protein, starch etc.
to develop specific flavour to The more recalcitrant (persistant) poly
cheese. mers like lignin are decomposed by
(d) Enzyme and organic acid produc white rot fungi of Basidiomycotina. By