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Jian-Feng Tu, MD PhD,1,2 Jing-Wen Yang, MD PhD,1 Guang-Xia Shi, MD PhD,1 Zhang-Sheng
Yu, PhD,3,4 Jin-Ling Li, MD PhD,1 Lu-Lu Lin, MD PhD,1 Yu-Zheng Du, MD,5 Xiao-Gang Yu,
MD PhD,6 Hui Hu, MD PhD,7 Zhi-Shun Liu, MD PhD,8 Chun-Sheng Jia, MD,9 Li-Qiong Wang,
PhD,1 Jing-Jie Zhao, MD,10 Jun Wang, MD PhD,11 Tong Wang, MD,12 Yang Wang, PhD,13
Tian-Qi Wang, MD PhD,1 Na Zhang, MD PhD,1 Xuan Zou, MD,1 Yu Wang, MD,2 Jia-Kai Shao
MD,2 Cun-Zhi Liu, MD PhD1,2
1 Acupuncture Research Center, School of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina, Beijing
University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China
2 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China
3 School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology and SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Biostatistics,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been
through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to
differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi:
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
4 Centre for Biomedical Data Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Accepted Article
5 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300112, China
6 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese and
Western Medicine, Beijing 100039, China
7 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of
Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100078, China
8 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Guang'an Men Hospital, China Academy of
Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China
9 Hebei University of Chinese Medicine, Heibei 050091, China
10 Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical
University, Beijing 100050, China
11 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of
Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China
12 Department of orthopedics, Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of
Chinese Medicine Sciences, Beijing 100700, China
13 School of Mathematical Sciences and SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Biostatistics, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University 200240, Shanghai, China
We are grateful for all the patients who consented to participate in the trial. We acknowledge
Tian-Hong Cui, MD, Beijing QiHuang Medicine Clinical Research Centre, for monitoring the
trial, Yang Wang, PhD, State Key Laboratory of Translational Cardiovascular Medicine, for
This trial was funded by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission
(D171100003217003) and Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals (XMLX201607). The
funders of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation,
or writing of the report. The corresponding author (Cun-Zhi Liu) had full access to all the data in
the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
Since no disease-modifying pharmaceutical agents have been approved, current KOA treatments
are mainly symptomatic. Exercise therapy is considered as one of the key elements for the
management of KOA; however, wide implementation and long-term adherence of exercise therapy
remain challenges (1). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely prescribed for
KOA; however, side effects of NSAIDs, like upper gastrointestinal tract bleed and worsening
kidney functions, limit their use on many occasions (4, 5). Additional treatments may include
eventual total knee replacement, but it has minimal effects on quality adjusted life years at the
group level (6). Identifying novel therapies for KOA, outside the common pharmacological agents
and eventual surgery, remains an important priority for research.
Although the number of acupuncture research studies on KOA has grown markedly (7), its
efficacy remains a subject of controversy (8-10). Factors contributing to this controversy likely
include the dose of acupuncture in previous trials. A systematic review suggests that higher
dosages of acupuncture are related to better treatment outcomes in KOA (11). Frequency of
acupuncture sessions is an important determinant of acupuncture dosage (12), and unfortunately, it
was inadequate in many of prior studies (less than 2 sessions per week) (13-15). Our recent trial
suggests that 3 sessions per week of acupuncture immediately improved knee pain and
dysfunction compared with 1 session per week and the benefits of 3 sessions per week persist
throughout the 16 weeks’ follow-up (16). Electro-acupuncture (EA) and manual acupuncture
Participants were recruited through a multi-modal strategy, including a social media networking
tool (WeChat), newspaper, patient database and posters at community service centers.
Participants, diagnosed with KOA according to the American College of Rheumatology clinical
criteria (20), were eligible if they were 45 to 75 years old; reported knee pain for longer than 6
months; had radiologic confirmation of osteoarthritis (Kellgren-Lawrence score II or III) (21); and
had a pain score of greater than 4 (range, 0-10; higher scores indicate greater pain) on the numeric
rating scale (NRS) (22). The exclusion criteria were history of knee arthroplasty for the most
painful knee or waiting for any knee surgery for either knee, knee pain caused by other diseases,
arthroscopy in the last 12 months or intra-articular injection within the previous 6 months,
acupuncture treatment in the last 3 months, serious acute or chronic organic diseases or psychiatric
Each participant was treated in a single treatment room during the trial. Both knees were needled
for patients with bilateral KOA, whereas only the affected knee was acupunctured for those with
unilateral osteoarthritis symptoms (23). Thirty-minute sessions of treatment were delivered three
times weekly for 8 weeks, with 24 sessions in total for all groups. Disposable sterile needles (0.25
mm × 25-40 mm, Hwato, Suzhou, China), and HANS-200 electro-acupuncture devices (Nanjing
Jisheng Medical Co, Ltd) were used. Twenty-three registered acupuncturists (11.7 ± 4.9 years of
experience) performed the procedures. All acupuncturists were trained in standardized operating
procedures prior to the start of the study; this train included locations of acupoints and
non-acupoints and manipulation of needles. Paracetamol (Tylenol, Shanghai Johnson & Johnson
Pharmaceuticals, Ltd) was provided as needed, except during 48 hours before outcome
The acupuncture prescription was based on traditional Chinese medicine and was developed from
clinical practices and expert consensus (23). Five obligatory acupoints and three adjunct acupoints
were used in both EA and MA groups. The obligatory acupoints included Dubi (ST35), Neixiyan
(EX-LE5), Ququan (LR8), Xiyangguan (GB33) and an Ashi point (the point where the participant
Electrodes from the EA apparatus were attached to the handles of needles at LR8, GB33 and two
adjunct acupoints in both EA and MA groups or four non-acupoints in the SA group by a research
assistant. In the EA group, a dilatational wave of 2/100 Hz was chosen and the electric current was
gradually increased until the needles began to vibrate slightly. During treatment, the power light of
the EA apparatus was switched on in the MA and SA groups but with no electric current output.
For blinding participants, all participants were told that the electricity may be under the threshold
that human could sense. Details on the interventions were summarized in Supplementary Table 3.
The more painful knee defined at baseline was assessed throughout the entire study for
participants with bilateral KOA, whereas only the affected knee was assessed for participants with
unilateral KOA (24). Participants completed questionnaires at baseline, weeks 4, 8, 16 and 26 after
The primary outcome was the response rate at week 8. The response rate (25) was defined as the
proportion of participants who simultaneously achieved minimal clinically important improvement
(MCII) on the NRS (22) and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index
(WOMAC) function subscale (26). The MCII of the 11-point NRS was set at 2 points, which was
extrapolated from a 19.9-mm MCII reported for the 100-mm Visual Analogue Scales (14, 27). The
MCII of the 68-point WOMAC function subscale (Likert version 3.1) was set at 6 points, which
Secondary outcomes included average knee pain over the previous week using the NRS (22)
(score range, 0-10) and WOMAC (26) pain subscale (score range, 0-20); average knee function
over the previous week using the WOMAC (26) function subscale (score range, 0-68); average
knee stiffness over the previous week using the WOMAC (26) stiffness subscale (score range,
0-8); quality of life using the 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) (28) (score range, 0-100);
paracetamol use; patient’s global assessment (PGA) using a 5-point ordinal scale (ranging from
none improved to extremely improved) (29).
To evaluate the success of blinding, all participants were asked to guess which type of acupuncture
they received at weeks 4 and 8 after randomization. The credibility and expectancy of participants
was measured using the Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire (30) within 5 min after the first
acupuncture session. All adverse events were appropriately managed and documented throughout
the trial. Based on the potential relationship with acupuncture, adverse events were categorized as
treatment-related or non-treatment-related.
Statistical Analysis
The following two null hypotheses were tested simultaneously for the primary outcome:
H1: There is no difference in the response rate between the EA and SA groups.
H2: There is no difference in the response rate between the MA and SA groups.
Based on our previous pilot study (16), the response rates of the EA, MA and SA groups at week 8
were expected to be 70%, 60%, and 40%, respectively. To detect a between-group difference of
20% in response rate, 128 participants per group were required for 80% power (2-sided test;
adjusted α = 0.025 for two comparisons). With an estimated dropout rate of 20%, 160 participants
per group were required (480 participants in total).
For the NRS, a comparison among three groups was assessed by a mixed-effect model with
repeated measurement (MMRM) analysis using NRS scores at all follow up time points as the
dependent variable, treatment as the main factor, baseline value as a covariate, and a random
intercept to model within-subject correlation. The same approach was used to analyze WOMAC
subscales and SF-12. Chi-square test was used for the group comparisons of patient global
assessments and prevalence of acupuncture-related adverse events. All participants with at least
one acupuncture session were included in the safety analyses. The James blinding index (range
0-1) was used to assess the blinding (0, total absence of blinding; 1, complete blinding; 0.5,
completely random blinding).
Sensitivity analyses were conducted for the response rates in the per-protocol set which included
all participants who completed the treatment and follow-up without major violations. To examine
the robustness of the conclusion in sensitivity analyses, three different schemes were used to deal
with missing data for the response rates: the last observation carried forward approach, the listwise
deletion, and the multiple imputation (Monte Carlo Markov chain) (31). A preplanned subgroup
analysis was conducted to test the interactive effect between the Kellgren-Lawrence grade and
treatment using a logistic model.
A post hoc analysis of response rate between groups at week 8 was performed in the (not
modified) intention-to-treat set which included all randomized participants. An additional post hoc
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) and
R software 3.6.0. For the primary outcome, Bonferroni adjustment was used for multiple
comparisons (setting α = 0.025) for each independent comparison of EA vs SA and MA vs SA.
For multiple comparisons of secondary outcomes, no adjustment was made.
Between December 25, 2017 and October 10, 2018, 1243 patients were screened (Supplementary
Figure 3). A total of 480 patients were included and randomly assigned to the three study groups
(Figure 1). Among these participants, 156 in the EA group, 155 in the MA group, and 157 in the
SA group received at least one session of treatment and were included in the safety analysis; 151
participants in the EA group, 145 in the MA group, and 146 in the SA group had at least one
post-baseline measurement and were included in the primary analysis. At week 26, 407 (84.8%)
participants completed the study. The baseline characteristics and results of the
Credibility/Expectancy Questionnaire were shown in Table 1.
For the primary outcome, the response rates at week 8 were 60.3% (91/151 participants) in the EA
group, 58.6% (85/145 participants) in the MA group, and 47.3% (69/146 participants) in the SA
group. The between-group differences were 13.0% (97.5% CI, 0.2% to 25.9%; P = 0.0234) for EA
vs SA and 11.3% (97.5% CI, -1.6% to 24.4%; P = 0.0507) for MA vs SA (Table 2). Similar
results were observed in the sensitivity analyses (Supplementary Table 4). The response rates in
the EA and MA groups were both significantly higher than the SA group at weeks 16 and 26
(Table 2). The trajectory of response rates over time was presented in Figure 2.
Adverse events
Acupuncture-related adverse events, including subcutaneous hematoma, post-needling pain, and
pantalgia occurred in 11.5% (18/156) of the participants in the EA group, 14.2% (22/155) in the
Participants were unaware of assigned treatments at week 4 (James blinding index 0.64, 95% CI
0.50 to 0.78). The success of blinding was maintained at week 8 (James blinding index 0.63, 0.46
to 0.79; Table 4).
This multicenter, randomized sham-controlled trial demonstrated that participants with KOA who
received the intensive EA had a significantly higher response rate than SA. The therapeutic
benefits of EA for pain and function in KOA were maintained through week 26. The difference
between MA and SA groups did not meet the statistical significance level at week 8. Interestingly,
by week 16, MA group also showed benefits against SA in pain and function of KOA, sustaining
through week 26.
In this trial, an expected between-group difference of 20% in response rate was used for sample
size calculation, but the actual differences were 13.0% (EA vs SA) and 11.3% (MA vs SA). The
study power might be lower than anticipated and the confidence intervals were thus wide in the
present trial. An addition of 10% of response rate over control group was suggested to be
clinically meaningful for renal colic (32). Although a clinically meaningful response rate for KOA
is not available in the literature, the difference of 11.3%, which indicates the number
needed-to-treat (NNT) (33) of 9, is acceptable in clinical practices. Moreover, the expected 20% in
response rate was achieved during the follow-up period because of sustaining effects of
acupuncture in both EA and MA groups. These persistent effects are in line with recent
meta-analyses, which concluded that acupuncture was effective for chronic pain without
importantly decrease in efficacy over 12 months (34, 35).
The effect size of EA for KOA in this trial was similar to topical NSAIDs which are recommended
prior to oral NSAIDs for KOA according to the guidelines (8). In the present trial, 60.3% of
participants in the EA group achieved significant improvement in pain and function; this was
almost the same as the use of topical diclofenac or ketoprofen for pain relief in chronic
musculoskeletal pain (60%) (39). The response rate of 60.3% with EA in this trial also
collaborated with the findings on acupuncture for joint pain from aromatase inhibitors. In women
with early stage breast cancer who developed joint pain with aromatase inhibitors, 58% reported
significantly decreased joint pain at 6 weeks (40).
The strengths of this trial included the adequate dosage of acupuncture, the use of the primary
outcome at an individual level, and the rigorous methodology. In clinical trials, results are usually
reported as means of outcomes at the group level, which is difficult to interpret for patients and
policy makers. The concept of MCII, which was defined as the smallest improvement in the
domain of interest that patients perceive as beneficial, was put forward to present the effect of
intervention at the individual level. An advisable design using MCII is based on a “responder
analysis,” namely, comparing the proportion of patients with each intervention who experience a
change greater than MCII. This type of data presentation can provide patients and policy makers
with more straightforward information to decide whether a treatment should be used.
This trial has several limitations. First, three sessions per week may be burdensome for patients in
the United States and other developed countries, even though five sessions per week is common in
China (45). Furthermore, the noninvasive acupoint stimulator, which can be manipulated by the
patients themselves at home after the training by acupuncturists, may be an alternative option for
chronic diseases, although further research and development are required. Second, the study
population represented a highly selected group of patients whose radiologic grade of KOA was II
or III. Hence, it is uncertain whether acupuncture will be beneficial for the patients with radiologic
In summary, the intensive EA, compared with SA, resulted in less pain and better function among
patients with KOA. The effects of EA persisted through week 26. The intensive MA had no
benefit for KOA at week 8, but its effect became statistically significant by week 16 and was
maintained at week 26.
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0 4 8 16 26