Branch and Bound

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ELEC 379 Algorithms with Eng.

Applications Branch and Bound

Dr. Naraig Manjikian, P.Eng.

Branch and Bound

(with Graph Bisection
as Application)
conceptual description based on Section 2 (‘Preliminaries’) of
“Exact Combinatorial Branch-and-Bound for Graph Bisection,”
presented at DIMACS 2012 conference

with additional aspects by Dr. N. Manjikian

Graph Representation
• G = (V,E) – graph consisting of a set of vertices V and a set of edges E
• Vertices and edges may have different weights (or same value of 1)
• Seek a partition of G into a set of cells
• Each cell is a subset of V; the cells are disjoint and their union is V
• The cost of the partition is the sum of weights for those edges
whose endpoint vertices are in different cells (i.e., edges that are cut)
• A bisection of G is the special case of partitioning into two cells
• A balanced bisection has the same sum of vertex weights in both cells
• Seek a minimum-cost balanced bisection of G

Dept. of Elec./Comp. Eng.

Queen's University
ELEC 379 Algorithms with Eng. Applications Branch and Bound
Dr. Naraig Manjikian, P.Eng.

Branch and Bound Technique

• Branch and bound implicitly enumerates paths towards solution by:
• dividing problem into two or more slightly simpler subproblems,
• solving them recursively, then
• selecting the best solution found
• The paths towards the solution can be represented in a tree format
• Nodes in tree are subproblems; they are linked to a parent problem
• Any leaf node reflects a complete feasible solution (with its cost),
or an early stopping point for that path if a condition is not satisfied,
such as failing to maintain the balance between cells of the partition

Branch and Bound Technique

• If we construct/traverse entire tree, search space can be quite large
• Instead, we maintain an upper bound U on the cost of best solution
• Revise U as better (lower-cost) solutions encountered during search
• For each node, determine lower bound L for any subproblem solution
• If L  U, then no better solution exists on this path, so prune the node
• Otherwise, continue search with two or more new subproblems
• Thus, the algorithm branches to create new nodes in the search tree,
but uses bounds to limit the scope of search to better solution paths

Dept. of Elec./Comp. Eng.

Queen's University
ELEC 379 Algorithms with Eng. Applications Branch and Bound
Dr. Naraig Manjikian, P.Eng.

B&B Tree Nodes for Graph Bisection

• For graph bisection, each node is a partial assignment (A,B) where
A and B are disjoint subsets of V containing vertices assigned so far
• Each node represents all possible valid bisections (A,B) that are
extensions of (A,B) obtained by assigning more vertices to A and B
• Root node has one initial vertex assigned, i.e., (A,B) = ({v}, )
• Processing of any node starts with determining lower bound L(A,B)
for cost of any extension (A,B) of (A,B), if subproblems are explored
• Lower bounds must be accurate, though not necessarily exact
• We must not mistakenly prune a viable and potentially better path,
but we may explore more suboptimal portions of search space

Example Lower-Bound Functions for Cost

• Simplest: assume constant lower bound of zero cost
• Accurate: any solution will always have same or higher cost than zero
• Certainly not exact: all possible solutions permitted; no pruning

• Better: as each vertex assigned to A or B, update partial cost for node

based on edges cut between that vertex and other assigned vertices
• Accurate: partial cost can never exceed actual final cost for a solution
• More exact: partial cost of a node may exceed current upper bound,
so that node can be pruned, thereby reducing the search space

Dept. of Elec./Comp. Eng.

Queen's University

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