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Periodic Properties and Atomic, Molecular Structure Numerical on Slater’s Rule: Numerical 1: Calculate Effective nuclear charge, (2*) experienced by the 4s electron of Kio. Z=Z-o Where Z= 19 o=? Write the electronic configuration of Kisand group them; Solution: Electronic configuration- 1s?, 2s?, 2p®, 3s?, 3p®, 4s! Now grouping the configuration according to Slater’s rule (182), (2s?,2p9), (382, 3p), 42 n-3 n-2 n-l n Since we have to calculate effective charge on 4s!, and there is only one electron in this energy shell, single electron in this orbital should not be considered. The screening constant of the electrons according to the above table is used & the values are substituted as under; (2 x 1) + (8x 1) + (8 x 0.85) = 16.8 o*= 16.8 Zr =19-16.8=2.2 Numerical 2: What is the value of Zea for Nz? Zt=Z-0 Where Z = o Write the electronic configuration of Nz; Solution: Electronic configuration- 1s, 2s*, 2p5, Group the configuration according to Slater’s rule- (1s?) (2s?,2p9) n-1 n Since n‘h shell has s & p orbitals containing total 5 electrons. Excluding 1 electron, remaining 4 electrons in nt shell will have shielding effect equal to 0.35. Hence o will be calculated according the rule is as follows (2 x 0.85) + (4 x 0.35) = 3.1 Zt = 7-3.1 = 3.9 B) Atomic and ionic sizes: The size of the atom is significant in governing its property. Due to the wave character of the motion of an electron, an atom does not have strictly defined boundaries. One of the ways we can express the size of atoms is with the atomic radius. Atomic radii If the atom is assumed to be spherical, then the radius of the sphere gives the atomic radius. But it is difficult to exactly determine the radius of the atom because, it is not possible to isolate an atom and measure its radius. Also the i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ss suoas9[9 posredun Jo saqumucu ‘siou Wa + Wuf = 1 = ruowow onauseur “mouy om sy iuoRNTOS, : NE bL'T Aqu0 Jo anten es ze's 30 one . e4-<((NO}al] Svs wa Hee wuotou snouileur sty .cPOrloal Aum UIeLane oy wonean Mh Se UmoYs s1 SuO.N9a] ‘90UTH bt 4 ee y “Tht xajduioa uids ysry oat pur adder oat oj seasaya “ano90 Im Bulsred uonoaja pue xajduoo ude eS ts Sunted sare (soui08 peotuiayoonoads 01 Buypsoo9e) Or} UEYA puLdy plol Suse St NI +o OF Ha] il *Nolal Al “suoxjoaja pastedun aay = Wet zere pup toma pasedun ou0 ye ose] ots sousTeLs = Pd» Ru Rh Mo Co CE Fel VE oF suong-field ligands weak-field hg Decreasing Ss 1.3 EXERCISE eee REVIEW AND UNIVERSITY QUESTIONS) 1. What is the basic difference in approach between Mendeleev’s Periodic Law and the Modem Periodic Law? (BT 1) 2. What do you understand by atomic radius and Ionic radius and How do they vary in a period and in a group? Explain the variation? (BT2) 3. Explain the concept of Shielding effect of electrons. . (BT 2) 4. Name the laws for filling the electrons and Explain the laws. (BT1,3) 5. Describe Periodic Trends Due to Penetration and Shielding (BT4) 6. Describe penetration of Orbital in detail (BT6) 7. Why atomic radii of elements increase top to bottom in groups and decrease from left to right in periods. (BT3) 8, Write Short notes on; (BT2) i) Energy of Ionization ii) Atomic Radii iii) Electronic Configuration , 9. plain the Bonding in Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules using Energy Level Di f any Homonuclear Diatomic Molecule. (BT4) Diagrams of any Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecule. (BT4) IL. Discus various types of magnetism with suitable diagram. (BT3) 12, What is magnetic susceptibility? Discus its dependance on temperature in va 8 (BT3) eitferent Subetencen ile [Co(NHs).)* is diamagnetic. Explain (BT3) 13, CoFs)*- is paramagnetic whi 5, 7 14, ae the magnetic properties of complexes with @, d, d? and itable le. (BT3) ae jone with suitable example. - a configurations sete always high spin in nature. Explain, (BT3) BT3) DITIONAL NUMERICAL FOR PRACTIC! (BTS) ter’s rule;(BT 4) 1. Calculate Bffective Nuclear Charge 2* using Sle 4) Sulphur atom having atomic number 10- b) 45 electron in Ca where Z = 20 6} 2p electron in Fewhere 2 9 (Anewer: 2) Ste ne caine 2. Determine the magnetic properties er une ae Sa eee CeO [Fe(HsO}al2, [NANHabl?> an 1.732, [Ni{NHo]*"= [Fe(H20 . 83, others = 0) (Answer: 61 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Thermodynamic Functions a base undergo a neuy tion reaction to form water and a salt aqueous solutions, 4.1814 Joules, (grams x °C), and ‘AT is the change in temperature measured using This is the heat of neutralization for all strong Heat of solution or enthalpy of solution The heat of solution or enthalpy of solution is defined as the heat generated or absorbed when a certain amount of the solute ~ aT ‘m* is the mass of given acid, ‘cis the specific heat capacity for aqueous solutions. 4.1814 Joules (grams x °C), and “AT is the change dissolves in alin temperature certain amount of | measured using solvent. calorimeter. acids and bases and it is constant. NaOH) + H207 NaOH AH -44.51 kJ/mol + 4= represents the change in the enthalpy; (AHpmis DHreasann) * a positive value indicates the products have greater enthalpy, or that it is an endothermic reaction (heat is required) * a negative value indicates the reactants have greater enthalpy, or that it is an exothermic reaction (heat is produced) 2.3.2 Numerical Numerical 1: A gas has constant pressure in a system. There is a loss of 55 J of heat in the surroundings around the system. 550 J of work is done onto the system. Find the system's internal energy? Solution: AE or AU=q+w aE SOU AE = 605S Numerical 2: A gas in a system has constant pressure. The surroundings around the system lose 60 J of heat and do 475 J of work onto the system, What is the internal energy of the system? Solution: The surrounding area loses heat and does work onto the system. Therefore, q and w are positive in the equation AU=q+w because the system gains : ¢ e on itself. eat and gets work don’ AE or AU=q+w AE = 605+ 4755 AE = 535S. Numerical 3: A system has constant volume (AV=0) and the heat aroind the System increases by 45 J. 75 a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Applied Chemists, fa. What is the sign for heat (q) for the system? b. What is AU equal to? : : ¢. What is the value of internal energy of the system in oe Solution: Since the system has constant volume faveg oe pav-o _ work is equal to zero. Thus, in the equation AU=qtw ue ae ae interna) energy is equal to the heat of the system. The surrounding heat ss at heat of the system decreases because heat is not created nor destroyed Therefore, heat is taken away from the system making it exothermic and negative ‘The value of Internal Energy will be the negative value of the heat absorbed by the ‘surroundings. a. negative (q<0) b. AE =q +(-PAV)=q+O=q c._ AEs -45S Numerical 4; If water vapor is assumed to be a perfect gas, molar enthalpy change for vaporization of 1 mol of water at lbar and 100°C is 41kJ mot! Calculate the internal energy change, when (i) 1 mol of water is vaporized at 1 bar pressure and 100° {ii)1mol of water is converted into ice. Solution: (i) The change H,0,, > H,0,,, SH = AE + Ang RT or AE =AH-Any RT Substituting the values, we get, SE= 41.00 kJ mol! - (1x 8.314 J mol! = 41.00 kJ mol!- 3.096 kJ mol = 37.904 kJ mol! (i) The change HQ) > H,0,,, ‘There is negligible change in volume. So, we can put PAV = AnyRT= 0 in this case, AH =Aau 80, AU 41.00kJ mol! Numerical 5: The heat absorbed re at 291K isothermally in a verge aaa arated salt (NazCOs,10H20) is disse Determine the heat of crystallization of | ke Nae a8, OS KY per mole § Solution: Given data: & NazCO3.10H20. 7 65 6d per mot 291k Specific heat = Substitute in the given formula wees 0.004184 KJ /pec AHude™ mass. enter AT, = 65 x ag," * Speci ter ‘Therefore, S * 291"% Googie Neat an, 27 140 kJ/ Kg solute 76 ll @ scanned with OKEN Scanner sit 001 ool ae 2 1% 1 20 OOT xX L= 1% (F oe imonny 1 %S9 (t waauog :T TeopoumN Spe “MOT A180 20 uty AroA sy anjos pasojoo jo uoneNtsouO) « Sayeudioaid saynqos pasojoo oye 's9}8{NZeoo sainjos pasojoo ay) « 3 B sopads pearwoyo ayy Buwueys ‘sayeposse 10 SVB1D0ssIp 40 sazgtuor aynjos pasojoo 24} * ~Uaym aoeid sore} mel s,199q wos sUOREIADP UL me] §,299g Wosy UO ETAIG YoresUaDU09 0} jeuoTodoid AToOZIp st aoUequOSqE: Sumoys poureigo st uo ay) ysnom Suissed au Isles v sonos[oUr 70 suo! au JO UoNeNUZ0u0D ay1 IsUIEBe ponojd st aouRquosqe Udy ‘sNyL “mey }OquIET — 199g St STHL, souenmusuen afeusoued — J arya VOI=V=LB-Z 199 = 180] - 01 30] = uaa ‘1 = 4] pue OOT = FF 4 preys pio: Wua!DyJa09 UONDSUNXa se[OW = 3 = Ypue ddUeqIOSqy = ¥ = Bot supeday 294 = F801 ‘sapis yioq uo Boj Supyey, we 2 Of my Aqwonewayrey ivy $1908 Uoquivy Se UMOUD{ St pue J9}yeU By Kq OREIPeL J0 uondiosqe ay) 10j diysuonefas jeyusWepUny 94) ‘Sani SME] OM BY} SuTUIQuIOD, uonesussu0s — 9 ‘a1aya aye 2 OY = AY Aqeonewayrey ‘AyoonauryzD yj fo uoyyesqUusdU0D 942 sD AyyoRUBUCdxs sua} ay) WNIpeU Snoauabowoy jussvdsup.) ow fo fivs v uaym wy) SaiDIs MDT s,490q Saspasouy aounzsqns Bujqsosqn 21 Sespasap 3y6y poqq}ue 243 Jo Mi! D yBno.y; sassnd jyby 2yDUI0LYOU' Aqsrway ponddy @ scanned with OKEN Scanner = @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 6IT (stx-o1xz) tio, JOU, ET PEP = — Foo oes v 393 ay 6SS¢'0 = SE°0 BO1- = LB0}- = cep we “SE 1% SE =1% MOR Neg {uotoyj209 wonuNxe sw[oW! 94 OrBIME,ED uty {3udJa0em Jo yy waprour ayy jo ySE St UTI] PoMUsUEL] o~y JI "es umyts BJO UORNIOS WOT XZ SulureiUoD uo gt Jo SsAUNONY Sey [120 ¥ 7p srotieun, % 9°TE = 001 x 918° = O01 XL Ste = (6-0 +) Sonuy so- ¥-= 189 % BSL = O01 X ZS4'0 = OOI XL e820 = (bz1'0.-) Somuy vzr'0- V-= 180] T= 01 80] = (01/001) Boy = = Bol = 1 Bo] - = ! ¥ oot /or = 20. 1% 1 2 oorx r= 1% (un 28T'0= est -z= $9 80] - 991 Bo] = s9 oy = oor iL = 80] = 1 Bo) - = 1 = ¥ Senbrayooy, o¢doosoxoadg yo suopeortdsy ual ott Vea yo UAW Tea pue yy jour t=O Sas. y Ho Wdaay yo wun seu A 24 48d ow 7 woRDawaoueo Bryan y-lud [our ‘aBpyuaoiad 16U0 Sit 01 wnipew Guiquosqo uo pasionDy 41 ‘usuanu fo oyps ayy sty ‘sounzzpUsUDAy, 4] y so passardxa st yy “oy ‘fizswayu pow soy 1! 49yf0 uoNDIpys fo umaq v fo <4] ‘wnipow Buiquosqo w pasianny svy 71 4aifo Asuaj sp pun of uoyvipes fo waq v fo Aysuena pura ay) uaamyaq oyD4 o1UNZUDB) ay) s1 (OQ) AyIsUap yoo1;do 40 Y ‘oUDquOSqY. 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Anspurayo ponddy @ scanned with OKEN Scanner pasic Green Chemistry An alternate synthesis by Sheldon is: 0 ches cn +co~ chon PL, “OCH: CH; Compare this reaction through atom economy & predict the Green reaction. solution: Reagents Formula __| M.W. acetone C3H6O 58 hydrogen cyanide HCN 27 methanol CHO 32 sulfuric acid HSOs 98 Product methyl methacrylate CsHsOz 100 We have, a Weigh of Desired Product Molecular Weigh of De: x 100 tom Bconomy= Fn of Molecular weig of all the reactant 100 100 _ = X100= —— X100= 46.5% ‘Mom Economy= 5542743249 215 Second reaction: Reagents Formula ___| M.w. propyne | _CsHs 40 carbon monoxide co 28 methanol | _CHsO 32 Product methyl methacrylate | CsHsO2 100 100 = 100, = 1% x100= =? x 100 = 100% 40+28+32 : Second Reaction is a Green Reaction. ‘Atom Economy= 163 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | | @ scanned with OKEN Scanner vor ToGojouysay -5 Bopciet “@ sad} 2244) Jo st oH. ee 10 203 yD a seas P28 wogreD ay, 8ueyo ayeumjo peqo[a Sulonpa 4p spoupat otf Jo 9uo st 1 "somanog PEEP oases 40 runoue 9 Suronpas fous. 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