CRM Paper: International Journal of Ebusiness and Egovernment Studies January 2022

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CRM Paper

Article in International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies · January 2022


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1 author:

Minwir Al-Shammari
University of Bahrain


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Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105
Recieved: 26.01.2021 | Accepted: 30.03.2021 | Published Online: 15.06.2021




Minwir M. Al-Shammari

College of Business Administration

University of Bahrain
E-mail: [email protected]

Ali Fadhel AlShowaikh

Business Management Graduate

University of Bahrain
E-mail: [email protected]


This study examines users' satisfaction with a customer relationship system (CRM)
system in Bahrain. The selected variables are perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness, user support, facilitating conditions, and social influence. A sample of
seventy employees working in a telecommunications company was selected to answer
the questionnaire, but sixty questionnaires were retrieved. The collected data were
analyzed using the partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)
approach. The SmatPLS 3.3.3 software was used to perform data analysis. The results
revealed that employees were highly satisfied with the CRM system and a significant
relationship between the selected variables and user satisfaction. CRM has become a
crucial system for organisations, given that customers are the number one factor in
delivering economic value for companies.
Citation (APA): Al-Shammari, M.M., AlShowaikh, A. F. (2021). Investigating User Satisfaction of CRM in A
Telecommunication Company in the Kingdom of Bahrain. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment
Studies, 13(1), 97-116. doi:10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

The research's contribution is to help the company foresee and calibrate users'
contentment and develop and enhance customer service and the institution's service
Keywords: CRM, Users' Satisfaction, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness,
User Support, Bahrain.
JEL Classification: M15


Following the upheaval in global economic activity caused by the recent COVID-19
pandemic, firms are attempting to get their operations back on track. Many companies
admit that their actions must be centered on their consumers rather than on cost-cutting
methods because competition is a genuine and constant threat to their survival and
prosperity (Gneiting et al., 2020). Customers are the central focus of every organisation.
They are the main reason behind the existence of organisations. Organisations will not
sell their products and services, which will disable them from making a profit. Thereby,
handling relationships between the organisation and its customers is one of the most
significant managers'. Managing the relationship between an organisation and its
customers is challenging, but it satisfies them (Youn et al., 2021). Companies need to
determine different ways to manage such relationships to gain a deep insight into their
tastes and preferences. For example, handling customer relationships triggered business
companies to emphasize the relationship between the organisation and its customers
rather than highly emphasizing the product and service. Conversely, it is difficult to
manage a relationship between a company and its customers as customers' needs and
wants are frequently subject to change (Adiyanto, 2021; Chheda et al., 2017).
One of these main approaches is the CRM system, considering that CRM's principle is
expanding swiftly and chiefly realizes that several firms strive to maximize their profits
and initiate long-term relationships with their customers (Baashar et al., 2020).
Therefore, the ratification of a robust CRM system and a business strategy that supports
such an approach helps businesses succeed in fulfilling their goals (Adiyanto, 2021;
Wachnik, 2017). CRM is an initiative used for managing an organisation's interactions
with customers. It involves using technology to organise and facilitate the business
processes and use several types of practices and strategies to satisfy customers' needs
and maximize the organisation's income, profitability, and sales (Baashar et al., 2020;
Tingbin et al., 2018). Therefore, having a successful CRM system is essential to achieve
a company's business strategy.
The value of CRM stems from the fact that it enables managers to store customer data
and base their critical decisions on building a direct relationship with their current and
prospective customers. Moreover, it allows companies to keep track of their customers
Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

through the relationship between the CRM system and building and sustaining a long-
term relationship (Guerola-Navarro et al., 2021). Implementing a CRM system crucially
improves customer loyalty towards the organisation. The CRM system enhances the
company in serving the customer through uninterrupted communication, non-
interference in contact, and addressing complaints. Moreover, having a CRM system
helps the company retain its customers and massively influences its ability to collect
information (Agbaje, 2014; Guerola-Navarro et al., 2021). The telecommunications
industry in Bahrain is very competitive and consists of three prominent companies:
Batelco, Zain, and STC Bahrain. All telecommunications companies in Bahrain use a
CRM system to utilize and systematize to help their employees communicate and
interact with customers more efficiently. CRM allows companies to establish and sustain
a reliable and successful relationship with customers. Therefore, this study seeks to
explore user's satisfaction with the CRM system of telecommunications companies in
the Kingdom of Bahrain concerning perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user
support, facilitating conditions, and social influence.


2.1 The CRM system in the telecommunications industry

Sağlam et al. (2021) and Agbaje (2014) examined CRM's benefits in the
telecommunications sector, such as positively retaining existing customers and
increasing their loyalty. Furthermore, the CRM system promises the company to secure
its customers by enhancing communication between the organisation and its customer,
making it more efficient and effective. However, for telecommunications companies to
benefit from the CRM system, they must combine the CRM operations into one whole
process, enabling the telecommunications companies to enhance their customer
attainment and retaining proportions (Alhakimi et al., 2019).
The CRM system plays a crucial role in the telecommunications industry by helping the
organisations gain insight into their customer database to battle the tough competition
within the following sector. It contributes to developing its business strategy through
customer retention, cross-selling, attrition, and customer loyalty. The CRM helps
organisations understand their customer behaviors, allowing them to build loyalty
programs for their valuable customers. The system also helps organisations understand
why their customer prefer them to the rest of the competitors, which allows the
company's marketing team to launch the proper marketing promotions and counter the
competitors' promotions (Bahri-Ammari et al., 2019; Viriri et al., 2017).
The CRM system improves the overall response of direct marketing campaigns.
Companies build their promotions based on accurate customer data collected through
the system and set the correct prices for their customers. For instance, companies use

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

telephone calls regularly to provide customers with information about company

offerings and stay in touch with them to ensure their satisfaction. Such a systematic
approach improves the relationship between the company and its customers through
consistent monitoring and customer care. Additionally, the CRM system helps
companies in targeting their valuable customers. For instance, a company can provide
new offerings to some residential regions by offering inclusive call allowances and free
phone or Internet services (Sivasankar et al., 2019; Viriri et al., 2017).

2.2 Users' satisfaction with the CRM

User satisfaction refers to users' attitudes regarding specific computer applications or
systems (Doll et al., 1988). (Donovan et al., 2018) established that a user's satisfaction
could estimate the profit or the deficiency of a computer system. The technology
acceptance model (Davis, 1989) is one of the most influential models for measuring a
user's technology acceptance, which measures two factors of perceived usefulness and
perceived ease. The model extends the popular Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by
Ajzen (1991). It suggests that beliefs influence attitudes; voluntary behavior is a function
of what we think (thoughts), what we feel (perspectives), our intentions, and subjective
norms (what others think is acceptable to do).
The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), developed by Ajzen (1991), adds a new factor
to the determinants of the behavioral intention of a person's attitudes toward a particular
behavior. The first two factors are the same as the TRA. The third factor is the perceived
behavioral control, which users perceive may limit their behavior. The TAM, developed
by Davis (1989), has been extended to the TAM2 and TAM3. Venkatesh et al. (2000)
proposed TAM2 as an extension of TAM by presenting two theoretical processes- social
influence and cognitive instrumental processes- to explain the various determinants'
effects on perceived usefulness and usage intention. The social influence processes
included subjective norms, voluntariness, and image. However, the cognitive
instrumental processes had job relevance, output quality, result demonstrability, and
perceived ease of use. The TAM3 developed by Venkatesh et al. (2008) combinedfour
different types of determinants of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use-
individual differences, system characteristics, social influence, and facilitating

2.3 Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and CRM

Since its inception nearly two decades ago, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
has been used to improve knowledge and forecasts of individual user acceptance of
technology. According to TAM, individuals' attitudes about utilizing technology are
influenced by two leading independent variables: perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use. These are considered critical, independent variables. Perceived ease of usage

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

refers to how an individual believes that using a specific technology or system is not
complicated and needs less effort (Davis, 1989).
Perceived ease of use could positively affect users' satisfaction, considering that if an
advanced system or technology is effortless in usage, it is more likely to be accepted.
The perceived usefulness of a system enables users to believe in the importance of this
system as it reduces their learning time and enhances their performance (Weerasinghe
et al., 2018). CRM is a complex phenomenon that is often referred to as one-to-one
marketing. However, customer relationship management (CRM) is a technological
solution that connects distinct databases with sales force automation tools to target
efforts better in the recent age. The CRM is more than just technology applications for
marketing, sales, and customer service; it is a cross-functional, customer-driven,
technology-integrated business process management strategy that maximizes
relationships and encompasses the entire organisation when fully and successfully
implemented (Sağlam et al., 2021). Therefore, based on prior studies, it is hypothesized
H1: Perceived ease of use has a significant relationship with user satisfaction
concerning the CRM system.
H2: Perceived usefulness has a significant relationship with user's satisfaction with the
CRM system.

2.4 User support and CRM

User support refers to the technical support and help provided by an organisation to users
of a specific system to operate it (Davis, 1989). User support may be inclusive of
software goods, computers, or other electronic and informatics belongings. The
advancement of digital technology has brought numerous conveniences into our daily
routines. On the other hand, we must deal with various types of information, which can
be challenging work for elderly individuals or those unfamiliar with information
technologies (Borenstein, 2021). The same is true of the new technology-based CRM
system, which requires constant organisational guidance and support for its users.
Besides, some former studies determined that user support affects users' contentment
towards using various systems (Jun et al., 2018). Therefore, it is hypothesised that:
H3: User support has a significant relationship with user satisfaction with the CRM

2.5 Facilitating conditions and CRM

tenThe ext to which a person believes that technical and organisational infrastructure is
available to support the use of a particular system (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Facilitating
conditions contain the critical support that the employees gain from the company's ICT
Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

sector and supervisors and the training to empower them to use the CRM system
effectively. Furthermore, Bhat et al. (2016) stated that facilitating circumstances
influence users' satisfaction using various ICT systems. Therefore, in light of previous
studies, the following hypothesis has been developed.
H4: Facilitating conditions have a significant relationship with user's satisfaction with
the CRM system.

2.6 Social influence and CRM

Social influence refers to how a person's opinions or actions are affected by other people
and is related to when someone influences users' decisions regarding using a new system
(Venkatesh et al., 2003). In a world where information and communication technologies
(ICTs) are becoming pervasive in all parts of our lives, it is increasingly important to
understand what factors impact individuals' decisions to accept and utilize these
technologies. Increasingly, when new technologies develop – particularly social
technologies – social influence may play an increasingly essential role in determining
which technologies are successful (Graf-Vlachy et al., 2018). The importance of social
impact on human behavior in general and the adoption of information technology has
long been recognised by prior studies (Beldad et al., 2018). Therefore, considering the
new technologies based CRM system, it is hypothesized that:
H5: Social influence has a positive impact on user's satisfaction with the CRM system.


Figure 1 shows the proposed conceptual framework for measuring the user's satisfaction
with the CRM system. The conceptual framework is adapted from Davis (1989),
Venkatesh et al. (2000), Venkatesh et al. (2003), and Venkatesh et al. (2008). The
conceptual model variables have been chosen based on their importance and high
relevance in previous literature.


4.1 The population of the study

This study targets staff who use the CRM system, known as CRM users, to examine the
level of their satisfaction with the CRM system. The study population is 1,300
employees in different positions and departments of the telecommunications company
in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

Perceived ease of use

Perceived usefulness

Users’ satisfaction
User support towards CRM system

Facilitating condition

Social influence

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

4.2 Sample and sampling procedure

A non-probability convenience sampling method has been used due to the convenience
of accessibility of participants (Fink, 2003). Emails have been sent to employees whose
data was accessible from their organisation's website or LinkedIn profiles. In total, 70
employees have agreed to participate in this study, and they have been selected to answer
and fill out the online questionnaires. However, sixty questionnaires have been retrieved
with a response rate of 86%.

4.3 Instrumentation
A closed-ended online questionnaire has been used to measure user's satisfaction with
the CRM system using a five-point ascendingly ordered Likert scale response options,
viz. strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3), Agree (4), and Strongly agree (5).
The User's Satisfaction with the CRM System was measured using four items (Kumar
et al., 2021). Two scales consisting of four items, each adapted from the study of Yusliza
et al. (2012) were used to measure the constructs of perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness. Similarly, three items for each scale were adapted to measure the constructs
of user support, facilitating conditions, and social influence Yusliza et al. (2012), Polit
et al. (2004) argued that questionnaires are more effective than interviews. They grant

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

privacy to participants when answering questions and are a better tool than interviews to
save time, effort, and money.


5.1 Statistical analysis

The collected data were analyzed using two statistical techniques, i.e., descriptive and
inferential, with the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. A descriptive statistics test has been
conducted to calculate the standard deviation and means of variables. In addition, the
partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique was used to
assess the impact of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user support,
facilitating conditions, and social influence towards using the CRM system.

5.2 Demographic profile of respondents

This part discusses and portrays the respondents' demographic profiles, descriptive
statistics of the variables, and correlation analysis. According to Table 1, the respondents
included fifty males (83.33%) and ten females (16.67%). The majority of the
respondents are aged between 31 and 40, representing 55% (33), whereas 35% (21) are
aged between 20 and 30. Only 10% aged between 41 and 50. Also, there are no
respondents whose age group is above 50.
Most respondents hold a bachelor's degree, representing 88.33%, whereas 11.67% hold
a diploma. No respondent holds a secondary school degree nor a higher education
degree. This result indicates that the entire respondents had their education in a
university and graduated with either a Bachelor's or a Diploma degree. Table 1 also
shows that 50% of the respondents have 1-5 years of work experience, whereas 40%
have 6-10 years of work experience. The minority, which constitutes 10% of the
respondents, had more than ten years of work experience. This minority represents the
most experienced employees as well as the oldest in terms of age.

5.3 Descriptive Statistics

Table 2 depicts the mean and standard deviation scores of all the exogenous and
endogenous variables of the study. The overall mean score of user satisfaction (4.15)
indicates that respondents are highly satisfied with the CRM system and believe that the
following system improves their productivity in achieving this system's purpose,
constructing and maintaining long-lasting profitable relationships with their customers.
Next, the mean score of perceived ease of use was 4.18, which means that customers are
delighted with the implemented CRM system regarding its ease of use. This result
indicates that the users find the CRM system easy to deal with and easy to use, and they
do not find it complicated.

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

Table 1: Profile of Respondents

Gender Percentage Number

Male 83.33 50
Female 16.67 10
Total 100.0 60
20-30 years 35.00 21
31-40 years 55.00 33
41-50 years 10.00 6
Above 50 years 0.00 0
Total 100.0 60
Secondary school degree 0.00 0
Diploma Degree 11.67 7
Bachelor's degree 88.33 53
Postgraduate degree 0.00 0
Total 100.0 60
Less than 1 year 0.00 0
1-5 years 50.00 7
6-10 years 40.00 24
Above10 years 10.00 6
Total 100.0 60

The mean score of perceived usefulness was 4.20, which indicates that the users are
delighted with the CRM system in terms of its perceived use. This result also suggests
that the users find the following CRM system valuable and beneficial in facilitating their
work performance and building valuable relationships with their customers. Moreover,
the mean score of user support was 4.11, which indicates that users are satisfied with the
CRM system in terms of user support. This result shows that users are provided with
support when facing any difficulties related to the implemented system. In addition, the
company offers training and user support to CRM users.

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

The total mean score of facilitating conditions was 4.15, which indicates that users are
delighted with the CRM system in terms of enabling conditions. This result also suggests
that the company offers a working environment for users with conditions that aim to
increase their productivity and make it more efficient as much as possible. In addition,
the mean score of social influence (4.22) indicates that customers are delighted with the
CRM system regarding social impact. It also demonstrates that CRM system usage
satisfies both customers and the organisation in building positive and reliable
Table 2:Descriptive Statistics

Statement - Mean Standard. Deviation

Users’ Satisfaction 4.18 1.02
Perceived Ease of Use 4.20 1.07
Perceived Usefulness 4.11 1.05
User Support 4.11 1.05
Facilitating Conditions 4.15 1.04
Social Influence 4.22 1.05

5.4 Infrential Statistics

5.4.1 Measurement Model
This study used the PLS-SEM for two types of inferential statistical analyses, i.e.,
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural analysis. CFA was used to test the
reliability and validity of the constructs. Figure 2 and Table 3 presents the values of outer
loadings ranging from 0.720 to 0.887, and the value of rho ranges between 0.737 to
0.830 represents constructs reliability (Hair et al., 2019). In addition, it means the
average variance extracted (AVE) ranges between 0.503 to 0.719, and composite
reliability (CR) ranges between 0.719 to 0.884 that represents convergent validity of the
model (Hair et al., 2019). Similarly, Table 4 and Table 5 present the Fornell/ Larker
criterion and HTMT analysis used to analyze the discriminant validity of the constructs.
In Fornell/ Larker criterion, the square root of the AVE of all constructs is greater than
the inter-correlation with their respective other variables. Likewise, all the values from
the HTMT analysis are less than 0.85, which represents the discriminant validity of the
constructs (Hair et al., 2019).

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

Figure 2:
Estimations of Measurement Model

Table 3: Measurement Model

Construct Items rho_A CR AVE
The company provides the necessary resources to use the CRM system. 0.749 0.744 0.719 0.503
Facilitating I have enough knowledge to use a CRM system. 0.887
IT experts are available for assistance with CRM system difficulties. 0.746
The CRM system is easy to use. 0.731 0.737 0.741 0.507
Perceived The CRM system offers flexibility. 0.743
ease of use Less effort is required when using the CRM system. 0.868
The CRM system is user-friendly. 0.727
The quality of my work and performance gets enhanced when I use the
0.720 0.744 0.816 0.528
CRM system.
Perceived The CRM system enables me to have more control over my job. 0.723
The CRM system allows me to finish my tasks faster. 0.814
My performance improved when I used the CRM system. 0.736
My co-workers encourage me to work with the CRM system. 0.827 0.83 0.884 0.719
The administration of the organisation encourages me to work with the
Social 0.885
CRM system.
The company overall encourages the use of the CRM system in the
The company provides training programs related to the CRM system. 0.846 0.734 0.837 0.632

Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

The company provides experts to help us with issues regarding the CRM
User system.
support Whenever I face a problem, I receive support from the other CRM system
users very quickly.
User's It is a great idea to use the CRM system in my job. 0.797 0.774 0.799 0.502
Satisfaction I like to work using the CRM system. 0.814
with the I am satisfied with the features that the CRM system offers. 0.732
CRM I think the overall company performance improves when they use the
System 0.771
CRM system.

Table 4: Fornell and Larcker Criterion for Discriminant Validity

Facilitating Perceived ease Perceived Social User User's Satisfaction with
Conditions of Use Usefulness Influence Support the CRM System
Facilitating conditions 0.709
Perceived ease of use 0.085 0.712
Perceived usefulness 0.401 0.027 0.727
Social influence 0.305 0.068 0.013 0.848
User support 0.247 0.002 0.301 0.054 0.795
User's Satisfaction
0.449 0.267 0.349 0.346 0.239 0.709
with the CRM System

5.4.2 Structural Model
In the structural PLS path model, bootstrap and blindfolding procedure was perform to
test the hypothesis anf model fit. The values of coefficient of determination R2 and
predictive relevance Q2 are 0.36 and 0.156 respectively that shows the goodness of
model fit (Hair et al., 2019). Figure 3 and Table 6show that the impact of facilitating
conditions (B= 0.232; t-value= 4.036; p-value< 0.05), perceived ease of use (B= 0.225;
t -value= 3.255; p-value< 0.05), perceived usefulness (B= 0.207; t-value= 3.454; p-
value< 0.05), social influence (B= 0.265; t-value= 5.460; p-value< 0.05) and user
support(B= 0.133; t-value= 2.194; p-value< 0.05) on user's satisfaction with the CRM
system is established. In addition, based on the coefficient findings, these impacts are
also estimated to be positive and implies that change in perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness, user support, facilitating conditions, and social influence will contribute to
user's satisfaction with the CRM system in telecommunication industry of Kingdom of

Figure 3: Estimations of Structural Mode

Table 5: Heterotrait-Monotrait Criterion for Discriminant Validity

Facilitating Perceived Perceived Social User Support User's Satisfaction with

Conditions Ease of Use Usefulness Influence the CRM System
Facilitating conditions
Perceived ease of use 0.279
Perceived usefulness 0.749 0.209
Social influence 0.667 0.13 0.162
User support 0.482 0.511 0.404 0.122
User's Satisfaction with 0.737 0.391 0.482 0.451 0.325
the CRM System

Table 6: Hypotheses Results

Hypothesis Beta S.E T Value P Value CIBCa Low CIBCa High Decision

Facilitating conditions -> USCRM 0.232 0.058 4.036 0.000 0.121 0.338 Supported
Perceived ease of use -> USCRM 0.225 0.069 3.255 0.001 0.179 0.304 Supported
Perceived usefulness -> USCRM 0.207 0.060 3.454 0.001 0.084 0.315 Supported
Social influence -> USCRM 0.265 0.049 5.460 0.000 0.142 0.349 Supported
User support -> USCRM 0.133 0.061 2.194 0.029 0.005 0.243 Supported
Note:USCRM = User's Satisfaction with the CRM System, * Significance level < 0.05

The present study intends to analyze the impact of perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness, user support, facilitating conditions, and social influence on user's
satisfaction with the CRM system in the telecommunications industry of the Kingdom
of Bahrain. The analysis findings revealed that two main components of TAM, i.e.,
perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, have a significant impact on user
satisfaction with the CRM system. These findings are consistent with the prior studies
of Weerasinghe et al. (2018) and Sağlam et al. (2021) that inferred that the perceived
usefulness of a system enables users to believe in the importance of this system as it
reduces their learning time and enhances their performance. Likewise, the perceived use
of a system allows users to believe in the importance of this system as it reduces their
learning time and improves their performance.
The present study found a positive and significant impact of user support on user's
satisfaction with the CRM system. These findings are in line with the prior studies of
Sağlam et al. (2021) and Jun et al. (2018), who described that different types of
information are required to perform challenging work specifically for elderly individuals
or those who are unfamiliar with information technologies. Similarly, technology-based
CRM systems require continuous organisational support and guidance for its users to
perform efficiently.
The study results also found a significant between facilitating conditions and user's
satisfaction with the CRM system. These results are also backed by prior studies of
Venkatesh et al. (2003) and Bhat et al. (2016). who states that facilitating conditions
contain the critical support that the employees gain from the company's supervisors and
training to empower them to use the technology-based CRM system effectively. Such
organisational arrangements also influence users' satisfaction using various technology-
based systems.
Finally, the findings also inferred that social influence has a significant positive impact
on user's satisfaction with the CRM system. These findings are in line with the prior
studies of Graf-Vlachy et al. (2018) and Beldad et al. (2018), who found that by the
development of new technologies – particularly social technologies – social influence
may play an increasingly essential role in compelling people to use specific technology-
based systems.


CRM is a vital system that helps organisations move from a product-centric company to
a customer-centric company. It allows organisations to build sustainable and profitable
Vol: 13 No: 1 Year: 2021 ISSN: 2146-0744 (Online) (pp. 97-116) Doi: 10.34111/ijebeg.202113105

relationships with their customers, which increases the organisation's market share and
satisfies its customers. TAM has been a widely used model to understand and explain
users' behavior of the CRM system. This study aimed to investigate users' satisfaction
with selected variables in the CRM of a telecommunications company in the Kingdom
of Bahrain. The following selected variables are perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness, user support, facilitating conditions, and social influence. The study
indicated that the users are delighted with the CRM system and that the relationship
between the selected variables and users' satisfaction is significant. Furthermore, all the
chosen variables had at least a moderate to a high association with user's satisfaction
except the facilitating conditions variable, which had a weak to an average relationship
with user's satisfaction.

7.1 Research Implications

The research findings can help the organisations gain insight into how satisfied their
employees are with the CRM system. It is beneficial to foresee and calibrate users'
contentment and develop and enhance customer service and an institution's service
aspect. It also helps the company assess and improve the system to build a sustainable
relationship with the customers and improve its performance. Based on the study results,
the organisation needs to offer extensive programs to train employees in using a CRM
system and acquainting them with such a system's importance. In addition, the company
could establish a support unit of consistently available staff to assist CRM users when
facing any technical problem. Furthermore, the CRM system needs to be integrated
across the entire company and emphasize its importance. Finally, the organisations also
need to invest in technologies that intensify the CRM system and directly touch its

7.2 Future Research directions

Besides several theoretical and practical knowledge addition to existing literature, the
present study also has several limitations. First, due to time and financial constraints, the
present study is cross-sectional. However, future studies are recommended to perform
longitudinal studies to draw causal inferences. Second, to provide a deep insight into the
further studies could add intervening variables in the relationship between selected
variables and user satisfaction with the CRM system. Finally, this research is limited to
the telecommunications sector of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Therefore, it is recommended
to study this model in other countries' telecommunications industries.

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