An Experimental Study On The Behavior of Rockfill
An Experimental Study On The Behavior of Rockfill
An Experimental Study On The Behavior of Rockfill
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5 authors, including:
Ali Ghanbari
Kharazmi University
All content following this page was uploaded by Ali Ghanbari on 04 January 2014.
Ali Ghanbari
Assistant professor, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
Hadi Mohamadzadeh
Research Student, Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran
Masoud Mohamadzadeh
Research Student, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
This paper describes the results of two series of large-scale direct shear and triaxial tests conducted on
rockfill materials, used in dam construction in Iran. The materials studied in this work had been used in
the construction of the shell of the Madani, Mianeh, Sabalan and Sahand rockfill dams in north-west of
Iran. The tests are conducted at low to high confining stresses to relate their findings to the shear
strength of rockfill materials. considering the current test results in conjunction with previous
laboratory data, failure criteria for particle breakage of rockfill materials has been assessed. Finally, the
relation between the Los Angeles index and particle breakage criterion of rockfill is studied, and the
implications of a linear envelope are discussed. Two parallel rockfill gradations, well-graded and
poorly-graded materials, for specimens compacted to similar porosities are considered, the role of
gradations effect on shear strength, is discussed.
KEYWORDS: rockfill, large scale test, particle breakage, shear strength
Earth and rockfill dams, owing to their special features comparing to concrete dams, are of high
interest and more welcomed. For this reason, the enhancement of information and knowledge of engineers
and experts regarding the design and specific problems of such dams in indispensable. Knowing the
precise behavior of rockfill materials as the main materials of most large dams is inevitable. Different
reports of settlement and deformation inspection of rockfill dams during of operation of these structures
denote that the after settlement of these dams are much more than earth dams and occurrence of these
deformations is likely to result in cracking of the core or may lead to high stresses in the body of the dam.
Vol. 13, Bund. G 2
Despite the extent of usage and necessity of recognizing the behavior of rockfill materials, the
difficulty of conducting laborite tests on the rockfill materials has made it difficult to fully understand the
stress – strain behavior of these materials.
The first criterion to evaluate the particles breakage has been presented by Leslie(1963) on the basis
of experiments conducted on the sandy soil. According to the criteria, modified by himself later, the
percent passing the sieve that hundred percent of materials remain on it before loading, is regarded as the
criterion for particles breakage index. Also, one of the oldest studies on the large scale tests has been
carried out by Marsal (1965). According to this study the breakage factor of materials has been defined as
the horizontal distance between the two curves of before and after loading. In addition to these two
criteria, Lee and Farhoomand (1967) presented other criteria to measure the particles breakage, while
studying materials to be used in the filter of an earth dam. They tested samples of sandy soils under
confining pressure and as D15 is an important parameter in designing earth dam’s filters, they defined the
breakage criteria as the ration of D15 of materials before loading to the D15 of materials after conducting
the test.
The variation of D50 has also used to assess the rate of aggregates breakage at the end of the test.
This variation can be obtained by the Di50/Df50 ratio. The latter has been mentioned in this paper as the
average criterion of grains size (Inderaranta et al., 1993). Presented the aforementioned criteria, inspired
by the Hazen empirical relation for the soil permeability (Hazen, 1911), the following relation was
presented to determine the rate of particle breakage:
Where, B10 is the breakage factor and Df10 and Di10 are the effective diameter of grains after and
before loading, respectively. Hardin (1986) stated that the area between the two grading curves (before
and after of loading) is equal to particle breakage index. This area limited to the sieve number 200. Lade
et al. (1996) have also presented a criteria to estimate the rate of particle breakage on the basis of energy
equilibrium in order to estimate the rate of variation of permeability caused by the particle breakage
In this study, in order to investigate the rockfill materials behavior, the large scale tests including
direct shear of 30cm dimension and triaxial test of 40cm height have been used.
In general, performing shear strength tests on the rockfill materials is difficult which is mostly due to
the requiring using large scale equipments and applying high stresses to cause failure in the sample, and
accordingly laboratorial studies on these materials are much fewer comparing to soil material. With
respect to grading, the better the aggregates are graded, the higher the frictional resistance will be which
is due to the better interlocking of grains with each other. To the contrary, aggregates with poor grading
or uniform grading, have less frictional resistance. The impact of type of grading on the angle of internal
friction is about 2 to 3 degrees. In well graded materials, the percentage of crushed rock is less and the
angle of friction will be higher (Brauns, 1968).
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What is more, the grain size will also influence the compressive strength and ductility of materials.
Marachi et al.(1972) performed substantial experiments on the rockfill materials. The results reported by
these researchers show a significant decline in the angle of internal friction with the increase of grains
sizes. These researchers have indicated that in sample in which the maximum diameter of the particle is 6
inches, the angle of friction is 3 to 4 degrees less than a sample in which the minimum diameter of the
particle is 0.5 inches.
The angularity of grains also has a considerable effect on the shear strength and deformation of
materials. The deformation caused by crushing in angular materials is more than rounded materials, which
is mostly because they are not well compacted in compaction process. Aggregates with more angular
particles have higher shear strength (Gharavy, 1996).
It has been found that materials which have been dry compacted, after wetting undergo substantial
deformations. The impact of water in decreasing the strength of rockfill materials is mostly attributed to
crushing and development of the phenomenon in rockfill materials. The percent of strength decrease in
different rockfills due to saturation ranges from 6 to 53. With regard to the behavior of rockfill materials,
it is worth mentioning that, the behavior of a rockfill mass is subject to properties of the rockfill they have
been made up of and investigating the minerals constitutes an aggregate, the geotechnical properties of
the aggregate can be predicted. Most projects in which rockfill materials are used, stiffness and type of
parent rock has been found to be the main characteristic influencing other properties of the Materials.
Besides, the aggregates resistance is one of the effective factors in behavior of rockfill materials.
Particles resistance is proportional to the Force acting on the interface of the two particles results in their
crushing. Different materials undergone the some stress have different degrees of crushing, thus, crushing
of materials is a function of their strength.
It has also been found that in drained triaxial test, the angle of friction in sands decreases with the
increase of confining pressure. The impact of confining pressure and the surcharge on the angle of
internal friction is an important factor in the stability analysis of rockfill slopes. Strength and deformation
of materials is subject to confining pressure and surcharge and is a function of pressure history and
magnitude of the pressure (Gharavy, 1996). Moreover, the behavior of laboratorial samples is subject to
the ratio of diameter of the sample to the minimum of grain size (D/d).
For well graded materials, these ratio equals 4 and in materials with uniform grading curve, this ratio
has been recommended to be 6. If the interpolation between D and d is not met, the behavior of materials
will be affected. If this ratio decreases, it will result in lowering of density and increasing of porosity. In
this case, during compaction in materials with loose rocks, more materials are likely to be crushed.
Furthermore, D/d ratio will also affect the angle of friction of materials (Parkin, 1991).
As far as number of experiments are concerned, a number tests have been conducted including: 13
large scale triaxial test 40 cm height each, 21 large scale direct shear tests 30 cm dimensions each, and 16
Los Angeles tests. Among these tests, 8 large scale triaxial tests were preformed on Mianeh dam
Materials, 4 were carried out on Madani dam materials and one was conducted on the materials of
Sabalan dam. 4 abrasion Los Angeles tests were performed on each dam.
In order of convert field grading in to laboratorial grading the parallel scale method has been used. In
this case, the grading curve of real materials is transferred to the left with a constant shift so that the
maximum sizes of particles are decreased to the minimum laboratorial sizes. The maximum laboratorial
sizes of grains for the triaxial test are 2 inches and for the direct shear test, the maximum grain size has
been taken 1 inch. In order to figure out the impact of improper performance of grading, two well graded
and poor graded curve have been used in tests. In figure (1), the laboratorial grading curves have been
illustrated. The poor graded samples are only for Mianeh dam, but well graded samples have been used in
all four dams.
The experiments have been conducted in consolidated drained (CD) conditions and the confining
pressures range from 1 to 7 kg/cm2 for triaxial test and 1 to 4.5 kg/cm2 for shear test .The lateral loading
rate, with respect to the relative similarity of samples conditions, has also been considered 0.5mm/min. In
this study all experimental samples of triaxial and direct shear tests are remolded samples that are
prepared from the modified standard with the dry unit weight corresponding to 95% of maximum dry unit
weight and optimum water content.
In this section the results obtained from experiments conducted on the rockfill materials along with
discussions about these results are presented.
Figure (3) shows the shear stress- axial deformation curves for the Madani sample. According to this
figure, failure in small surcharges occurs in slight deformation, while in higher surcharges, failure occurs
in axial deformations move than 21 mm and the applied pressures are constant after the peak point and
don't indicate a significant decline. Also, figure (4) is the vertical deformation curve relative to axial
displacement for Madani sample. According to the results obtained here, the samples had a considerable
dilatancy in small surcharges, but the dilatancy of materials decrease with the increase in surcharge, such
that in the surcharge equals to 4.5 kg/cm2 there is no dilatancy. The rate of dilatancy in surcharges of 1 to
2.5 kg/cm2, ranges from 1 to 23 mm.
Figure 5 shows the axial deformation – shear stress behavior of Mianeh dam samples in well- graded
condition. According to this figure, the deformation in failure has increased with decrease in surcharge. It
can be observed that the curves don't have a distinct peak point in none of the applied surcharges. Figure
6 illustrates the vertical deformation variations versus axial displacement for the same materials. As it can
be seen, in the surcharge of 1 kg/cm2 the sample, after a slight compression, undergoes dilatancy and after
30 mm of deformation, about 4.5 mm are added up to the high of the sample.
Figure 3: Shear stress- axial deformation curves for the Madani samples
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Figure 4: Vertical deformation curve relative to axial displacement for Madani sample
Figure 5: Axial deformation – shear stress behavior of Mianeh dam samples in well graded
Figure 6: Vertical deformation variations versus axial displacement for the same materials
The rockfill materials samples of Madani dam have been tested at confining pressures of 1, 2, 4, 7
kg/cm2. Figure (7) indicates the deviatoric stress versus a mean strain curves for those materials.
According to these curves, in confining pressures of 1 and 2 kg/cm2, the failure of samples occurs in
smaller deformations of 2 to 5 percents, while for confining pressures of 4 and 7 kg/cm2, the failure of
samples occurs in deformations ranging more than 10 percents.
Figure (8) illustrates the volumetric strains versus axial strains curves. The results clearly show that in
confining pressures of 4 and 7 kg/cm2, no dilatancy takes place in samples and samples are compressed.
Whereas in confining pressures of 1 kg/cm2, immediately after the axial deformations of 0.5 percent, the
sample undergoes dilatancy and the volumetric increase of more than 4 percent continues. Figure (9)
shows the angles of internal friction for Madani samples under the abovementioned confining pressures.
As it is clearly evident, in low confining pressures, the angle of friction is higher.
Figure 7: Deviatoric stress versus a mean strain Figure 8: Volumetric strain versus axial strain
(Madani Dam) (Madani Dam)
Having finished with Madani dam materials, the rockfill materials samples of Mianeh dam have been
tested under well graded conditions. These samples have been tested in triaxial test under different
confining pressures of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 kg/cm2. As it can be seen in figure (10), the approximate linear
stress- strain behavior of these materials increases with the increase of confining pressure. This
approximately linear behavior continues for the confining pressure of 7 kg/cm2 from the commencement
of loading up to deformations of about 1 percent. The samples fail in confining pressures of 1 and 2
kg/cm2 in deformations between 2 to 4 percents. Also as it is obvious from figure (11), the rate of
dilatancy in samples increases when confining pressures decrease. Such that in deformations of 15
percents, the dilatancy of sample in confining pressure of 7 kg/cm2 is less than 1 percent. Figure (12)
illustrates the angles of internal friction of well graded sample of Mianeh dam.
Figure 10: Deviatoric stress versus a mean strain Figure 11: Volumetric strain versus axial strain
(Mianeh Dam) (Mianeh Dam)
Figure 12: Angles of internal friction for Mianeh samples in triaxial test
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The comparison of curves illustrated in figures (14-a) and (14-b) shows that the ductility of Madani
and Mianeh dams materials have a similar behavior in direct shear tests and triaxial tests, namely, in both
tests the rate of ductility increases with the confining pressure and surcharge. (The Mianeh dam materials
are referred to as I and Madani dam Materials are referred to as V). It can also be concluded from the
result presented in figures (15-a) and (15-b) that the bearing capacity of rockfill samples of Madani dam
and Mianeh dam increases with the increase of surcharge and confining pressure. However, due to
difference in the applied load, the degree of stress tolerance as well as load capacity is different. In
addition, the results illustrated in figures (16-a) and (16-b) show that in terms of volumetric strain and
vertical deformation, in failure the rockfill materials have a similar behavior in both tests. Also, in both
tests, the deformation ratio of Madani sample is higher than Mianeh dam.
Table (2) shows the angle of internal friction of rockfill samples for the large scale direct shear tests
and large diameter triaxial tests. This difference for the samples of the two tests is 3 to 4 degrees.
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Figure 14: Horizontal displacement and axial strain of rockfill materials at failure
(V: Madani dam, I: Mianeh dam)
Figure 16: Volumetric strain and vertical deformation of rockfill materials at failure
(V: Madani dam, I: Mianeh dam)
In these equations, φ and S are the angle of internal friction and Los Angeles abrasion of rockfill
materials, respectively.
For direct shear test, the test was conducted on the poorly- graded samples with surcharges of 1, 2, 3,
and 4 kg/cm2. Fig. 18 illustrates the shear stress curve versus axial displacement of these samples. As it
can been seen the failure has occurred in surcharge, the peak paint of the curve shifts to the right and
takes place in deformations of higher than 20 mm.
Figure 18: Shear stress versus axial Figure 19: Vertical deformation versus axial
displacement displacement
Figure 20: Mohr – Coulomb envelope for poorly graded materials of Mianeh dam
Figure 19 shows the vertical deformation curve versus axial displacement for direct shear results. In
surcharge of 1 kg/cm2, first it was compressed up to axial displacement of 4mm and then it was dilated
continued up to the deformation of 30 mm. In surcharge of 2 kg/cm2 it has been compressed up to the
deformation of 7 mm and then starts to dilatancy. According to Figure 20, the angle of internal friction for
the plane failure of these materials in direct shear test has been calculated about 49.14 degrees.
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Furthermore, the triaxial test has been carried out on poorly graded samples in confining pressures of
1, 3 and 7 kg/cm2. The results of these tests have been illustrated in Figures 21 and 22. It can be seen from
Figure 21 that the failure of these samples takes place in confining pressure of 0.5 kg/cm2 in deformations
of less than 2 percents. But, in confining pressures of higher than 3 kg/cm2 the peak point of the curve has
been shifted to the right. In Figure 22 the lateral pressure is 0.5 kg/cm2 and the sample has undergone
0.5% dilatancy from the beginning of loading after a slight compression and axial strains and ultimately
the volumetric increase is about 8%. As it can be observed from Figure 23 in low confining pressures the
friction angle is high and in high confining pressures reaches a constant value.
It can be concluded from the analysis of results obtained from direct shear tests and triaxial tests on
poorly graded materials that the friction angle of poorly graded materials in large scale direct shear is
about 2 to 3 degrees and in maximum confining pressure in triaxial test is about 4 degrees less than the
friction angle of well graded materials. The investigation of the obtained results also shows that in higher
surcharges and confining pressures the well graded materials have a higher bearing capacity and dilatancy
comparing to poorly graded materials.
Figure 21: Deviatoric stress versus a mean Figure 22: Volumetric strain versus axial strain
strain (Poorly graded materials of Mianeh dam) (Poorly graded materials of Mianeh dam)
Figure 23: Angles of internal friction for poorly graded samples of Mianeh
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These relations for Hazen, Lee and Farhoomand criteria and the average particles size ratio have been
presented in Tables (4) and (5). In these relations, FH is the Hazen breakage index, FL is Lee and
Farhoomand breakage index, FD is the average breakage index of particles size, φ is the angle of internal
friction in degree and S is Los Angeles abrasion index. Tables (4) and (5) indicate the particles breakage
indices relations with angle of internal friction and Los Angeles abrasion index in direct shear tests and
triaxial tests. In other words, having the φ value of materials, the particles breakage value can be obtained
in these indices.
R 2 = 0.96 R 2 = 0.4
FL = 0.724 + 15.5 *10 −3 * S FL = 0.44 + 39.9 *10 −3 * S Lee and
R 2 = 0.96 R 2 = 0.26
FD = 0.88 + 5.8 *10 −3 * S FD = 1.02 + 5.2 *10 −3 * S D50
R 2 = 0.90 R 2 = 0.16
Vol. 13, Bund. G 15
Table 5: The linear relations between φ and the indices of particle breakage
Direct Shear Test Large Scale Triaxial Test Index
R 2 = 0.98 R 2 = 0.64
FL = 3.22 − 42.3 *10 −3 * ϕ FL = 7.84 − 13.8 *10 −3 * ϕ Lee and
R 2 = 0.98 R 2 = 0.5
In this study, different tests have been conducted on rockfill materials taken from four large dams
located in North West of Iran. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows:
1- Rockfill materials with lower stiffness and strength comparing with resistant and right materials
fail in larger deformations but have a lower bearing capacity. This is related to the crushing of weak
aggregates due to the applied stresses.
2- The well graded rockfill materials have a greater bearing capacity compared to poorly graded
materials, which is due to the more involvement particles with each other in a mass of rockfill materials
with distributed grading. The difference in bearing capacity of two types of grading increases with the
increase of surcharge and confining pressure applied to the sample.
3- The friction angle of rockfill materials in large scale direct shear is 3 to 4 degrees more than
triaxial test. According to this, it is necessary to consider a higher safety factor in using the friction angle
obtained from direct shear test.
4- According to the results obtained, the angle of internal friction of poorly graded materials is about
2 to 4 degrees less than well graded materials. As it is not possible to implement the designed grading
accurately in practice, it is essential to take into account the aforesaid decline in designing.
5- The failure of stiffer rockfill materials has a higher dilatancy comparing to softer materials.
6- The linear relations between the angle of internal friction and the indices of particles breakage and
Los Angeles abrasion index and the indices of particles breakage in direct shear tests have a high
accuracy R2>0.90. Whereas the same relations are not acceptable for triaxial samples in which R2>0.64.
It seems likely that it is mostly due to the middle point of these data which is for Sabalan dam. However,
in all cases the D50 criteria has a lower correlation factor and Lee and Farhoomand criteria has a higher
correlation factor.
Vol. 13, Bund. G 16
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