ITRA Syllabus 2022 v7 Updated

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Technical Rescue

Swiftwater Rescue
Rope Rescue
Version 7
Confined Space Rescue

Urban Search & Rescue

Tactical Rescue Tactical Rescue Tactical Rescue
About the International Technical Rescue Association
Purpose: Why ITRA
• To promote international best practices and standards for technical rescue.
• To improve the global portability and recognition of professional rescue qualifications.
• To provide local flexibility in delivering technical rescue training curriculum.

Vision: Our hope

• A collaborative and professional global technical rescue industry.

Mission: What we do
• Recognize and document locally delivered training according to global best practices.
• Provide Independent competency-based assessments for instructor and technical rescuers.
• Maintain a global central database of training records for members.
• Share safety-related lessons learned from technical rescue activities to prevent harm.

Values: How we do it
• Training and assessment systems developed by industry for industry.
• A non-profit entity that is driven by and accountable to its membership.
• Instructors and Practitioners maintain their currency through robust re-certification process.
• Members conducting themselves professionally and held accountable under a Code of Conduct.

• Meaningful and genuine consultation with members on our work.
• Active use of social media to engage and keep members informed.
• Annual disclosure of our activities and finances to our members.
• Public register of qualified practitioners, instructors and assessors.

Working together:
• Share knowledge, skills, and experiences across all disciplines of technical rescue.
• Establish an international reporting system to highlight safety concerns within the industry.
About us: The International Technical Rescue Association (ITRA) was officially incorporated in Pennsylvania, USA
in May 2018 by well-respected technical rescue instructors from around the world. The mandate was
simple: to create a non-profit global body that would allow the delivery of local training standards through a
network of internationally recognized technical rescue instructors.
We promote international best practices and standards for technical rescue, improve the global portability and recognition of
professional rescue qualifications and provide local flexibility in delivering technical rescue training curriculum.

Our Instructors have to undergo a rigorous assessment and re-certification process, ensuring in-house (agency) and
commercial (independent) instructors are subject to external validation, incident reporting and as with all our members, a
code of professional conduct.

Student achievement of learning objectives are recorded by our instructors on a global database which students can access as
student members. This means students who work for different organizations or are taught by different instructors have a
central database to track their rescue training.

Our secure global database allows members to validate their training record online in real time, allowing incident
commanders to make better task allocation decisions and for clients to verify instructor credentials.

We also offer formal practitioner qualifications that have globally set learning objectives that practitioners can be evaluated
against using competency- based assessment. These qualifications have three levels and will be available for a range of
technical rescue disciplines to provide a globally recognized qualification that is set by the industry, for the industry using a
not-for-profit model.

With over 300 teaching points, ITRA instructors can teach short or long courses to meet local needs, including a cluster of
teaching points that can aligned to local, state or national standards (i.e,. NFPA, DEFRA, PUA, NZQA, etc.). Most training across
the world is attendance-based, so instructors can record all training given within their scope of approval onto the ITRA
database. No more cookie cutter courses -- instructors can select what teaching points are needed and later recorded in the
global database, which may work toward or align with local or national standards as well as ITRA qualifications.

Students can access their online learning record (transcript), so the flexible teaching delivery can be centrally recorded at
no extra cost as the instructor enters teaching point completions into the global database. This makes it ideal for capturing
internal training, as such learning objectives can be easily recorded on the global database. Students can access their
transcript online easily to validate what training they have undertaken through any ITRA Instructor.

Members will also be able to see what learning objectives they have not completed in preparation for assessment against
global ITRA qualifications. Once a member has attended training for all the learning objectives in an ITRA qualification, they
are then eligible for an introductory certificate (i.e., ITRA Introduction to Swiftwater Technician) which confirms attendance of
all related learning objectives, but not necessarily competence. Where members want to seek a competency-based
qualification, every learning objective is then rigorously assessed for competence by an independent ITRA Assessor (i.e., the
assessor cannot be from the same organization, family etc.).

Upon the completion of achieving competence across the prescribed learning objectives for the respective ITRA qualification,
the member is awarded an ITRA Qualification such as Rope Rescue Level 1, which becomes the first multi-standard and
globally recognized technical rescue professional qualification. Naturally, ITRA qualifications are subject to three-year re-
evaluation and those holding a full ITRA qualification are also listed on the public register of ITRA qualified practitioners.

For instructors there are no mandatory student packets to purchase unless your company produces/supplies/requires
them as part of their own administrative processes.
Qualification Graduate Profiles

Swiftwater Rope
Level 1 (Responder) Level 1 (Responder)
Practitioners at this level are able to provide initial Practitioners at this level are able to, as part of a team
response to swiftwater and flood incidents, effect shore- but with minimal supervision, to respond to a rope
based or shallow water wading rescues, and be able to rescue incident, apply low angle stretcher maneuvers,
effect self-rescue. and perform basic rope access and ascent techniques to
access and stabilize patients.

Level 2 (Technician) Level 2 (Technician)

Practitioners at this level are able to provide a technical Practitioners at this level are able to, as part of a team,
response to non-complex swiftwater and flood respond and lead rope rescue incidents in both the low
incidents, including using boat on tether rescues and and high angle environment.
effecting in-water contact rescues.

Level 3A (Advanced) Level 3 (Advanced)

Practitioners at this level are able to carry out complex Practitioners at this level are able carry out complex
swiftwater and flood rescues or body recoveries high angle rescues and provide specialist advice.
including the use of non-motorized craft up to Class III
environments and other high hazard environments such
as low head dams and flood channels.

Level 3B (Boat)
Practitioners at this level are able to carry out
motorized boat rescue operations up and including
Class III environments.

Level 3V (Vehicle)
Practitioners at this level are able to carry out contact
rescues from vehicles in flood/swiftwater.
Qualification Graduate Profiles
Confined Space
Level 1(Responder)
Practitioners at this level will be able to define a
confined space, identify common hazards and apply
appropriate control measures. Practitioners will be
able to respond to a confined space incident and
conduct non-entry or simple entry rescues.

Level 2 (Technician)
Practitioners at this level will be able to further identify
hazards, apply control measures, and manage entry
into a confined space which is not immediately
dangerous to life and health. Practitioners will be
able to respond to a confined space incident and
conduct entry rescues including the use of rope
systems and packaging to extract a patient.

Level 3 (Advanced)
Practitioners at this level will be able to apply a wide
range of control measures to manage entry into
confined spaces which are immediately dangerous to life
and health. Practitioners will be able to respond to a
confined space incident and conduct rescues using self-
contained and supplied air breathing apparatus. They
will be able to carry out complex and extended confined
space rescues.
Qualification Graduate Profiles
Urban Search & Rescue Tactical
Level 1 Technician—Light Level 1 (Responder)
Practitioners at this level are able to, as part of a Practitioners at this level will be able to operate as part
team but with minimal supervision, respond to a of small tactical team, rig their own team-based anchors,
structural collapse incident, carry out a risk assessment, manage edge problems, and be capable of rappelling
undertake basic surface search and rescue, construct and climbing single rope while wearing full duty
emergency shoring, use ladders and improvised low gear/weapons in a rapid, efficient, and safe manner.
height rescue methods, and access light structures Able to pass knots, change lines, and negotiate difficult
(wood, bamboo etc.); or, in the case of medium and transitions/edges in both directions, as well as perform
heavy structures, prepare the incident scene for inverted rappels. Ability to perform window/balcony
medium- or heavy-level capability response. entries, even in low light/no light conditions. Able to
conduct rapid harness inspections (Prerequisite for
rappel master or helicopter endorsement).

Level 2 Technician—Medium Level 2 (Technician)

Practitioners at this level are able, as part of a team, to Practitioners at this level will be able to lead a small
respond to light- and medium-type structural collapse team on tactical vertical missions. Full tactical mobility
incidents. As they require rope and confined space on SRT…can go anywhere there is a rope or nylon
qualifications as a pre-requisite, they are able to effect product capable of human load, day or night. Able to
basic rope rescues from heights and confined spaces. utilize body weight to effect small weight transfers. Able
They are able to carry out intermediate level shoring as to travel horizontal lines, off-sets, guidelines. Able to
well as gain access to reinforced and unreinforced conduct rapid system inspections. Conduct mid-line
masonry using a variety of cutting and breaching rescues or interventions for conscious/cooperative
methods to locate and rescue entrapped victims. subjects in a tactical environment (stuck operator,
hostage extrication, etc.). Handle two person loads on
rope. Traveling hauls and simple counterweight rescue
Qualification Graduate Profiles
Level 3 Technician—Heavy Level 3 (Advanced)

Practitioners at this level are able carry out complex Practitioners at this level will be able to conduct Level
and extended structural collapse incidents involving 2 skills with minimal gear, with a patient in tow, or in
heavy structures such as tilt-slab and reinforced compromised atmospheres. Ability to improvise
concrete and steel. They also are able to construct rigging solutions in response to suspect actions.
advanced vertical and horizontal shoring systems and Ability to rig mid-pitch deviations, horizontal lines,
carry out advanced urban search and rescue tasks to guidelines, etc. All manner of pick-offs where raising
rescue victims from all types of structures. full body weight of subject is required. Climbing with
improvised or partially disabled SRT system. System
analysis of suspect rigging that may be rigged to fail or
cause injury (common vertical protester tactics).
Ability to conduct & advise of vertical mission
planning. Urban climbing, including use of aide
anchors, bolts, etc. Required to advance to tactical
rope instructor.

Special Note: INSARAG/IFRC First Responder Course

Where delivered by an ITRA USAR Instructor, students who the INSARAG/IFRC First Responder Program may be awarded the
Learning Objectives as marked with UN blue from the Level 1 USAR (Responder) syllabus. Further information on this package
is available from

K: Knowledge/Theory
Swiftwater Rescue 1
S: Skills/Practical
O: Optional – if required by agency Swiftwater Responder

ITRA Ref # Discipline Learning Objective Title Key*

100 General Introduction to ITRA K
101 General Introduction to local incident command system K
102 General Introduction to local rescue and safety laws K
103 General Introduction to local response frameworks and protocols K
104 Animal Outline the management of animals during emergencies K
105 Water Rescue communications (whistles and hand signals) on river K
107 General Basic command tactics and zoning for technical rescue K
108 General Knowledge of managing night/poor visibility operations for technical rescue K
110 Rope Basic knots for rescue S
111 Rope Basic equipment for rope rescue K
114 Water Introduction to river and flood hydrology K
115 Water Environmental care and biosecurity precautions K
116 Water Swiftwater and flood hazard management K
117 Water Medical considerations for swiftwater and flood K
118 Water Vehicle drowning prevention and escape methods K
119 Water Basic equipment for water rescue K
120 Water Contamination and decontamination for flooding K
121 Water Watercraft types and applications for rescue K
122 Water River Swimming (defensive and aggressive) S
124 Water Use of water rescue throw -bags (receive and throw) S
125 Water Shallow water crossing methods S
126 Water Entrapment drills and cinch techniques (shore based) S
127 Water Shore based vehicle-in-water stabilization S
131 Boat Boat on tether (2 point) S
132 Boat Boat on tether (4 point) O
138 Water Inflatable fire hoses K
147 Water Culvert and storm drain hazards and rescue K
149 Water River and flood search strategies K
154 Water Reach based rescue (improvised or proprietary reach system) K
158 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Determining mode (Rescue vs. Recovery) K
259 Rope Selection and construction of single point anchors S
345 Water Throw bag hand tensioned pendulum line K

Optional Learning Objectives are not required to be assessed but may be taught by an Instructor for this qualification.
Swiftwater Rescue 2
Pre-Required Qualifications:
Swiftwater 1
Swiftwater Technician

106 General Basic safety around aircraft K

113 Rope Simple mechanical advantage rigging S
123 Water In-water spinal rolls S
128 Water Tensioned diagonal/Zip line evacuation (self) S
129 Water Tensioned diagonal/Zip line attended (with casualty) S
130 Water Strainer wrap and negotiation S
132 Boat Boat on tether (4 point) S
133 Water Combat and towed swim S
134 Water Throw bagged rescue swimmer S
135 Water Live bait (tethered) swimmer rescue S
136 Water V lower rescue swimmer S
137 Water Capture device (Snag Plate) applications K
139 Water Boat on basic highline S
141 Boat Knowledge of boat unwrapping/un-pinning K
143 Water Knowledge of canals and aqueduct rescue hazards and rescue K
145 Water Knowledge of Low head dam rescue hazards and techniques K
148 Water Rescue PFD quick release S
150 Water Carry out river and flood rescue search S
151 Water Vehicle in water: wading access rescue S
156 Water Diving mask and snorkel operation K
174 General Rescue communications (radios) K
176 Water Boat based parbuckling S
177 Water Rescues from ice, mud and other unstable surfaces K
178 Water Rescues from canal locks and sluices K
179 Boat Power boat types K
213 Water Knowledge of Line (rope) crossing methods K
220 Rope Independent belay/safety systems for rescue loads S
225 Water Vehicle behavior in static and flowing water K
344 Water Using additional line to deflect zip lines K
384 Water Knowledge of curtain capture on tensioned diagonal K
Swiftwater Rescue 3A
Pre-Required Qualifications:
Swiftwater 2 Swiftwater Advanced

140 Water Boat on reeving highline S

142 Boat Carry out unwrapping or un-pinning of boats S
144 Water Canal and aqueduct rescue methods S
146 Water Perform technical rescues at low head dams S
152 Water Hiking pack float K
153 Water Wader float/safety drill K
157 Water River fins operation in high flow situations K
159 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Local legal authority and roles K
160 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Disaster victim identification K
161 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Recovery management/ICS K
162 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Decomposition factors and forensic considerations K
163 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Infectious disease control and personal safety K
164 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Psychological considerations K
165 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Management of family and media K
166 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Recording and presenting evidence for law enforcement K
167 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Body recovery equipment and techniques K
168 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Recovery methods from highline K
169 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Recovery methods using advanced throw bag techniques K
170 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Recovery methods from boat or board K
171 Recovery Water Body Recovery: Specialist body recovery equipment used by the team K
172 Boat Basic paddle boat handing Class III S
173 Water Advanced swimming Class III S
175 Rope Rescue communications (whistles and hand signals) on rope S
211 Boat Inflatable boat repair (PVC/Hypalon patching) K
212 Boat Basic paddle boat handling Class I-II S
214 Water Perform line (rope) crossing methods S
219 Water River board or floating adjunct operation K
221 Water Knowledge of SCUBA operations and limitations K
222 Water In water victim release/escape tactics S
223 Water In water victim towed swim using adjunct S
224 Water Below surface drowned victim recovery (non-SCUBA) K
235 Water Night Rescue Exercise - Water S
310 Water Fitting and operation of hybrid rescue swimmer vests K
316 Rope Improvised harnesses K
317 General Lockout/Tag Out Systems (including for elevated structures) K
346 Water Throw bag hand tensioned pendulum line S
386 Water Cargo net on tensioned diagonal K
500 Rope Improvised (non-mechanical) rappelling and ascending K
Swiftwater Rescue 3B
Pre-Required Qualifications:
Swiftwater 2
Swiftwater Rescue Boat Operator

172 Boat Basic paddle boat handing Class III S

173 Water Advanced swimming Class III S
180 Boat Power boat pre-launch checks S
181 Boat Power boat engine fault finding/solving S
182 Boat Power boat flood hydrology considerations K
183 Boat Power boat launching and trailering S
184 Boat Power boat trip planning K
185 Boat Power boat maritime rules and river laws/by -laws K
186 Boat Power boat marine radio operation and distress procedure K
187 Boat Power boat engine start up procedure S
188 Boat Power boat basic low speed maneuvering S
189 Boat Power boat advanced high-speed maneuvering S
190 Boat Power boat weight and balance/team coordination/calls S
191 Boat Power boat holding station S
192 Boat Power boat J turns S
193 Boat Power boat eddy glide S
194 Boat Power boat man overboard drill S
195 Boat Power boat rescue swimmer drop off and pick up S
196 Boat Power boat casualty pick up/tiller/engine procedures S
197 Boat Power boat towing another craft S
198 Boat Power boat pacing with another craft S
199 Boat Power boat flips and righting S
200 Boat Power boat search patterns S
201 Boat Power boat night operations S
202 Boat Power boat ladder access K
203 Boat Power boat vehicle access S
204 Boat Power boat fast landing S
205 Boat Power boat mid-stream object touch S
206 Boat Power boat emergency procedures (fire, flip, loss of engine) K
207 Boat Power boat recommissioning after use S
208 Boat Power boat handling Class 1 S
209 Boat Power boat handling Class 2 S
210 Boat Power boat handling Class 3 S
211 Boat Inflatable boat repair (PVC/Hypalon patching) K
341 Boat Power boat handling Class 0/Flat water S
342 Boat Power boat handling - docking approach and departure S
343 Boat Power boat - boat assembly and motor mounting S
Swiftwater Rescue 3V
Pre-Required Qualifications:
Swiftwater 2
Swiftwater Vehicle

226 Water Vehicle sinking behavior K

227 Water Vehicle anatomy for rescue K
228 Water Hazards of vehicles in water K
229 Water Rescue tactics for vehicles in water K
230 Water Anchoring of vehicles in water K
231 Water Glass management during vehicle extrication/rescue K
232 Water Vehicle in water size up K
233 Water Safety considerations for working around vehicles in water K
234 Water Contact rescues of victims from vehicle in water S
Rope Rescue

K: Knowledge/Theory
S: Skills/Practical
O: Optional – if required by agency
Rope Rescue Responder

100 General Introduction to ITRA K

101 General Introduction to local incident command system K
102 General Introduction to local rescue and safety laws K
103 General Introduction to local response frameworks and protocols K
107 General Basic command tactics and zoning for technical rescue K
108 General Knowledge of managing night/poor visibility operations for technical rescue K
110 Rope Knots for rescue S
111 Rope Basic equipment for rope rescue K
113 Rope Mechanical advantage rigging S
174 General Rescue communications (radios) K
175 Rope Rescue communications (whistles and hand signals) on rope K
220 Rope Independent belay/safety systems for rescue loads S
254 Rope Rope rescue hazard identification and management K
255 General Introducing Standard Operating Procedures or Best Practice Guidelines K
256 General Technical equipment inventories and maintenance procedures K
257 Rope Safety systems and protocols for rope rescue (safety officer, checking options) S
258 Rope Protection of rope systems (edge protection, hazard avoidance) S
259 Rope Selection and construction of single point anchors S
260 Rope Selection and construction of multi point anchors S
261 Rope Edge lines and/or work positioning systems S
262 Rope Personal ascending S
263 Rope Personal descending S
264 Rope On-rope self-rescue S
265 Rope Select, construct, and operate lowering system - low angle S
266 Rope Select, construct, and operate raising system (mechanical advantage) - low angle S
269 Rope Patient packaging into litter/stretcher S
270 Rope Preparing litter/stretcher for low angle evacuation S
272 Rope Change over on-rope descend to ascend S
273 Rope Change over on-rope ascend to descend S
284 Rope Litter attendant rigging and operation - low angle S
294 Rope Rope rescue medical considerations (suspension trauma, vertigo etc.) K
Rope Rescue 2
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
Rope Rescue 1
Rope Rescue Technician
106 General Basic safety around aircraft K
267 Rope Select, construct, and operate lowering system - high angle S
268 Rope Select, construct, and operate raising system (mechanical advantage) - high angle S
271 Rope Preparing litter/stretcher for high angle evacuation S
274 Rope Knot pass on-rope ascend S
275 Rope Knot pass on-rope descend S
276 Rope Knot pass on belay S
277 Rope Knot pass on hauling system/mechanical advantage S
278 Rope Knot pass on lowering system S
281 Rope Basic artificial high directional S
285 Rope Litter attendant rigging and operation - high angle S
286 Rope System changeover - lower to raise S
287 Rope System changeover - raise to lower S
289 Rope Rope rescue physics - vector forces, fall factors, slope loading, T method K
290 Rope Rope rescue - system analysis (whiteboard analysis, critical point, safety factors) K
291 Rope Pick off rescue - unsuspended/unsecured victim (i.e., from ledge) S
300 Rope Negotiating litter over edge S
311 Rope Vehicle anchors S
313 Rope Knowledge of dead man anchors K
315 Rope Load Releasing Hitches (mariners, radium etc.) S
316 Rope Improvised harnesses S
317 General Lockout/Tag Out Systems (including for elevated structures) K
501 Rope Knowledge of picket/ground anchor systems K
Rope Rescue 3
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
Rope Rescue 2 Rope Rescue Advanced

282 Rope Horizontal highline without reeve S

283 Rope Horizontal highline with reeve S
288 Rope Advanced knowledge of technical rope equipment K
292 Rope Pick off rescue - suspended victim (including. from fall arrest or ascenders) S
295 Rope Retrievable rappel S
296 Rope On-rope self-belay S
297 Rope On-rope bottom belay S
298 Rope On-rope back up device S
299 Rope Releasable/Contingency Anchors S
304 Rope Vertical fall arrest systems S
305 Rope On-rope: Line transfer S
308 Rope Applications and operation of micro-haul systems (Jiggers, Aztek etc.) S
339 Rope Guiding Line off-set (lower) S
368 Rope Advanced artificial high directionals S

Optional Learning Objectives are not required to be assessed but may be taught by an Instructor for this qualification.
Confined Space Rescue 1

K: Knowledge/Theory
S: Skills/Practical
O: Optional – if required by agency
Confined Space Rescue Responder

100 General Introduction to ITRA K

400 Confined Space Define a confined space and use common terminology for the region K
401 Confined Space Understand and explain Confined Space law, legislation and/or regulation for the region K
402 Confined Space Understand and describe the required roles and responsibilities K
403 Confined Space Identify the required documents for entering and rescuing from a confined space K
404 Confined Space Understand and define common confined space hazards K
405 Confined Space Understand and implement common hazard controls for entering and working in a confined space K
406 Confined Space Understand and interpret atmosphere hazards based on monitoring K
407 Confined Space Understand the different types of rescues (self, non-entry, entry) K
408 Confined Space Recognize limitations and further resource requirements K
409 Confined Space Demonstrate bump testing and use of a multi-gas monitor S
410 Confined Space Prepare and use ventilation and exhaust systems based on atmosphere and space S
411 Confined Space Select and erect a tripod, davit, or AHD S
412 Confined Space Demonstrate the use of a winch or pre-assembled rescue system S
413 Confined Space Demonstrate how to set up for a non-entry rescue system S
414 Confined Space Extract an entrant from a confined space using non-entry methods utilizing their harness S
415 Confined Space Demonstrate how to set up and enter a confined space S
416 Confined Space Extract an entrant from a confined space using entry methods utilizing their harness S
417 Confined Space Prepare and use personal emergency escape breathing apparatus (general worker) S
Confined Space 2
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
Confined Space 1 Confined Space Technician

430 Confined Space Describe and demonstrate a size up of a confined space rescue incident requiring entry K
431 Confined Space Read and understand a confined space rescue plan K
432 Confined Space Describe filter and air purifying respiratory protection options K
433 Confined Space Describe free flowing solid/engulfment rescue techniques K
434 Confined Space Describe communications options K
435 Confined Space Select, prepare, and use appropriate PPE S
436 Confined Space Identify, construct, and evaluate single point anchors S
437 Confined Space Select and implement appropriate fall protection systems S
438 Confined Space Construct and evaluate rope-based systems to raise and lower a person S
440 Confined Space Demonstrate how to enter as a rescuer S
441 Confined Space Explain and demonstrate search procedures S
442 Confined Space Navigate confined space obstacles S
443 Confined Space Prepare and use patient harnesses, spreader bars and/or wristlets S
444 Confined Space Select, prepare, and use confined space stretchers S
445 Confined Space Demonstrate patient packaging based on patient condition and needs S
446 Confined Space Demonstrate a horizontal extraction within line of sight S
447 Confined Space Demonstrate a vertical extraction within line of sight S
Confined Space 3
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
Confined Space 2 Confined Space Advanced

460 Confined Space Implement an initial command system K

461 Confined Space Organize a rescue team K
462 Confined Space Describe considerations of working in inert or pressurized spaces K
463 Confined Space Describe personnel and equipment decontamination considerations K
464 Confined Space Prepare and use self-contained breathing apparatus S
465 Confined Space Select, prepare, and use supplied air breathing apparatus S
466 Confined Space Demonstrate movement and position in restricted entries S
467 Confined Space Demonstrate horizontal and vertical extractions while using breathing apparatus S
468 Confined Space Demonstrate internal rigging S
469 Confined Space Identify, construct, and evaluate multi-point anchors S
470 Confined Space Demonstrate entry and rescue beyond line of sight for horizontal and vertical spaces S

K: Knowledge/Theory
S: Skills/Practical
Urban Search & Rescue 2
O: Optional – if required by agency

USAR Technician (Light)

LO Ref Subject Learning Objective K/S

100 General Introduction to ITRA K
101 General Introduction to local incident command system K
102 General Introduction to local rescue and safety laws K
103 General Introduction to local response frameworks and protocols K
104 Animal Management of animals during emergencies K
107 General Basic command tactics and zoning for technical rescue K
108 General Knowledge of managing night/poor visibility operations for technical rescue K
110 Rope Basic knots for rescue S
177 Water Rescues from ice, mud, and other unstable surfaces K
318 General Basic ladder operation S
329 Structural USAR scene management/initial actions K
330 Structural USAR response system and team typing K
331 Structural USAR phases of rescue (REPEAT) K
332 Structural USAR hazard identification and risk management, including PPE and collapse safety zones K
333 Structural Building construction methods K
334 Structural Structural collapse patterns, void spaces, and secondary collapse risks K
335 Structural Surface search and rescue procedures and techniques (visual/verbal; line and hail; circle and hail) S
336 Structural Search/victim marking systems: FEMA K
337 Structural Search/victim marking systems: INSARAG/UN K
347 Structural Stretcher passing over rubble S
350 Structural Building search methods K
355 Structural Emergency isolation of utilities (electricity, water, gas etc.) K
356 Structural Identification of hazardous materials incidents (including use of Emergency Response Guides) K
361 Structural Knowledge of national, regional, and international teams and support mechanisms K
399 Confined Identification, types, and definition of confined space K
400 Confined knowledge of confined space hazards K
457 Structural Understand search marking systems and low damage marking options K
463 Animal Demonstrate knowledge of ITRA animal search and rescue marking system K
357 General Establishment of casualty collection points S
358 General Apply mass casualty triage (i.e., START) S
359 Structural Knowledge of UN On Scene Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) K
360 Structural Knowledge of INSARAG guidelines, methodology and key terms/abbreviations K
485 Structural Immobilize and extricate patients from damaged structures S
354 Structural Disaster reconnaissance/impact assessment information reporting/mobile apps (i.e., INSARAG Kobo) K
362 Structural Load lifting, moving and stabilization techniques using levers, rollers and cribbing for light structures S
484 Structural Rescue communications for USAR (INSARAG signals) K
351 Structural Carry out non-technical improved stretcher lowers from low height structures S
486 Structural Participate in mock urban search and rescue exercise involving rescue from persons from light structures S
487 Structural Knowledge of medical considerations for urban search and rescue K
371 Structural Coordination and management of spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site K
537 Structural Perform breaching of timber —light structures (50mm thick) S
538 Structural Perform breaching of metal —light structures (26 gauge/0.55mm) S
Continued next page….
Urban Search & Rescue 2

671 Structural Operate 1 Tonne hand operated winches for light USAR operations S
672 Structural Delayer structure using 1 Tonne pneumatic or hydraulic equipment S
673 General Demonstrate knowledge of field safety and security for operating in developing countries K
674 General Demonstrate knowledge of culture and gender issues affecting international response K

* These learning objectives align to the INSARAG/IFRC First Responder Training Package
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
ITRA USAR Level 1 Urban Search & Rescue 2
ITRA Rope Level 1
ITRA Confined Space Level 1
USAR Technician (Medium)

LO Ref Subject Learning Objective K/S

106 General Basic safety around aircraft K
539 Structural Knowledge of structural triage systems K
540 Structural Knowledge of structures, materials and damage types K
541 Structural Knowledge of USAR rescue strategy and techniques K
542 Structural Construct window and door shoring systems (FEMA Class 2) S
543 Structural Construct vertical shoring system for damaged medium structures (FEMA Class 2) S
544 Structural Perform breaching of concrete—medium structures (300mm thick) S
545 Structural Perform breaching of timber —medium structures (300mm thick) S
546 Structural Operate cutting equipment—medium (metal debris up to 10mm thick) S
547 Structural Lift, crib, roll and stabilize debris— medium structures (concrete blocks >1,000kg) S
548 Structural Knowledge of technical search system operational advantages and disadvantages K
549 Structural Knowledge of canine search system operational advantages and disadvantages K
550 Structural Participate in mock urban search and rescue exercise involving rescue from persons from medium structures S
551 General Knowledge of field safety and security in international disaster response K
552 Structural Building debris weight estimation and calculations K
364 Structural Emergency shorting for damaged light structures (FEMA Class 1: T Pot etc.) S
675 Structural Rig and interact with 5 Tonne crane operations S
676 Structural Delayer medium structure using 1 Tonne hydraulic equipment S
677 Structural Delayer medium structure using 1 Tonne pneumatic equipment S
678 Structural Breach steel reinforced concrete 200mm – vertically above S
679 Structural Breach steel reinforced concrete 200mm – laterally S
680 Structural Breach steel reinforced concrete 200mm – vertical below using clean breach S
681 Structural Breach steel reinforced concrete 200mm – vertical below using dirty breach S
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
ITRA Rope Level 2
Urban Search & Rescue 3
ITRA Confined Space Level 2
USAR Technician (Heavy)

LO Ref Subject Learning Objective

553 Structural Construct vertical shoring system for damaged heavy structures (FEMA Class 3: raker, laced post, sloped) S
554 Structural Construct horizontal shoring system for damaged heavy structures (FEMA Class 3) S
555 Structural Perform breaching of concrete—heavy structures (450mm thick) S
556 Structural Operate cutting equipment—heavy (metal debris up to 20mm thick) S
557 Structural Lift, crib, roll and stabilize debris— heavy structures (concrete blocks or other debris >2,000kg) S
558 Structural Participate in mock urban search and rescue exercise involving rescue from persons from heavy structures S
682 Structural Delayer heavy structure using 2.5 Tonne hydraulic equipment S
683 Structural Delayer heavy structure using 2.5 Tonne pneumatic equipment S
684 Structural Operate 5 Tonne hand operated winches for light USAR operations S

K: Knowledge/Theory
Tactical Rescue 1
S: Skills/Practical
O: Optional – if required by agency
Tactical Rope Responder

701 Tactical Concepts for building side & window numbering reference systems for planning K

702 Tactical Roof top anchors / anchor assessments / hazards (electric, microwave, episodic heat emissions, etc.) K

110 Rope Basic knots for rescue (regional basis) S

111 Rope Basic equipment for rope rescue K

113 Rope Simple mechanical advantage rigging S

258 Rope Protection of rope systems (edge protection, hazard identification & mitigation) S

259 Rope Selection and construction of single point anchors S

260 Rope Selection and construction of multi point anchors S

261 Rope Edge lines, restraint, and/or work positioning systems S

715 Tactical Personal ascending (includes down climbing) S

716 Tactical Personal descending (includes proving descenders after install) S

264 Rope On-rope self-rescue (jammed descender, foot lock, malfunctioning climbing system, etc.) S
714 Tactical Escape a rappel where the line below has been loaded by a suspect S

267 Rope Rig and operate a lowering system (one- and two-person load) S

268 Rope Rig and operate a raising system (one- and two-person load) S

703 Tactical Changeover (both directions) S

704 Tactical Knot pass on ascend / descent S

289 Rope Rope rescue physics 1 (fall factors, anchor angles, shock loads, etc.) K

299 Rope Releasable/Contingency Anchors S

311 Rope Vehicle anchors S

705 Tactical Inverted rappel S

706 Tactical Perform weapon management on rope TBS

707 Tactical Operate self-belay and ground-belay in tactical rappel activities S

708 Tactical Perform tactical window and balcony entries on rappel with tactical PPE S

709 Tactical Carry out tactical rappel operations in limited visibility (red light or NVG) and with noise distractions / TBS
710 Prepare, rig, and deploy ropes for tactical activities (Leg bags / rope bags, daisy chains, etc.)
Tactical S

711 Tactical Buddy Check (of vertical kit and compatibility with assault kit) S

712 Tactical Rig & operate bail out kits S

713 Tactical Don, inspect, and check tactical and rope protective equipment to ensure compatibility S

348 Generic S
Single person: lift, drag and carries (casualty handling)
Tactical Rescue 2
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
Tactical Rope Level 1 Tactical Rope Technician

Advanced anchors (Tree anchors, stemples / knot jam anchors, etc.) S

721 Tactical

722 Remote rigging / throw line operations / remote installation of edge protection / hooks TBS

723 Human anchors, deviations, and edge mitigations S


724 Mechanical Advantage systems (compound) S


220 Rope Independent belay/safety systems for rescue loads S

289 Rope Rope rescue physics 2 (T-method, closed loop rigging, torque on tree branches, etc.)

295 Rope Retrievable rappel

306 Rope Negotiate deviation
307 Rope Negotiate re-anchor

725 Tactical Negotiate a guideline rappel and ascent S

305 Rope On Rope line transfer S

726 Tactical Pass a stuck / immobilized person on rope in both directions S

316 Rope Improvised harnesses S

727 Tactical Perform loaded changeover of rescue system (raise to lower, lower to raise) S

728 Tactical Pass knot through rescue system in both directions S

730 Tactical Demonstrate an SRT pick off technique of a conscious / cooperative subject on rope

731 Tactical Evacuation of unarmed civilians—high angle / operator descent S

732 Tactical Rig and operate a bottom operated traveling haul S

734 Tactical Tandem / Trandem team rope climbing TBS

735 Tactical Rig and operate retrievable gap crossing lines TBS

349 Generic Team based: lift, drag and carries (casualty handling)

736 Tactical Inspect a rope rescue system for critical fails and proper operation (4 to 7 deficiencies) S

757 Tactical Rig and negotiate a cable ladder S


Rappelmaster (RM) Endorsement for Level 1 Qualification:

· Must assess ALL Tactical level 1 LO’s (Level 1 pre-req)

· Additionally must assess from Level 2:
Þ ITRA-721: Advanced anchors
Þ ITRA-295: Retrievable rappel
Þ ITRA-305: On Rope line transfer
Þ ITRA-316: Improvised Harness
Þ ITRA-730: Pick off of a conscious cooperative subject on rope
Þ ITRA-736: Inspect a rope rescue system for critical fails and proper operation (4 to 7 deficiencies)
Tactical Rescue 3
Pre-Requisite Qualifications:
Tactical Rope Level 2
Tactical Rope Advanced

289 Rope Rope rescue physics 3 (highline forces, deviation anchor forces,) K

291 Rope Pick off rescue - unsuspended/unsecured victim (i.e. from ledge) S

292 Rope Pick off rescue - suspended victim (unconscious) (single rope technique) S

281 Rope Select and erect an artificial high directional (monopod, bipod, or tripod) S

314 Rope Establish dead-man anchor S

338 Rope Compound and complex mechanical advantage systems S

339 Rope Guiding line off-set (lower) S

399 Confined Space Identification, types, and definition of confined space K

400 Confined Space knowledge of confined space hazards K

733 Tactical Conduct a diminishing loop ascent and changeover to rappel with a conscious person S

751 Tactical S
Perform tactical at-height restraint techniques for law enforcement

752 Tactical Highline—rapid techniques S

754 Tactical Urban climbing (grappling hooks, container climbing, use of rock pro for aide progression) S

312 Rope Knowledge of picket/ground anchor systems K

759 Break into a loaded line and convert to raise / lower with and without a 2nd rope S

Tactical Piggyback closed loop intervention system onto existing protester line / system / cut away S

762 Counterweight haul systems (climbing, rappelling, stacked systems) S


763 Tactical Rigging and accessing an up and over obstacle with human anchors both sides (aircraft, monument, etc.) TBS

764 Perform tactical at-height suicide intervention

Tactical TBS


Helicopter (HO) Operations Endorsement:

Must complete:
Þ All ITRA Tactical level 1 LO’s
Þ Either the Rappel Master endorsement for Level 1 or Level 2
Þ Additional designators 106, 791, 792 & 793
Tactical Rescue AD
Additional Designators

Tactical stretcher Operations (Prepare, rig, and handle stretcher in Tactical environment) TBS
729 Tactical

756 Demonstrate lead climbing techniques on natural and / or man-made surfaces S


758 Escape / reset a fall arrest device (ASAP, Goblin, etc.) without top side assistance S

761 Inspecting / defusing protestor decoy rigging safely S


780 Tactical Perform tactical rope operations in compromised atmosphere with SCBA / APR’s S

Rope Tower climbing technique S


280 Rope S
Tree climbing techniques (basic)
781 Tree Canopy rescue operations (para-rescue ) S

782 Use of cutting tools to effect vertical rescue (chainsaw / handsaw in trees, cutters, etc.) S

783 Tree Canopy intervention operations (protester intervention) S


784 Aerial blockade interventions (monopods, bipods, cantilevers, etc.) S


785 Tactical Use of micro-systems for ascent / remote venue operations S

786 Setting a bolt with impact drill in rock or concrete S


Tactical Plan, resource, and deliver a field-based / psycho-motor block of instruction on a tactical rope topic, that involves the use
790 S
Instructor of munitions, role players, non-lethal training ammunition, etc.

294 Rope Rope rescue medical considerations (suspension trauma, vertigo etc.) K

787 Tactical TBS

Skylight entry with / without AHD

788 Tactical Prepare canine for tactical entry in high angle environment S

Demonstrate the ability to tactically insert onto a flat (non-technical) surface from a hovering helicopter using a single or
791 Tactical S
double rope rappel.

792 Tactical Demonstrate the ability to tactically extract from a flat (non-technical) surface using a single rope anchored to a hovering S

793 Tactical Demonstrate the ability to deal with personal non-routine situations while rappelling (single or double rope) from a S
hovering helicopter.

106 General Basic safety Around Aircraft K

Additional Designations AD
Additional Learning Objectives Available

Additional Designations are learning objectives that can be taught by approved instructors to provide further flexibility with
course design and delivery. They are not available to be assessed as they are not part of a formal ITRA qualification, but ca n be
added to attendance-based courses to maximize customized learning. Instructors need an ITRA Instructor qualification in the
subject area and provide additional evidence that they are competent to instruct the respective learning objective. ITRA
Instructors can apply for additional designations at

ITRA Ref # Subject Learning Objective K/S

106 Generic Basic safety around aircraft K
174 Generic Rescue communications (radio) S
215 Generic Knowledge of DEFRA concept of flood operations K
216 Generic Knowledge of NFPA standards 1670 and 1006 K
217 Generic Knowledge of NZQA unit standards for public safety K
218 Generic Knowledge of Australian Public Safety training packages (PUA) K
255 Generic Introduction to SOPs, SOGs, and best practice guidelines K
256 Generic Technical rescue equipment inventory and maintenance systems K
302 Rope Rigging cross-haul S
303 Rope Rigging re-anchor S
306 Rope Negotiate deviation S
307 Rope Negotiate re-anchor S
317 Generic Tag Out/Lock Out Systems K
318 Generic Basic ladder operation S
348 Generic Single person: lift, drag and carries (casualty handling) S
349 Generic Team based: lift, drag and carries (casualty handling) S
352 Generic Improvised low height/disaster rescue—two point lower S
353 Generic Improvised low height/disaster rescue—four point lower S
368 Rope Advanced artificial high directionals S
370 Generic Knowledge of distress beacons/EPIRBS/PLBs and satellite safety devices K
385 Water Perform curtain capture on tensioned diagonal S
452 Water Perform tactical in-water restraint techniques for law enforcement S
487 Water Perform hiking pack float S
488 Water Perform self-rescue while wearing waders S
490 Boat Perform transfer of victim or equipment between boats S
491 Water Perform kayak assist rescues (Hook Rescue, T Rescue, Assisted Ferry, Barrel Roll) S
492 Water Perform bow/stern carry of swimming using kayak S
493 Water Perform self-unassisted re-entry into kayak S
494 Water Perform kayak deep water rescue S
495 Water Perform rescue of unconscious paddler from kayak S
496 Water Perform tow based rescues and assists while kayaking S
497 Water Perform curl capsize recovery of canoe S
498 Water Perform canoe-over-canoe (X-method) capsize recovery of canoe S
499 Water Perform tow based rescues and assists while canoeing S
500 Generic Improvised (non-mechanical) rappelling and ascending S
502 Rope Perform invert while rappelling S
509 Rope Rig and operate micro descenders and bail out kits using thin rope systems S
518 Body Recov. Rig and manage body recovery bag systems for high angle evacuation S

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